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SY, Iahna Marselle S. Assignment 1.

2 Scope of Business

MAN 011-BAFM31S1 - Business Research September 6, 2021

Managerial Value of Business Research is the one who modify an information that accelerate a decision
making about strategies and tactics that operates to accomplish an organization strategic goals. It is a
key conceptualization to make a reliable competitive advantage. There are three different types of
business orientations with their signify research focus.

First is Product Oriented Firm, it is a company that generates a goods and services after they investigate
with their target customers. They want to satisfy their customer needs by creating a good and quality
product. They evaluating their nature of market for their specific product.

Second is Production Oriented Firm, it is a company that focuses on the effectivity of the quality of their
product and designate their customers need. Their product is the one who is effortlessly obtainable and
affordable prices. It is also when the consumers do not know what they want. Lastly, Marketing
Oriented Firm it is a externally focused culture and understanding to their customers and also satisfying.
There main focus is how will they value their customers, suppliers, potential customers and competitors.
It is likely to be a profitably efficient and outstanding in their performance.

The research that focuses on the business research are Product Orientation Firm and Production
Orientation Firm. They have a different focuses when it comes to their customers and products but the
main goal is to have a long term success for their businesses and to value their customers.

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