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Evidencia 1: Summary “Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial


Carol Jibed Montenegro Torres


Sena Nariño
International Trade Technologist 2387254
La Llanada
Evidencia 1: Summary “Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial

Carol Jibed Montenegro Torres

Lidia Esperanza Bastidas Bastidas
Sandra Denisse Casanova Días


Sena Nariño
International Trade Technologist 2387254
La Llanada


The English language is one of the most important languages in the world, knowing
how to speak, write and understand is extremely transcendental today, that is why
every career, technologist or technician is indispensable English activities, for this
reason it is very important to have basic knowledge and to go deeper into the
dialect. In this activity we will begin with a brief summary of the text summarizing in
a few lines the main idea of the passage given and called "Approach to diagnostics
of marketing complex of industrial Enterpris", which talks about the difficulties that
exist in Ukraine with marketing.

3.3. Knowledge appropriation activities (Conceptualization and Theorization)

Evidence 1: Summary "Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of

industrial enterprise"

Make a summary in English of the text in the document called Approach to

diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial Enterpris.

In the text presented in the evidence and according to Tatiana Maksimova, Elena
Shapran Volodymyr Dal National University of Eastern Ukraine, Lugansk; in Ukraine
the economic development of enterprises has presented great difficulties to advance
in the process of initial diagnosis and projection, added to this the marketing activity
is basic, to this it is added that there is little information on the related subject, and
the few investigations that exist do not have concrete and clear information of the
single access to the diagnostic activity of the company, in addition to the
consequences of the acceptance of the current administrative decisions due to that
are not well oriented extend the difficulty, so it is important to take into account a real
diagnosis of the company with the help of tools such as marketing that allows
changes to advance insurance and avoid unfortunate events or events in the
company, thus the diagnosis of the marketing complex of the company verifies the
current state of the company and analyzes the basic factors that can cause changes
and thus logara the development of recommendations in order to improve the state
and the economy of the companies.


This evidence is located in: Analysis Phase / Learning Activity 1: Determine the
exportable offer taking into account the behavior of the market and current
international treaties / Evidence / Evidence 1: Summary “Approach to diagnostics of
marketing complex of industrial enterprise”. Total, hours: 15, 4 (D) and 11 (I).

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