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The Australian “Pink Paper” On

Women Serving in the Defence Force

“As many Australians know there is a tradition to have what we over time have called
“White Pages” for important Security and National Issues” I have decided to use that same
system and call this the “Pink Papers” on Women Serving in the Armed Forces for

Should Women Serve on the Front Line in the Australian Defence Forces?
Yes, of course they should. This is the land of Equality right? If we are fine with having a
Female run the Country then should we not be fine with Women serving on the Front Lines?
If a Women passes all the same fitness, psychological, and officer or cadet training that a
male soldier does, then she should be allowed to serve on the front line in combat.

What about the differences between a Male and a Female as a Solder?

Yes there are differences between a Male and a Female, but are they both not equal in the
fact that they can both sacrifice for their country to protect it from harm. Why are we
saying Men are allowed to die for our country, but we will not allow women the equal
privilege and honour of dying to protect our country?

Will this disrupt Unit Cohesion?

Yes, there may be a “breathing” period where it takes time for Units to adjust to the new
circumstances, but they are Soldiers, that is what they are trained to do, adjust and adapt in
the face of danger to achieve a goal.

What about Fraternisation?

Do we have to use the American system of “Red light, Green Light? Or as Australians, cant
women just turn around and say to the guy “sod off”.

Will women be targeted by the enemy?

Most likely, yes there is a chance some of the enemy’s we are fighting will target women on
the front line. They are women, they are adults, and they have made a choice. All Soldiers
should protect their Unit, whenever a Soldier is in harm’s way

Will the women and men be paid the same amount?

As women are now fighting alongside men on the frontline, does each male and female
soldier get paid the same amount of money?

Where can I find one of these Female Soldiers that wish to fight on the front line, I want to
marry one?
If there are any hot looking female Soldiers that are about to be shipped off to fight on the
front line, where can I meet one of them? I would like to express in person my gratitude for
their efforts in the war

Aren’t you Gay?

Well depends who you ask that question to? Stay tuned for the special “Orange Gay Papers”
on LGBT serving in the Armed Forces of Australia

Mr Maniskas Page 1

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