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The Miracle Morning

The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM
By Hal Elrod
Improve yours: Productivity, exercise, happy life, concentration,

planning, goal setting, winning

Foreword: What if you can somehow mysteriously wake up

tomorrow and any — or every area of your life was

changed? What would be distinct? Would you be

happier? Healthier? More likely to succeed? In better

condition? Would you have greater energy? Less

pressure? More wealth? Better relationships? Which of

your troubles would be solved?

What if there were a "not-so-obvious" secret that would

improve any — or practically every — aspect of your life

faster than you ever imagined possible? That it only

takes 6 minutes every day?

Then there's "The Miracle Morning." What is currently

being performed by thousands of individuals all around

the world may be the simplest way to live the life you've

always desired. It was here in front of us all along, but

this book has finally brought it to life.

Main points: 1. Getting out of mediocrity and into the Top 5%

2. How the 80/20 rule will help businesses make more


3. The reality about getting up: You snooze, you lose.

4. The LIVE S.A.V.E.R.S.

5. The LIVE S.A.V.E.R.S: A is for Affirmations

6. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: V is for Visualization

7. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: E is for Exercise

8. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: R is for Reading

9. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: S is for Scribing

10. The 6-minute Miracle Morning for those days when

you're especially busy and pushed for time.

1. Getting out of mediocrity and into the Top 5%

We all desire to live wealthy and prosperously, without any limits and
boundaries. Thus, we need to face the challenges that may arise, leave our
comfort zone behind, and give all it takes to attain that dream existence so
few of us would ever be able to experience.

But the sad truth is that not everyone is capable of reaching this goal. Most
individuals (almost 95 percent) don’t even realize they have it all to unleash
their full potential and achieve everything they desire. Their mindset is
tuned to small, easy-to-attain aims and constant regrets. They refuse to
see the big picture of the opportunities around them.

The situation is really disturbing. The working path of most individuals will
never lead them to a wealthy life, only a few will have financial stability. The
majority will always be working just to deal with their basic needs or, in
other words, just because they will need to do so to make ends meet. One
shudders to think how many people will end in poverty and total
dependence on their family, friends, and government.

In terms of money, only 5% of us will be successful in building a life of

independence, while the other 95% will suffer for the rest of our lives.

So, the critical question — the one we must investigate and answer — is
this: what can we do now to assure that we do not end up struggling, as 95
percent of the population will? Here are three easy yet significant
strategies to help you move above mediocrity and reach the top 5%.

Step #1: 

Recognize the 95 percent reality check

To begin, we must realize and accept the fact that 95 percent of our society
will never be able to build and live the life they truly desire. We must accept
that if we do not commit to thinking and behaving differently than most
people today, we will be doomed to a life of mediocrity, struggle, failure, and
Recognize the 95 percent reality check

To begin, we must realize and accept the fact that 95 percent of our society

regret – just like most people recognize that if we don't act now and set an

example of what's possible when we commit to reaching our potential, this

will encompass our friends, family, and peers.

Step #2:

Determine the sources of mediocrity.

After admitting that 95 percent of our society is settling for far less than

they are capable of, struggling in practically every area, and not enjoying

the levels of success, pleasure, and freedom that they truly desire, the next

critical step is to understand why. To avoid this happening to you, you must

first understand what leads the ordinary individual to live a life of


What do you think the typical individual in this nation would say if you asked

them if this was their plan, their vision for their life — 40-50 years old,

settling for less than they want, fighting to be happy, pay their bills, etc. —

what do you think they would say? Do you believe they expected their lives

to be difficult? Certainly not! That, my friend, is the terrifying part.

If 95 percent of our society isn't living the life they desire, we need to figure

out what they did wrong or didn't do correctly so that we don't wind up

living a mediocre existence.

