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Down the “Via Delarosa”.

(The way of Suffering)

I. Most Believers today, know little about the “Passion” of Messiah, having been
taught what they know by Mel Gibson, rather than the Scriptures. Of those
who actually profess a working knowledge of the Passover week, few are even
aware of the Torah examples that rehearsed this thematic event repeatedly,
until its‟ culmination in Messiah Yahshua, while pointing still – to a final,
future, climatic fulfillment!

 It is at once, the revelation of YHVH‟s promise to restore Adam to his

Edenic position and the temporal restoration entirely provided for in
the Atonement of the Lamb and the Redemptive work that led
ultimately to the Messiah‟s slaughter. Simultaneously, the Red Heifer‟s
sacrifice also is vividly revealed as the mechanism to cleanse or purify
us from contamination through contact with this dead body called the
flesh!! Giving fresh insight to the Law of the Spirit of Life that frees me
from the Law of Sin & Death!

 There are other powerful shadow pictures, such as the Bitter Waters of
Jealousy but for times‟ sake we will continue.

In this battle for Kingly Dominion, demonstrated in the waning hours before
His execution, Messiah and the archetypical Anti-Messiah in the person of
haSatan, act out the prophetic declarations of Gen. 3:15. Here, we must stop!
Let‟s do a little detective work in the Hebrew language.

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise his heel.

 I will put, #7896, ‫שית‬ shiyth, as a verb it means to put, to set, to lay.
To take ones‟ stand. It can also refer to a garment and a foundation.
This is the root of the first word of Genesis 1:1 re'shiyth, the
resh – aleph, ra‟ah, means to see, perceive, understand. Thus, the word
could be rendered, „to perceive, understand the placement of the
garment of redemption at the foundation of creation. Another word for
garment in Hebrew, is Lebush, a euphemism for WIFE. This beginning
of the battle is fixed here!
 Enmity, #342, ‫איבה‬ 'eybah. Hatred, the root Alef-Yod, means to
begin to build. The beginning of the hatred between the seed began long
before Gen. 3!!! The over-throw of Lucifers‟ Kingdom, was a direct
result of the SEED / Word of YHVH in opposition with the Seed of the
Enemy. JN. 1: 1 – 3.

This mortal hatred was to be between both the Serpent and the Woman (as
the Bride she represents the repository for seed) and between the resulting
offspring. Satan knew she had no seed of her own and thus he attempts to
circumvent the coming of Messiah – THE SEED!

 Woman, #802, ‫אשה‬ 'ishshah, woman. Klein declares the words‟ root,
Alef-Shin, fire, could also render the word, „an offering made by fire‟.
The Hey suffix, feminine – implies the Seed of the Woman, became an
OLAH – lifted up – fire offering!
 Seed, #2233, ‫זרע‬ zera, seed, sowing. The two-letter root, Zayin-Resh,
means to frame, a border, edging, that which presses, binds. The Ayin-
Eye, to perceive, tells us we are sown by what is framed and bound with
the EYE!
 Bruise, #7779, ‫שוף‬ shuwph, to trample, bruise. Ironically, the two-
letter root, Shin-Pey, is interesting. Shin = a tooth, to bite, while Pey =
mouth. Thus, „to bite with the mouth‟, to snap at. This reminds of Esau
falling upon the neck of Jacob with the “kiss of death”.
 Head, #7218, ‫ראש‬ ro'sh, head, chief. Also, to shake, as in the head,
incidentally, Klein tells us it can also mean venom!
 Heel, #6119, ‫עקב‬ `aqeb, heel, to supplant, that which comes after. It is
the root of the word Jacob. Who would also mirror the confrontation
with the Serpent Seed, as did Yahshua!
Let us look at another parallel that foreshadowed the Yahshua encounter and
the battle from Gethsemane to the Mount of Olives. Those involved in the
earlier „rehearsal‟ reveal much about our Principal characters: Yahshua,
Satan, Judas.

