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MICROBIAL FUEL CELL that's about 25 watts and if you convert

By : Bruce Logan that to light bulbs that's actually

enough to run a compact fluorescent
I'd like to give you a sort of a a one slide which generates just about as much light
introduction to the bigger picture and that is as as that hundred watt bulb
environmental engineer I mostly started out like so our our annual water infrastructure
many environmental engineers worrying about in the US was about 30 gigawatts or
water and a water infrastructure and about five to six percent of all the
providing both potable water and electricity that we produce in this
providing sanitation and as you think country goes into our water
about the global water infrastructure infrastructure and maybe half of that
you start to realize how much energy goes for wastewater treatment these are
this all takes not just in the US but to very fuzzy numbers and they're
provide water and sanitation to the discussions about this but the really
world takes an enormous amount of energy important point is that at any
and if that's all provided based on wastewater treatment plant
fossil fuels then what we're really there's about four to ten times the
doing through this water infrastructures amount of energy in that water than we
is contributing to climate change we use to treat that wastewater and so if
don't want to do that because climate we could extract just a small fraction
change will of course continue to of that energy in the wastewater we
disrupt water cycles which will probably could make wastewater self-sufficient
lead to greater energy consumption and and in fact if you look at making
so forth it's my experience that people wastewater self-sufficient and maybe
don't have a more personal appreciation even recapturing the energy in the
for how much energy or how much power we wastewater so we got seventeen gigawatts
consume in our lives and so it's it's in the wastewater we're no longer using
one thing to say well we're going to 15 gigawatts to produce no longer
build a nuclear power plant that's a producing can
gigawatt of power production who can assuming fifteen gigawatts of
imagine a gigawatt so let's put it on a electricity so that's roughly 45
more personal level look at the 2,000 gigawatts in primary energy so you're
calories you eat every day and energy looking at if we can make this
per day is power so if you were to take sustainable and produce energy somewhere
that energy per day and convert it to a between maybe 40 and 60 gigawatts of an
hundred watt light bulb how many hundred a gigawatt that's a that's a nuclear
watt light bulbs could you run off the power plant these are not small numbers
food that you eat every day anybody want so we should be thinking about them and
to guess if we could figure out how to harness
I hope somebody wants to guess you can that energy then we have all this
random number generator but what do you cellulosic energy that we could harness
think 110 100 a thousand a million half in a non combustion based process these
okay are water based processes right and we
anybody else 30 good okay so everybody can look start to look forward to other
at least is coming up with some number sources of renewable energy to maybe
in their mind I hope so mostly I've power our water infrastructure things
never gotten half before most people like salinity gradient energy there's
will say somewhere around a few light almost a terawatt of energy that's
bulbs - 10 20 maybe as much as a hundred released where fresh water flows into
and and the answer is really one pretty salt water and then there's a lot of
good so but you think about that you waste heat energy any power plant that
think oh my gosh all this food I eat you produces a gigawatt of electricity also
know I can never burn that off that must produces 2 gigawatts of waste heat and
be a huge amount of energy and yet so thinking about how to recover some of
that's it one light bulb so think about this energy and to use it maybe for our
how to reassign this energy for the water infrastructure but for other
water infrastructure on that basis and reasons as well now I'm gonna focus most
and you know we're not perfect that's of my time on this idea of waste water
how many calories we eat but if you look I'll come back and just say a few words
at what goes down the drain shall we say at the end so how can we capture this
energy well a microbial fuel cell is a hydrogen and if you want just say split
device where bacteria can grow on one water at the anode and use some
electrode they break down organic matter renewable energy source to provide that
they release those electrons from the power and then put some with antigen x'
organic matter it's just like how we get on that cathode and those methanogens
energy right we eat food we oxidize it will produce methane now you can do this
we remove electrons we send those electro chemically you can evolve
electrons through respiratory enzymes methane electrochemically without any
and then when we're done with them we bacteria but it takes precious metals
release them to oxygen right so we need and you get a lot of other products
to eat and we need to breathe so we have besides methane here you get one thing
to continue that flow of electrons so you get methane and you can do it with a
these bacteria can do this we keep them source of co2 so turning co2 into
separate separate separated from the something useful so these are microbial
oxygen and that creates when they electrochemical technologies they have
release those electrons a potential microbes on the anode and maybe not the
between the two of electrodes of about a cathode or they have them on the cathode
half a volt they've when you have a and maybe not the Anna
voltage times current you have power and or maybe they have them on both the
so that's how you generate power in the anode and the cathode but there's got to