2. The sources of mediocrity and your possible


One of the most devastating reasons for mediocrity in life is what the

author refers to as Rearview Mirror Syndrome (RMS). Our subconscious

brains have a self-limiting rearview mirror in which we constantly replay

and reproduce our history. We incorrectly feel that who we were is who we

are, restricting our actual potential in the present based on our prior


As a consequence, we filter every decision we make — from what time we

get up in the morning to the objectives we set to what we allow ourselves
to think possible for our life — through the constraints of our prior
experiences. We want to live a better life, but sometimes we don't know
how to perceive things in a different light than we have in the past.

Lack of purpose

If you ask the ordinary individual what their life mission is, you will most
likely receive a weird look or a remark like "Gee, I dunno." What if I posed the
question to you? What are your thoughts? The ordinary individual is unable
to describe their life purpose - the compelling "why" that motivates them
to wake up every day and do whatever it takes to complete their life's

The typical individual, on the other hand, takes life one day at a time and
has no greater purpose than to simply survive. Most individuals are just
concerned with getting through the day, following the route of least
resistance, and enjoying short-term, fleeting pleasures along the way,
while avoiding any hardship or difficulty that would drive them to develop.

Isolating incidents

Isolating incidents is one of the most common, although not-so-obvious,

causes of mediocrity. We do this when we incorrectly believe that each
decision we make and each action we do just affects the current time or
scenario. For example, you may believe that skipping a workout,
procrastinating on an assignment, or eating fast food isn't a huge concern
since you'll get a "do-over" tomorrow. You make the error of believing that
skipping the workout would have no effect on the incident and that you
might make a better decision the following time. That couldn't be further
from the truth.

We must recognize that the true significance and consequence of each of

our decisions and acts — and even our thoughts — is massive since every
skipping the workout would have no effect on the incident and that you
might make a better decision the following time. That couldn't be further

single thought, choice, and action determines who we become, which

ultimately determines the quality of our lives.

Accountability is lacking.

The connection between success and responsibility is unmistakable.

Almost all highly successful people, from CEOs to professional sportsmen
to the President of the United States, value responsibility.

It provides people with the leverage they require to take action and
produce outcomes even when they do not feel like it.

Accountability is the act of being held accountable to someone else for

action or consequence. Without some type of responsibility, very nothing
happens in this world or your life. Almost every great outcome you
achieved from birth to the age of eighteen was due to the responsibility
supplied for us by the people in our life (parents, teachers, bosses, etc.) We
ate our vegetables, finished our homework, cleaned our teeth, washed, and
went to bed at a normal hour. We would have been illiterate, starved,
sleep-deprived, disgusting little kids if it hadn't been for the accountability
offered by our parents and instructors! Isn't that a nice way to reframe it?

A mediocre circle of influence

According to studies, we almost become the average of the five individuals

we spend the most time with. Who you spend your time with maybe the
single most important determinant of who you become and your quality of
life. If you surround yourself with individuals who are sluggish,
weak-minded and make excuses, you will surely become like them. Spend
time with happy, successful achievers, and their attitudes and good
behaviors will ultimately rub off on you. You'll start to look more and more
like them.

Lack of personal growth

Because success is something we attract by who we become, your

degrees of success will seldom exceed your degrees of personal growth.

In other words, your degree of success – in all aspects of your life — will
seldom surpass, and will typically mirror, your degree of personal growth
(i.e., your knowledge, skills, beliefs, habits, and so on).

Step #3: Make a line on the sand.

Choose between what you are going to start doing differently starting
today. Not today, not tomorrow, not next week, and not next month. You
must decide now that you are willing to make the necessary changes to
ensure that you will be able to live the life you truly desireYou must be
willing to commit at a level you have never been dedicated to before if you
want to elevate your personal and professional achievement to new
heights. Are you prepared to make that pledge?

The day you declare you will no longer accept mediocrity for yourself, your
entire life changes. When you realize that this is the most crucial day of
your life. When you decide that now is more important than any other
moment because who you are becoming each day as a result of the
decisions you make and the actions you take is deciding who you will be for
the rest of your life.

