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FIDE Trainers Commission


FIDE TRG Syllabus 1

First published in Greece by FIDE 2010 - Reprint 2014
First Edition 2.000 copies - Second Edition 500 copies - Third Edition 500 copies - Fourth Edition
500 copies - Fifth Edition 500 copies * Copyright © FIDE 2010 ( -

The rights of Efstratios Grivas, Mikhail Gurevich, Miguel Illescas, Michael Khodarkovsky,
Andrew Martin, Adrian Mikhalchishin, and Jovan Petronic to be identified as the authors of this
work have been asserted in accordance with the International Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.

All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or
otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being
imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

ISBN-13: 978-960-99379-0-0

To all past and present top-trainers.

Contributors - Helpers
Significant help in the preparation of this book was provided by
Roberto Baglione (,
Nigel Davies ( -,
Susan Polgar ( - and
Nicolas Sphicas.
We would like to thank all of them for their valuable help and kind contributions.

Cover by Nicolas Sphicas

Endgame with Pawns and Bishops, 2004, mixed technique on Indian paper, 65x50 cm.
( - -

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

FIDE Trainer’s Commission Chairman 2009-2018: Adrian Mikhalchishin

FIDE Trainer’s Commission Secretary 2009-2018: Efstratios Grivas
FIDE Trainer’s Commission Councilor 2009-2018: Uwe Boensch
FIDE Trainer’s Commission Councilor 2009-2018: Michael Khodarkovsky
FIDE Trainer’s Commission Councilor 2009-2018: Jovan Petronic

Edited by Efstratios Grivas (

Typeset by Efstratios Grivas & Vasilios Vrettos
Cover Image by Nicolas Sphicas
Proof-Reading by Andrew Martin ( - - -
Printed in Greece by ‘Apollon’ Ektipotiki O.E. (Georgios Mihailidis -

FIDE TRG Syllabus 2

Title-Description ………………………………………………………............... 1
Colophon ………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Contents ………………………………………………………………….............. 3
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………… 4
Symbols …………………………………………………………………............... 4
Foreword - Kirsan Ilyumzhinov .………………………………………………. 5
FIDE Trainers Commission (TRG) - Efstratios Grivas ...…………………... 6
Nominated FIDE Lecturers / Seminar Leaders.……………………………… 7
TRG - A Look at the Past - Jovan Petronic …………………………………... 8
Trainers’ Ranking / FIDE TRG Regulations - Efstratios Grivas …..……… 9
Physical and Psychological Factors - Efstratios Grivas …………………… 14
Nutritional Practices of Chess Grandmasters - Roberto Baglione ……….. 16
Differences Between Boys and Girls in Chess - Susan Polgar …………….. 20
Nature or Nurture - Nigel Davies ……………………………………………… 21
Chess Literature - Efstratios Grivas …………………………………………... 22
Trainers’ Common Mistakes - Adrian Mikhalchishin ………………………. 23
Participant’s Personal ID / Registration ……...……………………………… 26
Getting to Know Ourselves - Efstratios Grivas ……………………………… 27
Building a Repertoire - Efstratios Grivas …………………………………….. 29
Middlegame & Endgame Theory - Efstratios Grivas ……………………….. 31
The Role of Classics - Adrian Mikhalchishin ………………………………… 32
Working with Classical Games - Adrian Mikhalchishin ……………………. 39
Technique of Analysis - Michael Khodarkovsky …………………………….. 44
Chess Intuition - Adrian Mikhalchishin ………………………………………. 49
Basic / Typical Plans - Mikhail Gurevich …………………………………….. 56
The Role of Prophylactic Thinking - Adrian Mikhalchishin ……………….. 62
Principles of Opening Play - Jovan Petronic ………………………………… 69
Attacking the King - Andrew Martin ………………………………………….. 74
Open File / Semi-Open File - Miguel Illescas ………………………………. 84
Outpost - Michael Khodarkovsky ……………………………………………… 89
Rook vs Minor Piece - Miguel Illescas ……………………………….……….. 93
The Bishop-pair - Mikhail Gurevich …………………………………………... 98
Bishop vs Knight / Knight vs Bishop - Mikhail Gurevich …………………... 104
The Isolated Pawn - Miguel Illescas ………………………………………….. 113
The Doubled Pawns - Miguel Illescas ………………………………………… 119
The Backward Pawn - Michael Khodarkovsky ………………………………. 124
The Hanging Pawns - Michael Khodarkovsky ……………………………….. 129
The Passed Pawn - Michael Khodarkovsky ………………………………….. 134
The Pawn Majority / Pawn Minority - Jovan Petronic ……………………... 139
The Exchange Sacrifice - Jovan Petronic …………………………………….. 144
FIDE TRG Syllabus 3
The Positional Sacrifice - Jovan Petronic ……………………………………. 149
Won Positions / Lost Positions - Jovan Petronic ……………………………. 154
The Golden Rules of the Endgame - Efstratios Grivas ……………………… 159
How to Think in Endgames - Mikhail Gurevich ……………………………... 160
Pawn Endings - Andrew Martin ……………………………………………….. 167
Queen Endings - Andrew Martin ………………………………………………. 173
Rook Endings - Andrew Martin ………………………………………………... 179
Bishop Endings - Miguel Illescas ……………………………………………… 185
Knight Endings - Mikhail Gurevich …………………………………………… 190
Mixed Endings - Andrew Martin ………………………………………………. 197
Index of Games …………………………………………………………………… 205
FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) ………………………….……………….. 208

A New Era - How Garry Kasparov Changed the World of Chess; Michael Khodarkovsky &
Leonid Shamkovich; Ballantine Books 1997
Chess College 1: Strategy; Efstratios Grivas; Gambit 2006
Chess College 2: Pawn Play; Efstratios Grivas; Gambit 2006
Chess College 3: Technique; Efstratios Grivas; Gambit 2006
Chess Strategy for the Tournament Player; Lev Alburt & Sam Palatnik; C.I.R.C. 2010
Chess Today (Internet Newspaper); Alexander Baburin; 2006-2010
ChessBase Mega Database; Various Contributors; ChessBase 2010
Informator; Various Contributors; Informator 1966-2010
My System; Aaron Nimzowitsch; Hays Publishing 1991
New In Chess (Magazine & Yearbook); Various Contributors; Interchess BV 1984-2010
Practical Endgame Play - Mastering the Basics; Efstratios Grivas; Everyman 2008

+ check = equal position
++ double check ÷ unclear position
# checkmate ° with compensation
!! brilliant move ³ Black is slightly better
! good move μ Black has a large advantage
!? interesting move –+ Black is winning
?! dubious move 1-0 the game ends in a win for White
? bad move ½-½ the game ends in a draw
?? blunder 0-1 the game ends in a win for Black
+– White is winning (D) see next diagram
± White has a large advantage ○ White to play
² White is slightly better ● Black to play

FIDE TRG Syllabus 4

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
Chess has existed as a sport played at a competitive level for centuries. The common code
governing the Laws of Chess is relatively recent and the foundation of Fédération Internationale
des Échecs (FIDE) in Paris in 1924 even more modern. FIDE currently has 181 member
federations in all continents. Titles for players were introduced by FIDE in 1950 and titles for
Arbiters and Organisers followed. Now we are moving to a new phase with titles for Trainers.
Chess is on the increase in schools across the world. It is part of the mainstream curriculum in
many countries. It is a goal of FIDE to make chess an educational tool and generate worldwide
popularity for the game. Examples of the many educational advantages of chess are: shows the
need to make people realise the importance of advance planning; develops analytic and accurate
thinking; shows the necessity for a combative spirit; teaches fair play and emphasises the need for
preparation and hard work for success. However, with the increasing population of chess players
comes the need for trainers to assist with their development.
This book is a comprehensive manual for trainers. It fulfils a considerable need in modern chess
literature, concentrating on the technical side of the game but also covering such topics as physical
and psychological factors. The best trainers have contributed to the book, which is an essential tool
in the preparation of trainers at all levels for the future. It will ensure that the next generation of
players will be at a great advantage over those that have gone before.

What do teachers know anyway? Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player
in the history of the game was told by his high school coach that basketball was not a good
fit for him. He cut Jordan from the High School basketball team and told him to take up baseball…
The good trainer is not dogmatic; he is trying to become better day by day…

FIDE TRG Syllabus 5

FIDE Trainers Commission (TRG)
Efstratios Grivas
We’re all born with a natural sense of curiosity. It’s what drives us to create new things and
develop new ideas. At TRG, we’re committed to nurturing our members’ pursuit of advanced
scientific and ‘technological’ knowledge through many research initiatives. TRG is ‘partnering’
with global leader trainers in a variety of fields including seminars, training methods, publishing
and research. The results of this cooperation can be applied in ways that benefit TRG intellectually
and culturally by transforming the region into cutting-edge leader in the creation of human chess-
knowledge. But most of all, TRG’s research aspirations aim to inspire the trainers, and the chess
world, to discover new ways of unlocking their potential.
The FIDE Trainers Committee, predecessor of the Trainers Commission (which was formed in
the start of 2009) was formed in 2000 during the Istanbul Olympiad and was chaired by GM Yuri
Razuvaev, now Honorary Chairman. The Committee ‘created’ a real and decent training
environment and established the guidance for its functioning for about eight years; its role is
impossible to undervalue. Now, on our ‘second period’, we have to re-examine our position at the
moment and to create new tasks for the future.
The most important task of TRG was the introduction of a system of titles and licenses as it was
demanded by IOC. The main idea was that the titles will boost the importance of trainers’
positions in the chess world. Licenses are necessary for keeping the level of the trainers, but up to
Sofia 2010 FIDE Presidential Board, these licenses were not approved to be used worldwide.
Now we have instruments to improve the level of trainers but we need cooperation of the
Continental and National FIDE affiliated federations to implement the system correctly and
effectively. Our important role is to protect Trainers and to help them to conduct their duties
effectively and with dignity. For further info see and

The FIDE Trainers Commission (TRG) is the official body of the World Chess Federation that
deals with trainers worldwide. TRG is responsible for and operates the following subjects:
1) Deals with any subject concerning trainers (
2) Keeps the record of the list of trainers (
3) Keeps the record of the financial status of the trainers (as above).
4) Awards the highest training title worldwide; the FIDE Senior Trainer (FST).
5) Endorses and record FIDE Academies (
6) Prepares and follows its annual Budget (
7) Runs the annual FIDE Trainers Awards (
8) Draws the necessary Guidelines and Rules and proposes to FIDE PB and GA.
9) Organises the worldwide Educational Seminars for FIDE titles.
10) Organises and supports various Youth Camps (
11) Organises Informative Meetings in various events (
12) Listed its Recommended Books (
13) Supports trainers with monthly, free of charge Surveys (
14) Cooperates with CACDEC, ECU (European Chess Union) and IOC/ARISF (International
Olympic Committee / Association of Recognised International Sports Federations), assuring
sponsored FIDE Trainers Seminars (for CACDEC federations) annually (2009-2016).
15) Supports trainers with general valuable info (
FIDE TRG Syllabus 6
Chess Training
How important is chess training? Lately the following question was given to ex-World
Champion, GM and FST Garry Kasparov: ‘In your opinion, can a less talented individual still
succeed in chess, if he or she has the utmost passion in the game and a detailed plan to get there?’
Garry Kasparov answered: ‘Sometimes, I find it hard to understand what it means when
someone said, ‘Oh he or she is talented, but lazy’. To me, this simply showed that there is a big
gap in the person’s character. Working hard is a form of talent - it is in fact, an important element
of the person’s talent. By not working hard, how can your natural gift become real diamonds?
So, that is why I think working hard is sometimes just as important to having a talent. Of course,
I must admit that it will be difficult for someone without a huge talent to be a world champion.
But, you can still go very high up and achieve a lot, even with limited talent. Of course, when I
said limited talent, please do not get confused with the term.
People can get really confused as talent can mean anything, you know. Being number one in yo-
ur school also requires some talent. Being number one in the world also requires talent, but these
are very different forms of talent. That said, I am a great proponent of the concept that the ability
to work hard is a unique talent and if you can work hard and if you can spend the long hours and if
you can concentrate on the goal and if you can make detailed plans, you could still be ahead of yo-
ur competitor even if you are less talented or less gifted in chess or anything else simply because he
or she is not as good in organizing their work


1 14602377 Beliavsky Alexander Slovenia English-Russian-Slovenian-Ukrainian
2 4611268 Boensch Uwe Germany English-German
3 2904292 Bojkov Dejan Bulgaria Bulgarian-English
4 5600014 Borg Geoffrey Malta English-Italian
5 1001280 Bosch Jeroen Netherlands Dutch-English
6 5500010 Bouaziz Slim Tunisia Arabic-English-French
7 14100053 Eingorn Viacheslav Ukraine English-Russian- Spanish-Ukrainian
8 3600270 Fierro Martha Ecuador English-Italian-Spanish
9 4100484 Glek Igor Germany English- German-Russian
10 14107074 Grabinsky Vladimir Ukraine English-Russian-Urkainian
11 4200039 Grivas Efstratios Greece English-Greek
12 200930 Gurevich Mikhail Turkey English- French-Russian
13 2200015 Illescas Miguel Spain English-Spanish
14 10607846 Khaled Hassan Egypt Arabic-English
15 14100576 Khodarkovsky Michael US America English-Russian
16 5000084 Lanka Ravi India English
17 4611420 Luther Thomas Germany English-German
18 400300 Martin Andrew England English
19 14602385 Mikhalchishin Adrian Slovenia English-Russian-Slovenian-Ukrainian
20 14600013 Mohr Georg Slovenia English-Slovenian
21 2500515 O’Connell Kevin Ireland English-French
22 2300010 Olafsson Helgi Iceland English-Icelandic
23 902004 Petronic Jovan Serbia English-Serbian
24 13300288 Petrosian Arshak Armenia Armenian-English-Russian
25 700088 Polgar Susan US America English-Hungarian
26 14100487 Sulypa Oleksandr Ukraine English-French-Ukrainian
27 5200016 Torre Eugene Philippines English-Philippinese
28 3500055 Vera Gonzalez Reinaldo Cuba English-Spanish
29 8600040 Ye Jiangchuan China Chinese
30 4400011 Zapata Alonso Colombia English-Spanish

FIDE TRG Syllabus 7

TRG - A Look in the Past
Jovan Petronic
In 1998 FIDE formed a powerful Committee comprising leading chess trainers from around the
globe. Named the FIDE Trainers Committee, the main tasks during the period 1998-2002 were
FIDE licensing of chess trainers and their recognition by the International Olympic Committee,
benefiting in the long run all chess federations, trainers and their students. The initial members of
the FIDE Trainer’s Committee varied from 20-35 in totals, which often led to difficulties in
finalizing decisions made. The proven benefits of playing and studying chess have led to countries,
such as Slovenia, introducing chess into their compulsory school curriculum!
The ASEAN Chess Academy, headed by FIDE General Secretary Ignatius Leong, organized
from November 7th to 14th 2003 a Training Course under the auspices of FIDE and the
International Olympic Committee. IM Nikola Karaklajic from Serbia & Montenegro provided the
training. The syllabus was targeted for middle and lower levels. Another Trainers’ Course was
conducted by FIDE and the ASEAN Chess Academy from 12th to 17th December 2004, where
extensive work was done. The main lecturer was FIDE Senior Trainer Israel Gelfer. Then at a
national trainers’ meeting in Thessaloniki, another FIDE Trainers Course was proposed to take
place by the Deputy President of FIDE - George Makropoulos!
The trainer’s titles, numbering five in total, originated from the 75th FIDE Congress in Calvia
(Spain) 2004, by FIDE Congress decisions, with all schematics previously prepared already in
Bled 2002. The FIDE Trainers System is structured as follows: Developmental Instructor, National
Instructor, FIDE Instructor, FIDE Trainer and FIDE Senior Trainer.
The FIDE Training Committee has set itself another gigantic task of preparing a modern chess
training program, with professional manuals accessing all levels of chess. An official FIDE
Training Center for young players in Slovenia has been established, supported by the Slovenian
Government and National Chess Federation! The world’s best trainers (mainly FIDE Senior
trainers, using all FIDE languages!) lectured at these training seminars. There were eight regular
seminars in 2005, with lecturer IGM & FST Adrian Mikhalchishin among others.
An appeal was set for conducting new seminars for trainers during the World and Continental
Youth Championships. The 75th FIDE Congress awarded 31 FIDE Senior trainer titles, making it
possible to start the system of trainers’ education.
The FIDE Trainers Committee did not forget that there are still many excellent chess trainer
resources out there! Through FIDE it requested all national Federations to propose their own list of
candidates for FIDE trainer titles. The Committee would then review the qualifications of
proposed candidates. This unique proposal was valid until May 2005 only although later extended
on an appeal by the FIDE General Secretary Ignatius Leong! Afterwards, FIDE Trainer candidates
would have to apply via their regional Chess Academies.
In coordination with the FIDE Trainers’ Committee, the first training course, carried out by
outstanding lecturers, took place at the International Trainer Academy in Berlin (Germany) from
5th to 11th November 2004. After successful completion of this course, new titles of FIDE
Instructor and FIDE Trainer were acquired. The success of the first course in Berlin led to the
organization of a second and so on! Certified chess training is obviously, finally, on its way to
world-wide recognition. There is no better way to promote excellence in chess!

FIDE Trainer’s Committee Chairman 2002-2009: Yuri Razuvaev

FIDE Trainer’s Committee Vice-Chairman 2002-2009: Adrian Mikhalchishin
FIDE Trainer’s Committee Secretary 2002-2004: Georg Mohr
FIDE Trainer’s Committee Secretary 2005-2007: Jovan Petronic
FIDE Trainer’s Committee Secretary 2007-2009: Sanja Vuksanovic
FIDE TRG Syllabus 8
Trainers’ Ranking / FIDE Guide
Efstratios Grivas
Chess books and databases can be of valuable help to the progress of an ambitious chess-player.
However, besides these indispensable tools, the role of the trainer is both significant and essential.
This consideration immediately provokes the question: who should be the trainer?
Every trainer is useful in specific stages in the progress of a chess-player. All the trainers of a
chess-player form a strong chain which should in no way break down. Each part of the chain is
valuable and useful and should be not underestimated; ‘basic’, good education can be proven more
important than anything else. We could try to categorize chess trainers as follows:
First-Level Trainer: The trainer who will teach the student the basics and bring him into
contact with the world of chess. One of his main aims is to infuse the student with love and respect
for chess (see Developmental Instructor).
Second-Level Trainer: The trainer who will teach the student his first openings, simple tactical
motifs and, generally, will introduce the student to the aspects of working and learning (see
National Instructor).
Third-Level Trainer: The trainer who will teach the student, first and foremost, the theory of
the middlegame and the endgame. He will work closely with the student towards the creation of
the student's personalized openings repertoire, which he will also help enrich with new ideas (see
FIDE Instructor).
Fourth-Level Trainer: The trainer who will continue in the footsteps of the previous one, but
will also introduce the student to other important aspects of chess, such as the concept of and
preparation for competitive success. Trainers of such calibre and skill are very scarce, and are only
necessary to those chess-players who wish to reach a high level of play or seek competitive
success in any form (see FIDE Trainer).
Fifth-Level Trainer: The trainer who trains the trainers! Of course he also can do great things
with trainees, but his main mission is to properly develop the future of chess training, to inspire, to
inspire, to encourage and to innovate (see FIDE Senior Trainer).
The FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) operates under the following rules/guide. This Guide
has been approved by FIDE’s PB & Congresses and it is valid from 01.01.2015:

FIDE TRG Regulations

The TRG (Appendix 1), by taking into account 1.1.4. National Instructor (NI)
previous decisions of FIDE Presidential & 1.1.5. Developmental Instructor (DI)
Executive Boards, General Assemblies and
1.2. Title Descriptions - Requirements - Awards:
various proposals of recent years revised and
finalised the present Regulations. 1.2.1. FIDE Senior Trainer (FST)
These Regulations will apply to the FIDE Scope - Mission:
Trainers’ System, dealing with FIDE Titles and
a. Lecturing in Seminars as Lecturer/Seminar
TRG Seminars. All previous decisions on these
Leader (if approved).
matters will have no further validity and are
b. Τraining the trainers, developing the future of
replaced by the present document.
chess training, inspiring, encouraging and
1. Trainers’ Titles innovating.
c. Training players particularly with rating above
1.1. FIDE & TRG recognise the following titles 2450.
(in descending order of expertise): Qualification - Professional Skills
1.1.1. FIDE Senior Trainer (FST) Requirements:
1.1.2. FIDE Trainer (FT) a. Proposal/endorsement from his/her national
1.1.3. FIDE Instructor (FI) federation.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 9
b. FIDE Trainer or minimum 10 years Qualification - Professional Skills
experience as a trainer in general. Requirements:
c. Holder of the title GM, IM or FM. a. According to the relative evaluation tables.
d. Achieved a career high FIDE ELO rating of Title Award:
2450 (strength).
a. By successful participation in a TRG Seminar.
e. Knowledge, besides his/her native language, of
b. Rejected applicants for the FST title but who
at least one of the FIDE approved languages:
achieve the necessary qualification for this title.
Arabic, English, French, German, Portuguese,
Russian and Spanish. 1.2.3. FIDE Instructor (FI)
f. Has published material, such as manuals, books
or series of articles. Scope - Mission:
g. Proof of World/International successes, as a. Teach the trainee the theory of the middlegame
below: and the endgame. He will work closely with the
trainee towards the creation of the trainee's
g1. Trainer of Olympic medal winning team. personalized opening repertoire, which he will
g2. Trainer of a World Champion. also help enrich with new ideas.
g3. Trainer of a Challenger for the World b. Raise the competitive standard of national
Championship (final match). youth players to an international level.
g4. Trainer of the Continental team gold medal Qualification - Professional Skills
g5. Trainer of the Continental individual
a. According to the relative evaluation tables.
g6. Trainer of more than 3 World Champions in Title Award:
Youth and Junior categories. a. By successful participation in a TRG Seminar.
g7. Trainer - Founder of chess schools, which
1.2.4. National Instructor (NI)
have developed a minimum of 3 IGM or 6 titled
players (GM, IM or WGM). Scope - Mission:
g8. Trainer, who originated and developed a. Raising the level of competitive chess players
educational systems and/or programmes. to a national level standard.
b. Training trainees with rating up to 1700. Title Award:
c. School teacher.
a. The application (Appendix 2-a) must be sent
through his/her national federation (mandatory). Qualification - Professional Skills
b. It is strongly noted that the most important Requirements:
criteria of a FST title (obligatory/mandatory a. According to the relative evaluation tables.
requirements) are: f. (Published material) and g. Title Award:
(World/International successes) and TRG will a. By successful participation in a TRG Seminar.
mainly focus on these areas. All other
requirements can be treated as non-mandatory. 1.2.5. Developmental Instructor (DI)
c. For the FST Title Award a ballot among the Scope - Mission:
five TRG Board members will take place and a
a. Spread the love for chess among children and
70% positive number (Yes = 20% * Abstain =
methodically bring them to a competitive level.
10% * No = 0%) will be needed. If the
b. Instructor for beginners, elementary,
application fails, the FIDE Trainer title may be
intermediate and recreational level players.
awarded. The applicant is obliged to accept this
c. School teacher.
procedure and fulfil the necessary payments.
d. TRG reserves the right to investigate and Qualification - Professional Skills
accept or reject any statement of the applicant, Requirements:
without any further explanation. a. According to the relative evaluation tables.
1.2.2. FIDE Trainer (FT) Title Award:
a. By successful participation in a TRG Seminar. Scope - Mission:
a. Introducing the trainee to important aspects of 1.2.6. Evaluation Tables
chess, such as the concept of and preparation for Highest FIDE or National Rating
competitive success. This is necessary for trainees
(strength). Counts 20% on final title:
who wish to reach a high level of play or seek
competitive success in any form. Rating Points Awarded

FIDE TRG Syllabus 10

0-1100 0 x 20 = 0 9 9 x 10 = 90
1101-1250 1 x 20 = 20 10 10 x 10 = 100
1251-1400 2 x 20 = 40 Experience as noted in the CV. Counts
1401-1550 3 x 20 = 60
20% on final title:
1551-1700 4 x 20 = 80
1701-1850 5 x 20 = 100 Years Points Awarded
1851-2000 6 x 20 = 120 1 0 x 20 = 0
2001-2150 7 x 20 = 140 2 1 x 20 = 20
2151-2300 8 x 20 = 160 3 2 x 20 = 40
2301-2450 9 x 20 = 180 4 3 x 20 = 60
2451-2900 10 x 20 = 200 5 4 x 20 = 80 FIDE titles. Evaluation according to the 6 5 x 20 = 100
Lecturer. Counts 10% on final title: 7 6 x 20 = 120
8 7 x 20 = 140
Scale Points Awarded
9 8 x 20 = 160
0 0 x 10 = 0
10 9 x 20 = 180
1 1 x 10 = 10
+10 10 x 20 = 200
2 2 x 10 = 20
3 3 x 10 = 30 Written Exams. Counts 30% on final
4 4 x 10 = 40 title. For a 30-question exam the final result is
5 5 x 10 = 50 divided by three and multiplied by 30. For a 15-
6 6 x 10 = 60 question exam the final result is divided by one-
7 7 x 10 = 70 and-a-half and multiplied by 30. The numbers are
8 8 x 10 = 80 rounded.
9 9 x 10 = 90 According to the total result of the
10 10 x 10 = 100 previous evaluation tables, the titles are awarded Attendance. Evaluation according to the as following:
Lecturer. Counts 10% on final title: Points Awarded Title
Scale Points Awarded 1000-800 FT
0 0 x 10 = 0 799-600 FI
1 1 x 10 = 10 599-400 NI
2 2 x 10 = 20 399-200 DI
3 3 x 10 = 30 199-0 No title
4 4 x 10 = 40
1.3. Procedures - Financial
5 5 x 10 = 50
6 6 x 10 = 60 a. After successful graduation from the seminar
7 7 x 10 = 70 course, each participant will receive a
8 8 x 10 = 80 participation certificate signed by the
9 9 x 10 = 90 Lecturers/Seminar Leaders.
b. After the detailed report submission by the
10 10 x 10 = 100
Lecturers/Seminar Leaders to TRG, the latter will Bibliography - Published Material. submit the title applications /proposals to FIDE
Evaluation according to the Lecturer. Counts 10% for approval by an official body (PB, EB or GA).
on final title: c. Following approval, the trainer will receive the
official diploma and badge (the badge shall
Scale Points Awarded include the photograph of the trainer and the
0 0 x 10 = 0 licence validity) from FIDE, if the following
1 1 x 10 = 10 conditions are fulfilled:
2 2 x 10 = 20 c1. Requirements (Qualification) for each title as
3 3 x 10 = 30 described above.
4 4 x 10 = 40 c2. Diploma of the successful participation in the
5 5 x 10 = 50 FIDE Trainer Seminar (except for FST).
6 6 x 10 = 60 c3. Written examinations (except for FST).
7 7 x 10 = 70 c4. Payments of FIDE fees (participation and
8 8 x 10 = 80 titles), according to the following table:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 11
Title Awarded Title Award (one-time) Licence Fee (valid for 4 years)
FIDE Senior Trainer 300 Euros 180 Euros
FIDE Trainer 200 Euros 120 Euros
FIDE Instructor 100 Euros 60 Euros
National Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
Developmental Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
d. The FIDE fee for a participant to a TRG 2.2.1. All TRG seminars are conducted by
seminar is 100 euros and it must be paid to the Lecturers/Seminar Leaders (FST title holders).
affiliated federation/body, co-organizer of the Lecturers/Seminar Leaders are highly skilled
Seminar. The affiliated federation/body, co- professionals, each with many years of
organizer will be invoiced by FIDE for the total experience in the chess training field. They
amount of the participants’ fees. It must be noted combine the expertise of a professional trainer,
that the seminar fee, under certain circumstances, expert practitioner and TRG seminar experience,
could be varied from 0 to 100 euros. offering proven teaching and facilitation skills
e. It is allowed for a participant to pay his Title that will ensure an active and participatory
Fee in advance to the affiliated federation/body learning experience.
co-organizer or to FIDE directly. In this case
2.2.2. All Lecturers/Seminar Leaders (Appendix
he/she must inform FIDE in writing of this
2) are appointed by the TRG once per year and an
action. In the case that his/her title fails to be
application (and approval) is needed in order to
approved by FIDE, the Title Fee is not
add a new FST to the list.
f. A titled Trainer will be charged a ‘Licence Fee’ 2.2.3. In each 30-hour seminar two Lecturers
after two calendar years have passed since the /Seminar Leaders will be in charge. Exceptions
title was awarded. Each licence will be valid for are allowed if approved beforehand by TRG. For
four (4) years. (ex) World Champions and the a 15-hour seminar one Lecturer is allowed.
FST of the 2004 Direct Approval (founders) are
exempt from these licence regulations. Failing to 2.2.4. Assistants (other titled trainers,
fulfil the licence’s obligations will lead to a psychologists, etc) are allowed.
suspension from the trainers’ title lists. 2.2.5. The Syllabus guideline will be used in
g. English is the official language between TRG, TRG seminars. A copy must be given (free or by
federations and Trainers. debit) to all participants before the written
h. GMs and IMs do not have to attend a seminar, examinations.
but would be given the lowest title together with
all the TRG literature (optional - Appendix 2-b). 2.2.6. When organizing seminars for National
i. For the School Instructor title see Appendix 9. Instructor and Developmental Instructor titles, it
is possible that they can be conducted by FIDE
2. TRG Seminars Trainer or FIDE Instructor title holders. But this
2.1. Order of Procedures has to be approved in advance by TRG.

2.1.1. Application of the co-organizing body(s) to 2.2.7. A recommended estimated cost for
TRG (Appendix 3). Lecturers’ fees for TRG seminars is 3.500 euros
for a 30-hour seminar and 1.750 euros for a 15-
2.1.2. Approval by federation and Continental hour seminar. That amount includes neither travel
Presidency. expenses nor board & lodging. Various other
2.1.3. Approval of Lecturers/Seminar Leaders expenses (auditorium, bulletin, coffee-breaks
(Appendix 4), program and lectures. costs) will be the responsibility of the co-
2.1.4. Announcement on FIDE and TRG websites 2.2.8. A co-organizer is granted the right to
by completing the obligatory draft forms. charge each participant a ‘participation fee’ up to
2.1.5. Results submission by the Lecturer to TRG 450 euros. Any such ‘participation fee’ is deemed
for approval (Appendix 5 & 6). to include the FIDE fee of 100 euros (1.3.d).
2.1.6. TRG’s submission of the proposed results 2.2.9. In each seminar programme (prospectus)
to PB/GA and payments to FIDE. the following must be analysed:
2.2. Lecturers - Seminar Leaders Dates.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 12 Location. Official Books. Titles’ analysis.
3.2.5. Shall pay the Registration Fee (200 euros) Order of events and course plan.
and annual fee (300 euros per year) to FIDE. Various costs and payments.
These fees do not apply to the three founding Lecturers.
FIDE Academies: ASEAN Chess Academy Various other information.
(Singapore), FIDE Trainer Academy (Berlin), and
2.2.10. All participants must complete their American Chess University (New Jersey).
personal ID-Card (Appendix 7) and return it in
electronical form to the Lecture. 3.2.6. Shall cooperate with TRG’s approved
FIDE Lecturers/Seminar Leaders.
2.2.11. Any seminar participant is obliged to fully
accept the present Regulations with his/her 3.2.7. Shall cooperate with FIDE licenced
written participation. Appeals against the trainers.
Lecturer’s decision are allowed within 30 days 3.2.8. Shall provide and regularly update
and only via the national federation. The decision requested necessary information for TRG’s
of TRG will be final. archives and microsite.
2.2.12. The conduct of seminars via the Internet 3.2.9. Shall cooperate in harmony, with all.
may be permitted, but only after TRG’s approval
of each specific case. 3.3. Rights.
3. Guideline for FIDE Academies 3.3.1. Can submit via the National Federation its
internal tournaments for FIDE Rating
3.1. Procedures. calculations. No additional costs other than the
3.1.1. A FIDE Academy application must be official FIDE can be added by the National
endorsed and sent by the National Chess Federation.
Federation (which must be a member of FIDE),
3.3.2. Can organize FIDE Training Camps.
where the Academy is registered and affiliated.
3.3.3. Can issue FIDE Attendance Certificates.
3.1.2. The applicant must address an official
application to its National Chess Federation, with 3.3.4. Can apply to TRG to organize FIDE
a copy to TRG. Trainers’ Seminars for FIDE Trainers’ titles,
3.1.3. The National Federation is responsible to without the required FIDE fee (100 euros).
officially inform TRG within 90 days on its 3.3.5. Can send its trainees (maximum one player
decision. In case of rejection, a valid reason, per category - wild cards) to World & Continental
according to the FIDE/TRG Regulations, should Youth Chess Championships and the World and
be noted. Continental Chess School Championships. In this
3.1.4. The applicant has the right to appeal case the registration must be made via the
against a rejection. TRG’s decision would be National Federation. A fee for each FIDE
final upon approval by Presidential Board or Academy player up to 300 euros can be issued by
General Assembly. the National Federation (administrative fees). In
case of disagreement on the amount, the FIDE
3.2. Obligations. Academy can appeal to TRG, which will make
3.2.1. An approved and endorsed FIDE Academy the final decision.
shall conduct its activities in accordance with the
4. Licenced Trainers
requirements, obligations, and rights assigned by
FIDE, TRG, and any official terms of agreements 4.1. No trainer will be offered free board &
reached between the FIDE Academy and the lodging at official FIDE events such as
National Federation. Olympiads, World, European, Continental, Pan-
American, and Asian Team Championship, and
3.2.2. Shall carry on all its official documents the
World and Continental Youth Individual
FIDE title and the FIDE logo.
Championships, if he/she does not hold any
3.2.3. Shall follow FIDE & TRG Regulations and official FIDE/TRG title (official implementation:
Guidelines. 01.07.2014).
3.2.4. Shall follow the FIDE Trainers’ 4.2. No trainer will be offered access to the
Commission ‘Syllabus’ and the FIDE and TRG official playing hall at official FIDE events such
FIDE TRG Syllabus 13
as Olympiads, World, Continental, European, official FIDE/TRG title (official implementation:
Pan-American, and Asian Team Championship, 01.07.2014).
and World and Continental Youth Individual
4.3. Each national federation shall nominate an
Championships, if he/she does not hold any
‘Official Contact Person’ with the TRG.

Physical and Psychological Factors

Efstratios Grivas
Which physical and psychological assets are necessary for a successful chess career? Well, in the
next pages we will be well informed on various subjects concerning a healthy sportsman’s life.

Chess Assets
On the basis of relevant research conducted since the beginning of the previous century, these
assets are split in two main categories, innate and attainable.

Innate Chess Assets Attainable Chess Assets

1) Self-control. 1) Good health condition.
2) Ability to think on subjects. 2) Strong nerves.
3) Intense mental activity. 3) Perception of data conveyed by our
4) Obedience of will. senses.
5) Proper distribution of attention. 4) Objective thought-process.
6) Perception of position dynamics. 5) Powerful memory.
7) Combinative creative skill. 6) High mental level.
7) Self-confidence.
8) Control of emotional urges.
9) Feeling for the position (combination of
thought and emotions).
The innate assets can be further enhanced and developed, but the attainable ones are purely a
matter of education. Endless work and systematic training in order to improve our personal traits
and the 'required assets' is essential for our overall chess improvement and the climb up to the
highest title; that of grandmaster.
Naturally, without the help of a specialized trainer or advisor, the trainee finds it difficult to
understand or try to improve the above-mentioned assets. After all, these assets are exclusively
related to chess and have no direct bearing on our other interests. For example, 'powerful special
memory' may refer exclusively to chess-related matters (data), as opposed to other matters;
naturally, the opposite is also possible. Each of us is unique.

Health & Sports

Chess-players tend to grossly ignore the proper state of their health, consequently being in
serious danger of suffering heart problems due to the combination of lack of physical training and
daily stress stemming from preparation for and participation in competitions. Therefore, workout
or sport activities in general is essential, not only to protect our precious health but also to ensure
better results over a longer period of time.
Man's first kinetic activity, walking, does not require any specialized equipment, can take place
everywhere and brings several dividends. It is one of the simplest methods of aerobic training,
improving cardiac and respiratory functionality, and our physical condition in general. A routine of
FIDE TRG Syllabus 14
half an hour of walking and two hours at the gym can turn our biological clock 6-8 years back. At
the same time, it contributes to proper maintenance of weight and forestalls obesity. Finally, it
helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in our body. Research conducted by American
universities has proven that this activity improves memory and mental focus, while the production
of endorphins (substances that reduce physical and emotional pain, as well as creating euphoria)
reaches extremely high levels.

Training Time-Frame
Another topic that must be addressed is the 'time-frame' of training in relation to the scale of our
mental activities, and how we are able to attain maximum performance in it.
Science almost unanimously accepts the following categorization of people:
1) Larks: their mental processes are most efficient during the first half of the day, falling off
during the second half. Approximately 25% of the world's population belongs in this category.
2) Owls: their mental processes are most efficient during the second half of the day and
especially during the evening hours. They usually go to sleep late and wake up accordingly late.
Approximately 30% of the world's population belongs in this category.
3) Arrhythmics: for these people mental processes do not display any special ups and downs
during the day or night. Approximately 45% of the world's population, the largest part, belongs to
this category.
In practice, all top chess-players belong to the 'Owls' category! The explanation is simple and is
directly related to the standard time-frame of chess competitions, which mostly take place during
the second half of the day. Therefore, the chess-player 'must' place himself in this category (as far
as possible) and adapt his training schedule accordingly.
But of course, if it is not easy to be adjusted in this ‘new’ time-frame, solutions exist. One of the
most ‘used’ one for chess-players who are fundamentally larks is to take a nap in-between lunch
and play, usually for 1 to 1½ hour. Then the mind is fresh again and ready to fight!

Another important topic is the chess-player's nutritional habits. In general he should not deviate
from his customary diet as regards the type and quantity of food he consumes (no exertions!), as
each organism has different needs and habits.
What can chessplayers do in order to improve and/or maintain healthy habits? Some very simple
rules to be followed by young people are: proper lifestyle, proper sleeping patterns, consumption
(in logical portions) of a variety of vegetables, fruits and natural fibres, along with one's favourite
dishes involving fish, beef, chicken, ham and turkey. In other words, a healthy diet based on a
variety of food, based on a weekly schedule. Soy milk, filtered water, tea (especially black or
green), coffee, dairy products (such as butter, milk, eggs and cheese) shouldn’t be rarely consumed
within each week.
In our times, one dish rarely contains sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Normally, a
specialized food shop can provide a nutritional supplement to meet one's specific needs. Although
these supplements are costly, just consider how much harm an illness or sickness can do to your
game. So, a question is been borne by all the above: what is the best diet for a chess-player, a
sportsman? According to Rebecca Scritchfield (among others), following a healthy diet can be a
key method of preventing heart disease. We can highlight five heart-healthy foods that can literally
save our health. We recognize that these are not the only five foods that protect our heart, but they
stand out as star performers and great additions to any diet.
1) Garlic: This herb is ideal for heart health. Numerous studies have shown the potential benefits
of regular garlic consumption on blood pressure, platelet aggregation, serum triglyceride level, and
cholesterol levels - all of which keep our heart performing. Garlic also makes a great seasoning for
food so we can greatly reduce salt.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 15
2) Salmon: Make the swap from a saturated fat burger to a salmon fillet. While some saturated
fat is fine, a little goes a long way. The average cheeseburger has more than half a day worth of the
artery clogging fat, which will increase our risk for a heart attack. Conversely, salmon lowers that
risk thanks to heart healthy fats. Omega-3s can prevent erratic heart rhythms, reduce likelihood of
blood clots inside arteries, improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, and prevent
cholesterol from becoming damaged, at which point it clogs arteries. Also, a combination of
Omega-3 (fish oils), Omega-6 (borage oil) and Omega-9 (olive oil) looks excellent!
3) Berries and Cherries: Do not ignore nature’s candy. These sweet treats are high in
polyphenols, which prevent cell damage that creates unhealthy blood vessels and heart. During the
winter we can opt for frozen berries. Try thawing a bag of frozen strawberries in the refrigerator.
Then, add unsweetened, steel-cut oatmeal with the berries their juice and your heart will say
thanks with each beat.
4) Quinoa: Often mistaken as a grain, this tiny sprouted seed is an excellent source of
magnesium, the mineral that relaxes blood vessels. Low dietary levels of magnesium lead to some
scary health issues like increased rates of hypertension, ischemic heart disease and heart
arrhythmias. Quinoa cooks quickly and makes great leftovers. Toss with grilled veggies and
roasted chicken for a delicious one-pot dinner, or try the Red Curry Quinoa recipe.
5) Hot Cocoa: Hot cocoa is brimming with antioxidants - two-times more than red wine and
three times more than green tea. The cool temperatures are no match for a mug of hot cocoa. A tip:
since hot chocolate mixes are full of sugar, use 100% cocoa and combine with a teaspoon of sugar.
Plus you'll sweeten with the natural sugars in the milk.
Special attention must be paid to the fact that many chess-players mistakenly support the concept
of the 'empty stomach' during competitions. Consumption of food should take place 60-90 minutes
before the start of play, as this time ensures the possibility of adequate absorption of the food,
consequently providing the brain with 'fuel'. During the game one may consume small amounts of
caffeine (1-2 cups of coffee or tea) as well as chocolate, which is quickly absorbed by our
metabolism (in 2-3 minutes); this does not mean that any other light food is less useful. It is self-
evident that alcohol is strictly forbidden.
You may be wondering how all this is related to your chess. But think about it. When you feel
healthy, full of life and in spiritual upheaval, the four main emotional attributes of self-confidence,
experience, concentration and adaptability strongly come to the fore. When your body and mind
are in perfect shape, so will your chess.

Nutritional Practices of Chess Grandmasters

Roberto Baglione
High-level competitive chess is considered a demanding sport, not only mentally speaking but
also, physically. A tournament chess game can take more than seven hours under stressful
conditions for players.
Investigations carried out by the German International Chess Grandmaster Helmut Pfleger, MD,
et al. have demonstrated that the elite chess players have comparable physiological parameters in
competition as those who practice sports such as shooting, car racing and golf; consequently, chess
could be classified as the same category of sport as those according to these criteria.
As a result, it will be necessary not to limit preparation to hours of study on the board, but to
extend it to a more complete program involving physical training and an adequate nutritional plan
for the demands, among others.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 16
In order to analyze the sporting habits of active International Grandmasters, a worldwide survey
was conducted in 2006, with particular emphasis on dietary habits.
We haven’t found previous studies referred to nutritional practices of elite chess players, and we
expect that the results of this research can be interesting and useful for chess players, including
Grandmasters, as well as medical doctors, nutritionists, and physical trainers.
The present study involved seventy-two active International Grandmasters (17 women and 55
men, 18-55 years old) from thirty-five countries who answered an e-mail questionnaire including
fifteen topics. The average ELO rating of the surveyed players (according to the FIDE list, October
2006) was 2402 for women and 2551 for men.

Nutritional Habits
66.7 % of the surveyed Grandmasters ate at least three meals a day and 36.1 % often skipped
breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day because of its direct impact on
the mental (and physical) performance in the morning. It has a direct effect on the glucose
concentration in the brain and liver, and supplies a number of nutrients which are essentials to
produce neurotransmitters, chemical messengers which act over neuronal cells communications.
Many investigations have shown that mental concentration can be affected when doing
intellectual activities in the morning without having had breakfast previously, and that a proper
breakfast helps to keep the mental performance in that moment of the day, according to tests on
memory and attention. Even if specific investigations are still necessary for chess on this matter, it
can be inferred that the performance of chess players who train or compete during the morning
hours could be affected in the same way.
Among the reasons why breakfast is skipped, the most common one is that some players study
chess until late in the evening and then get up after breakfast time.
Regarding the specific nutrition scheme for tournaments, the main results were the following.
The majority of Grandmasters (66.7 %) avoided overeating or having food of difficult digestion
before the games, while the rest preferred a regular or habitual intake.
It is known that after eating, the bloodstream of the organs involved in the digestion process rises
and, consequently, the blood and oxygen supply to other organs, as the brain, decreases. If the
quantity of food is voluminous or of difficult digestion, consequences will be even more severe or
last longer, and people may feel sleepy and tired, less alert and focused, and prone to make more
mistakes in relation to attention and search tasks.
During games, a great number of chess players (95.8 %) ate some sort of solid food or fluid,
while the rest did not. The most preferred solid food by Grandmasters included chocolate (80.5
%), fruits (14.6 %) and cereal bars (9.8 %). Regarding types of fluid, main preferences were water
(72.1 %), coffee (42.6 %), tea (29.5 %) and fruit juice (23.6 %).
From a qualitative point of view, these liquid and solid foods choices can be considered as
satisfactory, for their supply of glucose, water and other nutrients, and their adequate digestion
Half of the surveyed players (thirty-six) took some sort of fluid even without feeling thirsty.
Feeling thirsty is a sign of needing a drink but it is a late symptom and, as a result, it is not the
right indicator to determine the state of hydration. A percentage of the quantity of water in the
body may be lost before feeling thirsty, enough to affect and decrease the mental performance in
attention, efficient arithmetic and short-term memory, in comparison with a proper hydration
condition, as shown by a research. Also, thirst is an uncomfortable sensation for a player.
During competitive chess games, it is common to lose water by sweating and, many times, the
environment is hot and/or humid. Furthermore, sweat losses can vary a lot among athletes because
of a multitude of factors like skin surface area, gender and maturation, work intensity, cloth,
fitness, heat acclimatization, diet, etc., and therefore individual recommendations to effective fluid
replacement are difficult to make.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 17
A very important finding of the present study was that a minority of Grandmasters (two players)
reported to follow a diet supervised by nutritional specialists, designed to reach their mental and
physical demands of energy and nutrients.
Approximately one third of the chess players (twenty-three) reported dietary supplements use.
The most frequent ones were vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and proteins.
Even if all the dietary supplements taken by the surveyed Grandmasters are permitted by the
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for their use out and in-competition, we must take into
account that a wrong use of this kind of products can damage the health condition and that there is
scientific proof that an important number of these supplements may contain prohibited substances,
not specified on their labels. Despite the controversy about the implementation of anti-dope
controls over chess, these are being carried out in some of the top-level competitions (World
Championships, Olympiad) and, therefore, a player can be penalized due to the consumption of a
prohibited substance, voluntarily or involuntarily.

