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Fat Loss: The Ultimate Guide (How To Burn Fat

Fast And Keep It Off)

by Danyon | guides | 2 comments
You're about to read the best damn fat loss guide on the internet.
In this guide, I'm going to teach you how you can burn fat, keep it off for good, and get
your dream body...
Without giving up your favorite foods (coz everyone loves pizza), spending a sh*t ton of time in
the gym, or wasting your hard-earned money on crappy, expensive AF supplements.
Let's begin.

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: The Golden Rule
Chapter 2: How To Create An Enjoyable Fat Loss Diet
Chapter 3: How To Create A Fat Loss Exercise Program
Chapter 4: How To Stay Motivated Along The Journey
Chapter 5: 10 Wickedly-Effective Fat Loss Tips That Actually Work
Chapter 6: Fat Loss Tips From The Experts
Chapter 7: Create Your Own Fat Loss Plan

Why The Hell Should You Listen To Me?

That big brown geezer holdin' the cup is me.
That photo is from when I did the "ice challenge" back in the days.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
I was so self-conscious of my weight that I did the challenge in my singlet because I didn't want
others to see how fat I was.

Back then, I wasn't just fat.

My weight made me anxious AF all the time. 
I was "on edge" more than a deprived crack-fiend lookin' for their next hit.
I had a slight case of depression.
My everyday emotional state was akin to a 3-year-old kid who just found out Santa Clause isn't
And I couldn't lose weight to save my life.
I tried almost  everything.
I tried intense as hell circuit training workouts.
I tried a ton of fat-burning, weight loss pills. 
I tried 3+ different diet programs.
I was, for lack of a better-term, a "diet whore."
The only things I "lost" during those failed attempts were a couple years of my life and roughly $800.

But things are different now.

I found a method to burn fat, lose weight, and feel great in the most natural, sustainable, enjoyable fashion
With this method, I lost 70 lbs in under 6 months and I've kept the weight off for over 4 years.

In this guide, I'm going to teach you the exact same strategies I used to achieve this goal.

With these strategies, you'll be able to not only burn fat and keep it off for good...
But these strategies can help you:

- Get your dream body (without spending a piss ton of time in the gym, wasting money on lame AF
supplements, or giving up your favorite foods )
- Improve your health and longevity  (so you can live longer and feel better without suffering from as
many stupid-ass health-related diseases)
- Give you more clean, sustained energy levels  (no need for excess coffees or energy drinks)
- Improve your self confidence (coz you'll have a body you can be proud of and you'll have
accomplished something that's extremely difficult to do!)
- Help you feel happier! (coz who the hell doesn't wanna be happier asides from the Grinch and Thanos -
that bastard)
WARNING: This Guide Is "Spicy" AF
I love to have fun. I love to laugh. A swear word may pop outta my mouth every so often.

If you'd rather learn how to burn fat from an emotionless robot with no "soul," you better buzz off now.

Otherwise, if you wanna learn how to get your dream body while being entertained and potentially pissing
yourself with laughter, then continue reading.
If you wanna increase your chances of burning fat and keeping it off, I highly advise you to
bookmark this guide so you can refer back to it whenever you want.

Chapter 1: The Golden Rule

There's only one rule that you need to remember if you wanna burn fat and keep it off.
I call this sucker the "Golden Rule."
You could eat the healthiest food in the world (brocolli, chicken, goji berries, you name it), but if it doesn't
follow the golden rule, you will NOT burn fat.
Wanna learn what the Golden Rule is?
Read on to find out more.

What Is The Golden Rule?

"What could I invent that would be terribly useless at helping someone lose weight?" - The
Inventor Of The Shake Weight.
Everything that you need to know about burning fat can be boiled down to one simple equation:
“Fat Loss = Calories Burned Must Be Greater Than The Calories You Consumed.”
In other words:
The amount of calories your body expends must exceed the amount of calories your body takes in.
Do this in the right manner and for an extended period of time and your body will burn fat.

The two ways you take in calories are eating and drinking foods and liquids.
The three ways you expend calories is through exercise, your metabolism, and when your body
processes food.
Why Should You Give A Shitake Mushroom About
Most people make the mistake of assuming the diet in and of itself is what causes them to lose
When really, it's the fact that they were in a caloric deficit while on that diet that caused the
weight loss.
Let's use the Ketogenic diet as an example.
The Ketogenic diet has helped a shit ton of people all over the world lose weight.
It's not coz the Ketogenic diet is some magical way of eating that melts the fat off your body
faster than Usain Bolt can sprint 100 meters.
It's coz the Ketogenic diet helps the dieter (is "dieter" even a word) achieve a caloric deficit.
I hate to burst your bubble but you can GAIN weight while on the Ketogenic diet as well if you're
in a caloric surplus (i.e. eating more calories than you body needs).
What Does This Mean For You?
Your #1 job is to find a diet/way of eating that helps you achieve a caloric deficit that you enjoy and can
sustain for a long period of time.
There are a TON of ways to do this:
Some people prefer Keto.
Others prefer Paleo.
I'm an Intermittent Fasting kinda' guy.
But remember, as long as you're in caloric deficit, there is no "right way."
There's just a "right way" that works for you.
The "Healthy Diet" Myth
Another misconception many people have is they believe in order to burn fat, you’ve gotta be following a
restrictive, boring, dull diet.
That means platefuls of chicken, veges and salad with no dressing (and no carbs, coz carbs are the devil).
No "junk food" whatsoever.
No pizza. No burgers. No ice cream.
"You've got a higher chance of Shaq hittin' a free-throw than you do of trying to burn fat with a
Shake Weight." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
What these people fail to realize is that you can actually gain fat eating “healthy” foods like chicken and
And you can burn fat eating “junk food” like pizza and ice cream.
Don’t believe me?
Just watch (if you didn't catch the Bruno Mars "Uptown Funk" reference, I'm deeply offended).
Story #1: Meet John Cisna.
John’s a high-school teacher who decided to lose a bitta' weight.
When looking at a photo like this, most  people would assume that he lost weight by healthy dieting and
However, these people would be "abso-mother-trucking-lutely" wrong.
Sure, John admitted to walking 45 minutes per day.
But here's the catch:
John ate nothin’ but Mcdonalds while he lost over 60 lbs in under 6 months.
Yep. You heard me.
The good ol’ “Mc’ Deez.”
Crazy, right?
This comes back to the simplicity of “The Golden Rule:"
If a person eating nothin’ but healthy food like chicken and veggies eats more calories than they expend,
they’ll gain weight.
If another person eating nothin’ but pizza and ice cream consumes less calories than they expend, they'll
lose weight.
Story #2: Meet Mark Haub.
Meet Mark. 
He’s a professor specializing in nutrition.
Mark followed the Golden Rule and managed to lose 27 pounds in 2 months.
He was on a "super-strict, boring AF, plain ol' fat loss diet" consisting of nothin' but the following
"fat-burning superfoods:"
Twinkies, Oreos, Doritos, and sugary cereals.
Because his diet followed the Golden Rule, his total body fat percentage went down by 8.5%. 
And his good cholesterol level improved while his bad cholesterol levels decreased.
Scientific Evidenced To Back Up The Golden Rule
If you don't believe me that the Golden Rule is legit, then perhaps you'll believe some of the smartest people
on the entire fucking planet that believe it.
In this article, the fellas over at Harvard said that "...almost any diet will work if it helps you take in
fewer calories."
Here's the Golden rule being validated by another article from Harvard...
Here's the Golden Rule being reinforced by the folks over at Yale.
Back in 2003, a study took place involving 828 successful weight loss participants. 
In this study, the researchers referenced the American Dietetic Association where they said ( in different
words) that the Golden Rule is the most important factor that affects weight loss.
If the smart geezers over at Harvard, Yale, and the American Dietetic Association are saying that the Golden
Rule matters...
Then it matters.
If someone tells you that you can burn fat consistently while being in a caloric surplus, you can kindly tell them
to go fuck themselves.

Chapter 1 Recap
 If you wanna burn fat, you must follow the Golden Rule: burn more calories than you
consume over an extended period of time.
 Healthy foods don’t necessarily equate to fat loss.  You can burn fat eating junk food and
you can gain fat eating healthy food.
 I am not saying that you shouldn't eat healthy food. I'm saying that if fat loss is your
primary goal, being in a calorie deficit is more important than your food choice.
Chapter 2: How To Create An Enjoyable Fat Loss Diet
For most newbies trying to burn fat, the two most common problems they encounter are:
 1
They tend to associate the word "diet" with something that's restrictive and governed by the
anti-fun police.
 2
They believe they can't eat "fun food" like pizza and ice cream while dieting.
 3
They're only allowed to "healthy foods" such as dry AF chicken and broccoli.
What these people don’t realize is that a diet can actually be something you enjoy.
In order to burn fat and keep it off for good, you’ve gotta follow a diet that you’re willing to stick
with it over the long term.
That means creating a diet that allows you to have your cake and eat it too!
If you wanna learn how to create such a diet, then read this chapter. 