3. The reality about getting up: You snooze, you lose.

Why did you get out of bed so early this morning? Consider this for a
moment... Why do you get up so early most mornings? Why are you getting
out of your warm, comfortable bed? Is it because it's something you'd want
to do? Or do you put off getting up until it's really necessary?

If you're like most people, you wake up each morning to the constant
blaring of an alarm clock and drag yourself out of bed because you have to
go someplace, do something, answer to — or take care of — someone else.
Most individuals, if given the option (do you have one?), would choose to
remain sleeping.

If you're like most people, you wake up each morning to the constant
blaring of an alarm clock and drag yourself out of bed because you have to

As a result, we instinctively revolt. We click the snooze button and oppose

the inevitable process of waking up, ignorant that our resistance is sending
a message to the world that we'd rather stay in our beds - asleep — than
live and build the lives we claim we desire.

The classic adage, "You Snooze, You Lose," may have a deeper significance
than we imagined. Consider that when you postpone getting up until you
have to — that is, when you wait until the last possible minute to get out of
bed and start your day — you are essentially opposing your life. Every time
you click the snooze button, you are resisting your day, your life, and your
ability to get up and create the life you claim you want. Consider the type of
bad energy that surrounds you when you start your day with resistance
when you reply to the sound of the alarm clock with mental dialogue that
goes something like, "Oh no, it's already time." I need to get up. I don't want
to get out of bed.” It's almost as if you're saying, "I don't want to live my life,
at least not fully."

How to Boost Your Wake-Up-Motivation-Level (WUML) When the alarm

clock goes off each morning, most of us are awakened from a deep
slumber. Leaving the coziness of our mattresses is the most unappealing
option... If you were to rate your level of motivation as it pertained to waking
up — a.k.a. your Wake Up Motivation Level (WUML) — at the moment the
alarm the clock starts incessantly beeping, on a scale of 1-10 (“10” being
ready to wake up and embrace the day, and “1” meaning you want nothing
more then to go back to sleep), most of us would probably rate our WUML
close to a one or a two. When you're half asleep, it's normal to want to push
the snooze button and continue sleeping.

Here are the author's five easy, snooze-proof techniques for making
getting out of bed in the morning — even early in the morning — simpler
than ever before.
Step #1: Set your objectives before going to bed.

The first trick to getting out of bed is to remember that your first thought in

the morning is generally the last idea you had before going to bed. For

example, we've all experienced evenings when we couldn't sleep because

we were so thrilled to get up the next morning. Either it was Christmas Eve,

the night preceding your birthday, your first day of school, starting a new

job, or going on holiday, as soon as the alarm clock went off, you jumped

out of bed, eager to face the day. So, the trick is to make a deliberate

decision every night to intentionally and carefully construct favorable

anticipation for the next morning.

Step #2: Place your alarm clock in a different location in the room.

Move your alarm clock as far away from your bed as possible if you haven't

already. This compels you to get out of bed and exercise your body. Motion

generates energy, so getting up and out of bed naturally helps you wake


Step #3: Brush your teeth

The key is that for the first few minutes, you are doing meaningless things

and simply allowing your body time to wake up. So, when you've turned off

your alarm clock, walk straight to the bathroom sink to brush your teeth

and splash some warm (or cold) water on your face. This easy practice will

boost your waking motivation from WUML-2 to WUML-3 or WUML-4.

 It's time to... now that your mouth is minty fresh.

Step #4: Take a full glass of water.

It is critical to hydrating oneself first thing in the morning. You'll be

somewhat dehydrated after 6-8 hours without a drink, and dehydration

increases weariness. When individuals are fatigued at any time of day, what

they truly need is more water, not more sleep.

Step #5: Dress in your workout attire.

