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WEEK 6 Learning Objectives Standard

Time: 4 hours Expreso de manera oral y/o escrita mi Uso mis conocimientos previos
posición acerca de un tema conocido para participar en una
teniendo en cuenta a quién está dirigido conversación.
el texto.


3.1 Answer the following questions:

❖ What’s bullying? R/Physical or psychological harassment to

which a student is subjected, on a continuous basis, by his classmates

❖ Have you ever been bullied? or Do you have a friend who has
been bullied? R/ no, never

❖ What did you do? or what did your friend do?

3.2 Look at the following comic of Calvin and Hobbes.

What do you think about Calvin’s reaction?

Think about three suggestions to solve the

problem presented in the comic strip.

gimme = give me
1)Properly educate the older child (Moe)

2) expel the biggest boy from the garden or school

l3)investigate the problem that the older child may have and help him deal with

3.3 Look for the following expressions on your dictionary:

give up: darse por vencido

greedy: Avaro o codicioso. mean: Medio

get punched : Ser golpeado huggy : Abrazado change your mind: Cambiar de opinion.

3.4 Now look at the end of the story.

Do you agree with Calvin’s solution?

_ Yes, because it seems to me that he acts in a correct and civilized way
regardless of his young age.
Try to give some answers to Calvin’s questions on the comic strip:
Why is it that some people don’t care what’s wrong and right?
because all people with money and power are corrupted by greed and selfishness
"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Consulta al menos 5 definiciones diferentes del concepto DEMOCRACIA,

de acuerdo con textos de Ciencias Sociales, diccionarios filosóficos,
pensadores, filósofos, autores o teóricos.
Democracia definición de google: Sistema político que defiende la soberanía del pueblo y
el derecho del pueblo a elegir y controlar a sus gobernantes.
Democracia en términos filosóficos: Desde el punto de vista fundamentalista,
la democracia es considerada hoy día como la forma má s perfecta de gobierno, aquella que
habría alcanzado la humanidad como una suerte de destino manifiesto en su camino al Fin
de la Historia.
Democracia según Aristóteles: Aristó teles pensaba que había seis formas de gobierno:
tres virtuosas (monarquía, aristocracia y politeia), y tres corruptas (tiranía, oligarquía y
democracia). Aristó teles pensaba que la mejor forma de gobierno, en idea, era la
monarquía, porque una sola persona actuando por el bien de la comunidad política era lo
má s eficiente. 
Democracia según Platón: Para Aristó teles la politeia y democracia, es decir los gobiernos
de muchos, fueran viciosos o virtuosos, era las formas de gobierno má s mediocres. En una
politeia, el gobierno actú a para el bien de la comunidad política pero es muy ineficiente en
la toma de decisiones; mientras que en una democracia el gobierno es corrupto y só lo
favorece a los que está n en el poder, pero como gobierno está formado por todo el pueblo,
los afectados son los menos. Entonces, la politeia es la menos buena de las virtuosas y la
democracia la menos mala de las viciosas.
Democracia según Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Fue a la
vez escritor, pedagogo, filó sofo, mú sico, botá nico y naturalista. escribió su famoso
‘Contrato social’, libro que iba a formar parte del imaginario colectivo de los movimientos
revolucionarios hacia finales del siglo xviii y principios del xix. En ese texto, Rousseau
plantea la forma de la sociedad ideal a la que hay que aspirar: una sociedad democrá tica
que se conduzca por la ‘voluntad general’. Rousseau sostendrá que la ‘voluntad general’, es
la voluntad política de una sociedad que actú a solo a partir de lo que todos sus miembros
concuerdan, por ello, la voluntad general, fundamento del estado democrá tico que
propone, corrige y educa los caprichos de las voluntades particulares y construye una
forma avanzada de libertad, que Rousseau llamará la libertad civil.


WEEK 7 Learning Objectives Standard

Time: 4 hours *Da opiniones sobre que significa ser un buen *Identifico palabras clave dentro del texto
ciudadano que me permiten entender su sentido
*Analiza prácticas sociales y actividades que
determinan características de un buen *Expreso valores de mi cultura a través de
ciudadano. los textos que escribo


1.1 Make a graphic organizer (conceptual map, mental map, synoptic table, etc.) in which
you define what do you need to know to develop the project. Think about topics, vocabulary,

1.2 Read the following problematic question, then, write a list of vocabulary that promote and
doesn’t promote peace based on the context of the question: Can peace be achieved
anywhere? Such as countries that do not have democracy or countries living violence’s
situations on different forms.
Vocabulary that promotes peace Vocabulary that doesn’t promote peace

absolute power - war - bad political

Democracy – solidarity – equity – peace

corruption – selfishness – weapons –

no wars – choise – protection -
militias – rudeness- disobedience –
dictatorship – dishonesty – inequality, etc.

