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SY, Iahna Marselle S.

GEE 003-IE22S1 - General Education Elective 3 September 9, 2021

"The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset" by Bill Roche.

Mr. Bill Roche shares a story about they created their own real business journey
with Young Entrepreneurs. He also talks about the achievements of specific students and
shares how a performative experience for one student has been a source of inspiration for him
over the years. Once you set a goal in an entrepreneurial sprit everything starts falling in shape.
The main thing that I’ve learned from this video is you should make your own decisions when it
comes in your self development, it will build up someone potential. Being an entrepreneur is all
about having a good mindset and setting your goals, without having a good mindset it will lose
your commitment. When you’re going to have a own business or work for someone else you
need to have a confidence to solve their problems and share your ideas. Kids at the very young
age should study or an entrepreneurial mindset, it will help them to boost their confidence,
critical thinking and communications to develop.
In today’s generation, Young kids build their own business and create their own products while
at their home, it manifest that kids are experiencing of interacting and make some money. They
encouraging themselves to have an early success in life.

“I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this assignment, and
that this work is my own.”

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