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LED Spotlights & Advertising

Even ten years ago, LED flood lights were used only to illuminate roads, and
even then not everywhere. Now we can see these modern lighting devices
literally everywhere - at stadiums and cinemas, exhibitions and fairs, at
business centers and in parking lots, at a recreation center and at the dacha
of friends. They are purchased by lighting designers, landscape designers,
company executives, owners of warehouses and garages, shops and fitness
clubs. This popularity is easy to explain if you know about the advantages of
LED floodlights. Any of them already allows us to assert that this method of
lighting is significantly superior to its outdated counterparts, isn't it?

Let's name the main ones:

 The duration of the service life, which is from 50 to 70 thousand hours

of continuous operation (removes the problem of frequent replacement
of the light source);
 Resistance to loads (mechanical, temperature, etc.);
 Instant flashing when turned on;
 The ability to safely use LED floodlights in those places and at those
facilities where it is impossible to connect other lighting devices;
 Availability of various lighting colors, functionality and eye-pleasing

Thanks to the listed "pluses", LED devices (ribbons, lamps, lamps) are
successfully used to create luminous advertising structures. Remember the
picture of a night metropolis, with its bright, iridescent with all the colors of
the rainbow, flashing and dying signs, pointers, rotating spheres, volumetric
letters! .. Almost all of these "city lights" are LEDs that are beneficial to use
for advertising purposes. A simple example: to illuminate a 3x6 meter
billboard, you only need one LED floodlight, which will last about 5
years! How can advertisers miss this chance to save money?
Everyone involved in outdoor advertising is aware of the mandatory
requirements for advertising media and equipment. They should be catchy,
eye-catching, but at the same time compact, moisture and temperature
resistant, durable, easy to maintain, and have a long service life. LED
floodlights from the SvetoTechnik company fully meet these
requirements. They are the optimal solution when it is necessary to achieve
one or another light-dynamic effect, since manufacturers include in modern
models the ability to illuminate advertisements of any shades, while setting
a certain scenario of alternating color changes.

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