Other Related Habits

Regarding to physical training, 87.5 % said to do some kind of physical activity besides chess
training. 51.4 % reported to do it on a regular basis (three or more times a week) as part of their
general training, while 36.1 % claimed to do it less times a week or on even a more sporadic basis.
The rest 12.5 % referred not to do any kind of physical activity at all.
Grandmasters within the group of those who did some kind of physical activity on a regular
basis chose among swimming (nineteen players), jogging (fifteen players) and gym (fourteen
players), followed by football, tennis, long-distance walks and cycling.
The physical activity done on a regular basis, specially aerobic, may help the chess player in
many ways: it makes body posture better, improves resistance and endorphins production
(substances produced by the body that have a positive effect on the emotional state, causing a
sense of comfort) and can reduce anxiety, depression, tension and stress, and can slightly improve
the cognitive performance (memory, intelligence, creativity), vigor, and keep mental clearness. It
also contributes to manage and keep an ideal weight and reduce body fat, it reduces the
concentration of lipids in the blood, raises the HDL cholesterol level (‘good cholesterol’), it is one
of the basis for the treatment of mellitus diabetes, and strengthens bone mass, among others.
It is a fact that, from decades until now, many ex-world champions and other top-level chess
players have been undertaking programs that included physical training.
One question about tobacco consumption was included in the survey, for the well-known
negative effect of this habit on health condition. Smoking is an important cardiovascular risk
illness factor, it predisposes to cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx and mouth cavity; may cause
emphysema; etc. And also this habit affects nutrients negatively. Tobacco nicotine reduces the
possibility for the body to make use of calcium leading to osteoporosis, and smokers suffer from
vitamins (and precursors) deficiency, like B1, B12, C and β-carotene, among others.
In this research, we found that 15.3 % of the surveyed chess players claimed to be smokers.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The results of this research provide information about sport and nutritional habits of the active
International Grandmasters, but it is necessary to take into account that more investigations on
these topics are needed.
Regarding these results, the author carries out some practical recommendations about healthy
habits to athletes, which could help to improve a sport performance too.

o Chess players should try to have breakfast daily.

FIDE TRG Syllabus 18

o Avoiding ‘heavy foods’ or foods of difficult digestion before games must be adopted as
a regular habit for chess players. The last ‘main’ meal before a game has to be had at
least three hours in advance. If a player wishes to have something to eat nearer the time
of the beginning of a competition (one or two hours before, e.g.) he/she should choose
among fruits (whole ones, fruit salad or juices, raisins), cereal bars, pretzels, cookies,
low fat yogurt with fruit or cereals, sports drinks.
o During the games, it is recommended fluid ingestion, and, if the chess player wants it
(or when the game becomes long), solid foods. Mineral water, fruit juices, tea, coffee,
sports drinks, cereal bars, fruits, raisins, dry fruits (almonds, e.g.), chocolate, cereal
cookies, can be chosen. In all cases, moderate quantities should be taken.

o The best strategy to hydration is to drink small quantities at regular intervals, instead of
greater quantities at a few intervals, and avoid being thirsty. The same indication should
be followed during board training and physical activity. It is also important to begin the
activity properly hydrated.

o It would be good for chess players ‘to train’ the quantity of fluid to be drunk while
playing training games in situations similar to the tournament’s; in order to determine if
the options and quantities are well tolerated (and to become familiarized with them) and
then, avoid drinking quantities during an important game which may result in
concentration loss. The same routine should be taken into account for solid foods.

o Some characteristics of the urine can show the state of hydration, which gives players a
very good reference. If at any moment of the day the colour of the urine is dark yellow,
it is small in volume and has a strong smell, then all these signs could be showing that
the chess player might not be properly hydrated and, consequently, should drink plenty
of water or fluids containing water in considerable proportion.

o It would be advisable for the elite chess players to count on scientific nutritional
consultancy in order to cope with all the requirements that top-level chess entails,
because nutrition plays a significant role in the sport performance.

o The improper use of dietary supplements, mainly under self-supervision or non-

professional supervision, can cause health problems and may result in a positive anti-
doping control. It is advisable that chess players take dietary supplements only if these
are prescribed by a medical doctor after a complete general check, and, in the case of
top players, only those ones which are not on the list of the banned substances and
methods for chess. The players must be informed about the current World Anti-Doping

o Physical activities should be considered as an important component of the chess player

training. It is necessary to attend clinical-cardiologic tests before starting doing this type
of activity and this program must be designed by a doctor or a physical trainer.

(The author would like to express his sincerest thanks to all the International Grandmasters who
kindly took part in this research, and to those who conveyed their apologies for not being able to
do it.)

Copyright © 2007
Department of Nutrition, National Sport High Performance Center (CeNARD)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 19
Differences Between Boys and Girls in Chess
Susan Polgar
Can female players be as good in chess as male players? The answer to the above question is,
‘yes’. But then how come very few female players can compete on the same level as their male
counterpart? It seems that very few people are concerned about finding the answer, so I will
discuss the reasons for this and then I will offer my solutions for change:

Social Acceptance: In general, society does not encourage or really accept the concept of girls
playing chess. That makes it difficult to get girls involved in chess and even more difficult to
maintain their interest.
Family Acceptance: There is also little family acceptance for girls playing chess. Many parents
do not really understand or play chess well themselves. Some do not understand the benefits of
their daughters playing chess. Therefore, if the girls are not encouraged to play chess, it is more
natural for them not to play at all or to abandon it quickly. This is similar to the stereotype of boys
playing with cars and trucks, while girls play with Barbie dolls. Boys don’t play with Barbie dolls
because it is generally considered a girl thing. Many parents consider chess as a boy thing.
Opportunities: This point directly links to the social and family acceptance issues. Because of
the lack of family and social acceptance, fewer parents actually invest the time and money to
encourage their daughters to play chess. And the lack of encouragement or assistance directly
leads to fewer girls taking chess seriously.
Intimidation: Because the ratio between girls and boys at tournaments are so skewed (9 to 1 boys
vs. girls), girls often get very intimidated. And because girls have fewer opportunities to learn and
play it leads to poor results, which leads to discouragement and eventually they quit. In addition,
boys are usually much more rough and competitive; many girls are teased and rather than fighting
back, they just don’t come back.
Different approach to the game: Boys and girls approach the game of chess very differently.
Most boys are results-oriented and focus on winning and losing. Girls are very different; they have
a greater appreciation for the artistic and social aspect of chess. The problem we face is that most
people expect girls to learn the game and enjoy it the same way as boys do. They don’t, and we as
educators, parents or coaches need to understand this. If we do not recognize this differences in
how boys and girls approach the game, how can we find a solution to fix it?
Different interest: If we want to keep girls in chess, we must keep the girls interested in the
game. We must find out what makes chess fun for the girls and what motivates them to maintain
their interest.
Physiological and Physical differences: As they get older, girls tend to develop faster in many
ways. They develop different interests and are often treated differently; they also have different
social problems. It is not easy being the “only” female player at a tournament. Many older girls
have to fend off unwanted advances and are often subjected to inappropriate remarks. Being chess
pioneers, my sisters and I faced many of these issues while competing in a male-dominated chess
environment. No female player is immune to this. But I was able to focus on my chess because I
was encouraged and supported by my parents, and I was given the opportunities to learn and
compete in chess.
Different standard and expectation: A chess rating is just number that measures the competitive
success of a player. Yet, as I mentioned above, girls are much less competitive than boys. So if
everything revolves around ratings, can we expect the same success in girls?
Career Longevity: Female players often must interrupt their careers in order to raise a family.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 20
Chess Development and Improvement: We do not have specialized chess development and
improvement courses geared towards girls, something that addresses the differences between boys
and girls approach to the game. The same goes with chess camps or chess classes. The activities
and methods of teaching chess are more orientated for boys than girls.

Now I will offer some of my solutions to the above problems. Through my numerous
experiences with thousands of young female players and their parents across the country, I
discovered that girls do need and want a separate chess environment in which they are
comfortable. Only in such an environment can you encourage more girls to stay, play and learn
chess at a much higher ratio and level. This would give them a chance to advance and catch up
with the boys. My solutions have been to:
o Create more fun and exciting events for girls to motivate them to stay in chess longer.
o Create a better atmosphere so young girls will be less intimidated.
o Create activities that girls would enjoy and appreciate more.
o Create more college scholarships as an incentive for girls to achieve better results.
o Create a free training program to help the more serious and more talented girls excel to be
top-level players.
All of the above initiatives have been funded by the Susan Polgar Foundation. My idea has
always been that the more girls who successfully play chess, the more motivated they will be to
remain in chess, which will increase the amount of good players. It’s all about the numbers.
In conclusion, girls can compete equally against boys and they can excel in chess if they are
given the same opportunities. Only then we can expect a growth in both numbers and strength.

Nature or Nurture
Nigel Davies
What makes a great chess player, is it nature or nurture? Judging from some of the enquiries I
receive about coaching this is not a question people consider very seriously. There often seems to
be an assumption that someone can raise the level of their game by several hundred points (or
become an international master/international grandmaster/world champion) just by wanting it and
taking a few lessons. It’s very difficult to know where to begin in explaining that the achievement
of mastery requires talent and very serious dedication.
Whilst I tend towards brutal honesty this is not a great marketing ploy. Usually people receive
more positive messages from the salesmen they approach, which is probably why they get the
wrong idea about what can be realistically achieved. There are a whole range of chess products
that are advertised in a way which implies it’s easy for someone to achieve their chessboard
What are the qualities needed for success in chess. Undoubtedly some talent is required, and the
more the better. Grandmaster Jon Levitt proposed the formula that a player’s potential rating might
be described as 1000 + 10 x IQ, though knowing Levitt he probably had his tongue in his cheek
when formulating this. There are certain aspects of intelligence that appear to be critical, such as
abstract reasoning. But perhaps what is most important is personality.
I haven’t seen much written about this, but it seems fairly clear that certain personality types are
attracted to chess. Anyone who hopes to get to a very high level will have to start early and devote
themselves to the game over a number of years. Far from being academic types, most of the
grandmasters I’ve known tend towards being rather rebellious, having a dislike of authority and
FIDE TRG Syllabus 21
insistence on checking everything for themselves. This last factor is critical for someone who
wishes to develop an understanding that will be robust under competitive pressures. It also casts
serious doubt on the idea that chess can be learned from books in an academic fashion.
Dr. Piotr Wozniak’s website contains one of the most interesting essays I’ve seen on the matter:
Of numerous interlinking factors, the personality of a chess player may be one of the most
important factors for his or her ultimate success. The baseline IQ may determine the realistic
ceiling of achievement. However, it is hard work and training that makes a great chess player. For
this, you need a truly neurotic personality with an extreme obsession for the game. Scrupulous
analysis of the game and highly competitive spirit are crucial ingredients. It is the personality that
turns a budding player into a computer-like achieving machine where chess permeates all aspects
of an individual’s life. Training, tournaments, game analysis and the highest accomplishment are
central points of a chess champion’s mind throughout his day.
With training, further qualities develop: the art of concentration, and chess expertise. On-
demand concentration plays a greater role in chess than in other areas of creative activity. A
chess player must reach top concentration at the right moment and sustain a high-level of game
processing power until the next move is chosen. On the other hand, success in sciences,
engineering, business, etc. will rely on the quality of the creative output independent of the speed
at which it is reached. More like in correspondence chess. If you can produce a better result in 3
hours of thinking than another genius in 3 minutes of thinking, you can still arrive to a better
business plan, better scientific theory, better algorithm, better design, better marketing idea, etc.
Your creation over many years will accumulate those incremental points. In creativity, quality
counts more than speed.
So what’s the conclusion? The implication is that mastery of chess and indeed many other fields
depends very largely on a love of the game, and that this love of chess will drive someone towards
serious dedication. This contains an important message for those who would attempt to create a
future champion by forced feeding; whilst there may be isolated examples of strong players having
been driven to their success, I’ve seen many more that have fallen by the wayside and been
seriously embittered towards those who pushed them.

Chess Literature
Efstratios Grivas
The question concerning every young and ambitious chess-player, apart from the selection of the
proper trainer, revolves around the selection of the proper literature, through which he will be
taught the secrets of chess.
The number of books available is truly immense and it is often hard to determine which ones are
most worthy of study. I am convinced that every good chess-player can suggest certain books, but
opinions often differ, thus making the process of selection more difficult.
TRG’s ‘subjective opinion’, based on those that we have found most useful, can be found in its
website and it is in accordance with the 80th
FIDE Congress (Halkidiki 2009) decisions and with the official endorsement by FIDE.
The lists were created in four languages (English, German, Russian and Spanish) by respected
and well-known trainers: Jeroen Bosch, Uwe Boensch, Anatoly Bykhovsky and Miguel Illescas,
respectively. The lists are offered in forms of zip, pdf, xls and doc and are updating every 2 years.
Just like an athlete collects his gear, a chess-player must collect those books that will help him
train better, more efficiently and productively. In cooperation with his trainer he will be able to
comprehend and absorb the knowledge enclosed in them. And then he is 'doomed' to improve!
FIDE TRG Syllabus 22
Trainers’ Common Mistakes
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Concept majority of trainers believe that they
Mistakes are part of every game. themselves are educated enough, at the
Everybody makes mistakes; players and moment the introducing of online training
trainers. We talk about technical and courses is the most urgent task of the
psychological mistakes and sometimes about commission.
wrong choices of the opening variations 3) The absence of training programs for all
against a specific opponent or about the levels is a huge problem for all federations
problem of a player’s knowledge. and FIDE as well. Many other sports have
This refers to chess players of all levels, but training programs and conduct a proper
usually nobody mentions trainers’ mistakes program of education for their coaches, but
during the training process during smart chessplayers do not!
tournaments in the analysis of the games of In the USSR there were programs of
the students. training by the famous trainer Golenishev,
While I was performing as a Vice- which were unsuccessfully updated few years
Chairman of FIDE Trainers Committee I had ago, but this level is not sufficient nowadays.
the opportunity to observe the work of a Computer programs are not of a high level
number of trainers and I have to admit that at all, as their authors are completely
their devoted work deserves praise. It is not a unknown trainers. Trainers all over the world
secret that trainers do not earn much. are preparing their own programs, but they
There are some general problems: can’t conduct them on an equal level as they
1) Every player at the level of candidate lack financial backing.
master starts to believe that he is a trainer and So there are good lessons and at the same
can conduct training without proper time, rather poor too. Here I want to mention
pedagogical, psychological and in many some typical difficulties and to try to help
cases without special chess knowledge. trainers to notice their problems. To realize
Neither parents nor do chess organizations the existence of such problems is an
control this process. Let’s involve a player of extremely important step towards improving
2600 - he can be an amazing trainer! It is the one’s own education.
way of their thinking. This way of thinking is
completely wrong. Typical Mistakes
2) The education of chess trainers was Let’s deal with the most typical mistakes:
seriously conducted only in the former Soviet 1) A training process without a
Union and partially in Poland, Bulgaria, longstanding plan. We must admit that most
Netherlands and Germany. Nowadays, of the trainers have problems with conducting
around one hundred former Soviet trainers individual training.
are working all over the world. Of course, we have a lack of proper
The FIDE Trainers Commission is seeking education and the absence of training plans
to address this situation by holding seminars and manuals to blame for it.
for prospective trainers in the FIDE Trainers There are no educational year plans. It
Academies or in coordination with some seems to me that the training is conducted
national federations. without any proper schedule.
Just a few countries held seminars for their The schedule might comprise: opening tests
own trainers; these were Spain, Poland, (warm up), homework check, a main subject,
Netherlands and Germany. Since this kind of tests to study a properly chosen subject and
education is rather expensive and the finally, homework set. Homework is one of
FIDE TRG Syllabus 23
the pillars of studying subjects properly and The best plan for the Black here is to play
deeply and the cornerstone of the on the dark squares, but even the pedagogical
improvement of gained knowledge. skill of Pestalozzi wouldn’t be able to explain
2) Opening study is often conducted that to a ten-year old girl. It should be
wrongly. I have been amazed to see trainers prohibited to play opening schemes without a
simply opening ECO, dictating lines and foothold in the centre or lines which feature
asking the students to remember the moves prolonged forced variations. How can we
and variations without any further otherwise teach the role of the centre in
explanation! chess?
It seems that trainers are forgetting that the 3) Trainers usually do not pay attention to
main idea of opening strategy is fast the analysis of the students’ games. It can be
development, castling to secure the position compared to the work of tennis coaches -
of the king and the fight for the centre. they teach how to hold your hand, the same is
Usually, quasi-trainers know themselves in chess - only with the help of analysis can
one and a half openings and teach every you correct mistakes.
single student in the same way. 4) As time passes and a chess player
Another typical mistake is to teach trappy improves his level, he might be given a task
schemes in the openings. Sometimes well- to analyze his own games. The great Soviet
known trainers also make different mistakes; trainer of juniors Anatoly Bykhovsky who
for instance in one certain country all the worked with Karpov, Kramnik and Kasparov,
juniors play the ‘French Defence’! taught 12-year old Sasha Grishchuk how to
They couldn’t have made a more serious perform such a task. At first Sasha brought
mistake as everyone is aware of the fact that one page of an analysis, then six months later
the open positions should be studied first and - 2-3 pages. After that he began to like the
even more important, that the trainer should idea and some of his analysis amounted to 15
suggest opening choices according to the pages!!
style of the students play and his/her 5) Thus when a pupil analyzes his own
understanding of chess. games, he not only tries to understand the
The famous Grandmaster Yuri Averbakh position properly, he tries to see new
wrote that one of his first books was about possibilities which he did not consider during
the ‘Caro-Kann Defence’, which was a most the game and eradicates typical mistakes.
inappropriate book for his future In order to keep a registry of mistakes a
development! pupil should use diagrams. These diagrams of
To the list of unsuitable openings for mistakes should be put down in a notebook or
beginners we can add the ‘French’, ‘Caro- recorded on the computer, where the type of
Kann’, ‘English’, ‘Accelerated Dragon’ and the mistake and the right solution are
‘Fianchetto’ systems for White. included.
Recently I’ve been preparing a girl for the After some 50-60 diagrams are gathered in
Junior World Championship, who plays that the notebook, this system begins to pay
notorious ‘Accelerated Dragon’. dividends as the pupil sees his mistakes and
Remembering my own junior experience (I is able to correct them, which of course leads
also misused that opening), I wondered what to much better results in the tournaments.
would she play against the Maroczy Bind. As The pupil can ‘vaccinate’ himself from
an answer I heard such nonsense that really mistakes before the tournament by a single
shocked me. She had no preparation at all look at some 2-3 diagrams.
(actually I fought the desire to prohibit her to 6) A most important aspect of analyzing
play that variation forever) so I had to show games is to take into account the moves of
her the easiest and most comprehensive the opponent and pay special attention to
scheme of counter-play, which deals with the them. Young players often forget to do this.
destabilization of centre after ...f5. This develops objective thinking.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 24
The young player will begin to notice want to figure out the words of the
practical moments, improving planning and outstanding trainer Victor Kart, who said that
technical skills. Both the Botvinnik and the every student deserves an individual
Kart school were based on the analysis of the approach.
pupils’ games, with concrete conclusions. This reveals itself in the choice of opening
The main thing here is to describe your repertoire, studying of classics and analysis
mistakes verbally. The great Soviet trainer of the pupils’ games. But trainers are too lazy
Alexander Kotov used to say that the pupil to devote so much time to every student as
must at any moment be able to explain what this requires lots of effort. The exception can
he is doing and what is the idea of his move. be only in the case when a student comes
Otherwise he does not control the situation on from an extremely wealthy family, but such
the board. fortune usually comes to the poor trainers,
7) The studying of classics is organized so not the best.
poorly. Even the programs of Golenishchev 11) Studying of the middlegame. The
and Dutch Cor van Wijgerdens don’t pay system of learning tactics is more or less ok,
attention to this. The games of Rubinstein, but calculation of variations is taught without
Capablanca, Alekhine and Botvinnik games any system; without proper theoretical basis
provide amazing educational content which and tests. Not every trainer is able to teach
children can get a lot from. how to play positionally or strategically.
8) The endgame is often studied without a 12) The use of computer facilities in the
proper system. A clear examination of the training process and by single students is
basics is indispensable. Here the reasons are a important. In my opinion there are no good
bit different as a lot of rather good books on computer programs to help trainers and all
endgame are available in all languages. existing programs are elaborated by non-
But trainers don’t teach properly basic professionals.
theoretical positions or methods of play; how Children shouldn’t be allowed to rush
to transform practical positions into through the games on the screen or
theoretical ones. encouraged to thoughtlessly play blitz or
I gain the impression that some trainers bullet on different playing sites. When a
regard teaching and studying the endgame is person achieves the level of candidate master,
a bit boring, so they simply skip it! he or she can be allowed to use Chessbase to
9) Psychological mistakes and mistakes in prepare for competitors, but analysis with
communication with students. There are a Fritz and friends must be carefully regulated.
number of such ‘sins’ and the main reason for Too much reliance on engines can lead to
it is a lack of pedagogical education. What weakening of ‘short calculation’ - which is
should be done? Refresher courses should be extremely important for conducting and
organized and continual self-education will checking plans. For example, the first thing
result. on the agenda for Arshak Petrosian, after he
The right psychological approach is very started working with Peter Leko, was to make
important with the coaching of young players Peter switch off Fritz!
during tournaments. Here the knowledge of ‘Work using your head, trying to bring
individual psychology of the pupils and yourself closer to the terms of the game to the
experience of trainers is the key to success. limit’; this is the main motto of all leading
Physical preparation is also vital. The stress trainers.
of a 4/5 hours game daily plus all the A trainers’ job may be poorly-paid, involve
preparation demands mental stability, which difficult voyages and the students will not
requires physical stability, developed by always be thankful, but there is no greater
regular sport exercises. pleasure than to witness the victories of your
10) An individual approach to the student students and their creative and sporting
must be cultivated. 90% of trainers don’t growth. Recently some materials appeared,
FIDE TRG Syllabus 25
with top trainers giving lessons on DVD, so Many young top players can’t even name
in this sense the use of the computers is really the list of World Champions and their
welcome. sequence. I gave the task to young chess
13) Narrow-minded trainers and chess players to write the list of all world champ-
players usually underestimate the value of ions, and one of them wrote ‘Catablanca!’.
learning chess history. It is extremely Youngsters who are not interested in chess
important not only for the understanding of history and who do not analyze the classics
the way chess developed, but also for the will experience difficulties improving his or
understanding of the role of chess champions. her chess level.

Participant’s Personal ID / Registration

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Mobile Phone

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FIDE ID - FIDE Title(s)

Best ELO Rating FIDE - National


Published Works

Camps / Seminars Attended

FIDE TRG Syllabus 26

Getting to Know Ourselves
Efstratios Grivas
It is essential to become acquainted with ourselves chesswise so as to be able to identify and
codify the assets and weaknesses of our chess personality. Many trainers and trainees have asked
me how this can be done properly. Well, as when you ‘feel the pain’ you make the necessary
examinations to identify the problem, the same you should do with your chess!
But how can this be done? Our basic source shall be the recent games we have played so far. We
must re-examine this valuable and important material (yes, you should write down all your
games!) and produce an 'X-ray' image of our chess-self. This examination must include all three
parts of the game, opening, middlegame and endgame, for each of our games.
Starting with the opening, we shall fill up two charts, one for the white and one for the black
pieces. These charts will provide very clear-cut information about ourselves (provided of course
that we do this work with strong self-criticism) and will show how well we understand the
openings we have chosen or, in the bottom line, whether these openings really suit our style
(difference between opening outcome and game result). The bigger the sample, the more accurate
the conclusions (it is advisable to twice photocopy the following - one for white / one for black).

Opening Examination
Games with White Opening outcome Result of the game
Opponent Rating Opening + = – 1 ½ 0
In the ‘Opening outcome’ file, ‘+’ means that we got a better position in the opening, ‘=’ means
that we had an about equal position in the opening and ‘–‘ means that we did not really knew the
opening or just that we got a bad position out of it. It is advisable that you should fill the charts
alone and then ask the help of a trainer in case you feel uncertain or simply you need a second
opinion. Here is an example of how to fill up these charts:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 27
Opening Examination
Games with White Opening outcome Result of the game
Opponent Rating Opening + = – 1 ½ 0
1 Shirov,Alexei 2732 Sicilian Defence Χ Χ
2 Gelfand,Boris 2690 King’s Indian Χ Χ
Next, we shall move on to a similar chart in order to examine our performance in the
middlegame. This chart will contain our games with both white and black, and requires (as usual)
a sample of at least 40 games (20 with white and 20 with black pieces) to produce reliable results.

Middlegame Examination
Handling of the Result of the
Games with White & Black
middlegame game
General Type Middlegame type + = – 1 ½ 0
1 Open position
2 Strategy Semi-Open position
3 Closed position
4 Attack against the king
5 Tactics Defence of the king
6 Combinative play
An example of how to fill up the middlegame chart:

Middlegame Examination
Handling of the Result of the
Games with White & Black
middlegame game
General Type Middlegame type + = – 1 ½ 0
1 Open position 4 2 0 5 0 1
2 Strategy Semi-Open position 2 3 3 3 2 3
3 Closed position 0 3 3 0 0 6
4 Attack against the king 5 0 0 5 0 0
5 Tactics Defence of the king 1 0 4 1 1 3
6 Combinative play 6 2 2 5 4 1
Totals 18 10 12 19 7 14
We will then work similarly to create our endgame chart:

Endgame Examination
Games with White & Black Handling of the endgame Result of the game
Endgame Type + = – 1 ½ 0
1 Pawn endgame
2 Queen endgame
3 Rook endgame
4 Bishop endgame
5 Knight endgame
6 Combinations of the above
After completing this work we will have a much clearer picture of both our weaknesses and our
strengths. It is recommended to repeat this process at frequent intervals, provided of course that we
have gathered enough material from recent games. In this way we can evaluate our improvement
or discover other hidden aspects of ourselves.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 28
Building a Repertoire
Efstratios Grivas
The theory of the middlegame and the be afraid that his opponent will prove more
endgame (see next chapter) is essential in the ‘informed’ or more competent than him? It
struggle for victory. However, just as would practically amount to ‘suicide’ for our
important is our theoretical preparation in the opponent to enter an opening that we have
opening, so as to lay solid and sound mastered when he doesn’t possess analogous
foundations on which to build with our experience.
knowledge of the stages that follow. Naturally, there are occasions when the
In contrast to the middlegame and the opponent’s preparation can prove deadly. It is
endgame, where theory is objective and possible even to lose games due to a specific
accepted by everyone, in the opening each opening discovery by the opponent; this has
chess player makes his choices in accordance happened before and will surely happen
with his emotions and his personal again. We can however learn from our defeat
experience. No opening loses, no opening and delve even deeper in our chosen
wins. All other viewpoints on the openings openings.
are pointless and harmless to the progress of Choosing which openings ‘suit us’ is a
a chess player. Opening knowledge is tricky process. Every chess player will,
important and essential, but it cannot during his competitive career, change several
constitute the panacea of chess education, nor of his openings or variations within them.
can we possibly demand to win solely thanks Personal experience, difficult situations,
to this knowledge. alterations in his personality will to a great
Selection of a chess player’s openings is a extent determine these changes, that are
purely personal matter. It is his duty to study considered natural and desirable in his quest
in depth and comprehend topics such as the for his general progress.
correct move orders, the ideas behind these The charts that follow offer a general
moves and the plans to be employed in the overview of the desirable ‘repertoire tree’
middlegame. that a chess player must have:
One great paradox is common among If the chess player opens the game with
young chess players (and not only them). 1.e4, he must prepare (make a selection) in
This phenomenon is called ‘fear of the the following openings:
opponent’s preparation’ and is expressed by a WHITE 1.e4
disproportionate appreciation of his own Preparation (selection) in:
abilities with regard to the openings he has Alekhine Defence
chosen. In simple words, the concept of Caro-Kann Defence
‘falling into the opponent’s preparation’, a French Defence
concept that is so commonly encountered on Italian Game
a young chess player’s lips, is nothing other King’s Gambit
than a deeply hidden insecurity regarding the Modern Defence
mediocre or even weak understanding of the Petroff Defence
chosen openings. Pirc Defence
A chess player that has studied and Ruy Lopez
understood the openings he has chosen Scandinavian Defence
cannot possibly be afraid of his opponents in Scotch Game
this particular field. How is it possible, after Sicilian Defence
having gained so much experience and Vienna Game
played a specific opening so many times, to Various other replies
FIDE TRG Syllabus 29
If the chess player opens the game with Likewise, against 1.d4, 1.c4 or 1.Nf3 he
1.d4, 1.c4 or 1.Nf3, then he must prepare in must select his opening(s) among:
the following openings: BLACK 1.d4/1.c4/1.Nf3
WHITE 1.d4/1.c4/1.Nf3 Preparation (selection) in:
Preparation (selection) in: Benoni Defence
Benoni Defence Catalan Opening
Catalan Opening Dutch Defence
Dutch Defence English Opening
English Opening Grunfeld Defence
Grunfeld Defence King’s Indian Defence
King’s Indian Defence Nimzo-Indian Defence
Nimzo-Indian Defence Old Indian Defence
Old Indian Defence Queen’s Gambit Accepted
Queen’s Gambit Accepted Queen’s Gambit Declined
Queen’s Gambit Declined Queen’s Indian Defence
Queen’s Indian Defence Queen’s Pawn Game
Queen’s Pawn Game Slav Defence
Slav Defence Tarrasch Defence
Tarrasch Defence Various other replies
Various other replies Openings, unlike the middlegame and the
Naturally, preparation must continue with endgame, demand perpetual study,
the black pieces as well. Against 1.e4 the refreshment and proper information.
chess player must select one or more Of course, the role of the experienced
openings among: trainer is always in need. His/her knowledge
BLACK 1.e4 would allow us to build a more or less
Preparation (selection) in: acceptable repertoire and avoid losing
Alekhine Defence precious time asking ourselves what is good
Caro-Kann Defence and what is bad for us. A potentially very
French Defence strong chess-player clearly understands why
Italian Game it is important to save time…
King’s Gambit It must be noted that the chapters on
Modern Defence Physical and Psychological Factors, Getting
Petroff Defence to Know Ourselves, Building a Repertoire
Pirc Defence and Middlegame & Endgame Theory, were
Ruy Lopez first published in my series ‘Chess College’
Scandinavian Defence (Gambit 2006). In this book they are re-
Scotch Game published with some additional notes which
Sicilian Defence came ‘naturally’ from questions raised by
Vienna Game trainers at various seminars I conducted over
Various other replies the world behalf of FIDE & TRG.

FIDE TRG Syllabus 30

Middlegame & Endgame Theory
Efstratios Grivas
Every chess-player who wishes to improve his level in the difficult subject of chess is obliged to
study methodically and understand the existing principles that govern the theory of the opening,
middlegame and endgame.
Most chess-players focus more on the study of opening theory than other aspects of the game.
The reasons are probably clear: opening theory is easier to learn and can provide immediate
results, although this is based more on the opponent's ignorance than our own abilities. Even for a
chess trainer, it is easier to teach some variations from this or that opening or a set of simple
tactical motifs than to engross himself in the exposition of middlegame and endgame theory.
Yes, middlegame and endgame theory does exist. The great difficulty in approaching it lies in
the fact that it does not follow absolute and clear-cut paths, but rather involves deep research in the
ideas and logic by which specific types of positions are treated. Moreover, unlike opening theory,
the theory of the middlegame and the endgame does not change rapidly based on modern
developments and remains almost intact through the years.
In view of the above, any chess-player who wishes to follow a chess career or simply become a
better player must refrain from the commonplace and assume a different approach. He must
develop a good understanding of middlegame and endgame theory, so as to be able in his games to
proceed in a proper way after his chosen opening has reached its conclusion. The chess-player can
differentiate himself only in the opening; there, each one of us brings forth his own beliefs and
convictions, and in general his own experiences and references. Objectively, no opening loses - but
also no opening wins. The opening is just the beginning of the journey and serves to offer us a
comfortable start. But to reach the end of this journey successfully we have to count on our
knowledge and experience, as regards middlegame and endgame theory.
Endgame theory teaches us two fundamental issues. First, how to extract the maximum from a
basic theoretical position with little material, where the experts, from practice comprising
thousands of games, have reached definite conclusions. Second, the way in which we can handle
an endgame, depending on the material remaining on the board, and the ideas and plans we should
employ. This second issue is significantly more difficult to master because, apart from making full
use of the first one (we must be aware of the possible outcomes of the endgame in question) it is
greatly influenced by our experience and understanding, which are basically derived from the
images and impressions we have from related positions. A primary role is played here by the effort
we have invested in studying.
In middlegame theory, things are even tougher. We are obliged to study various types of
positions with specific strategic and tactical attributes, so as to understand the underlying ideas and
be able to employ them ourselves in similar situations. While many chess-players have studied
these topics and acquired knowledge, it is the application of this knowledge in practice that helps
differentiate between them. Chess is not a simple activity, but it becomes so much more attractive
when we acquire this knowledge.
The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to advanced training concepts, using the same
methods of presentation and instruction that were taught to great trainers by famous trainers that
they have worked with. All of us owes to these trainers (
fame.html) gratitude for their valuable contribution to our progress as a chess-player. Besides, the
fact that we succeeded in attaining the grandmaster title is owed first and foremost to the education
we received and then to our personal work and effort.
TRG supports trainers and trainees worldwide by publishing various surveys on the middlegame
and endgame in its website:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 31
The Role of Classics
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Concept Another problem exists - in the chess world
Chess education is based on examples of great we don’t have many good books on the
players of the past. Most of the typical methods middlegame and for this reason young
of attack, analogical plans, and correct ways of players have problems about how to study
conducting different ends happened first time in classics.
their games. On the basis of these games Different tactical methods exist and for
numerous books were written about endgame these subjects we have plenty of good
subjects and endgame technique. literature.
Even about openings the great Alexander We will present a few examples on how the
Alekhine said that it is simply the practice of the same tactical methods were developed by the
masters! Naturally every developing player has top players and how more complicated it
to study these examples, as he will face similar became by the years.
positions and problems in his practice.
The more a player knows of these positions, □ Kotov Alexander
the more frequently he will be able to apply the ■ Smyslov Vassily
necessary ideas in the correct way. Of course, E86 Moscow 1940
there are many basic positions in endgames and 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Lg7 4.e4 0–0
exact variations in the openings, which have to 5.Nge2 d6 6.f3 e5 7.Le3 exd4 8.Nxd4 c6
be remembered by heart. 9.Qd2 d5 10.cxd5 cxd5 11.e5 Ne8 12.f4 f6
But the greatest part of the endgame and 13.exf6 Nxf6 14.Le2 Nc6 15.0–0 Re8
middlegame play consists of knowledge of 16.Kh1 Lg4 17.Lxg4?
typical plans and typical tactical motifs, which White had to avoid a knight on g4: 17.Lg1
can be used for different purposes. To help to Ne4 18.Nxe4 Lxe2 19.Nxe2 dxe4 20.Rad1
attack the opponent’s king or simply to help Qxd2 21.Rxd2 Rad8 22.Rfd1 Rd3 ³.
conducting plans faster and more effectively. 17...Nxg4 18.Lg1 (D)
Every young player has to study them and it It was possible to save a pawn after 18.Nxc6
is possible just from the games of the great bxc6 19.Lg1 d4 20.Na4 Qd5 21.Rfe1 Ne3
players. Vladimir Kramnik once told, that at μ but the text move allowed Black to get very
the moment when he decided to fight for the strong firm on the centre.
World Championship, he spent one year just
analysing all the matches of the WC.
In general, we have to study classics in two 8r+-wqr+k+(
1) As we explained, in the books on 7zpp+-+-vlp'
endgame and middlegame. Different 6-+n+-+p+&
important subjects are studied from the
selected games of the greats. 5+-+p+-+-%
2) Every top player had his or her own
speciality. Like Rubinstein was the greatest
master of the ‘exchange technique’, 3+-sN-+-+-#
Botvinnik was master of ‘centralization’ and
Alekhine was the greatest player in 2PzP-wQ-+PzP"
developing opening initiative. Each had 1tR-+-+RvLK!
extraordinarily instructive examples about
their own favourite methods. xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 32
18...Nxh2! 16...d4!
A beautiful and instructive blow - White is With this typical pawn sacrifice Black will
losing at least a pawn. activate all his pieces. Especially important is
19.Lxh2 the opening of the h1-a8 diagonal.
Capturing with the king leads to a beautiful 17.Nxd4?
mating picture: 19.Kxh2 Qh4 #. Also, if Clearly better but not sufficiently enough was
19.Nxc6 then 19...Nxf1 20.Nxd8 Nxd2 –+. 17.Lxd4 Lxf3 18.exf6 Lxf6 19.Lxf6
19...Nxd4 20.Rae1 Qd7 21.Qd3 Rad8 Qxf6 20.Ne4 Lxe4 21.dxe4 Rfd8 with
22.Rxe8+ Rxe8 23.Lg1 Qf5! serious advantage for Black, as he has
The best decision - with an extra pawn mobilized all pieces and also white pawns
generally is good to exchange all pieces. A will become an easy target for attack.
few tactical elements are also available! 17...Ng4 18.Lg1 (D)
Or 24.Qxf5 Nxf5 25.Rd1 d4 26.Nb5 a6
27.Na3 Re4 –+. Game is over. 8-+rwq-trk+(
24...Ne2! 25.Nxe2 Qh5+ 26.Lh2 Rxe2 7+l+-vlpzpp'
27.Re1 Re4 28.Qc1 Rxe1+ 29.Qxe1 h6
30.Qd2 Qf5 31.Lg1 Qh5+ 32.Lh2 Kh7 6pzp-+p+-+&
33.b3 d4 34.Qd3 Qf5 35.Qd2 Qe4 36.Lg1 5+-+-zP-+-%
b5 37.b4 a6 38.Kh2 g5 39.g3 gxf4 40.gxf4
Kg6 41.Lf2 Lf6 42.a4 bxa4 43.Qa2 d3 4PzP-sN-zPn+$
44.Qxa4 Qe2 45.Kg3 h5 46.Qxa6 h4+
47.Kg2 Qe4+ 48.Kf1 Qh1+ 49.Lg1 Qf3+
50.Lf2 d2 51.f5+ Kh5! 2-+-+-+PzP"
□ Sigurjonsson Gudmundur
■ Stein Leonid
B82 Reykjavik 1972 18...Nxh2!
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 Very similar tactics the preparation of which
5.Nc3 a6 6.f4 Nbd7 7.Nf3 e6 8.Ld3 Le7 demanded knowledge of classical examples.
9.0–0 Nc5 10.Kh1 0–0 11.a4 b6 12.b4 Now the case is much more complicated
Nxd3 13.cxd3 Lb7 14.Le3 Rc8 15.Qb3 compared to the previous game.
d5 16.e5 (D) 19.Rfc1
A few tactical blows follow in the case of the
XABCDEFGHY king capture: 19.Kxh2 Rxc3 20.Qxc3
8-+rwq-trk+( Lxb4 21.Qxb4 Qh4 #.
19...Ng4 20.Ne4 Lxb4!
7+l+-vlpzpp' The final blow - Black wins a pawn and his
6pzp-+psn-+& position remains much better. Realization of
the advantage for a Grandmaster like Leonid
5+-+pzP-+-% Stein is an only minor problem.
21.Ng5 Qd5 22.Ne4 Qxb3 23.Nxb3 Lxe4
4PzP-+-zP-+$ 24.dxe4 b5 25.axb5 axb5 26.g3 h5 27.Kg2
3+QsNPvLN+-# Lc3 28.Rab1 Rfd8 29.Rc2 Rc4 30.Kf3
Lxe5 31.Rxc4 bxc4 32.Na5 Rd3+ 33.Kg2
2-+-+-+PzP" Rd2+ 34.Kf3 Ld4 35.Lxd4
1tR-+-+R+K! 35.Nxc4 Nh2+ 36.Lxh2 Rf2 #.
35...Rd3+ 36.Kg2 Rxd4 37.e5 Rd2+
xabcdefghy 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 33
In the following examples we will see how XABCDEFGHY
an entire method of attack developed after its
first application. 8r+-+-tr-+(
The first game is a quite famous one; it has
been published in numerous books and
magazines, but it is still ‘attractive’, as an 6pzp-+-+-mk&
evergreen and immortal game!
□ Lasker Emanuel 4-+-+-zPQ+$
■ Bauer Johann
A03 Amsterdam 1889 3+P+-zP-+-#
1.f4 d5 2.e3 Nf6 3.b3 e6 4.Lb2 Le7
5.Ld3 b6 6.Nf3 Lb7 7.Nc3 Nbd7 8.0–0
0–0 9.Ne2 c5 10.Ng3 Qc7 1tR-+-+-mK-!
In such positions the correct strategy is to close
down one bishop (d3) and to try to reduce the xabcdefghy
power of the other with ...Lf6. 10...Rc8 was 22.Qd7!
another way of fighting against White's Chess is the game of double attack, as the great
powerful bishops - the threat would be ...c4. David Bronstein used to say. Now Black will
11.Ne5 Nxe5 12.Lxe5 Qc6 13.Qe2 a6 have no dreams about any compensation for his
14.Nh5 Nxh5 (D) queen. Although the game lasted some more
moves the result was never in doubt.
XABCDEFGHY 22...Lf6 23.Qxb7 Kg7 24.Rf1 Rab8
8r+-+-trk+( 25.Qd7 Rfd8 26.Qg4+ Kf8 27.fxe5 Lg7
28.e6 Rb7 29.Qg6 f6 30.Rxf6+ Lxf6
7+l+-vlpzpp' 31.Qxf6+ Ke8 32.Qh8+ Ke7 33.Qg7+
6pzpq+p+-+& Kxe6 34.Qxb7 Rd6 35.Qxa6 d4 36.exd4
cxd4 37.h4 d3 38.Qxd3
5+-zppvL-+n% 1–0
4-+-+-zP-+$ □ Nimzowitsch Aaron
3+P+LzP-+-# ■ Tarrasch Siegbert
D30 St. Petersburg 1914
2P+PzPQ+PzP" 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 c5 3.c4 e6 4.e3 Nf6 5.Ld3
1tR-+-+RmK-! Nc6 6.0–0 Ld6 7.b3 0–0 8.Lb2 b6 9.Nbd2
Lb7 10.Rc1 Qe7 11.cxd5 exd5 12.Nh4?
xabcdefghy A strange loss of time. The weakness of the
This is an historical diagram - the great dark squares is not so important. In such kind
Lasker showed how to destroy the king's of pawn structure as hanging pawns one
pawn shield with the sacrifice of the two characteristic is clear - Black has an obvious
bishops. space advantage and for this reason White
15.Lxh7+! has to look for a few exchanges.
Of course not 15.Qxh5 f5!. 12...g6 13.Nhf3 Rad8 14.dxc5 bxc5 15.Lb5?
15...Kxh7 16.Qxh5+ Kg8 17.Lxg7!! 15.Re1 would be much better, preparing e4,
The natural continuation of the previous destroying the power of Black's centre.
sacrifice. The black king will be so exposed 15...Ne4 16.Lxc6
that huge material loses will be in need in 16.Qe2 was much more logical, preparing
order prevent mate. Rfd1 and Nf1, defending the position of his
17...Kxg7 18.Qg4+ Kh7 19.Rf3 e5 king.
20.Rh3+ Qh6 21.Rxh6+ Kxh6 (D) 16...Lxc6 17.Qc2 Nxd2 18.Nxd2 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 34
XABCDEFGHY Tactical, complicated development start
usually from the openings, so it is possible to
8-+-tr-trk+( use the practice of greats, even their classical
mistakes to play opening plans correctly.
6-+lvl-+p+& □ Geller Efim
■ Petrosian Tigran
5+-zpp+-+-% C16 Moscow 1963
4-+-+-+-+$ 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e5 b6 5.Nf3
Qd7 6.Ld2 Lf8 7.a4 Nc6 8.Le2 Nge7
3+P+-zP-+-# 9.0–0
The great Tigran chooses a very tough
2PvLQsN-zPPzP" system, which demands slow development
1+-tR-+RmK-! and real suffering in the opening. He starts to
attack his opponents centre prematurely, for
xabcdefghy once not displaying his legendary patience. It
18...d4! was necessary to complete his development.
Sooner or later it was necessary to expect 9...f6 10.Re1 fxe5? (D)
something like this. XABCDEFGHY
19.Rfe1 was still playable, but obviously 8r+l+kvl-tr(
Black holds the initiative.
19...Lxg2! was possible too. 6-zpn+p+-+&
20.Kxh2 Qh4+ 21.Kg1 Lxg2 22.f3
The only move. The capture of the bishop leads 5+-+pzp-+-%
to mate: 22.Kxg2 Qg4+ 23.Kh2 Rd5. 4P+-zP-+-+$
This is the key move of Tarrasch's calculation 3+-sN-+N+-#
- White can't take on g2 because of mate. 2-zPPvLLzPPzP"
23.Ne4 Qh1+ 24.Kf2 Lxf1 25.d5
What else to do if it is not possible to take on 1tR-+QtR-mK-!
f1? (25.Rxf1 Qh2+).
No fear of the long diagonal! Continuing the wrong plan, which is refuted by
26.Qc3 Qg2+ 27.Ke3 Rxe4+ 28.fxe4 f4+ tactics. Petrosian expected simply the recapture
28...Qg3+ 29.Kd2 Qf2+ 30.Kd1 Qe2 # on e5. Such expectations are extremely frequent
was mating faster, but probably Tarrasch and even top players are the victims of such
wanted automatically to include his rook into erroneous way of thinking.
the attack. Anyway, the result was not in 11.Lb5! Ng6
doubt! Alternatives were not sufficient either: 11...e4
29.Kxf4 Rf8+ 30.Ke5 Qh2+ 31.Ke6 12.Ne5 Qd6 13.Lf4 ± or 11...exd4
Re8+ 32.Kd7 Lb5 # 12.Nxd4 Qd6 13.Nxc6 Nxc6 14.Lf4 Qd7
0–1 15.Qxd5 ±.
12.Nxe5 Ngxe5 13.Rxe5 a6
These methods of attack became well- Black tries to eliminate this unpleasant pin,
known and are considered to be classical. but 'slightly' better was to try to complete his
There are more complicated methods that development with 13...Le7 although White
have been developed by modern classic will win after 14.Qf3 Ld6 15.Nxd5 Lxe5
players and adopted by younger players. 16.Nf6+.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 35
14.Lxc6 Qxc6 15.Nxd5 Ld7 16.Lg5 gy with premature play in the centre with ...f6 is
Ld6 17.Qh5+ Kf8 wrong as ...fxe5 is never a threat. It was
Even worse was 17...g6 18.Qe2 Lxe5 necessary to prepare something against capture
19.Qxe5 +–. on e5 - Geller's move 10.Re1 is useless here.
18.Qf3+ Kg8 19.Rxe6! 10...fxe5?
Another cheap tactical trick - now White Better was 10...0–0–0 11.b4 with a clear
wins a second pawn and Black can easily advantage for White. But the great Bronstein
resign. saw just the automatic recapture here!
19...Rf8 20.Ne7+ Lxe7 21.Qxc6 Lxc6 11.Lb5!! Ld6
22.Rxe7 Rf7 23.Rae1 Lxa4 24.b3 Lc6 Other options here were promise nothing rosy
25.R1e6 Ld5 26.Re8+ Rf8 27.R6e7 h6 for Black: 11...e4 12.Ne5 Qd6 13.Lb4! (and
28.Rxf8+ Kxf8 29.Rxc7 Kg8 30.Lf4 g5 now we can see the second value of 10.a3!) or
31.Le5 Rh7 32.Rc8+ Kf7 33.c4 Lb7 11...exd4 12.Nexd4 Ld6 13.Nxe6 Qxe6
34.Rd8 Ke6 35.Rd6+ Kf5 36.f3 g4 14.Re1 was losing immediately.
37.Rf6+ Kg5 38.f4+ Kh5 39.Rxb6 Le4 12.dxe5 Le7
40.Kf2 Rb7 41.Rxb7 Lxb7 42.d5 Or 12...Lc5 13.b4 Le7 14.Nfd4, with
1–0 similar consequences.
13.Nfd4 a6 14.Lxc6 Lxc6 15.Nf4
□ Mikhalchishin Adrian And e6-pawn is now lost.
■ Bronstein David 15...g6 16.Ndxe6 Lb7 17.Lc3 c6
C16 Tbilisi 1980 The threat was Nxd5! winning immediately.
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e5 b6 5.Ld2 18.Qd2 h5 19.Ng7+ Kd8 20.e6 Qc7
Nc6 6.Nf3 Lb7 7.Ld3 Qd7 8.Ne2 Lf8? 21.Nxg6 Rh6 22.Nxe7 Qxe7 23.Nf5
Of course, no trainer can explain such a move I could never imagine that I could do
to his pupils - antidevelopment, but after an something like the great Geller, but I had
exchange on e2, huge problems with the dark studied his ‘classical weapons’ accidently,
squares would appear. just six months before this game!
9.0–0 f6? (D) 1–0
Natural was 9...Nb4 10.Lxb4 Lxb4 11.c3
Le7 12.b4 Nh6 13.a4 with a space advantage. Typical strategic plans in the middlegame
But Black didn’t pay the ‘proper attention’… are the most difficult part of the game to
XABCDEFGHY study and master. The great old masters knew
how to do it!
8r+-+kvlntr( In the following two examples we will
show how the strategy of attacking
7zplzpq+-zpp' weaknesses became much more complicated
6-zpn+pzp-+& in modern times.
We will start our examples with a great
5+-+pzP-+-% game by the ultra famous great ex-World
4-+-zP-+-+$ Champion, the Patriarch of Soviet Chess,
Mikhail Botvinnik:
□ Botvinnik Mikhail
2PzPPvLNzPPzP" ■ Zagoriansky Evgeny
1tR-+Q+RmK-! A13 Sverdlovsk 1943
1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.b3 Nf6 4.Lb2 Le7 5.e3
xabcdefghy 0–0 6.Nc3 c5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Nxd5 exd5
10.a3! 9.d4 cxd4 10.Qxd4 Lf6 11.Qd2 Nc6
Here I suddenly understood that I had seen 12.Le2 Le6 13.0–0 Lxb2 14.Qxb2 Qa5
similar positions beforehand and Black's strate- 15.Rfd1 Rad8 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 36
XABCDEFGHY Generally speaking it was possible not to
sacrifice a pawn with 26.h4, but in that case
8-+-tr-trk+( Black would slow White's attack with ...f6.
So, Botvinnik tries to avoid this defensive
7zpp+-+pzpp' move.
6-+n+l+-+& 26...hxg5?
Black had to follow the sharp development
5wq-+p+-+-% and to take the dangerously looking pawn:
4-+-+-+-+$ 26...Lxh3 27.Rh4 (27.Rxd5 Qe6 28.Rxd7
Qxe5 29.Rxd8+ Kh7 ÷) 27...Qe6 28.Qh2
3+P+-zPN+-# Lf5 29.gxh6 ±.
2PwQ-+LzPPzP" 27.Qxg5 f6 28.Qg6 Lf7 29.Qg3 f5 30.Qg5
Now it is easy to observe the weakened
1tR-+R+-mK-! kingside.
xabcdefghy 30...Qe6 31.Kh1 Qe5 32.Rg1 Rf8 33.Qh6
Rb8 34.Rh4 Kf8 35.Qh8+ Lg8 36.Rf4!
16.Rd2 Black defended his second weakness on g7
White chooses the most direct way of and now Botvinnik spots one more weakness
pressure on isolated pawn. Modern players - f5!
would probably apply space gaining strategy 36...Rbb7 37.Rg5 Rf7 38.Qh5
on the queenside: 16.a3 with b4 and Now we can see the power of concentration
eventually Rac1-c5 coming. of attacking pieces as pawn f5 is attacked by
16...Rd7 17.Rad1 Rfd8 18.h3 h6 19.Ne5 three white pieces and is protected just by
Nxe5 20.Qxe5 Qc5 21.Lf3 b6 22.Qb2
two opponent pieces.
Generally speaking during the process of 38...Qa1+ 39.Kg2 g6 40.Qxg6 Lh7
attack it is useful to exchange defensive 41.Qd6+ Rfe7 42.Qd8+
pieces, despite the simple fact that attacking 1–0
pieces are more actively placed. The reason is
based on an old Tarrasch rule: don't look at
what you exchange but look just on what is □ Karpov Anatoly
left on the board! Theoretically, if we take ■ Spassky Boris
out both bishops, then White wins with a D37 Montreal 1979
typical addition to the attack; the e4 advance, 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Le7 5.Lf4
after which the rook will be placed on d4. But 0–0 6.e3 c5 7.dxc5 Nc6 8.Qc2 Qa5 9.a3
Black will wait, when White will exchange Lxc5 10.Rd1 Le7 11.Nd2 Ld7 12.Le2
bishops on e6, improving the defence of the Rfc8 13.0–0 Qd8 14.cxd5 exd5 15.Nf3!
isolani. 22.Lg4 Qc6 23.Lxe6 fxe6 is only White not only starts the classical blockading
helping Black. procedure, but also prepares piece exchanges,
22...Rc8 23.Qe5 Rcd8 24.Rd4 a5 which are very important when playing
Another way of continuing the attack is against the isolani.
creation of the second weakness - this is the 15...h6 16.Ne5 Le6 17.Nxc6 Rxc6 18.Lf3
general rule. After creation of second Qb6 19.Le5! Ne4 20.Qe2 Nxc3 21.Lxc3
weakness the opponent will be forced to Rd8
place his pieces to protect it. But as a rule - Note that 21...Lxa3 22.Lxg7! or 21...Rxc3
attacking pieces are more active than the 22.bxc3 Rd8 23.e4 were not satisfactory for
defending ones. So, combining attack on both Black.
weaknesses it will be possible to destroy the 22.Rd3! Rcd6 23.Rfd1 R6d7 24.R1d2
ability of defender to protect both his Or 24.Ld4 Lc5 25.b4 Lxd4 26.Rxd4 and
weaknesses. It is the general rule of attack. White stands clearly better.
25.g4! Qc6 26.g5 24...Qb5 25.Qd1 b6 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 37
XABCDEFGHY In endgames the situation is a bit different;
here basic knowledge from the classical
8-+-tr-+k+( games must be conducted in extremely
precise way.
7zp-+rvlpzp-' But we must study the basic positions plus
6-zp-+l+-zp& we have to understand why certain
manoeuvres are wrong. It means that even
5+q+p+-+-% mistakes of the greats are the base of our
4-+-+-+-+$ practical knowledge.

