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Technology File Known Problems and

Product Version 5.0
September 2003
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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Technology File Known Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PCR 158888: Layer property types not supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PCR 173447: Edit Layers prompts you to check out if file is already checked out . . . . 5
PCR 190539: Errors in the Design – Summary report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PCR 216810: Software allows user to load technology file without write permission . 6
PCR 260469: Technology library not removed from virtual memory when edited out of
cds.lib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
PCR 299798: Technology file device change cannot be replaced after modify . . . . . . 8
tfcDeleteCDSDeviceClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
tfcDeleteSymContactDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
tfcDeleteRuleContactDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
tfcDeleteSymEnhancementDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
tfcDeleteSymDepletionDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
tfcDeleteSymPinDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
tfcDeleteSymRectPinDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
tfcDeleteDeviceClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
tfcDeleteDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
tcDeleteDevice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
PCR 586702: Test the use of 232 layers and 232 purposes and fix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Technology File Known Problems and


September 2003

This Known Problems and Solutions document describes important Product Change
Requests (PCRs) for the technology file and tells you how to solve or work around these
problems. For information about PCRs that are fixed for this release, see the Product Notes
for Technology File. The pcr’s in this document are listed in numerical order.

Important: Only the problems and solutions that were known at release time are available
in this document. An up-to-date list of known problems for the technology file is published on
the SourceLinkSM online customer support system available at http://

PCR 158888: Layer property types not supported

Description: The technology file does not support the following layer property types:
■ ILExpr
■ NLPExpr
■ hierProp

Solution: Do not use these layer property types.

PCR 173447: Edit Layers prompts you to check out if file is already checked out

Description: In a TDM environment, if one of your coworkers has checked out a technology
file and your CDS_AUTO_CKOUT environment variable is set to all or views, the system still
attempts to check out the technology file if you choose Edit Layers from the Technology File
Tool Box. The checkout fails. You can make changes in virtual memory, but you cannot save
your changes to disk.

Solution: None.

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions
Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

PCR 190539: Errors in the Design – Summary report

Description: The Virtuoso® layout editor Design – Summary command sometimes

displays layers that do not exist in the library’s technology file. This happens when you copy
a cell from one library to another. If the cell you copy contains layers that have been deleted
from the new library’s technology file, the Design – Summary command sometimes
remembers these layers and displays them as though they still exist.

Solution: When you copy cells from one library to another, make sure both libraries use the
same technology file, or verify the layers in the copied cell against the new library’s layer
selection window (LSW). Do not use Design – Summary to verify that the layers in the
copied cell exist in the technology file for the new library.

PCR 216810: Software allows user to load technology file without write permission

Description: If techPermissions is specified, a user who is not explicitly assigned write

permission for a technology file class can merge or replace technology file data using the
Technology File Tool Box Load command.

For example, assume that the techPermissions inside the techfile.cds file are set as

; ( class (read-only users) (read & write users) )

; ( ----- ----------------- -------------------) )
( electricalRules ("login") ("login_1" ) )

) ;end techPermissions

According to the permission setting, user login does not have write permission for the
electricalRules class. The software, however, does allow user login to merge or
replace the electricalRules from the Technology File Tool Box Load command.

Solution: None.

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

PCR 260469: Technology library not removed from virtual memory when edited out of

Description: Removing a technology library from the search path in the cds.lib file does
not remove that technology library from virtual memory if it is already loaded. When symbolic
devices are defined in that technology library, the system issues warnings about missing
symbolic devices when you open cellviews in read mode. Warnings continue even when you
open a cellview that does not contain instances of symbolic devices defined in that technology

Solution: Close the technology library manually.

In DFII, you can close the technology library through the Close & Purge Data form as follows:
1. From the Command Interpreter Window, choose File – Close Data.
The software displays the Close & Purge Data form. For details about this form, see the
Cadence Design Framework II User Guide.
2. Highlight the line containing the Library/Library File for the technology library you want
to close.
3. Click OK.

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions
Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

PCR 299798: Technology file device change cannot be replaced after modify

Description: When you edit an ASCII technology file and delete devices, then recompile the
ASCII technology file in replace mode (Load – Replace), devices are not always deleted
from the technology library.

