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Directions: Follow the
instructions in each test.
Answer legibly and
silently. Write the letter
of the correct answer.
1. What does Philosophy
give us?

A. a broad perspective on life.

B. a broad shoulder on life.
C. a broad topic on life.
D. a broad life.
2. Who among the following students may have
already developed a broader philosophical

A. Mara, who regularly monitors the emotional well-

being of her classmates
B. Sansa, who always listens to all sides of the
argument before giving any advice
C. Theon, who consistently chats with her classmates
about their hobbies and perspectives in life
D. Trish, who is a loner, but a keen observer
3. Which trait of the human person is
described as having a clear perception of
the “self” that includes his/ her thoughts,
emotions, identity, and action?

A. Self- confidence
B. Self- determination
C. Self- awareness
D. Self - love
4. The following are
characteristics of an opinion

A. A belief.
B. Based on facts.
C. Not necessarily based in truth.
D. An assumption or judgment.
5. Read and analyze the situation, evaluate how you will impose limits
of the situation for possible transcendence.
Philo used to come to church to hear mass. One day, while walking
down the street, he found a bag of money which perhaps accidentally
fell by a stranger. If you were Philo, what would you do with the money
even if your family needs it for the gallbladder operation of your father?

A. You will spend the money for the operation of your father, and ask
God’s forgiveness for repentance.
B. You will give some portion of the money to the church and spend the
remaining money for the operation.
C. You will tell your parents and ask them what will you do with the bag
of money.
D. You will report it to the police and surrender the money to the
rightful owner.
6. How does embodiment affect the human

A . It disables a person to do and experience all

things that make human person.
B. It enables you to unfelt love and offended
C. It allows a human person to form an intimate
relationship with those outside him/her.
D. Both A & B
7.Which of the following
statements is an opinion?

A. Jesus was from Nazareth.

B. Jesus has 13 disciples
C. Jesus died at 33
D. Jesus is son of Mary
8. An honor student got a failing grade in Philosophy
because of his midterm examination result. He feels nervous
if his parents will see his failing grade in the report card.
What possible thing he will do to surpass this situation?

A. He will ignore his parents’ reactions and plead for

B. He will seek advice to his teacher and give him a chance
on how will get a passing grade.
C. He will promise to his teacher to study next time, to give
him a passing grade.
D. He will give an expensive gift to his teacher.
9.In Leo Tolstoy’s eastern fable, The
Traveler, what does the drip of honey
symbolism mean?

A. The things we want to achieve in life

B. The good things in life despite the
certainty of death.
C. Night and day.
D. It represents death.
10. In the Phenomenological Notion of
death, we learned that we should try to
live the best life that we can for we never
know the day of our end. What is the
implication of this idea?

A. Death is certain
B. Death is indefinite
C. Death is one’s property
D. Death is non-relational
11.Sarah is a successful doctor who is terminally ill lying
in a hospital bed. Thinking about her impending death,
she realized that she hasn't really lived her life
because being a doctor was not really her choice in the
first place. What is the implication of this situation?

A. She regrets being a doctor despite the success she has

B. We can always say there is still time.
C. We waste our lives by living the life we do not want.
D. Death is the surest thing in the world.
12. Which of the following statements is

A. Death is impending
B. Immortality cannot be achieved by
C. Death is unexpected.
D. We can always design how we will die.
13. According to Martin Heidegger, what would an
authentic person do in the remaining time of his/her

A. Say what you want to say that you are prohibited to

talk about.
B. Avenge the lives of those who are destitute the most.
C. Make the most out of life by doing meaningful things.
D. Savor all the food and the things you have been
deprived of.
14. Katniss loves to play with her friends every
afternoon. She loves running, jumping , and
strolling in the park; but one day her Nanny locked
the door and did not allow her to play outside.
What kind of freedom was restricted from her ?

A. Physical Freedom
B. Psychological Freedom
C. Mental Freedom
D. Moral Freedom
15.Which of the following displays “Seeming”?