2 Samuel 15:12,16,- 16: 21, 17:23,30-32

 Principal characters: David, Absalom, and Ahithophel. (Strongs‟#302

akh-ee-tho-fel, brother of folly) He is from Giloh, (#1542, exile from
#1540 galah, to uncover, remove, depart. This word also implies
nakedness and to unbind, as in the hair of the Bride accused of Adultery
when she is brought before the Priest.

Like Judas (Acts 1:20) his habitation and office become desolate.

 10 wives – 10 virgins? Absalom sleeps with the promised bride!

Ahithophel and Judas both are “friends” to David & Yahshua. Both
hang themselves. 1Samuel 17:23

 Now we begin to see the power struggle for the Kingdom and the ensuing
cost to those engaged in its’ clutches.

1. What price did Messiah pay? Will the Ecclesia,

Bride also pay a price? Let‟s examine both.


II. How did Messiah suffer prior to His death? Are our traditions valid? Can
what you‟ve been taught regarding the “Crucifixion” sustain scholarly
examination? Why the Jews don‟t except the church‟s view of Jesus on the

 During the 19th and early 20th centuries, some scholars questioned the
crucifixion story on a number of counts. Some have argued, for
instance, that it was MORE COMMON in first-century Palestine for
criminals to be executed by some other means -- stoning, burning,
beheading or strangling -- and their bodies "hanged on a tree" as a
WARNING to others. Other theologians have added that crucifixion
was a Roman mode of execution and was not permitted in Jewish law.

Current questions of the execution by crucifixion beg further answers. For

instance, why did Yahshua die in just hours, when it was common for one to
last up to 9 days on the Cross?

 What was His Crime? (Only one Jewish capitol crime) Blasphemy.
 What method of punishment? (Jews NEVER used Crucifixion).
 How could His death reconcile both the Lamb and Red Heifer
Sacrifices? (Medical fact: Crucifixion is a relatively bloodless
Blood must be shed.
Torah specifies that the blood of the sacrifice must be shed and applied at
the place of its death.

III. Scourging isn‟t the answer. LK. 23:20-23. The Greek word for punished is
"paideuo," and it means "to train up a child, i.e. educate, or (by impl.)
DISCIPLINE (by punishment): - chasten (-ise), instruct, learn, teach." This
word in turn comes from "pais," meaning "a boy (as often BEATEN with
impunity), or (by anal.) a girl." Pais comes from the primary root "paio,"
meaning "to hit (as if by a single blow and LESS VIOLENTLY than #5180);
spec. to sting (as a scorpion): - smite, strike." (See Strong's Concordance,
#3811, #3816 & #3817). The word "paideuo" in NO way denotes a severe
scourging as is usually associated with crucifixion.

The Old Testament indicates the same thing! In Isaiah 53:5 we read: "...The
CHASTISEMENT for our peace [health, welfare] was upon Him, and by His
stripes we are healed." The word "chastisement" here in the Hebrew means
the same thing as "punished" does in the Greek: "Muwcar, moo-sawr; from
#3256; prop. chastisement; fig. reproof, warning or instruction;
also...correction, discipline...instruction, rebuke." (#4148 Strong's Exhaustive

Is it possible we have misunderstood the Torah and thus misunderstood

WHERE HEALING COMES FROM? Let‟s examine the word „STRIPES‟.
(Is. 53:5).
 Stripes, #2250. ‫חבורה‬ , chabbuwrah, to bruise, the Mark of Strokes
on the Skin! The root stem, Chabar, #2266, is a verb meaning to join
together, to unite, to heap up (words) a composition, a treatise [a
methodical discussion of facts and principals involved and conclusions
that are reached]. We look back at Ex. 33 and see Moshe looking at the
FORM of YHVH / BACK PARTS – Moshe sees the Torah Scroll with
its‟ strokes on its skin! The evidence suggests, the scourging, although,
not pleasant, was a picture of the LIVING TORAH being painfully
written upon the SKIN of MESSIAH by the finger of YHVH!

