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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 10206

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, november/decembeR 2020/
Fourth Semester
bt 8404 – bioprocess principles
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. What are all the parameters to be considered in fermentation ?

2. What is the necessity for the designs of different spargers ?
3. Explain why in complex media it is necessary to know the source and its batch of
4. What parameters do you optimize by batch cultivation ?
5. How can you do air sterilisation ?
6. What is principle behind heat sterilisation of liquid media ?
7. Draw the microbial growth curve and mention how changes in substrate
concentration alter it.
8. What is thermodynamic efficiency of growth ?
9. Differentiate the direct and indirect method of biomass estimation.
10. In monod model of continuous cultivation of microbe, list out the important
addition/s to equation to determine the specific growth.

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Draw a well labeled diagram of table top laboratory fermentor. Label the
important parts and point out its functions.
b) The impeller plays important role in mass transfer. Discuss the types of for
what impellers employed for various types of microorganisms.
X 10206 *X10206*

12. a) Discuss the experimental design methodologies for optimizing carbon and
nitrogen sources.
b) How do you design the production – scale media for industrial fermentation ?

13. a) In batch sterilisation the liquid media could get denatured. Explain graphically.
b) Derive the thermal death kinetics of continuous heat sterilisation of liquid media.

14. a) Discuss the rate of oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures.
b) What do you understand by yield coefficient ? Explain with respect to product
formation and substrate consumption.

15. a) Explain the specific growth rate model proposed by Monod.

b) What do you understand by product inhibition, give examples and explain.

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Anna has come to the Bioprocess engineer with a view to develop a product
which could be used for conversion of complex sugar into monosugars which
should be cheap. What would the engineer advice be based on ? What should
be the complex sugars ? What would be profitable sugars ? How much time it
would take for scaling it up ?
b) In continuous sterilisation of heat of liquid media what all parameters are
essential. Is it superior to the batch method. Where does it have practical
applications ? Is it superior to filter sterilisation of liquid media, if so/not so why ?


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