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Bahria University Islamabad Campus

Department of Computer Science

Assign Date: 11-Aug-2021 Assignment # 1 (20 Marks)
BSIT(0) S Course: Software Requirement Engineering

1. Assignment will be only accepted via BU LMS Only
2. Assignment should be in proper format and use 12 fonts for text and 14 for heading in your assignments. Formatting contains 20 % of your total
assignment. So, don’t take this easy. Assignment should be properly justified.
3. There is NO need of Title page please write your name and enrollment number in footer of your assignment
4. Submission File should be renamed to your enrollment number only
5. EXTRA BONUS marks if documents are designed in LATEX
Deadline: 16th Aug 2021 (11:59 PM)

As we discussed the different phases of the Requirement and how important that is for Requirement Engineer to gather the correct
and accurate requirement. In light of our chapter you are advise to solve the following statement by providing any case study you
Task 1: (5 Marks)
Select the appropriate case study and find the following from that case study
1. Identify the requirement by highlighting
2. Convert the identified requirement in Functional and Non Functional Requirements
3. Select the tools which you will use as a Requirement Engineers to extract those requirements
4. Give Comparison of the selected case study with your understanding about the topic.

Task 2 : (5 Marks)
As we discussed the two main issues in RE which are cultural Issues in RE and Socio Cultural issues in RE. You are advised to map these
two issues on your selected case study for better understanding.
The report will be assessed on the following criteria:

Criteria Weighting Details Marks

Report Assessment 10% • Report Formatting /10

• Report formatting

Viva 50% 5 Question will be asked from /10


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