Since those subjected to scourging often died at the hands of the lictor, it was
quite probable, then, that the Messiah was treated LESS SEVERELY since
Pilate FULLY INTENDED TO SET HIM FREE. Scourging associated with
Crucifixion took place at the execution site according to Roman rule. This
incident did not. Roman records indicate a MILDER FORM of crucifixion
was sometimes permitted. In this case the malefactor was allowed to FORGO
THE USUAL SCOURGING at the execution site and, instead of dragging the
furca, had to carry his own gallows. The transverse beam (patibulum) was
loaded on the back of the one to be crucified, and sometimes he was already
bound or nailed to the patibulum when starting out on his final journey. Other
times, the malefactor was allowed to carry the patibulum FREELY on his
back, and would be bound or NAILED to it when he ARRIVED at his

BEFOREHAND for each particular execution. (See: Mommsen, op. cit., pp.
919, 983; Hentig, Die Strafe, Vol. I, p. 254; Scott, op. cit., pp. 169ff.; Berger, op.
cit., q.v. " The vertical stake of the cross -- whether it is a TREE or an actual
stake -- was a PERMANENT FIXTURE at the crucifixion site, or (in the case
of a stake) already installed Castigatio," p. 382; Seneca, Ad Marciam, 20, 3;
Lactantius, 6, 17, 28; Plutarchus, De Sera Numinis Vindicta, 9; Plautus, Miles
Gloriosus, 359.)

The gospel records clearly show the Messiah was allowed the MILDER
FORM of crucifixion, probably because Pilate wanted to be as lenient as
possible -- especially after his wife's warning (Matt. 27:19); or maybe he
realized only too well what awaited the Messiah at Golgotha. (Haim Cohn,
The trial and death of Jesus).
A Jew and Gentile Redemption!

IV. Isaiah 52:14,15 – 53:1-12 vs. 14 Astonied #8074 shamem, stunned, appalling,
to cause horror. Visage #4758 mar‟eh; sight, appearance. Visage and form, the
front of the body. Marred #4893 mishchath, disfigurement (OF FACE).

 So shall he sprinkle? Alludes to the Red Heifer. The Sacrifice is killed at

the East entrance to the temple (Mount of Olives) and sprinkled seven
times on the ground with a hyssop brush. Potentially thousands of
drops. Is this a contradiction? Crucifixion is relatively bloodless. He
wasn‟t scourged where he was eventually killed. What then could
constitute this sprinkling?

The Rabbis didn‟t understand this rehearsal, even Solomon could not figure
out how a Priest who was clean could exchange places with one who was
unclean at the conclusion of this ceremony.

So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at
him: for [that] which had not been told them shall they see; and [that]
which they had not heard shall they consider.

Told, Caphar. See, ra‟ah. Heard, Shema. Consider, Biyn. What had not been
written, they would see, what they had not heard they would understand!
Messiah would fulfill the RED HEIFER sacrifice for them!

A. Isa. 53: 5-6. Wounded #2490 chalal, to pierce through

(crucifixion) Bruised #1792 daka‟, to crush, shatter. Stripes
#2250 chabbuwrah, blows that cut in (scourging) Laid #6293
paga‟, to cause to land upon.

From the front of His body!!!

B. Whatever crushed & shattered was caused to land upon Him!

(No bone could be broken). Marred (Isa. 52:14 mishchath, from
#7843 shachath, to be battered). Psalms 22: 16-17. I may tell all
my bones…Isa. 50:6. I gave my back…It is evident that rocks
which were intentionally piled for execution by stoning were
hurled with VENOM at the head and groin of Messiah to destroy
the Kingdom and any future seed!
V. Yahshua is STONED!! Matt. 26:63-66. John 19:7, Lev.24:16

 This wasn‟t their first attempt. Jn.8:59, 10:31-33, 11:8. His time had
not yet come.

John 18: 30-32. Pilate allows the Jews to kill Yahshua according to their law
and thus fulfill both Roman and Mosaic law. Galatians 6:17, how could Paul
have the same marks in his body as Yahshua? 2Cor. 11:25. Acts 14:19-20.

