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Module 3: FRS/MRS, & DBMS  Each record in the GL master is either a separate GL

account or the control account for a corresponding

GENERAL LEDGER SYSTEM subsidiary ledger in the transaction processing system
 The FRS draws upon the GL master to produce the firm’s
 A hub connected to the other systems of the firm through financial statements
spokes of information flows
 The MRS also uses this file to support internal
 Summaries of transactions flow into the GLS and become information reporting
sources of input for the management reporting system
(MRS) and financial reporting system (FRS) GENERAL LEDGER HISTORY FILE
 The bulk of the flows into the GLS comes from the
transaction processing subsystems  Has the same format as the GL master
 Information also flows from the FRS as feedback into the  Its primary purpose is to provide historical financial data
GLS for comparative financial reports


 The source of input to the general ledger  The total collection of the journal vouchers processed in
 Identifies the financial amounts and affected general the current period
ledger (GL) accounts  This file provides a record of all general ledger
 Routine transactions, adjusting entries, and closing entries transactions and replaces the traditional general journal
are all entered into the GL via journal vouchers
 Given that a manager must approve journal vouchers, this
offers a degree of control against unauthorized GL entries  Contains journal vouchers for past periods
 This historical information supports management’s
stewardship responsibility to account for resource
The GLS database includes a variety of files. Whereas these utilization
will vary from firm to firm, the following examples are
 Contains the revenues, expenditures, and other resource
utilization data for each responsibility center in the
 The MRS draws upon these data for input in the
preparation of responsibility reports for management


 Contains budgeted amounts for revenues, expenditures,

and other resources for responsibility centers
 These data, in conjunction with the responsibility center
file, are the basis for responsibility accounting


 principal file in the GLS database

 Based on organization’s published chart of accounts
4. Post to general ledger
5. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance
6. Make adjusting entries
7. Journalize and post adjusting entries
8. Prepare the adjusted trial balance
9. Prepare the financial statements
10. Journalize and post the closing entries
11. Prepare the post-closing trial balance

 The periodic nature of financial reporting in most

organizations establishes it as a batch process
FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM  Many organizations, however, have moved to real-time
GL updates and FRS that produce financial statements on
 Much of the information provided takes the form of: short notice
- standard financial statements
- tax returns
- documents required by regulatory agencies such
as the Securities and Exchange Commission
 Primary recipients of financial statement information are
external users such as:
- stockholders
- creditors
- government agencies
 Outside users require information that allows them to
observe trends in performance over time and to make
comparisons between different organizations
 Financial reporting information must be prepared and
presented by all organizations in a manner that is
generally accepted and understood by external users



 Financial statements are targeted at a general audience

 They are prepared on the proposition that the audience
comprises sophisticated users with relatively
homogeneous information needs
 It is assumed that users of financial reports understand the
conventions and accounting principles that are applied
and that the statements have information content that is


 eXtensible Markup Language

 metalanguage
Financial reporting is the final step in the overall accounting  model the data structure of an organization’s internal
process that begins in the transaction cycles database

1. Capture the transaction XML vs. HTML

2. Record in special journal
3. Post to subsidiary ledger  most popular markup language


 eXtensible Business Reporting Language
 XML-based language  Often called as discretionary reporting
 to provide a standardized financial information  Mandated by sox legislation
 for aggregated reporting of financial data

 Management Principles.
 Management Functions, Level, and Decision type.
 Problem Structure.
 Types of Management Reports.
 Responsibility Accounting
 Behavioral Considerations


XBRL - REPORTING PROCESS Formalization of Task

 This promotes organization’s performance, stability, and

continued existence and hence promotes internal control.
 IMPLICATIONS: The information must focus on task
rather than the individual performance.

Current State of XBRL Reporting

 Controlling the FRS

- Defective audit trail
- Unauthorized access to GL
- GL accounts that are out of balance with subsidiary
- Incorrect GL account balances RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY

SAS 78/COSO CONTROL ISSUES  Responsibility is an individual’s obligation to achieved

desired results.
 Authority - must grant the authority to make decisions CATEGORIES OF PLANNING AND CONTROL
within the limit of that responsibility. DECISIONS
o This principle uses the vertical reporting system.


 Refers to the number of subordinates directly under his or

her control.
 Organizational behavior research suggests that wider
spans of control are preferable because they allow more
employees in decision making.
 IMPLICATIONS: The different management approaches
require different information. STRATEGIC PLANNING DECISIONS

 Setting the goals and objective of the firm

 Determining the scope of business activities.
 Determining and modifying the organization’s structure.
 Setting the management philosophy


 Subordinated to strategic decisions and are made by the

middle management.