1+-+Q+-mK-! □ Taimanov Mark
■ Fischer Robert
xabcdefghy Buenos Aires 1960 ●
This typical set up of White's major pieces XABCDEFGHY
was first applied by the great Alexander
Aliekhin. The position reminds the previous
game with the addition of darksquared 7+-+-+-+-'
bishops, which make White's much more
26.g3! 5+-+-+-+-%
White is prepared to conduct a similar plan to
Botvinnik's, but here it is necessary to make a 4-zPK+-+k+$
few pre-operational moves to allow his queen
to come to the kingside.
26...Lf8 27.Lg2 Le7 28.Qh5! a6 29.h3 2-+-+-+-+"
Qc6 30.Kh2
These are typical prophylactic moves applied
by Karpov - Black has no real counterplay xabcdefghy
and Karpov does not need to hurry. 81...Kf4!
30...Qb5 31.f4 f6 Fischer defended a worse position for a long
Insufficient was the other try with 31...f5?, as time, but when the players reached this
after 32.Qg6 Lf8 33.Qxe6+ White wins in position he started to play automatically.
no time. After the game he told Taimanov that he
32.Qd1! studied the method of defence from
The mission of the queen is over - holes in Averbakh's article in a Soviet chess maga-
Black's pawn structure are created and it is zine! He fully demonstrated the power of
time for pawns to do the job. knowledge of the classics.
32...Qc6 33.g4 g5 34.Kh1 a5 35.f5 Lf7 82.b5 Ke4 83.Ld4 Lc7!
36.e4! It is the correct method: by sacrificing his
Typical classical addition of attack of bishop Black is able to stop his opponent's
weakness. pawn coming to b7 and reaching the well-
36...Kg7 37.exd5 Qc7 38.Re2 b5 39.Rxe7 known winning position of Centurini dated
Rxe7 40.d6 Qc4 41.b3! from the 19th century!
A small but nice final tactic, destroying the 84.Kc5 Kd3 85.Kc6 Kc4 86.Lb6 Lf4
opponent's tactical defence. 87.La7 Lc7
1–0 ½–½
FIDE TRG Syllabus 38
Working with Classical Games
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Concept It is very useful for young players to create
Here we will show how to study the a special diary, where information can be
classics and find the analyzing power and the stored about his repertoire, technique and
key abilities of chess players. mistakes discovered during the analysis of his
The essence of chess training is the games.
development in the student of the ability to Of course this may be written or made on
analyze and calculate. the computer. We will now examine the
We therefore examine of typical plans and analysis procedure of the classical games:
methods of in-game play, plus knowledge of 1) Understanding of typical plans applied
exact, basic endgame theoretical positions. by the great players. The importance of
In order to understand better, we quote the centralization.
great Garry Kasparov: 2) Spotting weaknesses in a position as the
‘Self-improvement in chess is impossible base of future plans.
without the improvement of analytical 3) Their reactions in critical moments and
ability’. even their instructive mistakes.
The analysis and study of the classics by 4) Calculation of variations.
trainers and by pupils is one of the keystones 5) Technique in endgame and the very
of the Soviet Chess School. important realization of a material advantage.
Alexander Grischuk, after instructions by Here is a quote by Veselin Topalov:
his trainer Anatoly Bykhovsky, started a ‘Normally, when you lose the game, you
program of analysis of his own games at the learn a much better lesson than when you
age of 14. win. I remember a position I lost 10 years ago
At the beginning he produced one page of against Kasparov in Amsterdam. I had White
analysis of a single game; later it was more and my knights on b3 and g3 were placed
and more. At the age of 18 some of his terribly badly. Since then I have known that
analyzed games had 20 pages! some squares are not very good for knights!’
My own experience is that after bad Everybody knows about the famous
tournaments nothing helps more than a deep ‘Botvinnik School’. How did this school
analysis of your own games. One must check operate? Twenty very talented juniors from
and closely analyse the critical moments of all over the Soviet Union were selected.
the encounter. Botvinnik demanded that before every
There might be possible problems during session trainees would annotate two of their
the analysis and a useful ‘guide’ of these most complicated games and during the
problems might go like following (although session every pupil had to defend his work
more could be added): and to answer questions from the other young
1) The analysis is not good or thorough and curious trainees as well as Botvinnik
enough leading to a wrong evaluation of the himself!
critical moments. Such analysis teaches a lot and at the end
2) Laziness! Botvinnik gave his recommendations as to
3) Analysis of just our own moves, but not what pupils had to do in order to improve.
those of the opponent, which may be Usually, he said that to understand a
important and instructive. position you must find a similar, classical
4) Absence of conclusions after the example. Botvinnik remembered every
analysis. classical example! It just shows how deeply
5) Absence of selection of typical mistakes. he studied the games of his contemporaries.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 39
For this kind of study it is necessary for 5.e3 is a wrong idea, as White does not start
trainers to have a special selection of very to fight control over the critical central square
well-annotated games of top players to hand. e4, which is the topical idea of the Bogo-
So let us make an instructive analysis of a Indian.
classical game with necessary conclusions: 5...0–0 6.e3?! (D)

□ Vidmar Milan Sr
■ Nimzowitsch Aaron 8rsnl+-trk+(
E11 New York 1927
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 Lb4+ (D)
XABCDEFGHY 6-+-+psn-+&
8rsnlwqk+-tr( 5+-+-+-+-%
7zppzpp+pzpp' 4-vlPzP-+-+$
6-+-+psn-+& 3+-sN-zPN+-#
5+-+-+-+-% 2PzP-vL-zPPzP"
4-vlPzP-+-+$ 1tR-+QmKL+R!
3+-+-+N+-# xabcdefghy
Not the most exact way. Correct was 6.g3
2PzP-+PzPPzP" recommended by Tartakower or even 6.Qc2
1tRNvLQmKL+R! which was recommended in the tournament
book by Alekhine, with the idea to conduct
xabcdefghy e4 later.
4.Ld2 6...d6
4.Nbd2 is a very serious option, with the Here is one of the most important moments
idea to play a3, forcing Black to give up his of the game, as there are a few completely
bishop. Then starts a very interesting and different possibilities at Black’s disposal.
typical strategical fight - White will try to use It is possible to choose a classical ‘Queens
the power of the bishop-pair, while the other Gambit’ pawn structure, which was preferred
side will fight for the control of the most by such players as T.Petrosian, R.Kholmov
important strategical square e4 and he will and U.Andersson: 6...d5 7.a3 Lxc3 8.Lxc3
also try to create a pawn wall, which will Rd8. Another option was to choose a pawn
limit the power of the bishop-pair. structure typical of the ‘Queen’s Indian’,
4...Qe7 characterized by the fight over the central
A move that Nimzowitsch claimed to be his square e4: 6...b6 7.Ld3 Lb7 8.0–0 c5 9.a3
invention. The originator of the opening Lxc3 10.Lxc3 Ne4 11.Le1 d6.
Grandmaster E.Bogoljubow exchanged here 7.Le2
on d2. It is possible to play the position After 7.Qc2 Black can create sufficient
differently, according to the taste of every counterplay: 7...e5 8.Le2 exd4 9.Nxd4 c5
chess player. The queen on e7 is well placed 10.Nf3 Nc6 11.0–0 Rd8 12.Ld3 h6 13.a3
ready to prepare counterplay in the centre by Lxc3 14.Lxc3 Le6 15.Rad1 d5.
...e5. 7...b6
5.Nc3 7...Lxc3 8.Lxc3 Ne4 was even a more
5.g3 is a more modern move, but generally logical way as any exchange eases Black’s
classical players with the possible exception disadvantage in space. Also possible was the
of Rubinstein and Alekhine played the straightforward plan: 7...e5 8.0–0 Lxc3
opening simply. 9.Lxc3 Nc6 10.Qc2 Lg4.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 40
8.0–0 Lb7 9.Qc2 Nbd7 (D) 12.Lxc3 Ne4 13.b4 Nxc3 14.Qxc3 Rfd8
XABCDEFGHY 15.Nd2 Rac8 preparing ...d5.
11.Lxc3 Ne4 12.Le1
8r+-+-trk+( 12.Nd2 would lead to very peaceful
7zplzpnwqpzpp' developments: 12...Nxc3 13.Qxc3 with
equal position, but the great masters were
6-zp-zppsn-+& always trying to fight for the initiative.
12...f5 (D)
5+-+-+-+-% White lost the fight over the e4-square; but
4-vlPzP-+-+$ this is temporary. His most urgent task is to
eliminate Black’s e4-knight, but this is not
3+-sN-zPN+-# possible immediately.
1tR-+-+RmK-! 8r+-+-trk+(
xabcdefghy 7zplzpnwq-zpp'
Before this point almost all the choices were
about how Black will fashion the pawn
structure and fit his pieces around it, but now 5+-+-+p+-%
we have a critical moment for White.
10.Rad1 4-+PzPn+-+$
White decides on a strategy which prepares the
opening of a central file. One of the simplest
plans was not to allow the exchange of the c3- 2PzPQ+LzPPzP"
knight, which would help White to control the
important central square e4: 10.Nb5 Lxd2
11.Nxd2 a6 12.Nc3 or 10.Ne1 with the idea xabcdefghy
f4. Alekhine recommended here a very
aggressive approach on the kingside: 10.Ng5 13.Qb3!
h6 11.Lf3 d5 12.Nh3! (12.cxd5 Lxc3 A move that looks completely illogical, but
13.Lxc3 Lxd5 14.Lxd5 exd5 15.Nh3 Vidmar is looking deeply into the position. The
transferring the knight to f4) 12...g5 13.cxd5 main idea is to protect the e3-pawn. The natural
exd5 (13...g4 14.d6) 14.Qf5 (Alekhine’s move 13.Nd2 was countered by 13...Qg5!
recommends 14.Le2! as much stronger, when 14.f3? does not work. Another option
preparing f4. It can be established during the with 14.f4 Qh6 15.Lf3 Ndf6 allows Black to
analysis with the trainees) 14...Qe6! with very strengthen his control over e4-square. A very
comfortable play. serious option would be to try to close the b7-
It was possible to conduct the central strategy bishop and to obtain a stronghold in the centre:
with a different rook: 10.Rfd1 Lxc3 11.Lxc3 13.d5 exd5 (13...e5 14.b4 Rae8 15.Nd2 Nxd2
Ne4 12.Le1 and the bishop is not dividing the 16.Lxd2 e4 17.a4 allows White to start an
coordination of White’s rooks. Finally, 10.Ld3 attack on the queenside and at the same time
e5 11.e4 exd4 12.Nxd4 Lxc3 13.Lxc3 Lxe4 Black’s development of a kingside initiative is
14.Rae1 Lxd3 15.Qxd3 Ne5 16.Qg3 Qd7 limited) 14.cxd5 Ndf6 15.Lc4 Qf7 16.Qd3
17.b3 gives White some initiative for the pawn - b5 17.Lxb5 Lxd5 18.b3 c6, when Black
the threat f4 is quite unpleasant. obtains serious counterplay.
10...Lxc3 13...c5 14.Nd2 Nxd2
This exchange is a possible solution, but not 14...Ndf6 15.f3 Nxd2 16.Rxd2 just allows
the only one. The alternative 10...c5 should the opponent to continue his plan.
be taken into consideration: 11.a3 Lxc3 15.Rxd2
FIDE TRG Syllabus 41
15.Lxd2 is not bad, but not a logical XABCDEFGHY
continuation of the plan.
15...e5 8l+-+rtrk+(
Generally speaking, Black has no darksquared
bishop, so according to Capablanca’s rule it is
necessary to place the pawns on these squares. 6-zp-tR-sn-+&
Illogical is 15...cxd4 16.exd4 Qg5 17.f3 Rf6
18.Qc3 as it gives up the centre. 5+-zp-zppzp-%
16.dxe5 dxe5 17.f3 (D)
We are coming to the most important
moment of the game. 3+-+-zPP+-#
8r+-+-trk+( 1+-+R+-mK-!
7zpl+nwq-zpp' xabcdefghy
6-zp-+-+-+& 21...Qg7!
Now it is clear that Black prepares a powerful
5+-zp-zpp+-% attack on the white king after ...g4. Premature
4-+P+-+-+$ would be 21...e4 22.f4 gxf4 23.Lh4 f3
24.Rxf6 fxe2 25.Re1.
3+Q+-zPP+-# 22.Lf1?
A tactical mistake which allows the break.
2PzP-tRL+PzP" Tartakower recommended 22.Qc2 whereas
1+-+-vLRmK-! Alekhine’s suggestion was completely
different: 22.Le1 activating the bishop to c3.
xabcdefghy Two very different views of the position!
17...g5!! 22...e4! 23.Le1
This is one of the most amazing strategical White planned to block the position, but now
decisions of the first part of the 20th century. he loses a pawn. 23.f4 gxf4 24.exf4 e3 or
Illogical was the blocking of his own powerful 23.Le2 exf3 24.Lxf3 Lxf3 25.gxf3 g4
bishop with 17...e4 18.f4 and after the standard 26.f4 Ne4 or, finally, 23.fxe4 Nxe4 24.Rd7
central development with 17...Rad8 White had Qxb2 were not helpful alternatives.
a nice idea to create an object of attack: 18.Qa4 23...exf3 24.Lc3 Qe7!
a6 19.Qb3. Finally, 17...Nf6 just helps White Avoiding the unpleasant pin and switching to
as it would allow an unpleasant pin with e3 as the direct object of attack.
18.Lh4. 25.R6d3 fxg2 26.Lxg2
18.Lf2 Nf6 19.Rfd1 Rae8 26.Le2 f4 was not helpful either.
There was no way to limit White’s activity on 26...Lxg2 27.Lxf6 Qe4!
the d-file, as after 19...Rad8 20.Qa3 a5 Exploiting the weakness of the light squares
21.Qc3 Rxd2 22.Qxd2 Rc8 23.Qd6 for a mating attack.
White’s control is still strong. 28.R1d2 Lh3 29.Lc3 Qg4+
20.Qa4 And White had nothing better to do than to
White tries to exploit his control over the d- resign!
file in a tactical way as he threatens Rd7 0–1
winning material.
20...La8 21.Rd6 (D) Now let us return to the main critical
There are no tactics: 21.Rd7? Nxd7 22.Rxd7 position as we feel that something went
Qf6 23.Qxa7 e4 24.Rxh7 f4 25.Le1 Qxb2 terribly wrong and was not properly
and Black is on the top. explained by all annotators (17...g5!!) (D):
FIDE TRG Syllabus 42
It is best to try to transfer the knight in order
8r+-+-trk+( to control d4 and to protect the e5-pawn at
the same time.
7zpl+nwq-+p' 21.Rxd8 Rxd8 22.Lc3 Nc6 23.Rd1
6-zp-+-+-+& Rxd1+ 24.Lxd1 Kf7 25.g4 Kf6 26.Lc2
Lc8 27.h3 Nb4
5+-zp-zppzp-% And Black should keep the balance, but it is
4-+P+-+-+$ necessary to play very carefully. Overall it is
only White that could have some chances due
3+Q+-zPP+-# to his bishop-pair.
2PzP-tRL+PzP" What To Do:
1+-+-vLRmK-! After such analysis of a classical game, we
must make conclusions with our trainees:
xabcdefghy 1) Opening: This variation can be inter-
The correct way of exploiting the d-file was a preted by Black in many different ways.
completely different one. It was necessary to White’s approach was unsophisticated, as at
penetrate in Black’s position with the queen - that time, the theory of the Bogo- Indian was
not the rooks! in its infancy.
18.Qd3! 2) Plans: Strategically, the fight for the key
It is extremely strange that none among the e4-square is crucial.
greats (Alekhine, Tartakower, Nimzowitsch 3) Black’s flank strategy was remarkable,
and Flohr) have seen this resource during the as it was completely new for those times.
annotations of this game for different White’s technical reaction after 17…g5 was
magazines! Everybody praised Nimzowi- wrong, as it was necessary to exploit the open
tsch’s flank attack, but during the analysis of d-file with the queen but not the rooks.
the classical or top players’ games it is Vidmar was not able to find this counter-
necessary to establish the key moments and intuitive idea at the board.
to find the mechanisms; how the ideas work. 4) Defence: White’s defence was very
18...Rad8 weak, as at those times the technique of
Tactical solutions do not prevent White’s defence was not developed well enough. Real
idea: 18...Nf6 19.Qxf5 Ne4 20.Qd7. resistance in a difficult position is a key skill
19.Qd6 Qxd6 20.Rxd6 (D) to cultivate.
4-+P+-+-+$ Conclusion
3+-+-zPP+-# So, we made a really deep analysis of this
classical game, found instructive mistakes of
2PzP-+L+PzP" both players (instructive are not just the
1+-+-vLRmK-! brilliant plans, but mistakes also) and
established the critical moments, which must
xabcdefghy be noted, as their value is permanent.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 43
Technique of Analysis
Michael Khodarkovsky
Concept Analyze middlegame and endgame
Every professional chess player has their positions that arise from those opening lines.
own training secrets, however all of them are Train yourself to think objectively, regardless
using the same routine - analyzing classical of stereotyped opinions and be creative.
games or those played by their contemporary Keep improving your research techniques
colleagues and, of course, their own games. and analyze deeper and more accurately.
They analyze these games thoroughly and As an example to help the reader to
often until complete exhaustion. How do they understand this analytical approach I selected
do this and how do they find an ultimate a game from the 1995 World Championship
solution as to what is good and what is bad, match between Garry Kasparov and Vishy
what is playable, and what should have been Anand.
rejected? Being a part of Garry’s team, I will try to
Grandmaster Lev Alburt revealed the bring you insights of his preparation to this
secret: ‘To broaden your overall chess skills, game.
choose one concrete position and analyze it
exhaustively. Only after you have □ Kasparov Garry
painstakingly unearthed every latent strategic ■ Anand Viswanathan
idea and tactical nuance should you proceed C80 New York 1995
to a different position’. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.La4 Nf6
In the past chess players had limited access 5.0–0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Lb3 d5 8.dxe5 Le6
to information. They could find only a few 9.Nbd2 Nc5 10.c3 d4 11.Ng5 (D)
articles in the chess bulletins and then they all XABCDEFGHY
couldn’t wait until a new publication of
Chess Informant came into their hands. 8r+-wqkvl-tr(
The real breakthrough in information came
with the appearance of ChessBase and 7+-zp-+pzpp'
various computer programs. 6p+n+l+-+&
Today, it is hard to imagine how chess
players lived before without all these tools 5+psn-zP-sN-%
and gadgets that were given to them at the 4-+-zp-+-+$
end of the twentieth century.
Nevertheless the didactic method of chess 3+LzP-+-+-#
analysis is the key to one’s success. This
method or system, if you will, of specialized
learning may be monotonous or even boring, 1tR-vLQ+RmK-!
but believe me you will be rewarded in the
results of your tournament games. xabcdefghy
You will achieve if you increase your This move was introduced for the first time
knowledge in a particular opening line or the by Karpov versus Korchnoi during the World
entire opening system, if you will broaden Championship Match in Baguio, Philippines,
your opening repertoire and elevate your 1978. If 11...Qxg5 then 12.Qf3 with a
level of comprehension in modern theory. strong initiative, although nothing is clear-cut
In order to do this analyze as many games yet.
and positions as possible of the openings you 11...dxc3 12.Nxe6 fxe6 13.bxc3 Qd3
employ in practice. 14.Lc2!! (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 44
XABCDEFGHY analysis. Before we go further I would like to
point out that Grandmasters analyzed this
8r+-+kvl-tr( position in the past. For example, Aleksei
Suetin in his book 'Spanish Game' (the Russian
7+-zp-+-zpp' edition, Moscow, 1982) wrote: 14.Lc2 Qxc3
6p+n+p+-+& 15.Qh5+ couldn't give White sufficient
compensation for the sacrificed piece.
5+psn-zP-+-% Bent Larsen in his book 'Karpov vs.
4-+-+-+-+$ Korchnoi' is more categorical: '14.Lc2 Qxc3
15.Qh5+ g6 is bad for White'.
3+-zPq+-+-# Mihail Tal had recommended 15.Ne4 but it
2P+LsN-zPPzP" could be refuted with 15...Qxa1! (15...Qxe5
16.Nxc5 Lxc5 17.Qf3 gives White a strong
1tR-vLQ+RmK-! attack) 16.Nxc5 (16.Qh5+ g6 17.Qf3 Kd7
μ) 16...Lxc5 17.Qf3 Kd7.
xabcdefghy 15...Nxb3
This was the move once suggested by Mihail Kasparov also considered 15...Rd8!? (D)
Tal, however he didn't elaborate further.
Kasparov, to his credit, recalled Tal's thought XABCDEFGHY
and analyzed this position thoroughly. His 8-+-trkvl-tr(
analytical work was rewarded greatly in the
critical game of the PCA World Championship 7+-zp-+-zpp'
match. In the game 6 of the same match 6p+n+p+-+&
Kasparov played 14.Nf3 but Anand came out
with a strong improvement 14...0–0–0! 5+psn-zP-+-%
(14...Qxd1 15.Lxd1 ² Karpov,A-Korchnoi,V
(10) Baguio 1978) 15.Qe1 Nxb3 16.axb3
Kb7 17.Le3?! Le7 18.Lg5 h6 (18...Rhe8!? 3+Nwq-+-+-#
19.Lxe7 Rxe7 20.Ng5 Qd2 °) 19.Lxe7
Nxe7 20.Nd4 Rxd4 21.cxd4 Qxb3 °. 2P+L+-zPPzP"
14...Qxc3 15.Nb3! (D) 1tR-vLQ+RmK-!
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
8r+-+kvl-tr( for instance: 16.Ld2! (16.Qh5+? Kd7 μ)
16...Rxd2! (16...Qxe5 17.Qg4 with attack)
7+-zp-+-zpp' 17.Nxd2 ².
6p+n+p+-+& 16.Lxb3 Nd4
Here is another critical point that requires a
5+psn-zP-+-% precise analysis not to overlook all possible
4-+-+-+-+$ continuations for Black:
a) 16...Rd8? 17.Qh5+ g6 (17...Kd7 18.Lg5
3+Nwq-+-+-# +–) 18.Qg4 Qxe5 19.Lb2 Nd4 (19...Qxb2
2P+L+-zPPzP" 20.Qxe6+ Ne7 [20...Le7 21.Qxc6+ Kf8
22.Qxa6 b4 23.Rae1 Ld6 24.Qc4 ±]
1tR-vLQ+RmK-! 21.Qf7+ Kd7 22.Rad1+ +–) 20.Rae1 Qf5
xabcdefghy 21.Qxd4 Rxd4 22.Lxd4 Rg8 23.Lxe6 +–.
b) 16...Qxa1 17.Qh5+ (D)
This novelty, which was introduced in our Two continuations for Black should be ana-
featured game, is the fruit of Kasparov's lyzed: First, 17...Kd7 and Second, 17...g6:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 45
Black can try other alternatives, but they
8r+-+kvl-tr( cannot satisfy him: 18...Nxe6 19.Qxe6+
Le7 20.Lg5+– or 18...Qc3 19.Ld7+ Kf7
7+-zp-+-zpp' (19...Kd8 20.Lg5+ Le7 21.Lxe7+ Kxe7
6p+n+p+-+& 22.Qxg7+ +–) 20.Le3 Lc5 (20...c5 21.
Lxd4 Qc4 22.e6+ Kg8 23.e7 +–) 21.Rd1
5+p+-zP-+Q% Ne2+ 22.Kh1! (22.Qxe2 Lxe3 [22...Qxe5
4-+-+-+-+$ 23.Qf3+ Ke7 24.Lxc5+ Qxc5 25.Lh3 +–]
23.e6+ Ke7 24.fxe3 with attack) 22...Lxe3
3+L+-+-+-# 23.Qe6+ Kf8 24.Qf5+ Ke7 25.Le6 +–.
2P+-+-zPPzP" 19.Lh6! (D)

