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The key to your perfect body.


Guide by FarCat

Tips and tricks from a medical

My own story of my body transformation
• Frankly speaking, I could never call me a fat person. But somehow I always
wanted to make the body I had in my mind real and to feel myself
• My maximum weight was 65 kg when I was 20 years old at 170 cm height.
• I started with intermediate fasting and I lost 5 kg in a 2-month period. It
was extremely tough for me and I decided to understand how the diets
work, how mainly our body works and what essentially works for me.
• As I am a medical student, I had access to necessary information and to the
professionals in the domains of medicine.
• I had lost 14 kg in a year, it was not an aggressive method of losing weight
and I had made it as comfortable as it seemed to me.
• Here you will find the basic knowledge I have gained since I have been
learning medicine and put it in practice on myself.
Here we will find out
• What is Basic Metabolic Rate
• What are calories and how it helps us to be as we want to be
• How to lose weight
• How to gain weight
• How to maintain your weight
• Myths about diets and food
Firstly, I have to mention that I am not a native
English speaker so there can be spelling mistakes.
• This recommendations are for people who don’t have any health
• If you’re planning to start a rebuilding of your body – undergo medical
• Go to your family doctor, to an endocrinologist, give the essential
blood tests. Don’t forget to check your lipid blood tests.
• It is important to understand if there is a medical condition which
affects you metabolism.
What is metabolic rate?
An organism’s metabolic rate is the amount of energy expended by
that organism in a given time period - usually daily.
At rest, meaning in periods of inactivity, the metabolic rate is known
as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). At rest, the BMR is low compared
to when the body is undergoing activities like exercise.
During this resting state the body only needs to use energy to keep
vital organs such as the heart, lungs and brain functioning properly.
As a general rule, the greater the mass of an organism the higher that
organism’s metabolic rate is.
So what?
• So, it’s important to understand that our body uses energy during our daily activity. Nevertheless,
it uses energy during our sleep as the energy is consumed for keeping our vital organs
But how much energy does it needs?
Formula by Mifflin-St Jeor Equation:
• For men: BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A + 5
• For women: BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A – 161
W is body weight in kg
H is body height in cm
A is age
F is body fat in percentage

• For instance: I am woman and I’m 23 y.o, my weight is 52 and my height is 170 cm. Following this formula I need 1,306 calories per 24 hours
to keep my body doing the habitual activities.
Why do I need to know this? Normally, if we expend the same
amount of energy as we receive our
body will maintain the same weight.
When there is no balance between
these two factors, or weight is either
raising either decreasing.
 If you want to loose weight, you
Here is the amount should eat less calories than your
of energy we spend body needs or burn more calories
than you eat. In this condition
your body will take energy from
the fat layers which are the
storage of energy.
Here is the amount of  If you want to gain weight, you
energy we receive by have to eat more calories than
eating. your organism burns or do less
activities in order to burn less than
you eat.
The receipt is simple
• The easiest tool you can use to shape your
body is counting the calories you consume.
• Of course, you will not have to do this for
the rest of your life, but it will help you to understand the energetic value of the
products you use more frequent and will educate good and right eating habits.
• Counting calories will show you the amount of proteins, fats and
carbohydrates you had eaten. You will know what you have eaten over normal
and less than normal.
• Remember, you have to keep your health in good condition and give your
organism the nutrients it needs.
Do not forget about water!
Water is essential in your diet!
• As much as it is promoted, it is true that drinking water is essential to
keep your body healthy, especially if you’re losing weight.
• According to experts in a recent study, drinking just 2 cups of water,
which is smaller than the size of a bottled soda, before meals helped
dieters lose an extra five pounds yearly and help you maintain your
weight loss
• Additionally drinking the right amount of water daily can actually
speed up your metabolic rate and help to curb overeating when your
body confused hunger and thirst. But how much water is enough?
• 30-35 mL/Kg Body Weight (Adults >30 Years Old)
• 40-60mL/Kg (Adolescents)
• 35-40 mL/Kg (16-30 Years Old)
Fluid needs are often calculated on a per body weight basis, with an adult baseline of 30-
35mL/Kg.3 This recommendation is adjusted up or down based on specific medical
conditions, such as heart failure, liver or kidney disease, as well as if a patient is taking
certain medications. (Refer to a clinical nutrition manual for specific disease-related mL/Kg

