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Academic year: 2022-23

Title of Micro Project:

Program/Code: Computer Engineering (CO 2) Semester: Second
Course/Code: Computer Peripheral and Hardware
Maintenance (22013)
Name of Student: Kenil,Raj,Reyan,Owen Roll No: 551,552,553,554
Aryan,Jash,Naysa,Sanket 555,556,557,558
Abhishek, Neoma. 559,560.
Enrolment No: 2200930179, 2200930180
2200930181, 2200930182
2200930183, 2200930184
2200930185, 2200930186
2200930187, 2200930188.

Name of Faculty: Prof. Anand Aware



This is to certify that Mr. /Ms.…………………………………………………. …

Roll No of Second Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering (CO 2) of

Institute, B.V. POLYTECHNIC (Code: 0093) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily
in Subject – Computer Peripheral and Hardware Maintenance (22013) for the academic
year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Vasai Enrollment No: ……………………………………

Date: ……………………… Exam. Seat No: …………………………………….

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of

Annexure - I

Micro Project Proposal

1.1 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The aim of this micro project is to study Network Layout in detail.
2.1 Course Outcomes integrated:
1. Identify different types of comport systems.
2. Test power supplies.
3. Troubleshoot Peripherals and networks.

3.1 Proposed Methodology:

1. Literature survey.
2. Collect information through different sources about the device.
3. Analysis of data.
4. Compilation of collected data.
5. Preparation of the circuit.
4.0 Action Plan

Sr. Planned Planned Name of

No. Details of the activity Start date Finish date Members
1 Formation of Group & Topic Selection All members
2 Submission of Proposed Plan All members
3 Preparation of Report All members
4 Final valuation of a working Report All members
5 Presentation of Report All members
6 Submission of Final Report All members

5.0 Resource Required:

No. Name of resources/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
1. Processor: Intel
Computer core i5-4150 1
Ram: 4gb
2. Microsoft Word Word -2016
3. Printer Epson l3150 1
Learning Manual of Basic
4. Refer Book science by MSBTE.
Wikipedia, Byjus, Javapoint
5 Sites Used
6.0 Name of Team Members

Sr. Roll No Process and Individual

No. Name of Students Product Presentation Total
assessment (04) (10)
01 551 Kenil Anit Vanjara

02 552 Raj Sandeep Vitmal

03 553 Reyan Rajesh Dabre

04 554 Owen Elvin Gonsalves

05 555 Aryan Mahesh Patil

06 556 Jash Nilesh Raut

07 557 Naysa Albert Gonsalves

08 558 Sanket Santosh Fonda

09 559 Abhishek Suresh Bhujada

10 560 Neoma Milton Dabre

Name & Signature of Faculty: Prof. Anand Aware

Annexure- II
Final Micro Project Report
Title: Network layout

1.1 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

The aim of this micro project is to study Network Layout in detail.
2.1 Course Outcomes Integrated:
1. Identify different types of comport systems.
2. Test power supplies.
3. Troubleshoot Peripherals and networks.

3.1 Actual Procedure Followed.

1 Discussion about topic with guide and among group members 2
Literature survey
3 Information collection
4 Compilation of content
5 Editing and revising content
6 Report Preparation 5.0: Actual Resources Required:

No. Name of resources/Material Specifications Qty Remarks
1. Processor: Intel
Computer core i5-4150. 1
Ram: 4gb
2. Microsoft Word Word -2016
3. Printer Epson l3150 1
Learning Manual of Basic
4. Refer Book science by MSBTE.
Wikipedia, Byjus, Javapoint
5. Sites Used

4.0 Skill Developed/Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

The following skills were developed:

1. Teamwork: Learned to work in a team and boost individual confidence.
2. Problem-Solving: Developed good problem-solving habits.
3. Technical Writing: Preparing the report of the proposed plan and the final report.
Annexure- II
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet
Title: Network Layout
Institute Code: 0093 Academic year: 2022-23
Program: CO-2 Course & Code: Computer Peripheral and
Hardware Maintenance (22013)
Name of Candidate: Roll No:
Semester: Second Name of Faculty: Prof. Anand Aware
Course Outcomes Achieved:

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project:

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Marks Excellent Sub
No. assessed Marks Marks 4-5 6-8 Marks 9-10 Total
(A) Process and product assessment Out Of 6

1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey .
Information Collection

3 Completion of the
Target as per project

4 Analysis of Data and


5 Quality of

6 Report Preparation

(B) Individual Presentation/Viva Out of 4

7 Presentation .

8 Viva

Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Prof. Anand Aware

Weekly Activity Sheet
Topic: Network layout
Institute Code: 0093 Academic year: 2022-23 Program: CO-2 Course &
Code: Computer Peripheral and Hardware Maintenance (22013)
Name of Candidate: Roll No:
Semester: Second Name of Faculty: Prof. Anand Aware


1. 23rd February 1st Discussion and Finalization of Topic

2. 23rd February Literature Review
2nd Week
3. 26th February Submission of Proposed Plan
3rd Week
4 1st march Information Collection
4th Week
5. 3rd march 5th Analysis of Data
6. 6th march 6th Compilation of content
7. 9th march Editing and Revising the Content
7 Week
8. 13th march Report Presentation
8 Week
9. 14th march 9th Report Presentation
10. 10th- 12th Week Presentation

Signature of Student Dated Signature of Faculty



Network Layout 1
Types of Network Topology 2
Several Derivatives of Topology 5
Disadvantages of Star Topology 9

Advantages of Star Topology 9

Peer to Peer Connect Configuration 10
♤Network layout :-
A computer network diagram is a schematic depicting the nodes and connections amongst nodes in a
computer network or, more generally, any telecommunications network. Computer network diagrams
form an important part of network documentation ○ Why network diagram is used?
A network diagram allows a project manager to track each element of a project and quickly share its
status with others. Its other benefits include: Visual representation of progress for stakeholders.
Establishing project workflows.

