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Unit 5 Evaluation

Evaluation 5
American History 1
(SSTH 033 060)
This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your
textbook and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the
information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation by
mail, follow the directions on your Enrollment Information Sheet. To take the evaluation online,
access the online version of your course; use the navigation panel to access the prep page for this
evaluation and follow the directions provided.

Part A: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. corporation
b. John D. Rockefeller
c. monopoly
d. entrepreneur
e. Andrew Carnegie

_____ 1. a tycoon who controlled many different businesses involved in steel production

_____ 2. a person who invests in a business to make a profit

_____ 3. a business that completely controls a product or a service

_____ 4. an oil tycoon who combined many firms into one to decrease costs

_____ 5. a business in which a number of people share ownership

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

Part B: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. invented a steam-powered furnace for running trains

b. organization that wanted to lead workers out of wage labor
c. organization that focused on improving workers’ wages and conditions
d. established a research laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey
e. a radical socialist union that organized strikes in the early 1900s

_____ 6. Thomas Edison

_____ 7. Granville Woods

_____ 8. American Federation of Labor

_____ 9. Knights of Labor

_____ 10. Industrial Workers of the World

Part C: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____ 11. An example of the government supporting American manufacturing was

a. monopolies.
b. trusts.
c. protective tariffs.
d. laissez faire.

_____ 12. Steel changed people’s lives by making __________ possible.

a. the telegraph
b. skyscrapers
c. electricity
d. indoor plumbing

_____ 13. In a cartel,

a. one corporation has complete control of a product or service.

b. businesses making the same product agree to limit production.
c. one firm sets the prices for all goods in an industry.
d. all the firms involved in the same business merge into one entity.

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 14. Capitalism fueled industrialization by

a. requiring inventors to file patents.

b. encouraging entrepreneurs to establish businesses.
c. giving the country many natural resources.
d. ensuring that all workers received high wages.

_____ 15. Which innovation extended the number of hours in a day that Americans could work
and play?

a. Bessemer process
b. telegraph technology
c. refrigeration
d. electricity

_____ 16. The Sherman Antitrust Act was an early step in government’s regulation of

a. farmers.
b. Congress.
c. large corporations.
d. small business owners.

_____ 17. In which system does one company control the businesses that make up all phases of
a product’s development?

a. horizontal integration
b. cartel
c. trust
d. vertical integration

_____ 18. The Interstate Commerce Commission was formed to

a. oversee railroad operations.

b. control interstate commerce.
c. make new transportation laws.
d. regulate communications across state lines.

_____ 19. How did the federal government support employers during times of labor unrest?

a. It called on the Pinkertons to stop strikes.

b. It denied unions recognition as legally protected groups.
c. It placed private companies under government control.
d. It made company towns illegal.

_____ 20. Most new immigrants lived in cities because they

a. needed to be close to their jobs.

b. wanted to meet many Americans.
c. were eager to abandon their traditions.
d. were unable to find agricultural positions.

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 21. Rural-to-urban migrants wanted to

a. obtain cheap land.

b. obtain religious freedom.
c. find jobs.
d. change voting districts.

_____ 22. How did John Wanamaker attract customers to his department store?

a. He published a mail-order catalog.

b. He made sale signs in different languages.
c. He placed large advertisements in newspapers.
d. He advertised in telegraph messages.

_____ 23. The need for trained workers created a demand for

a. big city newspapers.

b. practical subjects in schools.
c. art museums.
d. history museums.

_____ 24. Why was the Farmers’ Alliance formed in the 1870s?

a. to fight foreign competition

b. to improve agricultural equipment
c. to negotiate lower prices for supplies
d. to eradicate the boll weevil

_____ 25. Which of the following revoked African American rights in the Gilded Age?

a. local and state laws

b. Fifteenth Amendment
c. Civil Rights Act of 1875
d. Fourteenth Amendment

Part D: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. suburbs
b. “melting pot”
c. mass transit
d. urbanization
e. tenements

_____ 26. the rapid growth of cities and their populations

_____ 27. low-cost, multifamily housing

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 28. blending of many people to create a single culture

_____ 29. public system for moving many people inexpensively

_____ 30. the cleaner, quieter periphery of a city

Part E: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. Frederick Law Olmsted

b. Joseph Pulitzer
c. Horatio Alger
d. William Randolph Hearst
e. Elisha Otis

_____ 31. publisher of the Morning Journal

_____ 32. inventor of the safety elevator

_____ 33. novelist who wrote about success in America

_____ 34. publisher who believed newspapers should create controversy

_____ 35. designer of New York City’s Central Park

Part F: Multiple-Choice
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____ 36. What was a central goal of Henry Grady’s idea for a New South?

a. paying better wages

b. developing industry
c. limiting the crops farmers grew
d. preventing cities from growing

_____ 37. Which factor limited the economic recovery of the South after the Civil War?

a. New cities rose up in Georgia, Texas, and Tennessee.

b. Railroad lines were expanded in southern states.
c. Southerners lobbied the federal government for financial help.
d. Southern banks struggled to stay afloat.

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

_____ 38. How did the United States government respond to attacks by Sioux Indians in eastern
Minnesota during the Civil War?

a. It ignored the Sioux.

b. It negotiated treaties.
c. It occupied Minnesota.
d. It pushed the Sioux into the Dakotas.

_____ 39. In which strike did 300,000 railroad workers walk off their jobs, halting railroad traffic
and mail delivery?

a. Haymarket Riot
b. Homestead Strike
c. Pullman Strike
d. Omaha Riot

_____ 40. During the Gilded Age, opportunities for women expanded in

a. urban areas.
b. politics.
c. rural areas.
d. modern agriculture.

Part G: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. the battle at which George A. Custer was defeated

b. the last major battle of the Indian Wars
c. the site where Native Americans were killed after raising an American flag
d. made western farmlands inexpensive
e. the law that provided small farms to individual Native American families

_____ 41. Homestead Act

_____ 42. Dawes General Allotment Act

_____ 43. Sand Creek Massacre

_____ 44. Wounded Knee

_____ 45. Little Big Horn

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

Part H: Matching
Match each name or term with the appropriate description. Use each answer one time only.

a. Ellis Island
b. Angel Island
c. steerage
d. open-range system
e. transcontinental railroad

_____ 46. system of ranching in which ranchers branded their cattle

_____ 47. the worst accommodations on a ship, in which immigrants often traveled

_____ 48. place where most European emigrants were processed

_____ 49. place where most Asian emigrants were processed

_____ 50. linked the east coast and the west coast

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are
necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your
ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information sheet that
came with your course materials.

Unit 5 Evaluation SSTH 033

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