xabcdefghy 8-+-trkvl-tr(
b1) 17...Kd7 18.Lxe6+ Kxe6 19.Qg4+ Kf7 7+-zp-+-zpp'
20.Qf3+ Ke6 21.Qxc6+ Ld6 22.exd6 Qe5 6p+-+L+-vL&
23.Lb2 Qxd6 24.Re1+ Kf7 25.Qf3+ Kg6
26.Qg4+ Kf7 27.Lc3! +–. 5+p+-zP-+-%
b2) 17...g6 18.Qf3 Nd8 19.Qf6 Rg8
(19...Qd4 20.Lxe6) 20.Lxe6 Rg7 (20...Lg7 4-+-sn-+Q+$
21.Lf7+! Kd7 22.e6+ Kc8 23.Qxa1 Lxa1 3+-+-+-+-#
24.Lxg8 Lf6 25.Re1 Nc6 26.Lxh7 Ne7
27.La3 +–) 21.La3 Qxf1+ 22.Kxf1 c5 23. 2P+-+-zPPzP"
Lxc5 Lxc5 24.Qxg7 Nxe6 25.Qxh7 Rd8
26.Qxg6+ Ke7 27.Qf6+ Kd7 28.Qf3! +–.
17.Qg4! xabcdefghy
17.Lg5? Nxb3 18.axb3 Qxe5 19.Qh5+ g6 This move was the most difficult one to find
20.Qf3 Ld6 21.Rfe1 Qxh2+ 22.Kf1 Qh1+ during the preparation for the game. Bear in
23.Ke2 Qh5 24.g4 Qxg5 25.Qxa8+ Qd8 ÷. mind that it was 1995 and computers were
17...Qxa1 not as strong and sophisticated as now,
17...Nxb3 18.Qxe6+ Le7 19.Lg5 +–. therefore most of the analysis was done 'by
18.Lxe6 (D) hand' at the chess board. The initial instinct
XABCDEFGHY was to play 19.Lg5, how not to make a
double attack? However, it doesn’t work well
8r+-+kvl-tr( for White. For instance, 19...Qc3 20.Lxd8
h5!? 21.Qg6+ Kxd8 22.Rd1 c5 –+.
7+-zp-+-zpp' 19...Qc3
6p+-+L+-+& According to Garry, Vishy found the only
temporary way to survive. Here 19...Qxf1+
5+p+-zP-+-% 20.Kxf1 gxh6 21.Qh5+ +– mates.
4-+-sn-+Q+$ 20.Lxg7 Qd3
After 20...Lxg7 the usual move 21.Qh5+!
3+-+-+-+-# +–wins.
21.Lxh8 Qg6
2P+-+-zPPzP" Not of a help was 21...Ne2+ 22.Kh1 Ng3+
1wq-vL-+RmK-! 23.hxg3 Qxf1+ 24.Kh2 Qd3 due to
25.Lf5! Qc4 (25...Qd1 26.f3 +–) 26.f4
xabcdefghy Qxa2 27.Lxh7 +–.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 46
22.Lf6 Le7 23.Lxe7 Qxg4 30.g4
Necessary as 23...Kxe7 would allow Now everything is clear. Black's advance on
24.Qh4+ Ke8 25.Lg4 +–. the queenside has been shot down and white
24.Lxg4 Kxe7 (D) pawns are marching!
XABCDEFGHY 30...Rd5 31.Rc4 c5
31...Nf5+ 32.gxf5 Rxd1 33.f6+ Kd7 34.Rxb4
8-+-tr-+-+( +– or 31...Ne6 32.Lb3 Nc5 33.Lc2! b3
34.Lxb3 Rd3+ 35.Ke2 Rxb3 36.Rxc5! +–.
7+-zp-mk-+p' 32.Ke4 Rd8 33.Rxc5 Ne6
6p+-+-+-+& 33...b3 34.Lxb3 Nxb3 35.axb3 Ra8
36.Rc7+ Kf8 37.Rc1 +–.
5+p+-zP-+-% 34.Rd5 Rc8 35.f5 Rc4+ 36.Ke3 Nc5
4-+-sn-+L+$ 37.g5 Rc1 38.Rd6
Black resigned in view of 38...b3 39.f6+ Kf8
3+-+-+-+-# 40.Lh5 Re1+ 41.Kf3 Nb7 42.Ra6.
2P+-+-zPPzP" This game is a perfect example of a brilliant
innovative idea, precision in analysis and
1+-+-+RmK-! elegant execution at every stage.
25.Rc1! The second game is a famous one coming
A preventive measure, which prohibits Black from the Olympiad in Malta, back in 1980. The
to advance his c-pawn and obtain a chance young Kasparov fell victim of the home
for a counterplay. preparation of the talented Bulgarian
25...c6 26.f4 a5 27.Kf2 a4 28.Ke3 b4 Grandmaster Krum Georgiev, in a topical and
29.Ld1 (D) dangerous line of the ‘Sicilian Defence’.
XABCDEFGHY □ Georgiev Krum
8-+-tr-+-+( ■ Kasparov Garry
B96 Valetta 1980
7+-+-mk-+p' 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6
6-+p+-+-+& 5.Nc3 a6 6.Lg5 e6 7.f4 Qc7 8.Qf3 b5 9.0–
0–0 b4 10.e5 Lb7 11.Ncb5 axb5
5+-+-zP-+-% 12.Lxb5+ Nfd7 (D)
4pzp-sn-zP-+$ XABCDEFGHY
3+-+-mK-+-# 8rsn-+kvl-tr(
2P+-+-+PzP" 7+lwqn+pzpp'
1+-tRL+-+-! 6-+-zpp+-+&
xabcdefghy 5+L+-zP-vL-%
Kasparov noted that the latter move 4-zp-sN-zP-+$
completely emphasized White’s superiority.
He pointed out that the temptation to play 3+-+-+Q+-#
29.Rc4 would allow Black to continue with
29...a3, which could bring unnecessary 2PzPP+-+PzP"
complications in the game. 1+-mKR+-+R!
29...b3 30.axb3 a3 31.g4 +–. xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 47
A difficult position to assess has arisen. The The complications are over and White has
player who has done his homework best emerged with an extra pawn and the bishop-
should win! pair vs the knight-pair; in other words, he has
13.Nxe6! obtained a won position.
Best. Bad would be the immediate 13.Qh3? 22...Ra5 23.Rd5 Rxb5 24.Rxb5 Nd4+
b3! 14.axb3 (14.Qxb3 Ld5 μ) 14...dxe5 25.Kb1 Nxb5 26.Lxe5
15.Nxe6 Ra1+ 16.Kd2 Rxd1+ 17.Rxd1 Further piece exchanges are helpful to the
Qd6+ –+. side with extra material.
13...fxe6 14.Qh3 Kf7 26...Kf7 27.Rc1 Ke6 28.Rc5 Nd6 29.Kc2
What else? If 14...Ld5 then 15.Rxd5! Kf7 Rf8 30.Ld4 Rf1 31.Re5+ Kd7 32.Lc5
16.exd6 Lxd6 17.Re1! +–. Kc6 33.Lxb4
15.f5! Le4 A second pawn to the good! The rest was
There is no decent alternative for Black: hardly difficult:
15...Nxe5 16.fxe6+ Kg8 (16...Kg6 17.Qg3 33...Rf2+ 34.Kc1 Nb7
+–) 17.e7 Lxe7 18.Qe6+ Nf7 19.Lxe7 +– or 34...Rxg2 35.Re6 +–.
15...b3 16.fxe6+ Kg8 17.Qxb3 Nc5 18.Qc4 35.Rg5 g6 36.a3 Re2 37.Kb1 Rf2 38.Ka2
d5 19.Rxd5 +– or, finally, 15...Ld5 16.fxe6+ Nd8 39.Rc5+ Kb7
Lxe6 17.Rhf1+ Nf6 18.Le8+! Kxe8 39...Kd7 40.Rd5+ Kc8 41.Rd2 +–.
19.Qxe6+ Qe7 20.Qc8+ Qd8 21.Qb7 +–. 40.Rd5 Nc6 41.Lc3 Rxg2 42.Rd7+ Kb6
16.fxe6+ Kg8 43.Rxh7 Kb5 44.Kb3 Rg4 45.Rd7 Rh4
Or 16...Kg6 17.Ld3 Nxe5 18.Lxe4+ 46.Rd2 Rh3 47.Rg2 Nd4+ 48.Ka2 Nf5
Kxg5 19.Rhf1 +–. 49.Le5 Re3 50.Lb8 Re6
17.Qb3! 50...Re8 51.Rg4! Rxb8? 52.Rb4+.
This was actually the novelty of the game. 51.Rg4 Ne7 52.Lg3 Nc6 53.a4+ Kc5
17.Ld3 Lxd3 18.Rxd3 Nxe5 19.e7 Lxe7 54.Ka3 Rf6 55.b3 Kd5 56.Rg5+ Ke4
20.Qe6+ Kf8 21.Lxe7+ Qxe7 22.Rf1+ 57.Rc5 Re6 58.a5 Kd3 59.b4 Nd4
Ke8 23.Qc8+ ½–½ was seen in Yeo,M-
60.Le5! Nf3 61.Lb2 Nd2
Banks,T London 1979. 61...Nxh2 62.b5 +–.
17...Lxc2 62.Rc3+ Ke2 63.Ka4
Or 17...Nc5 18.Qc4 d5 19.Rxd5 +–. My special thanks to GM Efstratios Grivas
18.Qxc2 who helped me present this game.
18.Qc4 +– was also fine. 1–0
18...Qxc2+ 19.Kxc2 Nxe5 20.e7 Lxe7
21.Lxe7 Nbc6 22.Lxd6 (D)
7+-+-+-zpp' Conclusion
6-+nvL-+-+& White’s home analysis paid off
handsomely on both occasions and he
5+L+-sn-+-% collected an important and valuable scalp
each time!
4-zp-+-+-+$ The importance of home preparation should
3+-+-+-+-# become part of your routine and will
dramatically change your approach to the
2PzPK+-+PzP" game.
1+-+R+-+R! The improvement of your analytical work
will become a solid foundation for your
xabcdefghy tournament successes.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 48
Chess Intuition
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Intuitive Decisions of necessary truths and of moral principles is
Speaking of intuition in chess brings to my sometimes explained in this way’
mind the Mihail Tal of the ‘60s and his (Encyclopaedia Britannica).
‘semi-correct’ sacrifices. But what do grandmasters themselves think
One also recalls Capablanca, whose of this?
decisions at the board were often made Anand simply says that ‘Intuition is the first
without calculating any variations. move I see in a position’. It is immediately
The Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov defined finding and understanding the essence of the
intuition as being able to see the final point of position and automatically seeing the move in
a given path in complete obscurity, chosen your mind’s eye.
essentially through the foundation of the This very simple formula was also
experience of the individual. characteristic of the great Jose Raul
It appears that three types of intuitive Capablanca.
decision exist in chess: Grandmaster Kostic told of how he and a
1) Combinative. group of players at the Manhattan Chess Club
2) Positional. had been involved in a lengthy analysis of a
3) Prophylactic. particular position. They couldn’t evaluate
the position, yet when Capablanca came he
In the history of chess there have been looked for 30 seconds and said: ‘Here it is
several players who often took decisions necessary to exchange a few pieces and the
simply through intuition, or who used their endgame will be favourable for White’. They
intuition very extensively in their decision- checked, and it was true!
making process; for instance Capablanca, The well-known psychologist and
Bronstein, Tal, Smyslov, Petrosian, Spassky, grandmaster Helmut Pfleger regards intuition
Stein and Anand. to be something that cannot be substantiated
Those who could support their intuitive rationally, and is in effect, a feeling:
choices with precise calculation were simply ‘Intuition in chess (but not only in chess) is
the greatest. They had the ability to ‘sense’ either a conclusion, which a player is unable
the best continuation without spending a lot to immediately explain.
of time on the clock. So in certain positions, Capablanca and
Naturally, this approach can lead to the Petrosian simply did not need to think. They
occasional two-move blunder, but for the either knew or sensed what to do. In art, this
names in the list above, the frequency of is known as a moment of inspiration and
these mistakes remains very low. shows what cannot be created through
calculation alone.
Definition Without intuition, analysis alone cannot
What is intuition? The technical definition produce results. The difference between a
of intuition is as follows: ‘Intuition; in computer and human lies in the fact that
philosophy, the power of obtaining having worked through the assorted branches
knowledge that cannot be acquired either by of variations, the former generates a
interference or observation, by reason of numerical/material evaluation, whereas the
experience. latter forms a feeling for the position’.
As such, intuition is thought of as an Here is the opinion of Genna Sosonko:
original, independent source of knowledge ‘Behind the word intuition lays our
that other sources do not provide. Knowledge subconscious experience or knowledge of
FIDE TRG Syllabus 49
games and ideas, either our own, or those of discarded instinctively, for they lie outside
others. the zone that intuition permits us to consider.
Therefore, intuition is the knowledge we Lasker noted this: ‘The greater the mastery,
have formed in our minds on a purely the greater the restrictions. Undoubtedly, it is
subconscious level. Among the greatest this that distinguishes the strong player. Thus
chess-players this assembling of information when there are multiple possibilities he
occurs very rapidly, and I cannot conceive rejects concrete calculation and uses his
that a person who has just learnt chess could intuition to find the right move. Once found,
have already developed this skill. he will check this move with concrete
I rarely calculate deeply myself, but analysis as a safety measure.
regularly sense the moment when it is Polish grandmaster Wlodzimierz Schmidt
necessary to stop playing on auto-pilot and described intuition as ‘sub-conscious
work out a few critical lines. knowledge’.
To my mind, developing one’s intuition is a Again, one could spend hours deliberating
straightforward task. It is a matter of studying how to interpret this, but the fact of the
the most diverse games and especially the matter is that understanding in some people
classics. develops much more quickly than in others.
Among the most gifted players, we see this Botvinnik considered Capablanca to be the
chess intuition in abundance. greatest player of all the time because of his
Vladimir Kramnik’s opinion is interesting: intuitive play.
‘Intuition is the immediate awareness of the Here are the thoughts of Boris Gelfand:
position, but this is difficult to explain ‘Intuition is what reveals itself in crucial
logically. positions, where neither a clear-cut plan nor a
Intuition is a sense which depends on forcing continuation exists.’
knowledge; the more you accumulate, the However, intuition becomes apparent first
better your intuition becomes. of all in one’s initial evaluation of the
But on the whole, natural talent plays the position and in the choice of move. For
biggest part. Good intuition is the first sign of Kasparov, the first assessment of the position
chess talent. and consequently chosen moves are often
Simply speaking, you may like some mistaken; he instead reaches the correct
positions, and dislike others, some positions decisions by means of enormous analytical
you have faith in, whereas others you do not effort.
trust at all - this is what constitutes intuitive On the other hand, the first positional
judgment. evaluation of the great intuitive player Boris
In a favourable position, intuition plays a Spassky almost always proved correct.
less significant role, whereas in blitz, it is the Both for chess-players, and for those in
most important thing. I myself am an academic study, the root of success is
intuitive player; my whole game is based on founded on the ability to think intuitively.
intuition. The ability to open one’s mind to this way
I simply reject certain variations or do not of thinking, and to break it down into its
calculate them to the end, because I sense that constituent elements, remains one of the great
they are incorrect. unsolved problems’.
Capablanca and Anand are examples of We end with Vassily Smyslov’s take on the
great intuitive players, whereas Kasparov is subject: ‘In my games I depend not only on
the greatest calculator; for him intuition does my experience, knowledge and analytical
not feature highly in the decision-making ability, but most of all on my intuition, for it
processes. is this ‘feeling’ for the position that enables
Experience shows that in unclear positions, us to evaluate accurately and profoundly’.
grandmasters examine no more than three or In our coming examples, we will see a
four moves; all other continuations are development of these ideas.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 50
□ Mikhalchishin Adrian minute chose the correct 16.Lxf6!.
■ Chernin Alexander 16.Lxf6! gxf6 17.Rd1
C10 Cienfuegos 1981 White's plan is to attack weaknesses, but as
1.d4 e6 2.e4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Lg5 dxe4 the main weakness is on a7, he must transfer
5.Nxe4 Nbd7 6.Nxf6+ Nxf6 7.Nf3 c5 his rook there.
8.Lb5+ Ld7 9.Lxd7+ Qxd7 10.Qe2 cxd4 17...Rb8
11.0–0–0 Le7 12.Rxd4 Qc7 13.Qb5+ Simply losing was 17...Rd8 18.Rxd8+
Qc6 14.Qxc6+ bxc6 15.Rc4 c5 (D) Kxd8 19.Ra4 +–.
XABCDEFGHY 18.Rd3! Rb4 19.Nd2 Rg8 20.g3 Rxc4
21.Nxc4 Rg4 22.f4 h5 (D)
8r+-+k+-tr( Black's plan is also based on the weaknesses
of the opponent and here his only chance is to
7zp-+-vlpzpp' attack g3. But unfortunately for him, 22...e5
6-+-+psn-+& doesn’t help as 23.h3 Rg6 24.fxe5 follows
and White wins.
5+-zp-+-vL-% XABCDEFGHY
4-+R+-+-+$ 8-+-+k+-+(
3+-+-+N+-# 7zp-+-vlp+-'
2PzPP+-zPPzP" 6-+-+pzp-+&
1+-mK-+-+R! 5+-zp-+-+p%
xabcdefghy 4-+N+-zPr+$
It is difficult to understand that this is the
'critical position' of the game. It means the 3+-+R+-zP-#
position in which a correct decision has to be
taken. At the moment there are a few possible 2PzPP+-+-zP"
choices. 1+-mK-+-+-!
Let us explain what a Grandmaster typically
thinks to begin with in such positions. They xabcdefghy
keep it simple: if there are no direct tactics in 23.Kd2!
the position one should find one’s worst piece The king has to protect the g3-pawn; a most
and improve or exchange it. important function. 23.Ra3 h4 24.Rxa7
In the given position this is the h1-rook, but hxg3 25.hxg3 Rxg3 26.a4 was probably
after 16.Rd1 Nd7! and the bishop exchange, winning, but the text move is simply the
Black plays ...Rhc8 and ...Nb6 protecting correct way of playing.
everything on the queenside. Another try 23...h4 24.Ke2 hxg3 25.hxg3 Rg6 26.Ra3
would be 16.Ne5 Nd7! 17.Le7 Nxe5 Rh6 27.Kf3 Rh2 28.c3!
18.Rxc5 Nd7! and White is in trouble - two And Black has nothing to attack. Please take
pieces are hanging. a look at the e7-bishop - there was no real
So, after this preliminary process the role for it in the game!
Grandmaster starts to dislike the f6-knight as 1–0
he realizes that this is the key piece of Black's
defence. So he comes to the idea of □ Grischuk Alexander
exchanging on f6. We described the logical ■ Riazantsev Alexander
way of making the decision to take on f6, B04 Moscow 2009
which in some way is an unusual move. 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 dxe5
I gave this position as an exercise to different 5.Nxe5 g6 6.Lc4 Le6 7.0–0 Lg7 8.Re1
top players and just 5% after thinking for one 0–0 9.Nd2 Nd7 10.Nef3 N7f6 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 51
XABCDEFGHY Another mistake - much more stubborn was
15...c6 16.Ndf3 Rfc8 17.Nxe6 ±.
8r+-wq-trk+( 16.Nc4! Qc6 17.Rxa4 Ra6 18.Rxa5
7zppzp-zppvlp' Also good was 18.Ne5 Qb6 19.Lc4 Ra7
20.Nd3 Qc6 21.b3 ±.
6-+-+lsnp+& 18...Rfa8
18...Rxa5 doesn’t help: 19.Nxa5 Qb6
5+-+n+-+-% 20.Nxe6 Ra8 21.Ld2 ±.
4-+LzP-+-+$ 19.Ld2 Lh6 20.h4 Lxg5 21.hxg5 Nd7 (D)
21...Nh5 22.Rc5 Qd7 23.Ne5 Qd6
3+-+-+N+-# 24.Qe4 ±.
1tR-vLQtR-mK-! 8r+-+-+k+(
xabcdefghy 7+-zpnzp-+p'
Played without much hesitation; Grischuk's
intuition is remarkable. White has no real 5tR-+n+-zP-%
material compensation for the exchange, but
he will attack the e6-pawn which is very 4-+NzP-+-+$
important for the defence of Black's position 3+L+-+-+-#
and a lot of space that helps to get very active
squares for his pieces. In previous games 2-zPPvL-zPP+"
White had no courage to try this exchange
sacrifice - usually players would go for
11.Lf1 c6 12.c4 Nb6 13.b3 ². xabcdefghy
11...fxe6 12.Ng5 Qd6 13.Qe1 b5? 22.Rxa6
13...c6 doesn't help much: 14.Ndf3 b5 Not bad but simpler was 22.La4! Qxc4
15.Lb3 Nc7 16.Lxe6+ Nxe6 17.Nxe6 23.Lxd7 Kf7 24.Lb5 Rxa5 25.Lxc4 Ra1
Rfc8 18.Lf4 ± but 13...Nf4! was the only
26.Lc1 winning.
chance to create counterplay. 22...Qxa6 23.Na5 c5
14.Lb3 a5 15.a4 (D) 23...Rb8 24.La4 Nf8 25.b3 ± or 23...Nf8
XABCDEFGHY 24.c4 Nb6 25.Qe5 ±.
8r+-+-trk+( 24.Lxd5 exd5 25.Qxe7 +–.
7+-zp-zp-vlp' 24...Ra7 25.Lxd7
25.Nc6 was tempting but Black had the good
6-+-wqpsnp+& defensive move 25...Nf8 and it is not so easy
5zpp+n+-sN-% anymore.
25...Rxd7 26.dxc5 Nc7 27.c4 Qa8 28.c6
4P+-zP-+-+$ Rd3 29.Lc3 Qf8 30.Qe5 Rd1+ 31.Kh2
□ Svidler Peter
2-zPPsN-zPPzP" ■ Ponomariov Ruslan
1tR-vL-wQ-mK-! C43 Moscow 2001
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 Nxe4 4.Ld3 d5
xabcdefghy 5.Nxe5 Nd7 6.Nxd7 Lxd7 7.0–0 Ld6
15...bxa4? 8.c4 c6 9.cxd5 cxd5 10.Nc3 Nxc3 11.bxc3
FIDE TRG Syllabus 52
0–0 12.Qh5 f5 13.Re1 Qc7 14.Ld2 Rae8 caused problems for Black. Correct was
15.Lc2 g6 16.Qf3 (D) 24...exf3 25.Kf2 (25.h3 Rg4 –+) 25...Lf5
XABCDEFGHY 26.Re8+ Kf7 27.Rbe1 Le4 28.Ra8 ÷.
25.Rf1? (D)
8-+-+rtrk+( White could keep some advantage after the
7zppwql+-+p' correct 25.h3! Rxf3 26.Rxf3 Qxf3 27.Qxf3
exf3 28.h4 Lf5 29.Rb5 Le4 30.a4 ².
6-+-vl-+p+& XABCDEFGHY
5+-+p+p+-% 8-+-+-+k+(
4-+-zP-+-+$ 7zp-+l+-+p'
3+-zP-+Q+-# 6-zp-+-wqp+&
2P+LvL-zPPzP" 5+-+p+-+-%
1tR-+-tR-mK-! 4-+-zPptr-+$
xabcdefghy 3+-zP-tRPwQ-#
16...Re4! 2P+-+-+-zP"
A splendid exchange sacrifice, blocking the file
and activating the bishops. Suddenly, Svidler is 1+-+-+RmK-!
confronted with unpleasant problems. For xabcdefghy
trainers a classical example of this sacrifice is
the famous game V.Liublinsky-M.Botvivnnik 25...Lg4! 26.Qxg4
Moscow 1943. Quite possible was another plan Other moves don't help either: 26.Rf2 Lxf3
starting with 16...Lxh2+: 17.Kh1 Ld6 27.h3 h5 28.Kf1 g5 μ or 26.fxg4 Rxf1+
27.Kg2 Ra1 28.Qb8+ Qf8 29.Qxf8+
18.Qxd5+ Kh8 19.Qf3 Lc6 ÷. Kxf8 30.Re2 Rc1 31.Kg3 g5 –+.
17.g3 26...Rxg4+ 27.fxg4 Qg5 28.Rg3 b5
It was very dangerous to accept the sacrifice 29.Rf2
immediately: 17.Lxe4 fxe4 18.Qe2 Lxh2+ Not better was 29.Rb1 Qd2 30.Rxb5?
19.Kh1 (not 19.Kf1 Qg3 20.Le3 Lh3! –+) Qe1+ 31.Kg2 Qe2+ –+.
19...Rf5 20.Rac1 Rh5 –+. 29...Kg7 30.Kg2 a5 31.Rb2 b4 32.cxb4
17...Lb5 18.Lf4 axb4
Now it was possible to try to take on e4: Even stronger was 32...Qc1 33.Rf2 axb4
18.Lxe4 fxe4 (18...dxe4 19.Qe3 Ld3 20.Qg5 34.Rb3 Qd1 μ.
±) 19.Qg4 Rf5 with compensation, but it is 33.h3 Qc1
not so clear that it is fully sufficient. The rooks are too passive and clumsy as
18...Lxf4 19.gxf4 Qd6 defenders; the black queen dominates the game.
Sufficient compensation was possible in the 34.Rgb3 Kh6 35.Rxb4 Qd1 36.Kf2 Kg5
endgame after 19...Qxf4 20.Lxe4 fxe4 37.Re2
21.Qxf4 Rxf4 22.Rab1 = but not 19...Rxf4 Or 37.a4 Kf4 38.R4b3 Qxd4+ –+.
20.Qxd5+ Rf7 21.Qxb5 Rxf2 22.Re8+ 37...Kf4 38.Rb3
Kg7 23.Kxf2 Qxh2+ 24.Kf3 +–.
After 38.a4 winning was a deflection to a
20.Lxe4 fxe4 21.Qg3 Rxf4 22.Rab1 Ld7 double attack: 38...e3+ 39.Rxe3 Qd2+
23.f3 40.Re2 Qxb4 –+.
This is better than other options like 23.h3 b5 38...Qxd4+ 39.Kg2 Qc4 40.Rf2+ Kg5
24.Re2 Qf6 ³ or 23.Rxb7? Rg4 –+. 41.Rf7 d4 42.h4+ Kxh4 43.Rxh7+ Kxg4
23...b6 24.Re3 Qf6?! 44.Rg3+ Kf5
A serious inaccuracy that could have even 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 53
□ Christiansen Larry XABCDEFGHY
■ Foygel Igor
B15 Seattle 2002 8r+k+-tr-+(
1.e4 g6 2.d4 Lg7 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 d5 5.h3
Nf6 6.Ld3 dxe4 7.Nxe4 Nxe4 8.Lxe4 7zpp+nwQ-vlp'
Lf5 9.Lxf5 Qa5+ 10.c3 Qxf5 11.0–0 Nd7 6-+p+-+p+&
12.Re1 e6 13.Qb3 Qb5 (D)
XABCDEFGHY 5+q+-+-vL-%
8r+-+k+-tr( 4-+-zP-+-+$
7zpp+n+pvlp' 3+-zP-+N+P#
6-+p+p+p+& 2PzP-+-zPP+"
5+q+-+-+-% 1+-+-tR-mK-!
4-+-zP-+-+$ xabcdefghy
3+QzP-+N+P# 18...Rg8! 19.Qf7 Qd5 20.Re8+ Kc7! –+
was the correct way and it is difficult to see
2PzP-+-zPP+" how White will save the game.
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! 19.Qxg7 Rxf3 20.Re5!
This strong intermediate move changes the
xabcdefghy result of the game!
20...Qxb2 21.gxf3 (D)
Very tempting, but not entirely correct. XABCDEFGHY
However, it is impossible to calculate the 8r+-+-+-+(
developments after such sacrifice. White
understands that defending this position is not 7zppmkn+-wQp'
going to be a piece of cake!
Still the sacrifice is not entirely correct, so we 6-+p+-+p+&
see such intuitive sacrifices as a kind of bluff. 5+-+-tR-vL-%
14.Qxb5 going for a slightly better endgame
was objectively better: 14...cxb5 15.d5 Nc5 16. 4-+-zP-+-+$
dxe6 Nxe6 (16...fxe6 17.Nd4 ±) 17.Ng5 ². 3+-zP-+P+P#
14...fxe6 15.Qxe6+ Kd8!
Correct! The careless 15...Kf8?? loses to 2Pwq-+-zP-+"
16.Lf4 +–. 1+-+-+-mK-!
16.Ng5 is also not a satisfactory option: xabcdefghy
16...Kc8 17.Nf7 Qd5! 18.Qxd5 cxd5 And Black resigned as the end is near…
19.Nxh8 Lxh8 and White is simply a piece 1–0
16...Kc8 □ Romanishin Oleg
Or 16...Kc7 17.Lf4+ and then 17...Kc8. ■ Geller Efim
17.Re1 Rf8 C91 Yerevan 1975
Black could think of another serious 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.La4 Nf6
defending option with 17...Qd5 18.Qxd5 5.0–0 Le7 6.Re1 b5 7.Lb3 0–0 8.d4 d6 9.c3
cxd5 19.Re7 Rg8. Lg4 10.d5 Na5 11.Lc2 c6 12.h3 Lxf3
18.Qe7 (D) 13.Qxf3 cxd5 14.exd5 Nc4 15.Nd2 Nb6 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 54
XABCDEFGHY 24.Rxa6 Rxb4 25.Ld2 e4 26.Lxe4 Rxe4
27.Rxe4 Nxe4 28.Qxe4 and White's pieces
8r+-wq-trk+( are much more active placed, but there is no
clear win at sight.
7+-+-vlpzpp' 23.Rxa6 Rxc3 24.Ra8 Qc7 25.Qd5 (D)
6psn-zp-sn-+& XABCDEFGHY
5+p+Pzp-+-% 8R+-+ntrk+(
4-+-+-+-+$ 7+-wq-vlpzpp'
3+-zP-+Q+P# 6-+-zp-+-+&
2PzPLsN-zPP+" 5+n+Qzp-+-%
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! 4-zP-+-+-+$
xabcdefghy 3+-tr-vL-sNP#
Sacrificing a pawn for no obvious reason - 2-+L+-zPP+"
White has no direct threats; just better 1+-+-tR-mK-!
placement of his pieces and possibilities of
attack on both sides. xabcdefghy
16...Nbxd5 25...Nf6?
Wrong would be 16...Nfxd5? 17.Le4. Also not good was 25...Rxc2? 26.Qxb5
17.Ng3 Nc7 Nf6 27.Rea1 ±. The only way to get
17...Re8 18.Nf5 Lf8 19.Lb3 Nb6 sufficient counterplay was 25...Nd4! =.
20.Lg5! ±. 26.Rxf8+ Lxf8
18.a4! If 26...Kxf8 then 27.Qxb5 Rxc2 28.Ra1
A very important move - Romanishin creates Qc8 and White continues to press, but Black's
an object to attack on the queenside, as a defensive possibilities are far from over.
direct attack on the kingside has no 27.Lxh7+ Kxh7 28.Qxb5 Kg8
immediate power: 18.Nf5 Ne6. 28...d5 29.Lg5 Qc4 was more precise and of
18...bxa4 19.Lxa4 Rb8 (D) course, better.
XABCDEFGHY 29.Ra1 d5 30.Ra7! Qc4 31.Qb8 d4
31...Qxb4 32.Qxe5 ².
8-tr-wq-trk+( 32.Lg5 Nh7?
7+-sn-vlpzpp' 32...Qxb4 33.Qxe5 d3 was unclear.
33.Le7 d3
6p+-zp-sn-+& 33...Qc8 34.Qxe5 d3 35.Lxf8 Nxf8
5+-+-zp-+-% 36.Nf5 ±.
34.Lxf8 Nxf8 35.Ra8 d2 36.Qxf8+ Kh7
4L+-+-+-+$ 37.Qh8+ Kg6 38.Qh5+ Kf6 39.Qf5+
2-zP-+-zPP+" To conclude, intuition is refined by a
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! combination of study and practical play.
Natural ability may determine how finely this
xabcdefghy intuition may be tuned, but this is a skill
20.b4! Nfe8 21.Le3 Nb5 22.Lc2 Rc8 which can be developed by players of all
Possible was 22...Nxc3 23.Nf5 Lf6 levels through sheer hard work.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 55
Basic / Typical Plans
Mikhail Gurevich
Concept □ Gurevich Mikhail
Planning is an essential part of chess ■ Reuss Andreas
strategy. After developing our pieces we D35 Germany 2004
choose where to castle (or not to castle, in 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Lf4 c6 5.e3
rare cases) depending on our plan. Nbd7 6.Nf3 Qa5 7.Ld3 Ne4?
The choice of plan usually depends on the Too aggressive. Black is mixing the position
pawn structure and (or) on the level of our with the main variation of Meran, where
and opponent’s pieces' development. There White's bishop is placed on g5... 7...dxc4
are all kind of plans and strategies, but we 8.Lxc4 Nd5 9.0–0 Nxf4 10.exf4 Lb4
will try to describe the most typical, or so- 11.Rc1 Alonso,R-Perez Candelario,M
called basic plans: Campillos 2004 is the right continuation.
Attack on the kingside, queenside and 8.Lxe4 dxe4 9.Ng5! e5
attack in the centre is the most primitive way 9...Nf6 10.0–0 Qf5 11.f3! with the initiative.
of classification. As the ultimate aim of the 10.dxe5 Nxe5 11.0–0!?
chess game is mating the opponent's king, we Best, completing development; a classical
will go a bit deeper in classification, using the approach before decisive action. 11.Lxe5?!
placement of the kings on the board, as an Qxe5 12.Qd8+ looks nice, but much weaker
extremely important, practically decisive than castling. After 12...Kxd8 13.Nxf7+
factor to consider before choosing the plan. Kc7! (13...Ke8 14.Nxe5 Ld6 15.f4 exf3
1) Attacking the king: The most popular, 16.Nxf3 Le6 °) 14.Nxe5 Lb4 with the
favourite plan of most chessplayers. There idea 15...Re8, Black stands even better.
very few people who love to defend, but real Another continuation was 11.Ngxe4?! Nxc4
professionals know how to provoke an attack 12.0–0 Le6 with counterplay.
in order to counter-attack later. 11...f5 (D)
The most typical plans of attack of the 11...Nxc4 was a better choice, although after
opponent's king are: 12.Qc2 White holds the initiative. Also
1.1) Attacking the uncastled king. 11...Lf5 was also hardly satisfactory, as after
1.2) Attacking the king - Castling on the 12.Qb3 b6 13.Rad1, White holds a rather
same side. pleasant advantage.
1.3) Attacking the king - Castling on
opposite sides.
2) Queenside attack. 8r+l+kvl-tr(
3) Central play.
Obviously, there are all kind of 7zpp+-+-zpp'
combination of plans possible. The central 6-+p+-+-+&
manoeuvring might lead to kingside or
queenside attack. 5wq-+-snpsN-%
There are certain positions, with the centre
blocked by pawns, where we may combine
kingside and queenside attacks together, and 3+-sN-zP-+-#
so on...
Let us look at the most typical plans: 2PzP-+-zPPzP"
1) Attacking the King
1.1) Attacking the Uncastled King xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 56
Now White is about three tempi up in XABCDEFGHY
development, as the black bishops are not
developed and the king is not castled. The 8rsnl+-trk+(
later fact is decisive, and the opponent must
be punished.
12.Nb5!! 6-+p+-sn-+&
Attacking the e5-knight, which can not move as
the fork on c7 looms, breaks the coordination of 5+-+-wq-sN-%
Black's pieces and creates undefendable threats. 4-vlP+-+-+$
12.Nd5! was as good as the text.
12...h6 3+-sNLvL-+-#
Main White's idea could be seen after the
more 'obvious' 12...cxb5 13.Lxe5 bxc4
(13...Qb6 14.Qd5 Qg6 15.Qxb5+ Qc6 1tR-+Q+RmK-!
16.Qd5 ±) 14.Lxg7!! Lxg7 15.Qh5+ Kd8
16.Qf7 +– and mate follows.
13.Qd4! Using a big development advantage White
An elegant solution, mobilizing queen and starts to plan an attack on the kingside.
rooks. Black loses a lot of material in all 12.Nce4! Nxe4 13.Lxe4 h6 14.Lh7+!
variations: 13...hxg5 14.Qxe5+ Kf7 Kh8 15.Lc2
(14...Le7 15.Nd6+) 15.Nd6+ Lxd6 With the threats Qd3 or Qh5.
16.Qxa5 gxf4 17.exf4 +–. 15...d5 16.Qh5
1–0 Threats 17.Qg6 or 17.Nf7+. White does not
give time to his opponent to mobilize his
queenside pieces.
1.2) Attacking the King - Castling on the 16...Ld6
Same Side 16...Lf5?! does not solve Black's problems:
□ Gurevich Mikhail 17.g4! (17.Nf3 Qf6 [17...Qe6 18.Nd4 +–]
■ Hector Jonny 18.Ld4 Qe6 [18...Qf7 19.Qxh6+ Kg8
B10 Taastrup 1992 20.Qc1 +–] 19.Lxg7+! Kxg7 20.Nd4 +–)
1.c4 c6 2.e4 e5 3.Nf3 Qa5 4.Le2 f5?! 17...Lxc2 18.Nf7+ Rxf7 19.Qxe5 Nd7
5.exf5 e4 6.Ng5! 20.Qc7 +–.
6.Nd4 Qe5 7.Nc2 (7.Lh5+ g6! 8.fxg6 17.g3 Qf6
hxg6 9.Lxg6+ Kd8 μ with the idea ...Ne7) Alternatives are not helpful either: 17...Lf5
7...Nf6 8.Nc3 (8.Lh5+?! g6 ³) 8...d5 leads 18.Nf3 Qf6 19.Ld4 +– or 17...Kg8 18.Lf4
to an unclear position. (18.Rae1 ±) 18...Rxf4 (18...Qf6 19.Nh7
6...Qxf5 +–) 19.gxf4 Qxf4 20.Qe8+ Lf8 21.Qxc8
6...Nf6 7.Lh5+ ±. Qxg5+ 22.Kh1 +–.
7.d3 Lb4+ 8.Nc3 exd3 9.Lxd3 Qe5+ 18.Nh7! Qf3
10.Le3! 18...Qf7 cannot save Black either after
10.Qe2 Qxe2+ 11.Kxe2 Nf6 12.Re1 0–0 19.Lg6 +–.
13.Kf1 d6 is unclear. 19.Qh4
10...Nf6 The main threat is Lxh6; the second Nxf8.
After 10...Lxc3+ 11.bxc3 Qxc3+ 12.Kf1 ± 19...Nd7 (D)
White threats 13.Nxh7 or 13.Ld4, with a No different is 19...Re8 due to 20.Lxh6!
strong initiative. gxh6 21.Qxh6 Kg8 22.Nf6+ Kf7 23.Qg6+
11.0–0 or 19...Lf5 20.Ld1! Qe4 21.Qxe4 Lxe4
White finished the mobilization of his pieces 22.Nxf8 +–. It is obvious that Black has no
and he is well ahead of his opponent. defence anymore and it’s up to White to
11...0–0 (D) deliver the final blow.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 57
XABCDEFGHY 15.Nxc6 bxc6 16.fxe5 Ng4 (16...Qxe5!?)
17.Ld4 Nxe5 18.Qe3 Ng4 19.Qxe7 Lxe7
8r+l+-tr-mk( 20.Lf3 Rd8 21.h3 Nh6 22.g4 Nf7
7zpp+n+-zpN' 23.Rhe1 Lh4 24.Re3 Ng5 25.Lg2 Ne6 =
Efimenko,Z-Luther,T Bremen 2008.
6-+pvl-+-zp& 13...bxc6 14.Lxc5 Qxc5 15.g3
The key-move in Sebag's plan, with the idea
5+-+p+-+-% 16.Lh3 and 17.Rh1 pressuring e6-pawn. A
4-+P+-+-wQ$ nice, transparent plan of a central attack, just
a couple of more tempos are necessary. The
3+-+-vLqzP-# French GM underestimated the dynamic
2PzPL+-zP-zP" characteristics of the position.
15...Rb8 16.Lh3 (D)
xabcdefghy 8-trl+-trk+(
Blows the last defensive line of the black 7zp-+-+-zpp'
king. 20.Nxf8 was winning as well: 6-+p+psn-+&
20...Nxf8 21.Lxh6 gxh6 22.Qxh6+ Kg8
23.Rae1, but not 23.Qxd6? Lh3 –+. 5+-wqp+-+-%
20...gxh6 21.Qxh6 Kg8 22.Ng5 would win
at least the queen. 3+-sN-+-zPL#
21.Ng5 Le7
Or 21...Qf6 22.Lxg7 Qxg7 23.Lh7+ Kh8 2PzPPwQ-+-zP"
24.Lf5+ Kg8 25.Le6+ +–. 1+K+R+-+R!
Black's king is defenceless, so Hector xabcdefghy
stopped the clock. 16...Qa3!
1–0 Using the semi-open b-file, Black starts an
attack on the queenside against the
1.3) Attacking the King - Castling on opponent's king...
Opposite Sides 17.b3 c5 18.Rhe1 d4
□ Sebag Marie This natural move, most dynamic
■ Gurevich Mikhail continuation with the idea to free d5-square
C11 Plovdiv 2008 for the knight, might not be the best, as it
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 weakens a number of squares in the centre.
c5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Le3 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Lc5 18...Rb6!? was an interesting alternative...
9.Qd2 0–0 10.0–0–0 Qe7 11.Kb1 f6!? 19.Ne4 Nd5 20.Rc1
Breaks down White's strong pawn's centre With the idea 21.c3, continuing the central
with the intention to complete mobilization of strategy. The immediate 20.c3? would be
the d7-knight and the c8-bishop, and finally refuted by the energetic 20...dxc3 21.Nxc3
creates central counterplay. Rxb3+! 22.axb3 Qxb3+ μ but 20.Qc1 Qa5
12.exf6 Nxf6 13.Nxc6?! 21.Qd2 trying to make a repetition or force
This exchange enforces Black's pawn centre the opponent's queen away of his king, was
and opens the b-file, making White's king probably the best defence.
less safe. Better was the simple central 20...Rf7!
development with 13.Le2 Lb4 (13...Ld7? With the idea 21...Rfb7, bringing an
14.Nf5 exf5 15.Nxd5 ±) 14.Qd3 e5 important reserve into the attack.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 58
21.c4! dxc3 22.Nxc3 Rfb7 23.Nd1! is an
incredible computer defence, missed by 8r+ltr-+k+(
Sebag, that would probably save the game:
23...Rxb3+ 24.axb3 Rxb3+ 25.Nb2 Nb4
26.Qd8+ Kf7 27.Qc7+ Kg6 28.f5+ exf5 6pzp-zp-+nzp&
29.Qd6+ Kh5 30.Qd1+ Kh6 31.Qd6².
21...Rfb7 22.cxd4 5+-zpP+-+-%
White executed her plan and blew up his 4P+-+-+-+$
opponent's centre...
22...Rxb3+! 3+-sN-zP-zP-#
But Black executed his plan and blew out the
position of her opponent's king... Which plan
was more dangerous? - this needs no 1+-+RmK-+R!
23.axb3 Rxb3+ xabcdefghy
Precision till the end. 23...Qxb3+? would Thanks to the strong d5-pawn White can go
allow White to escape to a draw: 24.Ka1 for all kind of plans here: kingside, queenside
Qa4+ 25.Qa2 Qxd4+ 26.Nc3 Nxc3 and centre... I opted for the classical recipe.
27.Lxe6+! Lxe6 (27...Kf8 28.Qc4 ²) 21.0–0 f5?!
28.Qxe6+ Kf8 29.Qe7+ Kg8 30.Qe6². This is a serious weakening of Black’s
24.Kc2 Rb2+ 25.Kd1 Qf3+ structure. 21...Re8!? 22.Rb1 Qe5 with the
25...Rxd2+ 26.Nxd2 Qa4+ –+. idea 23...Lf5, was preferable.
26.Re2 Rxd2+ 27.Kxd2 22.Qd2!?
27.Nxd2 Nc3+ 28.Rxc3 Qxc3 –+. Prepares a queenside attack with 23.Rb1 and
27...La6! 28.Lxe6+ Kf8 29.Rce1 Qd3+ 24.b4.
30.Kc1 Qxd4 31.Rb2 22...Ld7
31.Lxd5 Lxe2 32.Rxe2 Qxd5 –+. Too slow. Black should try to attack on the
31...Nb4 32.Rb3 Nd3+ kingside with 22...Qg5!? 23.Rb1 h5 24.b4
Facing further material losses White stopped (24.f4!? Qh6 [24...Qxg3 25.Rf3 Qh4
the resistance. 26.Rh3 Qf6 27.Rxh5 ±] 25.Kf2 and
0–1 26.Rh1 with attack) 24...h4 25.gxh4 Nxh4
26.g3 ².
2) Queenside Attack 23.Rb1 Rdc8 (D)
□ Gurevich Mikhail
■ Gelashvili Tamaz
E32 Izmir 2003 8r+r+-+k+(
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.Qc2 0–0
5.a3 Lxc3+ 6.Qxc3 b6 7.Lg5 Lb7 8.e3 d6 7+-+lwq-zp-'
9.Ne2 Nbd7 10.Qd3 h6 11.Lh4 Qe7 6pzp-zp-+nzp&
12.Nc3 c5 13.Rd1 Rfd8 14.d5 Ne5
15.Qc2 Ng6 16.Lg3 exd5!? 5+-zpP+p+-%
The main alternative is the immediate 4P+-+-+-+$
16...Nh5, when White should go for 17.Le2
Nxg3 18.hxg3 exd5 19.Nxd5 Lxd5 3+-sN-zP-zP-#
20.Rxd5 Qe6 21.0–0 Ne7 22.Rd2 Rd7
23.Rfd1 Rad8 24.Qb3 ² Gurevich,M- 2-zP-wQLzPP+"
Mchedlishvili,M Istanbul 2003. 1+R+-+RmK-!
17.cxd5 Nh5 18.Le2 Nxg3 19.hxg3 a6
20.a4 Lc8 (D) xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 59
24.b4 11.Lg3!
Typical queenside minority attack. Underlines Black's mistake on the 8th move.
24...cxb4?! With the open centre looming, Black will
24...c4 was the best defence, but blocking the have problems to mobilize his queen and
queenside would free all White's pieces for rooks... 11.Lxe7 Qxe7 12.0–0 b6, with the
attack on the centre or on the kingside: idea 13...Lb7, was nothing special for White.
25.Rbe1!? (25.Qd4 Qe5 26.Rfd1 ²) 11...b6
25...b5 26.a5 Rf8 27.Ld1 Rae8 28.f4 with 11...Nb4 12.Qb1 b6 13.a3 Nd5 (13...Nc6
the idea 29.Lc2 and 30.g4 or 30.e4. 14.dxc5 Nxc5 15.b4 Nd7 16.0–0 ²) 14.0–0
25.Rxb4 Qf6 26.Rc1 Rc5 Lb7 15.Rd1 ².
26...Qd8 27.Rcb1 Qf6 28.R1b3 ±. 12.Rc1!?
27.Rxb6! Rac8 28.Lxa6! With the idea 13.0–0 and 14.Rfd1.
Tactical support of White's strategy. 12...Lb7
28... R8c7 12...Nb4 13.Qb1 Lb7 (13...La6 14.Lxa6
28...Rxc3 doesn't help: 29.Lxc8 Rxc8 Nxa6 15.0–0 ²) 14.a3 ².
30.Rxc8+ Lxc8 31.Rb8 Qd8 (31...Ne7 13.0–0 a6!? 14.Nc4 Nb4
32.Qc1 Qf8 33.a5 +–) 32.Qc3 Ne7 33.a5 14...b5? 15.Nd6 +–.
Qd7 34.a6 Kh7 35.Qa3 Qa7 36.Qxd6 +–.
15.Qb1 Nf6 16.dxc5 Le4
29.Rb7 Rxb7 30.Lxb7 Ne5 31.La6 h5
16...Lxc5 17.Rfd1 Qe7 18.a3 Le4 19.Qa1
32.Lb5 h4 33.Lxd7 Nxd7 34.Ne2 hxg3
a5 (19...Nc2 20.Qa2 a5 21. Ncd2 Lh7
35.Nxg3 g6 36.Ne2 Qe5 37.Nf4 g5 38.Ne6
Rxd5 39.Rc8+ Kf7 40.Nxg5+ Kf6 41.Qc1 22.Nf1! +–) 20.Nfd2 ±.
Rc5 17.Qa1 Lxc5
41...Kxg5 42.f4+. 17...Nc2 18.Rxc2 Lxc2 19.Nxb6 Ra7
20.b4 ±.
42.Rxc5 Nxc5 43.Nf3 Qe4 44.Qa1+ Kg6
45.a5 Qd3 46.Qd4 Qb1+ 47.Kh2 Ne4 18.a3 a5!? 19.Rfd1
48.Nh4+ Kf7 White pieces are dominating the centre.
48...Kg5 49.Qg7+ Kxh4 50.Qh6+ Kg4 19...Nbd5 20.Nfd2!? Lh7?!
51.f3 #. Better was 20...a4!? 21.Lh4!? (21.Nxe4
Nxe4 22.Lf3 Nxg3 23.hxg3 Qg5 ÷)
49.Qd5+ Ke8 50.Nxf5 Nxf2 51.Qe6+ Kd8
52.Qe7+ Kc8 53.Nxd6+ Kb8 54.Qe8+ 21...Lh7 22.Lf3 ² with the idea 23.e4 or
1–0 23.Lxd5.
3) Central Play Now White threats 22.e4 or 22.Nb3 and
□ Gurevich Mikhail holds a clear advantage.
■ Malakhov Vladimir 21...Nd7
D30 Aosta 2002 21...Qe7 22.Nb3 Rfd8 (22...Ne4 23.Lxe4
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c6 4.Qc2 Nf6 5.Lg5 Lxe4 24.Nxc5 bxc5 25.f3 +– followed by
Nbd7 6.Nbd2 Le7 7.e3 0–0 8.Le2!? 26.Ld6) 23.Nxc5 bxc5 24.Lh4 ±.
8.Ld3 h6 9.Lf4 c5 10.0–0 cxd4 11.exd4 22.Ne4 Ra7 23.Nc3 Nxc3 24.Rxc3
dxc4 12.Lxc4 Nb6 13.Lb3 Nbd5 14.Lg3 Planning 25.Qc1.
b6 15.a3 Lb7 ÷ Parker,J-Gormally,D 24...Qe7 25.Qc1
Birmingham 2000. With ideas as 26.Qd2 and 27.Ld6 and
8...h6?! central attack continues...
Inaccuracy - a reason of further Black's 25...Nf6? (D)
problems... 8...c5 9.0–0 b6 10.Rfd1 ² was Preferable was 25...e5 26.Lc6 f6 27.Qd2
better. Kh8!? 28.Qd5 ±, when Black can still fight,
9.Lh4 c5 10.cxd5 Nxd5 but not 25...Nf6? due to the nice 26.Nxb6!
10...exd5 11.dxc5 Lxc5 (11...Nxc5 Lxb6 27.Ld6 +–, as Black’s back rank is
12.Lxf6 gxf6 13.0–0 ±) 12.0–0 ². rather weak.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 60
XABCDEFGHY With the intention 21...f5, blocking the
8-+-+-trk+( XABCDEFGHY
7tr-+-wqpzpl' 8-+r+-trk+(
6-zp-+psn-zp& 7zpl+n+p+p'
5zp-vl-+-+-% 6-zp-+-+p+&
4-+N+-+-+$ 5+-+pzP-+-%
3zP-tR-zPLvL-# 4-+nzP-zP-wq$
2-zP-+-zPPzP" 3zP-+L+-sN-#
1+-wQR+-mK-! 2-+-+-tRPzP"
xabcdefghy 1+-vLQ+R+K!
A decisive blow and the peak of White's xabcdefghy
strategy. 21.Nf5!!
26...Lxb6 27.Ld6 Nd5 A ‘prophylactic’ move against 21...f5 and at
27...Qe8 28.Lxf8 Qxf8 29.Rc8 Ne8 the same time a signal for a decisive kingside
30.Lc6 Rc7 31.Rdd8 +–. attack...
28.Lxe7 Nxc3 29.Lxf8 21...gxf5
1–0 21...Qd8 22.Nh6+ Kg7 23.f5 +–.
22.Lxf5 Rfd8 23.Rf3 Nf8
The next game is a classical example of 23...Qe7 24.Rh3 Nf8 25.Lxc8 Lxc8 26.f5
transformation from central play to kingside +–.
attack. Although rather short, it is quite 24.Lxc8 Lxc8 25.f5 Ng6 26.fxg6 fxg6
instructive and one of the few ‘bad games’ 27.Rf4 Qe7 28.Rf6 Qg7 29.Qe1! Lf5
that the late G.Agzamov played: 30.Qh4 Rc8 31.Lh6 Qd7 32.e6 Qe8
□ Gurevich Mikhail 1–0
■ Agzamov Georgy
E49 Riga 1985
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e3 0–0
5.Ld3 c5 6.a3 Lxc3+ 7.bxc3 Nc6 8.Ne2
d5 9.cxd5 exd5 10.0–0 b6 11.f3 Re8
12.Ra2 Na5 13.Ng3 Lb7 14.Re2 Rc8
A key-move in White’s central plan. The
moment that the e3-pawn moves forward, d4-
pawn will not be captured with check.
15...cxd4 16.cxd4 Nc4 17.e4! Nd7
17...dxe4 18.fxe4 Qxd4? 19.e5! Red8 Conclusion
(19...Nxe5 20.Lxh7+) 20.exf6 Qxd3 Importantly, when in play we have to think
21.Re8+ +–. in terms of a plan practically always and of
18.e5 course to take the opponent’s plan into
Here the central plan gives place to the account.
kingside attack... Choosing the wrong plan doesn't necessary
18...g6 19.f4 Qh4 20.Ref2 Rf8!? (D) lose. What loses is play with no plan.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 61
The Role of Prophylactic Thinking
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Concept Tactical threats are more complicated than
The role of prophylactic thinking in elementary threats and involve more
everyday life is evident: it is much easier to sophisticated tactical elements. The reaction
prevent negative developments in every area to them can be different, from exchanges of
than to fight the result of our own negligence. the important pieces to creation of our own
The first person who introduced more dynamic threats.
prophylactic measures into chess literature Strategical threats of the opponent are much
was the great Aaron Nimzowitsch, who told more complicated; it means reacting to the
that the essence of positional play is not opponent’s plan.
attack or defence, but prophylactical It involves exchanges of the pieces and
measures. pawns, limiting the mobility of opponent’s
We can’t say that prophylactics are a purely structure and activity of the pieces.
defensive way of thinking as they consist of At the same time part of prophylactics is
both the prevention of the opponent’s threats the creation of safe strongholds for our own
and the preparation and support of our own pieces - the opponent will (and should) take
plan. Only beginners ignore the opponent’s measures to destroy them.
threats and plans. For every junior one of the One more form of prophylactics is maybe
first lessons is to ‘look what the opponent the most important one. Every player had the
wants’. experience that after proper calculation a
The first step is to see the opponent’s decision was made and you start to play the
intentions and the second to take proper move, but in the middle of the process you
measures against them or simply to continue realize that you are losing as the opponent
our own plan if there are no opponent’s has very unpleasant tactics.
threats or they are not important. What has happened at this moment? Did
In modern chess the meaning of you simply overlook the opponent’s tactics?
prophylaxis is very wide and contains The answer is very simple - when you make a
different forms and measures. Generally we move, new tactical elements appear.
can name three forms of prophylaxis: Fortunately, the medicine is simple - after
1) Elementary prophylactics. you made the decision which move to play,
2) Elementary prophylactic elimination of take one minute and check all the new tactics,
tactical threats. which can appear after your move.
3) Elimination of strategical threats. Let us now study practical examples and
Elementary prophylactics deals with direct we start from the simple prophylactics.
threats, weakness of the back rank,
unpleasant pins and other immediate
problems in the position.
This involves prophylactic moves like h3 or
a3, making luft for our own king; moving the
king into the corner to avoid attack on the
diagonal g1-a7 for example.
Generally, problems with this kind of
prophylactics can be seen in young and
inexperienced players. The reactions to such □ Duhayon Yves
opponent’s elementary threats are in many ■ Karaklajic Nikola
cases automatic. Bela Crkva 1983 ●
FIDE TRG Syllabus 62
The correct idea was to find a square from
8-+-+-+-+( which the opponent couldn’t perform a
double attack: 72.Ke4! Nh4 73.d6 Nxg6
7+-+-+-zp-' 74.d7 was winning.
6pzp-+kzp-+& 72...Ne7!
Suddenly Black achieves a draw!
5+-zp-+-+p% 73.d6 Nxg6+ 74.Ke6 Nf8+ 75.Ke7 Ng6+
4-+PzpP+-+$ 76.Ke8 Ne5
The next example beautifully shows the
2-+-+-zP-+" role and technique of tactical prophylactics.
1+-+-+-+-! We always must keep in mind that we are
‘obliged’ to take measures against the
xabcdefghy opponent’s tactics with our own tactical
1...h4! operations.
A very nice and important example… Black has
a protected passed pawn, but it is necessary to □ Beliavsky Alexander
obtain the e5-square for his king. Then it will be ■ Xie Jun
easy to attack the opponent’s pawn structure. Belgrade 2000 ●
This pawn sacrifice eliminates White defensive XABCDEFGHY
idea with f4. Wrong would be 1...g5? 2.f3 Ke5
3.h4 gxh4 4.f4². 8-+lwq-+-mk(
2.gxh4 7+-zp-+-vlp'
Losing was 2.b4 hxg3 3.fxg3 Ke5 4.h4 f5 –
+. 6-zP-zp-snp+&
2...Ke5 3.b4 a5 4.bxa5 bxa5 5.h5 a4 6.f3
Kf4 7.Ke2 Kg3 5+N+Pzp-+-%
0–1 4-+P+P+-+$
□ Schulz Klaus 3+-+-vL-+-#
■ Schebler Gerhard 2-+-+-+PzP"
Muelheim 2009 ○
8-+-+-+-+( xabcdefghy
7+-+-+-mkP' Black had to start a counterattack, but during
6-+-+-+P+& her calculation she had not seen the prevention
move: 23...Ng4! 24.Qa8 Lf8! (this is the key
5+-+P+n+-% move - Black avoids check after the queen
captures the c8-bishop) 25.b7 Qh4! 26.h3
4-+-mK-+-+$ Qg3! 27.hxg4 Qxe3+ 28.Kh2 Qh6².
3+-+-+-+-# 24.Qa8 Ng4?
Still the only chance to get some counterplay
2-+-+-+-+" was to block the back rank: 24...Lf8 and
1+-+-+-+-! ...Ng4.
25.Nxd6! Qxd6 26.Qxc8+ Lf8 27.Qxg4
xabcdefghy 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 63
□ Fischer Robert XABCDEFGHY
■ Smyslov Vassily
C77 Havana 1965 8-sn-tr-+k+(
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.La4 Nf6
5.d3 d6 6.c3 Le7 7.Nbd2 0–0 8.Nf1 b5
9.Lb3 d5 10.Qe2 dxe4 11.dxe4 Le6 6-+n+p+-zp&
12.Lxe6 fxe6 13.Ng3 Qd7 14.0–0 Rad8
15.a4 Qd3 16.Qxd3 Rxd3 17.axb5 axb5 5+p+-zp-+-%
18.Ra6 Rd6 (D) 4-+-+P+-+$
8-+-+-trk+( 2-zP-+-zPPmK"
7+-zp-vl-zpp' 1tR-+-+-+-!
6R+ntrpsn-+& xabcdefghy
5+p+-zp-+-% 25...Nd7?
4-+-+P+-+$ This was the last chance to avoid getting
squeezed by playing 25...b4! 26.cxb4 Lxb4.
3+-zP-+NsN-# 26.b4!
2-zP-+-zPPzP" Finally!
26...Kf7 27.Nf1 Ld6 28.g3 Nf6 29.N1d2
1+-vL-+RmK-! Ke7 30.Ra6! Nb8
xabcdefghy Slightly better was 30...Kd7 31.Ne1 Nb8
32.Ra5 Kc6 ±.
A simple prophylactic move - Fischer avoids 31.Ra5! c6 32.Kg2 Nbd7 33.Kf1
With the clear intention the preparation of the
Black’s eventual threat ...Nd4, with
favourable exchanges. position’s improvement: Ke2 and Ne1-d3.
19...Nd7 33...Rc8?
It was necessary from prophylactic point of The only chance for defence was 33...Ne8!
view to avoid limiting the mobility of his (planning ...Nc7 and ...Ra8) 34.Nb3! Nc7
queenside with the active 19...b4 20.cxb4 35.Ra7 Ra8 36.Na5 Nb8 37.Rxa8 (not
Nxb4 21.Ra7 Rc6 22.Nxe5 Rc2 °. 37.Rb7 Kd7) 37...Nxa8 38.La7 Kd7
Prophylaxis is activity! In the sense that it is 39.Nb7 ±.
necessary to stop opponent’s improvement 34.Ne1!
with active measures. An important improvement of position and
20.Le3 the transfer of the passive knight to a better
Now Fischer could play prophylactically, future.
avoiding Black’s counterplay: 20.b4!. 34...Ne8 35.Nd3 Nc7 36.c4! bxc4 37.Nxc4
20...Rd8 Nb5
It was necessary to find the idea 20...b4. After the exchange of the rooks with
21.h3 37...Ra8 38.Rxa8 Nxa8, there is no defence
Prophylactics in the wrong place! You can of the e5-pawn: 39.Na5 Nb8 40.La7 Kd7
see - sometimes even the greats have no 41.Nc4.
feeling for prevention! 21.b4 was ‘logical’. 38.Ra6 Kf6
21...h6 22.Rfa1 Ndb8 23.Ra8 Rd1+ Or 38...Nb8 39.Ra8 Nc7 40.Nxd6 Kxd6
24.Kh2 41.Lc5+ +–.
24.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 25.Kh2 Ld6 26.La7? Ra1! 39.Lc1! Lb8 40.Lb2
24...Rxa1 25.Rxa1 (D) With the idea f4.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 64
40...c5 41.Nb6! XABCDEFGHY
Also 41.Ra5! would do the job as well:
41...cxb4 42.Ncxe5! +–. 8-+-+r+k+(
41...Nxb6 42.Rxb6 c4 7+-+Rvlpsnp'
42...Nd4 43.Nxc5 La7 44.Nd7+ Kg5
45.Rb7 Rc2 46.Nxe5 Rxb2 47.h4+ Kf6 6pzpr+p+p+&
48.f4 with mating threats.
43.Nc5 c3 44.Lc1
1–0 4P+-+-+-+$
Now follows an example which 3+-sN-vL-+-#
demonstrates the technique of limiting 2-zPP+-+PzP"
activity of the pieces and the exploitation of
better coordination. 1+-+-+R+K!
□ Geller Efim
■ Mikhalchishin Adrian The transposition into the endgame did not
B84 Tbilisi 1978 look especially dangerous, as the knight’s
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 activation to f5 was the key of Black’s
5.Nc3 a6 6.Le2 e6 7.0–0 Le7 8.f4 0–0 counterplay.
9.Kh1 Qc7 10.a4 b6 11.Lf3 Lb7 12.e5 22.g4!
Ne8 13.Le3 Nc6 14.Qe2 g6 15.Rad1 (D) Now it became clear that the knight is locked
in its cage.
XABCDEFGHY 22...h5 23.h3 hxg4 24.hxg4 b5 25.axb5 axb5
8r+-+ntrk+( 26.Ne4!
Black tried all possibilities of counterplay,
7+lwq-vlp+p' but Geller finds the subtitle technical win.
6pzpnzpp+p+& 26...Rxc2 27.Nf6+ Lxf6 28.exf6
The knight is arrested!
5+-+-zP-+-% 28...Rxb2 29.fxg7 f5 30.Rf3 fxg4 31.Rf4
Rc8 32.Lc5
4P+-sN-zP-+$ There is no defence against Rf8. Powerful
3+-sN-vLL+-# play from the great Efim Geller.
1+-+R+R+K! In what follows it is shown the way to
create a central pawn structure which
xabcdefghy strongly limits the ability of opponent’s
15...dxe5?! pieces to play a significant role on some other
From a prevention point of view it was part of the board. The example is not only
necessary to temporarily block the position valuable but also instructive:
with 15...d5, preparing a typical ‘French
Defence’ usual counterplay with ...f6. □ Mikhalchishin Adrian
16.fxe5 Ng7 17.Nxc6! Lxc6 18.Qc4 Rfc8 ■ Beliavsky Alexander
Black would love to block the c-file with D37 Moscow 1981
18...Lc5, but this move was losing to 1.Nf3 d5 2.d4 Nf6 3.c4 e6 4.Nc3 Le7
19.Lxc6 Lxe3 20.Rd7 Qc8 21.Ne4 +– - 5.Lf4 0–0 6.e3 c5 7.dxc5 Nc6 8.cxd5 exd5
total domination! 9.Le2 Lxc5 10.0–0 Le6 11.Ne5 Ld6
19.Qxc6 Qxc6 20.Lxc6 Rxc6 21.Rd7 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.Qa4 Lxf4 14.Qxf4 c5
Re8 (D) 15.b3 Qa5 16.Rac1 Rac8 17.Qa4 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 65
With his next moves White starts to build a
8-+r+-trk+( central structure which will limit the activity
of the opponent’s pieces in the centre.
7zp-+-+pzpp' 23...Rc8 24.Na4 Le6 25.e4
6-+-+lsn-+& This is a very typical pawn mechanism in the
centre which completely paralyzes Black’s
5wq-zpp+-+-% minor pieces.
4Q+-+-+-+$ 25...Nd7 26.Kf2 Nb6 27.Nc3 f5 28.Ke3
fxe4 29.fxe4 Kf8 30.Rb1! Ld7
3+PsN-zP-+-# Black has to prevent Rb5: 30...Rc5 31.Kd4
Ra5 32.Rb5 ±.
2P+-+LzPPzP" 31.Kd4 Ke7 32.Rb4 Rd8
1+-tR-+RmK-! After 32...Kd6 33.e5+ Ke6 34.a4 White is
ready to kick the knight away from b6 with
xabcdefghy an eventual a5 +–.
17...Qxa4?! 33.Lxc4 Lh3+ 34.Nd5+ Nxd5 35.exd5
Transposition into the endgame is not the Lxg2 36.Ke5! Rd7 37.Rb8! Lf3 38.Rg8
dream of the owner of hanging-pawns! For g6 39.d6+ Rxd6 40.Rg7+ Kf8 41.Rf7+
this reason 17...Qb6! 18.Rfd1 Rfd8 was 1–0
needed, when White could try to exchange
queens once more with 19.Qb5, but here it The next example shows the technique of
would be not so clear as Black would stopping the improvement of the opponent’s
recapture ...axb6, improving his pawn pawn structure.
18.Nxa4 c4 19.bxc4 dxc4 20.Rfd1 Rfd8? □ Polgar Zsuzsa
A bad mistake. At any price it was once more ■ Cramling Pia
necessary to try to include the knight into the D30 Tilburg 1994
action, and for that reason there was only one 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c6 4.Qc2 dxc4
move: 20...Nd5!. 5.Qxc4 b5 6.Qc2 Lb7 7.e4 Nd7 (D)
21.Rxd8+ Rxd8 22.Nc5! Ld5 (D) XABCDEFGHY
Not good was the active 22...Rd2 23.Lf1
Ld5 24.a4, when the coming f3 plus e4 will 8r+-wqkvlntr(
destroy the defence of pawn c4.
2P+-+LzPPzP" 8.Nbd2!
1+-tR-+-mK-! With this move White starts the strategy of
limiting the mobility of opponent’s pawn
xabcdefghy structure. White’s idea is to try to block the
FIDE TRG Syllabus 66
topical move ...c5, which will free Black’s Black’s pieces on the big diagonal. Now
hands. White stands clearly better.
8...Ngf6 19...Nde5
A better try would be 8...a6!? 9.Nb3 Ngf6 If 19...0–0 then 20.Nf5 Le5 21.Nxe5
10.e5 (10.Le3 would allow Black to fulfil Ngxe5 22.Le3 Qc7 23.f4 +–.
his dream by 10...c5 ÷) 10...Nd5 11.Ld2. 20.Nf5 Nxf3+ 21.Qxf3 Le5 22.Le3
9.a3 Qb6 White stops the activation of the black
It would be better to combine two freeing lightsquared bishop, but the alternative was
manoeuvres: 9...a6!? 10.b4 a5 11.Rb1 axb4 not bad either: 22.Lb2!? Lxb2 23.Rxb2 0–
12.axb4 Ra4 13.Qc3 Ld6 14.Ld3 Qe7 0 24.Qc3 f6 25.Lb3+ Kh8 26.Rd2 ±.
15.La3 e5 ÷. 22...Qc7 23.Lc5 Lc8
10.b4 Black tries to include the bishop into the game
White starts to block Black’s queenside pawn from the other side. Winning a pawn was just a
structure - Black is trying desperately to loss of time: 23...Lxh2+ 24.Kh1 Le5
destroy the blockade! 25.Rbd1 Rd8 26.Rxd8+ Qxd8 27.Rd1 ±.
10...a5 11.Rb1 axb4 12.axb4 Ra4 13.Qc3 24.Rbd1 Lxf5 25.exf5 Ne7 26.Rfe1 Rd8
Ld6 It was possible finally to castle, but White
An immediate counterplay in the centre does would have a powerful attack: 26...0–0 27.f6
not work: 13...e5? 14.Nxe5 Nxe5 15.dxe5 gxf6 (27...Lxf6 28.Lxe7 Lxe7 29.Qe4 +–)
Ng4 16.Qg3 ±. 28.Lxe7 Qxe7 29.Qg4+ Kh8 30.Qf5 +–,
14.Ld3 e5 as mate follows.
It is necessary to stop an eventual ...e5 with 27.Lxe7 Rxd1 28.Lxd1 Kxe7 29.Qg3
the attack on h7: 14...0–0? 15.Lc2 Raa8 Kf6 30.Qh4+ g5
16.e5 Nd5 17.Qd3 +–. The king came out to a dangerous
15.dxe5 Ng4 16.0–0 Ngxe5 environment and sooner or later he will be
Wrong would be the other capture: mated. If 30...Kxf5 then 31.Lg4+ Kg6
16...Ndxe5? 17.h3 +–. 32.Qh5+ Kf6 33.Qf5+.
17.Lc2 Ra8 18.Nd4! (D) 31.Qh6+ Kxf5 32.Lc2+ Kf4 33.Re4+
XABCDEFGHY Kf5 34.g4 #
7+l+n+pzpp' □ Seirawan Yasser
■ Karpov Anatoly
6-wqpvl-+-+& Rotterdam 1989 ○
5+p+-sn-+-% XABCDEFGHY
4-zP-sNP+-+$ 8-+-tr-+k+(
3+-wQ-+-+-# 7zp-+-+pzp-'
2-+LsN-zPPzP" 6-zp-+-wq-+&
1+RvL-+RmK-! 5+-+l+-+p%
xabcdefghy 4-+-sN-+-+$
18...Ng6? 3zP-+-zPPzP-#
Stronger would be the direct opening of the
position even on the expense of the very 2-zP-+QmK-+"
important bishop: 18...0–0! 19.Nf5 c5 ². 1+-tR-+-+-!
It is necessary to cut the coordination of xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 67
Now we give some very important sacrifice Black deflects the opponent’s pieces
consideration to new tactical threats, which from the e2-square and then conducts the
have appeared after our played move. decisive double attack.
Sometimes we say - we overlooked the very 15.Lb1??
first move of the opponent… The simple 15.Nd5 was possible.
At the moment in this position there are no 15...Qxc3!
tactical threats from Black, but after White’s White resigned due to 16.Qxc3 Ne2+.
next move the tactical element appears. 0–1
Correct was 30.Rh1 g6 31.Rh4 Rc8 □ Kavalek Lubomir
32.Qd2 with a solid position. ■ Bohm Hans
30...Lxf3! 31.Qxa7 B17 Amsterdam 1975
After the capture 31.Nxf3 Qxb2+ a double 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7
attack appears with the check. 5.Nf3 Ngf6 6.Ned2 e6 7.g3 b6 8.Lg2 La6
31...Lg4+! 32.Ke1 Rxd4! 9.c4 Lb7 10.Qe2 Le7 11.0–0 0–0 12.Re1
Opening the position of the white king and Re8 13.Ne5 Nxe5 14.dxe5 Nd7 15.Nf3 c5
starting the coordinated attack on White’s 16.h4 Nf8 17.h5 h6 18.Lf4 Qc7 19.Nd2
king with queen and bishop. Lxg2 20.Kxg2 Rad8 21.Nf3 Qc6
33.exd4 Qe6+ 34.Kd2 Qe2+ 35.Kc3 22.Rad1 Nh7 23.Kh3 Rxd1 24.Rxd1
Qe3+ 36.Kc2 Lf5+ 37.Kd1 Qxd4+ Rd8 25.Rxd8+ Lxd8 26.Qd3 Le7 27.b3
38.Ke1 Qe3+ 39.Kd1 Qd3+ 40.Ke1 Nf8 28.g4 Nd7 29.Kg3 Nf8 30.Qe3 Nh7
Qxg3+ 41.Kd1 Qg1+ 42.Kd2 Qf2+ 31.Qd2 Qb7 32.Qd3 Qc6 33.Qd1 Qb7
0–1 34.Qd3 Qc6 35.Nd2 Qh1 36.Nf3 Nf8 (D)

