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Dandelion root is liver supportive, helping the liver in its roles of detoxification and metabolizing hormones.

cup of astringing Yarrow tea, taken daily for another month or so, can help keep the fibroid growth in check.

Can turmeric shrink fibroids?

Curcumin is an antioxidant found in turmeric. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Some research claims
curcumin destroys fibroid cells or stops them from reproducing.

What exercise is good for fibroids?

One of our favorite ways to manage your fibroids is with cardiovascular exercises like walking, jogging or
swimming. These are considered cardio because they raise your heart rate. And they are a great way to manage
fibroids because they make you feel good while helping you maintain a healthy weight

To follow a fibroid diet, we suggest that you eat and drink the following:
• Fresh and cooked vegetables, especially greens like spinach, lettuce, and broccoli
• A variety of brightly colored fresh fruits
• Beans and legumes
• Low-fat milk, cheese, and other foods rich in Vitamin D
• Whole grains
• Potassium rich foods like potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, and avocado
• Green tea
Substances and foods to avoid with fibroid tumors include:
• Red meat
• High-fat, processed meats
• Any highly processed foods
• Added sugar of all types
• Salt
• High sodium foods
• Soda and other sugary drinks
• Excess calories
• Alcohol
• Smoking
shrinking fibroids that should be a part of your diet.

• Fruits and Vegetables.

• Flaxseed.
• Legumes.
• Nongluten grains.

Recent studies have demonstrated that vitamin D3 is a potent antitumor agent that shrinks uterine fibroids .

Foods to eat if you've been diagnosed with fibroids include: Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, oats and
barley. Potassium-rich foods such as avocado, tomatoes and bananas. Foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and
magnesium like fortified milk.
What vitamins should I take for fibroids?
calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These nutrients may help prevent growth of fibroids. Some types of
vitamins may also help reduce the growth and size of fibroids.

A number of vitamins may help ease these symptoms:

• vitamin B-1.
• vitamin B-6.
• vitamin E.
• magnesium.
• omega-3 fatty acids.

Can fibroids grow in 2 years?

Uterine fibroids can grow very slowly or enlarge quite rapidly. They may remain the same size for years. They
can also shrink on their own, and those that are present during pregnancy often disappear afterward.
What hormone causes fibroids growth?
The growth of the fibroids depend on the presence of estrogen and progesterone. Hormonal birth control,
hormone therapy , and the hormones of pregnancy can all cause fibroids to grow more rapidly. Most fibroids
shrink after menopause.

What hormone shrinks fibroids?

Androgens. Androgens are the “male” hormones, including testosterone. Everyone's body makes certain levels
of androgens. When taken as medicine, androgens can stop menstruation, correct anemia and shrink fibroids.

Androgens 18 22 25 42 44 rate 44

Is almond milk good for fibroids?

Dairy is believed to be protective against fibroids, in part, because of its calcium content. Nut milks such as
almond milk, macadamia milk, and pecan milk are healthy alternatives to cow's milk because they're fortified
with calcium, often with a content much higher than dairy

What does a dying fibroid feel like?

However, one of the main indicators of a degenerating fibroid is an acute stabbing pain and swelling in the
abdomen. The pain and swelling are caused by the release of chemicals from the fibroids as the cells die. Some
women may also experience a fever.

Does ginger shrink fibroids?

By stimulating the endocrine glands, ginger helps the body gain hormonal balance. As a result, the excess supply
of oestrogen is stopped and the growth of the fibre is checked. You can consume grated fresh ginger or take a
ginger capsule.

Can I eat eggs if I have fibroids?

Products like yogurt and cottage cheese are proclaimed as not only good but very important for women.
However, dairy and eggs are the worst thing for women's health and should be avoided at all cost because they
feed EBV, the virus that causes not only fibroids but a multitude of illnesses women often struggle with

Commonly used medicines in treatment of Uterus/Uterine Fibroid are: Fraxinus Americana Q(10 drops to be
taken twice a day with half cup of luke warm water), Aurum Mur Nat 3x, Calc Carb 30, Thuja 30 all to be
taken two times a day and Thlaspi Bursa Q 10 Drops twice a day with half cup of luke warm water in case of
profuse bleeding.

There are more than 50 homeopathic medicines for fibroids. Some of the most commonly used preparations
• Aurum muriaticum natronatum - The sodium salt of the gold chloride decrease fibroid`s size by
treating congestion and in duration of female genital organs. The woman may also suffer from
depression, high blood pressure, palpitations.
• Calcarea carbonica - fibroids in menopause with heavy menstrual bleeding Chilly, stout and slow
woman, easily tired by exertion.
• Calcarea fluorica - stony hard and multiple fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease. The woman is also prone
to joint pain or bone spurs, hemorrhoids,varicose veins.
• Phosphorus - fibroids with heavy uterine bleeding. Anemia. Tall andslender woman. Open, friendly,
anxious and fearful.
• Sepia - pelvic pain or discomfort, low back pain, frequent urinary tract infections and recurrent yeast
infections, vaginal or uterine prolapse. Reserved, tired, depressed.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris, Calcarea Carb, Belladonna, Sepia Officinalis, Ustilago Maydis, Sabina Officinalis,
Trillium Pendulum, Kali Carbonicum, Erigeron Canadensis and China Officinalis and Ferrum Met are the top
remedies used in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

1. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – For Uterine Fibroids with Prolonged Menses

Thlaspi Bursa is one of the top grade medicines for treating uterine fibroids with prolonged menses. The menses
continue for 10-15 days. Menses appear very frequently as well. The next menstrual cycle appears even before
recovery from the periods has occurred. Menstrual bleeding is profuse, with the presence of large clots. Violent
uterine colic during menses may also arise. Cramping pain in the uterus during menstruation in uterine fibroids
cases is also suggestive of use of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Heavy Periods from Uterine Fibroids

Calcarea Carb is a very useful medicine for treating heavy periods from uterine fibroids. Menses continue for
long and may even appear early. Vertigo during menses may arise. Leucorrhea of thick, milky or yellow color is
another complaint that may attend.

3. Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis – For Uterine Fibroids where Menses are Painful
Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis are well-indicated medicines for uterine fibroids where the menses are painful.
Belladonna is best prescribed where there is cramping pain in the uterus during menses, the menses are bright
red in colour and profuse. Use of Sepia Officinalis is recommended in case of griping, burning or bearing down
pains during menses. Menses start early and are quite copious. Fainting and chilliness during menses may attend.
Sepia Officinalis is also indicated for treating painful intercourse in uterine fibroids cases.

4. Ustilago Maydis – For Uterine Fibroids with Dark Menstrual Bleeding

Ustilago Maydis is a highly suitable medicine for uterine fibroids where menstrual bleeding is dark. Clots may
also be present in menstrual blood. Uterine bleeding may be stringy in nature.

5. Sabina Officinalis – For Uterine Fibroids where Clots Pass with Menstrual Blood
In the case of menstrual bleeding with clots in uterine fibroid cases, Sabina Officinalis is a significant medicine.
The slightest motion increases menstrual bleeding. Pain from sacrum to pubis is another attending feature.
During menses, pain in the uterus may be present that gets better by lying on the back. Uterine pain may extend
to the thighs. Other symptoms include foul, acrid, corrosive, yellow leucorrhoea.

6. Fraxinus Americana – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroids with bearing
down sensation
Fraxinus Americana is a top grade medicine for uterine fibroids which is mostly recommended when the major
indicating feature is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis from uterine fibroid.
7. Trillium Pendulum and Kali Carbonicum – For Uterine Fibroids with Back Pain during
In uterine fibroid cases with back pain during the menstrual cycle, Trillium Pendulum comes highly
recommended. The pain may radiate to the hips from the back during menses. Tight binding of the back and hips
provides relief. Menstrual bleeding is bright red and gushing. The slightest movement worsens uterine bleeding.
Trillium Pendulum is also indicated for inter-menstrual bleeding every two weeks. Another attending feature is
faintness from uterine bleeding. Kali Carbonicum is selected when there is violent back pain during menses. The
pain gets better from sitting and pressure. The menstrual flow is also copious.

8. Erigeron Canadensis – For Frequent Urination in case of Uterine Fibroids

Erigeron Canadensis is a beneficial medicine for treating frequent urination in case of uterine fibroids. In some
cases, painful urination may also arise. The attending features are excessive menstrual bleeding which is bright
red in colour. Erigeron Canadensis is also used for inter-menstrual bleeding from slight exertion.

9. China Officinalis and Ferrum Met – For Uterine Fibroids with Heavy Bleeding and
Both China Officinalis and Ferrum Met are effective medicines for treating uterine fibroids with heavy bleeding
and anaemia. Among them, China Officinalis works best when there is profuse, dark menstrual bleeding, clots in
menstrual blood, exhaustion and anaemia. Fainting spells may also arise. Ferrum Met is best used where the
symptoms include pale, watery, heavy and prolonged menses leading to anaemia. Menstrual flow worsens from
the slightest movement. Lower back pain or abdomen pain during menses may be observed.
Homeopathic Remedies For Uterine Fibroids

Homeopathic Remedies For Fibroids: Base on Appearance of Blood at Menses

Table courtesy of Gabrielle Traub, CCH, HD (Hon)

Bright red blood Phos, Sabina; Dulcamara; Erigeron can; Hyoscyamus; Ipecac;
Millefolium; Arnica; Tril.

Dark blood Crocus; Hammamelis; Chamomilla; Calc phos; Nux vom; Platina;
Puls; Secale; Ustilago

Black blood Cyclamen; Kali-n; Lachesis, Puls.; Elaps; Cactus; Platina; Kreos;

Dark, clotted blood Crocus sat; Ustilago; Secale; Cyclamen; Chamomilla; Lilium
tigrinum; Thlapsi

Bright red, clotted blood Arnica; Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Sabina

Bright red with dark clots Belladonna; Sabina; Secale; Lycopodium, Ustilago

Partly clotted, partly fluid Sabin., Ferrum metallicum, Secale, Graphites, Hammamelis.,

Hot blood Belladonna; Bryonia; Sabina; Kreosotum, Mandragora; Pulsatilla;

Sulphur; Kali carb

Ropy/stringy blood Crocus; Cuprum; Ignatia; Lac can; Mag carb; Platina; Puls; Sepia;
Ustilago; Crot-h

Pale watery blood Nat mur; Ferrum-met; Carbo-veg, Trillium

• Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum

This remedy is for a depression resulting from some type of grief or disappointment in love. Enlarged uterus due to
fibroids. Excessive perspiration. High blood pressure. Music improves the mood in general.

