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Enabling Assessment: Option 2

Bible Passage: Matthew 5:21-22

The passage informs me that I should not hurt my neighbor physically and emotionally due to anger or
any reason. Once I commit myself to these actions, there will be consequences. The bible verse is proper
because being angry will do no good. It will just worsen the situation where it leads to making a sin. God,
the father, always tells us to love our neighbors and forgive them. Therefore, if we are angry with
someone, we should calm ourselves and think about the actions that we will do. We should talk to them
without using hurtful words and physical attacks. I also believe that what will solve every argument is
good communication.

Bible Passage: Matthew 6: 1-2

The passage informs me that we should help the needy with good intentions and from the heart. We
should not provide for the needy to show righteousness to others like hypocrites because God the
Father will not reward us. As a servant of God, I want to help all people with all I can without everyone
knowing what I do because I believe that my responsibility of helping the needy is a covenant between
God and me only. If we are going to help the needy, we should focus on them and not on what praises
we will receive with our actions. Therefore, if someone seeks our help, let us help them, don't mind the
people watching.

Bible Passage: Matthew 6:14-15

The passage challenges me to forgive the people who have wronged me even they don't ask for
forgiveness. With these, God the Father will also forgive me for the sins I have committed. This bible
verse reminds me of the quote "Forgive and forget." It is hard to forgive our enemies who left a deep
mark in our hearts; it's a process. Eventually, the day will come that we will fully forgive them, forget the
past, and make a new beginning. Therefore, to grow and be closer to God, we need to say sorry to the
people we wronged and forgive the people who wronged us. There's always a tomorrow for us to
correct our mistakes and change into better people.

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