Step 1: Calculate Your "Fat Loss Calories"

"I can't wait to use my Shake Weight and burn a ton of fat." - Noone ever.
If creating a calorie deficit is the #1 goal you need in order to burn fat, the question you should be asking is:
"How many fucking calories do I need to burn fat?"
(With or without the fucking)
There's a simple formula I use to help you answer that question:
Take your goal bodyweight (in lbs) x 12 = the number of calories you need on a daily
That's it.
Your goal bodyweight is the weight that fulfills three requirements:
1. You look how you wanna look,
2. You feel great, and
3. It's not difficult to maintain.
For example, my goal weight is around 203 lbs.
At this weight, I feel great, I look absolutely shit-balls amazing (I'm also super humble as you can probably
tell. BTW, I'm totally joking if you didn't pick that up lol), and it's an easy weight for me to maintain.
So to find out how many calories I need to eat on a daily basis to achieve that goal, here's how I'd use the
203 lbs (my goal bodyweight) x 12 = 2,436 calories.
But you don't wanna be TOO anal about this shit (pun intended).
So give yourself some wiggle room by giving you a 100 calorie limit on either side.
Using me as an example again, 2,436 calories everyday now becomes 2,336 - 2,536 calories everyday.
As long as I eat within this range of calories on a consistent basis, I'll burn fat consistently and reach my goal
Now It's Your Turn!
Follow these next steps with me to find out how many calories you need everyday to burn fat

1. Determine your goal bodyweight (the weight at which you look amazing, feel great, and it's
easy to maintain)
2. Multiply that number by 12.
3. This will give you your "fat loss calories" number.
4. Take that number and subtract 100 from it + add 100 to it to get your fat loss calories range.


You now know the range of calories you need to eat on a consistent basis to burn fat and reach
your goal bodyweight.
How Much Weight Should You Be Losing?
This is a very difficult problem to answer because it’s relative to the individual.
However, here are some tips you can use to solve this problem:
 If you’re losing weight and feeling great, generally you’ll be fine.
 If you’re losing weight and feeling terrible, you should increase your calories by 200.
 If you’re not losing weight whatsoever, decrease your calories by 200.
Here are some extra tips to help you put this problem into perspective:
 If you’d consider yourself extremely overweight, more than 3 lbs of weight loss per week
can be expected.
 If you’re overweight (but not excessively), anywhere between 1-2 lbs of weight loss per
week can be expected.
 If you’ve only got a little bit of fat to lose, anything under 1 lb of weight loss per week can
be expected.
Ultimately, the more fat you have, the more weight you can safely lose on a weekly basis and vice-versa.
Now that you know how much calories you have to eat on a weekly basis in order to lose fat, next is to
learn where these calories are gonna come from.
Step 2: Learn About Macronutrients
"Whoever the crap invented the Shake Weight needs a slap on the face. And whoever buys one
needs two." - John Lennon
“Macronutrients” are the major components that make up calories. 
Learning to count your macros is what's gonna take your "fat loss game" to the next level.
There are three key macros that you need to understand:
Protein. Carbohydrates. And Fats.
These macros are generally measured in grams and are assigned a specific caloric value:

You can take any food/drink and find how many calories it contains by analyzing its “macronutrient
For example: according to Google, two tablespoons (32g) of Peanut Butter Smooth Style has the
following macro breakdown:

To find the total calories, all you have to do is add together the caloric value of each macronutrient:
Protein (8g x 4 calories) + Carbohydrates (6g x 4 calories ) + Fats (16 g x 9 calories) = 200 calories.
(You may notice this is different from the number Google has given)
(This is because we’ve used rounded numbers for our calculations, and rounded numbers are
good enough.12 calories isn’t a notable difference)
The convenience of using rounded numbers trump the inconvenience of obsessive calorie counting.
Each macro plays an important part in helping your body function at an optimal state. And each play an
important part in the fat loss process.
Protein is the core macronutrient you want to keep moderately high. 
You can adjust your carbs and fats to suit your preference, but if you wanna burn fat and keep it off for good,
keeping your protein high is a must.
This is super shit-balls critical coz not only will it help you to feel more full, but also coz it’ll help you
maintain as much muscle mass as possible.
Maintaining muscle mass is critical while you’re trying to burn fat because the more muscle mass you
have, the more calories you’ll burn.
This is because muscle mass directly affects your metabolic rate.
Research shows that a healthy amount of protein for those of us who are athletic or lifting frequently is
anywhere between 0.8g - 1.5g per pound of bodyweight.
Quality sources of protein include foods such as:

 Chicken
 Turkey
 Beef
 Tuna
 Salmon
 Eggs
Carbs have copped a lot of flack these past few decades about how terrible they are for fat loss.
For your own good, remember this: Carbs are NOT the enemy when it comes to fat loss.
You can eat carbs on a daily basis and still burn fat as long as you're in a calorie deficit.
If you prefer to do low carbs and high fat, be my guest.
That's not the method that I teach. But if that works for you, by all means do your "thang."
If you want to eat carbs while burning fat, at least 1 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight  is a great
starting point to give you sustained energy so you're not walking around like a lethargic, tired AF zombie.
Quality sources of carbohydrates include foods such as:

 Rice
 Potatoes
 Vegetables
 Fruit
Ahh’ yes - the black sheep of the family.
Fats are a heavily misjudged macronutrient.
Even though it’s more than twice as calorically dense as proteins and carbs, Fats play a super
important role in your general health:
 It helps with the absorption of vitamins such as D and E.
 It helps with your body’s natural hormone production.
 It’s also a secondary energy source for your body.
Generally, if you’re getting at least 15-20% of your calories from healthy fat sources, your body
will be running at its optimal state.
Quality sources of fats include food such as:

 Butter
 Coconut oil
 Olive oil
 Egg yolks
 Avocado
Step 3: Calculate Your Macro Breakdown
By now, you should know two things:
1. How many calories you need in order to burn fat, and
2. Where those calories come from (macronutrients - proteins, carbs, and fats).
The next step is to find out how many calories you need from each macronutrient.
To do that, here's a basic formula:
 1
For protein, take your goal bodyweight and multiply it by 1 - 1.2.
 2
For fats, take your total fat loss calories and multiply it by 0.2 - 0.25.
 3
For carbs, allocate what's left in your calories to this bad boy.
Let's use my goal bodyweight as an example.

Daddy Danyon's Macro Breakdown

My goal bodyweight is 203 lbs. So my fat loss calories is 203 x 12 = 2,436 calories.
 1
For protein, I'd eat at least 203 g every day = 812 calories.
 2
For fats, I'd eat at least 0.2 x 2,436 = 487 calories divided by 9 = 54 g of fat every day.
 3
For carbs, I'd eat at least 2,436 - 812 - 487 = 1,137 calories divided by 4 = 284 g of carbs every day.
For those of you who were wondering, I divided the fat calories by 9 to get my daily fat intake in grams. And I
divided the carb calories by 4 to get my daily carb intake in grams, too.
If I go a bit over these numbers, that's completely fine. As long as I'm in between 2,336 and 2,536 calories
every day and eating at least 203g of protein every day, I'm gucci.
It’s that simple!
These are well-balanced macros that will allow me to enjoy my food, stay healthy, give me lots of energy, and
burn fat at the same time.

Step 3.5 - Quick Recap

Okay. We've covered a lot of shit.
So here’s a quick breakdown of what you’ve learned in this chapter:
 1
You've calculated how many calories you need on a daily basis to burn fat.
 2
You’ve learned where these calories will come from, “Macronutrients,” and the role they play in the fat
loss process.
 3
You've broken your fat loss calories into your macronutrient breakdown.

Now all that’s left to do is to find foods that he enjoys which fulfill these macro requirements.
Step 4: Create An Enjoyable Fat Loss Diet Plan
Your diet is the biggest factor that determines whether you burn fat or not.
As the saying goes: “You can’t out train a bad diet.”
So it’s important that it consists of food that fulfills two requirements:
 1
It’s healthy. A requirement that isn’t a necessity for fat loss but is important for reasons we’ll discuss
 2
You enjoy it. Because why do something in a boring manner when you can do it in an enjoyable
manner and achieve the same goal.
If you fulfill these two requirements, here's what should happen:
You’ll obtain the most important requirement of all for fat loss which is a term I made up in my head ten
minutes ago...