• Calcarea Carbonica
Fibroid remedy used by women where the menses prolonged and the flow is profuse with dark clots. Menses are irregular
or late. Constipation before menses. Backache located in lumbar-sacral region. Leucorrhea before menses and after. Offensive
smelling leucorrhea that is white in color. The excessive flow of menses may result in infertility. Very chilly and feet are cold
especially during the bleeding from uterus. Suited for women who are overweight or who gain weight easily. Many small
worries, easily fearful about their loved ones. Helpful for women that tend to get overwhelmed easily and have always had
problems with anxiety. Women who will benefit from this homeopathic treatment may experience cravings for sweets or eggs.

• Calcarea fluorica
Used for uterine fibroids that are very hard in mass and large in size. (Note: this can only really be determined after
surgery to remove a fibroid, whether or not it is a hard or soft mass, so ask for the fibroid to be saved.)

• Fraxinus Americana
Used for uterine fibroids with an excessive bearing down sensation during the menstrual flow. Cramps in feet accompany
the menstrual bleeding. Uterus enlarged and spreading. Watery, non-irritating leucorrhea. Fibroids with a bearing down
sensation, cramps in feet. Worse in afternoon and worse at night.

• Helonias Dioica
Menses too frequent, too profuse. Fibroids cause dragging in the sacral region. Prolapsed especially after miscarriage. Feel
conscious of the womb. Weight and soreness of the womb. Parts feel hot, red, swollen, burn and itch terribly. Debility at

• Ignatia
Fibroids developing after a grief or shock, anger or contradiction. Pain in rectum stood after, insufficient stools. Pain in right
lumber region before menses. Pain that is worse lying on side. Pain in lower limbs extending down wards. Pain in chest,
extending to throat.

• Kali Carbonica
Low backache more before menses, better with pressure. Leucorrhoea worse after menses, better before menses. Backache
associated with leucorrhoea. Heaviness of breasts before menses. Pain in the breast on touch. Hot person.

• Phosphorus
Uterine fibroids with abnormally heavy uterine bleeding. Uterus that feels as though it is pushing downwards. Bright
red blood, as well as clotting. Anemia. Tall and slender woman. Open, friendly, anxious and fearful. Cravings for salty or
sweet foods and cold drinks.

• Pulsatilla
For uterine fibroids where menses are dark and clotted. Pain in the abdomen better from pressure during menses. Pain in the
abdomen better from warmth. Fear of being alone. Mild personality. Better with open air.

• Sabina
Profuse uterine bleeding with clots. Bright red blood with large black clots. Hemorrhages, where blood is fluid and
clots together. Cramping pains. Uterine fibroids that are accompanied with a pain in the lower back that radiates into
the pubic bones. Pain from sacrum to the pubis. Worse from motion, but sometimes better walking (menses only when
lying down). Violent pulsations. Worse from least motion. Worse from heat. Worse from warm air. Better in cool fresh air.

• Sepia
Used for uterine fibroids with pelvic pain, abdominal discomfort, and low back pain. Uterus that feels as though it is
pushing downwards. Excessive menstrual bleeding. Frequent urinary tract infections. Recurrent yeast infections. Vaginal
or uterine prolapse. Reserved, tired, depressed person. Incontinence of the bladder. Exhausted and overworked women who
can be irritable and want to be alone, away from their families. Better after vigorous exercise.

• Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Uterine fibroids where the menses comes very frequently and at short intervals. Heavy flow. Severe cramping pain in
uterus and back during menses. The woman will have just finished one period when the next period starts. Every alternate
period is very profuse. Leucorrhea before and menses. Blood is dark, offensive; stains. Sore pain in the womb when rising.
The woman just gets over one period and then another begins.

• Trillium Pendulum
Used for cases of uterine fibroids where there is excessive bleeding from uterus is accompanied by
fainting spells. The menstrual blood is bright red.
• Ustilago Maydis
This remedy affects the female sexual organs as well as skin, hair and nails. Congestive or slow bleeding
or in clots. Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming large black strings. Feeling of a knot in the uterus,
bowels, throat etc. Loss of hair and nails. Fibroids tumors are known to disappear after use.
Aromatherapy Massage for Uterine Fibroids

• 10 drops of ginger oil

• 10 drops of rose essential oil

• 2 ounces almond oil

• ½ tsp Vitamin E oil

Directions: Pour all the oils in a tinted-glass bottle. Store in a cool, dark place and shake well before using. Use
as a massage oil for abdomen and lower back massages.

Other Supports for effective, natural treatment of Uterine Fibroids

• Avoid Estrogen Exposures To Help Shrink Fibroids

• Avoid birth control pills to prevent fibroid growth. Growth is also accelerated by birth control pills containing

• Pesticides and herbicides used on food products are also estrogen mimicking products to avoid.

• Tampons and napkins bleached with chlorine can also mimic estrogen.

• Diet

• Eat Healthy, organic whole foods as much as possible

• Avoid commercial dairy

• Avoid processed and junk foods!

