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If + past + would + verb

Second conditional is used in situations/actions in the present or future
which are not likely to happen or are imaginary, hypothetical or

 If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world and buy a castle.

I think it is very unlikely that I will win the lottery. However, in this unlikely
condition, I will travel and buy a castle.

 If I wasn’t watching TV now, I would be playing football.

I am watching TV, but I am imagining an alternative activity I would be doing if
I wasn’t watching TV.

 If I were an alien, I would be able to travel around the universe.

It is impossible for me to be an alien. However, I am imagining what I would do
in this situation

Additional points
Other modal verbs can be used in place of would:

 If I had more money, I could buy a car.

Buying a car would be possible.

 If I won the lottery, I might give all the money to charity.

Giving the money to charity is only a possibility.

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