♧Network topology:-
the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and connections in a network. Nodes usually include
devices such as switches, routers and software with switch and router features. Network topologies
are often represented as a graph. Network topology plays a major role in how a network functions.
Namely, the topology has a direct effect on network functionality. Choosing the right topology can
help increase performance, as a properly chosen and maintained network topology increases energy
efficiency and data transfer rates.
☆Types of Network topology:-


1) Bus:-
A bus network is a network topology in which nodes are directly connected to a common half-duplex
link called a bus. A host on a bus network is called a station. In a bus network, every station will receive
all network traffic, and the traffic generated by each station has equal transmission priority.Bus
topology, also known as line topology, is a type of network topology in which all devices in the network
are connected by one central RJ-45 network cable or coaxial cable. The single cable, where all data is
transmitted between devices, is referred to as the bus, backbone, or trunk.
2) Star :-
Star topology is a type of network topology in which every device in the
network is individually connected to a central node, known as the
switch or hub.Star topologies provide an inherent advantage that a
new site can be added with ease; only the central site will have to be
updated. In star topology, the central site plays an important role; if it
fails, all the connections will go down. Performance of the central hub
dictates the performance of the connection.

3) Ring:-
Ring topology is a type of network topology in which each device is
connected to two other devices on either side via an RJ-45 cable or
coaxial cable. This forms a circular ring of connected devices which
gives it its name. Data is commonly transferred in one direction along
the ring, known as a unidirectional ring.

Several Derivatives of topology:-

♧ Tree :-
In computer networking, tree topology is a type of network topology that resembles a tree. In a tree
topology, there is one central node (the “trunk”), and each node is connected to the central node
through a single path. Nodes can be thought of as branches coming off of the trunk.
A mesh network is a local area network topology in which the infrastructure nodes connect directly,
dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one
another to efficiently route data to and from clients.


A mesh network is a local area network topology in which the infrastructure nodes connect directly,
dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one
another to efficiently route data to and from clients. This lack of dependency on one node allows for
every node to participate in the relay of information. Mesh networks dynamically self-organize and
self-configure, which can reduce installation overhead. The ability to self-configure enables dynamic
distribution of workloads, particularly in the event a few nodes should fail. This in turn contributes to
fault-tolerance and reduced maintenance costs.
☆What are the Characteristics of Star Topology Networking?

● High Speed.

● Flexible.
● Reliable.

● Scalable.

● Ease in troubleshooting.

● Performance.

● Robust In Nature.

1. High Speed:-
It is easy to expand the network without disturbing the whole network
due to hub device network control.It is easier to identify faults, and
removing nodes of Star topology is easy; it provides a high speed of
data transfer.

2. Flexible:-
In Star Topology, if any nodes stop responding or fail, it doesn’t affect
the entire network.It continues to work as before.
3. High Reliable:-
Star Topology node is not directly connected to the other node to
transfer data. To transfer data to other computers or nodes, it uses a
central node called HUB or SWITCH. Therefore it makes data safer in
the star topology network.

4. Highly Scalable:-
If the central node [HUB] has a capacity of 24 ports and we need to
add 50 more nodes, we can connect another central node to our old
node. Therefore, the extra node does not cause any problems or does
not misconfigure the entire network.
5. Easily Troubleshoot :-
In the Star topology, a hub or switch transfers the data from one node
to another node. If one of the nodes is broken or fails, the entire
system doesn’t collapse.

6. Performance:-
In Star Topology Network, the data and information are sent from one
node to another with the help of a central node. This network
attachment with the central node looks like a star design, therefore
commonly called Star Topology Network.

7. Robust in Nature:-
Each port or hub requires one node if the number of ports increases,
so the port or hub increases eventually. Due to the hub device, there
is an ease in fault detection.

☆Disadvantages of Star Topology:-

QHigh cost
QCentral device
QHigh maintenance
QProne to damage
QLow data transfer rates in the wireless system
QImmobile network system
☆Advantages of Star Topology :-
QUser friendly Topology
QCentralized network
QVery reliable
QHighly efficient
QEasily manageable
QNo point-to-point connection
QSafe to use
QMultiple stars can be created to extend the network's reach
☆ Peer to Peer connect configuration:-
In a peer-to-peer network, computers on the network are equal, with
each workstation providing access to resources and data. This is a
simple type of network where computers are able to communicate
with one another and share what is on or attached to their computer
with other users.
♤For Example:-
If User A's PC is connected to a printer that User B wants to access,
User A must set his machine to allow (share) access to the printer.
Similarly, if User B wants to have access to a folder or file, or even a
complete hard drive, on User A's PC, User A must enable file sharing
on his PC. Access to folders and printers on an office P2P network can
be further controlled by assigning passwords to those resources
Here, we conclude our study of Network Layout. We learned it’s
network topology, features, configuration, Advantages etc. This micro-
project helped us gain knowledge and learn info towards this topic. The
project explains how pear to pear connection works and also shows
different type of topologies. Overall, this project helped us to gain
information about Network layout and its types.
Wikipedia -
Byjus -
Wrike -
Chtips -
Javapoint -

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