• Whole grain and beans will also protect against fibroids, breast and endometrial cancer.

• Exercise!

• Exercise helps the body to free itself of toxins and regulate ovulation.

• Some women will have tumor reduction while following a vigorous exercise program.

• Herbs To Help to Metabolize Estrogen In The Body

• Dandelion

• Milk thistle

• Yellow dock

• Herbs to Help Shrink Uterine Fibroid

• Chasteberry tincture - used to shrink and prevent the return of fibroids. Requires several months of usage. Dose 25 to
30 drops two to four times a day.

• Black cohosh

• Dong quai

• Goldenseal
• Licorice root

• Motherwort

• Oleander extract

• Red clover

• Red raspberry

• Siberian ginseng

• Liver Cleanses Help Reduce Fibroids

• Learn more about how do to the Liver and Gallbladder flush here
and drinking plenty of water to expel toxins from the body may also be very helpful.

• Other Supports

• Warm castor oil packs placed on the stomach is another effective method of shrinking fibroids and relieving pain.

• Ginger compresses are also effective.

Homeopathy Medicines List for Tumors
Womb packed with tumors. Patient is tired
Kalium iod. CM
Tumor of ovaries with chronic with sleeping feeling of legs. It causes
Alumen 200 (od) (hs) Repeat after a
constipation. disappear-ance of tumors and nodules
of long standing.
Tumors in the urinary
Remember it in the treatment of suspected
Anilinum (tds) passages. Anemic with blue Kalium phos. (tds)
malignant tumors.
For malignant tumors Cancer of uterus with very fetid oozing of
Arsenicum alb.
originating in the epidermis of Kreosotum (tds) blood. Epithelial tumor of the lower lip
the skin, a carcinoma. with dry cracked skin.
Tumor or cancer of the left ovary or both
Tumors of breasts. Acts on Lachesis 200 (hs) ovaries. Pain in the uterine region
Asterias rub. (tds)
both breasts but better on left. Repeat after a week increases before menses and is relieved
during menses.
Uterine cancer. Sexual desire
increased. Inflammation of Fibroid tumor or cancer ofuterus with
Aurum ars. (tds) Lapis albus (tds)
ovaries. Menses too copious, burning pains and debilitating bleeding.
too frequent or absent.
Tumors of bones find this
Mercurius iod. flay.
Aurum met. (tds) remedy useful when there are Mammary tumors with warm perspiration
nocturnal bone pains.
Aurum mur. nat. A very good remedy for Nitricum acidum
Cystic tumor in the region of the ear lobes.
3x (tds) uterine tumors. 200 (od)
Belladonna (tds) Painful tumors of the breast. Palladium met. (tds) Tumors of ovaries.
It is palliative in cancer of Phytolacca dec. Mammary tumors with enlarged axillary,
Bufo rana (tds)
breast. (tds) glands.
Calcarea carb. 200 Brain tumor. Headache and Platanus occ. Q If used for sometime, specially in children,
(od) vertigo on turning the head. its application cures tumors of eyelids.
Icy coldness of the head.
Maybe used in fat patients.
Pedunculated fibroid tumors
with roots and Calcarea phos.
for fibroid tumors without
roots, other indications of
remedies must agree.
Hard tumor of abdomen, scalp
and left breast. Head remedy
for vascular tumors and
Calcarea fluor. Pulsatilla nig. (hs) A dependable remedy for uterine fibroids
encysted tumors. Bony tumors
200 (od) Repeat after 15 days situated near the fundus. A dose fortnightly
cure fibroid deposits about the
endocardium and lungs, and
restores their normal function.
Calcarea iod. (tds) Uterine fibroids. Selenium met. (tds) Tumor of the right breast
By its use, the fibroma, specially fibroid in
Calcarea phos. Maybe used in thin persons.
Silicea (tds) the uterus disappears. Takes some
200 (od) Brain tumor.
time to show results.
Uterine fibroids pressing down on the
Calendula off. Tumors composed of nerve Solidago vigra. Q
bladder causing difficulties in passing
(tds) cells - neuroma. (bd)
Women with large breasts and
Staphysagria (tds)
painful tumor of mammae, not Sebaceous tumors of the eyes. Tumors of
Chimaphila Q (bd) Calcarea carb. 200
ulcerated and with abundant the eyes containing an oily, fatty matter.
Teucrium mar. CM
Polypus in vagina. Removes fibrous tumor
Colocynthis (tds) Cystic tumor of the ovary. (hs) Repeat once a
of eyelids, and also uterine fibroids.
Painful and hard tumor or
cancer of either breast or both
and that of uterus and stomach Thiosinaminum 2x It is a great remedy for dissolving a tumor.
Conium mac. (tds)
specially if the trouble started (tds) Use with indicated remedy
with an injury to these parts.
Tumor of the abdomen.
Conium mac. Tumors. Select the remedy Cancer or fibroid of uterus accompanied
Thlaspi bursa Q
(tds), Kalium carb. according to the symptoms of with hemorrhage with cramps, clots and
(tds) the medicines. aching in the back.
Brain tumors with migraine. Flatulence.
Constipation. The patient is emotional
and sentimental. Spongy tumors of the
abdomen. Tumors of eyelids. Polypus of
Cundurango Q cervix of uterus. Irregular menses.
Hard tumor of the left breast. Thuja occ. 200 (od)
(bd) Non-metastatic fatty, tumors (lipoma).
In such cases, follow it with a dose of
Bacillinum 200 after 4 days. Bacillinum
will not act unless Thuja occ. has been
used before
Use externally and internally
Thyreoidinum 2x
Eucalyptus (bd) in vascular tumors of female Fibroid tumor of breasts and uterus.
Fibroid tumors of the uterus
Fraxinus amer. Q
with bearing down sensations. Trillium pend. (tds Very useful for hemorrhage from fibroids
A dose of this remedy should be given at
A general remedy for tumors Tuberculinum 200
Hekla lava (tds) the commencement of all sorts of tumors.
anywhere. (hs)
Specially for benign mammary tumors.
Tumors of breast, hard and
Hydrastis (tds) painful. Nipple retracted.
Slow developing tumors
Hypericum (tds) specially on the passage of
Cancer of womb with severe
Kalium carb. (tds) itching and cutting pains from
hip to knee.

