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Theoretical Framework

The study will be anchored on Spolsky’s Theory of language policy. His theory is encompassed
by three assumptions which must be tested and adapted. The first assumption is that language
policy is a social phenomenon constructed in a variety of domains, including homes and
schools. A second assumption assumes the presence of three separate but interrelated
components: beliefs, practices, and management. The third assumption focuses on the
influence of internal and external forces on language choice. Spolsky (2011) suggested that
these may come from within or outside of the domain and may be language-related or not.
Teachers who handle MTB-MLE should be aware of what is to be adapted as the mother
tongue of the students. It entails a lot of dedication and commitment for a teacher to implement
the said policy.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


According to the official language policy of the 1987 Educational Act (revised in 2004), children
in Grades 1-3 were to be instructed in their first language, while those in Grade 4 onwards are
set to be instructed using a second language which is English.

Many studies have already revealed that teaching using the mother tongue in the early grades
enhances children’s ability to learn better compared to the use of a second or foreign language
(UNESCO, 2003).

Dr. Jessica Ball of the University of Victoria, Canada states that, “One way to attain equity in
education, opportunities and education for all, as well as to counter linguistic and cultural loss is
to deliver early childhood education and primary education through mother-tongue or the dialect
use at home. Children who come to school with a solid foundation in their mother tongue
develop stronger literacy abilities in the school language.

As provided by DO No. 16, s.2012, along with the new educational system, the Mother Tongue-
Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) has started its implementation in school year 2012-
2013 in all public schools from kindergarten to grade three. Years have passed and we are still
on the verge of weighing the pros and cons of MTB-MLE.

Lartec et al. (2014), on their study on the use of mother tongue in teaching in a multilingual
setting affects the way pupils learn.

According to Gorio et al. (2014) the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) in
the Philippines has already materialized for already three years, and with this advent of a new
language policy is also a coming of different issues affecting its implementation.


Research Design

This study will utilize a qualitative research methodology, particularly interview method. More
specifically this research will utilize the descriptive phenomenological analysis of the lived
experiences of the teachers in their own perspective. Reliability and validity will be
accomplished through audio recording, bracketing, and member checking. Phenomenology is
founded on the concept that through inquiry, one may move past awareness of things,
experiences or understandings to arrive at the very essence of the thing itself or the
phenomenon. This will employ a method of inquiry because this research approach will
originate from the internal perspective of the participant and not from an external point of view.
Although the researcher will have a drafted list of possible interview questions, the participants’
responses will determine probing of follow-up questions (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007).

Research Environment

Research Respondents

For the selection of the respondent, purposive sampling technique will be employed. As defined
by Palys (2008), purposive sampling signifies that one sees sampling as a series of strategic
choices about with whom, where, and how one does one’s research. The respondents of the
study will be teachers handling MTB-MLE subjects.

Research Instruments

The face-to-face interview with the respondents will be conducted that would capture their lived
experiences as teachers handling MTB-MLE subjects with the use of an interview guide.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will prepare an official communication address to the District Supervisor
requesting the approval of the study. The actual data gathering will be conducted after obtaining
the approval from the District Supervisor. To collect primary data, the researcher will conduct
interview with the teachers handling MTB-MLE subjects that will last between 30-45 minutes.
Data Analysis (Treatment of Data)

Data will be analysed using Colaizzi’s (1978) method for qualitative data analysis. Colaizzi’s
method established a strict procedure to follow which resulted in uncovering the meaning
contained in the qualitative data. This method will outline in a series of steps: the texts will be
read and re-read, and words, phrases and fragments about how the informant experienced the
topic will be listed to create a non-repetitive, non-overlapping list of statements (categories);
the statements will be grouped into meaning units (sub-themes); the researcher will reflect on
his own descriptions to group the meaning units by varying frames of reference to construct a
description of how the phenomenon will be experienced (major themes); the researcher will
then construct an overall description of the essence of the phenomenon.

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