Last but not least, get dressed in your workout clothes so you can leave
somewhat dehydrated after 6-8 hours without a drink, and dehydration
increases weariness. When individuals are fatigued at any time of day, what

your bedroom and begin your Miracle Morning right away.

 Some individuals prefer to begin their day by hopping in the shower, but I
believe we should earn our morning shower by working up a sweat first!

Morning exercise is essential for maximizing your potential because it puts

you in the best mental, physical, and emotional condition to win the day.

4. The LIVE S.A.V.E.R.S.

To keep your Level 10 life from being neglected and confined by the
demands of your life circumstance — which eventually leads to a life of
regret, unfulfilled potential, and even mediocrity — you must prioritize and
devote time to your personal growth every day...The Miracle Morning Life
S.A.V.E.R.S. is a collection of six easy, life-enhancing, life-changing daily
routines that each enhance one or more of the physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual parts of your life, allowing you to be who you need to be to
achieve the life you want.

You can learn more in an hour of silence than you can in a year from

books. ~ Matthew Kelly

The First “S” of S.A.V.E.R.S

The letter S stands for Silence. “The soul discovers the road when it is in a
state of silence.”

 Some of us could best characterize our average morning with adjectives

like hurried, frenetic, stressful, or even chaotic. Slow, sleepy, and sluggish
could be a better description of how our day begins for others. Which of
these situations most closely resembles your morning routine?

Others, on the other hand, have a frenetic and rushed morning routine.
We're generally rushing about trying to prepare for the day, and our brains
are always racing with thoughts about what we need to do, where we need
to go, who we need to see, what we forgot to do, how late we're running, or
a recent disagreement with our significant other or family member.

Silence is one of the most effective strategies to relieve stress quickly while
boosting self-awareness and acquiring the clarity you need to stay focused
on your objectives, objectives, and what matters most in your life every

In no particular sequence, here are some of the author's favorite activities

to pick from and do during his time of stillness, followed with a short
meditation to get you started
Deep Breathin

5. The LIVE S.A.V.E.R.S: A is for Affirmations

“I am the greatest!” Muhammad Ali repeatedly confirmed these

statements, and then he became them. Affirmations are one of the most
powerful tools for fast transforming into the person you need to be in order
to achieve your goals. Affirmations help you to create and then cultivate
the mentality (thoughts, beliefs, and attention) that you need to advance in
any aspect of your life.

Whether you recognize it or not, constantly talking to oneself is not just for
crazy people. Every single one of us has an internal conversation that goes
practically constantly in our thoughts. The majority of it is unconscious, in
the sense that we do not deliberately pick the discussion. Instead, we relive
our prior experiences, both good and negative, over and over. This is not
only entirely natural, but it is also one of the most critical processes for
each of us to understand and master. However, very few individuals
deliberately choose to think good, proactive ideas that will bring value to
their lives.

You will be a failure until you impress the subconscious with the conviction

you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation, which clicks. ~

Florence Scovel Shinn

Here are some easy steps to help you make your first affirmation...

Step 1: Write what you really want

A written affirmation aims to program your mind with the ideas, attitudes,
and behaviors/habits that are essential to attracting, creating, and
maintaining your optimum levels of success – Level 10 success — in all
areas of your life. As a result, your affirmation must first precisely explain
what you want your ideal life to look like in each area. You may categorize
your affirmations according to the areas you wish to improve the most,
such as health/fitness, mindset, emotions, finances, relationships,
spirituality, and so on. Begin by putting out what you truly desire – your
ideal vision for yourself and your life — in each area.

Step 2: Why you want it

“Wisdom begins with whys.” Everyone wants to be happy, healthy, and

successful, but wishful thinking is rarely an efficient technique for
achieving these goals. Those who resist the temptations of mediocrity and
achieve what they desire in life have a powerful why that drives them.

They have identified a distinct life goal that is more powerful than the sum
of their petty issues and the innumerable hurdles they will unavoidably
successful, but wishful thinking is rarely an efficient technique for
achieving these goals. Those who resist the temptations of mediocrity and

meet, and they wake up each day to strive towards it.