A. Someone never giving up on his goals in life.

B. Someone taking care of his lola at home.
C. Someone who behaves with family but
boisterous with close friends.
D. Someone spending his vacant hours tutoring
her siblings instead of relaxing.
16.In the eastern fable, the traveler, by Leo
Tolstoy, A man was stuck in the middle of the
well. Above him are beasts ready to devour him
and below is a fierce dragon waiting to swallow
him. What inference can we arrive at in this

A. Life is short
B. Death is everywhere.
C. Live life to the fullest.
D. Death can be reversible.
17.According to Soren Kierkegaard, we must avoid the
crowd - most of the society which we think should
be the pattern of our lives. What conclusion can we
reflect in Kierkegaard’s philosophy?

A. To live an authentic life is to avoid fear and choose

freely what we want to do in life.
B. To follow what the society is influencing us.
C. An authentic life is being someone else’s successful
D. Being part of society means that we must always
rely on the community’s suggestions, and practices.
18.Which of the following statements shows
the characteristic of availability?

A. Ability to share emotion.

B. Take responsibility for the consequences
of your decision.
C. Ability to act out his/ her free will.
D. The willingness to be present and be at
the disposal of the other.
19. Shihtzy meets a person whom she first
met as her blind date, in a restaurant. What
would their conversation be most likely

A. Personal problems
B. Life goals and dreams
C. Current events
D. Moral dilemmas
20. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE
about transactional interaction?

A. The person is “used” as a means to help attain

his goals or succeed in his plans.
B. The atmosphere is competitive.
C. The focus is preservation and development of
the mutual regard for each other.
D. Personal matters are placed aside in the
21.This states that a person is free to perform
actions that he or she considers right and
wise, this is innate and cannot be denied,
he/she is free to act and not to act.

A. Moral Freedom
B. Emotional Freedom
C. Physical Freedom
D. Psychological Freedom
22. This refers to the ability to choose things
according to our moral reasoning, which can also
be related to our previous lesson or self-
determination or the ability to select on what is
right and wrong .

A. Physical Freedom
B. Free will
C. Voluntariness
D. Availability
23. All of the following characteristics are changes that occurred
in industrialized societies except...

A. Innovations in transportation, including the creation of

automobiles, the train, and steamship that allowed people and
goods to travel longer distances.
B. The development of mass forms of communication, increased
job specialization, and the ability to harness electricity.
C. Since fewer people were needed to cultivate food, urban
societies were developed. For the first time, more people lived
in or near major cities than in farming areas.
D. The development of towns, then cities.
24. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Socialization plays no part in personality formation

in individuals.
B. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally
homogenous usually have unanimous agreement about
should be the shared norms.
C. Successful socialization can result in uniformity
within a society.
D. b and c
25. Social change is best defined as
the transformation of over time.

A. culture and social institutions

B. religion and politics
C. families and small towns
D. the economy and society
26. Mary is deciding what course to pursue in
college; but before making a decision, she took
some time to reflect and consider the effects to
make the proper choices. What did Mary apply?

A. Responsibility
B. Self -reflection
C. Self - awareness
D. Self - consciousness
27. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Unlike other animals, human infants are

born with a culture.
B. Human infants come into the world ready to
learn a culture but are not born with one.
C. Socialization is another word for
D. b and c
28. Indigenous people have their own culture that
others do not understand but some people make fun of
them. How can you show that you appreciate the
Indigenous people?

A. By respecting the Indigenous culture and its people

B. By fighting those people who make fun of Indigenous
C. By cursing and making fun of their culture and their
D. By learning how to interact with Indigenous people.
29. Among the statements below, what best
describes intersubjectivity?

A. Intersubjectivity is about how humans treat

B. It is a state of sharing of subjective states by
two or more individuals.
C. It is about how we judge other people.
D. We treat others as objects in intersubjective
30. Which statement is incorrect about

A. Love is an important aspect in

intersubjective relationships.
B. We cannot help but be sensitive to the
existence of the other.
C. We can put ourselves in the shoes of others.
D. I can disregard others as much as I want.
31. Instead of showing mercy, many people
make fun of persons with disabilities. What
can you do to make things better?

