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Translation Problems and Difficulties in Applied Translation Processes

Article · September 2016


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Laura Rebeca Stiegelbauer

„Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad


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Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură Volumul XII, Nr. 3, septembrie 2016




“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad
Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Physical Education and Sports

“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad
Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Physical Education and Sports

Diana-Bianca HUSAR
“Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad
Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Physical Education and Sports

The aim of this paper is to identify and analyse translation problems encountered in our
work and implement the processes and the appropriate translation strategies to achieve an accurate
translation of the source text in Romanian.
This paper aims to identify, classify and provide a solution to the various problems that our
translation source text contains.

Scopul lucrării de faţă este de a identifica şi analiza problemele de traducere întâlnite în
activitatea noastră profesională şi de a implementa strategiile de traducere potrivite pentru a
realiza o traducere cât mai exactă în limba română a textului sursă.
Prezenta lucrare îşi propune să identifice, să clasifice şi să ofere o soluţie diferitelor probleme pe
care textul sursă al traducerii le conţine.

Keywords: translation, text, problems, difficulties

Cuvinte cheie: traducere, text, problem, dificultăţi

The classification of model translation problems that we followed is the model proposed by
Christiane North (1991: 158-160). Which identifies four translation problems namely:pragmatic,
cultural, linguistic and textual.
Before describing the translation problems, we will start by explaining the concept of
"translation problem", a concept that has attracted the attention of the field of translation theorists
such as Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet (1958: "Comparative Stylistics French and English"),
Georges Mounin (1963: "Theoretical problems of translation"), Helen Chuquet and Michel Paillard
(1989: "Approche linguistique des problèmes de traduction anglais – français ").

Narcisa Schwarz, Laura-Rebeca Stiegelbauer, Diana-Bianca Husar - Translation problems and difficulties in applied…

1. Translation process classification

The term "translation process" is borrowed from the Comparative stylistics of French and English
of J.P. Vinay and J. Darbelnet. In their book, they establish a classification of translation processes:
the loan, the layer, the literal translation, transposition and modulation, equivalence and adaptation.
According to Teodora Cristea (2000: 107), the translation processes used to transfer the
meaning of a source language statement in the target language are classified into two categories:
direct and indirect. In the category of direct methods, the translational approach involves no
semantic and grammatical reorganization; there are three integrated processes, such as direct
borrowing, layer, and the literal paraphrase.
We will present the scheme established by T. Cristea (2000: 107) on translation processes of
classification principles in French:

As for the translation processes classification, it is the notion of distance that divides
structuring semantical-grammatical type and utterance between source units and target units. The
distance is minimal in the case of lexical layer or in the case of literal translation, but it is maximum
in the case of equivalence and adaptation.
The knowledge and mastery of translation processes allow the translator to make maximum
use of the resources of the target language and to guarantee their client results in line with
The translational approach is not a simple replacement of the words of one language
equivalents into the other language. The translator's work goes beyond words, because it must be
able to convey the idea of the original text in translation, paying attention to the pitfalls, such as the
nonsense, false friends, etc.

2. Translation problems specific to the source text

The analysis of specific translation problems of our source text begins with a brief theoretical
overview of each type of translation problems, according to the model proposed by Christiane
North (1991: 151).

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură Volumul XII, Nr. 3, septembrie 2016

This contextualization of the classification of translation problems allows us to define both

the theoretical and the practical level concepts related to different problems in order to manage the
quality of the translation.

2.1. Language problems

In this section we have chosen to define and also analyse the main linguistic translation problems,
which are divided into: terminological problems, lexical, semantic and stylistic.
According to specialists, the translator works on linguistic forms: "... the translator does not
share the sense of linguistic forms but, he interprets." Analysis of these problems helped us a lot to
understand the differences between the two languages compared with topics such as: the kind of
words, the use of articles and prepositions, times and verbal modes, and corresponding terminology
specific to the field of theory and practice of translation.

Terminological Problems:
In this part, we will focus on some essential features of this translation that raised some problems
when transferring from English into Romanian regarding terminology in the field of translation
Eng.: “Friendship is no less supportive for being expressed via cyberspace.”
Ro.:„Prietenia nu e exprimată mai puţin atunci când e transpusă prin spațiul virtual.”
For our translation of the English neologism cyberspace we used the modulation (which is not used
in the Romanian language in this form) by the term spaţiul virtual as we have found appropriate this
translation solution.

Lexical Nature of Problems:

At the lexical level, the identification of problems of a translation is based on knowledge of formal
construction processes of linguistic forms: the bypass (fixing and suffix), composition (words or
terms compounds lexicalized expressions - expressions, idioms, proverbs) the abbreviation (ellipse,
truncation, Initialisms) and borrowing.
Eng.:“Consecutive translation (in terms of work organisation) means that several translators
translate batches of the same job in successive time intervals.”
Ro.: “Interpretarea consecutivă (cu privire la organizarea muncii) presupune că traducătorii să
traducă fragmente, care fac parte din cadrul aceluiaşi text, organizate prin decalaje succesive.”
The term marked in bold letters decalaje has been translated into Romanian word by word from
French using the method called the loan, the term décalages for a better translation of the English
word intervals.