□ Duchene Rene XABCDEFGHY

■ Van Nies Pauline 8-+-+-snk+(
B39 Haarlem 2005
1.Nf3 g6 2.c4 Lg7 3.e4 c5 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 7zp-+-vlpzp-'
Nc6 6.Le3 Nf6 7.Nc3 Ng4 8.Qxg4 Nxd4
9.Qd1 e5 10.Ld3 0–0 11.0–0 d6 12.Qd2
Le6 13.Rad1 a6 14.b3 Qa5 (D) 5+-zp-zP-+P%
8r+-+-trk+( 3+P+Q+NmK-#
7+p+-+pvlp' 2P+-+-zP-+"
6p+-zpl+p+& 1+-+-+-+q!
5wq-+-zp-+-% xabcdefghy
4-+PsnP+-+$ 37.Qe4??
A logical move, which prepares to penetrate
3+PsNLvL-+-# Blacks position, but after it was played a
2P+-wQ-zPPzP" threat which never existed before appeared!
37...Lh4+ 38.Nxh4 Qxe4
1+-+R+RmK-! 0–1
In this position there are no threats, but with
the next White’s move the control over the
e2-square is reduced. With a simple queen
FIDE TRG Syllabus 68
Principles of Opening Play
Jovan Petronic
Introduction The Principles Explained
The principles of opening play have been 1) The ideal central pawn structure in the
extensively researched and documented opening is e4+d4 (e5+d5), with the pawns
throughout centuries, aided by chess masters both occupying and controlling/pressurizing
of the past and present and deep analysis of the central squares. Novice chess players
games played on all levels. Enforcing them should prefer starting their game with 1.e4!,
from the earliest stage for the tournament to which a preferred reply should be 1...e5! or
player is paramount. 1...c5! (immediately creating a dynamic
Opening play is basically guided by imbalance) (D)
opening objectives, which may vary in XABCDEFGHY
degree, as the tournament player progresses.
These objectives need to be clearly set and 8rsnlwqkvlntr(
defined in the initial stage of the player’s
development, with a reasonable number of
instructive examples and exercises following 6-+-+-+-+&
up on each principle.
A novice chess player may best relate to 5+-zp-+-+-%
these as being an ‘opening code of conduct’. 4-+-+P+-+$
‘Principles are only guides; they are not
rules. Do not cling to principles as the sole 3+-+-+-+-#
answer to a given position. They are there to
stimulate you to think up the right move or
plan’ - Yasser Seirawan. 1tRNvLQmKLsNR!
Following opening principles and advices
‘blindly’, may lead to loss of material or even xabcdefghy 
- checkmate! Progressive chess players may further best
consider playing viable White’s alternatives
The Principles 1.d4 or 1.c4 or 1.Nf3.
The following principles must be in force:
1) Always try to maintain at least one pawn 2) With regard to pawn placement in the
controlling or occupying the centre, or best centre and near it, the knights are usually best
both. developed with Ng1-f3, Nb1-c3, ...Ng8-f6
2) Develop all your minor and major pieces and ...Nb8-c6. The bishops with Lc1-f4 (or
and without loss of time. g5 or e3 or b2), Lf1-c4 (or b5, or d3, or e2,
3) Take control of the centre. or g2), ...Lf8-b4 (or c5 or d6 or e7 or g7),
4) Castle your king (into safety) as soon as ...Lc8-g4 (or f5 or e6 or b7). The rooks are
possible. best developed on usually d1(d8), e1(e8),
5) Don’t move a developed piece twice in c1(c8) or f1(f8) and best on open or semi-
the earliest phase of the game, unless really open files. The queen usually develops only
necessary. after all minor pieces have been deployed and
6) Don’t be greedy by grabbing offered free castling (usually kingside) has been made.
material instantly. Develop the minor pieces before the major
7) Watch over your f2/f7-square. pieces. It serves as a better chess strategy to
8) Don’t make unforced exchanges such as develop knights before their respective
those which develop an opponent’s piece. bishops. The mobilization of every piece to
FIDE TRG Syllabus 69
its natural square should be completed as violating many of our recommended
rapidly as possible, thus ensuring a principles. Please treat it only as a rare
middlegame abundant with various tactics exception.
and strategical motifs to enjoy. The number
of developing moves will further provide us □ Petrov Marian
with a possibility to easily evaluate a position ■ Petronic Jovan
as being either balanced or favourable, with B00 Pravets 1989
chances of an attack or material gain via a 1.e4! b6
combination. Violating opening principles one & three.
2.d4! Lb7 3.Ld3! e6 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.e5 Nd5
3) ‘The four squares, e4, e5, d4, and d5 are 6.c4 Nb4 7.Le2 Le4 8.0–0! Lc2
the central squares, and control of these Interesting is 8...Nc2!? although after 9.Nc3
Lg6 10.Rb1 Nb4 11.Ra1 Nc2 an equal
squares is called control of the centre. The
control of the centre is of great importance. position arises.
No violent attack can succeed without 9.Qd2 Lg6
controlling at least two of these squares, and 9...Lxb1 10.a3! ±.
possibly three. Many a manoeuvre in the 10.Nc3 Nc2 11.Rb1 Nb4 12.a3!? Lxb1
opening has for its sole object the control of 13.Nxb1
the centre, which invariably ensures the 13.axb4? Lxb4! μ.
initiative’ - Jose Raul Capablanca. 13...Na2! 14.d5 Nxc1 15.Rxc1 ° (D)
With both of Black's adventurous pieces
4) Castling is considered as an important traded off, 'normal play' resumes, with a
developing move, as it also improves the development count of 5–0 for White,
position of the respective rook involved. A compensating for their positional exchange
simple (yet time-consuming), statistical query sacrifice.
on a 5.000.000 games database reveals XABCDEFGHY
approximately 700.000 games with queenside
castling and 3.900.000 games with kingside 8rsn-wqkvl-tr(
castling (with possibly both first appearing as
far back as year 1515 - in Lucena’s
Paris/Place manuscript), with the remaining 6-zp-+p+-+&
number of games and their annotations
‘violating’ our 4th principle, by leaving their 5+-+PzP-+-%
king in the centre, where opening of the
position clearly reveals many dangers to both
kings, ones with which only adventurous and 3zP-+-+N+-#
experienced players may hope to cope with.
5) It is most logical to have as many pieces 1+NtR-+-mK-!
developed before taking action. Moving a
developed piece twice may be justified only xabcdefghy
in a few cases, such as capturing a traded 15...Le7 16.b4 exd5 17.cxd5 a6 18.Nc3 0–
pawn, or needing to move away from an 0 19.Nd4?! c5 20.bxc5?! Lxc5 21.a4 Re8
attack, or exploiting a serious mistake made 22.Qf4
by the opponent. Not convinced? Neither was White offered and Black accepted the draw in
I, when young and inexperienced. There serious time trouble, only to regret it after
follows a related game from an IM subsequent post-game analysis. It is of no
tournament where Black played and survived surprise that such opening play did not help
by playing (to win) using only two pawn towards an IM norm.
moves and two pieces in the first 14 moves, ½–½
FIDE TRG Syllabus 70
6) Playing instantly is in itself a mistake, □ Muhlock
with the highest regard to games played with ■ Kostic Boris
standard time controls. Beware when it seems C50 Cologne 1912
as if the opponent has left huge material ‘en 1.e4! e5! 2.Nf3! Nc6! 3.Lc4! Nd4? (D)
prise’. As the ‘free piece’ is not going Black is offering a 'free pawn', while
anywhere, it is always good to double-check violating our principle #5, a pawn which
whether a trap has been set, whether White should not grab.
purposely or accidentally. The following XABCDEFGHY
game, with White giving a1-rook odds, has
served as both instructive and inspiring to 8r+lwqkvlntr(
many generations. It was reportedly
documented in 1835, in George Walker’s ‘A 7zppzpp+pzpp'
Selection of Games at Chess’. 6-+-+-+-+&
□ De Legalle 5+-+-zp-+-%
■ Saint Brie 4-+LsnP+-+$
Paris 1750
1.e4! e5! 2.Nf3! d6 3.Lc4! Nc6! 4.Nc3! 3+-+-+N+-#
Lg4? 5.Nxe5? Lxd1? (D)
Possibly violating our principle #6. 2PzPPzP-zPPzP"
8r+-wqkvlntr( xabcdefghy 
7zppzp-+pzpp' 4.Nxe5?
6-+nzp-+-+& 4...Qg5! 5.Nxf7?
5+-+-sN-+-% 5.Lxf7+! Kd8 6.0–0! Qxe5 7.c3 μ.
5...Qxg2 6.Rf1 Qxe4+ 7.Le2?
4-+L+P+l+$ 7.Qe2 Nxe2 –+.
3+-sN-+-+-# 7...Nf3 #
1+-vLQmK-+R! 7) Two most vulnerable squares in the early
opening phase of the game are undoubtedly
xabcdefghy  the f2- and f7-squares, protected only by the
6.Lxf7+! Ke7 7.Nd5 # respective king.
1–0 Many strategies have been developed to
unleash an early attack on these squares,
George Walker writes: ‘It is evident that disregarding the principles of opening play,
this attempt could only have succeeded with the only aim of winning the game
against a mere tyro, but it is worthy of quickly by checkmate, ignoring the fact that
preservation as a slight memento of M. De the attacker is objectively playing poor chess.
Legalle, who was the instructor of Philidor; It is important, especially when playing
and who at the venerable age of eighty-five, with Black pieces, to recognize these
was still the first player in France, excepting premature attacks, and learn how to ‘refute’
his illustrious pupil’. them, and best before they happen. It is
Recreational and rated up to 1600 players important for the qualified trainer not to
should note the following popular trap, which emphasize such strategy to their students, but
may result in a quick loss for White. instead to teach excellence in chess.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 71
An ‘imaginary’ game could go as: □ Petronic Sanja
1.e4! e5! 2.Qh5?! ■ Petrovic Marija
2.Lc4 Nc6 3.Qh5? (3.Qf3?! Nd4? B06 Kragujevac 2000
[3...Nf6!] 4.Qxf7 #) 3...Nf6? (3...g6! 4.Qf3 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Lg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.f4 e6 5.Nf3
Nf6! 5.Qb3? Nd4! 6.Lxf7+ Ke7 7.Qc4 b6 6.Lc4 Nd7 7.0–0 Lb7 8.f5! gxf5
b5! –+) 4.Qxf7 # ; 2.Qf3?! Nf6!. 8...d5 9.fxg6! dxc4 10.gxf7+ Kxf7 11.Ng5+
2...Nc6! 3.Lc4 Nf6? Ke7 12.Rf7+ Ke8 (12...Kd6 13.Lf4+
3...g6!. Kc6 14.d5+ Kc5 15.Nxe6+ Kb4 16.Nxd8
4.Qxf7 # (D) +–) 13.Rxg7 +– ; 8...exf5 9.exf5 ±.
9.exf5 (D)
8r+lwqkvl-tr( 8r+-wqk+ntr(
7zppzpp+Qzpp' 7zplzpn+pvlp'
6-+n+-sn-+& 6-zp-zpp+-+&
5+-+-zp-+-% 5+-+-+P+-%
4-+L+P+-+$ 4-+LzP-+-+$
3+-+-+-+-# 3+-sN-+N+-#
2PzPPzP-zPPzP" 2PzPP+-+PzP"
1tRNvL-mK-sNR! 1tR-vLQ+RmK-!
xabcdefghy  xabcdefghy 
1–0 9...Lxf3 10.fxe6!! Lxd1
Better was 10...fxe6 11.Qxf3 ±.
8) Another highly logical principle. Young 11.exf7+ Ke7
players tend to release the tension from the 11...Kf8? 12.fxg8Q+ (12.fxg8R+ Ke7
positions by making unforced exchanges, 13.Rf7 #) 12...Ke7 13.Nd5 #.
while not following up on the opening 12.Nd5+! Ke6
principle. This should be rectified as soon as 12...Kf8? 13.fxg8Q+ Kxg8 14.Ne7 #.
possible, immediately when noticed, through 13.Nxc7+ Ke7 14.fxg8N+!
exercises given or when analyzing games 14.Nd5+!? Ke6 15.fxg8L+ Qxg8
played. R N
(15... xg8? 16. c7+ K R
e7 17. f7 #)
The following game, played by my 'student' 16.Nf6+ Ke7 17.Nxg8+ Raxg8 18.Lg5+
(although true, she hates it when I say that, by Lf6 19.Lxf6+ Nxf6 20.Lxg8 Lxc2
the way) and life-long partner, demonstrated 21.Rae1+ +– ; 14.fxg8Q Lxd4+! 15.Kh1
in an 'evergreen' style and with a perfect Qxg8 16.Lxg8 Raxg8 17.Rxd1 ±.
game, how one might end up when violating 14...Qxg8
the principles of opening play, and against 14...Rxg8? 15.Rf7 #!
one who follows them. Note that after move 15.Lg5+!
11, White plays on to win, while having only 15.Lxg8? Lxd4+ 16.Kh1 Raxg8 ±.
two pawns as compensation for the sacrificed 15...Lf6
queen and knight! I will let the moves and 15...Nf6 16.Lxg8 Raxg8 17.Raxd1 +–.
variations speak for themselves. 16.Lxf6+ Nxf6
As a simple exercise, you may later wish to 16...Kf8 17.Lxh8+ +–.
'map' all moves Black played in this game, 17.Lxg8 Raxg8 18.Raxd1 Rg6 19.Rd2
that violated recommended opening Kd7 20.Rdf2 Ng4 21.Rf7+ Kc6
principles. 22.R1f3! Nh6 23.Re7! d5 24.Ne8! Kb5
FIDE TRG Syllabus 72
24...Rhg8 25.Rc3+ Kb5 26.Nc7+ Ka4 ‘French Defence’. Players with a universal
27.Ra3+ Kb4 28.Nxd5+ Kc4 29.Ne3+ style adopted strategies including playing
Kxd4 30.Rd3+ Kc5 31.Rc7+ Kb5 32.c4+ types of opening positions which do not suit
Ka5 33.Ra3+ Kb4 34.Nd5 #. their opponents and thus cause discomfort.
25.Rb3+ Kc4 Various transpositions of moves, starting
25...Ka4? 26.Rxa7 # ; 25...Ka5? 26.Rxa7 with one opening and ending up in another,
# ; 25...Ka6 26.Nc7+ Kb7 27.Nxd5+ +–. were discovered to that purpose.
26.Rc3+! Kxd4 27.Nc7 a6 With chess becoming increasingly popular
27...Nf5? 28.Nb5 #. worldwide, and now with computer-aided
28.Ne6+ Ke5 29.Nf8+ Kd6 30.Rd7+! preparations, we also began to notice some
Ke5 31.Nxg6+ hxg6 32.Rh3! b5 33.Ra7 negative
Kf5 34.Rxa6 Kg5 35.Rd6 Ra8 36.Rg3+ side-effects, which we need to deal with on
Here White could also have won with the too many occasions.
alternative 36.Rxd5+ Nf5 37.Rxb5 Rxa2 Many players have developed an illogical
38.Ra3 Rxa3 39.bxa3 +–. She had many fear of opponent’s preparation, which in their
options at her disposal… view may ultimately result in refutations of
36...Kf4 37.Rdxg6 Nf5 38.Rf3+ Ke5 their best researched opening theories.
39.Rg5 Rxa2 40.Rfxf5+ Ke4 41.Re5+ Another fear emerges from playing against
Kf4 42.Kf2! players (of any rating) from countries that are
1–0 well known for their chess masters.
Players, knowing ‘tons’ of opening theory
Once the principles of opening play have and with own analysis, start at one point to
been mastered, one can proceed to develop fears of their opponents knowing the
developing and maintaining a sound opening same?!
repertoire. Norms for IM and GM titles being
‘The discovery and study of various chess repeatedly missed by half a point in crucial
principles led inevitably to the thought of games? Repeated poor time management?
embracing them in a general theory, with a Such largely unfounded fears and situations
view to answering that hallowed question: are sometimes best dealt with by engaging a
how to find the best move in any position by professional psychologist (not psychiatrist!);
following well-defined rules’ - Viacheslav in the event our logical explanations fail to
Eingorn ‘Creative Opening Preparation’. produce results.
When entering higher-level competitions,
the objectives of the opening play of a chess Literature
player changes. For a comprehensive list of literature,
Playing as White for an advantage and inclusive of related openings topics please
playing as Black for equality were the main refer to the TRG website at
objectives for many years, until former World
Champion Robert Fischer successfully
practiced a more ambitious approach of On the Importance of Teaching Principles
playing for the advantage, regardless of piece ‘Without following the basic principles,
colour, and in each game! training can be poison.
Thus, a popular strategy became creating By understanding them the student will
dynamic imbalances from the earliest phase. know the difference between right and
The ‘Sicilian Defence’ became and stayed the wrong, good and bad, true and false, beauty
most popular and effective method to counter and ugliness.
White’s 1.e4. Only through years of constant practice,
Other opening schemes developed their will this understanding lead to enlightenment’
own imbalanced variations, such as is, for - Kim Soo, Grandmaster, 10th Dan &
example, the ‘Winawer’ variation of the Founder, Chayon-Ryu Martial Arts.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 73
Attacking the King
Andrew Martin
I was pleased and honoured to be asked to 6) Keeping a cheerful and optimistic frame
write several sections of this book. In my of mind is essential when conducting an
experience all the chess trainers or teachers attack.
that I have met are very conscientious and I will deal with each of these points in turn.
positive people and it is to them that I
dedicate my work. Tactical Skill
Teaching in any capacity is an honourable Without a superior command of tactical
and even noble profession. Through the ideas, it is unlikely that any player at any
correct use of encouragement, praise and level will become skilled at attacking. The
guidance, the teacher opens the mind of the best way to teach tactics is through drills,
student and releases hidden talent. The isolating various topics and then solving
student learns to think for themselves in the examples one after the other until skill is
most effective way. This is as true of chess as acquired. This sounds laborious, but it is not.
it is in any other subject. Teaching is thus Solving tactical puzzles and positions is
devoted to the good of others. I am not sure usually very pleasurable and proficiency soon
what could be more important than that! develops. A student should certainly
I am well aware that all of you reading this reinforce these exercises by playing chess as
book will surely have developed your own much as possible to hone these new skills.
effective teaching methods. Nevertheless, it is Variety is the spice of life as far as playing
always beneficial to be able to see how other chess is concerned. One should try to play a
experienced chess trainers work and I am whole range of opponents at different levels
looking forward myself to learning a lot. and at different time controls.
Helping other people to improve at chess is All master chess players are extremely
not always straightforward and there will be good at tactics and when we refer to world-
often be problems along the way. At these class players, we witness superb, aggressive
moments we must all remember our value. chess.
To see our students grow in understanding
and confidence is a remarkable reward for □ Ivanchuk Vassily
our labours. That thought always inspires me ■ Gelfand Boris
to carry on. C42 Nice 2010
We now move to a most enjoyable pastime, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4
that of attacking the enemy king. There are 5.Nc3
many good books on this topic and literally This is the favoured way to try to put paid to
thousands of excellent examples for the the Petroff at the moment. It has a temporary
skilled trainer to use. As I only have a few feel to it. White inherits doubled pawns, but
pages to work with, I will strip it out to the at the same time obtains fast development
bare essentials. and the straightforward plan of pawnstorming
the black king. It's working at all levels and
Main Principles of an Attack on the King games like the one we are about to witness
1) Tactical skill is most important. don't do any harm.
2) Go in with all you have got. 5...Nxc3 6.dxc3 Le7 7.Le3
3) Conditions have to be right. It’s this or 7.Lf4 apparently. Then comes
4) Superior development usually sets up the Qd2 and 0–0–0. Then White charges his h-
attack. pawn forward. You'd think Black would have
5) Attacking prematurely cannot succeed. sufficient defensive resources. 7.Qd4 is a
FIDE TRG Syllabus 74
new move which I've only seen played once You can see why they play this line. Before
at a recent open tournament played in India. Black ever fires a shot in anger on the
When the queen is attacked she moves across queenside, the white pawns are right on top
to f4 and then the pawns begin their advance. of him. But still, my instincts tell me Black
Maybe this is the way the line will go in has to be ok here.
future; who knows? 14...Nf6 15.g5 Le6! 16.a3
7...0–0 8.Qd2 Nd7 9.0–0–0 Re8 10.h4 A necessary timeout.
Here comes Vassily and he's not joking. 16...Ng4?
10...c6 11.Kb1 16...Qd5! was the correct move order, after
After 11.h5 h6 12.Kb1 Nf6 Gelfand was which White must pause: 17.c4 (17.Qe2
defending in a similar manner to our game, Qa2+ 18.Kc1 hxg5 19.Nxg5) 17...Qxf3
relying on his defensive fortress. His control 18.gxf6 Qxf6 19.Ld4 Qf3 20.Rdg1 Lg4.
of g4 should have been enough to secure Obviously White still has a strong attack, but
equality. 13.Ld3 Lf8 14.Rdg1 Ng4! nothing like the game.
15.Lf4 Qf6 16.Nh2 Nxh2?! (a little casual. 17.gxh6 Qd5 18.Qe2!
16...Ne5! was perhaps better, when White Recovering from the shock of underestimating
has a hard time breaking through: 17.g4 or not even seeing a move can be very difficult
[17.Le2 a5 ÷] 17...Nxd3 18.cxd3 Qe7 at the board. Gelfand seems dazed by what
19.Re1 Le6 =) 17.Rxh2 Lf5 (17...c5) happens from now on as Ivanchuk conjures up
18.Lxf5 Qxf5 19.g4 with attack, as in some tactical wizardry.
Topalov,V-Gelfand,B Linares 2010, a game 18...Qa2+ 19.Kc1 Qa1+ 20.Kd2 Qxb2
White went on to win. 21.Rdg1
11.Ld3 has also been played and neutralized 21.Nd4! was just as strong, but then we
by this recent game from Kramnik: 11...Qa5 would miss the fireworks.
12.Kb1 Ne5 13.Nxe5 dxe5 14.Qe2 Le6 21...Ld7
15.Lc4 Lxc4 16.Qxc4 Rad8 17.h5 Rxd1+ Or 21...c5 22.Ng5 Nxh6 23.Nxe6 Rxe6
18.Rxd1 Rd8 19.Rd3 a6 20.Qg4 Qc7 24.Rb1 (a slightly surprising change of tack)
21.Qe4 g6 22.g4 Rxd3 23.cxd3 Qd7 24...Qxa3 25.Ra1 Qb2 26.Rhb1 +–.
24.Qxe5 Qxd3+ 25.Kc1 Qd6 26.Qe4 Qe6 22.Rxg4!! Lxg4 23.Ng5!
27.Qxe6 fxe6 28.Kc2 gxh5 29.gxh5 e5 No expense is spared to get at the black king.
30.Kd3 Kf7 31.Ke4 ½–½ Caruana,F- It is, of course, crucially important that the
Kramnik,V Wijk aan Zee 2010. black queen is stranded out of play and
11...Qa5 12.h5 h6 13.Ld3 Lf8 14.g4 (D) cannot return to defend.
XABCDEFGHY With the nice point 23...Lxe2 24.h7+ Kh8
8r+l+rvlk+( 25.Nxf7 #.
24.Ld4 Qa2
7zpp+n+pzp-' 24...c5 25.Qxe6! kills Black with the same
6-+pzp-+-zp& combination of h7 and Nxf7 mate.
25.Rg1 c5 26.Lh7+ Kh8 27.hxg7+ Lxg7
5wq-+-+-+P% 28.Nxf7+! (D)
4-+-+-+P+$ (see next diagram)
A superb finish to an attacking masterpiece
3+-zPLvLN+-# where not even a single move was wasted.
28...Lxf7 29.Lxg7+ Kxh7 30.Qd3+ Kg8
2PzPPwQ-zP-+" 31.Lf6+ Kf8 32.Qxd6+
1+K+R+-+R! The window of opportunity for the defender
is always smaller than that of the attacker.
xabcdefghy 1–0

FIDE TRG Syllabus 75

XABCDEFGHY Yasser Seirawan described the mechanism
of a building a successful attack as ‘inviting
8r+-+r+-mk( everyone to the party’.
Along with a collection of attacking
7zpp+-+NvlL' examples where consistency and power is
6-+-zpl+-+& maintained, a trainer might also show the
other side of the coin to his students, to
5+-zp-+-+P% highlight how an attack might break down
4-+-vL-+-+$ when all available units are not being used.