"Increasing your stickability level has been scientifically proven to burn 4.132 times more fat
than a Shake Weight." - Benjamin Franklin
Stickability means something that can stick for a long period of time  (extra emphasis on the
This is super important because, as you probably already know:
Everlasting change comes with time.
This is why crash diets don’t work for the majority of people - because it doesn’t address the “long period
of time” requirement.
If you’re following a diet that helps you lose fat, gives you a ton of energy, and you actually enjoy it...
You’re more likely stick to it longer than a few months.
Hopefully, for the rest of your life.
So - here’s where I need you to do just a tad bitta’ work and ask yourself the question…
“What Healthy Foods Do You Enjoy?”
Or, in other words:
“Which macro food sources do you enjoy?”
Your goal should be as follows:
Create healthy meals with macro food sources that you enjoy (while being in a caloric
For example, if you love the taste of chicken and rice...
Wouldn’t it make sense to include these macro sources into your fat loss diet?
Refer to the food sources listed in the “Macronutrients” section if you need more help.
Here are a few ideas that will help you get the ol’ cogs turning too:
 Peanut butter and banana on toast
 Oatmeal with protein powder and berries
 Non-sugary, whole grain cereal
 Overnight oats in a mason jar
 Omelette with vegetables
 Chicken Caesar salad with extra chicken (gotta’ get that protein)
 BLT sandwich
 Steak, salad, and rice with guacamole
 Lasagna with extra chicken/beef
 Steak burrito wrap with hot sauce
 Chicken salad sandwich
 Salmon and rice drizzled with olive oil
If you're having trouble finding out what type of meals you like, you can always look at a few different recipe
books to help you spark your creativity.
Once you've identified macro sources that you like, you can start adding it to your Magic Fat Loss Number.
Example: Bob’s Chicken Burger
Bob loves chicken burgers. So he wants to incorporate into his fat loss diet.
In Bob’s chicken burger, the noteworthy calories will come from the following:
 The chicken (20 g of protein)
 The burger buns (20 g of carbs + 3 g of fat)
 The cheese (5 g of protein, 10 g of fat)
The lettuce, tomatoes, onions, etc. are vegetables. Vegetables aren’t worth considering
because they contain such an insignificant amount of calories.
In total, the macros for this burger are:
 25 g of protein
 20 g of carbs
 13 g of fat.
Therefore, the number of calories in the burger is (25 x 4) + (20 x 4) + (13 x 9) = 297 calories!
Now Bob can subtract 297 calories from his Magic Fat Loss Number (2,480), and go on with the rest of his
day eating foods he enjoys until he’s run out of calories.
Where Do Healthy Foods Come Into Play?
Now, here’s where a slightly controversial question comes into play.
“Do you really need healthy food if you wanna burn fat?”
Why not just be like John and Mark and lose fat eating “junk food?”
And the answer is quite simple:
You don’t need it. But you should probably have it anyways.
Healthy foods offer something that unhealthy foods don’t:
"Micronutrients are the 8th wonder of the world. Right next to the lady in the red hat, yeeaaah." -
Ron Burgandy 
Micronutrients are super duper important if you wanna keep your body running at peak potential.
These nutrients will give you a number of things:
 They give you unlimited energy like Voldemort after he’s chugged back a gallon of
unicorn blood (sorry, Jordan Syatt. Had to steal some of your swag)
 They keep your hair silky smooth - smooth enough that you could potentially film your
own Pantene commercial.
 They can help slow down the aging process (so you don’t end up looking like Voldemort
when you're only 30 years old).
 They improve the health of your immune system. You'll have internal defense
mechanisms strong enough to keep them nasty AF toxins at bay.
 They improve the health of your bones. You'll be able to chop down a palm tree with your
shin bone like those Thai Fighters.
 Your brain health will skyrocket. You'll be havin' Jimmy Neutron "brain blasts" on a daily
And much more.
That’s why I wouldn’t recommend you try to burn fat eating unhealthy foods entirely.
Instead, I wanna show you how you can have your cake and eat it too…
So You Can Be Like This Happy Chap
You can have a well-balanced diet of healthy foods you enjoy that provides your body with nutrients  that
it needs to run at peak performance…
And you can enjoy a slice of pizza (or ten) every now and then.
How To Burn Fat While Eating Pizza
Did you know that eating a slice of pizza (or any of your favorite junk food) can actually help you lose
Yes, help.
When your body is running at a calorie deficit for a prolonged period of time, a few things begin to happen:
 Your body adapts to your weight and your metabolism can slow down  to compensate.
Therefore, you’ll burn less calories than when you started.
 The hunger hormones called Ghrelin and Leptin can begin to go out of whack. Cheat meals can
help reset these hormones so you’re not feeling so damn hungry all the time.
 Your sanity can get out of whack, too. If you restrict yourself for too long, sooner or later you’re gonna
end up with the loonies at Azkaban (sorry Sirius).
That’s why, coupled with a healthy diet:
A cheat meal every now and then can actually be good for you!
It can help reset your metabolism and your hormone levels back to normal.
And probably the most important benefit of all…
It’s gonna help increase your level of “Stickability.”
"I can't wait to eat dry as hell chicken, brocolli, and rice for the rest of my life!" - Said noone in
the world except for a few Dementors.

Cheat Meal Study

Science is beginning to catch up with these claims, too.
Here’s a study where a group of researchers examined the behavior of two groups:
Group 1: Individuals restricting their calories to 1,500 everyday.
Group 2: Individuals restricting their calories to 1,300 for 6 days and having a 2,700 calorie
cheat day on the 7th.
What did the researchers discover?
Well - both groups lost weight.
However, the group 2 individuals had a more enjoyable time doing so.
Group 2 reported that they were much more likely to stick to their diet for a longer period of
They also said they were much more motivated and happier on the cheat day regimen compared to the
individuals in group 1.
Not only this, but they believed they’d have much more self-control if they continued following a diet involving
cheat days.
How Often Should You Cheat?
A safe option is once a week.
Just make sure that you don’t go too overboard.
It’s an opportunity for you to “treat yo’ self,” not “screw up the progress you made over the week yo’
Here are 5 tips you can use to help you gain the most from your cheat meals:
 1
Plan the night before. Pick a day that works for you and stick to it. Write down what you’re going to
eat the next day so that you don’t go too overboard.
 2
Exercise on the same day. This way a lot of the food will be used as energy rather than being stored
predominantly as fat.
 3
Drink lots of water. It’ll help you feel more full so you don’t over indulge on your junk food.
 4
Cheat healthy. If there’s an option to cheat in a way that maximizes health gains, then do so. E.g.
Making your own healthy pizza.
 5
Be honest with yourself. If you find that your cheat meals are turning into cheat weeks (or, for the
majority of the world, "cheat lives"), then turn the dial back just  a tad.

The most important point to remember is that you give your mind and body a rest from a break from
dieting while not going too overboard.

Step 5: Meal Prepping

By now, you should have the following information:
 Your Magic Fat Loss Number.
 Your macro breakdown for your daily caloric intake
 A list of your favorite macro sources to create meals out of
 The day of the week that you’re going to have as a cheat day.
What’s next?
If you want to lose fat and keep it off for good, you’re gonna have to begin setting yourself up for success.
And that means you’re gonna have to start Meal Prepping.
Meal Prepping is that exactly: preparing your meals for the future.
Why the heck would you do this?
There are a number of reasons why meal prepping is gonna help you:
 1
You’ll eat less low-grade food. A common reason why many people eat crappy fast-food is because
it's convenient. Prepping meals eliminates this problem.
 2
You’ll eat more healthy food. When you’re more prepared, you’ll pick healthy, delicious foods that
not only do you enjoy, but also helps you stick to your diet.
 3
You’ll save money. Resorting to fast food every night can be a money-hungry habit. So if you wanna
start being healthy, burning fat, AND saving money, begin meal prepping.
 4
You’ll save time. Prepping your meals only takes a couple of hours per week. This is WAY more
convenient than spending hours upon hours shopping and cooking meals individually.
 5
You’ll snack less. When you’ve got healthy, delicious, nutritious food available, you’ll feel a lot fuller,
so you’ll be much less likely to snack.

Meal Prep Studies

A study was conducted in 2014 including 1,319 participants.
The researchers asked the participants a few questions. Mostly in relation to the amount of time they spent
prepping meals vs. eating at fast food joints.
The results of the studies are as follows:
 Approximately 16% of participants spent less than 1 hour per day on meal prep
 Approximately 43% of participants spent between 1-2 hours per day on meal prep
 Approximately 41% of participants spent between more than 2 hours per day on meal
The researchers discovered what was already believed to be true:
People who spend less time on prepping their meals are more likely to eat unhealthy,
convenient food.

And people who spend more time prepping meals are more likely to eat healthy, nutritious foods.
Meal Prepping 101
If you’re ready to start burning fat, eating healthy, delicious meals, and save time and money…
Here’s a super simple 5-step process to help you get started:
Step 1: Have a set list of recipes (or macro food sources) that you’re going to make during your first meal
prep session.
Step 2: Pick a day during the week that you’re going to meal prep (most people pick their day off which is
usually Sundays).
Step 3: Pick a day during the week that you’re going to go grocery shopping (it can be the same day as your
prepping day. That works well for many people).
Step 4: When your prepping day rolls around, get to cooking! Then, once you’ve finished the meals, store
them away in the fridge/freezer (pyrex or tupperware contains work great for this).
Step 5: Throughout the week, whenever you’re feeling hungry and it’s time for a meal, just go ahead and
grab one of your meals that you’ve stored away.
Pro Tip: It’s super important to have a set day every week that you’re going to prep/grocery
shop (e.g. every sunday). 

 You must eat below your caloric maintenance level over a long period of time in order to
burn fat.
 This number is called your “Magic Fat Loss Number”
 With time, you should adjust your fat loss caloric intake dependent upon the scales +
how you’re feeling during this process.
 The majority of your diet should consist of healthy macro sources that you enjoy eating.
 You should incorporate cheat days into your diet for the physiological and psychological
benefits. Plus, pizza is damn good.
 You should pick a day of the week to meal prep + grocery shop to help you stay on track
with your diet.
 Everything about your diet should help with increasing your level of "Stickability. "
 I've recently become a "cat-person." I used to despise cats. Now I love them. This has
nothing to do with fat-loss whatsoever. But that's okay.
Chapter 3: How To Create A Fat Loss Exercise
Exercise is an extremely useful tool you can use to accelerate the fat loss process.
Many people have the misconception that in order to get results, you have to bust your booty in the gym
training for an absurd amount of time.
What most people don’t know is that you can actually lose more fat with just a few hours a week.
And there are 2 specific exercise styles that will help you do so.
If you wanna know what these 2 exercises are, then read this chapter.
The 3 Main Benefits Of Exercise
"You've got a better chance of getting a Dog to "meow" than you do tryna burn fat with a Shake
Weight." - Mother Theresa
There are three crucial benefits you get from certain types of exercises as it relates to fat loss:
 1
Caloric expenditure. You need to be in a calorie deficit to burn fat. Exercise directly contributes to that
 2
Increased metabolism. Certain types of exercise help you burn calories even after the workout is
completed which is hugely beneficial for the fat loss process.
 3
Maintain muscle mass. Certain types of exercise help you maintain muscle mass. Muscle mass
increases your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn at a resting rate. 
And that’s just in relation to fat loss.
Science has proven that exercise has a tremendous benefit on your emotional and mental health as well.
However, not all exercise is the same; there are specific types of exercise that burn more fat than others...
The Two Most Effective Exercises For Fat Loss
There are two types of exercises that have proven to be most effective for fat loss.
These two types are "Resistance Training" and "High Intensity Interval Training."
Let’s begin with Resistance Training.

