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aaa | ) | | | LESS 6 N 4 Good Citizensh p Values and Youth Moral Recovery Program for Nation-building OBJECTIVES reseed eee aE CT ee teeta ee ee > state and explain the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution; SC re een eee te eaeeeT esetethtaattr at aren) CH Ovo scicn Greil emnne restart ter etait meaning and contents. | wsne-cwnsytts: A Source Book | 3rd Edition ‘reresita D. Baltazar, “Good governance is not . good citizens. Let us translate the good “he Preamble of the Philippine Constitution (Modules on Good Citizenship ecording to Commissioner enough to let us work on be izenship values derived fro! action in orde m + to build our nation into concrete Values, 2004, p- iv), She maintains that, “If we have to build a better nation we finvertordemeta from ourselves, each of us to be a good citizen that is value-based and values-driven, Let's not leave our future in the hands of our leaders alone. If we cannot find heroes, g our leaders, let us find them among the ordinary people, who will build our izens all the days of their lives by living the ovision which has a direct and indirect ;d nationalism among our people, can derive this from the Preamble amon} nation by heroic act of being good ci Philippine Constitution which contains a pr bearing upon the development of strong and soun By living according to good citizenship values, we of our Constitution.” Senator Leticia R. Shahani (1993) asserts that there is a need to change structures and to change people. She explains that, “Building a people means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths and this starts with analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses... we must change. And understanding oneself is the first step.” To enhance the strengths and overcome the weaknesses of the Filipino, she proposes the following goals for change: 1. Develop in the Filipino a sense of patriotism. and national pride—a genuine love, appreciation, and commitment to the Philippines and Filipino things. 2. Develop a sense of the common good, the ability to look beyond selfish interest, a sense of justice, and a sense of outrage at its violation. 3. Develop value and habits of discipline and hard work, self-reflection, and analysis, along with the internalization of spiritual values. ble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution e, the Sovereign Filipino people imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order is, promote the common good, conserve and develop our poreeles and our posterity the blessings of independence ule of law and regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, ) Values Cluster (B: Pp ased on the 1987 Philippine a Modules on Good Citizenship Values, 2004) Good Cillzenship Valves and Youth Moral Recovery Program for Nation-building | Work Concern for the family and future generations ». Pagkamakatao Love Freedom Peace Truth Justice ¢. Pagkamakabayan Unity Equality + Respect for law and government + Patriotism Promotion of the common good d. Pagkamaka-kalikasan + Concern for the environment 2, The Good Citizenship Values and Their Learning Outputs (Modules on Good Citizenship Values, 2004) a. Faith in the Almighty Jesus said to them, “Have faith in God. Whoever says tothe mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown to the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him.” = Mark 11:22-23 Learning Outputs + To enable the students to recognize their unique faith in God as Filipinos + Toaffirm the students’ unique gift of faith and illustrate to them how they can continue to live a life of faith in God b. Respect for Life “Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It’s in our hands.” —Cathy Better Learning Outputs iia - + To enable students to realize the relevance of human dignity in their lives + ‘Toiinspire students to be stewards of life cA) STP-CWTS/LTS: A Source Book | 3rd Edition c. Order ne mind, the health of the body, the peace “Order is the sanity of th of the city. the security of the state. As the beams of the house, as the bones of the body, so is order to all things.” — Robert Southey Learning Outputs , To identify the significance of the value of order in the lives of the and in nation-building students n health of body and mind of the people for + To apply orderliness unity and peace of th d. Work “For even when we were with you, we gave yor who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” community uu this rule: ‘The one — 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “Give fish to a man and he will have food to eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he shall have food to eat throughout his lifetime.” — Confucius Learning Outputs * To appreciate the value of work + To identify the significance of work and labor in one’s life Concern for the Family and Future Generations “When His parents saw Him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, ‘Son, why have you done this to us? Your Father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety...He went down with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them; and His mother kept all these things in her heart.” — Luke 2:48, 51 Learning Outputs To have a deeper appreciation of the value of family It never fails, it is eternal...There are faith, hope, of these is love.” —1 Corinthians 13 essence of love and how it can truly be applied ng what we like, but in having the right —Pope John Paul II he i. Good Citizenshir Ip Valves and Youth Moral Recor Pre Learning Output — To raise the intere: Z st or life and appreciation of the value of freedom in our Peace “Glory to j y to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of goodwill.” Learning Output = Luke 2:14 + Toidenti : ee oe ways by which the people can promote the value of peace omes, workplace, communities, and country Truth “The truth can be hidden for a time but it cannot be overcome.” / — St. Augustine If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.” . —Marcus Aurelius Learning Output + ‘To highlight the basic importance of truth in one’s life, its role in nation development and in building a more just and humane society j. Justice k. Unity “Behold how good in unity.” : — Psalms 133 “You, Lord, are just in all your ways, faithful in all your works.” — Psalm 145:17 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law of the Prophets.” - Matthew 7:12 Learning Output + To identify the rel justice Jevant social issues that highlight the value of and pleasant itis for brethren to dwell together | NstP-cwrs/ttS: A Source Book | 3rd Edition 1. Equality “We hold th equal, that the se truths to be self-evident, that all men are createg © endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable right ~ Thomas Jefferson Learning Output ‘To identify the relevance and implications of the value of equality m. Respect for Law and Governance “The law is not meant to curtail freedom; it is meant to ensure that every citizen acts responsibly while exercising his freedom.” — TIBI, 2004 Learning Output To develop a sense of appreciation of law and government n. Patriotism “The Filipino is worth dying for.” ~ Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr, “Patriotism is not a short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” — Adlai E. Stevenson Learning Outputs * Toappreciate the value of patriotism in the light of our being Filipinos To identify conerete ways wherein the citizen may practice his/her sense of patriotism on a daily basis 0. Promotion of the Common Good “Common good is a substantial crowding or diminishment as it is sh: and extremely fertile estate, no ‘ared with others.” ~ St. Augustine Learning Outputs * To identify ways by which the the common good * To awaken interest in the of the common good Participants will be able to promote Promotion and protection of the interests BP. Concern for the Environment bes “For 200 7 . 4 z ‘Years we've been conquering nati : it Pn: : qt ‘6 nature. Now we're beating it — MacMillan i “And now, we have to do save our only Planet Earth. ss _ before it’s too late!” Mer Fa —SJ Lee, 2004 Good Citizenship Values and Youth Moral Recovery Program for Nation-building Learning Outputs To deg: ve our natural e1 | faa natural environment relative to its present state of To identify concrete basis ways of caring for the environment on a daily Nationalism and National Pride Nationalism Nationalism is a patriotic feeling of love for one’s own country or a strong, deep- seated attachment to one’s native land. It is an attitude of mind that values and places the welfare of the country over that of all others. It is a “dynamic Filipinism.” Nationalism is not developed, nor does it come through by accident or chance. It is fed and nourished systematically over a period of time. National Pride All of us must be proud of being Filipinos. As a good citizen, every Filipino should know the different national symbols and their meanings. The national symbols of our country are as follows: 1. The Filipino Flag — National Flag . The Philippine National Anthem ~ National Hymn . The Sampaguita — National Flower . The Narra Tree — National Tree . The Nipa Hut — National House . The Barong Tagalog - National Costume (for men) ‘The Balintawak — National Costume (for women) 7. Dr. Jose Rizal - The National Hero 8. Tinikling, Caritosa, Pandanggo sa Taw ~The Filipino Folk Dances 9. Ang Panatang Makabayan — The Patriotic Pledge 10. The National Seal of the Philippine Republic sen eo Teaching of Nationalism To carry out the program of teaching nationalism, activities should be undertaken. eae ude pictures of great Filipinoes, local] 1. Use classroom ta a one by Pilipino patriots i Bai 2, : a Sect the following practical] | NSIP-CWTS/LIS: A Source Book | 31d Edition 5. Use native materials for classroom instruction/us¢ tudy biographies of great Filipinos. 7. Commemorate historical events of national importance. 8. Celebrate special days ~ (e.g., National Heroes Day, Flag Day, Independeng, Day, ete.) 9. Organize educational field trips to places of historical interest in and aroung Manila 10. Visit beautiful spots in the Philippines 11. Organize pageant presentations on Filipino talents 12. Organize educational exhibit of Philippine products. Contents and Meaning of Filipino Nationalism The Historic Service of Nationalism (as stated by Gregorio C. Pitacsily Nationalism is the cementing principle that unites the people ofa nation jn, order to realize an ideal that becomes national with respect and dignity it deserves among other nations. The Development of Filipino Nationalism The lack of national sentiments was the cause of all the failures of the sporadic | revolts in the Philippines from 1565 to 1872 The executions of Burgos, Gomez, and Zamora in 1872 and dose Rizal in 1995 emotionally united the people due to their national demand for reform. The Katipunan, with Bonifacio as leader, initiated the uprising movement. The Philippine Revolution under Aguinaldo, with its adoption of the Filipino Flag, the singing of the National Anthem, and the promulgation of the Malolos Constitution, completed the needed symbols