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Julianna Jo C.

Gulle September 26, 2021



1. Explain how the nervous and endocrine systems differ in (a) the rate of their
control, (b) the way in which they communicate with body cells, and (c) the
types of body processes they control.
Both the nervous system and the endocrine system conduct the activities
of the body and its structures in order to achieve and maintain homeostasis.
However, as much as they share similarities, there are also some significant
differences between the two. One manifestation of this is the rate of their control;
the nervous system responds faster than the endocrine system.
Neurotransmitters—the chemical messengers of the nervous system—are
delivered to their target cells in milliseconds, meanwhile hormones—the chemical
messengers of the endocrine system—are delivered to their target cells in
seconds, or even minutes or days before they could generate effects.
Another difference between the two organ systems is the way in which they
communicate with body cells. The nervous system secrets neurotransmitters at
synapses between neurons and the cells they control, and then sends messages
in the form of action potentials along the axons of those neurons. On the other
hand, the endocrine system secretes hormones, which are carried by the
bloodstream to all parts of the body. Cells with receptors for those hormones
respond to them, whereas cells lacking receptors do not. In short, the nervous
system uses neurotransmitters which are directly delivered to their target cells, and
the endocrine system uses hormones that are transported by the bloodstream.
The two organ systems also vary in the body processes they control. The
nervous system controls immediate and short-term processes, in which they
interpret sensory information and then respond to it. In contrast, the endocrine
system controls all body processes from conception through adulthood and into
old age—in short, long-term processes. An example of the nervous system’s body
processes is the stimulation of muscle contraction, whereas an example of the
endocrine system’s body processes is growth and metabolism.

2. The posterior pituitary is not really an endocrine gland. Why not? What is it?
For context, the posterior pituitary is one of the two parts of the pituitary
gland (the other part is the anterior pituitary). During embryonic development, the
posterior pituitary forms from an outgrowth of the inferior part of the brain in the
area of the hypothalamus, therefore this makes the posterior pituitary an extension
of the nervous system. The posterior pituitary is also called neurohypophysis.
This part of the pituitary gland, unlike the anterior pituitary, doesn't produce
hormones, but only stores and releases hormones into the bloodstream produced
by the hypothalamus. The neurohormones that are released by the posterior
pituitary originate from neurosecretory neurons that have cell bodies located in the
hypothalamus; they pass down the axons of these neurosecretory neurons and
are stored in the posterior pituitary. When action potentials from the hypothalamus
are propagated along the axons to the axon terminals in the posterior pituitary, the
release of neurohormones are then triggered, and then they enter the bloodstream.
This whole process makes the posterior pituitary not just a part of the endocrine
system—but also the nervous system. Therefore, it is a neuroendocrine organ.

3. Explain how calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D are involved in

maintaining blood calcium levels. What happens when too little or too much
parathyroid hormone is secreted?
Calcitonin, a protein hormone synthesized primarily by parafollicular cells or
C cells in the thyroid gland, helps regulate the calcium levels in the body. It fulfills
this by binding to membrane-bound receptors which inhibits osteoclasts, the cells
that break down bone. Consequently, this lengthens the life span of osteoblasts.
This process leads to the decrease in blood calcium and phosphate levels.
Opposing the action of calcitonin, the parathyroid hormone or PTH
increases calcium level in the blood by stimulating bone breakdown, the
osteoclasts’ activity. PTH causes calcium reabsorption in the kidneys, resulting in
less calcium being excreted in the urine. It also boosts active vitamin D enzymatic
synthesis in the kidneys. Calcium is actively absorbed by the epithelial cells of the
small intestine, and active vitamin D is required for the creation of transport
proteins in intestinal cells. PTH stimulates active vitamin D production, which
enhances calcium and phosphate absorption in the intestine, resulting in higher
calcium levels in the blood.
Since the parathyroid hormone helps regulate calcium levels in the blood,
any abnormal activity that involves it brings an impact to the calcium maintenance.
If too little of parathyroid hormone is secreted, hypoparathyroidism occurs which
leads to decreased blood levels of calcium or hypocalcemia. If too much of
parathyroid hormone is secreted, hyperparathyroidism occurs which leads to
calcium levels rising or hypercalcemia. Additionally, there are two types of
hyperparathyroidism: primary and secondary. Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs
when the body produces an excess amount of PTH due to hyperactivity of one or
more of the parathyroid glands, while secondary hyperparathyroidism occurs when
a disease outside of the parathyroid glands causes the parathyroid glands to
become hyperactive.

Jessica. (2021). Hyperparathyroidism vs. Hyperthyroidism.

Norman, J. (2018). Hypoparathyroidism.

Vanputte, C., Regan, J., & Russo, A. (2019). Seeley’s Essentials of Anatomy and
Physiology (10th ed.). Anatomy and Physiology. (Book)

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