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Trainspotting is a Scottish film released in 1996, and the main themes it focuses on are drug

addictions, friendships, changing times, and crime. The opening sequence of the film on the

screen can be divided into three parts, the visuals, the background score Lust for Life by Iggy

Pop, and the narration by the protagonist of the story Mark Renton. The opening scene for this

film is very critical as it sets the tone for the rest of the movie. The movie creators must create

enough excitement at the outset so that the audience can remain till the film ends.

Trainspotting succeeds in creating the required excitement in its opening sequence but

highlights the deeper themes of the film through the protagonist's narration. As the scene

begins, police officers are chasing two characters down the street. Lust for Life is playing in the

background. The song's tune is very catchy and appears to motivate the characters as they run

away from the police. The narrator utters the first words of the film: "choose life" The

background music continues to play as the narrator rants over the actions on the screen. He

advises his audience to choose the luxuries of life; he says the words "choose jobs, family and

television jobs" and other things that life offers you. One of the characters in the scene runs in

front of a car, and the car zooms on him as he laughs at the misfortune that has befallen him.

The narrator continues to state other luxuries people should choose, such as friends. In another

cut, the narrator appears to play a soccer match with his friends. As the game proceeds, the

narrator advises the audience, and he ends by saying, "Choose your future. Choose life." The

ball knocks the narrator on the head, causing him to fall over. There is another cut, and the

narrator appears to be falling over in a drug den after experiencing a hit. He trivializes

everything said earlier with the words, "But why would I want to do a thing like that?" The

mood created by the narrator is that of excitement. His appearance in a drug den and his

disregard of the same advice he seems to give his audience suggest that the movie will focus on

the negative effect of drug abuse on the person who attempts to use them.

Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street is about the protagonist of the movie Jordan Belfort and his partner

Donny Azoff. They start a brokerage firm in the 90s called Stratton Oakmont. The sudden and

quick growths attract the attention of the federal government. This is because the methods

used to attract customers to invest in their firms are corrupt and against the SEC rules. The

scene depicts a highly qualified professional in a good working environment. A crowd of

businesspeople is cheering in an office as the protagonist throws a little person at the bull's

eyes of what appears to be a giant dartboard with different denominations of American

currency. There is a lot of humor and excitement in the air. Everything seems chaotic, riotous

gambling, and the behavior is unruly. There is a lack of seriousness in the environment. This is

intentionally done to bring comedic effect. There is a shot of the protagonist of the film Jordan

Belfort played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He appears to be the center of attraction based on his

location in the scene. There is a still close upon his face as the narration begins. The narrator

begins to describe his privileged upbringing stating that he is a former member of the middle

class brought up in a small apartment. There is a throwback photograph where he tells the

audience that he was 26 years and had made $49 million. He then says, "which really pissed me

off as it was three shy of a million a week" The music in the scene is of a high tempo, and the

narrator describes his numerous worldly possessions such as an estate, Ferrari, yacht, vacation

homes, and a private jet. The mood created by the narrator is that of excitement, even though

he sounds overly obnoxious. This scene sets the tone for the rest of the movie, which will be

about using underhand methods to make money and investing the same in luxury items and


American Beauty

The opening scene of American beauty begins with star off, a mid-shot young girl. The girl

states that "I wish someone should just put him out of his misery" This is a code of her wanting

the said person killed. The girl appears regretful as she utters those words. This also raises the

question as to why she wants this person dead. What they have done or undergoing to push

someone to wish death upon them. It appears as though someone is recording because there is

a voice being heard behind the camera. The person volunteers to execute the job on her behalf.

This only raises more questions from the audience, who wonder if he will execute the plan.

There is then an ariel shot of what seems to be a suburban neighborhood. The male voice of

the narrator can be heard in the background as the camera pans through the scene. He says,

"My name is Lester Burnham.This is my neighborhood;This is my street; this is my life.I am 42

years; in less than a year I will be dead." In this short span, the audience is aware of what will

happen to the protagonist at the end. This raises more questions if this is the person the young

girl was alluding to in her conversation. He then describes how his typical days, and then there

is a cut to his wife, holding a red rose flower. He states, "that's my wife Carolyn see the way the

handle on those pruning shears.Those matches her gardening clogs and that is not an accident".

A dog is barking through the wooden fence. The narrator states, "that is our next door Jim and

his lover Jim" One of the neighbors starts talking to his wife, and he reminisces of how they

used to be happy as a couple. He then describes his only daughter Jane who is a teenager. He

further states how his wife and daughter perceive him as a loser. The mood is of the story is

somber. The narrator appears sad about his life, which suggests that something drastic may

happen in the movie.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

The opening sequence of the film begins with the narration of a typical high school teenager.

He states, "One of the most incredible performance of my career and I never doubted it for a

second." He then draws his curtain as he continues to say, "how could I possibly be expected to

handle school on day like this" The camera then cuts to open clear blue skies. The narrator tells

the audience that it is his ninth sick day of the semester, and it has become very difficult to

come up with new illnesses. If he goes for ten, he will have to barf up a long way to make that

particular one count. He then gives instructions of faking out one's parents- "The key to faking

out one's parents is clammy hands.its good non-specific symptom and I'm big believer in it." He

then takes a string and ties it to a trop. The monologue continues with him telling the audience

that one has to bend over and lick their palms to successfully fool one's parents from going to

school. He perceives it as childish and stupid but so is high school. He describes how life moves

fast, and if one does not stop and look around, one will miss it. These words are stated as they

walk to the shower room. As he showers, he reminds the audience of an exam about European

socialism, which he doesn't care about really much. The mood of the scene is jovial. There is

fast music playing in the background, and the narrator doesn't seem enthusiastic about going to

school, which suggests as the rest of the movie unfolds, he may hatch a plan to avoid school for

the day.

Works Cited

Cut Entertainment. YouTube, 2018,

The Dude Abides. YouTube, 2013,

LOLMovieMoments. YouTube, 2013,

Movie clips. YouTube, 2011,

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