system and it's a really simple system be microbes somewhere or it's not a
in concept two electrodes on either side microbial technology there may be
of a container bolted together here and electricity that's generated or we may
you just put some use a power source to boost that and to
waste water in there and you generate drive the reactions that we want at that
electricity so if you don't want cathode and there may be no membrane
electricity maybe you want some other there may be one membrane there may be
biofuels what about this system to make stacks of membranes between these
something else so let's say we have a electrodes these are all different types
membrane here and the oxygen is being of technologies that can be used to
bubbled into the cathode so we have the convert different types of organic
same thing going on in the last slide matter into electricity and almost
except it's not that cathode is exposed anything that's biodegradable can be
to air it's exposed to oxygen in air and used to produce that current we can at
water take that system and take away the the cathode as I explained reduce oxygen
oxygen and now what happens or reduce protons to hydrogen or we can
well absolutely nothing really because do value added production whereby those
the bacteria can't generate enough electrons or hydrogen from the cathode
voltage to drive any sort of reaction is used to make other products but I
over here so if we help them out if we really want to focus our talk here on
add in a little bit of power into this waste water as the main source of energy
system we boost the voltage that they or fuel for the microbial fuel cell and
make then we can actually drive hydrogen I want to tell you about how to develop
evolution here because we've got these technologies so the focus points
electrons going this way protons going are going to take one step back I want
that way that's what a hydrogen fuel to tell you a little bit about the
cell is right it's protons and electrons electro microbiology what's on the anode
and we can involve hydrogen at the and a little bit about the methanogens
cathode and we can do it for about a that might grow on a cathode then I'd
tenth of the energy that we need or a like to discuss some of the materials
tenth of the voltage that we need to that go into making these systems and
split water because we're not splitting then leave lead us into how we use those
water on the anode where we're using a materials and those microbes to scale up
thermodynamically favorable reaction these systems and make them useful then
that only needs a small boost of about a right before I conclude I just want to
1/2 two-tenths of a volt to drive say a few minutes about salinity
hydrogen evolution at that cathode ok gradient energy the aw SP talks actually
maybe you don't like the hydrogen there's two of them that you get to do
economy and you want to make something and this is the one that you chose and
else take this system which is making there's another one on salinity gradient
energy so I'll just give you a little wondered about how
insight into that so first the electro that difference arose at the beginning
microbiology this is what some would say and you can see at the beginning the two
is a new sub discipline of microbiology wastewater treatment plants this is a
it's really just based on relatively principal component analysis which shows
recent discoveries that microbes can us how similar dissimilar these samples
accept can donate electrons to are at the beginning the wastewater
electrode or accept electrons from an samples were quite similar to each other
electrode and so I want to first talk and much different than the BOK right
about these ones that can generate but by the end they all grouped together
electrical current independent of what their inoculum was
so eggs o of eggs o outside the body that is they were enriched and converged
electro jens generating electrical to very similar communities at the end
current outside the body outside the of the tests so we said well in these
microbe what microbes are doing this so reactors it must be geo bacter but we
what we did was we went out to our wondered if the way we did the
favorite place to get microbes which is experiment influenced the outcome
a wastewater treatment plant we went to because we set the same resistance on
two different wastewater treatment all the reactors maybe that was not
plants and then we went to a natural right so we took these same cube
setting and a bog a wetland bog area we reactors we ran duplicates this time and
put these different samples in microbial we set each of the anodes at different
fuel cells we generated power we potentials so a range of potentials from
evaluated how well those samples worked minus 0.25 all the way up to 0.8 1 volts
and then we looked with various and you can see that no matter what
molecular biology techniques to see what potential we set we ended up with
was in there so this is a cycle number Proteobacteria and when we analyzed
every cycle means that we filled up one which Proteobacteria there were they
of those little cube like reactors that were almost all G of actor so the answer
I showed you at the beginning we is it's all G of actor sulfur reduce ins
generated some voltage and some power except for one little minor point which
then the bacteria ate up all the food we was that the student working on this
emptied it out we refilled it so this is went in and got a nice little reactor
the first second third fifth filling and it came up Oh it's most similar to
tenth 15 so we went through this 20 geo backed herself or reduce ins but the
times and you can see the two wastewater problem was is that it had all these
treatment plants and each cycle produced properties that actually were quite
more and more voltage and really different from geo Vactor sulfur reduce
paralleled each other exactly it was ins most importantly it it cannot use
