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By :Dr Ipseeta Satpathy, D.Litt

Senior Professor OB & HRM

Communication is a process the main components of which are sender,
encoding, message, channel, decoding, receiver, noise and feed back.


Message Encoding Message Message

Channel Received Decoding
to be sent Message


STEP 1: Sender conceives an idea depending on the
purpose of communication
STEP 2: Sender chooses appropriate symbols and
encodes the idea and formulates the message
STEP3: Sender sends the message through a
suitable channel (Formal or Informal)
STEP 4: Receiver receives the message.
STEP 5: Receiver decodes the symbols and
comprehends and interprets the message
STEP 6: Receiver sends response that is observed
by the sender.
Noise represents communication barriers that distort the clarity of the
Filtering :
Ex when a manager tells his boss what he feels his boss wants
to hear, he is filtering information.
Selective Perception :
Receivers in the communication process selectively see and
hear based on their needs.
Information Overload :
When the information we have to work with exceeds our
processing capacity the result is information overload.
Emotions :
How the receiver feels at the time of receipt of a communication
will influence how he or she interprets it.
Language :
Words mean different things to different people.
Communication Apprehension :
Undue tensions and anxiety about oral communications,
written communication or both.

Downward :
Communications that flows from one level of a group or
organization to a lower level is a downward
Upward :
It’s used to provide feed back to higher-ups, inform them
of progress towards goals and relay current problems.
Lateral :
When communication takes place among members of
the same work group, among members of work groups
at the same levels.

Oral Communication
∙ Phatic () ∙ Cathartic()
∙ Informative() ∙ Persuasive()

Written Communication
⮊ Non Verbal Communication

★ Facial Communication
★ Eye Communication
★ Artifactual Communication
★ Tactile Communication
★ Paralanguage Communication(Why don’t I
take you to dinner tonight)
★ Territoriality Communication
★ Spatial Communication
★ Body Language
★ Cultural Variation
Formal Small Group Networks
❖ The Chain Network
Communication flows only upward or downward

Chain Network
◆ The Wheel Network
In this several subordinates report to a superior.
Here subordinates do not have interaction among
themselves(emergence of a strong leader).

⬥ All Channel Network
This network permits all group members to actively
communicate with each other(high member

All Channel
⮊ The Grape Vine

Informal channel. It is not controlled by

management, employees believe it and think it to
be reliable. It helps to serve the self interest of
people within it.
Computer Aided Communication
❖ E-mail
Electronic Mail uses the Internet to
transmit and receive Computer generated
text and documents.
❖ Instant Messaging
It is fast and inexpensive for managers to
stay in touch with employees.
❖ Intranet & Extranet Links
Intranets are rapidly becoming a popular means for
employees within companies to communicate with
each other.Extranet connects internal employees with
suppliers, customers.

Video Conferencing
It permits employees in an organisation to have
meetings with people at different locations.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management is organising& distrubuting
an organizations wisdom so that right information
gets to right people at the right time.
Current Issues in Communication
■ What role does silence play in communication?
■ What are the implications of the politically
correct movement on communications in
Politically correct Communication
■ Physically challenged or differently abled( replaces
physically disabled or handicapped)
■ Educational equity (replaces quotas)
■ Undocumented workers (replaces illegal aliens)
■ Monocultural (replaces white)
■ Senior (replaces elderly or old)
■ Vertically challenged (replaces dwarfs or midgets)
■ Indigenous people (replaces Native Americans or
American Indians)
■ Differently –sized people (replaces overweight or
■ Visually impaired (replaces blind)
■ Eurocentric suit ( replaces western clothes)
■ Afro Americans (replaces Negros)
■ Meteorologist (replaces weather man)
■ Chair person (replaces chairman)
■ Negative patient outcome(replaces death)
■ Post consumer waste material(replaces garbage)
■ Follicly challenged (replaces bald)

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