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The Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 20

of 2016 concerning Basic and Secondary Education Graduate Competency Standards

explains that Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) are criteria regarding the qualifications
of graduates' abilities which include attitudes, knowledge, and skills and are used as the main
reference for developing content standards (SI), process standards, educational assessment
standards, educators and education personnel standards, facilities and infrastructure
standards, management standards, and financing standards. The SKL consists of the
qualification criteria for students' abilities which are expected to be achieved after completing
their study period in education units at the primary and secondary education levels.
While KI is a translation or operational SKL in the form of qualities that must be
possessed by those who have completed education in certain educational units or certain
levels of education, an overview of the main competencies grouped into aspects of attitude,
knowledge, and skills (affective, cognitive, and psychomotor). that students must learn for a
school level, class and subject. KI must describe the quality that is balanced between the
achievement of hard skills and soft skills. KI functions as an organizing element for KD. As
an organizing element, KI is a binder for vertical organizations and KD horizontal
The KD vertical organization is the link between the KD content of one class or level
of education to the class/level above it so that it fulfills the learning principle, namely that
there is a continuous accumulation of content that students learn. Horizontal organization is
the relationship between KD content in one subject and KD content from different subjects in
one weekly finding and in the same class so that a mutually reinforcing process occurs
(Kemendikbud, 2013). KI is designed in four interrelated groups, namely with regard to
religious attitudes (KI 1), social attitudes (KI 2), knowledge (KI 3), and the application of
knowledge (KI 4). The four groups become the reference of KD and must be developed in
every learning event in an integrative way.
KD is the competency of each subject for each class which is derived from KI. KD is
content or competence consisting of attitudes, knowledge, and skills sourced from KI that
must be mastered by students. These competencies are developed by taking into account the
characteristics of students, initial abilities, and characteristics of a subject.

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