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Read the text to answer questions 1 to 3.

1. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

A. To praise his mother as the best person to keep trees.
B. To commend his mother for the best guidance in his life.
C. To congratulate his mother for the hard work in the family.
D. To applaud his mother as the best person in watching him shine.

2. “I know you were on my side even when I was wrong.” It means that ....
A. Mother really loves her children when they need her
B. Mother’s love to her children never ends in every time
C. Mother likes to correct all of her children’s mistakes
D. Mother knows very much about her children’s fault

3. How does the writer describe his mother?

A. She is smart and a patient person.
B. She has a strong feeling for her future.
C. She has a good future in a public service.
D. She is a good mother and a good gardener.

Read the text to answer questions 4 to 5.


To: All customers.

Due to the severe fire that happened last week, our company, Rainbow Corporation, has
to renovate some buildings. The renovation will be time-consuming and consequently,
our office will be temporarily moved to Flamboyant Street 16, about 500 m from our
company. We will not stop our production, but it will influence our production process,
such as the delay of product making, tardiness of product delivery and other services.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

Mr. Johnson

General Manager

4. What is the topic of the text?

A, The delay of product making
B. The severe fire at the company.
C. The renovation of some buildings
D. The production process of the Company.

5. Why must Rainbow Corporation renovate its buildings?

A. The buildings were burned down.
B. The office moved to other buildings.
C. The product making was delayed.
D. The company office was flooded.

Read the text to answer questions 6 to 8.

My dearest Handoko,

I am on the way to hospital now to visit your aunt, Mrs. Mirna, who is being hospitalized
since two days ago. Your lunch had been prepared. Please have it before you join your
private course. Don’t forget to drink your vitamin that I put on the small table in your

Your mom

6. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. Preparing the writer’s lunch at home.
B. Drinking the vitamin before the course.
C. Studying at a private course after school.
D. Visiting the writer’s sick aunt at a hospital.

7. What will Handoko do on receiving the message?

A. Go to the hospital to follow her mom.
B. Drink his vitamin after joining the course,
C. Prepare her lunch before going to the course.
D. Join the private course after having her lunch.

8. Why does the writer write the text?

A. To tell her son that she is not at home now.
B. To inform her son that she will go to hospital.
C. To inform the conditon at the writer’s house.
D. To give information about her aunt’s sickness.

Read the text to answer questions 9 and 11

9. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To persuade people to know the strength of the product.
B. To promote the product free of charge during 7 days.
C. To make people interested to buy the product.
D. To convince people to keep the product well.

10. Why do people probably want to buy the product?

A. The products are very good
B. The products are very limited
C. The price is cheaper than usual
D. There are many additional games

11. The text is addressed to someone who ....

A. wants to watch the programs on TV.
B. needs more modern tools in his/her life.
C. requires the easy ways to find the target.
D. expects to play games with cheap prices.

Read the text to answer questions 12 and 13.

12. The benefit of reading the text above is we know ...

A. when we have to keep the product well.
B. the percentage of every ingredient.
C. where the product is made.
D. the materials of the product.

13. Based on the text what should the consumers do to use the product appropriately?
A. Keep and put the product in a cool place.
B. Stop to consume the product if they are pregnant.
C. Discontinue use if the seal is damaged or missing.
D. Keep and avoid the product from a strong shake. .

Read the text to answer questions 14 to 16.

Dear Grandpa. How are you grandpa? I was really happy to see you and Grandma at my
graduation ceremony, and hope you're recovering from your high blood pressure soon. Do
you mind if I visit you on Saturday? I'd really like to show you my new cat. I think you'll
adore her. Her name is Susan, and got her last week. For your information, she's your
favorite breed: an angora cat, just like Soho! I'm excited to come and to see you soon. Let
me know if Saturday will be OK for my coming.

14. Why did Onavia send her grandparents a message?
A. She planned to give them her cat.
B. She wanted to visit them on Saturday.
C. She asked them to attend her graduation.
D. She told them a name of her new born cat.

15. We can infer that ....

A. Onavia's grandma is sick
B. Onavia's grandpa is a pet lover
C. Onavia's grandpa visited her last week
D. Grandpa and grandma are not well at this time

16. “I think you'll adore her.” The underlined word means ....
A. keep
B. love
C. take
D. wait

Read the text to answer questions 17 and 20.

The holidays had come. At first, I didn’t know how to spend my long holiday. I didn’t
have any plans because my parents were very busy. My father was finishing his project,
while my mother was taking care of my little sister. She was just five months old.

Fortunately, my friend, Zaky, didn’t have any plants either. So we spent holiday
together. During the holiday, he came to my house almost every day.

We did a lot of thing. On the first day, we rode a bicycle and went around the city. We
stopped at some shops and enjoyed window-shopping. The second day, I taught Zaky how to
play basketball. We spent three days just to get him able to shoot well. In the last two days,
we visited museums in our city; they were Ronggowarsito and Mandala Bakti. We learnt a lot
from the collections in the museums.
17. Why didn’t the writer have plans for his vacation?