Solution: Edit the ASCII technology file again and add deletion subclasses to the Devices
class to explicitly delete the device classes and/or devices you want deleted, then recompile
the technology file into a new technology library. The following functions, when added to the
Devices class in the technology file, explicitly delete device classes and devices:

Subclass Function
tfcDeleteCDSDeviceClass Deletes all Cadence-predefined class definitions.
tfcDeleteSymContactDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined contact device class.
tfcDeleteRuleContactDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined rule contact device class.
tfcDeleteSymEnhancementDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined enhancement device class.
tfcDeleteSymDepletionDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined depletion device class.
tfcDeleteSymPinDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined pin device class.
tfcDeleteSymRectPinDevice Deletes specified devices of the Cadence-
predefined rectangular pin device class.
tfcDeleteDeviceClass Deletes a specified custom, user-defined device
class definition.
tfcDeleteDevice Deletes a specified custom, user-defined device.
tcDeleteDevice Deletes a specified custom, user-defined device.

Complete descriptions of these subclasses follow.

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions



Technology file subclass deleting the definitions of all of the Cadence-predefined device
classes previously added to the technology file by tcCreateCDSDeviceClass. You must
place this subclass in the Devices class somewhere after the tcCreateCDSDeviceClass
subclass and the various device definitions.


After the Cadence-predefined device classes have been added to the technology file with
tcCreateCDSDeviceClass, specifying the following deactivates them:

September 2003 9 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined contact

device class previously added to the technology file by tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and
declared by symContactDevice. This subclass must be placed in the Devices class of the
technology file somewhere after tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the
symContactDevice declaration of the device being deleted.


t_deviceName The name of the contact device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following contact device has been declared earlier in the technology file
Devices class:
;( deviceName viaLayer viaPurpose
( M1_P cont drawing

; layer1 purpose1 [implant1]

diff drawing (pimplant drawing 0.3)

; layer2 purpose2 [implant2]

metal1 drawing

; width length [( row column xPitch yPitch xBias yBias )]

.6 .6 ( 1 1 _NA_ _NA_ _NA_ _NA_ )

; encLayer encLayer2 legalRegion )

.6 .6 ( outside nwell drawing ) ) )
; end of symContactDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Example 2

The following deletes three contact devices (named M1_P, M2_P, and con1) previously
declared with symContactDevice from the technology library:

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined contact

device class previously added to the technology file by tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and
declared by ruleContactDevice. This subclass must be placed in the Devices class of the
technology file somewhere after tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the
ruleContactDevice declaration of the device being deleted.


t_deviceName The name of the contact device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following contact device has been declared earlier in the technology file
Devices class:
;( deviceName

;( layer1 purpose1 rectangles )| nil

( diff drawing (-21.000 -21.000 21.000 21.000 ) )

;[( viaLayer viaPurpose rectangles )]

( cont drawing ( -2.400 -0.800 2.400 0.800 )
( -19.000 17.400 -14.200 19.000 )
( 14.200 -19.000 19.000 -17.400 )
( -19.000 -0.800 -14.200 0.800 )
( -2.400 -19.000 2.400 -17.400 )
( 14.200 -0.800 19.000 0.800 ) )

;[( layer2 purpose2 rectangles )]

( metal1 drawing ( -21.000 -21.000 21.000 21.000 ) )
) ; end of ruleContactDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Example 2

The following deletes three contact devices (named RULE_1, RULE_2, and RULE_3)
previously declared with ruleContactDevice from the technology library:

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined

enhancement device class previously added to the technology file by
tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and declared by symEnhancementDevice. This subclass
must be placed in the Devices class of the technology file somewhere after
tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the symEnhancementDevice declaration of the device
being deleted.


t_deviceName The name of the enhancement device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following enhancement device has been declared earlier in the technology
file Devices class:
;( deviceName sdLayer sdPurpose
( PTR diff drawing

; [ implantEnclosure ]
( pimplant drawing 0.3 )

; gateLayer gatePurpose
poly1 drawing

; width length sdExt gateExt legalRegion)

1.8 0.6 1.2 0.9 ( outside pwell drawing ) )

;( deviceName sdLayer sdPurpose

( NTR diff drawing

; [ implantEnclosure ]

; gateLayer gatePurpose
poly1 drawing

; width length sdExt gateExt legalRegion)

1.8 0.6 1.2 0.9 ( inside pwell drawing ) )

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

; end of symEnhancementDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


Example 2

The following deletes two enhancement devices (named Enh_1 and Enh_2) previously
declared with symEnhancementDevice from the technology library:

September 2003 15 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined depletion

device class previously added to the technology file by tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and
declared by symDepletionDevice. This subclass must be placed in the Devices class of
the technology file somewhere after tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the
symDepletionDevice declaration of the device being deleted.


