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Flip Flops for Girls (item 024)

1. Worsted weight/ Aran yarn ( size 4 Medium) in two main colors. Small amounts of colorful
worsted weight yarn for the flowers in 3 colors of your choice.
2. For size 0-3 months: Hook F ( 3.75 mm)
For size 3-6, 6-9 & 9-12: Hooks F (3.75 mm) and G ( 4.25 mm)
Note: Soles for all sizes are worked using F hook.
3. Yarn needle to weave in the tails

To fit ages 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 Months
Finished measurements for sole:
0-3 months: 3 3/4 inches long and 2 inches wide
3-6 months: 4 1/4 inches long and 2 1/4 inches wide
6-9 months: 4 1/2 inches long and 2 ¼ inches wide.
9-12 months: 5 inches long and 2 ¼ inches wide.

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Use finished sizes of soles for gauge.

Stitch Abbreviations
Pattern is in standard American terms.
sc- single crochet
sl st- slip stitch
hdc- half double crochet
dc- double crochet
tr- triple crochet
ch- chain

Variations if any for bigger sizes are given in brackets starting from the smallest to the biggest.
The written pattern follows the group of pictures for each step. Please do not work directly from
the pictures, work from the written pattern and look up the pictures when mentioned in the
written pattern.

Stitch Explanantion
1. sc2tog: insert your hook into the next st and pull up a loop, insert hook again into the next st and pull
up a loop, yarn over and pull through all the three loops on the hook.
2.Triple crochet (tr): Wrap the yarn around the hook 2 times, insert hook into the next st and pull up a
loop to get 4 loops on the hook, * (yarn over and pull through 2 loops) 3 times


1. Work around foundation chain without turning 2. Finished sole with wider toe side

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Sole Pattern

Tips for sole:

1.Count your stitches after every round. You count the stitches you see around the sole after you make
the slip stitch at the end of the round and the slip stitch is also counted as a stitch.

2. At end of each round when pattern says sl st into beginning ch 1, you sl stitch into the next st
visible and when it says sl st to 1st sc of the round you skip ch 1 ( next st visible ) and then slip st to
the next st, the 1st sc.
3. Some rounds involve a mix of sc and hdc to make the toe side wider. It would be a good idea to
use the cursor and mark on the pattern here to know where you are. You might get confused with all
the counting.
4. Sole is worked in the round without turning at each round.

5. Working both the soles will help you get the sandals in the smae size.

For sizes 0-3 months work sole as follows :

With hook F chain 12. Chain uniformly to maintain gauge and keep your sole stiff.
Round 1: 1 sc into 2nd chain from hook,1 sc in each remaining chain across to last chain, 3 sc in last
chain. Do not turn. Work along opposite side of foundation chain as shown in pic 1 above, sc in each
chain across, join with sl st in beginning ch 1--------------24 st
Round 2: ch 1 , 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 4 st, 1 hdc in next 5st, 2 hdc in each of next 3 st, 1 hdc in
next 5 st, 1 sc in next 4st, 2sc in next st, 1sc in next , sl st into top of beginning ch 1-------------30 st
Round 3: ch 1, sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 10 st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 4 st, 2
sc in next st, 1 sc in next 10 st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next, sl st to 1st sc------------ 34 st
Round 4: ch 1, 1 sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 6 st, 1 hdc in next 5 st , 2 hdc in next, 2
hdc again in next, 1 hdc in next 2 st, 2 hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st again, 1 hdc in next 5st , 1 sc in
next 6 st, 2 sc in next, 1 sc in next 2 st, sl st to 1st sc. Fasten off---------- 40 st

Make 4 soles, 2 in each color as you will need 2 for each sandal.