"Resistance training is so damn gangsta. It helped me burn 10x more fat than those pesky,
useless Shake Weights." - Dalai Lama
Resistance training is, at its simplest form, putting your body under a withstandable amount of
There are many reasons as to why you’d wanna include resistance training in your fat loss program.
But most importantly it increases your metabolism and helps you maintain muscle mass.
Resistance Training Study
A study published in 2012 tested the effects of fat loss on 64 individuals split into 4 groups:
 Group 1: Control group
 Group 2: Aerobic training only
 Group 3: Resistance training only
 Group 4: Combination of aerobic and resistance training
After twelve weeks, group 4 experienced the best benefits out of the 4 other groups as it relates to weight
loss, fat loss, and cardio-respiratory fitness.
(Later on in this guide, I’ll show you the best type of cardio exercise for fat loss)
Most people associate resistance training with lifting free weights such as dumbbells and barbells.
But resistance also comes in many other forms such as:

 Kettlebells
 Bodyweight
 Weighted Machines
 Medicine Balls
 Resistance Bands
“Which resistance training form should you pick?”
The answer is this:
The one that works the best for you. 
This comes back to increasing your level of stickability.
Free weights and weighted machines are the most popular choices.
So going to your local gym is a viable option.
However, if you don’t want to go to the gym but are interested in resistance training, you can either:
 1
Invest in a home gym. Purchase the free weights yourself.
 2
Purchase “smaller” resistance equipment. Like resistance bands and kettlebells.
 3
Invest in a bodyweight training program such as Bar Brothers The System
program. Bodyweight exercises are free, convenient, and you can build an incredibly lean, sexy body
with bodyweight exercises coupled with a calorie deficit.

For time-friendly purposes, I’m going to be showing you the most effective free weight exercises for fat loss.
The 5 Best Free Weight Exercises For Fat Loss
The best exercises for fat loss all have one thing in common:
They're compound movements. 
This means they incorporate multiple muscle groups.
Compound movements bring a ton of fat loss benefits to the table:
 You’ll burn more calories (both during the workout and after),
 You’ll produce more fat-loss friendly hormones
 Your metabolism will bump up a bit.
The 5 key fat loss exercises are:
 1
 2
Bench Press
 3
 4
 5

PRO TIP: PLEASE. For the love of Ricky Bobby. If you're new to this "exercise stuff," get
someone skilled to show you how to do these exercises properly.
Start with light weight, practice the technique, and then once you've mastered the movements, begin to
increase the weight.
Let’s move onto the next most effective type of exercise for fat loss...
High Intensity Interval Training
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is where you exercise for periods of high-intensity exercise
followed by low-intensity rest intervals.
They’re super effective for fat loss, time friendly, and simple.
For example, at the moment I’m currently doing a HIIT workout that consists of the following:
 15 seconds of jump rope as fast as I can.
 45 seconds of rest.
 Rinse and repeat 10-12 times.
Intense exercise is extremely effective for fat loss because it burns a ton of calories.
But it needs to be approached with care.
Could you imagine doing 150 seconds of intense jump rope without stopping?
No way.
But 150 seconds of intense jump rope separated by multiple rest intervals?
Definitely doable.
There are five key fat-loss benefits that you’ll gain from doing HIIT:
 1
You’ll burn calories for hours. The exercise periods are at such a high intensity that your body will
expend calories after the workout. 
 2
It’s time effective. Don’t have an hour to run? No problem. Do a 10-minute HIIT workout.
 3
You’ll producing anti-aging hormones. HIIT has shown to produce human-growth hormone which
is said to have a number of benefits including improved muscle mass, fat loss, sleep, and more.
 4
Reduce your cardiovascular disease risk. HIIT is a form of cardio, therefore directly helps you
reduce your risk of suffering from cardiovascular-related diseases. Duh.
 5
It balances your hunger hormones. Research has shown that HIIT can have a direct impact in
balancing your hunger hormones. This will indirectly positively help your fat loss and body composition. 

HIIT Studies
A study was published in 2008 where a group of researchers compared HIIT to traditional steady-state
The researchers found that only the HIIT-group had significant improvement in fat loss; specifically their total
body fat, leg fat, and trunk fat.
Their insulin levels also improved which is always a handy dandy.
How To Get Started With HIIT
Here’s a safe protocol you can use to start reaping the fat loss benefits that HIIT has to offer:
Step 1: Pick an exercise that you prefer (here’s a list to get the ol’ brain cogs turning)
 Shadow boxing
 Sprinting
 Jump rope
 Burpees
 Clean and press (with free weights)
 Jumping lunges
 Chasing cats.
Step 2: Grab a watch or an interval timer to help you stay on track for your workout.
Step 3: Warm up before your workout (jumping jacks and stretching is a good place to start).
Step 4: Perform your chosen exercise for 15 seconds at 90% of your max effort, followed by 45 seconds of
rest (take deep, long, drawn out breaths during your rest period).
Step 5: Rinse and repeat this process for 8 rounds.
Step 6: If you’re an overachiever, once you’ve completed the workout, follow it up with a quick 5-minute
cooldown consisting of stretching, controlled breathing, and walking.
If you're looking for an effective, fat-burning HIIT workout that requires no equipment whatsoever, check
out Anjuli Mack's instagram page. 
Create Your Enjoyable Exercise Fat-Loss Program
If you’re confused by the amount of information that I’ve just bombarded with you, don’t worry:
All you have to understand is this:
You should do some form of resistance training and HIIT if you wanna burn fat and keep it off
for good.
To make things even simpler - here’s a simple fat-loss exercise program you can use if you’re a complete

Day Of The Week Activity

Monday Resistance Training

Day Of The Week Activity

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday HIIT Session

Thursday Rest Day

Friday Reistance Training

Saturday/Sunday Rest Days

Resistance Training Workout 

Here’s a quick rundown on workout terminology - reps (short for repetitions)  are the number of times you
perform a given exercise.
And sets are the the number of times you repeat said reps.
For example:
 if you were to do an exercise such as the bench press six times in a row then have a break, that would be
one set of six reps.
If you were to do the bench press six times, have a break, then do it again - that’d be two sets of six reps.
Sample Workout
 2 sets of deadlifts: 8 reps each set.
 2 sets of barbell back squats: 8 reps each set
 2 sets of barbell bench press: 8 reps each set
 2 sets of pullups (with or without assisted machine): 3 reps
 2 sets of bodyweight dips: 3 reps.
Between each set, take a 90 second break.
When choosing a weight, pick one that comfortably challenges  you.
So it's not too light that the workout feels like a walk in the park.
But it's not too hard that the workout feels like you're accompanying Frodo on his way to Mt. Doom.
Remember to use light weights to begin with. Practice the technique FIRST before lifting
anything dangerously heavy.

HIIT Workout
Step 1: Warm up for 5 minutes - spending time to do some light stretching + walking around to get some
blood flow into your muscles.
Step 2: Do as many jump squats as possible within 15 seconds.
Step 3: Rest for 45 seconds.
Step 4: Rinse and repeat this process 8 more times.
Step 5: Once you’ve completed your workout, walk around for 5 minutes to cool down.
Step 6: Drink some water + lie down in painful pleasure.
Step 7: Make fat loss gains.
Rest Days
Rest days are the perfect time to cool off and chill from the hard work you’ve done all week.
You could  be a couch potato all day.
OR you can do some low intensity exercise.
You won’t burn nearly as many calories as you would during a high intensity workout.
But that's okay.
The purpose of low-intensity exercise isn't to burn a ton of calories.
It's too get some blood flowing through the body which will aid with the recovery process.
Use this time to do some chill activities:

 Go for a walk
 Go to the park with your kids or pets
 Cry because Dumbledore was killed by Snape
 Cry some more because Harry and Hermione don’t end up together.
One of the best ways to recover from workouts is with Yoga.
For you fellas that believe Yoga is only for women, then think again. John Romaniello does it. And he's one
of the manliest men to ever walk the planet. Right next to Ron Burgundy and Dwayne Johnson.
The good thing about Yoga is that it only takes a few minutes and a bit of self-confidence to get started. You
don't have to go to a class; just chuck on a few Yoga tutorials on Youtube and get stuck in.

Chapter 3 Recap
 A well-rounded fat loss program should include some form of resistance training and HIIT
 These exercises will help you maintain muscle mass, burn a ton of calories, and get you
super, duper lean.
 The most effective exercises for burning fat are the ones that incorporate multiple muscle
 If you’re an overachiever, do some form of low-intensity exercise on rest days to help
with the recovery process.
 If you didn’t cry when Dobby died, you have no soul. 
Chapter 4: How To Stay Motivated Along The Journey
Burning 10 lbs of fat is one thing.
Burning 10 lbs of fat and keeping it off is on a whole nutha’ level.
According to StatisticBrain, the number one new year's resolution in 2017 was to lose weight.
However, as time went on, only 9.2% of people felt they achieved the goals they set at new years.
The majority of people who begin their health journey start for a week or two.
However, come February, the majority of them are back to where they started.
In this section, I’m going to give you proven strategies you can use to burn fat and keep it off for good.
Let’s get started.
The #1 Fat Loss Mistake 99% Of People Make
About as useful as nipples on a breastplate, Shake Weights are. - Yoda
Would you like to know the #1 mistake stopping most people from burning fat and keeping it off for good...
PLUS how to avoid it entirely?
If so, then let me introduce you to someone:
Meet Karen.

(the gal on the right) 

Karen is a 40-year-old woman who works as an office-assistant.
Karen used to be captain of the cheer-leading team.
But, over the years, life has gotten in the way. And she's allowed her health to hit the backburner.
Nowadays, she’s a tad overweight.
She's already tried to lose weight multiple times in the past:
Weight loss pills, diet programs, fasting protocols, intense exercise regimens, etc.
But that's okay. 
Karen begins her health journey by setting a new years resolution to burn 15 lbs of fat.
Karen does what most people do when beginning their health journey:

 She signs up to her local gym.

