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1. Find words or phrases in the passage with these meanings. The numbers in Brackets refer to
a. jobs that need a lot of education and training (2) - Professionals
b. had a strong desire to (1) - Determined
c. effort to stop or prevent something happening (1) - Opposition
d. the people who control something, e.g., an organization, government, etc. (2) - Authorities
e. to upset someone or hurt his/her feelings (2) - Dismay
f. a plan intended to benefit those who made the plan (2) - Expedient
g. getting someone else to decide (2) - Turning the decision
h. rejected (2) - Turned down
i. be proud that (2) - Boast
j. really/sincerely (2) - Genuinely
k. in support (2) - Vote in favor
l. approved without anyone disagreeing (2) – Admit

2. Complete the sentences by matching the words in box A and in box B. The numbers in brackets refer
to paragraphs.
a. An influential doctor (2) is… one who has power and importance.
b. The student body (2) is… all the student members of a school or college.
c. Notification (3) means… news or information.
d. A nerve-racking (4) situation is… one that worries or frightens you.
e. Formally introduce (4) means… to introduce someone in a serious or official manner.
f. Boisterous and riotous (4) means… noisy and disorderly.
g. To be indicted (4) means… to have legal action taken against a person or organization.
h. A diffident (5) person means… one who is not confident or is shy.
i. A bedlam (5) means… a very noisy place; like a madhouse.
j. Silence prevailed (5) means… silence spread through the room.

There was a time when women not allowed to become doctors. People thought
women were not so strong that could bear the stress to become a doctor or carry out their
duties as a doctor. Like many other professions, the profession of a doctor was limited and
was related to man only.
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first lucky American lady, who got the admission in a
medical college. An influential doctor recommended her for the admission. The
administration of the college did not refuse the doctor but they also did not want a female in
their college. They decided to put the matter before the students, hoping that her admission
will be refused.
When the students meeting was called and the matter was put before them, many of
them thought it would be amusing to be the only medical college in the country where a
woman doctor had been trained, some students believed that woman should be treated
equally. So the vote in favor was carried and the college authorities gave permission to admit
Elizabeth in the medical college.
Elizabeth got the acceptance letter and she proceeded to Geneva college. The dean
introduced her to all the students in her class. The male students were rude but after the
admission of her the whole situation was changed. Hence, the presence of a lady proved to
be beneficial in the discipline of the medical college.
Now a days women are working side by side of the men they are play an ever
increasing role in all kinds of careers and professions.



1. (D) Advocate for

2. (D) Matter
3. (C) Tenant
4. (B) Fee
5. (C) Arbitrate
6. (D) Equal
7. (C) Relocating
8. (C) Intellectual
9. (B) Consultation
10. (A) Suffered

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