 Involves motivating managers in all functional areas to

use resources, including materials, personnel and financial
assets, as productively as possible.


MANAGEMENT BY EXCEPTION  Ensures that the firm operates in accordance with pre-
established criteria.
 Suggest that managers should limit their attention to
potential problem areas rather than being involved with BASIC ELEMENTS:
every activity decision
 Setting standards
 IMPLICATIONS: Unnecessary details that may draw
 Performance Evaluation
attention away from important facts should be excluded
from reports.  Taking corrective action


 The management functions of planning and control have a  PROCEDURE
profound effect on the MRS.  OBJECTIVES
o Planning function is concerned with making
decisions about the future activities of the
o Control Function ensures that the activities of the
firm conform to the plan. PROGRAMMED REPORTING

 Scheduled reports
 On-demand reports



Database Management Systems

Overview of the Flat File versus Database Approach

 Data Mining
 Verification Model
 Discovery Model


 Setting Financial Goals: The Budget Process

 Measuring and Reporting Performance
 Responsibility Centers
 Cost Centers
 Profit Center
 Investments Centers


 Goal Congruence
 Information Overload
 Inappropriate Performance Measures

Data Redundancy – is a condition created within a database or

data storage technology in which the same piece of data is
held in two separate places.

Three types of data management problems:

 Data Storage
 Data Updating
 Currency of Information
 Task-Data Dependency - “not directly related to data

Flat-File Problems Solved!

Data sharing (the absence of ownership) is the central concept

of the database approach.
 No Data Redundancy - eliminating data redundancy and  Provides a controlled environment to assist (or prevent)
reducing storage costs. user access to the database and to efficiently manage the
 Single Update - This reduces the time and cost of keeping data resource. Each DBMS model accomplishes these
the database current. objectives differently, but some typical features include:
 Current Values - A change any user makes to the database - Program Development
yields current data values for all other users. - Backup and Recovery
 Task-Data Independence - Users have access to the full - Database Usage Reporting
domain of data available to the firm. - Database Access

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Controlling Access to the Database  is a programming language used to define the physical
database to the DBMS.
 The database approach places all the firm’s information  The DDL defines the database on three levels called
eggs in one basket. It is essential, therefore, to take very views:
good care of the basket. - The internal View - presents the physical
arrangement of records in the database.
- The Conceptual View (schema) - represents the
database logically and abstractly, rather than the way
it is physically stored.
- The User View (subschema) - defines how a
particular user sees the portion of the database that he
or she is authorized to access.

Three Conceptual Methods

 Hierarchical;
 Network ; and
 Relational model - The relational model is far more
flexible by allowing users to create new and unique paths
through the database to solve a wider range of business DBMS Operation
1. A user program sends a request (call) for data to the
“Because of certain conceptual similarities, The Hierarchical DBMS. The call is written in a special data manipulation
and The Network are termed navigational or structured language (discussed later) that is embedded in the user
model.” program.
2. The DBMS analyzes the request by matching the called
Elements of the Database Environment data elements against the user view and the conceptual
view. If the data request matches, it is authorized and
processing proceeds to Step 3. If it does not match the
views, access is denied.
3. The DBMS determines the data structure parameters from
the internal view and passes them to the operating system,
which performs the actual data retrieval. Data structure
parameters describe the organization and access method
(an operating system utility program) for retrieving the
requested data.
4. Using the appropriate access method, the operating
system interacts with the disk storage device to retrieve
Database Management System the data from the physical database.
5. The operating system then stores the data in a main  is the creation and maintenance of the data dictionary.
memory buffer area managed by the DBMS.  The data dictionary describes every data element in the
6. The DBMS transfers the data to the user’s work location database. This enables all users (and programmers) to
in main memory. At this point, the user’s program is free share a common view of the data resource and greatly
to access and manipulate the data. facilitates the analysis of user needs.
7. When processing is complete, Steps 4, 5, and 6 are
reversed to restore the processed data to the database. The Physical Database

Data Manipulation Language (DML) - Is the proprietary  This is the lowest level of the database. The physical
programming language that a particular DBMS uses to database consists of magnetic spots on magnetic disks.
retrieve, process, and store data. The other levels of the database (the user view,
conceptual view, and internal view) are abstract
Query Language - The query capability of the DBMS permits representations of the physical level.
end users and professional programmers to access data in the
database directly without the need for conventional programs. The Relational Database Model

Database Administrator – Responsible for managing the E. F. Codd originally proposed the principles of the relational
database resource. model in the late 1960s. The formal model has its foundations
in relational algebra and set theory, which provide the
theoretical basis for most of the data manipulation operations

A system is relational if it:

1. Represents data in the form of two-dimensional tables

such as the database table, called Customer (will be
shown in figure 9-8).
2. Supports the relational algebra functions of restrict,
project, and join.

