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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 September 27, 2021 – Shemini Atzeret

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CVIII] – I’m a One-Trick Pony - A

As overtly apparent to any of the ~350 recipients of these memos who may skim them, I have
consistently argued that the only potential/potent/systemic “treatment” for what ails the USA is
placing The Donald back into “1600” ASAP. These memos (numbering 108 and counting) and
seven Arutz Sheva [Israel National News: Israel's #1 News Site] essays have demonstrated BOTH
the legal [confirmed by a Constitutional attorney and, subsequently, by multiple legal scholars]
and procedural [grunt-work annotating the House State Government Committee transcripts]
pathway toward this end. I’ve drawn upon what’s occurring in other states to dramatize what
must occur “yesterday” in PA. I’ve constantly reverberated from in-the-trenches x-examination of
key-players to reformulation of the PA-specific aberrations to which the perps have confessed.

Removing the acting-POTUS is the linchpin to forestalling the destruction of the historic USA, and
that’s why I’ve hit every available political event and watched every Trump rally for “clues” to ID
the next step in this laborious process that should be pursued ASAP. My cumulative “issues” [see
multiple op-eds] are all tethered to this effort, whether it be foreign policy [Israel, Iran, Iraq,
Kurdistan] or domestic issues [ObamaDon’tCare]; the lone exception is my fealty for vaping
[Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, ENDS] in opposition to blocking the #1 cessation technique,
in opposition to what The Donald did c/o the FDA. All roads lead to election integrity [and fraud].

Throughout this process, I’ve attempted to “vacuum” all relevant data into a tight documentation
of my perspective [e.g., Arizona Forensic Audit Report: Over 57k Illegal Ballots, 23,000+ Phantom
Voters, More Than 4 times Amount Separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona] while
noting the behavior of PA’s statewide gubernatorial/senatorial putative-candidates; those that
sport a pedigree of focusing on MY ISSUE have been spotlighted, while otherwise maintaining a
disinterested perspective. I’ve tried to gauge their credibility via direct conversations, notably @
the PA Leadership Conference and @ the MontCo GOP Picnic and @ Bradford (although inability
to chat with Mastriano @ the latter—due to circumstances beyond my control—continues to
reverberate negatively, noting emergence of how his Corman-spat was climactic in early-July).

Regarding the gubernatorial race, this is why I’ve publicly/privately nudged a quality-individual
(Barletta) to issue a full-throated endorsement of a forensic “inquiry” in PA, even as I’ve noted
electrical-silence from the others (for whom, candidly, I’ve had other reasons not to pursue, even
those with whom I’ve transiently worked politically in the 1990s); indeed, self-motivation should
have prompted them to open their mouths but, for whatever reason, only Mastriano has served
as a reliable/lone/maximal force for electoral reform since he launched in Gettysburg in 11/2020.
That’s why I’ve become dismayed that Corman stripped him of [a]—his staff, [b]—participation in
the GOP caucus, and [c]—being chair of the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee.
Yet, that’s why I’ve become enthused that he’s headlining the Brandywine Rally next month,
sponsored by the Chester County electoral activists who are independently challenging locally.

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