A. He was very busy.

B. His parents were busy.

C. He didn’t know that the vacation had come.

D. He wanted to spend the vacation at home.

18. How did the writer feel to learn that Zaky didn’t have any plans either?

A. Sad

B. Sorry

C. Guilty

D. Happy

19. How long did the vacation last?

A. Three months

B. Five months

C. One month.

D. Seven days.

20. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. The writer went around the city by bicycle

B. Zaky learned how to play volleyball from the writer

C. The things displayed in the museums were boring

D. The writer and Zaky visited three museums during the vacation.

Read the text to answer questions 21 to 23.

Edison once worked for the railroad something happened that changed the course
of his career Edison saved the life of a station official s child, who had fallen onto the
tracks of an oncoming train. For his bravery, the boy's father taught Edison how to use
the telegraph.
From 1862 to 1868, Edison worked as a roving telegrapher in the Midwest, the
South. Canada and New England. During this time, he began developing a telegraphic
repeating instrument that made it possible to transmit messages automatically?

Edison moved to New York City. Within a year he was able to open a workshop in
Newark, New Jersey He produced the Edison Universal Stock Printer the automatic
telegraph, the quadruplex, as well as other printing telegraphs, while working out of

Thomas Alva Edison died in West Orange, New Jersey on October 18. 1931. At
the time of this death, he was experimenting on rubber from goldenrod. After his death,
Edison became a folk hero of legendary status. His inventions had truly and profoundly
affected the shaping of modern society.

21. What is the writer's intention to write the text?

A. To tell Edison's working experience.
B. To describe Edison's difficult time.
C. To report Edison's company.
D. To expose Edison's life.

22. What made Edison have great reputation?

A. He moved to the biggest town in the States
B. His work influenced modern society
C. He invented telegraph
D. He worked very hard

23. “ well as other printing telegraphs, while working out of New ark. (paragraph 3)
What is the closest in meaning to the underlined phrase?
A. However
B. Although
C. Despite
D. And

Read the text to answer questions 24 to 26.

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them
helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn
about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than people
previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for
pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community as we do. Some scientists
have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they
communicate with each other without needing words. Could any of these mammals be
more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common argument in favor of man's
superiority over them that we can kill them more easily than they can kill us is the
least satisfactory on the contrary the more we discover about these remarkable
creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy them.

24. It is clear from the passage those dolphins...

A. are proven to be less intelligent than once thought.
B. have a reputation for being friendly to humans.
C. are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans.
D. are capable of learning a language and communicating with humans.

25. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more easily than
they can kill us ....
A. means that they are better adapted to their environment than we are.
B. shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated form of communication.
C. proves that dolphins are not the most intelligent species at sea.
D. does not mean that we are superior to them.

26. One can infer from the reading that ...

A dolphins are quite abundant in some areas of the world.
B. communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins.
C. dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to think
D. dolphins have some social traits that are similar to those of humans.

Read the text to answer questions 27 to 29.

Penguins are a group of aquatic flightless birds living almost exclusively in the
southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water,
penguins have counter shaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved
into flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid, and other forms of sea life
caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and
half in the oceans.
The largest living species is the Emperor Penguins on average adults are about
1.1 m (3 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 35 kg (75 lb) or more. The smallest penguin species is
the Little Blue Penguin, also known as the Fairy Penguin, which stands around 40 cm
tall (16 in) and weighs 1 kg (2.2 lb).
Among extant penguins, larger penguins inhabit colder regions while smaller
penguins are generally found in temperate or even tropical climates. Some prehistoric
species attained enormous sizes, becoming as tall or as heavy as an adult human.
These were not restricted to Antarctic regions, on the contrary, sub Antarctic regions
harbored high diversity, and at least one giant penguin occurred in a region not quite
2,000 km south of the equator, in a climate decidedly warmer than today

27. The writer writes the text to tell....

A. the food of penguins
B. the habitat of penguins
C. the species of penguins
D. the main features of penguins

28. What is mostly described about penguins?

A. Their preys, habits and weight.
B. Their weight, height and sight.
C. Their species, plumage and flippers.
D. Their habitat, physical appearance and preys.

29. Compared to the bigger ones, smaller penguins live in ...

A colder regions
B warmer regions
C various temperatures
D much colder regions

Read the text to answer questions 30 to 32.

The Hare and The Tortoise

A hare can run fast. A tortoise moves very slowly. lt carries a heavy shell on its back.
It cannot move as quickly as other animals.
One morning a hare said to a tortoise. "I can run faster than you. You are very slow
"Yes," said the tortoise. "I cannot run as fast as you. But let us have a race. I will raise
you and I will win. I will beat you.”
"You are foolish," said the hare. "I will beat you easily. Let us race to that tree . Are
you ready? Go!"
The tortoise began walking slowly towards the tree. He could not go fast. But he
didn't stop. The hare laughed.
I shall not hurry," he said. "I shall lie down to have a little rest. Then I shall go and
after tortoise and win the race. l can run faster than the tortoise.
The hare lay down and went to sleep. The tortoise moved slowly on. The sun climbed
higher into the sky. The tortoise slowly moved nearer to the tree but the hare was
At last the hare woke up. "Now I shall run to the tree and win the race," he said. He
ran quickly to the tree but the tortoise was there. "I am slowly," said the tortoise, "But
I won the race."
30. Why did the hare lose the race?
A. He was lazy.
B. He ran very slowly.
C. He underestimated the tortoise.
D. The tortoise moved very fast.

