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LACERATION – large laceration can be VAGINAL Laceration – easier to locate and *CLASSIFICATION OF PERINEAL

source of infection/hemorrhage assess than cervical because its easier to LACERATION*

Occurs often: -First degree – vaginal mucous membrane
MANAGEMNT – A balloon tapenade may and skin of the perineum to fourchette
1. Difficulty or precipitate birth be effective if surturing doesn’t achieve
-Second degree – vagina, perineal skin,
2. Primigravidas hemostasis
fascia, levator ani muscle and perineal
3. Birth of large infants (>9LB) -An indwelling urinary catheter may be body
placed following the repair because the
4. Use of litothomy position and packing cases such pressure on the -Third degree – entire perineum,
instruments (forceps, vacuum) extending to reach the external sphincter
urethra than can interfere with voiding
of rectum
5Laceration occurs in CERVIX, VAGINA or -Document womans electronic record
PERINEUM -Fourth degree – entire perineum, rectal
when and where packing was place to be
certain to remove after 24-48hrs or before sphincter and some of the mucous
ASSESSSMENT – Anytime a uterus feels membrane of the rectum.
firm but bleeding persist suspect a discharge
laceration. PERINEAL Laceration – More likely to have RETAINED placental Fragments –
Fragments of placenta separate and left
CERVICAL Laceration – found usually on in litothomy position rather than supine
because it increases tension in perineum. stull attached to the uretus
sides of cervix near branches of uterine
artyert. Arterial bleeding is bright red than -Most likely to happen with succenturate
venous blood placenta ( a placenta with accessory lobe)
-Sutured and treated same as episiotomy
-Occurs immediately after detachment of -Placenta accrete (placenta that fuses with
the placenta myometrium because of abnormal
-A diet in high fluid and stool softener is decidua basali layer) may also be retained
MANGAMENT – Surture prescribed for first weeks to prevent
constipation and hard tools -Can be identified with ultrasound exam
-Try to maintain an air of calm and stand
beside the woman at the head -Removing deeply embedded placenta can
-Fourth – degree laceration can lead to
long term dyspareunia, rectal lead to severe postpartal hemorrhage
-Assure her of the babys condition and
inform her longer stay in birthing room incontinence, sexual dissatisfaction they -A bloods serum containing human
usually heal without further complication chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg) hormone
-If cervical laceration appears extensive, its also reveals that part of the placenta is still
necessary to give regional anesthesia to present
relax uterine muscle and prevent pain
ASSESSMENT- If undetected, bleeding may SUBINVOLUTION – Incomplete return of -May feel flunctuant but seepage into area
not be immediate postpartal period the uterus to its pregnant size & shape, at continues and tissue is drawin taut,
4-6 weeks uterus is still enlarged and soft palpates as firm globe and feels tender.
-If fragment is small, bleeding may not be
detected until postpartum day 6-10 -Resulted from small retained placental MANAGEMENT – Report presence of
fragments, mild endometritis or hematoma, its estimated size, degree of
-Notice of abrupt discharge and large accompanying problems like uterine woman discomforts
amount of vaginal bleeding myoma interfering with complete
-Administer mild analgesics for pain relief
-On examination, uterus is found to not contraction
fully contracted MANAGEMENT – Oral administration of -Apply ice pack covered with towel to
prevent thermal injury to the skin
MANAGEMENT- Dilation and curettage methylergonovine, 0.2 mg 4x daily to
(D&C) improve uterine tone and complete -Hematoma is absorbed over next 3-4 days
-Methotrexate to be prescribe to destroy -The woman may have to return birthing
retained fragments -If the uterus feels tender to palpation room to have the site incised and bleeding
suggesting endometritis is present, oral vessels ligated under local anesthesia.
-Observe change from lochia serosa or antibiotic may be prescribed.
alba black to ruba -Assure woman that it will reabsorb over
PERINEAL HEMATOMA – collection of next 6 weeks
- Hysterectomy must be performed to blood in the subcutaneous layer of the
others tissue of the perineum -If episiotomy line was open to drain
hematoma, it may be left open and packed
Most likely to occur after rapid with gauze rather than surtured.
UTERINE INVERSION – Prolapse of the spontaneous birth who have perineal
varicosities. -Record this packing was placed to remove
fundus of the uterus through to cervix so in 24-48hrs
that the uterus turns inside out May seen on the site of
laceration/Episiotomy repair if vein has -Surture line open this way heals by
punctured during surturing tertiary intention on from bottom to top
COAGULATION (DIC) – deficiency in rather than side to side so healing will
clotting caused by vascular injury ASSESSMENT- If woman reports severe occur slowly than usual primary intention
-Associated with premature separation of pain in perineal area or feeling of pressure sutureline.
placenta, missed early miscarriage or fetal between her legs.
-Instruct patient to keep clean and dry and
death in utero -It appears purplish discoloration with use sitz bath once or 2x a day
obvious swelling, it can be small as 2cm or
large as 8cm in diameter.

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