For sizes 3-6 (6-9 , 9-12 ) months work sole as follows

Using F hook chain 13 (14, 16). Chain uniformly to maintain gauge and keep your sole stiff.
Round 1: 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in next 6 st( 7 st, 8 st), 1 hdc in next 4 st ( 4 st, 5st) , 3 hdc in
last ch, 1 hdc in next 4 st( 4 st, 5 st), 1sc in each chain across, sl st to beginning ch 1----------- 26 st( 28
st, 32 st)

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Round 2: ch 1, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 5 st( 6 st, 7st), 1 hdc in next 5 st ( 5st, 6 st) , 2 hdc in each of
next 4 st, 1 hdc in next 5 st ( 5 st, 6 st), 1 sc in next 5 st(6st, 7 st), 2 sc in next, sl st to beginning ch
1-------33 st(35 st, 39 st)
Round 3: ch 1, 1 sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 12 st(13 st, 15 st), 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next
center 3 st, 2 sc in next, 1 sc in next 12 st(13st, 15 st), 2 sc in next, 1 sc in next st, sl st to beginning ch
1-------- 38 st(40 st, 44 st)
Round 4: ch 1, 1 sc in next 10st( 11st, 12), 1 hdc in next 5st (5st, 6st), 2 hdc in next, 2 hdc again in
next st, 1 hdc in next 3 st, 2 hdc in next st, 2 hdc again in next st, 1 hdc in next 5 st (5st, 6st) , 1 sc in
next 11 st(12st, 13), sl st to beginning ch 1. Fasten off----------43 st(45st, 49st )

Make 4 soles, 2 in each color as you will need 2 for each sandal.

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Attaching the two soles

1. Overlap the two soles and sl stitch them together

2. Sl stitch forming a border

Attaching the two soles

1. Keep two soles of different colors one under the other with the wrong sides of the
soles touching each other and sl st around using F hook for size 0-3 and G hook for
bigger sizes. Tuck all the yarn tails in between the soles before you slip stitch to hide
them. See the pictures above.

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Right Sandal

Pic 1: Count 7 (7,7, 8) as shown and place marker on both sides to mark 14 (14, 14, 16) st in

Making Side Band on the right side of the sole ( Stand alone Band)

Pic 2

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Pic 3: Start working from the marked st 4. Side band completed on right side

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Right Sandal Pattern

Variations for bigger sizes are given in brackets in the order 0-3 (3-6, 6-9, 9-12)

Side Band on the right side of the sole ( Stand alone Band) Pattern

Fold the sole along the long middle line , count back 7 ( 7, 7, 8) st as shown in the pic 1 above
to mark middle 14 ( 14, 14, 16) slip stitches on the ankle side of the sole.

Use F hook for 0-3 months and G hook for 3-6, 6-9 & 9-12 months

You will be working near the marker on the right side as shown in the picture 2 above.

Row 1: Sl st into marked st as shown in pic 3 above, 1 sc in the same st as sl st , 1 sc in the next st, 1
sc again in next; turn-----------3 st
Row 2: Ch 1, 1 sc in same st as ch 1, 1 hdc in next, 1 hdc again in next; fasten off.-----------3 st not
counting ch 1
You can see the completed side band in pic 4 above.

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Side Band on the left side of the sole and Toe and Ankle Straps

1. After working the left side band continue to chain for the strap

2. The green dot indicates the point where the strap joins the sole, place a marker at the point

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3. Sl stitch twice into the soles at the marked point 4. Work up along the chain and Sl st into
3 ch

5. Chain again for strap on other side 6. Chain for back strap after working on top of side band

7. Make sl stitches along top of next side band and start working sc and tr into the chain

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8. When you reach the middle of the strap sc2tog 9. Sl st along top of side band and into
the chain strap at the back

10. Sl st at top right of side band and fasten off

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Side Band on the left side of the sole

Row 1: Sl st in marked st, 1 sc in same st as sl st, 1 sc in next, 1 sc in next; turn.----------3 st

Row 2: Ch 1, 1 sc in the same st as ch 1, 1 hdc in next, 1 hdc in next again; turn.-------3 st
Row 3: Ch 2, 1 dc in same st as ch 2, 1 hdc in next, sl st in next; Do not fasten off.---------3 st

Toe Strap

Use the pictures 2 above as a guide and place a marker to indicate the point where the strap joins the
sole. The toe strap is worked as a continuation of the side band you just worked.
Variations for bigger sizes are given in brackets in the order 0-3 (3-6, 6-9, 9-12)