Food Allergy
Carbo veg., Pulsatilla nig. (tds) Allergic to poultry items, aspirin, salt and butter. Milk causes flatulence.
Chininum ars. (tds), Natrium mur.
Allergy to eggs. 
200 (od) 
Kalium bich. (tds) Allergy to beer and whisky.
Lac vaccinum def. 30, Sepia, (tds),
Sulphur 30 (od), Tuberculinum Allergy to milk which disagrees. 
200 (hs)
Lachesis 200 (od) for 3 days
Allergic to vinegar, pickles and sour acidic foods. 
Repeat after 15 days   
Magnesium carb. (tds)  Allergic to milk and meat. 
Natrium carb. (tds)  It removes allergy when milk causes diarrhea.
Natrium mur. 200 (od) Allergic to bread, pickles and acidic foods. 
Nux vomica (tds), Oxalicum
Allergic to coffee
acidum (tds) 
Petroleum (bd)  Allergic to cabbage. 
Psorinum (hs) Repeat once a week AIlergy to wheat which causes eczema.
Allergy to orange juice which causes irritation of the skin. Allergic to
Pulsatilla nig. (tds) 
pastry and rich ice cream mixed with fruits. Allergy to bakery foods.
Rumex crispus (tds)  Allergy to meat which causes eructations and itching
Saccharum off. (tds)  Allergy to sugar. 
Selenium met. (tds)  Allergic to lemonade.
Sepia (tds)  Allergic to fats and boiled milk which causes diarrhea. 
Tellurium met. (bd)  Allergic to rice. 
Cannot eat onions which cause coryza and ophthalmia. Allergic to music
Thuja occ. (tds) 
which causes weeping and trembling.
Zingiber off. (tds)  Allergic to melons. 

Respiratory Allergy
Respiratory Allergy Medicines in Homeopathy
Acidum sulph. (tds)   Air pollen allergy. 
Ailanthus g. (tds)  Smell of flowers causes asthma.
Allergic coryza with violent sneezing and worse in the "pollen season"
Allium cepa (tds)
i.e., August. Sensitive to the smell of flowers.
Aralia r. (tds), Lycopersicum escu.
Dust causes respiratory troubles and asthma.
(tds), Pothos (tds)
Allergic watery coryza, sneezing stuffed up feeling in the nose and
Arundo, Ambrosia, Arum triph. (tds)
asthma-like attacks.
Histaminum 1M (od) for 3 days.
Allergic to dust, smoke and perfumes. Allergic catarrh and coryza. 
Repeat after 15 days  
Sabadilla (tds) Sensitiveness of all odors. 

For Children:
Mama Natura stimulates the immune system and prevents children from getting repeatedly ill due to weak
immune system. It also increases resistance against invasion by pathogens. It promotes health & regulates vital
functions in children. Dosage: 4 tablets 3 times a day. (Morning-Afternoon-Evening)
For Adults:
ALPHA-WD is a protective shield against day to day infections. It strengthens the immune system to prevent
recurrent respiratory infections, ensures proper functioning of the lymphatic system, which is intimately linked
to immune defense mechanisms. It also has a detoxifying effect. Dosage: 10 drops in ¼ cup of water 3 times a
day. (Morning-Afternoon-Evening)

Skin Allergy
Skin Allergy Medicines in Homeopathy
For skin allergy which is worse by heat and When there is puffiness with
Apis mel. 200 (tds) 
redness and burning. Allergic to heat.
Argentum nit. (tds)  Skin diseases due to any allergy. Skin withered and dried up. 
Arsenicum alb. (tds)  For skin allergy worse by cold. Allergy to cold drinks.
Cocculus ind. (tds)  Heat of the sun produces rash and vertigo. Sun allergy. 
Sulphur 200 (hs) or 6x (bd) Hair dyes produce eczema. Allergic reactions to antibiotics. Allergy to
Repeat after 1 week  tomatoes, use of which turns face red and starts the cough. 
Thyreoidinum 3x-6x (bd)  Allergic urticaria. Allergy to lipstick. 

