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For you how might the utilitarian support or oppose the death penalty?

One of the most influential philosophy and moral theory is utilitarianism where in the core idea
is if the outcomes are good not withstanding if the process is morally right or wrong then it is said to be
good. Concerning death penalty, those who believed in utilitarianism supports this enactment. As this
viewpoint believes that by achieving better life one should experience pleasure and happiness, thus
decreasing the number of havocs and mayhems and those are the criminals. Perhaps they equate in
their principle that no criminals, no dilemmas in the society, but of course considering that the justice
system of a country is fair and with prudent actions.

More so, even with the countless rebuttals of individuals that it is beyond and crossed the
borders of moral taboos and spiritual beliefs, I am certain that utilitarianism supports death penalty as
they strongly believe that positive contributions to morality is superior to the moral codes that humans
sealed in the civilization.

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