t_deviceName The name of the depletion device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following enhancement device has been declared earlier in the technology
file Devices class:
;( deviceName sdLayer sdPurpose
( D_NTR diff drawing

; [ implantEnclosure ]

; gateLayer gatePurpose deplLayer deplPurpose

poly1 drawing depletion drawing

; width length sdExt gateExt deplEncSD deplEncGate

1.8 0.6 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.3

; [ legalRegion ] )
( outside pwell drawing ) )

; end of symDepletionDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


September 2003 16 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Example 2

The following deletes two depletion devices (named D_NTR and depl_1) previously declared
with symDepletionDevice from the technology library:

September 2003 17 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined pin device
class previously added to the technology file by tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and declared
by symPinDevice. This subclass must be placed in the Devices class of the technology file
somewhere after tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the symPinDevice declaration of the
device being deleted.


t_deviceName The name of the pin device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following pin device has been declared earlier in the technology file Devices
;( deviceName maskable
( poly1_T t

; layer1 purpose1 width1

poly1 drawing 0.6

;[ layer2 purpose2 width2 ] [ legalRegion ] )

; end of symPinDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


Example 2

The following deletes two pin devices (named poly1_T and poly2_t) previously declared
with symPinDevice from the technology library:

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions


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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

( t_deviceName )


Technology file subclass deleting declared devices of the Cadence-predefined

rectangular pin device class previously added to the technology file by
tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and declared by symRectPinDevice. This subclass must be
placed in the Devices class of the technology file somewhere after
tcCreateCDSDeviceClass and the symRectPinDevice declaration of the device being


t_deviceName The name of the rectangular pin device to delete.

Example 1

Assume that the following rectangular pin device has been declared earlier in the technology
file Devices class:
;( deviceName maskable
( nplus_P nil

; layer1 purpose1 width length [ legalRegion ] )

poly1 drawing 1 2 )
; end of symRectPinDevice

The following deletes this device from the technology library:


Example 2

The following deletes two rectangular pin devices (named rectp_1 and rectp_2)
previously declared with symRectPinDevice from the technology library:

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

(rectp_1) (rectp_2)

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions



Technology file subclass deleting a device class previously created using

tcCreateDeviceClass. This subclass must be placed in the Devices class of the
technology file somewhere after tcCreateDeviceClass definition of the device class
being deleted.


t_viewName The name of the view of the cellview that is generated when you
compile the technology file.
Valid Values: the view defined for the device class

t_className The device class you want to delete.


Assume that the following device class has been defined earlier in the technology file Devices
; Create "syMGEnhancement" device class
tcCreateDeviceClass("symbolic" "syMGEnhancement"
; class parameters
( (sdLayer "hilite") (gateLayer "hilite")
(sdExt 0.0) (gateExt 0.0)
(sdImpLayer nil) (sdImpEnc 0.0) )
; formal parameters
( (width 0.0) (length 0.0) )
; geometry
W2 = width/2 L2 = length/2
netId = dbMakeNet(tcCellView "G")
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView gateLayer -W2-gateExt:0)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "gl")
dbSetq(dbId list("left") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView gateLayer W2+gateExt:0)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "gr")
dbSetq(dbId list("right") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateRect(tcCellView gateLayer
list(-W2-gateExt:-L2 W2+gateExt:L2))
dbAddFigToNet(dbId netId)

September 2003 22 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

netId = dbMakeNet(tcCellView "S")
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView sdLayer 0:L2)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "s")
dbSetq(dbId list("top") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateRect(tcCellView sdLayer list(-W2:0 W2:L2+sdExt) )
dbAddFigToNet(dbId netId)
) ; end of syMGEnhancement

The following deletes the device class syMGEnhancement (view name symbolic) from the
technology library:
"symbolic" "syMGEnhancement"

September 2003 23 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions



Technology file subclass deleting a device of a defined device class previously created using
tcCreateDeviceClass and tcDeclareDevice. This subclass must be placed in the
Devices class of the technology file somewhere after tcCreateDeviceClass and the
tcDeclareDevice declaration of the device being deleted.


t_viewName The name of the view of the cellview that is generated when you
compile the technology file.
Valid Values: the view defined for the device

t_className The class of device you want to delete.

t_deviceName The name of the device you want to delete.

l_classParam A list of the class parameters defined for the device class and the
values used for this device. The syntax is as follows:

( ( t_parameter g_value ) ... )

t_parameter is the name of the parameter defined in the

device class definition.

g_value is the value specified in the original device


l_formalParam A list of the formal parameters defined for the device class and
the values used for this device. The syntax is the same as for
class parameters.