amazing two different treatment plants fumarate as an electron acceptor and it
almost exactly the same performance and had some other characteristics which
yet the bog shot up and then continued allowed us to classify it as a
on pretty well but you know by the end completely different species so even
of things they were all producing about though it's most similar to it leads us
the same amount of voltage so we were to believe in our reactors it was not -
thinking okay these guys look really you backed her sulfur reduces but
good you know maybe not so much there so another species that could tolerate the
what's in there what are these microbes high phosphate buffer concentrations we
and that are in there that are doing use on the other characteristics of the
that so we used pyrosequencing reactor so how do these geo bacter
to look at the types of bacteria and you bacteria do this electron transfer well
can see these are the three samples and it turns out that they make these pill I
these are triplicate reactors so all which are able to allow them to send
three reactors three different samples those electrons from inside the cell to
and almost in all cases you can see a outside the cell what we call these
huge preponderance of these blue bars conductive pili nano wires and this is
which are Delta Proteobacteria so almost kind of really cool because think about
all Delta proteobacteria and then down how much effort people have been making
at the genus and species level almost to make nano wires and these bacteria
all geo vector sulfur reduce ins so we may have been doing this for like a
billion years we don't know so they can it's electrically making that methane
respire by sending these electrons out not be a hydrogen or acetate so what
presumably to things like metal oxides what sort of evidence is there that this
in nature but to our electrode in our could be occurring first are there are
reactors you have those geo bacter which there type microorganisms like we saw
produce these nano wires other types of for geo bacter out there that might do
cells like xu and L will produce this who are they what what are they
conductive appendages as well you have doing and and and if so how are they
some bacteria which produce chemical doing it so imagine you have a cathode
mediators which move back and forth you're just sending current to that and
between the cells and the surface you enrich it for methanogens and we did
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a good example that and we found that the culture was
of this you have others that need to predominantly Amitha no bacterium plus
make direct contact they they have tree and when we compared the amount of
nothing to send it out there but if hydrogen that could come off that
they're at that surface they can use electrode without the meth antigen to
that and then you have other microbes the amount of methane we could get we
which live in these communities for found we got far more methane than could
reasons we don't fully understand but be explained by just hydrogen evolution
they live off the byproducts of some of off that electrode so we said well it
these other products what about okay so must be catalyzing the release of those
that's the electrode Jen's what about electrons how else could it grow that
the electrode Trost right nature like how else could it make methane that fast
cycles if we have something that's going if it wasn't due to direct electron
to send something out there's usually transfer so we went and got a type
going to be something out there that's strain a storage strain and we did the
going to consume that that product so same test but it produced much much less
what about these electro tropes what methane per unit time however it still
about things that accept these products had much higher methane production rates
there are microbes that can catalyze than could be explained by abiotic
dissolved oxygen reduction so electrons hydrogen production well this was a pure
coming off the cathode to oxygen to culture but this was not a pure culture
nitrate I want to talk about the ones so we said okay let's go back and see
that can reduce co2 to make methane the let's go back like we do but geo bacter
classic Mike the classic theory on on we'll go back to our favor
how bacteria interact with methanogens Bogg and we'll go to a wastewater
is the fermentated bacteria break down treatment plant this time we went to an
something like glucose releasing acetate anaerobic digester let's inoculate a
and hydrogen some the fountains use the bunch of reactors and see what grows
acetate other methanogens use the there so we inoculated these reactors
hydrogen now this is a pretty fast with the bog sediment and a box sample
process these electrons flow very and with the sludge and I want you to
quickly through these fermentated of just focus on the cathode what ended up
organisms on the cathode and you can see this big
and then when they the hydrogen is used black bar in both cases and that black
by the meth Anjan the methanogens a fast bar is Mathon Oh bacterium and if you
but it actually processes that hydrogen look at the seed for these two samples
very very quickly and so what you have you see almost no madonna bacterium you
in terms of classic microbiology theory have a little bit in the bog sample but
is that is called interspecies hydrogen really almost no detectable Matano
transfer and it's sort of based on the bacterium in the sludge and yet in both
slow diffusion in the liquid of hydrogen cases we ended up with almost
between these two microorganisms well exclusively nathanael bacterium we
that doesn't make sense thought well maybe it's the material we
it's like connecting two highways with used and so we went back and we tried
the dirt road why would anybody do that all sorts of things
why not cut to the chase right go from magnetite nickel molybdenum and and all
one enzyme to another enzyme and now these other things and you can see these
