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Rules for TOURNAMENT Mage Duels

By Sang Yup (James) Lee

Hi before we get down to it these rules have been inspired by the amazing 3e MAGIC OF FAERÛN

The battlezone
The mage duel takes place in a spectator friendly zone that enhances viewing prevents any real
damage and replenishes the casters spells once the duel is finished. The arena can take any visual
from plain boring hall to ethereal space to lava spawn volcano.. where someone is bound to have the
higher ground...

Pre duel
The casters are allowed to cast a buff spell upon themselves before the first round of the duel. The
duration of the spell starts when the mageduel starts

The duel
Both combatants must submit a spell list to the dm of spell prepared or spells known as your class

At the beginning of every round you choose the spell you would do in secret and then hand the notes
to the dm. Then initiative is rolled (every round).
Mage Duel Counterspell Mechanics:
The participants all gain a special ability called Counterspell.

● It can be used once per round and uses up ones reaction. In order to counter a spell you
essentially useup the magic of another spell to cancel the incoming spell.

● If the exact spell that was cast is used to counter the spell instead of blocking, it reflects.
○ (i.e. if magic missile is used to power the counter to an incoming magic missile the
countered spell will reflect back at the original attacker)
● If the exact spell is not used a spell from the same level and school should be used, in this
case the caster who is trying to counter the spell needs to roll a spell attack vs the incoming
spell DC on a success it is countered.
○ (E.g. Bob casts magic missile at Ann. Ann uses a lvl 1 evocation spell to attempt to
counter Bob’s magic missile because she has no magic missile. She rolls her spell
attack vs bobs spell save DC. If Ann gets the dc or above the spell fizzles into nothing.
If she fails the dc the MM goes through as normal.).
● If you do not have a spell from the same school as the spell you are trying to counter you
may try to do so anyway, however in this case the roll is made at disadvantage.

DAMAGE, Death, and Points!

Spells in the arena deal no real damage instead point are awarded for certain things. First caster to 3
points (sometimes 5 or 7) wins. Below are what can gain...or loose you a point.

● Any spell that does NOT offer a saving throw to the opponent that hits the opponent and
would have dealt them damage gains you 1 point.
● Any spell that does offer the opponent a saving throw but the opponent misses the save and
suffers the effect also nets you a point.
● At any point in the duel if you lose concentration on a spell VIA OPPONENTS DIRECT CAUSE
you lose a point. You do NOT lose a point if you decide to drop concentration of one spell in
order to cast another one. Note the opponent doesn’t gain a loose 1.
Sundry notes

Although it is called a mage duel it is in fact open to all classes of casters. The school of a spell is
written on each spells description in the PHB.

For the dms this is an excellent way for first time spellcasters to get to know some spellcasting.
Albeit without the made up counter rule.

Feel free to have truly fantastical arena settings.

For more experienced casters who fancy a more challenging and intense spell battle the dm can
simply not state what the school of the spell is and it will be upto the casters knowledge to figure it
out...NOTE a normal mageduel the dm announces the spell schools as they are cast

Have fun and enjoy.

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