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Evan C.

Boaloy BSEE 3A

In Class Activity - Formulating Hypothesis

Instructions: Formulate an alternative and null hypothesis from the given

problem below.
1. Problem: The Effect of Temperature of Water on the Dissolving Time of
Ha: water temperature affects dissolving time of sugar

Ho: water temperature has no effect on dissolving time of sugar

If and then: If the temperature of the water is hot, then the dissolving time
of sugar will be fast.

2. Problem: Does the height of a hole punched on the side of the can affect
how far from the container water would spurt when the can is full of water?
Ha: the height of a hole affects the distance of water spurt

Ho: height of a hole does not affect water spurt distance

If and then: If the hole is at the bottom of the can, then the water would
spurt farther when it is full of water.

3. Does the kind of surface affect the height of the ball’s bounce?
Ha: different surface affects the bounce of the ball.

Ho: surface has no effect on ball’s bounce height

If and then: If the surface is smooth, then the ball will bounce higher than
it is when on the rough surface.

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