3zP-zP-+-+-# □ Anand Viswanathan

■ Kempinski Robert
2q+PmKQzP-+" B85 Germany 2010
1+-+-+-tR-! 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6
5.Nc3 a6 6.Le2 e6 7.0–0 Le7 8.a4 Nc6
xabcdefghy 9.Le3 0–0 10.f4 Qc7 11.Kh1 Re8
Kasparov's prophylactic idea, vacating f8 for
After seeing such a brilliant game there is a defence if need be and theoretically
tendency among ordinary players to think restraining White's central ambitions.
that they could never play in this entertaining However, this gives Anand the run of the
manner. Not so! game for quite a few moves to come;
Ivanchuk won this game for the following something that is very dangerous against such
logical reasons: a strong and experienced campaigner.
1) The opening system he chose is designed 12.Lf3 (D)
to put pressure on the enemy king. He wasted XABCDEFGHY
no time carrying out this plan…
2) Gelfand's response was defensive, 8r+l+r+k+(
concentrating on consolidation rather than 7+pwq-vlpzpp'
counterattack. This gave White a free hand.
3) Defence is more difficult than attack. 6p+nzppsn-+&
The pressure to find accurate moves proved
too tough at the board, even for Gelfand. 5+-+-+-+-%
4) White crashed through, using tactical 4P+-sNPzP-+$
control to help him.
The good trainer must make clear to his or 3+-sN-vLL+-#
her students that this vital element of tactical 2-zPP+-+PzP"
control can be learned by all.
It is a question of hard work behind the 1tR-+Q+R+K!
scenes and plenty of over the board chess.
This is simple enough to understand. xabcdefghy
Anand at work. The first point of 12.Lf3 is
Go in with All you Have Got to prevent 12...b5 thanks to 13.Nxc6 Qxc6
Once an attack starts, momentum must be and 14.e5!.
maintained. The general rule is to attack 12...Nd7 13.Qe1 Lf8 14.Qf2 Rb8
rapidly, bringing every last resource into 15.Rad1 Nxd4 16.Lxd4 b6
play. Kempinski's choice of variation is a rather
This is where it is essential to remain unfortunate one, as Black lacks active
positive, optimistic and resolute. Hesitation is counterplay in this line. Against stronger
usually fatal and will lead to a breakdown of opponents, the last thing one wants is a
the assault. passive position.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 76
16...b5 only looks more active, as after XABCDEFGHY
17.axb5 axb5 18.b4 Black is left with a very
weak pawn on b5. 8-trl+-tr-mk(
Very good. The attack begins. Why is
White's timing so good? 6p+-+p+L+&
1) Black isn't yet fully developed. His bishop
on c8 interrupts the flow of his game. 5+-zp-wq-+-%
2) Such pieces as Black has developed cannot 4P+-+-+-+$
create any meaningful threats.
3) Black lacks counterplay. 3+-+-+-+-#
Thus with 17.e5 White jams up the centre,
creating the preconditions for an all-out
assault against the black king. 1+-+R+R+K!
17...d5 blocks, but in all other respects is a xabcdefghy
pretty horrible move. White can hit hard with 24...Rg8 25.Lxh7 Kxh7 26.Qh4+ Kg6
18.Lh5! (18.f5 would also be strong: 27.Rd3 Qh5 28.Rg3+
18...Nxe5 19.fxe6 Lxe6 [19...Nxf3 20.exf7+ Attractive and instructive play by Anand.
Qxf7 21.Qg3! Le6 22.Rxf3 Qg6 23.Qxg6 Speed, power and precision all-in-one and
hxg6 24.Rff1 ²] 20.Nxd5 ±) 18...g6 thoroughly decisive chess.
(18...Nc5 19.f5 exf5 20.Nxd5 Qb7 21.e6! 1–0
Lxe6 22.Nf6+ gxf6 23.Qg3+ Lg7 24.Lxf6)
19.f5!. Such effects are possible if half of the Conditions Have to be Right
opponent’s pieces are not participating in the In order for a successful attack to even get
defence. Black has problems: 19...exf5 going, the nature of the position must always
(19...Nc5 20.Lg4 gxf5 21.Lxf5 Lg7 22.Lg4 be taken into account.
± or 19...gxh5 20.fxe6 fxe6 21.Qf7+ Kh8 Players cannot attack willy-nilly just
22.Qxe8) 20.Nxd5 Qc4 21.Lf3 Lb7 22.b3 because they feel like it! This is where tight
Qc8 23.Rfe1 ±. control over one's emotions certainly plays a
18.fxe5 Lc5 key role.
18...Nxe5 19.Lh5 Ng6 20.Lxg6 hxg6 When does a projected attack on the king
21.Le5 Qxe5 22.Qxf7+ Kh8 23.Rd3 +–. have the maximum chance of success?
19.Lh5 1) When a significant lead in development
All the pieces are swiftly brought into action has been established.
and the attacking balance tilts heavily in 2) When the opponent has little or no
Anand's favour. Compare the number of counterplay.
eventual attackers to defenders and we easily 3) When the number of pieces that can be
understand why Black can't survive. brought to bear exceeds the number of
19...Rf8 20.Lxf7+ Kh8 21.Ne4 Nxe5 potential defenders.
If 21...Lxd4 22.Rxd4 Qxe5 23.Nd6 Lb7 Time is of the essence and an eye for
24.Re1 Qg5 25.Rxe6 Ne5 26.h4 Qxg2+ spotting weaknesses around the enemy king
27.Qxg2 Lxg2+ 28.Kxg2 Nxf7 29.Nxf7+ is very useful indeed. All trainers will have
Rxf7 30.Rxb6 ±. their own favourite examples of play of this
22.Nxc5 bxc5 23.Lxe5 Qxe5 24.Lg6! (D) type.
(see next diagram) As I write this piece, the sad news has
Ouch! The black queenside pieces look on reached me that the 7th World Champion,
helplessly as White delivers the killer blow. Vassily Vasliyevich Smyslov has passed
It's four attackers against two defenders; not away at the age of 89.
exactly a level playing field. Smyslov played four times for the World
FIDE TRG Syllabus 77
title and his most famous rivalry was of XABCDEFGHY
course against Mikhail Botvinnik. Modern
players could do a lot worse than to revisit 8r+l+ksnr+(
those wonderful games and matches.
There you will see a titanic, intense battle
played out without any of the political 6-+-+p+-+&
overtones or acrimony that has dogged chess
in recent times, for instance in matches 5wq-+pzP-+-%
between Kasparov and Karpov, Korchnoi and 4-+-+-+-zP$
everyone, Topalov and Kramnik.
Smyslov was a harmonious player, who 3zP-zpQ+N+-#
seemed to know how to coordinate his pieces
with ease in any given position. A player with
a style like this will always be a fantastic 1tR-vL-mKL+R!
attacker, as their sense of timing is well-nigh
perfect. xabcdefghy
□ Smyslov Vassily Perhaps 14...Nc6 15.Qe3! Rc8 (15...Nh7
■ Botvinnik Mikhail 16.Qf4 Qc7 17.Ld3 f5 18.exf6 Qxf4
C18 Moscow 1954 19.Lxf4 Nxf6 20.Kf1 ±) 16.h5 d4 17.Qf4
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 ÷ is a better way to proceed for Black, but
La5 6.b4 cxd4 7.Qg4 Botvinnik sees a chance to get his rook into
The first attack of the game and logical. play and takes it.
White tries to exploit the absence of the 15.Nd4 Nf5
darksquared bishop from the kingside. 15...Qb6 16.Le3 Qb2 17.Nb3 La4
7...Ne7 18.Lc1 +–.
Winawer players do not worry about such 16.Rb1 Rc4 17.Nxf5 exf5 18.Rxb7 Re4+
trifles as the g-pawn. The kingside is offered (D)
as bait to force White on to the defensive. 18...Qxa3 19.Qxd5 Re4+ 20.Kd1 Rxg5
8.bxa5 dxc3 9.Qxg7 Rg8 10.Qxh7 Nd7?! 21.Rb8+ Ke7 22.Qd6+ Qxd6+ 23.exd6+
One has to remember that in those days, Kxd6 24.hxg5 ±.
independent research was the order of the
day. No computers, no databases, just sheer
hard graft. With the benefit of 50 years it has 8-+-+ksnr+(
become established that 10...Nbc6 11.Nf3
Qc7 is a better way to proceed for Black. 7zpR+l+p+-'
One gains the impression in our featured 6-+-+-+-+&
game that Botvinnik is fiercely determined to
defend a home-sprung idea, however dubious 5wq-+pzPpvL-%
that idea might be! 4-+-+r+-zP$
11.Nf3 Nf8 12.Qd3 Qxa5 13.h4! (D)
(see next diagram) 3zP-zpQ+-+-#
White has two main trumps in the Winawer 2-+P+-zPP+"
main line. The ‘bishop-pair’ is one and the
‘h-pawn’ another. Left alone, White is getting 1+-+-mKL+R!
ready to roll this pawn all the way up the
board. Black has to find counterplay from xabcdefghy
somewhere. The moment of truth. Intuition and
13...Ld7 14.Lg5! experience guide one to the correct course of
Preventing ...0–0–0. action at these times. Smyslov senses that his
FIDE TRG Syllabus 78
pieces are better coordinated and spots the 8.e5!
lack of effective defence around Black's king. Adams improves on an earlier game against
He strikes! Hamdouchi. He sees no need for 8.Lf4 as
19.Qxe4! dxe4 20.Rb8+ Lc8 21.Lb5+ yet and begins his quest for the initiative
The lonely king is caught in the crossfire of without delay. Instead 8.Lf4 Le7 9.e5 Nd7
white bishops. 10.d4 dxe5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.dxe5 b6
21...Qxb5 22.Rxb5 Ne6 23.Lf6 Rxg2 13.Qh5 0–0 (13...Lb7! is a clear
24.h5 La6 25.h6 improvement for Black and very acceptable
RIP Vassily Smyslov (1921–2010). after 14.f3 c4 15.Rad1 0–0 =) 14.f3 f5
1–0 15.Lg5 Lxg5 16.Qxg5 Qc7 17.Qf4 La6
18.Rfd1 Rad8 19.Rd6 Rxd6 20.exd6 Qf7
Superior Development 21.Rd1 Lc8 22.Nb1 Ld7 ÷ Adams,M-
The benefits of rapid development have
been known since the days of Paul Morphy. Hamdouchi,H Paris 2006. There is still some
Steinitz taught us that a superior position work to do after 23.Nd2 Lb5 24.Nc4 Lxc4
demands that we attack or the advantage will 25.Qxc4 Rd8 26.f4 Kf8.
evaporate. Essentially, better development 8...Nd7 9.d4
gives us more options. Trying to open the position hoping to catch
Outstripping the opponent in the efficient the black king in the centre.
and speedy mobilization of our forces allows 9...d5
us to control the game and often leads to a Therefore logically closing the position
direct attack on the king. The attack or down.
initiative may not necessarily occur from the 10.a4
opening directly but will surely come at some Both probing and prophylactic. White
stage in the game. dissuades Black from even thinking about
Here we see Michael Adams sustaining castling long. The pawn on e5 gives White
pressure throughout our featured game, more space and the kingside would be his
eventually turning this advantage into a natural theatre of action. But firstly Adams
direct, winning attack on Black's king. shows restraint.
10...b6 11.Re1 h6 12.Ne2 a6
□ Adams Michael
Black should perhaps try to catch up with
■ Zhigalko Andrey
development after 12...La6. However,
B30 Rijeka 2010
White's position is very pleasant if he
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 Nf6 4.Nc3 Qc7
transfers his queen to f4 or g4: 13.Qd2 Le7
5.d3 d6 6.0–0 e6 7.Lxc6+ Qxc6 (D)
(13...Lxe2 14.Rxe2 Le7 15.Qf4 0–0
XABCDEFGHY 16.Qg4) 14.Qf4 0–0 15.Qg4 with attack.
8r+l+kvl-tr( 13.h4!
Cramping Black for room and intending to
7zpp+-+pzpp' transfer as many pieces as possible over the
kingside for an eventual direct attack. Even
6-+qzppsn-+& though the position remains semi-closed,
5+-zp-+-+-% White can bring significant pressure to bear
with this plan.
4-+-+P+-+$ 13...Lb7 14.c3 c4 15.a5 bxa5
3+-sNP+N+-# Zhigalko obviously sees what is coming and
so opens the queenside in the hope of gaining
2PzPP+-zPPzP" counterplay there. With counterplay, the
defender can sometimes defuse the bomb.
1tR-vLQ+RmK-! The problem is that White has not yet really
xabcdefghy committed himself to any course of action

FIDE TRG Syllabus 79

and can switch his plan at will. 15...b5 30...Lxh4 31.Rh3 Le7 (D)
16.Nf4 Le7 17.Nh5 0–0 18.Nh2 just gives XABCDEFGHY
White a free hand against the black king.
16.Rxa5 Qb6 17.Ra1 a5 18.Nf4 Lc6 8-+-+k+-+(
19.Nh2 Nb8 20.Qh5! Ld7 (D)
2-zP-+-zPPsN" 32.Nxg6!
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! Down to business. White has his pieces in the
right places and begins the final attack. Very
xabcdefghy good timing by Adams and completely deci-
21.Re3 sive. He could also play 32.Nxe6! which looks
Excellent build-up play from Adams is leading very strong too: 32...Lc6 (32...fxe6 33.Qxg6+
to real problems for Black on the kingside. Rf7 34.Rf3 +–) 33.Nf4 Qb5 34.Nxg6 ±.
Zhigalko has to sit and watch as White 32...fxg6 33.Qxg6+ Rf7 34.Rf3 Lf6
increases the pressure. Note that Adams rejects 35.Rxf6 Nxf6 36.exf6 Kd8 37.Ra3 Qb5
the tempting 21.Nxd5 exd5 22.e6 Lxe6 White's tactical control is seen in the short
23.Qxd5 Nc6 24.Rxe6+ fxe6 25.Qxe6+ Le7 variation: 37...Qxb2 38.Rxa4 Qxd2
26.d5. This may well be good for White, but 39.Qg8+ +–.
why take any risks at all in such a good 38.Ng4
position? White does not need to sacrifice yet. Threatening Ne5.
21...Ra7 22.Rg3 Qb3 23.Qe2 La4 24.Nh5 38...Rad7 39.Ne5 Qxb2 40.Nxf7+
So, the first real threat. Threats can lead to After 40...Rxf7 41.Rxa4 wins.
concessions by the defender and so the 1–0
preconditions for a decisive attack are built in
this way. A skilled trainer may present this aspect of
24...Qc2 25.Qe1! attacking the king in many enjoyable ways.
Restraint is the order of the day again, as One very effective method I have used with
Adams sidesteps 25.Qxc2 Lxc2 26.Nxg7+ groups is to play through a game slowly,
Lxg7 27.Rxg7 Lg6 28.Lxh6 Nd7. analysing critical moments, until the point at
White's rook may well be trapped! which a direct attack is about to begin.
25...Rh7 26.Ng4 Nd7 Pair off the students and let them play the
26...Qd1 27.Nhf6+. position out using clocks (10 mins per player
27.Ne3 Qb3 28.Ld2 g6 29.Nf4 Le7 for instance).
30.Qb1! After they have seen how the position
A third opportunity to sacrifice unnecessarily works for themselves, discuss the actual
is rejected: 30.Nfxd5 exd5 31.Nxd5 Lxh4 game continuation.
32.Rh3 Ld8 33.e6 Nf6 ÷. It is amazing In Adams-Zhigalko I would have asked
how Adams just ignores any of these them to play on after 21...Ra7. Everyone will
alternatives… learn a lot.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 80
Attacking Prematurely 28.Rb2 Rb8 29.Rd2 Ld7 30.f4 a4 31.fxe5
There is no worse feeling than botching an Nxe5 32.Rxd4 Rb2 33.Lb1 Qb6
attack, yet the fact is that more attacks fail 34.Rdd1 Nxc4 35.e5 Nxe5 36.Rde1 Rb3
than succeed. The obvious reason for this 37.Qf4 Rb4 38.Le4 f5 39.g4 Nxg4
must be that a player has attacked at the 40.Qg5 Nf2+ 41.Rxf2 Qxf2 42.Rg1
wrong moment. Timing is of the essence. Rxe4 43.Nxg6 Qf3+ 0–1 Short,N-
I list the main reasons an attack falls down: Filippov,A Kolkata 2009.
1) A player tries to attack a sound position. 8...Lb6 (D)
2) A player miscalculates or is lazy in
3) A player underestimates enemy 8r+l+k+ntr(
4) A player loses control of his or her 7zppzpq+pzpp'
emotions and becomes irrational. 6-vlnzp-+-+&
5) A player blunders.
Aggressive players naturally want to get 5+-+-zp-+-%
after the enemy king, but at all stages
remember the fundamental principle of
Steinitz: 'One has to make a plan which 3+QzP-+N+-#
conforms to the position'.
Now to a game where White tries to attack 2P+-sN-zPPzP"
too soon against what is basically a fireproof
position. All Trent's violent intentions are
carefully repulsed. xabcdefghy
□ Trent Lawrence This move is an integral part of Lasker's
■ Howell David concept. Black sets up the threat of ...Na5.
C52 Southend 2008 8...Nh6?! is another Steinitz concoction,
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lc4 Lc5 4.b4! which is hard to believe if we compare it with
I certainly advocate this approach to all 8...Lb6: 9.dxe5! Nxe5 (I think Black has to
players wishing to learn the art of attack. It's castle now 9...0–0 if he is going to revive this
just that no guarantees can be made as to the line) 10.Nxe5 dxe5 11.La3 (it is rather risky
result of the game. to leave your king in the centre against Jonny
4...Lxb4 5.c3 La5 6.d4 d6 Hector!) 11...c6 12.0–0–0 b5 13.Nf3 Qb7
Lasker's Defence is still one of the best ways (13...bxc4 14.Rxd7 cxb3 15.Re7+ Kf8
to play against the Evans Gambit. [15...Kd8 16.Rd1+ Ld7 17.axb3! +–]
7.Qb3 Qd7 8.Nbd2 16.Rxe5+ +–) 14.Rd5 f6 15.Rxb5 Lb6
Nigel Short, one of the main proponents of 16.Nxe5 Qc7 17.Nxc6 Ld7 18.Ne7 Qf4+
the Evans among modern Grandmasters, 19.Kb1 Ld8 20.Nf5 Qxe4+ 21.Ka1 Lxf5
prefers to castle: 8.0–0 Lb6 9.Nbd2 Na5 22.Ld5 Qe2 23.Lxa8 Le6 24.Ld5 1–0
10.Qc2 f6 11.a4 Nh6 12.La3 Nf7 13.Ld5 Hector,J-Antonsen,M Denmark 2010.
Qe7 14.Lb4 c6 15.La2 0–0. It looks like 9.a4 Nf6 10.a5
Chigorin and Steinitz playing this game. He wants to take him apart with his bare
Black is passive, but of course his position is hands! But what possible justification does
pretty solid and he is a pawn up. White has to White have for his upcoming exchange
be careful that his initiative doesn't grind to a sacrifice? None at all.
halt: 16.Nh4 g6 17.Kh1 Le6 18.d5 Ld7 10...Nxa5 11.Rxa5 Lxa5 12.dxe5 Ng4!
19.c4 Rac8 μ 20.Rae1 Qd8 21.Qd3 Ld4 Nice defence. White is relying on La3 trying
22.Ndf3 c5 23.Ld2 b6 24.Lxa5 bxa5 to keep the black king in the centre.
25.Rb1 Lxa4 26.Nxd4 cxd4 27.Qg3 Kg7 13.h3
FIDE TRG Syllabus 81
13.La3 Lb6! refutes the White attack: 14.0– Keep Cheerful and Optimistic
0 0–0 15.exd6 cxd6 μ. With regard to attack, if you do not believe,
13...Nxe5 14.Nxe5 dxe5 15.La3 (D) you will not succeed. It really is very simple
To execute a successful attack one must be
8r+l+k+-tr( cheerful and optimistic at all times, even or
especially when the attack is unsound!
7zppzpq+pzpp' In the following interesting match-up,
6-+-+-+-+& veteran chess legend Lajos Portisch struggles
with black against prodigy Richard Rapport.
5vl-+-zp-+-% Rapport is the 5th youngest player at 13yrs
4-+L+P+-+$ and 11 months to qualify as a GM.
The opening looks good for White, but by
3vLQzP-+-+P# using his experience and staying optimistic,
Portisch turns the tables and in the end
2-+-sN-zPP+" obliterates the white king.
□ Rapport Richard
xabcdefghy ■ Portisch Lajos
It's impossible to believe that White's D36 Szentgotthard 2010
initiative is worth the exchange and two 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5
pawns. Howell plans to neutralize the 5.Lg5 c6 6.Qc2 Le7 7.e3 Nbd7 8.Ld3
darksquared bishop and after that task is Nf8 9.Nge2 Ne6 10.Lh4 g6 11.0–0 0–0
completed, White will be lost. 12.f3 Re8 13.Rad1 b6
15...c6 16.0–0 b5 17.Rd1 Qb7 13...Nh5 seems like an effective alternative:
17...bxc4? 18.Nxc4 Rb8 19.Qa4! turns the 14.Lf2 (14.Lxe7 Qxe7 15.e4 Nef4 ÷)
tables, but there is no way David Howell is 14...Lf8 15.Kh1 a6 16.Qd2 Lh6 17.g4
going to fall for that! Nf6 18.h4 Lf8 19.g5 Nh5 20.Ng3 Neg7
18.Qc2 Ld8! 19.Qa2 bxc4 20.Nxc4 Le7 21.Kg2 f6 22.Nxh5 Nxh5 23.f4 Lg4
The end of the affair. 24.Rde1 Qd7 25.Rh1 Lb4 26.Qc2 Re7
21.Lxe7 Qxe7 22.Nd6+ Kf8 23.c4 a5 27.Reg1 Rf8 μ Hasanova,E-Guseva,M
24.c5 a4 25.f4 exf4 26.Qa3 Le6 27.Rf1 Nojabrsk 2005. Of course both sides can
Qg5 improve more or less, at various moves.
0–1 14.Kh1 Lb7 15.Lf2 Qc8 16.e4 (D)
I suppose the message that trainers must get
across is that it all too easy to get carried away. 8r+q+r+k+(
Trent's approach in this game was made to look
naive by the cold-blooded Howell.
Knowing when and where to commence an 6-zpp+nsnp+&
attack is a question of experience, cultivated
by constant practice. 5+-+p+-+-%
Many chessplayers are their own worst
enemy. They talk themselves into playing bad 3+-sNL+P+-#
moves or executing bad plans. They do not
have confidence in their play.
Possibly this is one of the trainer's most 1+-+R+R+K!
difficult tasks; how to motivate and instil
confidence into his students. xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 82
Standard play in the Exchange Variation has 28.Lf5 b5 29.Le6+ Kg7 30.Rdf1
seen White making all manner of preparatory Black’s game has been hanging on a thread
moves, trying to find the right moment for e4. for the past ten moves or so, but there will be
Portisch understands that the central pawns a surprising twist in the tail.
are a severe danger to him and has stationed 30...Qb6! 31.Qg4 Qe3 32.Qb4
his pieces as best he can to talk White out of 32.Nd1 Qd3.
the advance. The first critical moment has 32...Rxe6! (D)
been reached. XABCDEFGHY
16...dxe4 17.fxe4 c5 18.e5 Ng4
18...c4 19.Lf5! is interesting only for White. 8r+-vl-+-+(
The pawns look terrifying, but Portisch keeps 7zpl+-+-mkp'
cool. 6-+-+rzp-+&
19...Nxf2+ 20.Rxf2 Nd4 21.Qd2?!
White misses his chance. With 21.Nxd4 5+p+P+-zp-%
cxd4 22.e6! (D) 4-wQ-+-+-+$
XABCDEFGHY 3+-sN-wq-zP-#
8r+q+r+k+( 2PzP-+-tR-zP"
7zpl+-vlp+p' 1+-+-+RmK-!
6-zp-+P+p+& xabcdefghy
5+-+P+-+-% Black seizes his chance! Until now Black's
4-+-zp-+-+$ ambitions have been purely defensive, but
when the counterattack comes, it comes with
3+-sNL+-+-# tremendous force.
2PzPQ+-tRPzP" 33.dxe6 Qxe6 34.Nxb5
34.Qxb5 Lb6 –+.
1+-+R+-+K! 34...Qd5 35.Rf3 Lb6+ 36.Kg2 Re8
37.Nd6 Re2+ 38.Kh3 h5 39.Nf5+ Qxf5+
xabcdefghy It's mate after 40.Rxf5 Lg2 #.
he has every opportunity to wipe Black out: 0–1
22...fxe6 (22...Rf8 23.exf7+ Rxf7 24.Rxf7
Kxf7 25.Qf2+ Kg7 26.Ne4! ± or 22...dxc3 Conclusion
23.exf7+ Kg7 24.fxe8Q Qxe8 25.Qxc3+ I suppose the lesson to be learned here is
Kh6 26.Rf3 +–) 23.Lxg6 Rf8 24.Rxd4! perseverance and one develops this quality
Rxf2 25.Lxh7+ Kh8 26.Qxf2 Kxh7 best by believing in one's own ability. When
27.Qf7+ Kh8 28.Rg4 Qg8 29.Qh5+ Qh7 a player is positive, the sky is the limit!
30.Qe5+. It's a bit surprising that the young
man overlooks this shot. Too much respect
for his opponent perhaps?
In the end, provoking g3 will make all the
difference, so this is an important moment to
22.g3 Ld8 23.Qf4 Qc7 24.Kg1 g5
Not 24...Rxe5 when 25.d6 overloads the black
queen: 25...Qxd6 26.Qxf7+ Kh8 27.Qxb7.
25.Qg4 Rxe5 26.Nxd4 cxd4 27.Qxd4 f6
FIDE TRG Syllabus 83
Open File / Semi-Open File
Miguel Illescas
Concept development. With his next move, White
Open files are those which are free of any prepares the exchange of the darksquared
pawns and semi-open files are those where bishops, a favourable exchange for him due
one of the players doesn’t have any pawns to the pawn structure.
but his opponent does. Both are the main 9.b3!? Nc8
highways for all major pieces, playing a The route ...c8-b6 is not especially attractive
significant role in the overall strategy of the after White’s last move but the knight’s
game. prospects wouldn’t be brilliant either after
9...Ng6 10.g3.
The Open File 10.La3 Lxa3 11.Nxa3 0–0 12.Qd2 Qe7
In the next game we can distinguish three 13.Nc2 Le8?!
stages: A mechanical move which allows White to
1) Clearance of the open file. take the initiative. Better was 13...a5!,
2) Control of the file with the rooks. keeping the queenside under control.
3) Seventh rank penetration. 14.b4!
White gains space on the queenside and the
□ Illescas Cordoba Miguel knight’s position on c6 becomes unstable.
■ Short Nigel Black will have trouble controlling the
C02 Linares 1995 invasion square c7.
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 14...a5?!
Ld7 6.Le2 f5?! This move helps White. Much better would
This is an unusual and dubious move. The have been finding a quick way to connect the
blockade of the centre will leave Black with a rooks. An example variation would be
solid but very passive position. More natural 14...Lh5 15.b5 Nd8 16.Rfc1 Lxf3! 17.Lxf3
are 6...Nge7 or 6...f6. Nf7 18.Qb4! Qd7 19.a4 Ng5 20.Le2 Ne7
7.0–0 cxd4 8.cxd4 Nge7 (D) 21.Ne1 and White is only slightly better.
XABCDEFGHY 15.b5 Nd8 16.Rfc1
White controls the c-file first.
8r+-wqkvl-tr( 16...Lh5 17.Nce1! g5? (D)
7zpp+lsn-zpp' XABCDEFGHY
6-+n+p+-+& 8r+nsn-trk+(
5+-+pzPp+-% 7+p+-wq-+p'
4-+-zP-+-+$ 6-+-+p+-+&
3+-+-+N+-# 5zpP+pzPpzpl%
2PzP-+LzPPzP" 4-+-zP-+-+$
1tRNvLQ+RmK-! 3+-+-+N+-#
xabcdefghy 2P+-wQLzPPzP"
With the centre blocked the value of the open 1tR-tR-sN-mK-!
file will be even greater, but for the moment
both sides still need to complete their xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 84
White’s 17th move was a good one (the XABCDEFGHY
knight moves away from the file in order to
double rooks) but Black’s following was 8r+-sn-wq-mk(
incredibly optimistic. Before advancing the
pawns in front of the king Black should have
thought twice. A good idea would have been 6-sn-+p+-zp&
to get the knights off the back rank. After
17...Nf7 18.Rc5 Nb6 19.Rac1 Rfc8 White 5+P+pzPpzpN%
is better but Black can keep defending. With
his next moves White takes control of the
kingside and dominates the c-file completely. 3zP-tR-+-+P#
18.h3! Qg7 19.Rc3!
The capture on g5 becomes a threat.
19...Lxf3 20.Nxf3 h6 21.Rac1 Nb6 1+-tR-+-mK-!
White has successfully implemented the plan
initiated with 14.b4. Now White needs to find xabcdefghy
a way to make use of the open file. 29.Rc7! Nc4
22.Nh2! (D) Or 29...Rxc7 30.Rxc7 Rc8 31.Rxc8 Nxc8
XABCDEFGHY 32.Qc2 Nb6 33.Qc7 and White wins.
8r+-sn-trk+( A queen sacrifice that proves decisive.
7+p+-+-wq-' It’s easy to understand that after 30...Nxd2
6-sn-+p+-zp& 31.Rcc7 Ne4 32.f3 Black has no defence.
31.Lxc4 dxc4 32.Rxc4 Qxa3
5zpP+pzPpzp-% Black needs to restore the material balance
4-+-zP-+-+$ but there is no salvation anymore.
3+-tR-+-+P# Once again the control of the open file proves
2P+-wQLzPPsN" decisive. The second rook creates unstoppable
threats and in the next moves White organizes a
1+-tR-+-mK-! rook & knight mating finale.
33...Qf8 34.Qa2 a3 35.Nf6 Nf7 36.Qxe6
xabcdefghy a2 37.Qxf7 a1Q+ 38.Kh2 Qxf7 39.Rxf7
The knight is heading to f6 via f1-g3-h5. b6 40.Rh7 #
Black is able to meet the immediate 22.Rc7 1–0
with 22...Rf7, so White postpones the
penetration for a later stage. Sometimes the control of the open file,
22...Kh8 23.Nf1 a4 particularly central files, serves to restrict the
23...f4 doesn’t help, because after 24.Nh2 opponent’s mobility.
the knight finds its way to f6 via g4. In the next game Black was not able to
24.a3 Rf7 complete the development of his queenside.
For the moment Black is holding, but in few
moves his defensive position will collapse. □ Kasparov Garry
25.Ng3 Qf8 26.Nh5 Re7 27.Nf6 Nd7 ■ Petrosian Tigran
28.Nh5 Nb6 (D) E11 Bugojno 1982
The moment has arrived for White to 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Lb4+ 4.Ld2 Qe7
penetrate on the seventh rank. But Black has 5.g3 Lxd2+ 6.Qxd2 0–0 7.Lg2 d5 8.0–0
a tactical resource which has to be taken into dxc4 9.Na3 c5 10.dxc5 Qxc5 11.Rac1
account. Nc6 12.Nxc4 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 85
8r+l+-trk+( 8-tr-tr-vl-+(
7zpp+-+pzpp' 7+-+-+pzpk'
6-+n+psn-+& 6p+q+p+-zp&
5+-wq-+-+-% 5+-zp-+-+P%
4-+N+-+-+$ 4-+P+-+Q+$
3+-+-+NzP-# 3+P+-+-+-#
2PzP-wQPzPLzP" 2PvL-+-zPP+"
1+-tR-+RmK-! 1tR-+R+-mK-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
12…Qe7? 26.Lc3
After this move, Black will have a lot of Trying to bring the bishop to a5 in order to
problems with his queenside development. control the critical square d8.
Better was 12...Rd8 13.Qc2 Ld7 when 26...Rbc8?
White is only slightly better. A mistake. Necessary was 26...Qc7. Maybe
13.Nfe5 Nxe5 14.Nxe5 Nd5 Black feared 27.Qe4+ Kg8 28.Le5 and
If 14...Rd8 15.Qa5 Nd5 16.Rfd1 and it’s White is certainly better but at least Black gets
not easy to find a plan for Black. some active play after 28...Ld6 29.Rxd6
15.Rfd1 Rxd6 30.Qg4 Rd1+! 31.Rxd1 Qxe5.
White’s rooks are enjoying nice activity on 27.La5! Rxd1+ 28.Rxd1 Le7
the open lines while the black rooks are very Black has lost control of the open file and now
passive. tries to blockade by bringing his bishop to d4.
15...Nb6 16.Qa5?! 29.Qf3!?
And now a typical procedure would be A typical resource, trying to exchange the
16.Qd6! in order to exchange queens and defenders of the seventh rank. Also very
enter on the critical square c7. After strong was 29.Lc3!.
16...Qxd6 17.Rxd6 f6 18.Nd3 e5 19.Rc7 29...Kg8
Rb8 20.Nc5 White would be much better. Even worse was 29...Qxf3 30.gxf3 Kg8
Kasparov played 16.Qa5 and won anyway 31.Rd7 with extra tempi. Black should not
after his opponent blundered in a difficult refuse to exchange since after 29...Qe8
position: 30.Qb7 White’s initiative is overwhelming.
16...g6 17.Rd3 Nd5 18.e4 Nb6 19.Lf1 30.Qxc6 Rxc6 31.Rd7
Re8 20.Rdd1 Rf8 21.a3 Kg7 22.b3 Kg8 Black is forced to conduct a very passive
23.a4 Rd8 24.Qc5 defence and eventually loses the game:
1–0 31...Kf8 32.Rb7 Ke8 33.Lc3 f6 34.Ra7
Rd6 35.Kf1 e5 36.Ke2 Re6 37.g4 Rb6
When both sides try to control the open line 38.Kd3 Kf7 39.Ke4 Ke6 40.f3 Rc6
a bishop manoeuvre can be very useful, as the 41.Rb7 Lf8 42.La5 Le7 43.Rb6
coming battle is quite interesting - see the 1–0
following game for proof!

□ Pachman Ludek The most typical way to take control of the

■ Jakobsen Ole open file is to place both rooks on it.
Barcelona 1975 ○ Sometimes even the queen can be used to
FIDE TRG Syllabus 86
‘triple’ on the open file. In the following The Semi-Open File
game Karpov shows a brilliant way to double When a pawn in a semi-open file loses the
rooks without allowing the opponent to support of its own pawns it becomes an ideal
exchange them: target for the enemy rooks.

