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1. The test is written to make people....

A. disciplined
B. keep the room safe
C. stop using electricity
D. involved in Energy saving

2. The notice teaches people to be....

A. discipline and responsible
B. kind and attentive
C. humble and wise
D. strong and brave

Dear Mom and Dad,

I would really like a PlayStation for the living room. I work really hard at school
and do a lot of extracurriculars. At the end of the day, after finishing my
homework, I would like to have something I can use to relax

Thank you


3. What is the message about?

A. Asking for something for relax.
B. Doing extracurriculars at school.
C. Complaining work hard after school.
D. Telling someone’s activities at school.

4. What will Steve’s parents probably do after reading the message?

A. Fulfill Steve’s desire.
B. Give support to do the best.
C. Advice Steve to be patient to get something.
D. Give an idea for relaxation without a playstation.

5. Why did Steve write the message?

A. He liked to play a playstation to relax.
B. He asked for something for relaxation.
C. He complained after work hard at school.
D. He needed something for the living room.
6. The text is used to....
A. support someone to achieve something great
B. remind someone to achieve something
C. congratulate someone’s achievement
D. wish someone success in the future

7. In the text, the writer expresses his....

A. hope
B. doubt
C. admiration
D. understanding

8. ‘you stand out from the crowd” it means that the receiver of the card is ....
A. the one
B. the best
C. the follower
D. the participant

9. The text is written to...

A. give information about the function of the product
B. give detailed information about the product
C. attract people to purchase the product
D. introduce the new product

10.The text stresses on the ....of the product

A. function
B. shape
C. price
D. content

11.Our smile will be more beautiful...we use the product

A. although
B. If
C. so
D. but
12. The text is directed to all
students who want to...the library
A. pass by
B. check
C. use
D. see

13. What should the situation of the library be?

A. Full and active
B. Quiet and clean
C. Supportive and lively
D. Relaxing and cheerful

14.obey- have to- they - the rule – the library -The students- - visit- if
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is....

A. 6-2-1-4-8-3-7-5
B. 6-7-5-8-3-1-2-4
C. 6-8-3-1-2-6-5-4
D. 6-6-5-7-2-1-3-8

15.The text is written to make the readers....

A. buy the product
B. know the product
C. appreciate the product
D. give detail about the product

16.To know what the content of the product is we have to check...

A. the nutrition fact
B. the ingredient
C. the contains
D. the weight
17.“The world best chocolate dipped frozen treat” the underlined word is closest in
meaning to ice...
A. decorated
B. covered
C. added
D. carved

Like a small boat

On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

18. The lyric of the song is about someone’s....

A. spirit to fight for life
B. wish to have a better life
C. hope to have great power
D. feeling to face the hard life

19. In the lyrics, the writer tells although he is small but he is ...
A. happy
B. strong
C. wise
D. smart

20. “But I can make explosion: this sentence shows the writer’s ....
A. hope
B. sadness
C. determination
D. disappointment
21. The text is written by someone who want to ...
A. make her friend happy
B. make a friend with someone
C. contact again to her old friend
D. know more of her new friend

22.The writer can’t contact Desiree because....

A. her mail box is gone
B. Her mail box is in use
C. she hasn’t opened her mail box
D. She hasn’t activate her mail box

Alika : “Hi Adhi! I heard that you are chosen as the school representative in the
science Olympiad at Seoul Is it true?”
Adhi : That’s true. How do you know?
Alika : Our science teacher just told me this morning.
Adhi : Yeah. I am lucky.
Alika : I think it is not only luck. You are the smartest boy in our
class. So you deserve it!” Congratulations
Adhi : “Thanks Alika. I appreciate it!”
Alika : “You’re welcome. I hope you can get gold medal in that event.
Adhi : “Thanks.” Pray for me.
Alika : Of course. Good luck.

23.The dialogue is about congratulating someone who ...

A. wants to go to Seoul
B. is selected to join science Olympiad
C. got gold medal in the science Olympiad
D. wants to join science Olympiad selection

24.What does Adhi wish?

