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Information Station

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: Informational bulletin boards

Board Title: Information Station

Rationale:The awareness and interest of a 21st century learners needs to be motivated as well as encouraged usually using pictures that is related to technology.


The learners should be able to:

To provide learners with key pieces of information that can be confined

To give directions to the learners that can act as a place where previously taught information can be recovered for employing on modern and future tasks.
To draw awareness and communicate an important message to the learners.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:The Facebook Application as an instructional device in conveying the theme

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description)

Dictionary- used as a tool in choosing the word of the week

Internet-To search the visually attractive images, amazing facts and examples of riddle

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

Printed Pictures Pastel Crayons

Styrofoam Pins
Colored Papers Colored cut-outs

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