□ Karpov Anatoly □ Morozevich Alexander

■ Unzicker Wolfgang ■ Petrushin Alexander
Nice 1974 ○ Krasnodar 1997 ○
8r+rwq-vlk+( 8-+l+-tr-+(
7+n+l+p+p' 7zp-+-+-mkp'
6-+-zp-snp+& 6-zpr+pwqp+&
5+p+Pzp-+-% 5+-+ptR-+-%
4-zPp+P+-+$ 4-+-zP-zP-+$
3+-zP-vLNsNP# 3+-+-wQ-zP-#
2R+-wQ-zPP+" 2PzP-+-+P+"
1+L+-tR-mK-! 1+L+-tR-mK-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
Black hopes to simplify the position In this example, the control of the open c-file
exchanging rooks on the open file, but… is not very useful for Black. Action develops
24.La7! around the weak e6 pawn.
An original idea. Hiding behind the bishop 31.Ld3 Rc7 32.Le2!
White will double his rooks on the file. Morozevich transfers his bishop to g4 to
24...Ne8 25.Lc2 Nc7 26.Rea1 Qe7 27.Lb1 increase the pressure.
Le8 28.Ne2 Nd8 29.Nh2 Lg7 30.f4 32...Rc6
With the situation on the queenside under full Please note the poor activity of the black
control White launches an attack on the other rooks. The semi-open f-file is well guarded
flank. All the time Black needs to worry by the protected f4 pawn while the c-file is
about a move of the a7-bishop which makes quite useless to Black. After 32...Rc2
the coordination of the defence much more 33.Qb3, Black’s rook must retreat.
difficult. 33.b4! Qd8 34.b5
30...f6 31.f5 g5 32.Lc2 Lf7 33.Ng3 Nb7 Black’s rook is kicked off the open file and
34.Ld1 h6 35.Lh5 the a7 pawn is fixed as a new target. Black’s
Black should have been more careful with the position becomes more difficult…
weakness on the light squares. Now White’s 34...Rd6
cavalry will enter decisively. Active defence with 34...Rc2 35.Lg4 Rf6
35...Qe8 36.Qd1 Nd8 37.Ra3 Kf8 38.R1a2 36.Lxe6 Lxe6 37.Rxe6 Rxe6 38.Qxe6
In the end there will be no need but just in Rxa2 39.Re5 was not promising either.
case Karpov clears the a1-square for the qu- 35.Lg4 Rf6 36.Qa3! Rf7
een, getting ready to triple on the open file. Black’s choice is to leave e6. If 36...Qc7
38...Kg8 39.Ng4 Kf8 40.Ne3 Kg8 37.Rc1 Qd7 38.Rxc8!.
41.Lxf7+ Nxf7 42.Qh5 Nd8 43.Qg6 Kf8 37.Lxe6 Lxe6 38.Rxe6 Rxe6 39.Rxe6
44.Nh5 Qd7 40.Qe3 Qxb5 41.Qe5+ Kh6 42.g4
1–0 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 87
Very often a player can use the last forward 30.Lg2 Ld5 31.Nf3 Rf7 32.Kh2 Ld6
square on the semi-open file to place a 33.Lh3 Qd8 34.Rab1 Rfe7 35.Ng1 Lc7
knight. If the opponent decides to drive it out 36.Na3 Lb7!
or exchange the knight he may create new Now the threat ...Qd5 forces White to allow
weaknesses in his own camp. In the the bishop exchange.
following classical game, White exchanges 37.Lg2 Lxg2 38.Kxg2 Nd5 39.Nc2 Qd6
the knight on d4 but after Black captures with Now we can see that g3 is also weak. Black is
the e pawn a new semi-open line is opened planning ...Ne3, which cannot be easily
and the e2 pawn becomes weak. confronted.
40.Na3 Ne3+ 41.Kh1 Ng4 42.Qf4
□ Lisitsin Georgy There was no defence. If 42.Rf1 Qd5+ or
■ Botvinnik Mikhail 42.Kg2 Nxf2 43.Kxf2 Qxg3+ 44.Kf1
Leningrad 1932 ● Re3 45.Nf3 Qh3+ 46.Kg1 Lh2+ winning.
XABCDEFGHY 42...Qxf4 43.gxf4 Nxf2+ 44.Kg2 Nxd3
7zp-+qvl-zpp' In our last example the semi-open file is
used to transfer a rook to the attack:
□ Keene Raymond
5+-zpnzp-+-% ■ Miles Anthony
4P+N+-+-+$ Hastings 1976 ○
2-zPQ+PzPLzP" 8r+-wq-trk+(
1tR-tR-+NmK-! 7zpl+-vlpzpp'
xabcdefghy 6-zp-+psn-+&
20...Nd4! 5+-+-sN-vL-%
This knight is a very annoying piece.
Nimzowitsch called it the ‘sentinel of the
semi-open line’. 3+-sN-+-+-#
21.Qd1 Lg4
Forcing the exchange of the knight on d4. 2PzP-+-zPPzP"
22.Lxd4 exd4 23.Qd2 Lf8 24.Re1 Re8 1tRL+QtR-mK-!
To bring the knight to h2. But the pawn chain xabcdefghy
becomes weaker. 14.Re3! g6 15.Rg3 Rc8? 16.Lh6 Re8
25...Lh3 26.Lf3 17.a3 Nc6 18.Nxg6! hxg6 19.Lxg6! fxg6
White tries to keep the bishop, which is a 20.Qb1 Ne5 21.dxe5 Ne4 22.Nxe4 Kh7
very useful king protector and also defends 23.Nf6+ Lxf6 24.Qxg6+ Kh8 25.Lg7+
the e2 pawn. But Black will find the way to Lxg7 26.Qxg7 #
exchange it. 1–0
26...Re7 27.Nh2 Rce8 28.Kh1 Le6 29.b3
Now Black will manage to force the Summary
exchange ...Ld5. Of course, 29...Nc3 would A knowledge of playing techniques
be a mistake on account of 30.e4! and White associated with open and semi-open files is
gets rid of the weak pawn on e2. essential for all improving players.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 88
Michael Khodarkovsky
Concept White's knight cannot be attacked by any of
When a piece is placed on a square on Black's pieces. Is it even necessary to ask in
which it is protected (most often by a pawn) this position which is better: White's
and cannot be attacked by enemy pawns, it is powerful knight on d6 or Black's cramped
considered to be located on an outpost. knight on d7?
Outposts are extremely valuable as they 16...Lb7 17.Qc3 Rae8?
control enemy territory and can often be a The computer sacrifices the exchange to lessen
deciding factor in the result of the game. A the pressure, although it didn't help much to
player may go to great lengths in order to change the course of the game. More playable
secure an outpost and place there his or her for Black was: 17...Rab8!? 18.Nxe5 (18.Rd2
piece because that piece will be far stronger Qa4 19.Kb1 f5!?) 18...Nxe5 19.Qxe5 Qa4!?
than its counterpart. 20.Qc3 Qxa2. Now the outcome of the game
A knight, for example, placed on an outpost becomes obvious.
in the enemy position, can feel like a ‘knife in 18.Nxe8 Rxe8 19.Rhe1 Qb5 20.Nd2
the throat’ and we will see this principle Rc8 21.Kb1 Nf8 22.Ka1 Ng6 23.Rc1
demonstrated by Kasparov in the first La6 24.b3 cxb3 25.Qxb3 Ra8 26.Qxb5
example: Lxb5 27.Rc7
After the game, Kasparov exclaimed: ‘All my
□ Kasparov Garry life I've believed that a knight on d6 was
■ Comp Deep Junior worth a rook, and this game proved it!’.
D45 New York 2003 1–0
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e3 e6 5.Nf3
Nbd7 6.Qc2 Ld6 7.g4 dxc4 8.Lxc4 b6 □ Lukacs Peter
9.e4 e5 10.g5 Nh5 11.Le3 0–0 12.0–0–0 ■ Psakhis Lev
Qc7 13.d5 b5 Sarajevo 1981 ●
13...Lb7 14.dxc6 Lxc6 15.Nb5! Lxb5 XABCDEFGHY
16.Lxb5 Nc5 17.b4 Ne6 18.Qxc7 Nxc7
19.Lc6 Rad8 20.a3 ±. 8r+-+-trk+(
14.dxc6! bxc4 15.Nb5 Qxc6 16.Nxd6 (D) 7+-+nwq-+p'
XABCDEFGHY 6p+-zp-zpp+&
8r+l+-trk+( 5+psnP+-+-%
7zp-+n+pzpp' 4P+ptRPzP-+$
6-+qsN-+-+& 3+-+-+QzPP#
5+-+-zp-zPn% 2NzPL+-+K+"
4-+p+P+-+$ 1+-+-tR-+-!
3+-+-vLN+-# xabcdefghy
2PzPQ+-zP-zP" In this position, Black found a clever way to
1+-mKR+-+R! penetrate White's wall of pawns and station
his knight at an outpost.
xabcdefghy 23...Ne5! 24.Qa3
FIDE TRG Syllabus 89
24.fxe5? fxe5 and the rook is lost. XABCDEFGHY
24...Ned3 25.Re3 g5 26.Lxd3 Nxd3
27.Nb4 gxf4 28.Nc6 Qg7 29.Rexd3 cxd3 8-trlwq-+-mk(
30.Qxd3 Rae8 31.g4 f5
□ Botvinnik Mikhail
■ Donner Jan Hein 5+P+Pzpp+n%
Amsterdam 1963 ○ 4-+N+P+-+$
8r+r+-+k+( 2-vLQ+L+PzP"
7zpq+nvlpzpp' 1tR-+-+RmK-!
6-zp-+psn-+& xabcdefghy
5+-+-+-+-% Black is trying to equalize with the cascade
4-zP-sNP+-+$ of tactics, however White's knights and
passed pawn decided the game.
3zP-+-+QzP-# 29.Kxg2 Nf4+ 30.Kg3 Nxd3 31.Nxb8
Nxb2 32.d6 Le6 33.Nc6 Lh6 34.Ra7
2-vL-sN-zPKzP" Lf4+ 35.Kg2 Nc4 36.Re1 Ne3+ 37.Rxe3
1tR-tR-+-+-! 1–0
xabcdefghy The following example demonstrates the
With his next move, White gains space and power of the bishop when it is strategically
creates for his knight the perfect outpost. placed on an outpost.
Black's position becomes hopelessly
miserable. □ Karpov Anatoly
20.b5! a6 21.Nc6 Lf8 22.a4 axb5 23.axb5 ■ Westerinen Heikki
Rxa1 24.Rxa1 Ra8 25.Rd1 Ne8 26.Nc4 Nice 1974 ○
Nc5 27.e5 Rc8 28.Ra1 Rc7 29.Ra7
Qxa7 30.Nxa7 Rxa7 31.Nxb6
1–0 8r+-wqrvlk+(
□ Chernin Alexander 7+n+l+pzpn'
■ Ragozin Evgeni
London 1994 ○
(see next diagram) 5+-zpPzpN+-%
Before making a move in this position say to
yourself: 'The position of my knight on c3
could be improved. Where is the best square 3+-+-+N+P#
for this knight?'. Using his imagination,
White was able to find the ideal outpost. 2-+-vL-zPP+"
22.Na2! Nf4 23.Nb4 N6h5 24.Nc6 1tR-+QtR-mK-!
Mission accomplished!
24...Qg5 25.Ld3 Nxd3 26.Qxd3 fxe4 xabcdefghy
A very elegant, effective and final blow is 22.Lc6!
coming now. White allows Black to exchange bishops, but
27.Nxd6! Lf5 28.Nxe4 Qxg2+ at the cost of creating a passed pawn. When
FIDE TRG Syllabus 90
Black does not exchange, White's next move □ Anand Viswanathan
will be to reinforce the bishop. ■ Kasparov Garry
22...Qc7 23.b5 Nf6 24.Qc2 Reb8 New York 1995 ○
How does White break through? He needs XABCDEFGHY
more pieces on the queenside!
25.Ne3 Lc8 26.Nc4 Le7 27.b6 Qd8 8r+-+rvlk+(
28.Ra7 Nd7 29.Qa4 Rxa7 30.bxa7 Ra8
31.Qa6 Qc7 32.Lxd7 Qxd7 33.Nb6 Nd8
34.Qa1 6-vL-+qsn-+&
Often, it is possible to exchange pieces on an 4-+P+P+-+$
outpost. However, the common result is a
defended passed pawn that is just as annoying. 3+-+-+L+P#
□ Tal Mihail 2-+-+-+P+"
■ Dvoretsky Mark 1+R+R+-+K!
Leningrad 1974 ○
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
In this very unique case, the then World
8r+-+r+k+( Championship contender Vishy Anand
placed his rook on a square already defended
7zpq+n+p+p' by the opponent's knight! However, capturing
6-+pvLl+pvl& the rook leaves White with the advantage as
his two bishops and advancing pawns
5+-+-zp-+-% overwhelm Black's disorganized pieces. This
4NzP-+P+-+$ example features analysis by Anand.
27.Rd5! Nxd5?!
3+-+-+-+P# Maybe Black had to ‘deny’ the offer and try
2P+Q+LzPP+" 27...h5!?.
28.exd5 Qg6 29.c5 e4 30.Le2 Re5
1+-+RtR-mK-! White stands clearly better even after the
‘natural’ 30...Le7 31.d6 (31.Qb3 e3)
xabcdefghy 31...Lf6 32.d7 Rf8 33.Lc7. Kasparov tried
20.Nc5! Nxc5 21.bxc5 Lf8 22.Rb1 Qd7 to create some counterplay with his extra
23.Red1 Lxd6 24.cxd6! rook, attacking his opponent’s king.
Creating a passed pawn which makes the 31.Qd7 Rg5
weak pawn on c6 vulnerable. If White were 31...Qg3 32.Qxb7 Rg5 33.Rg1 and White
to take with the rook, the position would be wins.
roughly equal. 32.Rg1 e3 33.d6
24...Rab8 25.a4 Rxb1 26.Qxb1 Qd8 33.Qxb7 Re8 34.d6 was clearly winning as
27.Qc2 Qd7 28.Qc5 f6 29.a5 Kg7 30.Rb1 well.
Rd8 31.a6 Kh6 32.Qe3+ g5 33.Qf3 Qf7 33...Rg3 34.Qxb7 Qe6 35.Kh2
34.Rb7 Rd7 35.Lc4 f5 36.exf5 Qxf5 35.Rf1? would ruin everything: 35...Rb8
37.Lxe6 36.Qxb8 Rxh3+ 37.Kg1 Qe5 but 35.Rd1
1–0 was good as well: 35...Rb8 36.Qd5. Now
Black had to resign, as there is no chance to
Although the most well-known examples of survive left: 35...Re8 36.d7 and the passed
outposts involve the knight or the bishop, other pawn decides.
pieces also enjoy the honour; even rooks! 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 91
□ Petrosian Tigran XABCDEFGHY
■ Smyslov Vassily
Moscow 1949 ● 8r+-+nvlk+(
XABCDEFGHY 7+-+q+-+p'
8-+-tr-+k+( 6-+nzpl+p+&
7+-+-+pzp-' 5+N+-zp-+-%
6p+-+-vl-zp& 4-zpP+P+-+$
5+p+P+P+-% 3+N+QvL-+P#
4-+-+-+P+$ 2-zP-+L+P+"
3zPP+-zp-+-# 1+-+-+RmK-!
2-+r+L+RzP" xabcdefghy
1+-+R+-+K! 22.Lg4! Lxg4 23.hxg4 Qe6 24.Nd2 Rc8
xabcdefghy This is the key position, where the white
28...Rd2! queen dominates over her black counterpart
And Black is simply winning. White is forced due to an outstanding outpost on d5.
to capture the beautifully placed rook, giving 25...Nd8
Black a won ending. 25...Qxd5 26.exd5 Nd8 27.b3 (27.g5 Ra8)
29.Rxd2 exd2 30.Ld1 27...Ra8 28.Ne4 Nb7 29.Kf2 Ra2+
With his renowned technique, Smyslov soon 30.Kf3 Rb2 31.Ra1 Nc5 32.Nbxd6 Nxb3
extinguished any hopes of a draw due to 33.Ra8 Nxd6 34.Nxd6 Nd2+ 35.Lxd2
opposite coloured bishops. Rxd2 36.Ne4.
30...Rxd5 31.Kg1 Kf8 32.Kf1 Lg5 33.a4 26.b3 Le7 27.Lb6 Nf6
h5 34.h3 h4 35.axb5 axb5 36.Rf2 Ke7 Does White retreat? No!
37.Rf3 Re5 38.Le2 Rd5 28.Rxf6! Lxf6 29.Nxd6 Rb8 30.Lc7
38...Le3 39.f6+ gxf6 40.Rf5. Qxd5 31.exd5 Ra8 32.N6e4 Le7 33.c5
39.Ld1 Kf6 40.Rc3 Lf4 41.Ke2 Kg5 Black trembles in fear at the sight of White's
42.Rf3 b4 43.Kf1 connected passed pawns.
43.Rd3 Re5+ 44.Kf2 Re1 45.Lf3 f6 33...Nf7 34.c6 Rc8 35.Lb6 Nd6 36.Nxd6
46.Le2 Rh1. Lxd6 37.Ne4 Lf8 38.Kf2 Kf7 39.Ke2
43...Re5 44.Le2 Le3 45.Ld1 Kf6 46.Le2 Ke8 40.Kd3 Le7 41.Kc4 Rb8 42.c7 1–0
0–1 Conclusion
A piece placed on a square on which it is
Our final example illustrates the power of a protected (most often by a pawn) and cannot
well-placed queen. At an outpost where it be attacked by enemy pawns is considered to
cannot be attacked the queen can be a be located on an outpost.
formidable figure. Any piece can be placed at an outpost, be it
As we discussed earlier, the opponent can knight, bishop, rook, or even queen.
exchange at the cost of creating a passed Although it is possible for the opponent to
pawn. exchange the piece on the outpost, this often
results in the creation of a passed pawn.
□ Epishin Vladimir Owning an outpost can often decide the
■ Nunn John game in one's favour. Keep in mind this
Vienna 1991 ○ simple but valuable advice.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 92
Rook vs Minor Piece
Miguel Illescas
Concept the exchange on f6 doesn't work because the
Although the rook is a more powerful piece white king can't penetrate) 38...hxg5! (now
than a bishop or a knight there are some 38...h5? loses to 39.Ng3! Rxf1+ 40.Nxf1
positions where they can't develop all their and the knight goes to d2-b3-a5, attacking the
strength and the value difference is reduced. b7 pawn which can't be defended. Also
Generally this happens in positions without 38...Kg8? 39.g6 Rf6 [39...Rxf5 40.Rxf5
any open files and in which the minor piece Nf6 loses to 41.Rxf6! gxf6 42.h5 and the
occupies a good square. white king can penetrate through g4 and f5]
Consider for example the following 40.h5 Kf8 41.Kg2 Kg8 42.Rf3 Kf8
position: 43.Kg3 Kg8 44.Ne7+ Kf8 45.Nc8 and
White must win. Finally, 38...Kh7 39.Kg2 ±)
□ Larsen Bent 39.hxg5 g6 40.Nh4 Kg7 41.Rf3 Rxf3
■ Torre Eugenio 42.Nxf3 Kf7 (and Black arrives just in time
Brussels 1987 ○ to defend b7) 43.Nd2 Ke7 44.Nb3 Kd8
XABCDEFGHY 45.Na5 Kc8 and the ending is a draw. In any
case Black missed this opportunity and played
8-+-+n+-mk( a weaker move:
7zpp+-+rzp-' 37...Rd7? 38.Rf1 Kg8
If 38...Nf6 the clearest move is 39.h5 Nxh5
6-+-zp-+-zp& 40.Nxd6 and Black has to resign as he loses
5+PzpPzpNzP-% the house.
39.a4 (D)
3zP-+-+-+-# 8-+-+n+k+(
2-+-+-+-+" 7zpp+r+-zp-'
1+-+-tR-mK-! 6-+-zp-+Pzp&
xabcdefghy 5+PzpPzpN+-%
White is clearly better, but now he played
37.g6?! 4P+P+P+-zP$
Giving his opponent the chances to save the
game with 37...Rxf5! 38.exf5 Nf6 arriving at 3+-+-+-+-#
a curious position, in which although he is an 2-+-+-+-+"
exchange up the draw is clear as the rook has
no open files to penetrate into the opponents 1+-+-+RmK-!
position. Black only needs to transfer his king xabcdefghy
to e7 and wait. Instead of 37.g6 an interesting
move was 37.b6!? and Black can keep the files 39...h5
closed with 37...a6! and if 38.Rf1 (38.Kg2 Now this pawn can be attacked. But if 39...Nf6
h5! ; 38.gxh6 g6 39.Ne3 Nf6 ; 38.Re3 h5 40.Nxh6+. In case of 39...Nc7 40.a5 Ne8
39.Rf3 Kg8 [39...g6?? 40.Nd4!] 40.g6 [or 41.b6 a6 42.h5 Black is in zugzwang, as if
40.Kg2 Kf8] 40...Rxf5! 41.Rxf5 Nf6 and 42...Nf6 (42...Rd8?? 43.Ne7+ ; 42...Kh8
the position doesn't change much. Returning 43.Nxd6) 43.Nxh6+ Kh8 44.Ng4.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 93
40.Kf2 Nf6 41.Ke3 Kf8 □ Karjakin Sergey
41...b6 makes things easier, as 42.a5 opens a ■ Radjabov Teimour
file. Warsaw 2005 ○
42.a5 Rd8 43.Kd3 Rd7 44.a6 XABCDEFGHY
White doesn't have to worry any more about
the queenside as he is about to win the h5- 8r+-wq-mk-tr(
pawn on the kingside (Rg1-g5 and Ng3 to
44...b6 45.Rg1 Ng4 (D) 6p+-zp-+-vl&
Practically forced. If 45...Rd8 46.Rg5 Rd7
47.Ng3 leaves Black without any hope. 5+-+Nzp-+-%
8-+-+-mk-+( 3+-zP-+-+-#
7zp-+r+-zp-' 2-zP-+-zPP+"
6Pzp-zp-+P+& 1+-+-mKL+R!
5+PzpPzpN+p% xabcdefghy
4-+P+P+nzP$ Fixing a6 as an attacking objective. If directly
3+-+K+-+-# 19.Lxa6 then 19...Qc8 20.Nb4 Qg4 offers
too much counterplay to Black.
2-+-+-+-+" 19...a5
1+-+-+-tR-! Radjabov is trying to exchange his weak pawn,
but now the passed pawn on b5 combined with
xabcdefghy the knight on d5 will be very powerful.
46.Rxg4! 20.b5 Rb8 21.g3 g6 22.Lh3 Kg7 23.0–0
A positional exchange sacrifice. Black's rook Rf8
is clearly worth less than White's knight. The Preparing the advance ...f5, which is the only
following moves are quite clear as Black can't possible reaction for Black.
do anything. 24.Ra1! Kh8 25.Qxa5 Qe8
46...hxg4 47.Ke3 Rd8 48.Kf2 Kg8 If 25...Qxa5 26.Rxa5 Ra8 27.Rxa8 Rxa8
49.Kg3 Rd7 50.Kxg4 Kf8 51.Kg5 Kg8 28.b6 Kg7 29.b7 Rb8 30.Lc8! +–.
52.h5 Kh8 53.h6 gxh6+ 54.Nxh6 26.c4 f5 27.Qc7!
Also good is 54.Kxh6 because the resource Threatening 28.Ra7.
54...Rh7+ is insufficient because of 55.Kg5! 27...Qf7 28.exf5!
Rh1 56.Kf6 +–. In any case, White doesn't Keeping the f-file closed. After 28.Qxd6?!
even want to allow Black's rook to become fxe4 29.Ra2 Ra8! Black has counterplay.
active. 28...Qxc7
54...Kg7 55.Nf5+ Kf8 56.Kf6 28...gxf5 29.Qxd6 ±.
56...Rf7+ is answered by 57.Ke6, when 29.Nxc7 gxf5 30.Ra6! Rf7 31.Nd5 Lf8
everything is falling apart, so Black was 32.Rc6! f4?!
‘obliged’ to resign! This move accelerates defeat by allowing
1–0 White's bishop to enter, but in any case
Black's position was very difficult and White
A knight on a central square and protected could always provoke this advance with Ne3
from attacks can fight perfectly well against a if needed.
rook if the position doesn't offer any 33.Le6 Rg7 34.g4! Re8 35.Lf5
weaknesses that this piece can attack. 35.Lc8! was also winning, with the idea b6-b7.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 94
35...Le7 36.h5 Lg5 37.b6 e4 38.Rc8! much better.
Rxc8 23...c6 24.Rd2 d5
In the case of 38...Rd8 39.Ne7! decides the Now Black transfers his bishop to f6 and the
game. position can be considered equal, but White
39.Lxc8 e3 40.fxe3 fxe3 41.b7 carries on playing under the impression that
1–0 he is still better.
25.Qf3 Le7 26.Rde2 Lf6 (D)
In order to take advantage of the exchange
the strong side should generally try to
simplify. This is easier to achieve in the 8r+-+-+k+(
endgame, whereas in the middlegame other
factors, such as the initiative, can be more
important. 6-+p+-vl-+&
□ Mieses Jacques 5+-+p+P+-%
■ Capablanca Jose Raul
Berlin 1913 ○
8r+-+-+k+( 2PzP-+R+PzP"
7zppzp-+pzpp' 1+-mK-tR-+-!
6-+-zp-+-+& xabcdefghy
5+q+-+-+-% Very optimistic. White wants to play g4 and
4-vl-+QzP-+$ g5, but this plan doesn't work because of a
small detail. He will just end up with his
3+-+-+-+-# queen isolated from the rest of his pieces and
incapable of getting to the other side. Better
2PzPP+-+PzP" was 27.g4.
1+-mKR+-+R! 27...h6! 28.g4? Kh7!
The key. White can't play 29.h4 because of
xabcdefghy 29...g6 winning the queen, and therefore he is
Black has a pawn for the exchange, but his beginning to get a bad position.
pieces are not very well placed to offer 29.Kb1 Rd8 30.Rd1
enough compensation. 30.Qh3 was better, without losing any more
20.c3 Lc5 21.Rhe1 tempi.
The possibility of entering the seventh file 30...c5 31.Qh3 Qa4 32.Red2 Qe4+
makes the open file an important issue. If 33.Ka1 b5 34.Qg2 Qa4 35.Kb1
Black's bishop was on f6, controlling the e7 35.Rxd5?? Qxd1+.
square, Black's position would be playable. 35...b4 36.cxb4 Qxb4 37.a3
21...Qc6 22.Rd5? If 37.Rxd5 Rxd5 38.Rxd5 Lxb2 39.Qxb2
White mistakenly avoids the exchange of Qe4+ with a winning ending for Black.
queens as he hopes to win the game by 37...Qa4! 38.Rxd5 Rb8 39.R1d2 c4
attack. With 22.Qxc6 bxc6 23.Re7 White 40.Qg3 Rb3 41.Qd6 c3
should win. 41...Lxb2 42.Rxb2 c3 was better.
22...Qd7 23.f5?! 42.Rc2 cxb2 43.Rd3 Qe4! 44.Rd1 Rc3
Another mistake, leaving the f6-square for White resigned as there is no defence left
the black bishop. Leaving the pawn on f4 and anymore: 45.Qd2 Rxa3.
moving the other one to g5 would have been 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 95
□ Kramer Haije The attack with the rook on the eight rank
■ Thomas George will create unstoppable threats. But 34.Qxd3
Utrecht 1949 ○ exd3 35.Kf2 Lb5 36.Ke1 should also win.
XABCDEFGHY 34...Kg6 35.Ra8 Kh5
If 35...Kh7 36.f5 Qe2 37.Kh2 the threat
8-+-+ltrk+( Qf8 is decisive.
7zpp+-+-zpp' 36.Kh2 Qe2 37.Rg8
Also winning is 37.Qd6 and if 37...Qxe3
6-+pwq-+-+& 38.g4+ Kh4 39.Qe7+ g5 40.Qxg5+! hxg5
41.Rh8 #.
5+-+p+-+-% 37...Kg6
4-+-+pzP-+$ 37...g5 38.Qe7 mates quickly.
3+-wQ-zP-+-# 1–0
2PzP-+-+PzP" In open positions, with pawns on both
1+-tR-+RmK-! sides, the advantage of the rook is nearly
always decisive, especially against a knight
xabcdefghy (which is a slower piece), but on many
Black has a pawn for the exchange, but he is occasions the bishop isn't able to offer much
worse. To exploit his advantage, White must resistance either.
open some files, at the same time not
allowing Black to improve his position by □ Shirov Alexei
activating his pawns or bishop. ■ Onischuk Alexander
22.Qc3! Poikovsky 2008 ●
Preparing a manoeuvre that fixes the
opponent's pawns on the same colour squares
as his bishop, and at the same time 8-+-+k+-+(
threatening a possible f5-f6, opening files.
Simplifying with 22.Qc5 would be a mistake 7+-+-zP-+p'
because of 22...Qxc5 23.Rxc5 b6 24.Rc3 6p+R+-zpp+&
c5 and Black has been able to improve his
position considerably. His bishop can move 5+p+-+-+-%
to b5 and d3, after which the advance ...d4
can't be prevented. In this case, Black would
have enough positional compensation for his 3+-+-+-+P#
material disadvantage.
22...Ld7 23.b4 a6?! 2P+-+-+P+"
Better was 23...b6 and if 24.f5 Black isn't 1+-+-+-+-!
forced to capture on f5. White is better but
there is still quite a fight ahead. xabcdefghy
24.Qd4 h6 25.Rfd1 44...Lxe7
Threatening 26.Qxe4. Worse is 44...Kxe7 45.Rxa6 Ld6 46.Kd5
25...Qe7 26.a4 Kh7 27.b5! Le5 47.Kc5 +– and Black loses the b-pawn.
The player with the extra exchange must 45.Rxa6 c3 46.Kd5 Kf7
strive to open more files. If 46...b4 47.Ke6 is decisive, although after
27...axb5 28.axb5 Ra8 29.bxc6 Lxc6 47...Kd8 the correct move is 48.Rc6 leaving
29...bxc6 30.Ra1. Black in zugzwang. By contrast, bad is
30.Ra1 Ra3 31.Rxa3 Qxa3 32.Ra1 Qb3 48.Ra8+?? Kc7 –+ and Black wins, as his c-
33.h3 Qd3 34.Qc5 pawn is unstoppable.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 96
47.Rc6 b4 48.Rc7 h5 Black is still worse) 64.Rxh4 Kxa4 65.g4
Black hasn't got anything better. If 48...f5 winning.
49.gxf5 gxf5 50.Ke5 +– while 48...h6 49.g3! 62.Rh5
and soon he will be out of moves, for Now 62.Rf4 is answered by 62...b5 63.axb5
example: 49...g5 50.Rb7 Ke8 51.Ke6 Kd8 a4 64.Rxh4 (64.Rf8 Kb4!) 64...Kc4!
52.Rd7+ Kc8 53.Rd4 Lf8 54.Kf7. 65.Rxe4 a3 as in the game.
49.gxh5 gxh5 50.g4! 62...Kc4 63.Rf5 Kc3 64.Rg5 Kc4
This is not the only way to win, but it is the 65.Rh5 (D)
50...hxg4 51.hxg4 f5
A desperate resource because if 51...Ke8 8-+-+-+-+(
52.Ke6 Kd8 53.Rd7+! as before.
52.gxf5 Kf6 53.Ke4 Lf8 54.Rc6+ Kg5
54...Kf7 55.f6 Ke8 56.Kf5 Kd7 57.Rc4 6-zp-+-+-+&
Ld6 58.f7 Lf8 59.Kf6.
55.f6 5zp-+-+-+R%
55...Kg6 56.Ke5 Lh6 57.f7+ winning. 4P+kvlp+-zp$
□ Karpov Anatoly
■ Kasparov Garry 2-+-+K+P+"
Seville 1987 ● 1+-+-+-+-!
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
8-+-+-+-+( 65...Lf6!
7+-+-zp-+-' The only move. If 65...Kc3? 66.Rxh4 b5
67.axb5 a4 68.Rxe4 a3 69.Re6 a2
6pzp-mk-vl-+& (69...Kc4 70.Ra6) 70.Ra6 winning.
5+-+-+-+-% 66.Rh6
Also if 66.Ke3 Kb3 67.Rb5+ Kxa4
4P+-+-tR-zp$ 68.Rxb6 Lc3 69.Kxe4 Lb4 followed by
Kb3 and Black saves the day.
3+-+-+-+-# 66...Ld4 67.Rh5
2-+-+K+P+" If 67.Rxh4 b5 68.axb5 a4.
67...Lf6 68.Rh6 Ld4 69.Rxh4
1+-+-+-+-! Finally White captures the pawn as he doesn't
xabcdefghy have a better move.
69...b5 70.axb5 a4 71.Rxe4 a3 72.b6 a2
Even though Black has two pawns for the
73.Rxd4+ Kxd4 74.b7 a1Q 75.b8Q Qa6+
exchange, as they are not grouped together he
76.Kf2 Qf6+ 77.Kg1 Ke4 78.Qb4+
must play carefully to hold the draw.
78.Qb7+ Kf4 79.Qf3+ Kg5 80.Qxf6+
51...Kd6 52.Kd3 Kc5 53.Rc4+ Kd5 Kxf6 81.Kh2 Kg6! =.
54.Rc7 a5 55.Rc4 e5 56.Rg4 Le7 57.Rg7
78...Kf5 79.Qe1 Qd4+
e4+ 58.Ke3 Lc5+ 59.Ke2 Ld4 60.Rg5+
Kc4 61.Rf5 ½–½
If 61.Rg4 b5 62.axb5 a4 63.Rxe4 a3 with a
But not 61...Kb3? 62.Rf4 Lc3 63.Rxe4
Lb4? (63...Lf6 is slightly better, although
FIDE TRG Syllabus 97
The Bishop-pair
Mikhail Gurevich
Concept This is more precise than 10.0–0, and after
The bishop-pair is a powerful weapon. We 10...Ne4 11.Qb3 Ng5 12.Nxg5 Qxg5
refer usually to the bishop-pair advantage 13.f3 Nc6 14.Lb2 e5 15.Rf2 Rae8 16.bxc5
over a bishop and knight, or over two dxc5 17.a4 Re6 18.Lc3 Qe7 a draw (½–½)
knights. was agreed in the game Nielsen,P-
An important point to consider in most Rozentalis,E Malmo/Copenhagen 2004.
positions with the bishop-pair is the pawn 10...Nc6 11.0–0 Re8!?
structure and the existence of pawns on both With the idea 12...e5 13.bxc5 dxc5 and Black
sides of the board. looks fine.
We will explain how to evaluate the 12.d4 cxd4 13.Nxd4
importance of the bishop-pair and different 13.exd4!? was interesting, planning 13...d5
techniques of playing with them... 14.b5 Ne7 15.c5 ².
First of all let us discuss the importance of 13...Nxd4?!
the pawn structure. There are many possible This exchange pours water on White's mill.
pawn structures. We will classify them as 13...Ne4!? with a complicating position was
following: open centre, semi-open and closed interesting: 14.Qd3! (14.Qc2 Nxd4
positions. 15.Lxd4 e5 16.Lb2 Qg5 with counterplay)
Our general knowledge proves to us that 14...Ne5 15.Qd1 Qg5! 16.f4 Qg6 17.Lh5
the more the centre is open the bigger (17.fxe5? Nc3 –+) 17...Qh6 18.Rc1 Rac8
advantage of the bishop-pair becomes. This is with counterplay, and White should repeat
simple. moves: 19.Le2 Qg6 20.Lh5 =.
But each of these structures has its own 14.Qxd4 d5 15.cxd5 Qxd5 16.Qxd5
characteristics and techniques of playing with Changing queens and rooks is a part of my
the bishop-pair differentiate considerably. We plan.
will explain... 16...Nxd5 17.Rac1 Rac8 18.Rfd1
With a typical idea: Kf1-e1.
Open Centre 18...Rxc1
The position with two open vertical files on 18...f6 19.Kf1 Kf7 was more resistant.
the centre and more, we may call open 19.Rxc1 Rc8 20.Rxc8+ Lxc8 (D)
positions. This provides the best conditions
for the bishop-pair and we may use the
dominating, long-range power of bishops in 8-+l+-+k+(
developing all kind of attacks and initiatives.
However, the most technical, most 'pure' 7zp-+-+pzpp'
technique of exploiting the bishop-pair 6-zp-+p+-+&
advantage in positions with an open centre is
the Technique of Exchanges. Let's see an 5+-+n+-+-%
□ Gurevich Mikhail 3zP-+-zP-+-#
■ Sandipan Chanda
A17 Gibraltar 2006 2-vL-+LzPPzP"
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 Lb4 4.Qc2 0–0 1+-+-+-mK-!
5.a3 Lxc3 6.Qxc3 b6 7.e3 Lb7 8.Le2 c5
9.b4 d6 10.Lb2 xabcdefghy
FIDE TRG Syllabus 98
White achieved the exact material balance he 30...exf5 was probably a better decision,
was aiming for: two bishops versus bishop although after 31.Lc4+ Kf6 32.Ke3 White
and knight in the endgame. A typical, is clearly better.
pleasant advantage, where the game usually 31.g4!
goes for two results... Although there are no This creates a passed pawn on the kingside
weaknesses in Black's position so far, the fact and by using the classical principle of the two
that White possesses the bishop-pair with the weaknesses, makes Black's position
centre open and the pawns on both sides of practically indefensible.
the board, makes this endgame extremely 31...fxg4 32.fxg4 Ld5 33.Ke3 Kg6 34.h4
difficult for Black. How to proceed? h6 35.h5+ Kg7 36.Lg3 Nf6 37.Le5 Kf7
21.e4!? 38.Lf4 Kg7 39.Kd4
Gaining space in the centre is the first stage With the idea Ke5-d6-c7-b8. 39.Lb8 was
in White's plan. He should activate his also good: 39...Nd7 40.Lxa7 e5 41.Lf3 ±.
bishops as much as possible, create pawns' 39...Ne4 40.Le5+ Kf7 41.Lf4 Kg7
weaknesses in his opponent's position, on 42.Ke5 Nc3 43.Ld3 Lf3 44.Kd6
both sides, hopefully, centralize his king and White continues his plan, and creates the
create passed pawn(s)... Black is facing a threat of 45.Le5+, which is better than
long and difficult defence... 44.Kxe6 Lxg4+ 45.Kd6 ±.
21...Ne7 44...Na4 45.Le5+ Kg8 46.g5 Nc5
21...Nf4 22.Lc4 (with the threat Le5-b8) The only move as after 46...hxg5 47.h6 the h-
22...Ng6 23.b5 ². pawn is unstoppable.
22.b5! 47.Lg6 Ne4+ 48.Kxe6 Nxg5+ 49.Ke7
Creates the weakness no1; the a7-pawn. With the threat 50.Lb8. White wins.
22...f6 49...Le2 50.Lb8 a6 51.bxa6 Lxa6 52.La7
With the idea 23...Kf7, 24...e5 and 25...Le6, Nf3 53.Lxb6 Ne5 54.Le8 Lc4 55.Ld4
trying to block the position in the centre as Nd3 56.Le3 Kg7 57.a4 Nb4 58.Ld4+
much as possible. Kg8 59.a5 Nd5+ 60.Kd6 Nf4 61.Le3 Kf8
23.Lc3 62.Lc6 Nxh5 63.Lxh6+ Kf7 64.Ld5+!
Planning Lb4-d6-b8. By this White converts the advantage of the
23...Kf7 bishop-pair into material, with an extra queen
Or 23...e5 24.Lc4+ Kf8 25.Lb4 ². in a couple of moves, as Black's pieces are
24.Lc4 Ng6 25.Lb4 Ne5 26.Le2 Lb7 unable to stop the a-pawn. After
27.f3 Nd7 28.Ld6 g6 29.Kf2 f5 30.exf5 64...Lxd5 65.Kxd5
gxf5 (D) Black resigned.
8-+-+-+-+( Semi-Open Centre
7zpl+n+k+p' With an only one open vertical file in the
centre; the so-called semi-open centre, the
6-zp-vLp+-+& strategy of playing with the bishop-pair
should be different.
5+P+-+p+-% As total exchanges, like in the previous
4-+-+-+-+$ case, might lead to drawish, or let say
defendable endgames, the recommended
3zP-+-+P+-# strategy should be Partial Exchanges in
2-+-+LmKPzP" combination with developing an initiative, or
attack, on a certain side of the board. Let me
1+-+-+-+-! explain it using the following two examples,
where great players like Timman and Adams
xabcdefghy demonstrate the correct way.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 99
□ Timman Jan Kh8 25.Ng4 Qf4 26.Qxb4 Lxf3 27.Rf1
■ Karpov Anatoly Lxg2+ 28.Kxg2 Qxg4+ 29.Kh1 Ne5! –+)
E21 Hoogeveen 1999 24...Qxb3 25.Lxb3 ², but not 18...Ra4?
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.Nf3 b6 19.dxc5 dxc5 20.Lxh7+! +–.
5.Qb3 Qe7 6.a3 Lxc3+ 7.Qxc3 Lb7 8.e3 19.Lc2 Rc8?!
0–0 9.Le2 d6 10.0–0 Nbd7 11.b4 c5 Puts pressure on the c-file and forces White
12.Lb2 a5 13.Rfd1 axb4 14.axb4 Rfb8 to clarify the pawn structure in the centre. But
14...Rxa1 15.Lxa1 Ne4 16.Qb3 ². 19...e5 20.Lb2 ² or 19...cxd4 20.Qxd4
15.Nd2!? (20.exd4 b5 21.c5 ÷) 20...b5 21.Lb3 ² were
Prevents 15...Ne4 with an idea 16.f3 limiting probably better continuations (destabilizing
the b7-bishop and taking the centre under the centre) but Karpov tries to keep the centre
control. as closed as possible...
15...Qd8!? 20.dxc5 dxc5 21.b5!
A typical Karpov plan. Keeping the centre The pawn structure is blocked on the
closed he prepares for multiple exchanges queenside; that was Karpov's main idea.
over an open a-file... 15...Ne4? 16.Nxe4 However Black has no active pieces,
Lxe4 17.dxc5 Qg5 18.f3 +–. including the c8-rook, neither active plan
16.f3 Rxa1 17.Lxa1!? (D) left... The bishop-pair gives White a
prolonged initiative...
8-tr-wq-+k+( With the idea 22...f6, blocking the a1-h8
diagonal. 21...e5 22.Lf5 ² was possible.
7+l+n+pzpp' 22.Ne4 f6 23.Qd3!
Timman activates all his pieces, developing
6-zp-zppsn-+& an initiative in the centre.
5+-zp-+-+-% 23...Lxe4
Practically forced: 23...Nf8 24.Nd6! Nxd6
4-zPPzP-+-+$ (24...Rd8 25.Nxe8 Rxe8 26.Qd6 ± and
3+-wQ-zPP+-# Black is in trouble) 25.Qxd6 Qxd6
26.Rxd6 Ra8 27.Lc3 Ra2 (27...Ra3
2-+-sNL+PzP" 28.Le1 Ra2 29.Ld3 Ra3 30.Lf1 +–)
28.Ld3 Lc8 29.Lf1 Ra3 30.Le1 ±.
1vL-+R+-mK-! 24.Qxe4 Nf8 (D)
xabcdefghy XABCDEFGHY
An interesting strategical decision. White
restrain from further exchanges. Keeping 8-+r+nsnk+(
queens and pair of rooks on the board 7+-wq-+-zpp'
Timman believes that control over the a-file
is irrelevant and hopes to develop an 6-zp-+pzp-+&
initiative in the centre... Although White is 5+Pzp-+-+-%
slightly better in case of 17.Rxa1 Ra8
18.Rxa8 Qxa8 19.Qa3 Qxa3 20.Lxa3 4-+P+Q+-+$
Lc6, Timman feels that the limited material
simplifies Black's defence somehow. 3+-+-zPP+-#
17...Ra8 18.Ld3 Qc7 2-+L+-+PzP"
18...cxd4 19.exd4 (19.Qxd4 Qc7 =)
19...b5!? was an interesting idea, 1vL-+R+-mK-!
undermining the strength of White's pawn- xabcdefghy
centre: 20.cxb5 Nd5 21.Qb3 Qg5 22.Ne4
Qe3+ 23.Kh1 Nxb4 24.Lc4 (24.Nf6+ 25.Qd3!
FIDE TRG Syllabus 100
With the semi-open centre Timman takes the 36.h4!
only open central d-file under full control, Time for decisive action. With his last move
and avoids rook exchanges... White plans 37.h5 and 38.g4 attacking
25...Kf7!? Black's king.
25...Ra8 26.Lb2 Ra2 27.La3 Qa7 36...Kg8 37.h5 Nh8
28.Lc1 ±. Hoping to bring the knight on h6 and then on
26.Lc3 Ke7 g4, blocking the kingside. Timman has no
With the idea 27...Rd8. An exchange of time to lose. Note that if 37...Nf8 then 38.g4
rooks and (or) queens would allow Black to ±.
hold the position. 26...Ra8 27.Le1! ±. 38.g4 Rf8?
27.Ra1! A decisive mistake in a difficult position.
Avoids any exchanges. Black has no points Black should have also avoided 38...fxg4
of entrance on d-file anyway... 39.Qxg4 Qc8 40.Ra7 Re8 41.h6 Nhg6
27...Rd8 28.Qe2 Nd6 42.Ra8! Qxa8 (42...Qd7 43.Qd1 Nd5
28...e5 29.f4! ±. 44.Rxe8+ Qxe8 45.cxd5 +–) 43.Qxe6+
29.f4 Kh8 44.hxg7+ Kxg7 45.Qf6+ Kg8 46.e6
Planning e4-e5, developing an initiative in +– but should have opted for 38...Nf7!?
the centre and the kingside. Of course 29.e4?! 39.gxf5 Nxf5 (39...exf5 40.e6 Nh6 41.Rg1
e5 would be out of the question. Ng4+ 42.Rxg4 fxg4 43.Qxg4 +–) 40.Lxf5
29...Kf7 30.e4 Nc8 exf5 41.Kg2! (41.e6? Ng5 42.Qe3 Ne4
30...Ng6 31.e5 ±. 43.Rg1 Nxc3 44.h6 g6 45.e7 Ne4 =)
31.e5! 41...Qe7 42.Le1!? ±.
Timman needs to open up the position in 39.gxf5 Nxf5
order to prove the dominant character of the Or 39...exf5 40.e6 ±.
bishop-pair over the knight-pair. 40.Lxf5 Rxf5
31...f5 40...exf5 41.e6 Qe7 42.Qg2! +–.
Keeping the centre closed is forced, but 41.Ra8+
White gained more space, and starts an attack Finally Black is losing the knight and the
on the kingside. The alternative was 31...Ne7 game.
32.Qh5+ Neg6 33.exf6 gxf6 34.Rf1 ±. 41...Rf8
32.Qf3 Ne7 33.h3 Kg8 34.Kh2 41...Kf7 42.Rxh8 +–.
34.g4?! Nfg6 35.Qg3 Rf8 ² would 42.Rxf8+ Kxf8 43.Qa8+ Kf7 44.Qxh8
decrease White's advantage. Qb7 45.h6!
34...Nfg6 35.g3 Kf7 (D) Black resigned due to 45...Qf3 46.Qxg7+ Ke8
XABCDEFGHY 47.Qg8+ Ke7 48.Qxh7+ Kd8 49.Qg8+ Kd7
50.Qf7+. Another great example of the bishop-
8-+-tr-+-+( pair technique with the semi-open centre...
7+-wq-snkzpp' 1–0
6-zp-+p+n+& □ Adams Michael
5+Pzp-zPp+-% ■ Martinovic Sasa
C07 Rijeka 2010
4-+P+-zP-+$ 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5
3+-vL-+QzPP# 5.dxc5 Lxc5 6.Ngf3 Nf6 7.Lc4 Qc6
8.Qe2 0–0 9.0–0 Nbd7 10.Nb3 b6 11.Nxc5
2-+L+-+-mK" Qxc5 12.b3 Lb7 13.Lb2 Qh5 14.Ne5!
Qxe2 15.Lxe2 Nxe5 16.Lxe5 Rac8 17.c4
1tR-+-+-+-! Rfd8 18.Rfd1 Kf8 19.f3 Ke7 20.Kf2 Ne8
xabcdefghy 21.a4 Rxd1 22.Rxd1 Rd8 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 101
XABCDEFGHY Organizing a passed pawn might be a
difficult task. In the majority of closed
8-+-trn+-+( positions knights are good match to the long-
range bishop-pair power.
6-zp-+p+-+& □ Kramnik Vladimir
5+-+-vL-+-% ■ Illescas Cordoba Miguel
A17 Dos Hermanas 1997
4P+P+-+-+$ 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.Qc2 0–0
3+P+-+P+-# 5.a3 Lxc3 6.Qxc3 b6 7.g3 Lb7 8.Lg2 c5
9.b4 d6 10.0–0 Nbd7 11.Lb2 Qe7 12.d3
2-+-+LmKPzP" Rfc8 13.b5
13.e4 a6 with idea ...b5 with counterplay.
1+-+R+-+-! 13...a6 14.a4 axb5 15.axb5 Qf8 16.e4 Rxa1
xabcdefghy 16...d5!? 17.cxd5!? exd5 18.Nd2 ².
23.Ld4!! 17.Rxa1 Ra8 18.Qc1!
Although White would be better after the 18.Re1 Ra2 19.Nd2 Qa8 with counterplay.
exchange of rooks, Black king would come to 18...Rxa1 19.Qxa1 Qa8 20.Qxa8+ Lxa8
defend of the queenside. Having a pawn 21.Nd2 Ne8 (D)
majority on the queenside and the bishop-pair Black's alternatives were 21...d5? 22.exd5
to support an attack there, Adams prevents exd5 23.Nf1 ±, with idea Ne3 or 21...Ne5
his opponent from any defensive chances... 22.Lf1 ².
23...f6 24.c5 e5 25.Le3 Rxd1 26.Lxd1
bxc5 27.Lxc5+ +–. 8l+-+n+k+(
24.a5 Rb8? 7+-+n+pzpp'
A mistake in a very difficult position. Better
was 24...bxa5 25.Lc5+!? (25.Lxa7 Rxd1 6-zp-zpp+-+&
26.Lxd1 Nd6 27.Ld4 [27.Lb6 a4 28.bxa4
{28.c5 Nb5 29.bxa4 Nc3 30.Lc2 Nxa4 ²}
28...Nxc4 29.Ld4 g6 30.Ke2 ²] 27...f6 4-+P+P+-+$
28.Lc2 ±) 25...Nd6 26.Lxa7 (26.Ra1 a4
27.b4 a6 28.b5 axb5 29.cxb5 Ld5 30.Rxa4
±) 26...Nb7 27.Ld3 ±. 2-vL-sN-zPLzP"
25.b4 f6 26.b5 Ld7 27.c5
Black resigned as he cannot ‘hold’ his
queenside anymore. xabcdefghy
Closed Centre With the idea Nc3-a4, and d4 trying to put
In positions with completely closed centre pressure on the weak b6-pawn. Actually, White
the strength of the bishop-pair goes down is better here only because his bishop-pair is
significantly. 'supported' by his knight. Just imagine this
We have to make sure, that the opponents position without a pair of knights. Because of
pieces (read knights) have no good outpost the blocked, closed centre, the bishop-pair
squares, and the only way to use the bishops advantage would be practically irrelevant, and a
is to place them on the most active squares draw would be a predictable result... The
where they will support the strategy of alternative was 22.f4 Nc7 23.Kf2 d5 ².
Gaining Space. 22...Lb7
FIDE TRG Syllabus 102
22...Ne5 23.Lxe5!? (23.Lf1) 23...dxe5 34...Nxe6!
24.Nc3 Nd6 25.Na4 Nc8 26.Lh3 Kf8 34...Le8 35.gxf6+ gxf6 36.Nc3 Nd7
(26...g5!?) 27.f4 exf4 28.gxf4 ± and White is (36...Nxe6 37.dxe6 +–) 37.Ne4 Ne5
better as the a8-bishop and the c8-knight are 38.Lxe5 dxe5 (38...fxe5 39.f6+ +–) 39.d6+
paralyzed by the defence of the b6-pawn. Kd8 40.Ld5 +–.
23.f4 f6 24.Nc3 Kf7 25.Na4 Ke7 26.d4! 35.fxe6
Kd8 Or 35.dxe6!? Lc8 36.Kf3 ±. The bishop-
26...Nc7 27.e5!? Lxg2 28.exd6+ Kxd6 pair advantage transformed into a powerful
29.Kxg2 ± cxd4?! 30.La3+ Nc5 31.Nxb6 e6-passed pawn. We will stop the annotation
e5 32.Na4 N7e6 33.f5 +–. here, as the rest of the game has nothing to do
27.d5! with the bishop-pair theme.
Gaining maximum space in the centre and 35...Le8 36.gxf6+ gxf6 37.Ke3 Lg6
makes black pieces utmost passive. 38.Kd2 Le4 39.Lc1 Lg2 40.Kc3 Lf1
27...exd5 41.Lh6 Lg2 42.Lf4 Lf1 43.Nb2 Nc7
27...e5? 28.Lh3 +–. 44.Nd1 Lg2 45.Ne3 Le4 46.Lh6 Ne8
28.exd5 47.Kd2 Nc7 48.Ke2 Ne8 49.Kf2 Nc7
28.cxd5!? Nc7 29.Nc3 ± was better for 50.Kg3 Ld3 51.Kg4 Ne8 52.Kf4 Lb1
White, with the idea in case of 29...f5? of 53.Nf5+ Kd8 54.Lf8 Ld3 55.Le7+ Kc7
30.e5 dxe5 31.d6 +–. 56.Ne3 Kc8 57.Kg4 Kc7 58.Kh5 Ng7+
28...Nc7 59.Kh6 Ne8 60.h4 Kc8 61.h5 Kc7 62.Ng2
28...Kc7 29.Lh3 Nf8 30.Kf2 +–. Kc8 63.Nf4 Lc2 64.Lxf6 Nxf6 65.Kg7
29.Lh3 Na8 30.Le6 Nf8 31.f5 Lc8 Ne8+ 66.Kf7 Nc7 67.e7 h6 68.Ne6 Ld1
32.Kf2 (D) 69.Kg6 Ne8 70.Nf8 Le2 71.Kxh6 Lxc4
XABCDEFGHY 72.Kg6 Lxd5 73.h6 c4 74.h7 Le4+ 75.Kf7
Lxh7 76.Kxe8 Lg8 77.Nd7
8n+lmk-sn-+( 1–0
4N+P+-+-+$ Conclusion
3+-+-+-zP-# We did not talk here about all these tactical
or dynamic positions where the knight-pair or
2-vL-+-mK-zP" bishop & knight might be stronger than the
1+-+-+-+-! bishop-pair for different reasons. One of them
most known- knight-pair or knight and
xabcdefghy bishop might attack the same pawn, unlike
White's pieces are dominating; time to improve the bishop-pair...
the king and to attack on the kingside, creating We may conclude that the bishop-pair gives
the second weakness. Also possible was an advantage in all kind of strategical
32.Nc3 Nc7 33.Ne4 Ne8 34.g4 Ld7 positions. The level of this advantage is
35.Lc1 Ke7 36.Lf4 g5!? 37.Ld2 ±. usually in proportion to the openness of the
32...Ld7 33.g4 Ke7 34.g5 position. So, the more open space in the
34.h4!? was more technical. After 34...Nxe6 centre, the stronger the bishop-pair is.
35.fxe6 Le8 36.h5 h6 (36...g6 37.hxg6 hxg6 It is like a rule, but we do not wish to sound
38.g5 +–) 37.Lc1 Kf8 38.Lf4 Ke7 dogmatic. Chess is too rich; there are many
39.Kg3 +– with the idea knight goes to f5, various circumstances that should be
White is winning. considered.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 103
Bishop vs Knight / Knight vs Bishop
Mikhail Gurevich
Concept □ Hamdouchi Hichem
There is an eternal question: which piece is ■ Gurevich Mikhail
stronger: Bishop or Knight? C07 France 1995
There are supporters of the bishop, those 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 a6 4.Ngf3 c5 5.dxc5
we refer to as ‘classical’ players, and Lxc5 6.Ld3 Nf6 7.Qe2 Nc6 8.exd5
‘tacticians’ - admirers of the knight's great Nxd5 9.Ne4 Le7 10.0–0 Qc7 11.Ng3
tactical virtues. Ld7 12.c4 Nf4 13.Lxf4 Qxf4 14.Le4
The historical discussion goes for a lot Qc7 15.Rad1 Rd8 16.Lxc6 Lxc6 17.Qe5
more than one hundred years. The World Qxe5 18.Nxe5 0–0 19.Nxc6 bxc6 20.Ne4
Championship match between Steinitz and f5! 21.Nc3 Kf7 22.Rxd8 Rxd8 23.Rd1
Chigorin played in 1889 may be regarded as Rxd1+ 24.Nxd1 Kf6 (D)
an important landmark.
Although Mikhail Chigorin won a number
of brilliant tactical games using the power of 8-+-+-+-+(
the knights, the overall winner was the first
‘classical’ World Champion William 7+-+-vl-zpp'
One hundred years later Garry Kasparov
expressed his opinion on the subject: ‘Even a 5+-+-+p+-%
very bad bishop always is better than the very
best knight’.
It may be a joke, but there is a lot of truth in 3+-+-+-+-#
every joke. It is a ‘classical’ approach, proved
by most World Champions. 2PzP-+-zPPzP"
The ability to play well with a bishop is a 1+-+N+-mK-!
major part of chess ‘technique’. The knight
however is easier to play with as it is a xabcdefghy
tactical piece. 25.Kf1
Tactics are more concrete in general and 25.f4 to try to stop Black's monarch from
easier to comprehend than strategy. centralizing would not succeed. After
We evaluate each of the pieces worth about 25...Ld6 26.g3 e5 27.fxe5+ Kxe5 28.Kf2
three pawns, so they are very similar on the Kd4 μ Black is much better thanks to both
material scale. But both pieces are extremely his dominating king in the centre and his
different. We will explain. bishop which is much stronger than the
The long-range bishop extends its power on knight. The g3- and h2-pawns are targets.
both sides of the board and if the centre is 25...Ke5 26.Ke2 Kd4 27.b3
open can participate in an attack on any flank. Time to evaluate the position. The black king
The bishop plays well against passed pawns dominates the centre. The position is open
of the opponent and supports its own passed enough to prove the bishop's advantage over
pawns in the endgame. the knight. The existence of pawns on both
The bishop can lose or win a tempo, unlike sides of the board, despite the fact that White
the knight, especially in a strategical has no weaknesses, makes White's position
endgame. 'technically' lost. The only hope for defence is
Let’s start our examination with a typical the chance to build a fortress. But here comes
endgame: a major strategical advantage of the bishop
FIDE TRG Syllabus 104
over the knight; the bishop may lose a tempo cxb5 47.c6 Ld6 48.Nb4+ Kb2 49.Nd5
unlike its counterpart, which will lead {49.Kd3 Ka3 50.Nd5 Kxa2 51.Kc2 {51.c7
eventually to position(s) of zugzwang... Lxc7 52.Nxc7 b4 –+} 51...Ka3 52.c7
27...La3 28.Kd2 Lb4+ 29.Ke2 La3 Lxc7 53.Nxc7 b4 –+} 49...Kxa2 50.Nc3+
30.Kd2 g6!? Kb2 51.Nxb5 Lb8 –+] 45...Kc3 46.Ke2
Underlines the importance of having the Kd4 –+) 43...exf4+ 44.Nxf4 Lxf4+
pawns on the colour opposite to the bishop. 45.Kxf4 Kb2 –+ is plain lost.
In many positions this fact adds to the 42...Lc7 43.f4!?
bishop's activity. By putting his pawns on the squares of the
31.f3 opponent's bishop's colour Hamdouchi
31.Ke2 Lb4 would be just a transposition. diminishes the bishop's activity and creates
31...Ld6 32.h3 Lf4+ 33.Ke2 Ld6 34.Kd2 conditions for tactics. Even considering that
a5 35.Ke2 Lb4 the c5- and f4-pawns become a target, it is
XABCDEFGHY the best 'practical' chance. Black has to be
very careful.
8-+-+-+-+( 43...Kd4!
Returning to the centre and changing the
7+-+-+-+p' direction of attack. Now my targets are the
6-+p+p+p+& c5- and f4-weak pawns. The opponent's idea
could be realized in case of further
5zp-+-+p+-% decentralization: 43...Kc2 44.b4 (with
4-vlPmk-+-+$ counterplay) 44...a4 45.Ne5 ².
44.a3 (D)
3+P+-+P+P# With idea b4.
1+-+N+-+-! 8-+-+-+-+(
xabcdefghy 7+-vl-+-+p'
And here it comes. The white pieces have no 6-+p+p+-+&
good moves any longer.
36.g4 Le7 37.gxf5 gxf5 38.Kd2 Ld6 5zp-zP-+p+-%
39.Ke2 Lb4 4-+-mk-zP-+$
By correct manoeuvring the bishop has lost a
tempo. Zugzwang. 3zPP+N+-+P#
40.Nb2 Kc3 41.Nd3
Or 41.Na4+ Kc2 42.Ke3 e5 43.c5 Kb1
44.Kd3 Kxa2 45.Kc4 e4 –+. 1+-+-+-+-!
Cutting the knight off, with the intention to xabcdefghy
attack the pawns on the queenside by ...Kc2- 44...Ld8!
b1xa2. Black has to be aware of White's A powerful move with the intention of
pawn majority on the queenside and to keep ...Lf6-d4 after ...Kd5 or ...Kc4, activating
an eye on the tactical counter-chances of his the bishop into the centre. Worse is the
opponent. alternative 44...Ke4 45.b4 axb4 46.axb4 ³
42.c5!? Lxf4?? 47.Nxf4 Kxf4 48.b5 +– but
The best defence, but now even the c5-pawn 44...Kc3 was as good as the text, but I didn't
will be a target. There was no better want to decentralize my king anymore: 45.b4
alternative, as 42.Ke3 e5 43.f4 (43.Ke2 a4 46.Ke3 Kb3 47.Kd4 μ.
Kc2 44.c5 Lc7 45.Ke3 [45.b4 a4 46.b5
FIDE TRG Syllabus 105
45.a4!? 43.Kg2 Ld8 44.Kf1 Lc7 45.Kg2 Ld6
Tactical prophylaxis against ...Lf6. 45.b4 46.Kf1 Kf6 47.Kf2 Kg5 48.Kf1 Kf5
axb4 46.axb4 Lf6 47.Kd2 (47.b5 cxb5 49.Kg2 g5 50.Kf1 b6 51.Kg2 Lc5 52.Kf1
48.c6 Ld8 49.Ne5 Lc7 –+ planning ...Kd5 Ld4 53.Kg2 Le3 54.Kf1 Ke6 55.Ke2
and ...Lxe5) 47...Kc4 48.Kc2 Ld4 –+. Lg1 56.Kf1 Le3 57.Ke2 d4 58.Kf1 h5
45...Le7! 59.Kg2 h4 60.Kh1
Entering well calculated tactical complica- 60.Kf1 Kd5 61.Ke2 g4 62.fxg4 Ke4 63.a4 =.
tions. 45...Lf6?! 46.b4 axb4? 47.a5 +–. 60...Kd5 61.Kg2 Lf4
46.b4 axb4 47.a5 61...a4 62.Kh2 =.
47.Nxb4 was more stubborn: 47...Kxc5 62.Kf2 Ld6 63.Ke2 Lg3 64.Kf1 g4!?
48.Nd3+ Kb6 49.Ne5 Ld6! μ. Playing with fire but this is the only chance to
47...Lxc5 48.a6 b3! 49.Kd2 destroy the fortress.
49.Nxc5 Kxc5 50.a7 b2 51.a8Q b1Q 65.fxg4
52.Qa7+ Kc4 –+ with a winning queen 65.hxg4? would lose the game: 65...h3 66.Kg1
endgame. Ke6 (with the idea king goes to g3) 67.Kh1
49...Lb6 50.Ne5 Ke4! 51.Nxc6 Kxf4 Kf6 68.f4 Ke6 –+ and king comes to e4.
52.Kc3 Kg3 65...Ke4 66.Ke2 Ld6 67.g5 Le7?!
The f-pawn is unstoppable: 53.a7 Lxa7 67...Kf5 68.Kf3 Kxg5 69.Ke4 =.
54.Nxa7 f4 55.Nc6 f3. 68.g6 Lf6 69.Ne1 Kf4 70.Kf2 Lg7
0–1 71.Nd3+ Ke4 72.Ke2 Lh6 73.Ne1 Kf4
□ Nisipeanu Liviu Dieter After 74.Nf3!? d3+ 75.Kf2 Black would
■ Gurevich Mikhail have to fight for the draw.
St. Vincent 2004 ○ 74...Kf5
XABCDEFGHY 75.Nf3 (75.Kf3 Kxg6 76.Ke4 Lg5 77.Nc2
Lf6 78.a4 Kf7 =) 75...Le3+ 76.Ke2 Kxg6
8-+-+-+k+( 77.Nxh4+ Kg5 78.Ng2 ².
6-+-+-+p+& Partnership
Practice has proved that rook & bishop
5zp-+p+-+-% cooperate very well, and are usually stronger
4-+-+-+-+$ than rook & knight.
Obviously, the pawn structure always has
3+P+N+-+P# to be considered.
On the contrary, the queen is the best
2P+-+-zPK+" partner of the knight and this partnership may
1+-+-+-+-! often prevail against queen & bishop...
We will try to illustrate these thoughts on
xabcdefghy the ‘partnership’ further starting with Rook &
This game is an exception to the rules: Bishop vs Rook & Knight:
35.b3! Kf7 36.f3
White builds a fortress. With Black's king active □ Gurevich Mikhail
on d5 instead of the extra pawn, the position ■ Atalik Suat
would be winning similar to the previous game. A28 Istanbul 2006
The existence of the extra d5-pawn makes the 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.a3 g6 5.g3
centre closed and the black king has no point of Lg7 6.Lg2 0–0 7.d3 Re8 8.0–0 d5 9.cxd5
entrance into White's position. Nxd5 10.Lg5 f6 11.Nxd5 Qxd5 12.Le3
36...Ke6 37.Kf1 Ld6 38.Ke2 Kf5 39.Kf2 Qf7 13.Rc1 Le6 14.Nd2 Ld5 15.Lxd5
Lb8 40.Kf1 Lg3 41.Kg2 Lh4 42.Kf1 h6 Qxd5 16.Qb3 Qxb3 17.Nxb3 Lf8 18.Nc5
FIDE TRG Syllabus 106
Lxc5 19.Rxc5 a5 20.Rfc1 Re7 (D) ±.
38...Nc8 39.Rb8 with the idea Ld6.
8r+-+-+k+( 39.Lc5 Rxb6
39...Rc1 40.Lf8 Rc2 41.g4 Nd4 42.e3 ±.
7+pzp-tr-+p' 40.Lxb6 (D)
6-+n+-zpp+& XABCDEFGHY
5zp-tR-zp-+-% 8-+-+-+-+(
4-+-+-+-+$ 7+-+k+-+p'
3zP-+PvL-zP-# 6-vL-+-zpp+&
2-zP-+PzP-zP" 5+-+-zpn+-%
1+-tR-+-mK-! 4-+-+-+-+$
xabcdefghy 3+-+P+-zP-#
An important brick in the construction of 2-+-+PzPKzP"
White's attack. The king defends e2, as 1+-+-+-+-!
permanent prophylaxis from ...Nd4, with
idea of Ld2, Rb5, and/or b4. xabcdefghy
21...Kf7 22.Ld2 Re6 A very instructive endgame. Despite the fact
22...Ke6? 23.Rb5 Ra7 24.Le3 Nd4 that all pawns are on the same side which
25.Lxd4 exd4 26.Rcc5! ± wins a pawn. improves the knight’s defensive chances,
23.b4!? Black's position is critical because there are just
23.Rb5?! is too slow: 23...b6 24.Rb3 Ke7 too many pawns. There isn't any particular
25.Rbc3 Kd7 =. theory on this subject, but my guess would be
23...axb4 24.axb4 Re7 as follows: 3 pawns against 2 and less on the
24...Ra2 25.Le3 Rb2 26.b5 Ne7 27.Rxc7 same side should be defendable in most cases
Rxb5 28.Lc5 ±. with this material, 4 against 3 might be a close
25.b5 Nd4 26.Rxc7 Nxb5 27.Rxe7+ call between win and draw and 5 against 4 like
Kxe7 28.Rb1 Nd6 29.Lb4 Rb8 30.Lc5! in the game gives enough manoeuvre for the
Threatening Rb6. stronger side to win...
30...b5 40...h5 41.Kf3 Ke6 42.e4 Ne7 43.Lc5
30...Kd7 31.Rb6 Ne8 32.e4 ±. Nc6 44.Ke3 g5
31.Ra1 Kd7 32.Ra7+ Rb7 33.Ra6 Ne8 44...Nd8!? 45.f4 Nc6 ±.
34.Lb4 45.f4 g4
White achieved a perfect position for his 45...gxf4+ 46.gxf4 exf4+ (46...f5 47.Kf3)
R&L. The main threat is to go with the king 47.Kxf4 Ne5 48.d4 Ng6+ 49.Ke3 f5
to b4 and win the b5-pawn. Not only Black’s 50.d5+ Ke5 51.Ld4+ Kd6 52.exf5 Ne7
R&L are passive, but the weaknesses on b5 53.Ke4 Nxd5 54.Le5+ +–.
and f6 make his position very difficult. 46.f5+
34...Rc7 Prevents any further exchanges, and fixes the
The activation of the rook will cost Black a f6 weakness.
pawn, but there was no better choice to 46...Kd7 47.Kd2
continue the fight: 34...f5 35.Ke1 Nc7 Time-trouble forced me to play more quickly
36.Rd6+ Ke8 37.e4 ±. and accumulate time. 47.Kf2! with the idea
35.Rb6 Rc1+ 36.Kg2 Rb1 37.Rxb5 Nd6 Kg2 and h4, covering the g5-square, followed
37...Kc6 38.Rc5+ ± and 37...Nc7 38.Rb6 by Kf2-e3 and d4 was winning. 47.d4! was the
FIDE TRG Syllabus 107
quickest win, but I had no time for any □ Kasparov Garry
calculation: 47...exd4+ 48.Lxd4 Ke7 49.Lc3 ■ Gurevich Mikhail
Nd8 50.Kf4 Nc6 51.e5 fxe5+ 52.Lxe5 Nd8 A86 Amsterdam 1991
53.Lc3 Nf7 54.f6+ Ke6 55.Lb2 +–. 1.c4 f5 2.d4 Nf6 3.g3 d6 4.Lg2 g6 5.Nc3
47...Nd8 48.Kc3 Nf7! Lg7 6.d5 0–0 7.Nh3 c6 8.Nf4 e5 9.dxe6
The point that I missed earlier is ...Ng5-f3 Qe7 10.0–0 Lxe6 11.Nxe6 Qxe6 12.Lf4
with counterplay. Qxc4 13.Qxd6 Na6 14.Rfd1 (D)
49.Le3 Nd6 50.Kb4 Ne8 51.Kc5 Nd6 XABCDEFGHY
52.Ld2 Nb7+ 53.Kd5 Nd8 54.La5 Nf7
55.Ld2 Ke7 56.Kc6 Nd8+ 57.Kc7 Nf7 8r+-+-trk+(
58.Lc1 Ke8 7zpp+-+-vlp'
Here I realized that my plan doesn't win, but I
discovered the winning idea with Kg2 and 6n+pwQ-snp+&
h4. So the king returns to the kingside and
prepares d4 in better circumstances. 5+-+-+p+-%
59.Kc6 Ke7 60.Kd5 Kd7 61.Kc4 4-+q+-vL-+$
Planning king to g2 and h4.
61...Nd6+ 62.Kc5 Nf7 63.Kd5 Nd8 3+-sN-+-zP-#
64.Kc4 Nf7 65.Kc3 Nd6 66.Le3 Kc6 2PzP-+PzPLzP"
67.Kd2 Nb5 68.Ke1 Kd6 69.Lb6 Kd7
70.Kf1 Nc3 71.Lc5! 1tR-+R+-mK-!
If 71.Kg2 then 71...Na4! followed by
...Nb2 and White achieves nothing…
71...Ke8 72.Kg2 Kf7 73.Lb4 White is a bit better thanks to the bishop-pair!
I was scared of 73.h4 gxh3+ 74.Kxh3 Nd1 14...Nh5 15.Lg5
but White is still much better after 75.Kg2 15.Le5 Lxe5 16.Qxe5 Rae8 17.Qd4 ².
Nb2 76.Kf1 Nxd3 77.La3 h4 78.gxh4. 15...Lf6 16.Lxf6 Nxf6 17.Rac1 Qb4!?
73...Nb5 74.Lc5 Ke8?! 18.Qxb4 Nxb4 19.a3 Na6 20.e4
74...Nc3! was the best practical choice and Opens the centre and improves the bishop,
had to be preferred. but White had a better continuation:
75.h4 20.Nb5!? Rae8 21.Nd6 ².
First step achieved; g5-square is finally 20...fxe4 21.Nxe4 Nxe4 22.Lxe4
covered! The position simplifies. White is slightly
75...Kf7 76.Kf2 Nc3 77.Ke1 Ke8 78.Kd2 better thanks to his bishop over Black's
Nb5 79.Kc2 Kd7 80.Kb3 Nc7 81.Kc4 knight with the open centre. However I was
Na6?! hopeful, as material is limited and there are
A mistake in a hopeless position which no clear weaknesses in my pawn structure...
shortens the end. 22...Rad8 23.h4 Nc7 24.Lb1 Kg7 25.La2
82.d4 exd4 83.Lxd4 Ke7 84.e5 Kf6 26.Kg2 Nb5
As in the case of 84...fxe5 85.Lxe5 Kf7 Black mobilized all his pieces on the best
86.Kb5 the knight is trapped, Black decided available squares.
to call it a day. 27.g4! h5!?
1–0 A strong reaction which fixes White's pawns
on the kingside. The main idea is to create an
Rook & Bishop against Rook & Knight is a outpost (f5) for the knight. 27...h6! provoking
very common material balance in a practical 28.f4 and now 28...h5 was probably even a
game. better choice.
So, let's look at another valuable and 28.g5+
instructive example. Played after long thought. Although the text