A. Winning the gold medal
B. Joining the science Olympiad
C. Chosen to join the Olympiad
D. Becoming the best student at class

25.“So you deserve it!”. The underlined word refers to….

A. being lucky
B. getting the gold medal
C. chosen to science Olympiad
D. becoming the smartest boy at class

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 and grew up in Munich. He
wasn’t a good student at school and only did things he was interested in,
like science and mathematics. At a very early age young Albert started wondering about
the mysteries of the universe.
After school Einstein went to Switzerland and tried to become a teacher there, but
he couldn’t find a job. He went to work at the Swiss patent office in Bern where he
studied what other people had invented.
Albert went to Berlin where he married his cousin Elsa. He lived in Berlin for a
long time and there he developed many of his scientific theories. Einstein became so well
known that he was invited to universities around the world to talk about his discoveries.
In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Einstein decided to leave Germany and go to the United States. When World War
II broke out in 1939 Einstein discovered that German scientists were working on a bomb
that could kill thousands of people. He wrote a letter to the American president to warn
him and suggested that the Americans start building one too.
In 1941 the American government started the Manhattan Project which led to
the construction of the atomic bomb. Two of these bombs were dropped over Hiroshima
and Nagasaki to end the war against Japan. Einstein was horrified when he heard the
news. He wanted the world to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
For the last twenty years of his life, Einstein lived in Princeton where he continued
his scientific work. He died on April 18, 1955

26.By reading the text, we know some parts of ...

a. Where Albert Einstein lived
b. What Albert Einstein did in the war
c. What Albert Einstein’s life looked like
d. When Albert Einstein got his early education

27.According to Albert Einstein, Atomic energy should be used ....

a. to build a new country
b. in the War situation only
c. for the goodness of human being
d. to help a country to end the war

28.Albert Einstein’ works were highly appreciated so that ...

a. he got the chance to join in the Manhattan Project
b. he could dropped two atomic bombs in Japan
c. he was asked to make atomic bombs
d. he awarded a Nobel Prize

29.“....started the Manhattan Project which led to the construction of the atomic bomb.”.

the underlined word is closest in meaning to....
a. creation
b. placement
c. arrangement
d. completing

Sherpas are people who live in the north-eastern part of Nepal, in the valleys of
the Himalaya Mountains. There are about 40,000 Sherpas , many of which live near
Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain.
Most Sherpas are Tibetan Buddhists. They have no written language
and worship the mountains around them, which they view as the home of the gods.
Mount Everest, for example, is called Chomolungma, the Mother of Gods.
At first the world did not know very much about the Sherpas. They lived alone in
their villages, traded goods and grew corn and potatoes. When the British started
mountain climbing expeditions in the 20 th century they used Sherpas as guides. With
the help of yaks, Sherpas helped mountaineers bring their heavy loads into great
Over the years Sherpas have been admired for their physical strength. They need
less oxygen to breathe and can work better at high attitudes and in thin air. Even today
Sherpa’s rely on walking to move around. There are no cars or other vehicles.

Helping tourists get to the top of high mountains has become is a

great source of income. While mountain climbers pay around $ 60,000 for an expedition,
Sherpas earn $2,000 and more on a trip. Some of them have even started their
own business, or operate hotels and lodges for tourists.

30.By reading the text, we got the information about....

A. the physical strength of Sherpa
B. the way Sherpa makes a living
C. the situation around Sherpa live
D. the Sherpa in general
31.What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. The Sherpa has unusual body’s system which help them live in high altitude
B. The Sherpa can use his special ability to avoid cars or other vehicles
C. The Sherpa uses his physical strength to live in the thin air area
D. The Sherpa spends most of their time to walk and move around

32.The more people come to Sherpa,...