Step 3: Who are you dedicated to being in order to produce It?

This is the point when the rubber hits the road. In other words, your life
improves only when you improve. Only after you've spent many hours
enhancing yourself will the outer environment improve.

Being (who you must be) and doing (what you must do) are conditions for
attaining what you desire. Get clear on who you need to be and are
dedicated to becoming in order to advance your life, career, health,
marriage, and so on.

6. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: V is for Visualization

Visualization, also known as creative visualization or mental practice, is the

art of utilizing your imagination to construct mental representations of
certain actions and events that occur in your life to achieve good results in
your outer environment. Often used by athletes to improve their
performance, is the technique of envisioning exactly what you want to
achieve or obtain and then mentally rehearsing what you'll need to do to
reach or reach it.

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize

not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by
visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible. ~ Cherie
Carter-Scott Simple steps for miracle morning visualization

Step 1: Get ready

During visualization, some people like to listen to instrumental music in the

background, such as classical or baroque (check out anything by the artist
Bach). If you want to try your hand at playing music, turn it on at a modest
Step 1: Get ready

During visualization, some people like to listen to instrumental music in the

Sit up tall and in a comfortable stance. This may be done on a chair, couch,
or the floor, for example.

Inhale deeply.

Close your eyes and clear your thoughts before beginning to visualize.

Step 2: Visualize what you really want

Visualize your primary objectives, deepest ambitions, and most thrilling,

would-totally-change-my-life-if-I-accomplished-them fantasies. Every
aspect of your vision should be seen, felt, heard, touched, tasted, and
smelled. In order to increase the efficiency of your visualization, use all of
your senses. The more clear your vision, the more motivated you will be to
take the required steps to make it a reality.

Step 3: Visualize who you need to be & what you need to do

Once you've developed a clear mental image of what you want, start seeing
yourself living in complete accordance with the person you need to be in
order to realize your goal. Visualize yourself doing the good acts you'll need
to perform each day (exercising, learning, working, writing, making calls,
sending emails, etc.) and make sure you love the process.

7. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: E is for Exercise

Morning exercise should be a part of your routine. Even a few minutes of

exercise in the morning raises your energy, improves your health, promotes
your self-confidence and emotional well-being, and allows you to think
better and focus longer.

Yoga is a multifaceted science with applications in the physical, mental,

emotional, and spiritual realms.

The key thing to remember is that yoga may be practiced in a variety of

ways. Some activities may aid you in every element of your life, whether it is
sitting in silent meditation, breathing to expand your lung capacity, or back
Yoga is a multifaceted science with applications in the physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual realms.

The k

bending to open your heart. The goal is to understand which strategies to

utilize when you need treatment and how to apply them to get yourself
back into equilibrium.

Well-rounded yoga practice may improve your life in a variety of ways. It

has the ability to repair what is out of balance and to transfer trapped or
blocked energy through your body, making room for fresh fluid movement,
blood flow, and energy to circulate. Listen to your body and experiment
with different sequences when you're ready.

You are aware that if you want to stay healthy and have more energy, you
must exercise regularly. Nobody is surprised by this. But it's all too simple to
come up with reasons why we don't exercise. Two of the most common are
"I just don't have time" and "I'm simply too weary." There is no end to the
reasons you may come up with. Isn't it true that the more creative you are,
the more excuses you can come up with?

That is the beauty of including exercise into your Miracle Morning; it occurs
before your day tires you out, before you have an opportunity to get
overtired, and before you have a full day to come up with fresh reasons for
avoiding exercise.

8. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: R is for Reading

Reading, the sixth discipline in the Life S.A.V.E.R.S. system is the quickest
way to alter any aspect of your life. It is one of the quickest ways to gain the
information, ideas, and tactics required to attain Level 10 achievement in
any aspect of your life.