even bother making hydrogen so we would are open circuit controls that means we
call that electro methanogenesis in that didn't put any current through the
system but this was with the cathode set our abiotic rates are very low so we
at minus 600 millivolts these are almost don't think it's that so maybe it's
all black except for that one which I'll nanowires
get back to in a second but this one is but so far when we've looked at these
different cultures it's not like we see these
this one is with platinum we have nanowires all over the place like we do
platinum which is an excellent hydrogen with geo bacter so we're not thinking
evolution catalyst we end up with it's that so that leaves us right now
methanol brevibacterium DUP with with sort of two different hypotheses
methanol bacterium so when we have a one it's a hydrogenase it's two
good hydrogen catalyst we get something hydrogenases linked up together sending
different than when we don't have a good those electrons along our second
hydrogen catalyst now I've left out this hypothesis is it's fairy dust okay
one orange bar right well turns out even because if this one fails we don't know
though you set up duplicates sometimes what else where else to go right so it's
they don't always replicate each other's some sort of magical fairy dust which is
performance and in this case this making this work let's see which one it
reactor did not perform very well it is my money is on the hydrogen's
actually was pretty bad at making so we did some work with Alfred's
methane and interestingly it also did Foreman at Stanford University and what
not have a lot of methane or bacterium Alfred did in his lab was he got him a
so what's going on here you know we have fountain caucus mera pollute us this was
these electro gens electro troves you before we knew it was a methanol
know we we know some of these electro bacterium but he got this metallic
gens make nanowires we have these caucus but the really neat thing was he
electro troves with antigens in one case was able to get this meth Ana caucus
and you know how specific is this with all the hydrogen ace genes deleted
interaction so here's the way that these archaea
you know in enzyme catalysis they talk make methane through these pathways and
about lock and key right so the question there are several hydrogenases some in
is what do we have here plug in socket I the pathways some for other reasons and
mean that's it resistible come on right in this particular microbe they took it
because this has this is pretty specific and they deleted all those hydrogenases
and if you're you know if you're a which means it's growing on it can grow
microbe in the US this works but if on four mate but it can't use hydrogen
you're in the UK it doesn't work so well in any of these other pathways and so
there and if you're in Europe there's no the idea is okay can it make methane
connection right that's not a specific from an electrode and and it can't do it
lock and key if it's just using hydrogen it doesn't
but maybe the methanogens have figured have hydrogenase okay so here's the
that out and they have this sort of abiotic rate of methane production while
universal adapter for all these donors there's no methane coming off okay
or maybe it's all Universal donor abiotic Lee there's nothing there and
Universal acceptor and not very specific look look look
we don't we don't know so we want to methane it's there so this thing doesn't
know and and so we're interested in have hydrogenases so how can it be
these mechanisms and the the first making methane if it needs hydrogenases
question to simplify this is our to do this
bacteria needed between the methanogens it can't now hydrogen will come off this
and the electrode right do we have to electrode at this - 600 millivolts it's
have a bacterium here or is it just coming off a little bit and you raise
hydrogen bubbling off here and everybody you make it more negative and more
uses it well we don't think that's hydrogen's coming off and this thing's
really true we don't see so far any sort the more negative it goes it starts to
of correlation between bacteria on that grow a little faster but doesn't seem to
cathode and the same thing we saw with be hydrogen or maybe we missed a
the methanol bacterium so we're gonna hydrogenase it's possible so where does
say no bacteria not needed so that that leave us I said my money was on the
leaves us with some alternatives one is hydrogenase I lost
its hydrogen just bubbling off here but that's why engineers don't make good
gamblers we we don't like to gamble there and we have to move this electrode
so really we're down a fairy dust now in close to the cathode because that
the case of the methanol caucus mera reduces ohmic resistance in the system
pollute Asst Alfred told me he's just we don't want them to touch so we might
gotten a paper except at the EM bio it want to have a barrier there against
should be out shortly and he will tell connections between the two electrodes
you and our cathode typically when we made
a little bit more about fairy dust with these had a platinum catalyst and an Fe
the Nathanael caucus than I can tell you own binder and the Platinum cost about
because his experiments to tell you as much as the binder and so if you put
about so stay tuned for the fairy dust this all together you were looking at
okay so what about making use of these $2,000 a square meter mm is more than a
things in reactors and let's get back to hundred a lot more and so this says
the electrode jens and making there's no way this is going to work
electricity this is these are some of so what we've been doing and others have
the reactors that are being built around been trying to drive the cost of these
the world from benchtop two thousand a materials down we got the anode down to
thousand liters in these cases you know probably about $20 a square meter the
what what is going to make this cathode may be about the same you know