Organization Interaction of the DBA

Entity, Occurrence, and Attributes

 An Entity is anything about which the organization

The Data Dictionary wishes to capture data. Entities may be physical, such as
inventories, customers, or employees. They may also be
conceptual, such as sales (to a customer), accounts
receivable (AR), or accounts payable (AP).
 The term Occurrence is used to describe the number of
instances or records that pertain to a specific entity.
 Attributes are the data elements that define an entity.

Associations and Cardinality

 The labeled line connecting two entities in a data model

describes the nature of the association between them. This
association is represented with a verb, such as ships,
requests, or receives.
 Cardinality is the degree of association between two

Crow’s Foot Technique

The Physical Database Tables

 Are constructed from the data model with each entity in

the model being transformed into a separate physical
 In accordance with convention, we will use the term
record or occurrence rather than tuple.
 Tuple - corresponds approximately to a record in a flat-
file system.
 Properly designed tables possess the following four
1. The value of at least one attribute in each Anomalies
occurrence (row) must be unique. This attribute
is the primary key. The values of the other  Update Anomaly - results from data redundancy in an
(nonkey) attributes in the row need not be unnormalized table.
unique.  Insertion Anomaly
2. All attribute values in any column must be of the  Deletion Anomaly - involves the unintentional deletion of
same class. data from a table.
3. Each column in a given table must be uniquely
named. However, different tables may contain
columns with the same name.
4. Tables must conform to the rules of
normalization. This means they must be free
from structural dependencies including repeating
groups, partial dependencies, and transitive

Linkages between Relational Tables

Normalizing Tables

 The normalization process involves identifying and

removing structural dependencies from the table(s) under

Dependencies - Specifically, these are known as repeating

groups, partial dependencies, and transitive dependencies.

The resulting tables will then meet the two conditions:

Anomalies, Structural Dependencies, and Data
1. All nonkey (data) attributes in the table are dependent on
(defined by) the primary key.
Anomalies - tables exhibit negative operational symptoms. 2. All nonkey attributes are independent of the other nonkey
Specifically these are the update anomaly, the insertion attributes.
anomaly, and the deletion anomaly. One or more of these
anomalies will exist in tables that are not normalized or are
normalized at a low level, such as:

 First normal form (1NF); or

 Second normal form (2NF)
 To be free of anomalies, tables must be normalized to the
Third normal form (3NF) level

Negative impact of anomalies

Candidate entities: Purchasing Agent, Receiving Clerk,
Inventory, Supplier, Inventory Status Report, Purchase Order,
and Receiving Report.

Linking Normalized Tables

 When unnormalized tables are split into multiple 3NF

tables, they need to be linked together via foreign keys so
the data in them can be related and made accessible to - Inventory
users. - Supplier
- Purchase Order
Accountants and Data Normalization
- Receiving Report
 Most accountants will not be responsible for normalizing These will be used to construct a data model and, the physical
an organization’s databases; they should have an database tables.
understanding of the process and be able to determine
whether a table is properly normalized. Construct Data Model Showing Entity Associations

Designing Relational Databases

View Modeling:

1. Identify entities.
2. Construct a data model showing entity associations.
3. Add primary keys and attributes to the model.
4. Normalize the data model and add foreign keys.
5. Construct the physical database.
6. Prepare the user views.

Identify Entities
Add Primary Keys and Attributes to the Model
Key features of a simplified purchasing system:
 Add Primary Keys - The analyst should select a primary
1. The purchasing agent reviews the inventory status report key that logically defines the nonkey attributes and
for items that need to be reordered. uniquely identifies each occurrence in the entity.
2. The agent selects a supplier and prepares an online Sometimes this can be accomplished using a simple
purchase order. sequential code such as an Invoice Number, Check
3. The agent prints a copy of the purchase order and sends it Number, or Purchase Order number. Sequential codes,
to the supplier. however, are not always efficient or effective keys.
4. The supplier ships inventory to the company. Upon its  Add Attributes - Every attribute in an entity should appear
arrival, the receiving clerk inspects the inventory and directly or indirectly in one or more user views. Entity
prepares an online receiving report. The computer system attributes are, therefore, originally derived and modeled
automatically updates the inventory records. from user views.