 She drops $200 on the latest exercise sneakers.
 She says to herself, “Okay. I’m going to never eat junk food again, and I’m going to go to the gym five
times per week.”
Karen’s set for success (or so she thinks she is).
She does well for two weeks - she doesn’t eat any junk food during this time period and she’s been to the
gym for a total of 10 times.
Then, Things Start To Go Sour...
One day after work, Karen gets a lil’ lazy and decides to miss her workout and treats herself to a Hawaiian
pizza instead.
(She’s already made a rookie mistake with the pizza choice. Anyone in their right mind knows that
Pepperoni's the way to go)
The day after that, the same things happens.
She skips her scheduled workout and decides to order stay home and order another pizza.
5 missed training sessions and a richer pizza company later, Karen decides to give up on her health journey
and have another crack at it next year.
Does this story seem familiar to you?
Hidden in this story is the #1 mistake stopping most people from burning fat and keeping it off
for good.
This is something that I like to call…
The “Arnold Theory."
"If you want a sure-fire, field-tested, scientifically proven way to flush $29.99 down the toilet,
buy a Shake Weight." - Socrates
The Arnold theory is this:
Most newbies beginning their health journey try to be like Arnold.
They wanna go from jack-all exercising and dieting...
To working out five times per week and cutting out junk food all together.
In other words, they just got their white belt in Karate and they're trying to jump into the classes
for the black belts.
No wonder why people give up tryna' lose weight.
They begin with the most nonstrategic, hardest approach to doing it!
You can only be Arnold for so long until your discipline levels wear off and you fall back to being
"you" again.
Luckily for you, I’m about to share with you 5 strategies to help you avoid “The Arnold Theory."
These strategies will help you to burn fat and keep it off permanently in the easiest manner
Strategy #1 - Ask Yourself the “Golden Question”
The golden question is:
“What can I do to help me burn fat that I’d be willing to do for longer than a year?”
Most people who begin their health journey don’t take this approach.
They try to force themselves to do what they’re told like a drill sergeant hammering away at a
new recruit.

Everything you do must pass the requirements of the Golden Question.

If Karen had asked herself this question beforehand, she would've saved herself a TON of time and wasted
Because she would’ve realized that going from no exercise at all to working out five times per week is
a tad  excessive.
Or that going from eating junk food to eating no junk food for the rest of her life is unsustainable.
So, here’s the deal:
If you wanna begin using this strategy, all you have to do is the following:
If you can’t say to yourself that you’d able to do “Activity X” for longer than a year, then
you have to either:
a) cut it out altogether, or b) use the "Tortoise Technique" to help you implement it into your lifestyle.  
Strategy #2: "The Tortoise Technique"
Remember Aesop’s story about the Tortoise and the Hare?
And remember how the super slow tortoise ended up beating the hare because of his slow yet persistent
That’s what the “Tortoise Technique” is all about:
Voluntary, Withstandable, Sustainable Uncomfortableness.
Voluntary. Because you’re making a decision with your own will.
Withstandable. So you don’t end up getting too overwhelmed.
Sustainable. Because good things come with time.
Uncomfortable. Because that’s what change is.
To use the “Tortoise Technique,” all that you have to do is:
 1
Identify the weight loss habit you’re wanting to implement.
 2
Do an amount of work that you’d be willing to do for an extended period of time.
 3
Increase the intensity overtime.
This technique will help you slowly implement these healthy actions until they become habits.
And it goes hand in hand with The Golden Question.
The inherent magic in The Golden Question is that you take into account where you’re currently
at on your health journey.
And that’s one of the most important factors that most people miss (which is why they fail).
For Arnold to bump up his training from 4 to 5 times per week is realistic and sustainable.
But for Karen to try and “bump up” her training from 0 to 5 times per week?
As us Kiwi's say:
"Yeaaaaah, right."
How To Implement This Strategy
If you wanna get started with the Tortoise Technique exercise, you can follow this 6-step process:
Step 1: Get a spare piece of paper and a pen (or use a writing app on your computer)
Step 2: Ask yourself the golden question “What can I do to help me burn fat that I’d be willing to do
for longer than a year?”
Step 3: Jot down any realistic ideas that come up (Remember. Don't "drill sergeant" yourself. Work with
yourself, instead.)
Step 4: Using the “Tortoise Technique,” write down an amount of work you’d be willing to do and
schedule them into your calendar (e.g. one workout a week on Tuesday at 6pm)
Step 5: One month later, reevaluate your plan and see if you can increase the intensity (e.g. 2 workouts a
week on Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm).
Step 6: Rinse and repeat.
What this process will do is help you create a plan that will implement these powerful fat loss habits into your
lifestyle until they become consistent.
Because that's where the power comes from: 
Strategy #3 - Create A “Potential Page”
A “Potential Page” is a motivational strategy derived from psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
It's meant to be a set of "internal defibrillators" to shock your mind and body into action.
It consists of four elements:
 1
The end goal that you’d like to achieve.
 2
The actions that you’re going to do in order to achieve this goal.
 3
The potential that could be brought about if  you achieved this goal.
 4
What will happen if you DON'T achieve this goal.

Warning: This exercise can be emotionally intense, but if done correctly, can be your biggest
motivator that propels you to take action.
Here’s what a potential page looks like in action...
Story Time: Karen’s Potential Page
Karen has a 25-year-old daughter named Lisa.

Lisa is currently pregnant with a boy who they’ve named Sam.

If Karen continues her unhealthy habits, who’s to say that her weight problem won’t get worse?
And if it does get worse... who’s to say that her weight problem won’t get in the way of her future
relationship with Sam?
A couple of things can potentially happen if Karen continues her unhealthy habits:
 Her weight problem could get in the way of her ability to play with Sam when he becomes
a toddler.
 Karen won’t even be alive as long as she could have been if her unhealthy habits get
Pretty extreme, right?
But could it happen? 
Of Course It Could!
There are people all over the world who are dying sooner than they need to. Sicker than what they need to be
because of their health choices.
And these choices are affecting not only them, but their loved ones, too.
Let’s compare this to the things that can potentially happen if Karen stays on her health journey as
successfully loses weight:

 She could be able to live longer and be around Sam for as long as possible.
 She could be able to play with him and not allow her health problems to get in the way of
her fun-filled relationship with him.
See what I mean?
Creating a Potential Page forces you to face the effects of your actions (both positive and
It forces you to face not only your wildest, outrageous dreams, but also you worst
When you see these effects in broad daylight, it makes it MUCH easier to choose being healthy
and full of energy over being unhealthy with no energy.
How To Create A Potential Page
If you’re ready to create your potential page, here’s what you need to do:
Step 1: Schedule a time that you’re going to have at least twenty uninterrupted minutes.
Step 2: When that time comes, grab a pad of paper and a pen.
Step 3: Write down the exact goal you’re trying to achieve (e.g. burn 10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle
Step 3: Write down the exact actions you’re going to do in order to bring about this result (refer to your
answers to the Golden Question or The Tortoise Method to help you out).
Step 4: Write down the exact benefits that you get from achieving this goal.
Step 5: Write down the exact consequences that will happen/are currently happening because you haven’t
achieved this goal.

Here are a list of potential benefits you’ll get if you achieve your fat loss goal:
 You’ll feel more confident.
 You’ll feel happier.
 You can go to a beach and be proud of the body you have.
 You'll have more self-esteem because you worked hard for your body.
 You’ll become more attractive to your spouse, partner, whoever the fudge you're
wanting to attract.
 You’ll have a ton more energy.
 You’ll be able to play and spend more time with your kids/grandkids.
 You can influence your friends/family members to live a healthy lifestyle as well. And
they they can experience this list of benefits too.
 You can become a positive role model to others struggling with the same problem and
give them the courage to take action on their health journey.
If you wanna know the list of potential consequences of not achieving your fat-loss goal, just picture the
complete opposite of the benefits listed above.
Essentially, the Potential Page is something will not only show you how your actions are affecting yourself
and your loved ones...
But it's what's gonna help you take responsibility for your life, stop blaming others, and put the ball back in
your court.
Strategy No. 4 - Prepare for Setbacks
"The Shake Weight helped me lose over 40 lbs of pure fat overnight... Not." - Borat
When you begin your fat loss journey, there will be days where the lazy-bug takes over and you won’t wanna
do jack all. 
All you’ll wanna do is lie in bed with a whole damn pizza for yo’ self and binge watch your favorite TV show on
Don’t be surprised when these days come.
Instead, expect and welcome them.
Here are 5 actionable tips you can use to prepare for setbacks and prevent them from stopping you on your
health journey:
 1
Schedule cheat days into your program. This is the perfect time where it’s okay to eat pizza and
watch Netflix. It’ll keep you sane.
 2
Reevaluate your fat loss plan. If your fat loss plan is too intense and overwhelming, scale it back a
bit. Include an extra cheat meal. Or reduce the frequency, intensity, or length of your workouts.
 3
Get the ball rolling. Take the "small wins" approach like going to the gym for just 5 minutes. This gets
the snowball rolling and you’ll most likely feel the desire to "do the thing" once the motions get going.
 4
Use a calendar. If you’ve pre-planned your workouts and meals before hand, you’re more likely to stay
on track.
 5
Meal prep. Preparation is key in this game. You won’t get as many cravings if your meals are ready and
waiting, rather than being tempted by fast-food.