technology go forward and you know so we're looking at maybe 40 $50 a
what's going to go what's going to make square meter for materials that's not as
it go forward is an easy application produced and we've actually even made
wastewater treatment and taking that some other improvements we think we can
wastewater and making electricity so I'm get this down a little bit lower so how
here to tell you that microbial fuel do we do that well the first thing is if
cells cannot alone cannot be used for you have all these electrodes how do you
wastewater treatment okay put them into the tank or into the
there they can do this they're gonna reactor so take the idea of two of these
need some help and I'm going to tell you little cube reactors together with a
why they need some help little air space between the cathodes
but the MFCs we can do this the and expand that up and you can have a
challenges were the cost of the flow of wastewater a flow of air flow of
materials maintaining our stable reactor waste water you know you can have a
populations and the second part of that whole series of these all connected up
is we got to treat the wastewater and like I sort of showed in that cartoon
produce a high-quality effluent so let's earlier so that you create these modules
focus first on this materials issue of electrodes so the idea is you mass
there have been a couple studies done it manufacture the modules and you throw
says we need to make electrodes for less them in a tank okay so what are these
than $100 or 100 euros per square meter modules made out of the anodes it turns
these are you know okay they don't out we use graphite fiber brushes we
they're not exactly the same but close need something that's electrically
enough and so we have to do that can we conductive non-corrosive has a lot of
do that well here's where we were about surface area per volume and it's easy to
five or six years ago take wastewater manufacture and these can be made by
put your anode in that's usually carbon machines their brush machines I can do
cloth or carbon paper and then the this they have a huge amount of surface
bacteria will be able to grow on that area and the size of the fibers actually
you don't need to do anything else to is a good match to the size of the
the anode you put the cathode in that bacteria
cathode can use oxygen but we don't have so the anode as brushes is pretty good
to bubble air into the water so we want and in fact the stability of these as an
it to be exposed to the air but if it's anode is good as well because this is an
exposed to the air it can leak water experiment we did over a hundred days
through the electrode so you got to put and these are the voltage produced again
something on the outside it's kind of over these multiple cycles over a
like why you wear a gore-tex jacket hundred days and these brushes stayed
right you don't want water coming in very stable but these flat electrodes
here we don't want water going which are placed close to the cathode
so we got to put a diffusion layer on failed and they failed because the
cathodes were contaminating the anodes long as the current densities aren't
with oxygen so they they started that high which they aren't in our
breathing oxygen instead of using the systems it's a good oxygen reduction
electrode so engineering how many catalyst well that's cool and so this is
electrodes do you put it do you make platinum and carbon cloth and a fiown
them big do you make them little do you really expensive this is cost pennies so
make them wide short so we you know we environmental engineers love to play
did some experiments and and with these around with activated carbon because we
different electrodes per area and when absorb things on to it we regenerate it
we did that we changed the size of the we burn it we recycle it you know so
electrode but that also changes the we're like all right we get to play with
distance between the electrode and the activated carbon so we took all these
cathode and so the question is do we carbons and we evaluated them for their
need to keep that distance the same or ability for oxygen reduction and I've
do we move it away and and so forth and highlighted two here because they're the
so we found was the big brushes did two best ones okay I want you to
better than these little brushes in this remember these ones B 1 P 2 P 1 P 2 ok B
position but if we move this brush 1 and P 2 did the best up here and these
closer than it did better than the big are just this is these are power curves
brush and so this is just the two with different catalysts made out of all
brushes in the different close spaced these different materials and we did you
and not close spaced and you can see we don't care about the details the
produce a lot more power when we put it important thing was that we could show a
closer that's a good electrochemistry correlation between strong acid groups
effect not a biology effect so the on those carbons and the power we got
answer is make a lot of small brushes look at that correlation it's beautiful
place them close to the cathode except isn't it ok which ones did I ask you
it didn't work it worked here when we remember
use the acetate and well buffered where's b1 well everybody knows if you
solutions when we used wastewater we don't like the result don't put it on
found tremendous instability in this the graph now you can't do that okay
electrode because this is one and this this is probably our best material and
is another one made exactly the same way it doesn't fall on that line we haven't
and you don't want to go out and build figured it out
one wastewater treatment plant and then and that's good news and it's bad news
build another and have them work the bad news is we didn't figure it out
differently you want them to work the the good news is we can write some more
same so this will work the idea works grants and try and figure it out so