Homeopathy offers a concomitant effect on regulating cholesterol by affecting lipid metabolism and positively
influencing liver functions in the body. It recognizes high cholesterol as a result of degenerative processes,
intestinal dysfunction and improper renal excretion of harmful metabolic waste products.  The impact of various
medicines on reducing cholesterol levels are as follow
• Lycopodium: reduces the level of cholesterol in the aorta (heart) and liver
• Lecithiinum: it breaks down cholesterol and fats in blood allowing them to be stabilized effectively by
• Allium Sativum: proven medicine to reduce total serum cholesterol levels. Acts specially on plumpy
patients who eat a lot of meat
• Avena Sativa: reduces cholesterol levels and also slows sugar absorption thus preventing rise of glucose
• Crataegus oxy: it has a solvent power upon crustaceous & calcareous deposits in the arteries and thus
halts thickening of the arteries
• Equisetum arvense: stimulates kidneys as a diuretic, its high silica content addresses disrupted process in
digestive organs
• Curcuma longa: causes signiificant decrease in triglycerides and phospholipids. Its cholesterol reducing
roperties are backed by scientific studies
• Aurum metallicum: Arteriosclerosis from high cholesterol. Blood vessels becomes hard, rigid, lost
•  Alfalfa is considered a specific remedy for controlling high cholesterol levels. Give 10  Q drops three
times daily.
• Berberis Vulgaris  is an excellent specific remedy for high cholesterol levels in blood. It is a
good stimulant and drainer for the kidneys
• Cholesterinum is an effective remedy for high level of cholesterol in blood. It also stops the degeneration
of arterial walls
• Fel tauri  is an effective remedy in the treatment of high blood cholesterol. It treats a sluggish liver.
It corrects fat metabolism and eliminates fat.
• Guateria Gaumeri: A specific remedy for high level of cholesterol. 10 Q  drops three times daily.
• Garcinia Morella: Garcinia is an excellent remedy for controlling high cholesterol levels in blood. There
is burning pain in the liver region.
 Primary (essential) hypertension is the term applied to most of the cases in which no cause is identified. It is
often the result of complex interaction between multiple genetic and environmental factors.’ Secondary
hypertension, which affects approximately 5% people, has identifiable specific causes, such as alcohol abuse,
cocaine use, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, coarctation of the aorta, diabetes, certain autoimmune
disorders (like periarteritis nodosa), certain endocrine disorders (like adrenal tumours, cushing syndrome,
hyperthyroidism ), renal artery stenosis and some drugs like birth control pills, appetite suppressants,
corticosteroids, migraine medications, etc.  Prevalence of hypertension increases with age.

Aurum Metallicum High blood pressure with low pulse pressure.

High blood pressure in persons suffering from
Aurum iodatum
progressive paralysis with mental deterioration.
Increased tension of the pulse and systolic pressure is
Baryta muriatica
high in comparison with diastolic pressure which is low.
Indicated remedies in cases of high blood pressure which
Natrum mur occur due to a prolonged intake of high levels of salty
Effective for hypertension due to gout or kidney diseases
or from thickening of arteries. great paleness of skin and
red blood corpuscles are decreased
For fat, flabby and chilly persons. Excessive sweat on
Calcarea carb
head, palms and soles.
Lachesis High blood pressure during menopause.
Hypertension with congestive headaches, extreme
weakness and irritability.
Amyl nitrosum Hypertension with breathlessness.
Rauwolfia Helps in reducing high blood pressure when there are no
serpentina atheromatous changes in the blood vessels.
Allium sativa High blood pressure associated with high cholesterol.
Belladonna High blood pressure with violent palpitation, prolonged
echoing sound in head with labored breath.
Cactus Hypertension with heart troubles accompanied a feeling
Grandiflorus of constriction in the region of the heart and pain.
Hypertension in aged with heart complaints dependent on
kidney diseases.
Hypertension with oppression, sighing, rapid respiration
Veratrum viride
and grasping.
Viscum album Systolic blood pressure is high and diastolic is low.
High blood pressure due to diseases and enlargement of
spleen for which it is an excellent remedy.
Conium mac Hypertension of bachelors and maids in old age.
Development of temporary hypertension following
Ignatia amara
emotional shock.
High blood pressure during dropsy. Great emaciation is
Uranium nit

Heart & Blood Circulation

The top-grade medicines for low blood pressure with marked dizziness and vertigo are Gelsemium and Viscum
Album. Two of the most suitable medicines for low blood pressure after dehydration are Carbo Veg and China.
Baryta Mur is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure when specifically diastolic pressure is lowered.
The significant medicines for low blood pressure from valvular heart complaints include Naja and Viscum

