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In Problems 1-8, determine the level of measurement of each variable.

1. Birth order among siblings in a family

2. Favorite movie
3. Volume of water used by a household in a day
4. Year of birth of college students
5. Highest degree conferred (high school, bachelor’s, and so on)
6. Eye color
7. Ages of children: 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, and 8 years
8. Monthly temperatures: 63°F, 68°F, 73°F, 78°F, and 83°F

In Problems 9 and 10, identify the individuals, variables, and data corresponding to
the variables. Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or discrete.
9. HD Televisions The following data relate to the characteristics of high-definition
televisions A through E.

10. BMW Cars The following information relates to the 2011model year product
line of BMW automobiles.
In Problems 11–13, determine if the variable is qualitative or quantitative. If the
variable is quantitative, determine if it is discrete or continuous. State the level of
measurement of the variable.
11. Time to complete the 500-meter race in speed skating.
12. Video game rating system by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (EC, E,
E10+, T, M, AO, RP)
13. The number of surface imperfections on a camera lens.

In Problems 14-27, determine the level of measurement of each variable.

14. Sex: Male / Female
15. What is your height in meters? _______ meters
16. What is your weight in kilograms? _______ kg
17. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
0-5 per day
5-10 per day
10-20 per day
over 20 per day
18. How much exercise do you do on an average day?
Minimal (no specific exercise or daily routine)
Moderate (some moderate exercise most days eg walking)
Vigorous (vigorous activity most days eg jogging, cycling)
19. I have friends and relatives with whom I can discuss the positive and negative
events of the days: True / False
20. I have 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day: Yes / No
21. I would rate my overall health as
Below Average
22. My resting pulse rate (in beats per minute) is _________ bpm
23. My body temperature (in degrees centigrade) is _________ °C
24. My country of residence is _____________________
25. As part of a test preparation course, students are asked to take a practice version
of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). This is a standardized test. Scores can
range from 200 to 800 with a population mean of 500 and a population standard
deviation of 100.
26. Children in elementary school are evaluated and classified as non-readers (0),
beginning readers (1), grade level readers (2), or advanced readers (3). The
classification is done in order to place them in reading groups.
27. During a clinical interview, survivors of a tornado are asked to state “no” or
“yes” to whether they have experienced specific symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) in the past week. The number “0” is assigned to “no” and the
number “1” is assigned to “yes”.

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