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Lesson Plan in Science

1. Define circulatory system and explain its function and major parts
2. Create poems, short skits, posters or songs showing the proper ways to
protect circulatory organs and to prevent hypertension.
3. Develop the value of cooperation through understanding how heart,
blood and blood vessels work as a system.


TOPIC: Circulatory System
a. Delivers food, oxygen and other materials

b. Picks up and transports wastes


a. Blood

b. Blood vessels

c. Heart


a. Pulmonary Circulation

b. Systemic Circulation


a. Causes

b. Effects


1. Books:
 Capco M., Yang, C. You and the Natural World Biology: Second Year Biology
Textbook. Phoenix Publishing House. 1990
 Seeley, Stephens, et al. Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. 6th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

2. Internet:


 Cartolinas, envelopes, markers, activity cards, models and illustrations


a. MOTIVATION: Pass the message


 The teacher will group the class randomly into six having six to seven
members each.
 Each group must have a representative who will be called the “bet”.
 The remaining members will move their chairs, forming a circle.
 The bet will be standing on the inside of the circle.
 The remaining members, while sitting on their respective seats, will hold
each other’s wrists.
 The bet will choose who among the members will start passing the
message. The chosen member will be called the “beginner”.
 The message will be passed onto another by pressing the forearm of the
co-member using the forefinger until the message will be sent back to the
 If the bet was not able to look for the sender’s hand and the message was
sent back to the beginner, the beginner will say “I got it” and the bet lose
the game.
 If the bet caught “in the eye” the hand of the member who may be passing
the message, the bet will say “boom” and call the name of the member in
a proper manner.
 The bet will guess which hand did the member used to pass the message.
 If the bet’s guess is correct, the member will move to the front. But if the
guess is wrong, the bet will be the one to move in the front.
 The remaining members will return their seats on its original position.
 All of the representatives and members who lose the game will into the
front and they will show off their talents either by singing, dancing, reciting
a poem, rapping etc.


Circulatory system, also known as the body’s transport system, regulates the
flow of nutritive fluids and materials, waste substances and water in the bodies of living
organisms. Its main functions are to deliver food, oxygen and other materials needed to
all cells of the body and to pick and transport wastes from the cells to the organs that
got rid of unwanted manners.

In general, the circulatory system has three main parts: blood, blood vessels and
heart. The blood is a type of connective tissue that consists of cells and cell fragments
surrounded by a liquid matrix. The cells and cell fragments are the formed elements and
the liquid is the plasma. The blood transport gases, nutrients and waste products like
oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, ions etc. It provides protection against foreign
substances. Cells and chemicals of the blood constitute an important part of the
immune system, protecting against foreign substances such as microorganisms and
toxins. The blood maintains body temperature. Blood is involved with the body
temperature regulation because warm blood is transported from the interior surface of
the body, where heat is released from the blood. The formed elements, namely: red
blood cells, white blood cells and platelets account 45% of the blood.

Blood vessels connect and branch out to all parts of the body. They carry blood
from the heart to all tissues of the body. They transport hormones, molecules, enzymes,
nutrients, gases, waste products and other substances to all areas of the body. Blood
vessels collect and exchange nutrients, waste products and gases. Arteries, capillaries
and veins are the general features of blood vessel structure.
Heart is the third main type of circulatory system that moves the blood. It is a
muscular organ that is essential for life because it pumps the blood through the body.
The heart routes blood. It separates the pulmonary and systemic circulation which
ensures the flow of oxygenated blood to tissues. The heart also ensures one-way blood
flow. The valves ensure one way blood flow through the heart and blood vessels.

Pulmonary Circulation is a process of carrying deoxygenated or blue venous

blood outside of the heart to the lung tissues While Systemic Circulation is a process of
carrying oxygenated blood to all parts of the body then back to the heart.

Hypertension is an abnormally high systematic blood pressure. It affects 20% of

all people at some time in their lives. Hypertension requires the heart to perform a
greater-than normal amount of work because of the increased after load of the heart.
The extra work leads to hypertrophy of cardiac muscle, and can lead to heart failure. It
also increases the rate of arteriosclerosis development. Arteriosclerosis is a condition
where artery walls become less elastic because of cholesterol deposits. It increases the
chance that blood clots will form at that blood vessels will rupture. Uncontrolled
hypertension can also lead to heart attack. Most people with hypertension or high blood
pressure have no symptoms, even if the blood pressure readings reach dangerously
high levels. That is why hypertension is considered as the “silent killer.” Although a few
people with early – stage high blood pressure may have dull headaches, dizzy spells or
a few more nosebleeds than normal, these signs and symptoms typically don’t occur
until high blood pressure has reached a severe – even life threatening stage. On the
other hand, the different factors like fatty foods, acids and bad cholesterols, vices,
pollution, frequent emotional upsets and stress are the possible causes of hypertension.