The most important thing is that you expect these days to come and you schedule a time
of the week where it’s okay to just chill.
You can't have all day with no night. You can't have all sweet with no bitter. You can't have all Will with no
And you can't always be "on the go" with your weight loss journey.
You need some time to rest and chill, too. 
Don’t judge yourself too hard if you miss a workout or two. Just get back on the horse and keep trotting along.
Strategy No. 5 - Make A 3-Month Commitment
Fat loss doesn’t happen overnight.
Before you can actually start seeing any significant results, it’s gonna take a bit of time.
Three months is a perfect length of time for those results to show.
If you’re ready to make the commitment, here’s what you need to do:
Step 1: Mark the date three months from when you make the commitment in your calendar/journal.
Step 2: Create your fat loss plan with the help of Chapter 6.
The plan should include a healthy diet with a caloric deficit, an exercise program consisting of HIIT and
resistance training, as well as cheat meals and rest days.
Step 3: Get started!
Pro Tip: Take a “before” photo of yourself at the beginning of your 3-month commitment, and an
“after” photo when you’ve finished.
The key to making this three-month commitment is that you’re not using discipline as your main source
of motivation.
Instead, use the tortoise method and start where you are.
And make choices that you actually enjoy.
Choose meals and exercises that you enjoy.
And for Pete’s sake... 
Enjoy the damn thing!
Your health journey isn't meant to feel like your teacher nagging you to do your homework.
It’s meant to feel like you’re studying for a subject you already love, and your teaching is encouraging you
along the way.
If you’re following a fat loss program and you’re feeling too restricted and sad in the process - you’re
probably doing it wrong.

Chapter 4 Recap
 If you want to keep the fat off for good, you need to increase your level of “Stickability.”
 Ask yourself the “Golden Question”: “What can I do to help me burn fat that I’d be willing
to do for longer than a year?”
 Use the “Tortoise Technique”. Start small.
 Create a “Potential Page”. Being unhealthy not only affects you but everyone around
you. Do this to help you see these negative effects.
 Prepare for setbacks. Plan cheat meals and rest days to keep you sane.
 Make a 3-month commitment.
 If you’re feeling sad and too restricted while doing this, you’re doing it wrong.
Chapter 5: 10 Wickedly-Effective Fat Loss Tips
That Actually Work
It’s common to see fad diets claiming to help you lose an excessive amount of weight in the shortest amount
of time possible.
99% of these new fads are B.S.
How would you like to learn ten wickedly-effective fat loss tips that actually work?
Because that’s exactly what this chapter is going to show you.
Let’s get started.

Tip No. 1 - Plan Your Fat-Loss Lifestyle

“If you read this guide, prepare to lose fat. If you buy a Shake Weight, prepare to lose money.” -
Benjamin Franklin.
To increase your chances of burning fat and keeping it off for good, much of it will come down to preparation
and organization:
 Preparing your meals
 Scheduling your workouts
 Planning your cheat meals.
If you do this, not only will you burn fat and keep it off for good, but you’ll enjoy the process without feeling too
Planning Study
In a study involving 40,554 participants, a group of researchers wanted to know if there was a correlation
between meal prepping and weight levels as well as diet quality.
Out of all the participants, 57% said they meal prepped at least every so often.
These people were more likely to adhere to a higher quality diet and had decreased odds of obesity.

As expected, preparation wins games.

If you wanna learn how to create your own personal fat loss plan , then make sure you read Chapter
Tip No. 2 - Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting (or “IF” for short) isn’t a diet - it’s an eating regimen.
Essentially, it consists of two phases:
 1
A fasting phase. A period of time during the day where you fast.
 2
An eating phase. A period of time during the day where you eat.
For example, a common fasting method is Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" protocol where you fast for 24 hours
two times per week and eat mindfully (not restrictively) for the rest of the week
During the fasting phase, your goal is to consume no calories. So you’re only allowed to drink zero
calorie drinks like water or black coffee.
During the eating phase, your goal is to consume your daily calorie intake.
Intermittent fasting can also potentially increase your metabolism and maintain muscle mass; both of these
factors play a crucial role in the weight loss process.

How To Start Intermittent Fasting (For Newbies)

Here’s how you can begin intermittent fasting if you’re a complete newbie:
Step 1: Start small with a 12-hour fast. After waking up, fasting for another 4 hours isn't that  hard to do.
Step 2: Establish a fasting routine. Wake up at the same time so that it’s easy for your body to establish the
Step 3: Adjust after two weeks. Once you’ve gotten used to the fasting lifestyle, test yourself and see if you
can extend that 12-hour fast to a 14-hour fast. If not, just stick with 12-hours.
Step 4: Rinse and repeat. Give your body enough time to adapt. But when you’re ready to up the antes, do
Here are some extra fasting tips to help you with the process:
 1
Pick a regimen that works for you. There are so many ways to fast. What you should do is find a fasting
regimen that works for you and stick with it.
 2
Start slow. You’re not Arnold.
 3
Be careful if you’re a woman. Most gals on IF reduce the intensity by having shorter fasting periods,
or doing it every 2-3 days instead of daily.
 4
Be careful if you suffer from any medical condition  (e.g. diabetes). Do some research to see if
intermittent fasting is okay for you.
 5
Consult your doctor before starting.  He’s smart. He knows things.
Fasting isn’t for everyone.
For those of you who do enjoy it, expect a 2-week adjustment phase in the beginning where you may
experience a lil’ fatigue and perhaps a few lights headaches.
But for those of you who don’t enjoy it, just stick with your traditional eating regimen.
Tip No. 3 - Don’t Drink Your Calories
There’s one main reason why you wanna get the majority of your calories from food and not liquids:
Eating your calories will help you feel fuller compared to drinking your calories.
This ‘fullness feeling’ plays a direct part in the fat loss process:
 If you feel full, you’re more likely to eat less food.
 Eating less food = less calories.
On the other hand, if you drink your calories, you won't feel as full:
 If you’re not feeling full, you’re going to get hunger pangs.
 Hunger pangs lead to eating more food.
 Eating food = extra calories.
Also, be aware of “healthy” fruit juices and smoothies.
Sure - they may have a ton of nutrients.
But they most likely also contain a ton of calories that you’re not aware of.
Here are a 3 tips you can use to help you get started:
 1
Limit the amount you have. Don’t drink as much as you normally would. Or find a calorie-friendly
 2
Meal prep. If you have your meals ready (that you enjoy), you’re much more likely to have those
compared to the liquids.
 3
Be mindful. I’m not saying don’t drink liquids with calories. I’m just saying limit the amount while getting
the majority of your calories from food.

Tip No. 4 - Eat More Protein

“When in doubt, protein it out.”  - Ghandi.
Not only does protein help maintain muscle mass which increases your daily caloric
expenditure, but it also has a ton of other benefits:

 Your body actually burns a ton more calories eating protein compared to eating carbs
and fats . This is called the thermic effect of food.
 It helps you feel fuller. You’ll be in a caloric deficit without suffering from hunger pangs.
 It can help suppress your appetite. Protein has shown to reduce ghrelin; the hormone
that tells you you’re hungry.
 It’s shown to help improve your metabolic rate which directly helps you be in a caloric
Multiple studies have shown these statements true too (especially as it relates to fat loss).
Protein Study
A study was conducted on 65 overweight participants to observe the effect that a high-protein
diet has on weight loss compared to a high-carb diet.
The study lasted for 6 months: 
The researchers found that the high protein dieters lost almost double the amount of weight than the high
carb dieters (8.9kgs for the high protein, 5.1kgs in the high carbs).

Mounir from IWannaBurnFat has found the same conclusions to be true. 

His scientific research and study analysis' has found that eating more protein has two key benefits as it
relates to fat loss:
 1) Protein helps you feel more satiated compared to carbs and fats, and 2) It helps you
maintain muscle mass.
How To Eat More Protein
Here are a 5 easy ways that you can increase your protein intake:
 1
Eat protein with every meal. It doesn’t matter whether it comes from eggs, lean meat, fish, or
poultry. Just have a serving with every meal.
 2
Increase your serving size. For example, if you’re used to having one chicken breast every dinner,
up it to one and a half.
 3
Eat a high-protein snack during the day. Foods like jerky, peanut butter, tuna, and hard-boiled
eggs contain a ton of protein and are super easy to eat.
 4
Drink a protein shake. It’s not ideal compared to getting it from a food source, but if you’re struggling
with hitting your protein count, then drinking a shake will do the job.
 5
Have eggs for breakfast. Plus, the egg yolks are a healthy source of fat.

Tip No. 5 - Find An Accountability Partner

It’s hard enough as it is trying to burn fat and lean down by yourself.
So why not work with a buddy with who’s not only willing to support you, but is also trying to achieve the
same goal as you?
Social support has been shown to help with burning fat and keeping it off for good.

Accountability Partner Study

A study was published in Journal Of Behavioral Medicine in 2016.
In this study, the researchers wanted to know if social support was associated with weight loss for the 411
The researchers found that positive active support (not necessarily instructive) had a positive effect on
weight loss maintenance.

This study shows that there’s a certain type of support that can help you the most; the participative, action-
orientated, encouraging type.
Another study was published by the University of Illinois in 2014.
In this study, the research group monitored 23 women after they had finished an 18-week weight loss
Every single member of the group lost a considerable amount of weight.
However, only a few managed to maintain the weight loss after the program had finished.
One of the key factors that contributed to the success of the weight loss maintainers was social support.
These women specifically stated that having someone going through the same journey
as you is a critical factor in keeping the weight off.

How To Find An Accountability Buddy

If you’re wanting to find an accountability partner and don’t know how, here’s a simple 5-step
process you can use to get started:

Step 1: Write down 5-10 people you personally know on a list who are wanting to burn fat and
get in shape also (a pad and pen will do just fine).
Step 2: Reach out to these people (you can use email, FB, mobile, or just do it the ‘old-fashion’
way and visit them in the flesh).
State to them what you’re trying to achieve and how the social support can benefit both of yous.
Step 3: Create a plan. Pick a number of times to meet that suits both of your schedules (and in
a way that works for you, e.g. Skype, mobile phone, email).
Step 4: During these sessions, there are a number of things you can talk about as it relates to
fat loss that will help you:
 What you did well that week (e.g. a healthy dish you cooked and enjoyed the crap out of)
 What you didn’t do well that week (e.g. a solid workout that you missed, and that extra
slice of pizza you ate)
 What you plan to do in the future week to stay on track with your goals.
Step 5: Profit.
Pro Tip: If you don’t know many people in real life who are on the same journey as you, then
join a few online communities to find a accountability partner. Facebook groups like "Eat Train
Progress" are a great way to start receiving help and support from like-minded individuals.