-Intelligence – values – bennings –

Harmony- Economy – Talent - chance

1.3 Writing. Reflect about the following quotes. What do you think about them? How can you apply them in your

“For to be free is to live in a way that

“You must be the change you
“If you can’t feed aand enhances the freedom of
wish to see in the world! hundred people then feed others”
Ghandi just one”. Mother Teresa
Nelson Mandela

Ghandi: This makes us see and analyze human thought and more than anything in Latin America, since we always
hope that things and people change but we never do.

Motherteresa: This makes a clear reference that to make big changes, big actions are not needed, we simply need
will and patience.

Nelson mandela: It is a phrase that solves a great philosophical question. Does my freedom affect that of others?
you can simply be free and be whoever you want without harming anyone

1.4 Being a good citizen – In your teamwork define what it means to be a good citizen.

Being a good citizen means being a great friend, family member, following the rules,
trying to do your best and always giving your best for anything.

1.5 Study the poster and match the verbs with the gaps. Then complete the poster with two
more ideas.

How to be a good citizen

1. __Do______ some volunteer work in your community. o Read

2. _follow_____ the rules and laws. o Be

3. __Be______ a good neighbor. o Respect

4. _protect____the environment. o Do

5. _Be_______sympathetic to other people’s problems. o Follow

6. _read_____ about the world around you. o Learn

7. _learn_____ about and respect other people’s beliefs and cultures o Protect

8. _Respect___other people’s property o Be

9. _accept_____ anyone no matter who

10. _create_____ a better and easier word for future generations

1.6 READING. Read these student essays about how to be a good citizen. Which of the ideas on the poster
above are mentioned?
R/ Be a good neighbor – Protect the environment - Do some volunteer work in your community- read about
the world around you - learn about and respect other people’s beliefs and cultures

How to be a Good Citizen

Hello. My name is James. In my opinion, to be a good
citizen, you need to look after your environment. This Hi. I’m Haley in my view, we can all be good citizens.
sounds boring, but it can be enjoyable. Picking up It’s not very difficult. One thing we can all do is learn
rubbish in the park can be fun if you do it with your about the world we live in by reading the newspapers
friends. Cleaning graffiti off walls is also something and listening to the radio. We need to learn about
you can do with your friends. Another thing you can other people’s religions and beliefs so we can respect
do to protect the environment is to recycle your drink them. We also need to be aware of the problems
cans and your plastic bottles. It’s easy to forget and people face in other countries. We need to help
throw them away. Finally, I think we need to be good people who are affected by earthquakes and other
neighbors. Always be nice and smile at your natural disasters. For example, we can raise money
neighbors when you see them. If you have elderly for them. You can do this by making and selling cakes
neighbors, you can offer to help them out with their or biscuits or even selling some of your own
household chores. possessions which you no longer need. Good citizens
make the world a better place and being a good
citizen makes us feel better about ourselves.
1.7 Read the essays again and answer the questions.

a. Which three things does James suggest you can do to look after your environment? R/ pick up trash, clean up
graffiti, and recycle drinks and plastic bottles

b. What does James tell us to do when we see our neighbors? R/ Always be friendly and smile at your neighbors
when you see them.

c. How can we help elderly neighbors? R/ you can offer to help with household chores
d. Why does Haley say we need to read the newspaper? R / To learn from the world we live in

e. How can we help people who are affected by earthquakes? R / we can raise money for them. You can do this by
making and selling cakes or cookies or even selling some of your own possessions that you no longer need.

f. Why does she say it is important to be a good citizen? R / makes us feel better about ourselves.
1.8 Read the views of these teenagers. Do you agree with them?

_I totally agree with them, the most important thing to be a good person and a good citizen is to help and support the


USEFUL LANGUAGE: Giving an opinion

In my opinion…

In my view…

For me…

Personally, I think…

My point of view is that…

From my experience…

3.1 Write here your opinion. What do you think can be done to be a good citizen? Use the expressions given on the
useful language.

In my opinion to be a good citizen you have to find the balance between being a good family member,
neighbor and person through which you can take as an example for other people

Consulta acerca de la definición de CONFLICTO ARMADO de acuerdo con el Derecho

Internacional Humanitario.

Entendemos por conflicto armado “todo enfrentamiento protagonizado por

grupos de diferente índole (tales como fuerzas militares regulares o irregulares,
guerrillas, grupos armados de oposició n, grupos paramilitares, o comunidades
étnicas o religiosas que, utilizando armas u otras medidas de destrucció n


Interview 2 adults about what it means to be a good citizen and what good or bad experiences
they’ve had then write down their answer. Share your findings with your team.

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