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Certain Gerund ialah kumpulan kata kerja yang objeknya berupa Gerund

Subjek + V (Certain Gerund + Objek (Gerund).

C.Gerund Meaning Sentence

Acknowledge Mengakui he acknowledged being ignorant of the class.
Admit Mengakui She admitted stealing the money.
Advise Memberitahu John Advised waiting until tomorrow.
Advocate Menganjurkan He advocated bringing legal action.
Anticipate Mengharap, My mother anticipates having a good time on
berharap vacation.
Appreciate Menghargai The committee appreciates hearing from them.
Avoid Menghindari Lisa avoided answering the teacher’s question.
Complete Menyelesaikan I finally completed working my assignment.
Confess Mengakui He confessed doing several crimes.
Consider Mempertimbangkan I will consider going with your friend.
Contemplate Merenungkan I have contemplated retiring to Arizona.
Defer Menunda He defer going to his house.
Delay Menunda My son delayed leaving for school.
Deny Menyangkal Azis denied committing the crime.
Detest Benci, jijik She detests working.
Discuss Membicarakan My friends discuss opening a new business.
Dislike Tidak suka Ziyad dislikes driving short distances.
Encourage Menganjurkan Who encouraged taking drugs?
Enjoy Menikmati We enjoyed visiting my village.
Entail Memerlukan, perlu It entails moving to another city.
Escape Melepaskan diri He narrowly escaped drowning.
Evade Mengelak They evade paying taxes by subterfuge.
Excuse Memafkan please excuse my disturbing you.
Fancy Membayangkan I fancy meeting you here.
Finish Menyelesaikan She finished studying about English.
Forget Melupakan She will never forget visiting her friend.
Forgive Memaafkan Please forgive my disturbing you.
Give up Berhenti I gave up smoking.
Can’t help tidak tahan, tidak I can’t help worrying about it.
Imagine Membayangkan I can’t imagine going to the party without you.
Involve Memerlukan That assignment would involve traveling a great deal.
Justify Membenarkan Nothing justifies cheating on an exam.
Keep Tetap I keep hoping he will come.
Mean Berarti Waiting longer means driving after dark.
Mention Menyukai She mentioned going to a movie.
Mind Keberatan Would you mind opening the window?
Miss Merindukan I really miss being with my lovely son.
Necessitate Mengharuskan The promotion would necessitate living abroad.
Pardon Memaafkan Please pardon my disturbing you.
Postpone Menunda My brother postpone leaving till tomorrow.
Practice Berlatih The athlete practiced throwing the ball.
Prevent Mencegah You cannot prevent their getting married.
Put off Menunda I have put off writing to him till today.
Quit Berhenti He quit trying to solve her problem.
Recall Mengingat I don’t recall meeting him before.
Recollect Mengingat kembali We don’t recollect meeting him before.
Recommend Menganjurkan The teacher recommended seeing the show.
Regret Menyesal I regret telling him my secret.
Relish Menikmati I don’t relish confronting him.
Remember Mengingat I remember meeting him tonight.
Report Melaporkan Several people reported having seen the stolen car.
Repent Menyesali He repented having stolen the car.
Resent Marah She resents being called ‘Fatty’.
Resist Menahan I couldn’t resist eating the dessert.
Risk Mengambil resiko She risks losing all of money.
Sanction Menyetujui No one sanctioned his smoking.
Shirk Mengelak No one should shirk doing his duty.
Can’t stand Tidak tahan She can’t stand waiting.
Stop Berhenti My friend stopped going to classes when she got sick.
Suggest Menyarankan He suggested buying a grammar book.
Tolerate Sabar menahan Harry won’t tolerate cheating during an examination.
Understand Mengerti I don’t understand his leaving school.

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