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2nd period Due: Wednesday, September, 22

Braiden Doyle 7th grade

Book: The lottery by Shirley Jackson
Characterization Chart

Characterization is the way an author develops characters in a story. Sometimes

authors use direct characterization, where they directly tell the reader what a
character is like. Other times they use indirect characterization, where they give the
reader hints or clues about a character through the way the character acts in different

Directions: Complete the following graphic organizer by recording examples from the
text and then record what can be inferred about the character based on the example.

Characterization Example from text What can be inferred from

method the example?

"Tessie," Mr. Summers said. You can infer from this example that Mrs.
She hesitated for a minute, Hutchinson was fearful of the lottery, and
looking around defiantly. and
Character’s then set her lips and went up
was hesitant to draw because her husband
bill won the other half and now it was just
actions to the box. She snatched a his family drawing for the last half of the
paper out and held it behind lottery, her chance of winning the lottery
her." Pg 6 of The lottery was increased, and so was her fear of
drawing the card with the black dot.

You can infer from this example that

"Mrs. Hutchinson came Mrs. Hutchinson was in a hurry, I
hurriedly along the path to the know this because the text states that

Character’s square, her sweater thrown " Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly
over her shoulders and slid along the path to the square, her
appearance into place in the back of the sweater thrown over her shoulders, "
crowd." Pg 2 of The lottery which means that she was in a hurry.
She had her sweater over her
shoulders so i can infer that she is not

neatley dressed in this paragraph.

"Clean forgot what day it was," she said to You can infer from this example that
Mrs. Delacroix, who stood next to her, and Mrs. Hutchinson was late and forgot what
day the lottery was, you can also infer that
Character’s they both laughed softly. "Thought my old
she has a sense of humor about her conflict
man was out back stacking wood," Mrs.
conflicts Hutchinson went on. "and then I looked out and that she has a popular appearance to the
the window and the kids were gone, and then townspeople. She is very good-natured
I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and about her mishappening with the time and
came a-running." Pg 2 of The lottery doesn't think anything about it.

Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr.

Summers. "You didn't give him time
Character’s enough to take any paper he wanted.
I saw you. It wasn't fair!"
Characterization Example from text What can be inferred from
method the example?





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