Two conditions that need to be met to pass as valid entities:

- Condition 1. An entity must consist of two or more

- Condition 2. An entity must contribute at least one
attribute that is not provided through other entities.
Prepare the User Views

 The normalized tables should be rich enough to support

the views of all users of the system being modeled. The
PO in Figure 9-23, which could be the data entry screen
for a purchasing clerk, has been constructed from
attributes located in several tables. The fields in the user
Normalize Data Model and Add Foreign Keys view are cross-referenced via circled numbers to the
attributes in the supporting tables.
 Normalization issues that needed resolution are:
Global View Integration
1. Repeating Group Data in Purchase Order - The attributes
Part Number, Description, Order Quantity, and Unit Cost - Combining the data needs of all users into a single
are repeating group data. This means that when a schema or enterprise-wide view.
particular purchase order contains more than one item,  To facilitate this task, modern Enterprise Resource
then multiple values will need to be captured for these Planning (ERP) systems come equipped with a core
attributes. schema, normalized tables, and view templates. These
2. Repeating Group Data in Receiving Report - The best-practices databases are derived from economic
attributes Part Number, Quantity Received, and Condition models that identify commonalities among the data needs
Code were removed to a new entity called Rec Report of different organizations.
Item Detail. A COMPOSITE KEY composed of PART
NUMBER and REC REPT NUMBER was assigned.
3. Transitive Dependencies - The Purchase Order and
Receiving Report entities contain attributes that are
redundant with data in the Inventory and Supplier entities. Databases in a Distributed Environment

 Distributed databases fall into two categories:

1. Partitioned; and
2. Replicated databases

This section examines issues, features, and trade-offs that

should be carefully evaluated in deciding how databases
should be distributed.

Centralized Databases

- Remote users send requests via terminals for data to the

central site, which processes the requests and transmits
the data back to the user. The central site performs the
functions of a file manager that services the data needs of being incompletely processed and corruption of the
the remote users. database.

Data Currency in a DDP Environment - account balances pass DEADLOCK RESOLUTION - involves sacrificing one
through a state of temporary inconsistency, in which their or more transactions. These must be terminated to
values are incorrectly stated. complete the processing of the other transactions in the
deadlock. The preempted transactions must then be
“To achieve data currency, simultaneous access to individual reinitiated. The deadlock resolution software attempts to
data elements by multiple sites needs to be prevented.” minimize the total cost of breaking the deadlock.

Database Lockout - this is a software control (usually a Some of the factors that influence this decision are as
function of the DBMS) that prevents multiple simultaneous follows:
accesses to data
1. The resources currently invested in the transaction. This
may be measured by the number of updates that the
transaction has already performed and that must be
repeated if the transaction is terminated.
2. The transaction’s stage of completion. In general,
deadlock resolution software will avoid terminating
transactions that are close to completion.
3. The number of deadlocks associated with the transaction.
Because terminating the transaction breaks all deadlock
involvement, the software should attempt to terminate
transactions that are part of more than one deadlock.

Distributed Databases

 Partitioned Databases - splits the central database into

segments or partitions that are distributed to their primary
users. The advantages of this approach are:
o Storing data at local sites increases users’ control.
o Permitting local access to data and reducing the
volume of data that must be transmitted between sites
improves transaction processing response time.
o Partitioned databases can reduce the potential for
disaster. By having data located at several sites, the
loss of a single site cannot terminate all data
Replicated Databases
processing by the organization.
 Are effective in companies in which there exists a high
degree of data sharing but no primary user.
 The primary justification for a replicated database is to
support read-only queries. With data replicated at every
site, data access for query purposes is ensured, and
lockouts and delays because of network traffic are
 Concurrency Control - is to serialize transactions. This
involves labeling each transaction by two criteria.
- First, special software groups transactions into
classes to identify potential conflicts.
- Second, is to time stamp each transaction. Each
The Deadlock Phenomenon
time stamp is made unique by incorporating the
A DEADLOCK occurs here because there is mutual site’s identification number.
exclusion to data, and the transactions are in a wait state
until the locks are removed. This can result in transactions
Distributed Databases and the Accountant

The decision to distribute databases is one that should be

entered into thoughtfully. There are many issues and trade-offs
to consider. Some of the most basic questions to be addressed

 Should the organization’s data be centralized or

 If data distribution is desirable, should the databases be
replicated or partitioned?
 If replicated, should the databases be totally replicated or
partially replicated?
 If the database is to be partitioned, how should the data
segments be allocated among the sites?

“The choices involved in each of these questions impact the

organization’s ability to maintain database integrity. The
preservation of audit trails and the accuracy of accounting
records are key concerns. Clearly, these are decisions that the
modern accountant should understand and influence

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