To avoid having hypertension or other circulatory diseases, proper care and

healthy lifestyle should be considered. Lifestyle changes can help you control and
prevent high blood pressure. Proper nutrition is important in reducing the risk of heart
disease. The dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet emphasize fruits,
vegetables, whole grains and low fat foods, get plenty of potassium which can help and
control high blood pressure. Eat less saturated food and total fat. Tobacco should be
avoided. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease by at least 10-fold. The intake of
alcohol should e leveled in moderation. Excessive use of alcohol also substantially
increases the risk of heart disease. Remedies include relaxation techniques and aerobic
exercise programs involving gradual increase in duration and difficulty in activities such
as swimming, walking, jogging or aerobic dancing. Exercise will always keep your blood
moving and set free for the clogged blood vessels. And always see a doctor. Blood
pressure reading for students must be done yearly during medical examinations and
adults must visit the doctor at least every two years.

a. ACTIVITY: Multiple Intelligences Explosion


 After learning the topic of the discussion, the teacher will let the learners
make an activity for the application of the learned lesson by doing some
creative activities using their innate skills and intelligences.
 The teacher will group the class into five out of Gardner’s seven multiple
 The classification of learners’ intelligences should be based upon the
teacher’s observation during the class discussion.
 The grouped learners will form a circle with enough distance from the
other groups and will choose a leader.
 All of the chosen leaders will move forward to the teacher.
 The teacher will give activity cards and envelopes to the leaders. Inside
the envelopes are the materials which will be needed by each group to
accomplish the given activity.
 Each group will be given 10-15 minutes to do the activity.
 After the allotted time, the teacher will ask the students to return to their
proper places.
 Each group will be given 2-3 minutes to present their activity in the class.

List of activity per group:

1. Linguistic group:

- Write a poem describing the functions of circulatory system and its

major parts.

2. Logic group:

- With the given puzzle pieces, solve the puzzle illustrating an

organ related to the circulatory system. To put a little twist, fill up
the corresponding parts to those arrows and choose a
representative to discuss it in the class.

3. Spatial group:
- Aided with the materials, make a poster with the theme “ways to
prevent hypertension.” To explain your work, choose a
representative from your group.

4. Musical group:

- Make a 2-3 minute jingle about the human heart, may it be

romantically or descriptively. You can adopt tunes, lyrics or make a
composition of your own.

5. Bodily-kinesthetic group:

- Make a short skit showing the causes and effects of hypertension.


The circulatory system is an important system in every living organism. It takes

the manner by which the food particles move to every cell in the body. Circulatory
system has three main parts: blood, blood vessels and heart. Without blood, we will not
be able to exist, without blood vessels, there will be no pathways where blood will flow,
and without the heart, there will be no organ which will pump the blood throughout the
body. The pulmonary-systemic circulation ensures the flow of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood to tissues to avoid complications in the system of circulation.
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of death among people. Therefore, proper
care and healthy lifestyle should practiced by everyone to avoid hypertension and other
circulatory diseases.


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer for the given statement.

1. A type of connective tissue that consists of cells and cell fragments surrounded by a
liquid matrix.

a. Blood c. Blood vessel

b. Heart d. Platelet

2. These are disk-shaped cells that contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for its red
a. Neutrophils c. White blood cells

b. Red blood cells d. Platelets

3. The pumping organ of the circulatory system.

a. Blood pressure c. Heart

b. Blood d. Blood vessel

4. They carry blood and transport processed molecules to all areas of the body.

a. Heart c. Blood

b. Basophil d. Blood vessels

5. These are the smallest of the white blood cells. They produce antibodies and other
chemicals for the protection against foreign substances.

a. Eosinophils c. Platelets

b. Basophils d. Lymphocytes

6. The process of carrying deoxygenated blood to the lung tissues.

a. Atrial contraction c. Pulmonary Circulation

b. Systemic circulation d. Ventrical Filling

7. An abnormally high systematic blood pressure. It is also known as the “silent killer.”

a. Arteriosclerosis c. Heart attack

b. Hypertension d. Aneurysm

8. The possible cause of hypertension.

a. Vices c. Proper nutrition

b. Exercise d. Healthy lifestyle

9. The function of the heart.

a. Delivers food, oxygen and other materials

b. Routes blood

c. Maintain body temperature

d. Carry blood

10. It regulates the flow of nutritive fluids and materials, waste substances and water in
the body. It is also known as the body’s transport system.

a. Heart c. Circulatory system

b. Blood vessels d. Blood


In a half sheet of paper cut crosswise, the learners are going to make a short
reflection on how do they take care of their circulatory system. The paper will be
submitted on the following day.
Delivers food, oxygen and other
V. Matrix Functions materials

Picks up and transports wastes products

Blood Transport gases, nutrients Red blood cells

and waste products

Provides protection White blood cells

Three Maintain body temperature Platelets

Circulatory Arteries
System Blood
Transport Capillaries

Collect and exchange Vein


Routes blood Atria and ventricles

Ensures one-blood flow

Systemic Circulation

n of
circulatory Effects
Proper care

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