31. "You are foolish," said the hare.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. clever
B. smart
C. wise
D. stupid

32. What can we learn from the story?

A. Smart defeats strength.
B. Never underestimate others.
C. Think that you're the strongest.
D. Be patient to others.
Read the text to answer questions 33 to 36.

The word "Glue Gun" may sounds dangerous for us, but it is not an actual gun to
shoot a bullet. Instead it can help us in making a handicraft. In the process the heat
from the gun stick and turn it into liquid form that we can use to stick anything
including the parts of our handicraft. Follow these following steps if you want to use a
Glue Gun.

1. Check and clean the glue gun from any old glue clogging in the nozzle.
2. Put the glue stick into the gun nozzle.
3. Insert the plug into the electricy socket.
4. Prepare a sheet of paper and put the glue gun on it.
5. Wait until the gun get warmer.
6. Squeeze the trigger gently to check if the glue stick has changed into liquid form.
7. Finally, you can apply it on any surface that you want to stick by using this glue

33. The text tells us about the procedure of ....

A using a bullet
B using of the Glue Gun
C melting the glue stick
D using a dangerous gun

34. How will the glue gun stick on our handicraft?

A The gun will stick anything including the parts of our handicraft
B. The heating gun will change the liquid into stick we want to make
C. The gun will squeeze the trigger gently to check if the glue stick has changed into
liquid form
D. The heating gun will melt the glue stick and turn it into liquid form to stick anything
we want to make
35. “...and put the glue gun on it.”
The underlined word refers to ....
A the glue gun
B. the gun nozzle
C. a sheet of paper
D. electricity socket

Read the text to answer questions 36 to 38.

Long time ago, lived a farmer and his wife. They lived simply and liked to help
other people. One night, the farmer was sitting beside his sleeping wife. Suddenly, a
white centipede came out from the wife’s head. He then followed it until they reached
a small pond. The centipede suddenly disappeared. The farmer went home and found
his wife still soundly asleep.
In the morning, the wife told him about her dream that she saw a giant hedgehog
in the lake. After he heard her dream, the farmer went to the small pond. He saw
something very shiny. It was a golden hedgehog statue. Its eyes were made of
diamond. The farmer then brought it home.
At night, the farmer had a dream. A giant hedgehog asked for to stay with him.
The hedgehog would give him everything that he wanted. Just said the prayer, the first
started the wishes and the second stopped the wishes. The farmer told his wife about
his dream. Then they proved it. The farmer asked for rice. Suddenly, rice came out of
the mouth of the statue. The farmer said the prayer to stop it. The rice then stopped
coming out. They became very rich. But they still liked to help other people.
Unfortunately, a thief knew about it. He stole it and hid to the district area of
Ngabang. There was a drought in the area. The thief wanted sympathy from the
people, so he said the prayer. Water came out of the statue’s mouth. All the people
were so happy. But the water kept on coming out. The thief didn’t know how to stop
it. People ran away to avoid the water as it started to flood the. The thief also wanted
to run away, but he could not move his legs. There was a giant hedgehog holding both
his legs. The thief was drowned. People then named it as Hedgehog River or Sungai

36. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The farmer still liked to help poor people.
B. The golden hedgehog statue stayed with the farmer.
C. The farmer asked for rice to the golden hedgehog statue.
D. The golden hedgehog statue gave everything to the farmer.

37. Why did the farmer go to the pond after he heard his wife’s dream?
A. He knew that the giant hedgehog was a white centipede.
B. He wanted to see the giant hedgehog as soon as possible.
C. His wife’s dream was unbelievable so he wanted to prove it.
D. His wife’s dream had correlation with what he saw a night before.

38. Based on the story we can say that ...

A. The golden hedgehog statue was a white cenpetide.
B. The farmer and his wife lived in the district area of Ngabang.
C. The giant hedgehog could know between a good and bad one.
D. The farmer and his wife became generous after getting the statue.

Read the text to answer questions 39 to 40.

If I Let You Go


Day after day

Time pass away
And I just can't get you off my mind
Nobody knows
I hide it inside
I keep on searching, but I can't find
The courage to show to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go, I will never know

What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
(Oh yeah) how will I know if I let you go?

Night after night I hear my self say

Why can't this feeling just fade away?
There's no one like you, you speak to my heart
It's such a shame we're worlds apart

I'm too shy to ask, I'm to proud to lose

But sooner or later I've got to choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go I will never know

What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
(Oh yeah) how will I know if I let you go?

What is the social function of the song "If I Let You Go"?
39. What does the song tell about?

A. love C. history

B. live D. friendship

40. The social function of the song above is..

A. The singer wants to motivate the listeners not to doubt their feelings for someone.

B. Express the writer’s feeling about their family

C. To tell the listeners about friendship
D. To persuade the listeners to sing so that they will be happy

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