Psalm 38:10, 69: 3 Jew and Gentile alike receive redemption!

VI. The Passover Seder. “This is my body, which is broken for you.”

Jewish Talmud evidence?

On the eve of Passover Yeshua the Nazarean WAS HANGED. For forty
days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, "He
is going forth TO BE STONED because he has practiced sorcery and
enticed Israel to apostasy. Any one who can say anything in his favor let
him come forward and plead on his behalf." But since nothing was
brought forward in his favor HE WAS HANGED on the eve of
Passover. -- Sanhedrin 43b.

The word "hanged" in this instance does NOT refer to hanging by the neck,
but to being "attached" or "transfixed" to a tree. This historical reference in
the Talmud shows that the Jews were aware that Yahshua the Messiah was
actually STONED WHILE HANGING on the tree of crucifixion.

In the book Rabbinic Essays, by Jacob Z. Lauterback, we find FURTHER

EVIDENCE our Savior died as a result of stoning. Recalling a Jewish Baraita
(Jewish teaching that was not codified when the first part of the Talmud was
put together), the author states that the Messiah met his death BY STONING
and NOT by crucifixion alone. After a long discussion on this subject, the
Baraita says: "he [the Messiah] is going out TO BE STONED," followed by
"they hanged him" (Pages 494-497). This early Jewish tradition PLAINLY
SHOWS that our Passover Lamb was indeed STONED TO DEATH while
hanging on the "accursed tree."

Mark notes what happened when the Messiah and the women arrived at the
execution site: "Then they gave Him WINE MINGLED WITH MYRRH to
drink, but He did not take it" (Mark 15:23). The "wine mingled with myrrh"
was given to the condemned to deaden the pain, and was part of an old Jewish

From Luke we know that "there followed him a great company of people,
AND OF WOMEN, which also bewailed and lamented him" (LK.23:27), and
they would of a surety have followed him all the way to Golgotha. Combining
both traditions [Luke 23:27 and Mark 15:23], it may, I think, be permissible
to infer that it was the WOMEN ACCOMPANYING JESUS on his way to
execution, and attending him in his last hours on the cross, who BROUGHT
THE WINE AND BEGGED HIM TO DRINK: it was an ancient Jewish
custom that a condemned man, when led to the place of execution, had to be
given a DRAFT OF WINE WITH INCENSE IN IT, "in order that he may
lose his mind," that is, become unconscious; and it was "the dear women of
Jerusalem who volunteered and brought the wine" and offered it to him [B
Sanhedrin 43a]. This custom is told in the Talmud IN CONNECTION WITH
CONVICTS ABOUT TO BE STONED..."the dear women of Jerusalem" saw
to it that...a man ABOUT TO DIE BY STONING should be anesthetized
against excess of pain...(The Trial and Death of Jesus, Haim Cohn) Thanks to
“Hope of Israel Ministries” for many comments.

Why would Yahshua in Lk. 23: 28 admonish the women to not weep for Him,
but rather, for themselves? It is evident He spoke of being spared the wrath
that was to come in the End Days! Matt. 24: 19.

This reminds us there is indeed a price to be paid by the Bride, should she
choose to not avail herself of the atonement of Messiah, who took the penalty
for her! Rev. 18:4.

In Psalm 69: 21 He is given gall, #7219, to drink. It is also translated here, as

venom. Again, fulfilling Gen. 3:15 . He did indeed later drink vinegar – the
Cup of bitter waters, fulfilling His role as redeemer, which had been written
in the heavens, long before Gen. 3: 15. The Constellation Orion – The Light of
Heaven who comes – is shaped like an hourglass – the cup of Him who comes!
In Hebrew (Job 9:9) Orion is written, #3684, keciyl, loosely translated as a
simple one, a fool. The root word, #3688, kacal, means fat, as in the portioned
lifted up in the Fire offering to YHVH!

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