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2020 /2021 Academic Year



Module Title and Code: Business Communication

03 March 2021 20 credits / 10

Issue Date: Level 6 Credits:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 10th May 2021 17.00hr

Assessment Overview

This module will be assessed in accordance with the module specification:

20-minute individual PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes that are comprehensively
referenced, covering all learning outcomes (100% of overall mark).

This assessment will be marked out of 100 marks.


Note that the assignment outlined in this section assess all of the Learning Outcomes.

20 minutes (4000-word equivalent) PowerPoint with speaker notes

The summative assessment is compulsory. It is a 20-minute individual PowerPoint presentation,

with speaker notes that are comprehensively referenced, covering all learning outcomes.

This assignment has been designed to allow you to develop your knowledge and skills. You will be
required to apply research skills, critical thinking and analytical techniques studied in this module.


You have been appointed as the Corporate Communication Director for an international
organisation in your own country. It is a new function, and your Chief Executive Officer has asked
you to prepare a comprehensive 20-minute presentation to the Board of Directors.

The presentation should contain the following elements:

1) Cover slide
2) Agenda – outline of the talk
3) A brief overview of industry/sector/organisation (5 marks)
4) Explain the emergence and importance of corporate communication (15 marks)
5) Critically evaluate at least two theories/models/concepts and explain their relevance to the

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organisation in the context of corporate communication (15 marks)

6) Discuss potential barriers to the establishment of a corporate communication capability (15
7) Critically evaluate the need for a corporate communications plan integrating communication
messages across the organisation (15 marks)
8) Summary of key points (5 marks)
9) Key recommendations going forward expressed in a SMARTER table (15 marks)
10) Citations/references on slides and reference list in Harvard format (5 marks)

Academic writing, word count, timing, grammar, spelling & presentation. (10 marks)

(100 marks)

PowerPoint Resources:

Microsoft PowerPoint Training
How to Create Great PowerPoint Presentations


1. Critically evaluate the role of business communication using theories, models, concepts,
and techniques,
2. Analyse communication strategies and principles used by businesses to prepare effective
communication for domestic and international business audiences.
3. Examine the impacts of issues and constraints in relation to the use of business information
4. Communicate complex ideas and information effectively.


The student will be judged on:

 Proficiency with which they critically analyse different types of business information, and
their sources.
 Presentation of the synthesis of complex business information using methods appropriate to
the discipline
 How effectively they analyse the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of
business information by organisations
 Their demonstration of analytical skills, and appropriate communication skills.

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Formative Feedback:

You have the opportunity to receive formative feedback on any assignment. Formative
feedback is feedback on an assessment given to a student before final submission and
marking. You may request and receive formative assignment feedback on one draft only
from your module tutor in line with the formative feedback policy and provided it is greater
than one week before the published submission date.

Extension/Late Penalty Information:

In the absence of a prior agreement by the Programme Manager for an extension of time,
any work submitted after the deadline but within 48 hours, will be capped at a pass. Work
submitted after 48 hours will be treated as an automatic refer.

Word Count Information:

 Word Count: The word count will include everything in the body of the text, such as quotations,
citations, footnotes and subheadings. It does not include the assignment title, tables, images,
bibliography, references, appendices or other supplementary material, which does not form an
essential part of the text.
 ‘Footnotes’ encompasses additional explanatory text included at the bottom of a page to
amplify specific sections of text in the main body of the work.
 ‘References’ indicates the systematic referencing of the sources used by the text author,
according to the Harvard (or other) system employed by LGS.
 Penalties: There is an allowance of 10% deviation over the stated maximum word count.
Keeping within the word limit is part of the marking criteria and an excessive word count beyond
the allowed 10% over the limit will be taken into account in marking your work.
 Word Count Declaration: At the end of your assignment you must include the following
declaration: “This work contains [ ] words”. There are penalties for giving a false word
Assessment and Submission Notes:

 Assessment Criteria and Grade Descriptors: These can be found on the MYUNIHUB
 Individual E-submission: Some modules require only one assignment submission and some
more than one. Where there is more than one assignment assessment for a module, that
module will have separate submission boxes for each assignment. Whether there is one
assignment submission or more than one assignment submission for a module, each individual
assignment submission must be submitted into the correct submission box as a SINGLE
PDF document.
 You must put your student ID number (NOT your name) on each assignment and use the
following naming convention when saving and submitting each assignment: student
number_module code_assignment name. Your assessment may not be marked if you fail to
comply with these instructions.
 Group E-submission: Please note that for group assignment submissions the requirements are
the same as above, EXCEPT that groups must choose a member to submit, who submits one

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PDF document for the group using not their student number but the group name (Group 1,
Group 2 etc) and following naming convention: group name _module code assessment
 Authenticity: You will be required to read and agree to an authenticity declaration prior to
submitting your work. Your attention is drawn to the advice and guidelines regarding plagiarism
available on the LGS website. Your work will be analysed by plagiarism detection software.
 Individual: All individual work submitted for assessment must be your own work. You are not
permitted to work with anyone else on individual assessment tasks.
 Group: All group work submitted for assessment must be the group’s own work. Groups are not
permitted to work with other groups or individuals on group assessment tasks.
 Referencing: Your work must be referenced using the Harvard system of referencing.

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