under well controlled systems but under that's a mystery we don't understand
not well controlled systems this is the that the other thing we want this carbon
anode potential and the good one and to do is last a long time we don't want
this is the craziness that goes on in to build a wastewater treatment plan and
the bad one so basically it's not stable have it go south very quickly so these
the bacteria on the anode get corrupted are power density curves with different
by having too much oxygen now the cathode activated carbons treated different ways
was a trickier thing the cathode was and versus platinum here's the Platinum
typically made out of platinum and so we right at the beginning here's the
were thinking about replacements for Platinum after 16 months nothing left no
platinum and I was at a conference in in activity really at all that's like bare
France and these guys from Belgium come carbon but our activated carbon isn't
up and they go we have a great doing too well either so we cleaned it
replacement for platinum I'm like great this shows the time course over several
what is it other one here's the Platinum falling
they said activated carbon that's really off really fast and here's the slow
good yeah tell me about that later I decay these other ones we just did a
gotta go now no no no no no no really dilute acid wash of the cathode and we
this will work this will work and you restored the activity to nearly the
know they were right it actually did original one so that says okay this
work activated carbon is actually not a right now this activated carbon isn't
bad catalyst for oxygen reduction as going to work forever but we can
regenerate it and maybe we can figure here we are with acetate or waste water
out ways to prevent it from fouling so this is time this is current we're
that's another avenue of research that making electricity making electricity
we're looking at we want to be able to the co D is going down so it's a little
manufacture these cathodes really batch reactor and it's consuming up the
inexpensively and so a student in my lab co D it's dropping dropping dropping
came up the idea of putting activated dropping okay but you'll see what
carbon in with a PVDF polymer now PVDF happens here is that you know it's going
is used to make membranes by what's along and then all of a sudden it
called a water and a phase inversion or plummets the same thing happens with the
a water immersion process it's really waste water it goes along and then it
easy to do it's really cheap and it it plummets when it's plummets when that
could lower the cost of these electrodes making electricity anymore
down to about fifteen dollars a square you want to make electricity but you
meter and we also looked at how well it want to keep doing that until the co D
resisted water pressure so some of these is gone
get up to around a meter of water and in fact you don't do that when you
pressure before we saw some leakage so have about a hundred 150 milligrams per
that's good that means we could make you litre of CO D left electricity
know an electrode that's about a meter generation stops you can see that a
high and you know you want to make them little bit better here when you graph it
that because they're not electrically on the basis of Co D and current it's
conductive coming down coming here boom it just
over those long distance so you probably falls off coming along coming along boom
make them smaller and more like you know falls off so what that means is we can't
like pains on a window you can make the get the co D down to the levels that we
window big but it's got a lot of panes need to discharge that wastewater into
in it it works well with the acetate it the environment and that's why MFCs
works well with wastewater just as well alone cannot accomplish wastewater
as our other materials so we think we treatment they need help
have that one soft okay we got the one interesting reason why this crash
materials for the anode the cathode occurs is we think it has to do with
we're all ready to go now here's here's this electric field now I teach a course
the next challenge we have to treat the in transport and I always teach about
wastewater and get the co D out now advection and diffusion I never teach
there's actually oxygen leakage in here this third term because there's no
and some of that oxygen is leaking in electric fields that I generally worry
and it's being used by microbes that about in nature but here there's an
grow on the cathode so we're actually electric field and what that electric
removing some of this but just feeding field does you stick two electrodes in
microbes air that's not really what we water and ions migrate to those
want to do now some of that oxygen that electrodes okay you have an anode and a
leaks in goes into our circuit but cathode that a that are at different
that's a small percentage less than 10% potentials the the acetate and
about 5% the rest of its going to leak negatively charged things are being
in and could be used by the microbes in pushed to the anode and positively
there although we have a disconnect we charged species to the cathode and that
don't see when we have current we accelerates the flux of organics to this
actually don't see as much being lost to anode and if you make some mathematical
oxygen and so this is the rate that an simplifications here which are only
open circuit reactor would be consuming slightly accurate I massaged it a little
that CO D this is the rate when we have bit but you come up with something that
current so you can see with current we says you know this could have about a
can consume that Co D much faster and factor of 10 impact on the effective
that actually reduces our loss to the diffusion coefficients in these
background processes as well so we can electrical fields and so when they they
remove the CO D we can take it away from run out of food the electrical field
the aerobic microorganisms and we can starts to collapse as the electrical