Homeopathy Anaemia Medicine

Aletris Farinosa Q  for women suffering from anemia with extreme weakness and fatigue. 
China best remedy for anemia following excessive bleeding.
Natrum muriaticum for anemia with weight loss, helps to treat anemia due to grief.
Alumina an effective remedy for anemia due to nutritional disturbances.   
Calcarea Phos best remedy for children with anemia and a weak digestive power.
Lecithinum has a favorable influence upon the nutritive conditions of blood.
most frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine to increase the haemoglobin
Ferrum Phos
Ferrum Metallicum considered to be the best homeopathic medicine for anemia.
Ceanothus prescribed when anemia is due to dysfunction of liver and spleen.
Prostate homeopathy medicines
Frequent urging to pass urine (especially at night), difficulty passing urine, area
Sabal serrulata around prostate feels cold, painful intercourse, ejaculation is painful or impossible,
prostatic emissions with stool.
Enlargement with sexual dysfunction, frequent painful urging to urinate, pain during or
after urination, urination delayed, painful straining—dribbles by drops, needlelike pains
in bladder and anus. 
Severe pains after urination (sharp or spasm), spurting stream of urine, thick yellow
Pulsatilla discharge, urgent need to pass urine, worse from lying on back, retention of
urine in the elderly.
Baryta Carb Effective cure for prostate gland enlargement, especially in aged people.
Ideal homeopathic remedy for enlarged prostate in people with heart problems
accompanied by frequent urinary symptoms. 
Effective for enlarged prostate gland along with dysuria. Pain during urination,
pressure on the urinary bladder, and urination seems to be incomplete. 
Efficient for curing prostate gland enlargement accompanied by frequent urination.
This condition may arise due to an injury or a blow. Induration and hardening of the
gland are caused, and it feels like a stone. Great trouble in urination, and it seems
Pressure and pulsations in the prostate with pain extending into the urethra and
bladder after passing a few drops of urine.
Chimaphilla Soreness in the region of the prostate gland is worse with pressure, especially
umbellate during sitting.

Mother tincture combination medicines for Prostatitis

Sabal Serrulata Q is a top grade medicine for BPH. Symptoms that guide the use of Sabal Serrulata are;
difficulty and pain once you start urinating, dribbling urine. The person also experiences a frequent desire to pass
urine at night. Sabal Serrulata effectively treats the complaint of erectile dysfunction from an enlarged prostate.
Chimaphila Umbellata Q is very helpful in treating benign prostate hyperplasia. Chimaphila Umbellata is just
as helpful where a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. It is useful for inflamed and swollen prostate
gland, with a discharge of prostatic fluid, urine thick, ropy.
Hydrangea Arborescens Q is used for urinary tract problems such as infections of the urethra and prostate,
enlarged prostate. It is specific for burning in the urethra, difficulty in starting urination, dribbling of urine,
severe spasms of the prostate, renal catarrh, yellow sand in urine.
Pareira Brava Q use is considered in cases of chronic retention of urine where excessive straining to pass urine
is needed. It is a chief remedy for urinary problems, helps in prostate problems with urethritis. There is itching
along the urethra.
Equisetum Arvense Q also known as horsetail is used for "fluid retention" (edema), the inability to control
urination (incontinence), and general disturbances of the kidney and bladder. It is considered a specific remedy
in cases of inflammation or benign enlargement of the prostate gland.
Dosage: Mix an equal combination of all the above 5 medicines in an empty bottle. 20 drops in 1/4 cup of water
3 times a day. (Morning-Afternoon-Evening)
Trituration Tablets for Prostatitis
Ferrum Picricum 3X tablets help in the retention of urine, prostate diseases and bring back the normalcy of the
prostrate. Dosage: 2 tablets 3 times a day. (Morning-Afternoon-Evening)
Dilution Medicines for Prostatitis
Clematis Erecta 200 is indicated when there is difficulty in starting to urinate due to prostate enlargement. This
remedy is often indicated when swelling of the prostate seems to have narrowed or tightened the urinary passage.
Urine usually emerges slowly, in drops instead of a stream, with dribbling afterward
Conium Maculatum 200 is another extremely effective medicine for benign prostate hyperplasia. A major
indication for use of Conium Maculatum is interrupted urine flow from an enlarged prostate. Here the urine starts
and stops several times before complete voiding. After passing urine, burning pain may be felt in the urethra.
Mother tincture combination - 1) sabal ser Q 2) chimaphilla Q 3) hydrangea Q 4) periava brava Q 5) Equisetum
Q - Mix all together and take 20 drops with 1/4 cup of water 3 times in a day. 2) ferum pic 3x - 2 tab 3 times 3)
conim 200+ clematis 200 - 2 drops 2 times in a day —————————————————
These 5 best medicines for uterine fibroids are
1. Phosphorus – best medicine for fibroids with profuse and protracted bleeding

2. Sabina- best medicine for fibroids with clotted bleeding

3. Calcarea Carb- best medicine for uterine fibroids with chilliness

4. Sepia – best remedy for uterine fibroids with irritability, indifference and bearing down pains

5. Thyroidinum- best medicine for fibroids with obesity

A brief description of the 5 best medicines with their symptoms is being given below-

1. Phosphorus- best homeopathic medicine for  fibroids with profuse and protracted
When there is prolonged and profuse bleeding with uterine fibroids, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic
medicines for uterine fibroids. There may even be bleeding in between menses. The mood of the patient is
pensive and even weeps before menses.

2. Sabina- best homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroids with clotted bleeding
When there is discharge of dark or black clots with blood, Sabina is one of the best homeopathic medicines for
fibroids. The menses are profue and bright. The bleeding is worse from motion. There is pain from the sacral
region going down to the pubis in the front. The uterine pains often extend downwards and to the thighs.

