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Stella Artois In South Africa Case

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Question one

If you are positioning a premium brand or product, you cannot provide too low of a discount

since you will lose the attention of your primary clients. Specifically, Stella Artois was the

preferred beverage of lager loons and bar brawling scoundrels, who were associated with

hooliganism, which was a major problem in English soccer for many years until the advent of

bottled water. As a result, the Stella brand will lose its prestige and will no longer be considered

a luxury brand (p6).

Question two.

The development of the market should serve as a guide for the expansion of a brand or a

category because it demonstrates how consumption patterns differ according to the maturity of

each market and when it is the most advantageous time to introduce a new product, or to develop

an existing product that is already on the market, in order to gain new customers. Additionally,

the social, political, and economic climate of a location has a significant impact on the decisions

that are made. Consumers' attitudes on products and services have changed over time. All of

these factors contribute to the development of the most effective strategy for increasing market


Question three.

This type of campaign may not be the most appropriate for launching a product because they

should concentrate on the target audience, which should be people with high incomes who want

something exclusive, and who want to try something new and premium; therefore, they should

understand why this brand is going to give them this exclusivity feeling, and they should be

aware of the competition. After that, once the brand is established, the water campaign might be

launched in order to attract clients who are interested in water and environmental issues but do

not fall into any of the other types of market segmentation mentioned above (p 8). They should

have waited for the market to mature before launching this ad. I believe that the “water

campaign” in Mexico will be well received, because there are water shortages in many parts of

the nation, and the thought of assisting people with this problem will be too appealing to turn


Question four:

As previously stated, I believe that when introducing a brand into a new market, it is best to

concentrate on the primary target, in this case, the exclusive sector that seeks the feeling of

exclusivity. The water campaign is part of the brand development process in order to introduce

the brand to new customers, but it is only launched once the product has been properly

positioned. is a sensible campaign, and people in South Africa are likely to respond

positively to it. However, it is critical that become active in this country, as it will be

difficult for people to purchase this brand and contribute to the solution of the water crisis to

people in other countries, who have experienced similar problems, before them, when they do



Hennessy, J. (2019). Stella Artois in south Africa: cause marketing and the building of a global

brand 5-418-754.

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