My tips and tricks: I do not like drinking simple water. That’s why I used to put a bite of
lemon in my glass of water. In the morning I usually drink 2 glasses of warm water with
lemon, that’s one of my morning rituals which I never miss from my routine. But it works
only if you don’t have any problems with your gastrointestinal tract, like stomach ulcers.
Weight loss – you have to create an inevitable
calorie deficit DOT
• Count your basic metabolic rate and add your extra burned calories (ex. at
sport or at walk). Do it gradually, start by creating a deficit of 300-400
• After 2 weeks, make it -500. I had used a special app for counting calories.
I mentioned what is my weight goal and the app made the calories count
by itself. All I had to do is to put all what I had been eating per day and to
be aware about the calories and the macro/micronutrients.
Info: I had used yazio app from app store, but there are a dozen of these
kind of apps. Some of my friends had been using fat secret app.
I bought a small weighing machine which I placed in the kitchen and
everytime I had a meal I was counting the mass of products.
Weight gaining Muscle mass is built when the net protein
I consider that it needa a more explicit balance is positive: muscle protein synthesis
answer, as it is not about just gaining weight exceeds muscle protein breakdown.
but it is also about not gaining fat. Research shows muscle protein turnover is
If you’re interested in gaining weight but at the greatest after working out. Additionally,
the same time in building and sculpting a it has been shown that muscle mass
goddess body – gym gym and again gym is increases over time when resistance exercise
the place you have to embrace. (i.e. weight lifting, body weight exercises,
Based on BMR I mentioned previously, you etc) is combined with nutrient intake.
have to eat more than you burn either burn The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
less than you eat. Although, you have to recommends that the average individual
exercise in order not to store the energy in should consume 0.8 grams of protein per
fat layers but redirection the energy to the kilogram or 0.35 grams per pound of body
muscles. weight per day for general health.
The theory is the same: start with a slight To increase muscle mass in combination
calorie proficit, like +300 kcal and do muscle with physical activity, it is recommended that
building exercises. Be careful, once you a person that lifts weights regularly or is
exercise, the rapport of macronutrients training for a running or cycling event eat a
changes. You will be in a higher need of range of 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per
proteins. kilogram of body weight per day, or 0.5 to
0.8 grams per pound of body weight
Myths about food and diets:
• There are certain product that lead to gaining weight.
Com’on guys, we already know that we do not gain weight from
You can eat Mc’Donalds or KFC all day, but if you still are in a calorie
deficit = you will loose weight.
• Nighttime eating can make you fat. – No no no! Calorie proficit is the
source of the fat layers.
! Nighttime eating can cause you to eat more calories than you need,
which can lead to weight gain.
• Sweets are not recommended when you are loosing weight.
- You can have your favourite dessert but don’t forget to count it’s calories.
Yes, this is true that you do not gain weight from the mentioned products,
but it will affect your body quality. You can transform into a skinny fat body
type. That’s why I recommend to take care of the proteins, fats and
carbohydrates you consume.
• It is also a myth that diets help you to lose weight. Diets are some kind of
conditions that helps you to cut the consumed calories. It’s not about the
diets, it’s all about the calories. You can eat bread, butter, pasta and
potatoes as much as it is within the limits of your average calorie need.
My post scriptum
• The idea I want to inspire is that you don’t have to change your body, you
have to change your mindset and your view about the food. It is not your
enemy, it is your weapon.
• Your body takes the shape you want and you feel yourself confident.
• Don’t force it, I gave you the basic knowledge about how it works. All what
you have to do is to apply it rationally. Love it and it will blossom!
• These where essential ideas about our body, there is much more scientific
based information. Probably I will come with a guide on a certain topic
which will cover far more aspects. Just let me know.
• Thank u

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