Step 1 : Ch 12 ( 12, 13, 13) and sl st to the point indicated by the marker in picture 2 above,
inserting the hook into both the layers of the sole and up again to complete the sl st as shown in pic 3
above. This is the tricky part, so take your time.
Step 2 : Work 1 more sl st into the sole at a point very close to the first sl st just made.
Step 3:. Proceed to work back along the chain just made as shown in pic 4 above, sl st into the first 3
chains ( this will form the part that goes between the toes) , again ch 9 ( 9, 10, 10) for the strap on the
right side as seen in pic 5 above.
Step 4: Proceed to work along the top of the side band on the right side as seen in pic 6, sl st into the
first st on the side band, 1 hdc in next, 1 hdc and 1 dc into the next st.
Step 5: Ch 12 ( 12, 12, 13) for the back strap, turn the sandal to make the side band on the other side
facing you, sl st to top right corner of the side band ( top of ch 2) as seen in pic 7, sl st into the next 3 st
on top of the side band and proceed as follows:

0-3 ( 3-6) months

Note : The bumps on the strap are formed by the triple crochet stitches. If you see that you
bumps are formed on the under side of the strap, you can fold and hold the triple on top before
you make your next sc. Folding the triple crochet will also ensure that your next sc stitch is
made tight enough to make a big bump. Alternately you can also pull the bumps to the right
side with your hook.
1. 1 sc into the 1st chain, *(1 tr in the next ch , 1 sc in the next ch) 3 times, 1 tr in next, sc2tog in the
next 2 chains on either side of the short strap that runs between the toes as shown in pic 8 above , *(1 tr
in next, 1 sc in next) 4 times , you will end in the last chain.

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2. Continue, 1 sl st into each of the stitches on top of the side band, 1 sl st into each of the chains of the
back strap as shown in pic 9 above, sl st to top right of the band on the other side as shown in pic 10
and fasten off.
6-9 (9-12 ) months
Note : The bumps on the strap are formed by the triple crochet stitches. If you see that you
bumps are formed on the under side of the strap, you can fold and hold the triple on top before
you make your next sc. Folding the triple crochet will also ensure that your next sc stitch is
made tight enough to make a big bump. Alternately you can also pull the bumps to the right
side with your hook.
1. 1 sc in 1st chain, 1 sc in next chain again, *(1 tr in the next ch , 1 sc in the next ch) 3 times, 1 tr in
next, sc2tog in the next 2 chains on either side of the short strap that runs between the toes as shown in
pic 8 above, *(1 tr in next, 1 sc in next) 4 times, you will end in last chain.
2. Continue, 1 sl st into each of the stitches on top of the side band, 1 sl st into each of the chains of the
back strap as shown in pic 9, sl st to top right of the band on the other side as shown in pic 10 and
fasten off.

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Left Sandal

Follow the exact same pattern for the right sandal, but when slip stitching the
chain strap to the sole, the sl stitch should be to the right of the middle line as
shown in the picture above.

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1. Make a magic loop around 2 fingers 2. Insert hook into magic loop and pull up a loop

3. Ch 1 4. Work further stitches into the magic loop

5. 2 petals formed 6. Weave in the tails in the opposite directions

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7. Weave in as indicated by the red line

Flower Pattern

Use F Hook for all size shoes.

1. Make a magic loop as in pic 1 above.

2. Insert hook into the magic loop and pull up a loop as in pic 2 above, then ch 1, 1 hdc into the magic
loop, ch1 , sl st into magic loop-----------1 petal made.
3. (ch 1, 1 hdc, ch1, sl st ) into magic loop, repeat 4 times. Fasten off.
Make in 3 coordinating colors.


1. Weave in all the tails. To weave in, thread a yarn needle with the tails, weave in along the side band
as shown in pic 1 below , then insert the needle between the two soles and out as seen in pic2 below,
cut yarn close to sole as seen in pic 3 below.
2. If you are doing the version with flowers, sew the flowers onto one side of the strap with a button in
the center.

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1. Weave in along the side of the side band 2. Pull the tail in between the 2 layers of sole

3. Pull the yarn and tail and cut close to the sole


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