Stylistically Problems
Stylistic problems are related to the expression in the target language of connotations, figurative
meanings or figures of speech used in the source text in order to give a particular expression to the
words mentioned.
Eng.: “Words of praise from a satisfied client will rapidly help to enhance a translator’s reputation
and have a snowball effect.”
Ro: „Reputaţia traducătorului creşte ca printr-un efect de „bulgăre de zăpadă” întrucât fiecare client
satisfăcut îi asigură publicitate prin laudele sale.”

Narcisa Schwarz, Laura-Rebeca Stiegelbauer, Diana-Bianca Husar - Translation problems and difficulties in applied…

The reference, which posed transfer problems in this example, is a metaphorical expression
snowball effect. During our search for equivalence in Romanian, we discovered the meaning and
origin of this cultural reference1.
The original phrase is "snowballing" which means "taking proportions increasingly
important (about an event, phenomenon).
The term dates from the nineteenth century and it is a metaphor that takes the ease of a small
snowball to take prompt proportions by turning into a very big snowball.
As a reference of the use of this expression we mention the point made by the author
Laurence Prudhomme-Poncet in his book History of women's football in the twentieth century
published by L'Harmattan in 2003:
"The call was given, it was agreed, and a few days after the first meeting was held with
about twenty young girls; since the number has grown and we hope to snowball, certain that the
broad minds will understand the benefits of sport for women."
After this research we have chosen for our translation version a transfer of cultural reference
expression "efect de bulgăre de zăpadă", a word for word translation.

2.2. Cultural problems

In the previous section, we briefly discussed some problems of linguistic issues we encountered
during our translation approach. In terms of cultural issues - two categories are known: cultural
references transfer problems and cultural allusions transfer problems.
Culturally translation problems are due to the differences between two different cultures.
Understanding the message implies, by the receiver, identification and decoding of the socio-
cultural type of information in all sorts of allusions. These differences are encountered in texts
called through cultural elements, “cultural references” (“Culture-specific items”).
According to T. Cristea (1998: 179), language systems in which evolve the language
communities face specific diversification of areas highlighted in the translation:
"The confrontation of two natural languages in the transfer of messages reveals firstly a
common general structure which allows the translation and the existence of weakly idiomatic areas
and also the differences that attract disturbances in the transmission of data experience."
In what follows we will present and analyse some problems of our target text.
Eng.: “Quality controls are carried out in proof-reading or in revision."
Ro.: “Verificarea nivelului de calitate a unei traduceri se efectuează prin corectare şi prin revizuire.”
The English translation of proof-reading and revision represents a problem of cultural
transfer references, because in Romanian we used the term corectarea for proof-reading, and
revizuirea for revision (word for word translation to not make a confusion with the term used before
corectarea), for lack of other suitable words, while knowing that this step does not imply any
rectification or change from the source text.

2.3. Textual problems

The specific problems of textuality are due to the understanding of the source text, compared to
intra-textual characteristics and extra-textual references, including the coherence and cohesion
textual elements.

In the expression of a small incursion in the translation of foreign languages compared, we mention the
expression snowball effect has equivalencies in almost 10 different languages (German:
Lawinenartiganwachsen, French: faire boule de neige, Portuguese: Aumentar como una bola de neve,
Danish: Voksesom en snebold, Spanish: Crecer como una bola de nieve, Catalan: Fer-se una bola de neu,
Italien: Crescere a valanga, Dutch: Eens neeuw bal effecthebben, Swedish: Snöbolls effekten).

Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură Volumul XII, Nr. 3, septembrie 2016

The coherence and cohesion

Textual coherence and textual cohesion are the last two important elements in the analysis of intra-
textual factors. The coherence is directly related to the meaning and the unity of the text quality and
means that the sentences should follow a logical harmony for the message to be clear and
It manifests on the text (lexical field) and ensures the continuity, the growth of information
and the non-contradiction of the stated ideas.
According to G. Maingueneau (1991: 219), the sentence is analysed as a syntactic-semantic
structure and also as a support structure information within a specific textual dynamics. Cohesion
relates to the organization of the text, the sequence of ideas in the text, and must observe the
morphological and syntactic standards. It manifests itself locally, sentence by sentence by:
- Spatial and temporal organizers (deictic) - used to account for the cohesion of a text in time
(the timeline and sequence of events);
- The connector systems - the connectors can have values: additive (and, moreover, also);
comparative (than, more);
“For instance, translation rates are higher in Germanythan in France, in France than in the
United Kingdom or in Spain, in Britain than in Ireland, in Ireland than in Italy, in Italy than in
Argentina, and higher in Argentina than in Cambodia or in a number of other countries." (Page
“But the cost of living has risen in Ireland and so has the cost of translating.” (Page 223).
The textual problem is in the organization of structures and phrases in the target text,
because they are very long in the source language. To solve the problem, we restructured and
reorganized the paragraphs, using the information of compensation method.