make electricity and the faster we make field starts to collapse you don't drive
electricity the better off we are so food to the electrodes and it all just
stops and so this process becomes the second one and then out goes into
something like a trickling filter you this first one to the second one and
can remove C OD down to about 100 and if then out and then into the afm be our a
you let it go even after you don't for our for our HRT and these two and
generate electricity it kind of gets only a one-hour HRT hydraulic retention
down to about 30 or 40 milligrams per time and that reactor and what you can
liter but that's it and that's not see is that we could produce an effluent
enough still to discharge it with these two reactors of less than
so we originally thought well what we do twenty milligrams per liter in total
with trickling filters to make them work solids less than a milligram per liter
like activated sludge as we we put on because it's been filtered and we don't
the solids contact process and it works need a clarifier so we produces
as well as activated sludge and we could high-quality effluent suitable for water
do that to a microbial fuel cell put on reuse we removed about half of the co D
the solids contact it's basically in these MFCs and the rest in the AFM BR
settling out solids and and sending them and the amount of electricity we
in a loop to contact with the liquid or produced in the MFCs was about equal to
we could hope that something else gets the electricity consumed in the AFM BR
invented and this guy at Stanford Perry the fouling we got a little bit of
McCarty who has retired still works and fouling this is how much back a sort of
unfortunately still comes up with great pressure took to pull to put across that
ideas because it's just not fair to the membrane we got a little rise quickly
rest of us I mean why this guy can but even over a couple of months very
retire and still come up with great little change in the transmembrane
ideas he came up with this thing called pressure and Perry McCarty has told us
the anaerobic membrane fluidized bed they've run their reactors for two years
reactor and what that is is a way to without having to chemically clean that
polish the effluent from his process but membrane which is amazing because a lot
we looked at it to polish the effluent of these reactors need chemical cleaning
from our MFC and here's how the AFM BR after just a few weeks to a couple of
works it's really a lot of hollow fiber months we're continuing to go on in
membranes with some activated carbon you these designs and I'll go through this
can see the tube here and you're pulling really quickly just to give you a sense
the waste water you pump it in here and of what it looks like
you pull it through these fibers you can this was brushes very close to cathodes
see these activated carbon particles with separators this is having more
bashing up against these hollow fibers cathode per brush we found that
and when they do that they help to scour independent of how we set this up the
the membrane and so what you can do is actual variable that we needed was the
drop down the co d that's very little hydraulic retention time the co D
organic matter now here it's absorbed to removal in this is really set by the HRT
the to the activated carbon it's being in these systems this to cathode setup
degraded the activated carbon is actually produces more electrical power
smashing against the fibers it's but in terms of wastewater treatment
preventing fouling and you can treat the it's about HRT it's about the hydraulic
wastewater and remove the co D so that retention time in that system that's the
was our thought we set up some MFCs to predominant variable so now we've looked
test this I won't go really into the at our generation to generation one
details of this other than to say some would be that three electrode reactor
had a protective cloth separator over generation two
the cathode to try and keep it from you can see banks now of these anodes
fouling the other one didn't and the one and a bank of a cathode so the idea is
that had the separators after five you have a module of anodes a cathode
months was working much better than the module there's one cathode on this side
ones that didn't have that cloth so we one cathode on that side another round
learned we need to keep something on of anodes the ideas you drop these
that cathode to try and keep back modules of anodes and cathodes into the
biological growth right on that cathode reactor and when you do that you can
but with this setup so we have to train start to do something really interesting
of MFCs so it goes into this one into this is a reactor that's you know you
can see is not very big you know it's different than some of those and Fong
the size of a couple of books you could Jeong who just recently left my lab said
take this out to a remote area and find I think I have this idea and of course
a source of waste water and then with didn't happen that fast but I like to
that you could wait for it charge your oversimplify here but she came back says
cell phone and so a lot of places that I think I can get 115 watts per square
need Sanitation also needs cell phone meter I said ok I'm listening
chargers so we are working on that and she got up to 240 watts per square
concept we are this is a sort of the meter of electrode and it's based on an
generation 3 now this is multiple anodes idea of distilling ammonia out of water
and multiple cathodes so kind of stay and REE injecting it into this system so
tuned for that we're actually running the idea is to take waste heat and use
this at a wastewater treatment plant it as a simple distillation process you
because we pump it right from the plant make some solutions this side has no
into our reactor now I have my ammonia that size has ammonia you create
two-minute end and and I'll finish up a battery you discharge it at that power