September 2003 24 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions


Assume that the following device class has been defined and device has been declared
earlier in the technology file Devices class:
; Create "syMGEnhancement" device class
tcCreateDeviceClass("symbolic" "syMGEnhancement"
; class parameters
( (sdLayer "hilite") (gateLayer "hilite")
(sdExt 0.0) (gateExt 0.0)
(sdImpLayer nil) (sdImpEnc 0.0) )
; formal parameters
( (width 0.0) (length 0.0) )
; geometry
W2 = width/2 L2 = length/2
netId = dbMakeNet(tcCellView "G")
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView gateLayer -W2-gateExt:0)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "gl")
dbSetq(dbId list("left") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView gateLayer W2+gateExt:0)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "gr")
dbSetq(dbId list("right") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateRect(tcCellView gateLayer
list(-W2-gateExt:-L2 W2+gateExt:L2))
dbAddFigToNet(dbId netId)
netId = dbMakeNet(tcCellView "S")
dbId = dbCreateDot(tcCellView sdLayer 0:L2)
dbId = dbCreatePin(netId dbId "s")
dbSetq(dbId list("top") accessDir)
dbId = dbCreateRect(tcCellView sdLayer list(-W2:0 W2:L2+sdExt) )
dbAddFigToNet(dbId netId)
) ; end of syMGEnhancement
tcDeclareDevice( "symbolic" "syMGEnhancement" "MGPTR"
( (gateLayer "poly1") (sdLayer "diff")
(sdExt 1.200000) (gateExt 0.300000) )
( (w 1.8) (l 0.6)

The following deletes the device MGPTR (view name symbolic, class name
syMGEnhancement) from the technology library:
"symbolic" "syMGEnhancement" "MGPTR"

September 2003 25 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions



Technology file subclass deleting a device of a defined device class previously created using
tcCreateDeviceClass and tcDeclareDevice. This subclass must be placed in the
Devices class of the technology file somewhere after tcCreateDeviceClass and the
tcDeclareDevice declaration of the device being deleted. This subclass is identical to the
tfcDeleteDevice subclass

PCR 586702: Test the use of 232 layers and 232 purposes and fix
Description: The number of user-defined layers is being increased for both CDBA and
■ Formerly, you could define only layers 0 through 127.
■ As of a Monthly Stream Release (MSR) for 5.0 (and backported to the 4.4.6 release
stream), you can define layers numbered 0 through 194 for both CDBA and
■ In addition to layers 0 through 194, OpenAccess has extended the number of user-
defined layers to include layer number 256 through layer number 232 - 1026.
■ The DFII applications have not yet been enhanced to support the larger number of layers
supported by OpenAccess. Currently, the DFII applications support layers numbered 0
through 255. In the future, you will be able to define layers 0 through 194 and layers 256
through 232 - 1026.

Layer Numbers Reserved for System Use

■ Cadence reserves the layers numbered 196 through 255 for system use, with layer 195
as the “null” layer.
■ DFII on OpenAccess reserves layers numbered 232 - 1 through 232 - 1025 for future
system use.

September 2003 26 Product Version 5.0

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

Number of Purposes Increased for OpenAccess

The number of purposes has not changed for CDBA. You can still define purposes 1 through
255, while Cadence reserves purposes 129 through 255 for system use.

For both CDBA and OpenAccess, purpose 0 is “unknown” (reserved).

For OpenAccess, the number of purposes has been increased dramatically, as follows:
■ The total number of purposes is 0 through 232 - 1.
■ You can define purposes numbered 1 through 128, and if you need additional purpose
numbers, you can begin again with purpose number 256.

Purpose Numbers Reserved for System Use

Cadence reserves purpose numbers 129 through 255 and 232 -1025 through 232 - 1, as
■ OpenAccess defines purpose numbers 232 - 1 through 232 - 6.
■ DFII on OpenAccess reserves purpose numbers 232 - 7 through 232 - 1025 for future
system use.

These enhancements are still being tested. For a detailed description, see “Changes for
Layers, Purposes, and typedefs” in the DFII on OpenAccess Adoption Guide.

Solution: Until testing is completed and this PCR is closed, do not define user-defined layer
numbers above 194 or user-defined purpose numbers above 128.

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Technology File Known Problems and Solutions

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