The goal is to learn from the professionals - those who have previously
accomplished what you wish to accomplish. Don't try to reinvent the wheel.
The quickest method to obtain anything you desire is to emulate
successful individuals who have already accomplished it. With an almost
any aspect of your life.

The goal is to learn from the professionals - those who have previously

accomplished what you wish to accomplish. Don't try to reinvent the wheel.

unlimited number of books on any subject available, there are no

boundaries to the information you may learn via everyday reading.

There are innumerable books on how to obtain anything you desire out of


 Do you want to be affluent, affluent, or multi-millionaire? There are several

books produced by folks who have reached the peak of financial success

that will educate you on how. Here are some of the author's personal


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hil

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarc

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eke

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Do you want to have a fantastic, loving, supporting, and passionate


 There are probably more books on the subject than you could read in a

decade. Here are some of the author's personal favorites

The Five Love Languages by Gary D. Chapma

The Soulmate Experience by Jo Dun

The Seven Principles For Making a Marriage Work by John M.

Gottman and Nan Silver

How much should you read?

The author suggests committing to reading at least 10 pages a day

(although five is ok to start with if you read slowly or don't yet like reading).

Let's perform some mathematics for a second: reading 10 pages each day

will not break you, but it will make you. We're simply talking about 10-15

minutes of reading time, or 15-30 minutes if you read slower.

Consider it this way. If you calculate it, reading only 10 pages each day is

3,650 pages each year, which translates to almost eighteen 200-page

personal development/self-improvement books! Do you believe that if you

will not break you, but it will make you. We're simply talking about 10-15
minutes of reading time, or 15-30 minutes if you read slower.

read 18 personal development books over the next 12 months, you will be
more informed, capable, and confident – a new and improved you?


9. LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S: S is for Scribing

Scribing is the last activity in the Life S.A.V.E.R.S. and is just another term
for writing. Journaling is the author's favorite type of Scribing, which he
does for 5-10 minutes throughout my Miracle Morning.

By getting your thoughts out of your mind and into paper, you obtain
crucial insights that you would not have seen otherwise. The Miracle
Morning Scribing component allows you to record your insights, thoughts,
breakthroughs, realizations, achievements, and lessons learned, as well as
any areas of potential, personal growth, or development.

Writing in a diary every day, using a disciplined, planned method (more on

that in a minute), helps you to concentrate your attention on what you did
achieve, what you're thankful for, and what you're dedicated to doing
better the next day. As a consequence, you appreciate your trip more fully
each day, feel good about whatever forward progress you achieved, and
employ a higher degree of clarity to expedite your outcomes.

Here are three easy steps to getting started with journaling or improving
your existing journaling habit.

1. Choose a format — digital or traditional

You should pick whether you want to use a classic, physical lined diary or a
digital notebook (such as on your computer or an app for your phone or
tablet). Having used both conventional and digital, I can say that there are
pros and cons to each (which I'll discuss in a moment), but it really comes
down to personal taste. Do you prefer to write your daily notebook entries
by hand or type them?

 As a result, deciding on a format should be rather straightforward.

2. Get a journal

While almost anything may serve for a conventional dairy (even a 99-cent
spiral notebook), because you'll be keeping it for the rest of your life, there's
something to be said about having a quality, sturdy diary that you love
looking at. Purchase a journal that is not only lined but also dated, with
enough space to write for all 365 days of the year.

There are several options if you wish to keep a digital journal.

The author’s favorite journaling app is Five-Minute Journal (available at and is becoming very famous. It makes it
simple by giving you prompts, such as “I am grateful for…” and “What would
make today great?” It literally takes five minutes or less and includes an
“Evening” option, which allows you to review your day and even upload
photos to create visual memories.