Tip No. 6 - Start A Fat Loss Journal

A “Fat Loss Journal” is a journal you can use to track your actions and match it with the produced result.
That way, if you don’t see the result that you’d like to see, you have a journal to help you reflect on your
actions and help you pinpoint where you screwed up on.
"What gets measured, gets managed." - Peter Drucker
There are a few studies that prove the effectiveness of journaling for fat loss, too.
Fat Loss Journal Study
A systematic review was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on
the literature surrounding self-monitoring and weight loss.
The review consisted of 22 studies observing weight loss as it relates to three main components:
Diet, exercise, and weight.
Both the paper and pen plus digital journaling were strategies used by the participants (the paper and pen
being the most popular one).
Across all 22 studies, the reviewers found that there was a strong association between
self-monitoring and weight loss.

How To Start A Fat Loss Journal

If you’re ready to begin journaling your weight loss progress, here are a few ways you can get
 1
Track your weight (but not too closely). Once a week at the same time is enough. Don't do
it too  often. It's easy to get too emotionally invested.
 2
Track your macros. Write down the food and drinks that you have on a daily basis (you’d be surprised
as to how many sneaky calories creep up on ya’ over the course of the day).
 3
Track your workouts. Journal how many days a week you exercise, for how long, and what type of
exercise it was.
 4
Review your progress. If you don’t like the results that you’re getting, look back at your jour nal and
see if there’s anything you did/didn’t do that caused the bad result. Adjust accordingly.

Tip No. 7 - Daily Movers

"Daily Movers are the bomb-diggity for burning fat." - Abraham Lincoln.
A Daily Mover is a short lil’ mini-workout you can do multiple times throughout the day.
They’re an effective strategy you can use to burn fat especially  if you live a sedentary lifestyle.
For example, let’s say you work an office job where you spend a ton of time sitting.
You could do a daily mover five times evenly spread throughout the day.
You gain three crucial benefits from daily movers:
 1
Increase your caloric expenditure without tiring yourself out. With Daily Movers, you’ll get a
lot of exercise done without exhausting yourself because you’ve had plenty of rest between each workout.
 2
Stop sitting so much. Sitting kills. It’s bad for you.
 3
Increase your energy levels. It feels "ew" sitting for too long. Getting your body moving throughout
the day counterbalances this "ew" feeling.

Daily Mover Study

A study was led by a group of researchers from the Healthy Lifestyles Research Center of the Arizona State
They wanted to know how ambulatory blood pressure levels changed with two different exercise styles:
multiple short exercise sessions or one long exercise session.
The participants were instructed to do two different things:
1. Go for three 10-minute-walks throughout the day, and
2. Go for one 30-minute-walk on another day.
The researchers found that even though both groups experienced a drop in blood pressure, the multiple
mini exercise sessions caused a lower blood pressure drop for a longer period of time.

How To Begin Doing Daily Movers

Here is a 3-step process to help you get started doing daily mover workouts:
Step 1: Pick multiple times throughout the day where you plan on doing your miniworkout (could be every
hour on the hour, could be once every three hours, pick what works best for you)
Step 2: Pick a workout that you can do in under 5 minutes. Here’s a sample workout I created to help you
get started:
10 jumping jacks, 5 pushups, and 10 bodyweight squats.
Take a 20 second break between each exercise.
Step 3: Profit.
Lastly, make sure to not push yourself too much when doing your daily movers.
These are meant to be done in a fashion where your energy levels increase.
If they do begin hindering your main workouts, then either a) reduce the frequency of your daily movers, or b)
reduce the intensity of the workouts.
Tip No. 8 - Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
If you find yourself loving a lil’ too much “liquid courage” more often than usual, then you need to look at
reevaluating how much you’re drinking.
Drinking too much alcohol has a number of negative effects on your ability to burn fat:
 1
It’s a calorically-dense liquid  (refer back to the drinking your calories section).
 2
Usually, you don’t just have one drink  - so the calories add up quickly. A quiet night in can quickly
turn into a 60’s music solo dance party plus a few bottles of wine (don’t believe me? Ask my mom).
 3
It lowers your inhibitions. You can quickly throw all your super healthy diet recipes out the window.
When’s the last time you get super drunk and ate a salad? Case closed.
 4
It can slow down your metabolism. Which directly affects your ability to burn calories.
 5
It can decrease your levels of testosterone. Which can lead to less muscle mass.
If you really wanna burn fat, then cut out all alcohol. Your body will thank you for it.
How To Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
However, I don’t wanna be a party pooper and tell those of you who are clinging to the bottle to completely
ditch the bottle.
Here are a few tips you can use to reduce your alcohol intake and start burning fat:
 1
Plan your drinking days. Just like your cheat days - plan days where you’re going to have a drink or
 2
Go for the low calorie drinks. Simple yet effective.
 3
Don’t purchase more than you need. And stow away the extra booze that comes with your
 4
Have your meals ready. So when you do begin drinking, you have a healthy meal ready for you
rather than resorting to convenient food.

Tip No. 9 - Drink A Glass Of Water Before You Eat

Did you know that having a glass of water before eating can help decrease your caloric intake with little to no
A study published in the Obesity journal found this claim to be true.
A group of researchers from the University of Birmingham wanted to know the effect that drinking water
before meals had on weight loss.
The researchers monitored a group of 84 adults with obesity.
The participants were advised to drink 500ml of water thirty minutes before eating their meals.
After 12 weeks, they found that the individuals who preloaded with water before all 3 major
meals lost an average of 4.3kgs.
The individuals who preloaded either 1 or 0 times throughout the whole experiment only loss an average of
Dr. Helen M. Parretti, one of the clinical lecturers and researchers of the study, said that the beauty to this
technique lies in its ease and simplicity.
If you wanna begin using this tip, all you have to remember is this:
Drink 1-2 glasses of water thirty minutes before your main meals.
Tip No. 10 - Reduce Your Stress Levels
"I couldn't think of anything worst than buying a Shake Weight." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Did you know that, in the right context, stress can actually be a good thing?
For instance, when you’re doing intense exercise, you’re placing deliberate stress on your body in the short
term to make health gains in the long term.
This isn’t the stress that I’m talking about.
The stress I’m talking about is Chronic Stress.
The type of stress that lingers around like a silent fart in a tightly-contained room.
Not only does this kinda stress tear you down emotionally and mentally. But it also wreaks havoc on you
physically and can hinder your ability to burn fat for a number of reasons:

 A common way that people deal with stress is by eating comfort food which directly
affects fat loss because of the increased calories.
 It produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels are linked to high
levels of belly fat
 It can slow your metabolism down decreasing the amount of calories you expend on a
daily basis.
 It feels ‘ew.’
Stress And Weight Gain Study
A study was done to determine whether there really was a link between weight gain and stress.
The research group monitored 5,118 participants over a 5 year basis to determine if stressful events had a
change in their body mass index.
What they expected to happen, happened.
Over the 5-year period, they found that as the participants experienced stressful events, they
gained weight.
How To Reduce Stress
If you’re ready lower your stress levels and start burning fat, here are five scientifically-proven ways to
help you get started:
 1
Deep breathing. Take five deep belly breaths right now. You’ll instantly see a significant improvement
in your stress levels.
 2
Go for a walk outside. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress, as well as has being out and about
in nature. So, why not both?
 3
Eat something. But not just anything. Eat a high-protein snack with some healthy fats. For example, a
teaspoon of peanut butter, a serving of eggs, a few almonds, etc.
 4
Yoga. Low-intensity exercise coupled with deep breathing is a perfect combination to destress.
 5
Laugh. Chuck on a comedy special and get to giggling.
Chapter 6: Fat Loss Tips From The Experts
In this chapter, you're going to learn fat loss tips directly from the "experts" in this field.
These experts have dedicated their whole lives to helping literally tens of thousands of people all over the
world lose weight, burn fat, and obtain the body of their dreams in the most enjoyable manner possible.
You're about to learn their #1 favorite, most effective fat loss tip.