2.4. Pragmatic problems

In this section we will take a look at some pragmatic problems that have caused problems in the
Following the model analysis of extra-textual factors the proposed by Christiane Nord
(1991: 144), the pragmatic translation problems are concerning the issuer, the receiver (consignee)
the function (of target of the two texts).
According to the specialist (1991: 158), translation problems at the pragmatic level are
created because of "the differences between the original text and the production situation of the
translation situation."
The main differences of a pragmatic nature that appear between the source text and target
text are:
- The target text reader / source;
- The transmission path between the message text source / target text;
- The motivation of the source text / target text of (usually do not coincide);
- The text function target / source.
Membership or distance from the transmitter to the content of the text:
• The mark of the involvement of the issuer in the text:
"Just to illustrate the discrepancies, we will mention a survey conducted in the mid-90s by a
well-known French magazine, which listed ‘translators’ among those professionals earning more
than 150,000 € a year…"
The use of the personal pronoun on the 1st person plural "we" is the mark of the involvement
of the author who identifies himself with his readers.
As we already mentioned when we made the presentation of transfer problems of cultural
allusions, there are concepts that are untranslatable because they contain allusions and cultural
references that are not necessarily known in the target language by the interlocutor (the difference
vs. speaker interlocutor).

Narcisa Schwarz, Laura-Rebeca Stiegelbauer, Diana-Bianca Husar - Translation problems and difficulties in applied…

The difference between the function of the source text and the target text can also create
problems, but in some cases the function can remain the same for the two texts, because the cultural
context is not so different.
In this paper, we described the complexity of problems specific to our source and we
discussed the need for an analysis and study of solutions envisaged to produce a translation adapted
to the use for which it is intended to be. Our study allowed us to understand our source text and get
deeper for an adequate translation.

3. Translation difficulties and our solutions

In this last part of our paper we present and analyse the main difficulties that can be encountered in
a translation.
When we present the difficulties when translating our source, we must consider several
- The knowledge of the two languages;
- The meaning of the words;
- Perceptions;
- The time and the context in which the text was written;
- Interpretation according to the writer's personality and experience.
For this work, we deal directly with difficulties in translation relative to the aspect of
understanding and re-expression.

3.1. Difficulties in understanding/comprehension

Jeanne Dancette (1995: 19) defines the understanding for the translation as "the result of the
confrontation and synthesis between the literal and contextual meaning of the statement".
The Canadian specialist (1998) identifies three categories of comprehension difficulties:
- Lexical difficulties;
- Textual structure difficulties;
- Pragmatic language difficulties.

3.2. Linguistic difficulties

We will analyse the main linguistic nature of translation difficulties encountered, which are divided
- terminological difficulties
- Semantic difficulties.

Terminological difficulties:
Eng.: “As a rule, specialised translators can charge higher rates than generalist translators and
‘localisers’ or ‘media translators’ earn more than translators.”
Ro.:“Ca regulă generală, traducătorii specializaţi pot avea onorarii mai mari decât traducătorii
generalişti, iar ‘localizatorii’ sau ‘traducătorii media’ câştigă mai mult decât simplii traducători.”
The main objective of this section is to highlight the challenges we face when we started the
research for the terminology of the field of translation studies.
To solve the difficulty mentioned in the example above, we used as translation process the
loan, translating the ‘localisers’ with the word ‘localizatorii’ like that, our term is well understood
in the target language, and we do not change the initial meaning of the source text.

The analysis of translation difficulties and problems encountered during the translation, allowed us
to achieve a better understanding of our source text with the translation difficulties specific because
of the nature of the text, but in particular to identify our own text translation difficulties that
Studii de ştiinţă şi cultură Volumul XII, Nr. 3, septembrie 2016

stimulated us to extend as much as possible our translational knowledge both in understanding and
in terms of re-expression. We do not consider that we came up with the best translation and we
think that it can be improved every time we look over it. Thus, the best solution for the translation
problem we encounter is in the eye of the translator and s/he has the best variant, s/he is the master
of the final target text.

1. BALLARD, Michel, La traduction à l’université, Lille : Presses Universitaires de Lille, 1993, p.
2. CRISTEA, Teodora, Stratégies de la traduction, București: Editura Fundației România de mâine,
2000 p.190-197.
3. DANCETTE, Jeanne & MÉNARD, Nathan, Modèles empiriques et expérimentaux en
traductologie : questions d’épistémologie. Meta, 1996, vol.41, n°1, p.139-156.
4. DANCETTE Jeanne, Parcours de traduction, Lille : Presse Universitaire de Lille,
5. MOUNIN, Georges, Problèmes théoriques de la traduction, Paris : Gallimard, 1963.
6. NORD, Christiane, Text Analysis in Translation. Theory, Methodology and Didactic
Applications of a Model of Translation-Oriented Text Analysis. Amsterdam – Atlanta:
Rodopi, 1991, p.250.
7. VINAY, J. P., DARBELNET, J., Stylistique comparé du français et de l’anglais, Paris : Didier
Erudition, 1993.

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Narcisa Schwarz, Laura-Rebeca Stiegelbauer, Diana-Bianca Husar - Translation problems and difficulties in applied…


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