3. Decide what to write

There are several parts of your life that you might write about, as well as
several sorts of journals. Journals for gratitude, dream journals, food
journals, fitness journals, and so on. You can write about your goals,
aspirations, objectives, family, obligations, lessons learned, and anything
else you believe is important in your life.

10. The 6-minute Miracle Morning for those days when you're
especially busy and pushed for time.

Minute One…

Imagine waking up in the morning with a huge yawn, a stretch, and a grin
on your face. Rather than rushing into your frantic day, agitated and
frustrated, you spend the first minute sitting calmly, in deliberate Silence.
You sit quietly and peacefully, breathing deeply and gently.

Minute One…

Imagine waking up in the morning with a huge yawn, a stretch, and a grin
on your face

Perhaps you say a thankfulness prayer to enjoy the present or a prayer for
guidance on your trip. Perhaps you may try your first minute of meditation.
When you sit in quiet, you are completely present in the here and now. You
relax your body and mind, allowing all of your stress to flow away. You gain
a greater feeling of tranquility, purpose, and direction...

Minute Two…

Perhaps you offer a prayer of thanksgiving to appreciate the current

moment or a prayer for direction on your journey. You may attempt your
first minute of meditation. When you sit in silence, you are entirely present
in the current moment. You unwind your body and mind, letting all of your
tension go. You obtain a better sense of calm, purpose, and
direction...Reading over the affirmations of how capable you give you a
sense of assurance. Examining your commitments, purpose, and
objectives re-energizes you to take the activities required to live the life you
genuinely want, deserve, and now know is achievable for you...

Minute Three…

You envision by closing your eyes or looking at your vision board.

Your Visualization might incorporate how you will look and feel when you
achieve your objectives. You see the day going flawlessly, seeing yourself
enjoying your work, smiling and joking with your family or significant other,
and simply completing all of your goals for the day. You see how it will
appear, you feel how it will feel, and you sense the satisfaction of what you
will make...

Minute Four…

You spend one minute writing down some of the things you're grateful for,
what you're proud of, and the outcomes you're dedicated to achieving that
day. By doing so, you establish an empowered, inspired, and confident
frame of mind for yourself...

Minute Five…

You spend one minute writing down some of the things you're grateful for,
what you're proud of, and the outcomes you're dedicated to achieving that

Then you take your self-help book and read a page or two for one magical
minute. You discover a new concept that you may implement into your day
to improve your outcomes at work or in your relationships. You learn
something new that will help you think and feel better – and hence live

Minute Six…

Finally, you get up and move your body for 60 seconds in the last minute.
Maybe you run in place for a minute, or maybe you perform jumping jacks
for a minute.

 You may perform push-ups or sit-ups. The goal is that you're raising your
heart rate, creating energy, and improving your capacity to stay awake and

How would you feel if that was how you spent the first six minutes of your

What changes would you make to improve the quality of your day — of your

The author does not recommend that you restrict your Miracle Morning to
six minutes every day, but on days when you are short on time, The
6-minute Miracle Morning presents a great technique for speeding your
personal growth.

If you're unsure whether or not you'll be able to accomplish Miracle

Morning, don't worry – it's totally natural to feel that way. This is especially

true if getting out of bed in the morning has been difficult for you in the

past. Remember, we are all affected by RMS (Rearview Mirror Syndrome).

So, it's not only normal to feel reluctant or nervous, but it's also an

indication that you're ready to commit; otherwise, you wouldn't feel


Practice: Here's a brief rundown of the 5-Step Snooze-Proof Get Up

Strategy to help you wake up and stay awake:

1. Set your goals the night before. This is the most crucial


Remember that your first thought in the morning is generally

the last one you had before going to bed, so take responsibility

for building true enthusiasm for the following morning every

night before going to bed.

2.Keep your alarm clock on the opposite side of the room.

Remember that movement generates energy!

3. Clean your teeth. 

4. Consume a full glass of water. Hydrate yourself as soon as


5. Wear Your Workout Clothes. Earn your morning shower!

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