almost on time you never thought density when it stops you take the
somebody could get through 77 slides in ammonia out and you put it in the other
50 minutes did you I might have gone a side and so that's that's kind of the
little quickly so I just you know 10 newest crazy and wild idea so if you
years ago people said you're crazy this want to invite me back for seminar in
sounds crazy you know what are you doing ten years I'll tell you how it worked
and and I said oh we're gonna have some out so conclusions we have these
fun with this and I want to tell you fascinating microorganisms out there
something else we're having fun with and that I that we're really enjoying
that's salinity gradient energy wherever studying we're understanding a lot about
the ocean wherever freshwater flows into the elect
the ocean the energy that's dissipated Jen's we don't probably know nearly
is like energy equivalent to that fresh enough about the electro tropes but we
water going over a dam 250 meters high know we can use these electric Jen's and
that's the Hoover Dam and we can also microbes to accomplish wastewater
generate treatment at least generate electricity
salinity gradients at industrial sites with inexpensive materials and then if
we can use things like ammonium we give them a little help with this
bicarbonate which you can distill out of post treatment process an AFM BR or
water at 50 60 degrees C and create other technology certainly would work as
salty solutions and so the technologies well we can treat the wastewater so
to do this the best one is pressure we're at this final stage you know of
retarded osmosis we've been playing MFCs you know it's a it's been well
around with reverse electrodialysis a people say that every new technology
lot there's a new technology was goes through this these three stages the
invented just a few years ago called first stage is it can't be done so ten
capacitive mixing which is the opposite years ago when I wrote a proposal to NSF
of capacitive deionization and I won't and I said I'd like to turn a wastewater
go into that another one we came up with treatment plant into a power plant they
hydrogel expansion but this is the one I said it can't be done and they rejected
wanted to do one slide on because all my proposal but they did give me a
these are being looked at to capture the little bit of money and and they said
salinity gradient energy and the fact is well you got to prove you can do it
is that most of these are only producing okay so we went and we showed yes we can
about one to at most a few watts per make electricity from wastewater and
square meter of electrode one watt then that you get that second stage of
that's like a Christmas tree light bulb the idea well okay it's possible but
per square meter square meter of a love it's it's too expensive it's just it's
electrode or square meter of membrane never gonna work
the membrane cost one hundred a thousand too expensive nefi own platinum well not
dollars a square meter you can't have gonna work and then you go and you build
one watt per membrane area doesn't work these reactors and you start charging
so we work we tried to come up with an cell phones and you know everybody says
idea that might be a little bit oh yeah I said it was a good idea all
along I wasn't one of those naysayers oh out for two years but the signs are that
no and in in water technologies we've we've had more citations per paper in
had a few examples are Oh membranes for the past year than esnt has so keep our
water desalination you want to fingers crossed and with that say thank
desalinate water with a membrane are you you and if you have time to be happy
crazy answer any questions you see people
that'll never work they're way too upstream basically defecating in the
expensive or MBRs you want to stick a river you have all manner of of garbage
membrane in a tank of wastewater are you floating past you some of those
crazy that's a stupidest I mean I I said mattresses sometimes dead rats
it was a good idea all along
maybe MFCs are the next one there are
some companies trying to do that there
too that got out early here are some
companies trying to play catch-up and
haven't heard much out of these guys in
a while and I want to acknowledge my
research group I've tried to get him to
smile they wouldn't smile I said okay
wave at me
they all smiled look at that think you
know pretty good so they're waving at you
thank my sponsor my current sponsors
syrup that's environmental restorations
through Department of Defense I actually
have some funding for the methanogens
work through Stanford money through NREL
and do II and just recently on these
thermal batteries NSF my collaborators
around the world who are also working to
develop these technology at cows who's
funded a lot of work for me at in
Belgium at Newcastle and in China you
know this has been a very large and
collaborative effort now I couldn't come
here without putting in at least the
last minute plug for yes and tea letters
I'm the editor well officially the
deputy editor of esnt letters it's meant
to be a very rapid turnaround format for
shorter papers so the limit is three
thousand words if you submit it for a
regular research paper five thousand for
a short review you typically will get
your reviews back in two weeks and you
will get that back with a notification
of except minor revision or reject and
if it's rejected you can be allowed to
resubmit at your leisure or not but the
average time to publication is about a
little over a month so it's a very rapid
publication form any tenure-track
faculty going up for tenure thinking
they need to get some publications that
out fast might rethink this journal and
of course establish a earlier in your
career a shorter timeline but we've been
very pleased with the papers we
published we are we don't know what the
impact factor is because you have to be

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