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The hottest news in the country, the most updated events in the past hours,
broadcasting live from the most trusted. The Metro TV, The news is on the go.


MVO : And the now for the headlines

Anchor 1 : Defining an Igneous Rock

Anchor 2 : Identifying what is a Sedimentary Rock

Anchor 1 : Learning about the metamorphic rock

Anchor 2 : And the importance of minerals in the society


Anchor 1 : Good Day Philippines and Good Day Universe, today is the
most beautiful day in the Philippines, Today is Thursday, 30 th
day of September 2021. Here are the most reliable news of the
minute. I’m Bern Bautista
Anchor 2 : And I’m John Lloyd Aleonar. Bringing you the hottest news of
the minute here in the most beautiful news program in the
universe. The Metro TV, The news is on the go!

Anchor 1 : First to the most reliable news of the day. We are going
to define what is an Igneous Rock. Here is Marvilyn
Drio, to tell us more.

Newspresenter 1 : These rocks are formed solidification or cooling of

molten rocks. It classified into extrusive igneous rock
and intrusive igneous rock. As the name suggests
extrusive igneous rock forms above ground while
intrusive igneous rock forms underground. Alternatively,
the cooling can extrusive, where the magma is cooled
very quickly such as during a volcanic eruption. More
information on igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are the
"new kids" in the rock cycle. They're the new rock on the
block, ready to start fresh. The example of a Igneous
rock are the following: Granite, Basalt, Pumice, and
Gabbro. Marvilyn Drio. The Metro TV

Anchor 2 : Now we are going to identify what is a Sedimentary

Rock. Let’s here it from Jaymar Alibango.

Newspresenter 2 : Sedimentary Rocks are produced from fragments or

little bits of other rocks by accumulation, compaction,
and cementation. Rocks are broken into particles by
weathering and erosion. These particles are then
transported by mediums such as air and water and then
deposited elsewhere. Stratification or formation of layers
is common in this type of rock as well as fossils or
remains of organisms that once lived on Earth. As the
sediment piles up it is compressed and heated in the
Earth. Eventually, the high pressures and temperatures
lithify the loose sediment into a sedimentary rock. Here
are some of the examples of a Sedimentary rocks:
Sandstone, Limestone, Shale, and Conglomerate.
Jaymar Alibango, The Metro TV

Anchor 1 : The other news you need to know

Anchor 2 : Learning about the metamorphic rock

Anchor 1 : And the importance of minerals in the society

Anchor 2 : Metro TV will be right back after this short break.


Kera : Good Afternoon class, welcome to our virtual class for today! I
hope everyone is doing great today! Now before we formally
start our lesson, let’s test your memory by reciting the definition
of a mineral and 2 of its physical properties. Ken, you may start.
Ken : A mineral is a naturally occurring, in-organic solid, with a
specific chemical composition and a definite crystalline
structure. Minerals can be identified by their color, luster,
streak, cleavage, hardness, and even by their chemical
composition. Using these properties is one way a Geologist
defines and identifies what kind of mineral a specimen is.
Aleck, can you give at least 1 physical property of a mineral?
Aleck : Yes I can. It is called Luster. Luster is the relative differences in
the opacity and transparency of a mineral as light is reflected
on its surface. This describes the 'sparkles' of the mineral
surfaces. The way that a mineral reflects light from its surface is
called luster. There are two types of luster, metallic luster and
nonmetallic luster. John Mark, Can you gave the next physical
property of a mineral?
John Mark : Of course, The next one is streak. Streak is the color of a
mineral when it is broken up and powdered. It refers to the
color of the mineral in powdered form. Streak is most useful in
identifying metallic minerals. The color of the streak is usually
constant for a given species of mineral, even though the
mineral may vary considerably in color as it occurs in the field.
That’s it ma’am!
Kera : Very good class! Since we are running out of time. You may
answer now your module, let’s call it a day. Goodbye class!

Bern : No matter how hard our current situation is, we can

continue to learn and enjoy our learning experience at home.
This break is brought to you by the Department of Education
and this station.

Anchor 1 : Regresamos, welcome back to the Metro TV. And this

time we are going to learn about the metamorphic rocks,
Here is Chloe Nicole Almazan to tell us more.

Newspresenter 3 : Metamorphic Rocks are products of metamorphism or

change in the physical and chemical properties of rocks
because of chemically active fluids, pressure, or heat.
Regional Metamorphism occurs when the transformation
is caused by pressure while Contact metamorphism is
caused mainly by heat. This alters the chemical and
structural makeup of the minerals within the rock,
changing it into a new metamorphic rock. If the rock is
heated enough, it fully melts and if cooled would be an
igneous rock. Some of the examples of a Metamorphic
rocks are: Marble, Gneiss, Schist and Slate. Chloe
Nicole Almazan, The Metro TV.

Anchor 2 : And for the last news of the minute. Here are the
importance of minerals in the society. Fhej Magallanes
has the details.

Newspresenter 4 : Mineral resources are essential to our modern industrial

society and they are used everywhere. We need
minerals to make cars, computers, appliances, concrete
roads, houses, tractors, fertilizer, electrical transmission
lines, and jewelry. Minerals are also important for our
body to stay healthy. Our body uses minerals for many
different jobs, including keeping your bones, muscles,
heart, and brain working properly. Minerals are also
important for making enzymes and hormones. There are
two kinds of minerals: macrominerals and trace
minerals. So use minerals with proper care and handle.
Fhej Magallanes, The Metro TV.

Anchor 1 : And that’s the latest news of the minute, I’m are going to
take this time to support the new Miss Universe
Philippines 2021 that is set to be crowned today. She
will represent our country to the 70th Miss Universe
Competition in Eilat, Israel this coming December, so
let’s give her some love. This is Bern Bautista.

Anchor 2 : And this is John Lloyd Aleonar, bringing you the hottest
and most reliable news of the minute. Until the next
news. This the Metro TV. The news is on the go! Good
afternoon to all.


Bringing you the most reliable, most trusted news of the past minute, to give an
important news and information to the people. Creative, Reliable, Educational, Kindness,
and No Bias. That is our mission. This is The Metro TV. All rights reserved. 2021.

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