A. the more money the Sherpa get
B. the stronger the Sherpa become
C. the better the view around the Sherpa
D. the more cars and other vehicles the Sherpa have

33.“....expeditions in the 20 th century they used Sherpas as guides..” The underlined

word refers to....
A. yaks
B. British
C. Sherpas
D. villagers

Grizzly bear is subspecies of the brown bear. These huge animals originate from
Europe and Asia, but today they can be found only in North America and Canada. They
live in woodlands, forests and valleys near rivers. During 1970s number of grizzly bears
dropped significantly because of the mass hunt. Since that time, hunting of bears is
prevented by law, and their number gradually increased in time. Today, grizzly bear is
"threatened" species which means almost endangered.

Grizzly bear is huge animal. Most bears weigh between 300 and 800 pounds, but
some captured animals weighed up to 1400 pounds. Grizzly has 3-4 feet in height when
it is on all four legs. It can be up to 8 feet tall when it stands on back feet. Grizzly bear
has brown fur, but hairs on the shoulders and back have white tops which give them
"grizzled" look. That is why they are known as grizzly bears. You can recognize grizzly
bears by the hump on their back. Hump is made of muscles.. Although grizzly bears are
large animals, 75% of their diet is comprised of berries, leaves and nuts. They also like to
eat fish, rodents and moose.

Male grizzly is solitary animal (it prefers lonely life). They can be seen in large groups
during migratory season of salmon. Bears will enter the shallow water and catch the fish
when they jump out of the water. They will eat up to 25 fish per day when they are
preparing for hibernation to gain as much fat reserves as possible.

Bears are excellent swimmers. They are also fast runners; they can run up to 30
miles per hour. They have perfect eyesight and excellent sense of smell. They will detect
smell better than hound dog. Grizzly lives up to 30 years in the wild and up to 40 years
in captivity

34.The text is written to....

A. tell about Grizzly bear ability
B. introduce Grizzly bears and their diet
C. inform the Grizzly bear unusual way of life
D. make people know What Grizzly bear looks like

35.Eating a lot of fish before hibernation is needed because....

A. salmon is only provided at that time
B. grizzly bears will not eat for a long time
C. fish migration happens only that moment
D. they can easily catch salmon at that time
36.Something which makes Grizzly bear different from other bear is...
A. its behaviour and number
B. its height and weight
C. its diet and ability
D. its fur and hump

37. “...preparing for hibernation to gain as much fat reserves as possible”. The underlined
word is closest in meaning to...
A. obtain
B. create
C. manage
D. improve

The farmer and the beet story

Once upon a time, a farmer planted a beet. The beet grew and grew.
One day the farmer pulled on the beet, but the beet did not come up. “Horse, please help
me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,”
said the horse. But the beet did not come up.
Then the farmer went to the cow. “dear cow, please help me pull up this beet. I want
to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure I’ll help,” said the cow. But the beet did not
come up. So the farmer went to a goat. “My lovely goat, please help me pull up this beet.
I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer.”Sure I’ll help,” said the goat. But the beet did
not come up.
Next the farmer went to the cat. “Oh my dear cat, please help me pull up this beet. I
want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer.. “Sure I’ll help.” said the cat. But again the
beet did not come up. So the farmer went to the mouse. “Lovely mouse, please help me
pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer.. “Sure I’ll help.” said the
mouse. So the mouse pulled on the cat. The cat pulled on the goat, and the goat pulled
on the cow. The cow pulled on the horse, the horse pulled on the farmer, and the farmer
pulled on the beet. And the beet came up! “Thank you, horse. Thank you cow. Thank
you, goat. Thank you cat. And thank you mouse!” said the farmer. “Now we can all eat
dinner.” And they did.

38.The story is about....