A. Fight those people who make fun of PWDs.

B. Follow the crowd and laugh at PWDs.
C. Just ignore it and it will pass.
D. Advocate the PWDs and orient people
about disabilities.
32. Many say that poor people are poor because of
their mentalities. Do you agree with this?

A. No, because being poor does not measure a

person’s intelligence.
B. Yes, because poor people can’t afford to go to
C. Yes, because they chose this kind of life, it means
they are not smart.
D. No, because not all people remained poor, some
of them prospered in life.
33. This refers to the ability to make
choices and perform actions. It is an
intrinsic and essential property of the
human person.

A. Freedom
B. Free Will
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
34. A type of freedom from
physical restraint.

A. Moral freedom
B. Physical freedom
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
35. This is the kind of freedom which
allows a person to perform actions which
he or she considers right and wise.

A. Freedom of choosing
B. Voluntarism
C. Psychological freedom
D. Moral Freedom
36. It is the ability to act out one’s
free will and self-determination.

A. Volunteerism
B. Responsibility
C. Psychological freedom
D. Voluntarism
37. This means that a person is being
accountable for his or her actions and
their consequences.

A. Responsibly
B. Responsibility
C. Irresponsibleness
D. Voluntarism
38. What was inspired by the culture
and ideas of the Ancient Greek

A. The Renaissance
B. The Enlightenment
C. The Dark Ages
D. The Age of Imperialism
39. According to Plato, what are 'innate ideas’?

A. The concepts that are present in our minds at

B. The concepts that are developed in our minds
during our childhood.
C. The concepts that stay in our mind until we get
D. The concepts that are temporary instead of
permanent in our minds.
40.Which of the following statements represents the
Essentialism ideology?

A. Boys and girls are born with thoughts that make them
men and women respectively.
B. Both girls and boys can develop different thoughts that
are not necessarily related to the idea of men and women
in society.
C. The perspective of 'masculine' or 'feminine' behaviors is
totally made by society.
D. The thoughts that define babies change depending on
the country where they were born.
41. Which of the following works were written by
Jean Paul Sartre?

A. 'Existentialism and Humanism' and 'Being and

B. 'The Second Sex' and 'Memoirs of a Dutiful
C. 'Philosophy and Feminist Thinking' and 'Feminist
D. 'The Concept of Minds' and 'Dilemmas'
42. In order to properly function in our
daily lives, we must rely on some of our
beliefs. This description corresponds to_.

A. Hume's approach to skepticism

B. Descartes' approach to awareness
C. Kant's approach to understanding
D. Leibniz's approach to mind
43. Which political philosophy advocated for a
revolution that results in the seizure of property
from the wealthy as well as the abolishment of
private property rights and class distinction?

A. Marxism
B. Neo-Republicanism
C. Libertarianism
D. Capitalism
44.Death was simply equated to the
stopping of heartbeat and breathing.
This meaning is meaning of death.

A. Dictionary
B. Legal
C. Traditional
D. Webster.
45. According to Aristotle, everything strives
towards the end. What Greek word did he
use to describe the process which means “to
become its essence”?

A. entelechy
B. entilenchy
C. enthelenchy
D. entelency.
46. This method looks at the world or at any object as
a problem, detached from the self and fragment. This
is the foundation of scientific knowledge. Subject does
not enter into the object investigated. The data of
primary reflection lie in the public domain and are
equally available to any qualified observer.

A. first reflection
B. second reflection
C. primary reflection
D. secondary reflection
47. This reflection is concerned not with objects
but with presences. It recaptures the unity of
original experience. It does not go against the date
of primary reflection but goes beyond it by refusing
to accept the data of primary reflection as final.

A. First reflection
B. Second reflection
C. Primary reflection
D. Secondary reflection
48. This pertains to the personal life, and
precisely therein is fulfilled the essence of
humanity created according to the image of

A. eternal life
B. reincarnation
C. death
D. transcendence

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