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Mathematics in the Modern World (GCAS 05)

Name: __________________________________________ Time/Schedule:__________

Course & Yr.:_____________________ Prof:_____________________

ACTIVITY 1: Introduction to Mathematics in The Modern World

A. From the reason why mathematics is important, state five additional reasons with clear
description of application. State disadvantage if a person does not know and understands

Reasons Setbacks
1.Decision making it help in developing critical 1.Difficulty in comprehending mathematical
thinking and problem solving skills concepts in other subject.
2.Personal Development it helps in developing 2.Limited ability to understand and analyze
logical reasoning and analytical skills these data.
useful in everyday life and contribute to
personal development.
3.Career Advancement is a fundamental skills 3. Inability to pursue careers that require math
required in various professions such as ematical knowledge.
engineering finance,accounting and many
others fields without adequate knowledge of
math career advancement in these field may be
4.Financial Management math is essential for 4.Difficulty maging finances leading to poor
financial planning budgeting and invesment. financial decisions.
5.Technology Computer programing artificial 5.Inability to keep up with technological
intelligence and other technological fields advancements the require mathematical skilss.
without adequate math skills may be challeging
to keep up with technological advancements.

B. Cite the mathematical application that you commonly do in each following situations and state
your appreciation.
Application of and Appreciation for
Mathematics in the Modern World (GCAS 05)
1.math is essential in the market for calculating
and loss determing inventory levels and
1. Market analyzing market trends.understanding-math in
the market helps entrepreneurs and business
owners make informed decisions and grow
their businesses successfull.
2.The use of math in transportation is crucial
for calculating and travel times, determining
2. Bus fuel consumption.understanding for math in
transportation helps ensure that buses and other
modes of transportation operate efficiently and

3.can be applied in accounting and budgeting

3. Church for church expenses and donations.
Understanding for mathematics in church
settings helps maintain transparency and
accountability in financial matters.
4.Math is utilized in club meetings to calculate
budgets, dues, and expenses. understanding for
4. Club meeting math in club meetings helps ensure that the
club operates within its means and can provide
high-quality events and activities.
5.Math is frequently utilized in the medical
industry to calculate drug dosages, analyze lab
5. Clinic data, and create treatment plans.understanding
mathematics in clinics enables medical
professionals to give their patients appropriate
diagnoses and treatments.

6.Math is used in the court system to calculate

6. Court damages in lawsuits, determine sentencing
guidelines, and analyze evidence.
understanding for mathematics in the court
system helps ensure that justice is served fairly
and accurately.
7. Math is a crucial component of scientific
research, as it is used in statistical analysis,
7. Laboratory experimental design, and data interpretation.
understanding for math in laboratories helps
scientists conduct experiments and analyze
results more accurately.
8.Math is used to estimate the number of
guests, ascertain the quantity of food and
8. Birthday party beverages required, and establish a budget for
the party's décor and activities. Understanding
mathematics when planning birthday
celebrations ensures that the event runs well
and is fun.
9.While watching games, keep in mind that
math is often utilized in sports to determine
9. Watching games scores, evaluate player performance, and
forecast game results. Sports fans can better
understand the game and predict the outcome
by having an appreciation for mathematics in
10.To analyze crime data, produce crime maps,
and provide leads for investigations, math is
10. Police Station employed in law enforcement. Law
enforcement personnel that value mathematics
are better able to solve crimes and maintain
public safety.
Mathematics in the Modern World (GCAS 05)

C. Submit 2-3 page synthesis paper focusing on one of the following aspects of mathematics:

a. Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities.

b. Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in world.
c. Mathematics help control nature and occurrences in the world for our own ends.
d. Mathematics has numerous applications in the world making it indispensable.

Rubric for grading the output.

0 point 1-point 2-points 3-point 4-point

The student is The student is able The student is able The student not only The student elicits
unable to elicit the to elicit the ideas to elicit the ideas elicits correct ideas correct ideas from
ideas and concepts and concepts from and concepts from from the readings the readings shows
indicating that the readings but the readings shows but also shows evidence of
he/she has not read shows erroneous correct evidence of internalizing these,
the prescribed understanding of it. understanding of it. internalizing these. consistently
reading. contributes
additional thoughts
to the core idea.

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