3. Calcarea Carb- best homeopathic remedy for fibroids with chilliness

When there is chilliness and cold sweating with uterine fibroids, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic
medicine for fibroids. A Calcarea Carb patient is usually fat, flabby, fair and perspires a lot. There may be sour
smell about the patient. The menses may be too profuse  and last too long. There is burning and itching of vulva
before menses. There may be cutting pain in the uterine region during menses.

4. Sepia – best homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroids with irritability, indifference and
bearing down pains.
When the mental symptoms of irritability and indifference to close family members is present, Sepia is one of
the best homeopathic medicines for uterine fibroids. There are bearing down pains present in the lower abdomen.
The patient feels as if everything would escape through vulva. She feels as if she must cross her legs to prevent
protrusion of the contents. The periods are too late and scanty. There may be pain in the vagina during coition.

5. Thyroidinum – best homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroids with obesity

When there is obesity along with uterine fibroids, Thyroidinum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for
fibroids. The thyroid gland is often underactive. The tumors may also be present in the breasts.
5 Best Homoeopathic Medicines for PCOS/PCOD/Polycystic Ovarian Disease
• Sepia
• Pulsatila
• Calc Carb
• Natrum Mur
• Thuja
Sepia: Best Homeopathic medicine for treating PCOD, it is among the top used homeopathic medicine for
Pcod cure. Patient complains of delayed and scanty menses, along with bearing down sensationin pelvic region.
It helps to regulate periods onset time. Sepia also helps to treat infertility cases because of PCOS. Facial hair
growth specially on upper lips, can be controlled with this Homeopathic medicine. Sepia patient is sensitivity to
cold air, irritable mentaly, and having indifferent conduct towards loved ones.
Pulsatilla: Homeopathic medicine for PCOS with suppressed menses. Pulsatilla homeopathic medicine Best for
treating PCOS cases with suppressed periods. Patient complains of scanty menses along with sever pain.
Pulsatilla helps to treat the cause of menses supression, and menses start to flow normally. Homeopathic
medicine Pulsatilla increases the body’s self defence power and helps to re-establishing the normal menses flow.
It is of immense help for little girls at puberty who complains of scanty or irregular menses. There is great
absence of thirst and a desire for open air. Mentally patient is very mild, having sensitive nature and weeping
tendency. Patient weeps at the slightest occasion and feels good with consolation.
Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic medicine for PCOS along with profuse and prolonged menses. Homeopathic
medicine Calcarea Carb is Best for treating PCOS predominantly when patient complains of profuse and
prolonged menses. Patient complains of weight gain and obesity- Fat, Fair, Flabby. This helps such patient in
reducing body weight very powerfully. The patient complains of too much sweating on head and extreme
sensitivity for cold air. Along with craving for boiled eggs and strange things like chalk.
Natrum Mur: Homeopathic medicine for PCOS along with irregular and suppressed periods. Natrum Mur is
top used Homeopathic medicine to treat PCOS along with irregular and suppressed menses cycles. It helps to
regularising their menses cycles. It helps patients who face difficulty in conception because of PCOS. The key
note symptoms of Natrum Mur are exceptionally hot sensation, dislike to heat of sun and craving for excessive
salt in the diet. Mentally patient is of reserved nature, who weeping particularly when alone and symptoms gets
worse with sympathy.
Thuja Occidentalis: Homeopathic treatment for PCOS with decreased menstrual flow. Thuja is of great help
in PCOS cure when patient complains of reduced menstrual flow along with multiple cysts in her ovaries. Thuja
has the natural ability to dissolve unusual growth anywhere in the body. Theirfore, thuja has the highest power to
dissolve cysts. Patient complains of cystic growths more distinct in the left-side ovary along with abnormal hair
growth on face, chest, back due to imbalance of hormones.
Other Useful Homeopathic medicine for PCOS:
-Kali Carb, Pulsatilla and Senecio: Homeopathic medicines for suppressed or absent menses
-Homeopathic medicine for PCOS are helpful for reducing excessive hair growth in patient. Homeopathy
medicine are given internally without any external application. Sepia is 1st choice for hair growth on upper lips.
Oleum Jecoris Aselli is 1st choice for hair growth on chin. Thuja is of great help for excessive hair growth
anywhere on the body.
-Homeopathic medicines for dealing with obesity in patient due to PCOS. The best Homeopathic medicines for
treating PCOS alonmg with obesity are Calcarea Carb, Graphites and Ammonium Carb.
-The problem PCOS along with scanty menses can be treated with Pulsatilla, Sepia and Senecio.
-Homeopathic medicines Sulphur and Silicea for treating PCOS along with acne
-Sulphur and Silicea are very helpful for treating acne in patient with PCOS. Sulphur patient complains of acne
which are painful and itchy. Silicea is best choice when the acne contains pus and are deep-rooted.
-PCOS with scanty menses only for a few hours, Euphrasia, Coccus Cacti and Psorinum are best homeopathic
-Sepia and Pulsatilla can treat PCOS for patients having periods of one-day duration.
Classically selected Homeopathic medicines on individual case presentation, help’s to treat PCOS and in
regularising the menses cycle. As per clinical study Thuja, Natrum Mur, Calc. Carb, Pulsatilla and Sepia are the
top used polycystic ovarian syndrome remedy in homeopathy. Please note, regularising the menses cycle is not
an immediately issue. It takes patience and time to bring about the changes.

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