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Imagine you attended a wedding ceremony.

Describe what you saw, what happened and how you felt on that day.

The day that I always waiting for was finally came, the day of my best
friend’s wedding, Jason. It was a shiny bright morning with birds chirping in
front of my window. Waking up from a refreshing sleep, I went to the down
floor and took a few sips of rich aroma black roasted coffee that was
brewed by my beautiful charming lovely mother. After taking off my
pajamas and hitting the shower, I suited up my black and white suit that
had been ironed by my mother last night.

Ready to take off, I went to my new, shiny, luxurious Mercedes car,

and drove it to my girlfriend’s house, Rosy to take her to the wedding.
Driving to her house, I listened to some of the romantic songs to get the
vibe. As soon as I arrived in front of her house, my heart stopped for a beat
or two, I cannot believe what I had saw, she looked very stunning with her
white as snow ball grown and her dazzling smile glued on her face. The
face was clearly showed that she was very delighted to attend the wedding.
Opening up the side door for my queen, she sat besides me on the
passenger seat. As soon as her sat beside me, the wind from the air
conditioner spread her sweet-scented perfume that was very alluring

I drove to the Zenith Hotel as the wedding was held there. Arriving
there, I was looking for a vent to park my car. As soon as I stepped out
from my car and gave the key to the vent, I could see many people with
gorgeous dresses and suits were having fun and chit chat with each other
before the bride and groom arrived in the hall. Rosy and I went to Faris’s
parents to have a little chat with them. I went to pick up a couple of drinks
for Rosy and I. After having a little chat with Faris’s parents. We met up
with some of our old schoolmates. It was very nostalgic to gather all along
with each other.
Out of the blue, ‘bang’ a sudden short noise of an explosion came up
from the side of the Hotel and a loud noise of scream echoed after that.
Everyone in the hall got down on the floor and covered their ears as soon
as the noise came up. Silence hung in the air for a moment, everyone was
in a confusion on what was going on. I had been told that the side of the
hotel was where the bride and groom were prepared. Many of Jason’s
friends and family were rushing towards the noise.

As soon as I arrived at the side of the hotel, I was stuck dumb for a
moment as all I could see was many glitters, confetti and sparklers were on
the floor. Apparently, the sound of the explosion was actually from the
confetti poppers that was accidentally popped by Faris as he was playing
with the it while waiting for his wife to be make up. Everyone was in relief.
Jason who is always with his innocent face, chuckled and scratched his
head. Everyone went back to the hall, getting prepared for them to be

‘Perfect by Ed Sheeran’ song played as soon as the bridal started to

entry the hall. Jason’s parents were proud of him. Walking with confidence,
holding the braid’s hand, Maryam along the walk-through. A judge had
been chosen to be the celebrant for the wedding, with the power of the
judge, both of them are officially married. As a tradition, Mariam took a
bouquet of lavenders and tossed them to the guests. All of a sudden, my
girlfriend, Rosy managed to catch it. I was very shocked at the moment as
it could be us that maybe be married after this. The wedding ceremony was
a really big fun for me as I could see my friend is married and I could learn
from the experience to have the vision for my wedding after this.

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