Marc Lobliner, CMO Of Tiger Fitness

"The number one weight loss tip is to choose a diet and training program that you can adhere to
If you like toast, don’t go on a keto diet. If you don’t like lifting weights, do a cardio-based program like cardio-
The key isn’t simply to lose weight, it is to keep it off, and following a program you love long-term is how you
will set yourself up for success."
Mike Matthews, Founder Of Muscle For Life
"Hard choices make for an easy life and easy choices make for a hard one.
The easy choices that inevitably lead to frustration and failure include following fad diets, regularly overeating,
wasting money on worthless pills and powders, giving your workouts less than 100% (or worse, skipping them
altogether), and hopping from one program to another.
The hard choices that produce guaranteed results are things like giving up some of the high-
calorie foods you like to eat, snacking less, controlling your impulses, meal planning and
prepping, pushing yourself to get out of bed for those morning workouts, and getting back on track after
slipping up (which happens to all of us).
In short, it means having faith that a little discomfort now will pay major dividends later. "Trusting in the
process," as people like to say."
Layne Norton, Founder Of Biolayne
"Find a way of eating that is sustainable for YOU and your lifestyle. The best diet means nothing if you can't
stick to it.
People don't fail diets because they didn't have the perfect macros or ate sugar, they fail because people
can't adhere to them."
Ari Whitten, Founder Of The Energy Blueprint
The real secret of weight loss (behind the successes of all people across the various diets) is choosing A
I.e. Not "going on a diet" for 30-90 days to lose weight and then reverting back to old habits once you've lost
the weight. It's about implementing a new diet ... FOR LIFE.
Matt Stone, Founder of 180DegreeHealth
"Monitor your body temperature any time you attempt to lose weight.
The problem with losing weight is that the body typically fights against it by lowering resting metabolic rate,
increasing appetite and binge-proneness, and other mechanisms, and this resistance by the body to weight
loss often shows up as a reduced body temperature below the normal 98.6 F. 
Simply put, the weight you lose without lowering your body temperature tends to stay off. The weight you lose
that results in a drop in body temperature tends to come back--bringing some friends along with it. 
Pratik Thakkar, Founder Of GetSetGo Fitness
"Do not look for the perfect plan.
It is too easy to get caught up in the fuss of finer details and keep looking for the best plan. Two things you
should probably know about the 'perfect plan':
1. It does not exist.
2. Even if it did, you will not be able to follow it.
The one thing that trumps any diet strategy for losing weight is adherence to calorie restriction. There are
100s of ways you can do that. Just begin by assessing your current dietary habits and cut down the obvious
crap and reduce your calories.
Get better with time. And most importantly, do it consistently."
Jason Khalipa, Crossfit Athlete & Host Of AMRAP
Mentality Podcast
"Using functional movements in a coached environment pushing yourself against a clock while eating “real”
Consistency is key. Nothing happens overnight. "
Nick Shaw, CEO Of Renaissance Periodization
"One of the best ways to lose fat is eating fewer calories. This can be achieved by focusing on eating higher
quality food choices. Eat less junk food and focus more on lean proteins, fruits/veggies, whole grains, and
healthy fats and you're off to a great start in calorie control."
Wade Lightheart, Canadian Natural Bodybuilding
Champ And Co-Founder Of Bioptimizers
"Time restricted eating as it tends to make people eat less, creates cellular autophagy (Kills the bad cells) and
allows for detoxification of the organs which govern metabolism."
Mario Tomic, CEO & Founder At
"The #1 best fat loss tip for someone wanting to lose fat is to stop wasting time looking for quick fixes and BS
magic pills.
Instead, focus on: lifting weights, getting into a calorie deficit, eating a higher protein diet,
and lots of vegetables.
We have very strong scientific evidence to support those four things, and they can confidently commit to the
process knowing it's backed by real science."
Chapter 7: Create Your Own Fat Loss Plan
You’ve got all the pieces of the puzzle.
Now all that’s left is to put the puzzle together.
In this chapter, I’m gonna show you how to build your own personal fat loss plan that helps you:
 Burn fat (duh)
 Keep it off for good (no more yoyo weight loss)
 Not feel too restricted (because who wants to eat chicken and broccoli for the rest of their
 And enjoy the whole process.
Let’s begin.

Step 1: Create An Enjoyable Fat-Loss Diet

By now, you should have the two pieces of information:
1) Your Magic Fat Loss Number, and 2) Your macro breakdown that will show you where to
allocate your daily calories.
Next thing is to find a few healthy, delicious recipes that you enjoy containing the three key
Protein, Carbs, and Fats.
(It doesn’t have to have all three in one meal, btw)
I suggest starting with a minimum of five.
It doesn’t take much effort to find healthy recipes. A bitta’ Googling goes a looong way.
Tip #1 - Google Your Favorite Macro Sources
For example, if you like chicken and rice, then you could literally just type into Google “healthy
chicken and rice recipes.”

Here are a few macro food sources to help you get started:
 Chicken
 Tuna
 Salmon
 Turkey
 Ground beef
 Steak
 Pork
 Eggs
 Greek yogurt
 Rice
 Bread
 Oats
 Fruit
 Berries
 Potatoes
 Yams
 Vegetables
Fat Sources:

 Olive oil
 Coconut oil
 Peanut butter (has protein too)
 Egg yolks
 Avocado
 Nuts
 Cheese
 Full fat yoghurt
Tip #2 - Mix Together Your Favorite Macros
For example, if you like beef, salad, and bread…
Why not just make yourself a burger?
Easy, right?
Your main goal is to find foods you like and include them in your diet.
Because it’s very likely that your “Stickability” levels will increase with eating foods that you love.
Step 2: Create Your Fat-Loss Exercise Program
As we discussed in Chapter 3, the two most effective fat loss exercises are resistance training and HIIT.
So including these two exercise styles are a must if you wanna burn as much fat as possible.
First: Pick a type of resistance training and an exercise for HIIT that you enjoy.
For example, you could choose to train with free weights for your resistance training and sprints for your HIIT
Second: Create your resistance training workout.
Feel free to use the sample workout program I’ve given to you in the earlier chapters.
Lastly: Create a protocol for your HIIT workout.
I suggest using the sample HIIT workout I’ve given you in this guide. Increase the intensity as it becomes
easier and easier.
The number one thing you should remember when creating your exercise routine is this:
You’re not Arnold.
Start small. 
Step 3: Create Your Fat Loss Calendar
Now that you’ve got all the information necessary, it’s time to start putting it all together.
To do this, you’re going to need a calendar.
If you don’t have a calendar,, then I highly recommend using Google Calendar because it’s free and easy
to use.

In your calendar, schedule these five major events:

Workouts (both resistance training and HIIT sessions)
 1
Workout Sessions
 2
Cheat Days
 3
Meal Prepping Days
 4
Grocery Shopping Days
 5
Weekly Recap Sessions

The key to ensuring this plan works is that you pick a schedule that works for you.
Story Time: Karen’s Fat Loss Calendar
Let’s use Karen again as an example.

Karen’s getting ready to start her fat loss journey.

She has her list of five recipes, and she’s decided that she’s going to exercise two times a week to
begin with.
(She’s starting with such a small amount of workouts because, after reading this guide,
she’s super duper smart and doesn’t wanna burn out after 10 days. She’ll increase the
frequency as time goes by)
Karen works 9-5 every weekday. Most of her free time is on the weekends.
So far, her calendar looks a lil’ something like this:

She’s come to the conclusion that the following plan is at an intensity she’s comfortable with, she can sustain
for longer than a year, and it works well with her schedule:
Karen’s exercise plan:
 1 jump rope HIIT workout per week (on Wednesday night)
 1 free weights workout per week (on Saturday morning)
Diet plan:
 Grocery shopping and meal prep on the same day on Sunday
 Cheat day is on Sunday.
Weekly recap:
 Every Sunday night.
Now, Karen has to pick the times that work for her and put it into her calendar.
Now all that’s left to do is for Karen to execute her plan.
When the weekly recap comes, she can review her plan and see if there’s anything that she wants to change
for the week to come.
It’s as simple as that.

Here’s What You Need To Do

 Pick your meal prep and grocery shopping days. It should be your day off work. For most
people that’s Sunday.
 Pick your exercise day/s. These are the days during the week where you’re going
to do your resistance training and HIIT workouts
 Pick your cheat days.
 Pick your time for weekly recaps; Sunday night seems to work for most people.
 Click here to be taken to Google Calendar
 Click the red “+” sign at the bottom right on Google Calendar

 Enter in the necessary details (time+date, title of event, and whether it’s a repeatable event or not

 Then click the blue “Save” button.

And that’s it.

Step 4: Keep It Off For Good
Planning and being organized is super important.
But effective action over an extended period of time is key  - that’s why Stickability is so important
for fat loss success.
Here are 5 tips you can use to ensure that you’ll stay on track with your fat loss plan and keep it off for good:
 1
Weekly Recaps. This is arguably the most important tip of all. During this time, you should either
increase or decrease the intensity of your plan based upon how you’re feeling.
 2
Change up your recipes. After a while, eating the same recipes will be boring. Once it does, all you
have to do is go to Google and research for some more delicious recipes.
 3
Find an accountability partner/s. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get some social support
connect with someone and talk about your struggles. 
 4
Reread your potential page. I can’t stress how important this exercise is. Facing the consequences
of you not losing weight is a scary thing. It’ll be more than enough motivation to help you keep going.
 5
Have fun with it. Remember: if you’re feeling sad and too restricted while doing this, you’re doing it
Lastly, I wanted to point out to you a resource that I believe you'll find extremely useful.
Check out Craig Ballantyne's book called "The Perfect Day Formula." 
This will not only help you plan your fat loss lifestyle.
But most importantly - your life.
The fact that it's taught by Craig Ballantyne (who's the "Michael Jordan" of planning and productivity) is a

Chapter 6 Recap
 Figure out your daily caloric intake and macro breakdown using the calculator
 Create a recipe list that you enjoy that fits inside your macro breakdown
 Create and an exercise program with resistance training and HIIT that works for you.
 Pick times that work for you where you can do your grocery shopping, meal prepping, weekly recaps,
and workouts.
 Schedule this information into a calendar to help you stay organized.
 As you follow your plan, if it feels too intense, dial it back. If it’s too easy, amp it up a notch.
And there ya have it.
Everything you need to know about Fat Loss.
I have one last request if ya don't mind:
"Are there others in your life who you know would benefit from a guide like this?"
People who you know personally who are wanting to lose weight, burn fat, and transform their
life for the better?

If so, I ask you this:

If you enjoyed this guide, and you think it will benefit others...

Please share it with 3 people who you know, love, and care for enough that want to burn
fat, lose weight, and take their health to the next level.

My mission is to help committed individuals such as yourself not just lose weight, but most
importantly to help you:

 Live a longer, more fulfilling life

 Have more energy to do things that you enjoy doing
 Feel more confident in the body that you’re in
 Become more attractive to whoever you're wanting to attract
 Live long enough to watch your children and grandchildren grow up and be able to play with them
without letting your health hold you back.
 Much more.
Here's to your success.

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