A. planting beet for living
B. preparing beet for dinner
C. living with many kind of animals
D. working together to get to certain purpose

39.What did the animals living with the farmer look like?
A. Clever
B. Selfish
C. Helpful
D. Friendly

40.The end of the story, all the animals and the farmer....
A. Helped to each other
B. Promised to live in harmony
C. Realized that they need each other
D. Enjoyed the result of their hard work

41.“Now we can all eat dinner”. The underlined word refers to the farmers and...
A. the beet
B. all animals in the forest
C. the mouse who just pulled the beet
D. all animals who had helped pulling the beet
Easy and quick homemade pizza


 2 1⁄2cups flour
 1teaspoon salt

 1teaspoon sugar

 1tablespoon fast rise yeast

 1cup water (120*)

 1tablespoon oil

 ⁄4cup tomato sauce

 1teaspoon italian seasoning

 1
⁄2teaspoon garlic powder

 1
⁄2teaspoon salt

 1
⁄8teaspoon pepper

 1 1⁄2cups pepperoni slices

 1cup shredded mozzarella cheese

 1cup shredded monterey jack cheese

 3tablespoons grated parmesan cheese

1. In large bowl, mix first 4 ingredients.
2. Mix water and oil; add to flour mixture.

3. Turn onto floured surface; knead for 2 minutes.

4. Place in a greased bowl; turning to grease top.

5. Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.

6. Punch down; place on greased pizza pan.

7. Pat into a circle.

8. Topping: Mix first 5 ingredients and spread over crust.

9. Put a few pepperoni slices on top of sauce.

10. Sprinkle with 1/2 the mozzeralla; 1/2 the monterey jack, and 1/2 the parmesan.

11. Put the rest of the pepperoni on.

12. Repeat the cheese layer.

13. Bake at 400* for 20 minutes or until light brown.

42. By following the instructions above ,....

A. we will be able to make delicious pizza
B. our pizza will be more attractive
C. we know what pizza made of
D. our pizza can be sold easily

43. Topping is added when,...

A. the 5 ingredients are prepared
B. the baking process is on going
C. the dough for the base is ready
D. the cheese is cut into small pieces

44. We have to sprinkle mozzarella ...the dough based

A. on
B. in
C. near
D. under

Walt wanted to make his own animation cartoons. He started his own company called
Laugh-O-Gram. He hired some of his friends including Ubbe Iwerks. They created short
animated cartoons. Although the cartoons were popular, the business didn't make enough
money and Walt had to declare bankruptcy. 
One failure was not going stop Disney, however. In 1923, he moved to Hollywood,
California and opened a new business with his brother Roy called Disney Brothers' Studio.
He again hired Ubbe Iwerks and number of other animators. They developed the popular
character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. This time he created a new character named Mickey
Mouse. He created the first animated film to have sound. It was called Steamboat Willie and
starred Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The film was a great success. Disney continued to work,
creating new characters.

45.Walt Disney’s job was a cartoon…

A. seller
B. maker
C. actors
D. animators

46.Lucky rabbit, Mickey mouse, Minnie Mouse are the popular ….created by Walt Disney
A. actors
B. friends
C. brothers
D. characters

47.Walt Disney used his talent in art to be a successful ….

A. actor
B. developer
C. character
D. businessman

Cimanggu is one of the tourist resorts in South Bandung. It is located at Mount

patuha, about 1,700 m above sea level with temperatures between 15 and 22 degree
Celsius. Cimanggu’s main attraction is its hot water.
Cimanggu offers complete facilities including restaurants, food stalls,
bungalows, shelter, information centre, mosques and restrooms. Besides bungalows
located at the tourist resorts, visitors can also stay at famous hotels nearby.
As the location is in the mountainous area, the temperature is cold. It is
suggested for the visitors to bring a jacket, gloves, a hat and sunglasses to protect
them from the cold weather and direct sunlight.
Cimanggu is very a popular tourist destination especially for people in west
java. There are many people visit this place to enjoy the beautiful scenery. On week
end or school holiday this place usually very crowded with visitors.

48.The text is written....

A. to make the readers impressed
B. to ask the readers to keep Cimanggu clean
C. to attract the readers to come to Cimanggu
D. to remind the readers some attractions in Cimanngu

49.In paragraph three, the readers are suggested....

A. to be ready with the cold weather in Cimanggu
B. to take something useful related to the weather in Cimanggu
C. to stay calm in the cold and harsh temperature in Cimanggu
D. to adapt themselves with the temperature in the mountains area

50.Visiting Cimanggu will be satisfying...the facilities in that area are complete

A. so
B. when
C. since
D. though

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