that expressed our national sentiments—the elements that bind and unite the Philippines to develop the Filipino brand of nationalism. The Program of Filipino Nationalism __ The program of Filipino nationalism has been to forge instruments that would | liberate and completely emancipate Filipinos in all aspects of the national life. ee n refers to love for or devotion to o; me's country. The Filipino Civie ed to ensure that patriotism can be developed in oneself and ©— Guides the destinies of people and nations Good Citizenship Volves and Youth Love of fellowmen —Love ‘Moral Recovery Program for Nation-building of fellowmen a: i in life's journey 's brothers/sisters or companions 4, Respect for parents and elders ~ Hon, dutiful service to them or to parents through grateful and 5. Reverence for heroes ~ Veneration of, the memories of the nation’s heroes © Individual Honor ~ Value your honor as you value your life. Devotion to truth — Be truthful and honest in thought and in action. Fortitude ~ Bear suffering with fortitude. Self-reliance — Have confidence in yourself and in your own power! capacity. Humility ~ Be humble. Ac! being is perfect, 1. 2. 3. 4. ‘knowledge your own shortcomings; no human 6. Self-control — Temper your will and curb and happiness are the fruits of moderati Frugality — Live within the rainy days. Avoid ext your passions. Long life, peace, ion and self-control. your means and save part of your earnings for travagance, pretense, and dissipation. Purposeful living — Ever keep in mind an honorable purpose. 9. Perseverance ~ Be persistent in whatever things of good report you may wish to do. ai 10. Punctuality — Do your work on time; leave nothing undone that you can do today. Be punctual. 11. Cleanliness — Keep your body clean and your clothes neat at home and other surroundings. Cleanliness is essential to good health and community welfare. 12. Appreciation of beauty — Learn to appreciate the beauty in nature and in art. > Social 1. Industry — Be industrious and do your work well. 2. Interest in education — Develop your faculties through study without departing from the path of virtue. 3. Respect for law and authority ~ Respect the law and duly constituted authorities for peace, morality, and progress of the community. 4. Sense of duty and responsibility — Contribute to the common good as a ater ofc ; NSTP-CWTS/LTS: A Source Book | 3rd Edition 9. Sportsmanship — Observe the rules of sportsmanship in any contest . Sportsm: ~ Ob: tition. 10, Cont breeding ~ Treat everybody, rich and poor, with respect ang courtesy. The Good Citizenship Value of Patriotism se coolant To uphold the good citizenship value of patriotism, weshoula Bagood and ving citizens constantly vigilant for the welfare of our aE Oy aie a ready to sacrifice ourselves fee te love of = that “The Filipino e ata 4 at a s known for his famous saying tha 2 : forcIt i botr t de on our feat than ta live on our knees.” inspirational Tal on Good Citizenship Values for Flag Raising Ceremonies, EDSA People Power Commission, Quezon City). Some points to ponder: Patriotism is a call for every citizen. Our country needs people who are committed to serve the interest of the nation no matter who are seated at the helm of the government. Our country’s heroes, the ones who will move our country to greater heights are not found in pedestals or pinnacles of power and prestige; they are found in the hearts and deeds of ordinary people seeking to be good citizens in their everyday lives (“Consistency” vs. “One-shot-deal”). There is such a thing as unsung heroes but none whose deeds do not touch the life of at least one person. Patriotism is about loving one’s country by being a steadfast and good citizen despite encountering the daily challenges of life and society. Patriotism inspires a citizen to respond to the call of service to his/her nation and look after his/her fellowmen in need. Patriotism is every person's sense of duty and responsibility to contribute in the development of the country, the protection of one’s integrity, and the __ upholding of the rights and dignity of the people. ome eonerete examples of how we may cultivate the value of patriotism: § our country. Let us be vigil nal and external threats, lant and ready to defend our nation d practicing good citizenship values so that we may serve wmen especially the youth who strive to and national identity. Let us just be proud tory and learn from it, 10. 11. 12. Good Citizenshi P Values and Youth Moral Recovery Program for Nation-building Being vigilant and proactive citize z the issues affecting our country, ns. Let us try to be well-informed of Being law-abiding citi . ad 5 other ame ofthe Ia Let us respect and uphold the Constitution ete) and (e.g., paying taxes, obeying traffic rules, Doing simple acts of service to our fellowmen. Let us reach out and share our time and talents with our fellowmen. Being with good and honest workers. Let us perform our duties as we should and with high-level of competence, aiming always for excellence. Being kind and compassionate to others who may not be as fortunate as we are in terms of material wealth. Let us share our blessings with our fellowmen. Consider the integrity and welfare of our country in our undertakings. We should not engage in undertakings that undermine national interests. Recognizing ourselves as Filipinos with dignity and pride. We should resist material temptations, greed, and the lust for power. Being responsible voters. Let us choose candidates according to our conscience.

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