FIDE TRG Syllabus 108

move gains space on the kingside and fixes XABCDEFGHY
the opponent's pawns on the squares of the
bishop's colour, the black knight got his f5 8-+-+-+-+(
outpost and White's pawns are also fixed.
Black would have sufficient counterplay in
case of 28.f3 Rfe8 29.Kf2 Nd4. 6-+p+R+p+&
28...Kg7 29.Rxd8 Rxd8 30.Re1 Rd7
31.Re8 5+-+-+-zPp%
Kasparov is excellent as always in activating 4-+-+-+-zP$
pieces. Black has to defend with great
accuracy. If 31.Re6 then 31...Nc7 32.Rf6 3zP-+-+-+-#
Nd5 33.Rf3 c5 =.
31...Nd6 32.Rg8+ Kh7 33.Rb8 (D)
8-tR-+-+-+( xabcdefghy
And Kasparov offered a draw in view of the
7zpp+r+-+k' following obvious variation: 38...Nd3
6-+psn-+p+& 39.Lxd3 Rxd3 40.Re7+ Kf8 41.Rxb7
Rxa3 42.Rc7 =. I had no reason to refuse.
5+-+-+-zPp% ½–½
4-+-+-+-zP$ Knight vs Bishop
3zP-+-+-+-# The knight is a tactical piece, operating
better than the bishop in many closed
2LzP-+-zPK+" positions.
1+-+-+-+-! The bishop in general does not like closed
pawn structures, especially when its own
xabcdefghy pawns are placed on the same squares as its
33...Kg7! own colour. The knight might be strong in
A correct evaluation of the position. Black positions with fixed pawn structures,
has to hold his fortress. As often in strategical especially when it has good outpost square(s).
endgames the best action is no action! White In the endgame the knight's power increases
has difficulties in improving his position - on if the pawns are left only on one side of the
the contrary, any initiative would be board or pawns are fixed on the same colour
punished... 33...Nf5? would be too primitive: of the opponent's bishop with no passed-
34.Le6 Re7 (34...Nxh4+ 35.Kh3! Rd4 pawns of both sides.
36.Rxb7+ Kh8 37.Kg3! +–) 35.Lxf5 gxf5 So, there many ifs to consider, but it always
36.Kg3 as it would lead to a difficult comes to the same thing: for evaluating
endgame. Also not 'nice' was 33...Re7?! relative strength of the piece(s), evaluate the
34.Rd8! Nf5 35.Lb1! Nxh4+ 36.Kg3 pawn structure first...
Nf5+ 37.Lxf5 gxf5 38.Kf4 h4 39.Kxf5 and Enough theory - back to practice:
Black will suffer in the rook ending.
34.Rg8+ Kh7 35.Rb8 Kg7 36.Lb1?! □ Gurevich Mikhail
A time-trouble slip which simplifies my task. ■ Anand Viswanathan
36.b4!? with idea a4 followed by Lb1, D12 Reggio Emilia 1991
would require a long defence from Black. 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 d5 4.e3 Lf5 5.cxd5
36...Nc4! cxd5 6.Qb3 Qc7 7.Nc3 e6 8.Ld2 Nc6
Now is the time to act. 9.Lb5 Ld6 10.Rc1 Rb8 11.Nh4 Le4
37.Re8 Nxb2 38.Re6 (D) 12.f3 Lg6 13.Nxg6 hxg6 14.f4 a6 15.Ld3
FIDE TRG Syllabus 109
Nd7 16.Qd1 Qd8 17.Qg4 Rh6 18.h3 f5 44...bxc4
19.Qf3 Nf6 20.0–0 Kf7 21.Qe2 Qd7 Played instantly, as after my first 15-20 minutes
22.a3 Rhh8 23.Rfd1 Ne7 24.Le1 Rbc8 of thinking Anand returned to the board and
25.Na2 Rxc1 26.Rxc1 Rc8 27.Rxc8 was tensely thinking and calculating for about
Qxc8 28.g4 Ne4 29.Kg2 Qc6 30.Qd1 20–25 minutes sitting in front of me. So, why
Ng8 31.Nc1 Ngf6 32.Le2 Nd7 33.La5 not the natural and dynamic 44...dxc4? Because
Nb6 34.Lxb6 Qxb6 35.Nd3 Qa5 36.g5 45.Ne1! with a transparent winning plan: Nf3
Ke7 37.Qc2 Qd2 38.Qxd2 Nxd2 39.Kf2 threatening always Nh4 limits Black's king to a
b5 40.Ld1 Nc4 41.Ke2 Nb6 42.Lb3 a5 passive defence. Then White will play Kc2,
43.Kd2 (D) Nd2 and a4, winning. So, passive defence
loses, but what about active play: 45...b4!? and
8-+-+-+-+( a) 46.a4! (this move had a dubious mark in my
analysis for many years. Rybka changed the
7+-+-mk-zp-' evaluation, as this is the most natural
6-sn-vlp+p+& positional move fixing a new weakness - a5-
pawn with the same winning plan, as
5zpp+p+pzP-% explained before. Black has only one move:)
46...b3!? 47.Nf3 Lb4+ 48.Kc1 (with the
4-+-zP-zP-+$ Ne5 idea) 48...Kd6!? 49.Ne5 Kd5 50.Nxg6
3zPL+NzP-+P# Ke4 51.h4. Here Anand stopped calculating
as he cannot stop the h-pawn from promoting
2-zP-mK-+-+" to a queen. This is why he did not play
1+-+-+-+-! 44...dxc4. But Rybka continues calculation
with 51...Kxe3 52.h5 c3 53.bxc3 (53.h6 c2 –
xabcdefghy +) 53...Lxc3 54.Ne5!! thinking White is
winning. But Anand’s intuition was
43...Nc4+? impeccable (modern computer programs are
An unbelievable discovery!!! Nearly 20 years not so bad after all, they have pointed out my
passed, and look what I found while checking miscalculation: 54.h6? gxh6 55.gxh6 Lxd4
my old analysis with the best modern computer 56.h7 [56.Ne5 Kxf4 ³] 56...Lf6 ÷ and
engines. Anand plays the first choice of Rybka White have to think about drawing. I had to
and Fritz 11.1 but this is a terrible mistake! It is find an early alternative to this line...)
a grave error to exchange knight for bishop in 54...Lxd4 55.g6 (55.h6 gxh6 56.g6 +–)
this position. I knew it the moment Anand 55...Kxf4 56.h6 +– and White queens indeed.
played the move, but it took me about 40 (!) b) 46.axb4? was out of the question. White
minutes to understand why exactly... Thanks to would lose the pawn ending: 46...Lxb4+
the time controls back then, when we had time 47.Kd1 Lxe1 48.Kxe1 Kd6 49.Kd2 Kd5
to think in endgames after the first time control, 50.Kc3 Ke4 51.Kxc4 Kxe3 52.Kb5 Kxf4
we have today this great example of chess 53.Kxa5 Ke3 54.b4 f4 55.b5 f3 56.b6 f2
'technique'. Instead, 43...Kd8 44.Kc3 Kc7 57.b7 f1Q 58.b8Q Qa1+ 59.Kb6 Qb2+
with idea ...Nc8-e7, covering g6-pawn would 60.Kc7 Qxb8+ 61.Kxb8 Kxd4 –+.
lead to a fortress. c) 46.Nf3! is a winning alternative that I
44.Lxc4! found during prolonged calculation: 46...c3+
Although I knew that my remaining knight (46...bxa3 47.bxa3 Lxa3 48.Ne5! [48.Kc3?
should be stronger than my opponent's Lc1 ÷] 48...Lb4+ 49.Kc2 c3 50.Nxg6+
bishop, considering the much closed pawn Kf7 51.Ne5+ Kg8 52.h4 a4 53.h5 a3
structure on the board, this exchange may 54.Kb3 c2 55.Kxc2 Ld2 56.Nc4 a2
lead to sharp dynamic play... 44.Ke2 with a 57.Kb2 +–) 47.bxc3 bxc3+ (47...bxa3!?
draw was the only alternative to consider. 48.Kc2 a2 49.Kb2 La3+ 50.Kxa2 Lc1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 110
51.Ne5 Lxe3 52.Nxg6+ Kf7 53.Ne5+ Now one of my numerous achievements on
Kg8 54.Nd3 Ld2 55.Kb2 a4 56.c4 Le3 Q&N coordination:
57.d5 [57.Ka3 Lxd4 58.Kxa4 ±] 57...exd5
58.cxd5 Kf7 59.Ka3 Ke7 60.Kxa4 Kd6 □ Gurevich Mikhail
61.h4 g6 [61...Kxd5 62.h5 Ke4 63.g6 Ld4 ■ Beliavsky Alexander
64.h6 gxh6 65.Ne5 +–] 62.h5 gxh5 63.g6 D37 Moscow 1990
Ke7 64.d6+ Kf6 65.Kb5 +–) 48.Kxc3 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.d4 Le7
Lxa3 49.Ne5 ± and if 49...Lc1? 50.Nc4 a4 5.Lf4 0–0 6.e3 c5 7.dxc5 Lxc5 8.Le2 dxc4
51.Kc2 +–. 9.Lxc4 a6 10.Qe2 b5 11.Ld3 Lb7 12.0–0
45.Ne1 Nbd7 13.Rfd1 Qe7 14.Lg5 Rac8 15.a4
Now the winning plan starts with Nf3, Kc2 b4 16.Nb1 a5 17.Nbd2 h6 18.Lh4 Lb6
and b3. 19.Le4 Nc5 20.Lxb7 Qxb7 21.Lxf6 gxf6
45...Ke8 46.Kc3 Kd7 47.Nf3 22.Nd4 Rfd8 23.Nc4 f5 24.Nb5 Rxd1+
Threatening Nh4. 25.Rxd1 Rd8 26.Nbd6 Qc7 (D)
47...Ke8 48.Kc2! XABCDEFGHY
Practically zugzwang. 48.b3? would give
counter chances to my opponent: 48...Lxa3 8-+-tr-+k+(
49.bxc4 Lc1 50.Ne5 Lxe3 51.Nxg6 dxc4 ÷. 7+-wq-+p+-'
An inaccuracy in a difficult position which 6-vl-sNp+-zp&
simplifies my task. 48...a4? 49.Nd2 Lc7 5zp-sn-+p+-%
(49...Kd7 50.Nb1 Kc6 51.Nc3 +–) 50.Nb1
La5 51.Nc3 +– and 48...Lc7? 49.b3 cxb3+ 4PzpN+-+-+$
50.Kxb3 Ld6 51.Ka4 Ke7 52.Ne1 Kd7
53.Nc2 +– were also plain lost but Black had
to try 48...Ke7! 49.b3! (49.a4? Ke8 50.b3 2-zP-+QzPPzP"
cxb3+ 51.Kxb3 Ke7 =) 49...Lxa3
(49...cxb3+ 50.Kxb3 Ke8 51.Ka4 wins by 1+-+R+-mK-!
Ne1-c2 ; 49...c3 50.a4! [50.Kxc3 Lxa3 xabcdefghy
51.Ne5 Lc1 52.Kd3 +–] with the winning 27.g4!
threat Ne5) 50.bxc4 dxc4 51.Ne5 ±. With all his pieces in the right places White
49.Ne5+! starts an attack on the opponent's monarch.
This leads to a winning pawn ending. 27...Ne4?!
49...Lxe5 50.fxe5 Ke7 51.b3 Kd7 52.bxc4 Black had to go for 27...fxg4 28.Qxg4+ Kh7
dxc4 53.Kc3 Kc6 54.Kxc4 a4 55.h4 (28...Kf8 29.Qf4) 29.Qh5 Nb7! (a computer
Anand resigned. 55.Kb4? Kd5 56.Kxa4 Ke4 variation which would save the game! -
57.Kb4 Kxe3 58.d5 f4 59.dxe6 f3 60.e7 f2 29...Rd7 30.Rd4 +–) 30.Nxf7 Rxd1+
61.e8Q f1Q ² was not the best, but 55.d5+ 31.Qxd1 Qxc4 32.Qb1+ Kg8! (32...Kg7?
was also winning: 55...exd5+ 56.Kd4 +–. 33.Ne5 ±) 33.Qg6+ Kf8 34.Ne5 Qc1+
1–0 35.Kg2 Nd8 36.Qxh6+ Ke7 37.Qh4².
28.Nxe4 Rxd1+ 29.Qxd1 Qxc4
Queen & Knight vs Queen & Bishop 29...fxe4 30.b3 ±.
This is very important practical material to 30.Nf6+!
master. It happens very often. Queen and This dynamic move allows to win an
knight are very best friends when fighting important tempo and create the right pawn
against queen and bishop. structure for Q&N.
They do cooperate extremely well in both 30...Kg7 31.b3!
tactical and strategical matters. Just make Fixing Black's pawns on the dark squares.
sure that the opponent has no passed pawns. 31...Qc6 32.Nh5+ Kf8
FIDE TRG Syllabus 111
32...Kh7 33.gxf5 exf5 34.Qd5! ±. 43...Qg5+ 44.Kf3 Qf6 45.Ne4!? Qh4
33.gxf5 exf5 34.Ng3 f4!? 46.Nc5 Qf4+ 47.Ke2 Qe5+
The best practical defence that opens the Transposing into a lost bishop vs knight ending,
bishop and destroys White's pawn structure... but there was no good choice left: 47...Qxh2?
The weaknesses of Black’s pawns (a5, f5, f7 48.Qa8+ Lb8 49.Qb7+ Kd8 50.Qd7 # or
and h6) explain who is better without 47...Qg4+? 48.Kf1 Qh3+ 49.Ke1 Qc3+
variations... If 34...Qe6 then 35.Qc2! ± 50.Ke2 Qc2+ 51.Kf3 Qc3+ 52.Kg2 Qg7+
(35.Qd3? f4 36.exf4 Qe1²). 53.Kh3 Qc3+ 54.f3 with inevitable mate.
35.exf4 48.Qxe5 Lxe5 49.h3 Kc7 50.Ke3 Kc6
But for a price of an extra pawn. 51.Ke4! (D)
35...Qe6 36.Qf3 Lc7 37.Kg2 Ke7 38.Qe3
Kd7 39.Qd3+
39.Qxe6+? transforming into the knight vs 8-+-+-+-+(
bishop ending would be a big mistake, as it 7+-+-+p+-'
would activate the opponent's king:
39...Kxe6 followed by ...Kd5-d4-c3. 6-+k+-+-zp&
39...Kc8 40.Kf3! (D)
4Pzp-+-zP-+$ Wins the centre and the game is over
3+P+Q+KsN-# (51.Nd3? Kd5 ²).
2-+-+-zP-zP" 51...Ld6 would just prolong suffering:
1+-+-+-+-! 52.Nd3 f6 53.Nb2 +–.
52.Nd3 Kd6 53.f4!
xabcdefghy With the inevitable Ne5 winning more
I treated the position as an endgame and pawns. This forced Beliavsky to stop the
activated the king. I was confident that clock.
Q&N will protect him enough. 1–0
40...Qc6+ 41.Kg4 Qe6+ 42.f5
About an equal alternative was 42.Qf5 Kd7
43.Kf3 (43.Qxe6+ Kxe6 44.h4 Lb6 45.h5
Lc5 46.Nf5 Lf8 ±) 43...Lb6 ±.
42...Qf6 43.Qd5!
Wins control over the centre.

So, keep in mind that ‘any bishop is always

better then any knight’ (Garry Kasparov) but
do ‘always examine pawn structure’
(Efstratios Grivas).
FIDE TRG Syllabus 112
The Isolated Pawn
Miguel Illescas
Concept □ Petrosian Tigran
An isolated pawn, or isolani, has no other ■ Fischer Robert
pawns of the same colour on adjacent files. A37 Belgrade 1970
Unable to be defended by other pawns it can 1.c4 g6 2.Nc3 c5 3.g3 Lg7 4.Lg2 Nc6
easily become a weakness as the player must 5.Nf3 e6 6.0–0 Nge7 7.d3 0–0 8.Ld2 d5
use his own pieces to defend it, taking away 9.a3 b6 10.Rb1 Lb7 11.b4 cxb4 12.axb4
their mobility. This can be seen especially in dxc4 13.dxc4 Rc8 14.c5 bxc5 15.bxc5 Na5
the ending when other factors such as the (D)
attack on the castled king, are not so relevant. XABCDEFGHY
The fundamental weaknesses of the isolated
pawn can be described as follows: 8-+rwq-trk+(
1) The pawn itself can be weak, as it cannot
be protected by other pawns but only by 7zpl+-snpvlp'
pieces. Therefore, should it be attacked by 6-+-+p+p+&
more pieces than it is defended by, its loss is
unavoidable. 5sn-zP-+-+-%
2) The square in front of the isolated pawn 4-+-+-+-+$
constitutes an outpost for the opponent.
3) Passive handling of the position by its 3+-sN-+NzP-#
possessor, as it causes disharmony in the
placement of the pieces, can have dire cone- 2-+-vLPzPLzP"
squences, and not just for the pawn itself. 1+R+Q+RmK-!
4) In an ending, the pawn weakness
becomes more pronounced. xabcdefghy
5) It can exert a negative psychological From now on Black besieges the isolani
influence on many chess-players who, which White won’t be able to hang on to for
affected by the unpleasant prospect of an very long.
endgame, seek unjustifiably violent solutions 16.Na4 Lc6! 17.Qc2 Nb7
in the middlegame. Increasing the pressure. In these cases one
The positive sides of the isolated pawn can shouldn’t hurry to capture the weakness if
be determined as follows: that means giving some counterplay to the
1) It offers greater control of central squares. opponent. The best play is to continue
2) It offers the possibility of a central strike attacking the pawn until the precise moment
by its advance. for its capture arrives. Here 17...Lxa4
3) It offers a space advantage. 18.Qxa4 Rxc5 fails to 19.Lb4 and Black
4) It offers better and quicker development, loses material.
especially in the opening. 18.Rfc1 Qd7 19.Ne1 Nd5
5) It offers opportunities of exploiting the 19...Lxa4 20.Rxb7 is clearly not of great
open and semi-open files it creates with its help.
presence. 20.Nb2 Lb5 21.Ned3?!
6) It offers the initiative in the opening and Better was 21.Nbd3 a6 22.Qb3 and White
middlegame. keeps the pawn, although Black has a clear
But the weakness of an isolani can also be advantage after 22...Nd8 with the idea
felt during the middle game as we can see in ...Nc6 in mind. Now Black won without
our first example: trouble.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 113
21...Ld4 22.Qb3 Nxc5 23.Nxc5 Rxc5 15...0–0
24.Rxc5 Lxc5 25.Nd3 Lxd3 26.Qxd3 15...Nd7 16.f4 g6 17.Ld4 with an advantage
Rd8 27.Lf3 Qc7 28.Lg5 Le7 29.Lxe7 for White.
Qxe7 30.Qd4 e5 31.Qc4 Nb6 32.Qc2 16.Lc5!
Rc8 33.Qd3 Rc4 34.Lg2 Qc7 35.Qa3 The exchange of the darksquared bishops will
Rc3 36.Qa5 Rc5 37.Qa3 a5 38.h4 Nc4 allow White to occupy important squares.
39.Qd3 Nd6 40.Kh2 Kg7 41.Rd1 Ne8 The square in front of the isolani (d4) is one
42.Qd7 Qxd7 43.Rxd7 Nf6 44.Ra7 of the most important and the domination of
Ng4+ 45.Kg1 Rc1+ 46.Lf1 Ra1 47.e4 a4 the square is one of the main objectives.
48.Kg2 Ra2 49.Rxf7+ Kxf7 50.Lc4+ 16...Rfe8 17.Lxe7 Rxe7 18.b4!
Ke7 51.Lxa2 a3 52.Kf3 Nf6 53.Ke3 Kd6 By fixing the pawn on a6 White guarantees
54.f4 Nd7 55.Lb1 Nc5 56.f5 Na6 57.g4 the c5 square for his knight and places his
Nb4 58.fxg6 hxg6 59.h5 gxh5 60.gxh5 Ke6 pawns squares of different colour than his
61.Kd2 Kf6 62.Kc3 a2 63.Lxa2 Nxa2+ own bishop.
64.Kb2 Nb4 65.Kc3 Nc6 66.Kc4 Nd4 18...Kf8
0–1 18...a5 19.b5 would leave White with a
dangerous passed pawn.
□ Fischer Robert 19.Nc5 Lc8 20.f3
■ Petrosian Tigran Controlling e4 and preparing Kf2.
B42 Buenos Aires 1971 20...Rea7
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 Although avoiding exchanges is convenient,
5.Ld3 Nc6 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.0–0 d5 8.c4 the white rook can now make a strong
Nf6 9.cxd5 cxd5 10.exd5 exd5 11.Nc3 manoeuvre. Better was 20...Rxe1+ 21.Rxe1
Le7 12.Qa4+ Qd7 Ne8! 22.Kf2 Nc7 23.Ke3 Ke7 24.Kd4+
12...Ld7 13.Qd4 Le6 14.Lg5 and White Kd6 and Black is holding.
has the advantage. 21.Re5! Ld7 (D)
White doesn’t go off course. Not so good is
13.Lb5 axb5 14.Qxa8 0–0 and the threats 8r+-+-mk-+(
...b4 or ...Lb7 offer Black counterplay.
13...Qxa4 14.Nxa4 Le6 15.Le3 (D) 7tr-+l+pzpp'
XABCDEFGHY 6p+-+-sn-+&
8r+-+k+-tr( 5+-sNptR-+-%
7+-+-vlpzpp' 4-zP-+-+-+$
6p+-+lsn-+& 3+-+L+P+-#
5+-+p+-+-% 2P+-+-+PzP"
4N+-+-+-+$ 1tR-+-+-mK-!
3+-+LvL-+-# xabcdefghy
2PzP-+-zPPzP" A surprising (and impressive) exchange, but
1tR-+-tR-mK-! the balance of the rest of the pieces clearly
favours White.
xabcdefghy 22...Rxd7 23.Rc1 Rd6 24.Rc7 Nd7
Not only is the d5-pawn is weak but also the 25.Re2 g6 26.Kf2 h5
a6-pawn can become a problem, as we shall Black should have found counterplay with
see in this game. 26...Rb8 27.a3 a5 28.b5 a4.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 114
27.f4 h4 17.Nxe4 dxe4 18.Qxe4 g6 19.Qh4 Qc7
A mistake. More resistant was 27...Nb6 19...h5 doesn’t solve Black’s problems
28.Ree7 Rf6. because of 20.Lb3! Lxg5 (20...Qc7
28.Kf3 f5 29.Ke3 d4+ 21.Qe4 transposes to the game) 21.Nxg5
If 29...Nf6 30.Kd4 Ne4 31.Rec2 +–. Rc7 22.Qf4 with a decisive advantage.
30.Kd2 Nb6 31.Ree7 Nd5 32.Rf7+ Ke8 20.Lb3!
33.Rb7 Nxb4 34.Lc4 With the threat of sacrificing on f7.
If 34...Rc6 35.Rh7 +–, or 34….Nd5 20...h5
35.Lxd5 Rxd5 36.Rh7 +–. If 20...Lf8 21.Lf4 followed by Ng5.
1-0 21.Qe4
Threatening Qxg6+.
With many pieces still left, the central 21...Kg7 22.Lxf7! Kxf7 23.Lh6! (D)
isolani can become very strong, thanks to the
control over the e5- and c5-squares. In
addition to this, the advance d4-d5, opening 8-+r+r+-+(
up the game, is a frequent resource. Let’s
consider another example, again with World
Champion Petrosian: 6-zpn+-+pvL&
□ Petrosian Tigran 5+-+-+-+p%
■ Balashov Yuri
E57 Soviet Union 1974
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.d4 Lb4 4.e3 c5 3zP-+-+N+-#
5.Ld3 d5 6.Nf3 0–0 7.0–0 dxc4 8.Lxc4
Nc6 9.Ld3 cxd4 10.exd4 Le7 11.Re1 b6 2-zP-+-zPPzP"
12.a3 Lb7 13.Lc2 Rc8 14.Qd3 Re8 (D) 1tR-+-tR-mK-!
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
8-+rwqr+k+( 23…Qd6
Other defences lead to a quick mate, for
7zpl+-vlpzpp' example: 23...Nd8 24.Ng5+ Kf6 25.Qd4+
6-zpn+psn-+& or 23...Ld6 24.Ng5+ Kf6 25.Nh7+ Kf7
(25...Qxh7 26.Qf3+) 26.Qd5+.
5+-+-+-+-% 24.Qc4+ Kf6 25.Rad1 Nd4 26.Qxd4+
Qxd4 27.Rxd4
4-+-zP-+-+$ The threat Rf4 mate, doesn’t allow to
3zP-sNQ+N+-# organize the defence efficiently.
2-zPL+-zPPzP" 27...Rc5
27...Kf7 28.Ne5+ Kg8 29.Rd7 Lf6 30.f4.
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! 28.h4!
After 28...Lxf3 29.gxf3 Kf7 30.Rd7 Rc6
xabcdefghy 31.Lg5 Re6 32.Re4 when Black has no
15.d5! more pawn moves he must exchange on e4
Instead of the prosaic 15.Lg5, this pawn ending up in a lost pawn ending.
sacrifice is very strong, breaking down the 1-0
system chosen by Black.
15...exd5 In the previous game the pawn advance to
If 15...Na5 16.Lg5 g6 17.d6 wins material. d5 was connected to a tactical sequence. But
16.Lg5 Ne4 even without tactics Black must watch such
If 16...g6 17.Rxe7 Qxe7 18.Nxd5. an advance.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 115
□ Smyslov Vassily 20.Lb3 Qh5 (D)
■ Karpov Anatoly After 20...Qd8 21.Ne5 White is better, but
D42 Leningrad 1971 even this was the best option for Black.
1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 XABCDEFGHY
5.e3 e6 6.d4 cxd4 7.exd4 Le7 8.Ld3 0–0
9.0–0 Nc6 10.Re1 Nf6 11.a3 b6 12.Lc2 8-+r+r+k+(
Lb7 13.Qd3
2-zPL+-zPPzP" 21.d5! Nd8 22.d6 Rc5?!
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! 22...Lxf3 23.d7 +– ; 22...Ra8!? ±.
23.d7 Re7?
xabcdefghy 23...Rf8 24.Lxf8 Kxf8 +– offers more
13...Rc8? resistance, but still not much hope.
A mistake, as Petrosian showed us three 24.Qf4! Lg7
years later with his move 14.d5!. The correct 24...Rf5 25.Qb8 +–.
move was 13...g6. 25.Qb8 Qxh6 26.Qxd8+ Lf8 27.Re3
14.Lg5? 27.Qxf8+ was quicker.
14.d5! as in the previous game. 27...Lc6 28.Qxf8+ Qxf8 29.d8Q
14...g6 15.Rad1 Nd5 16.Lh6 Re8 1–0
Stronger than 17.Nxd5 Qxd5 18.Qe3 which When fighting against the isolani, this
would allow Black to avoid the threat Lb3 rupture must always be taken into account.
with 18...Na5!. Therefore, controlling the d4 square is vital.
17...a6?! In the following game, Black plays poorly,
This move seems a loss of tempi. Better was giving away the control of this square without
17...Nxc3 18.bxc3 Lxa3 19.c4 and thanks to a fight and quickly loses his isolated pawn.
the threat d5, White has compensation for the □ Illescas Cordoba Miguel
pawn, but Black’s position is perfectly ■ Bellon Lopez Juan Manuel
defendable. A35 Almeria 1989
18.Nxd5! Qxd5 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.g3 e6
18...exd5!? ² could have been considered. 5.Lg2 d5 6.cxd5 Nxd5 7.0–0 Le7 8.Nxd5
19.Qe3! Lf6? exd5 9.d4 cxd4?!
Euwe’s suggestion 19...Qh5 isn’t good due This move helps White set up a blockade on
to 20.d5 Lc5 (20...exd5 21.Qxb6 ±) 21.Qf4 d4. Better was 9...0–0 10.dxc5 Lxc5.
exd5 22.Rxe8+ Rxe8 23.g4 Qh3 24.Ng5 10.Nxd4 0–0 11.Le3 Lf6 12.Rc1
Qxh6 (24...Lxf2+ 25.Kxf2 Qh4+ 26.Kf1 Now Black is forced to simplify, which isn’t
+–) 25.Qxf7+ Kh8 26.Qxe8+ Kg7 in his interest in this type of positions.
27.Ne6+ Kf6 28.g5+ Qxg5+ 29.Nxg5 +–. 12...Nxd4 13.Lxd4 Le6 14.a3 Re8 15.e3
The best move seems to be 19...Red8!?. b6 16.Rc2 h6 17.Rd2 Rc8 18.Qa4 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 116
XABCDEFGHY □ Karpov Anatoly
■ Spassky Boris
8-+rwqr+k+( D37 Montreal 1979
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Le7
7zp-+-+pzp-' 5.Lf4 0–0 6.e3 c5 7.dxc5 Nc6 8.Qc2 Qa5
6-zp-+lvl-zp& 9.a3 Lxc5 10.Rd1 Le7 11.Nd2 Ld7
12.Le2 Rfc8 13.0–0 Qd8 14.cxd5 exd5
5+-+p+-+-% 15.Nf3 (D)
3zP-+-zP-zP-# 8r+rwq-+k+(
2-zP-tR-zPLzP" 7zpp+lvlpzpp'
1+-+-+RmK-! 6-+n+-sn-+&
xabcdefghy 5+-+p+-+-%
18...a5? 4-+-+-vL-+$
This move loses a pawn without any
compensation. The isolated pawn could have 3zP-sN-zPN+-#
been defended with 18...Lxd4 19.Rxd4
Re7 20.Rfd1 Rd7 and if 21.e4 Rc4! 2-zPQ+LzPPzP"
22.Rxc4 dxc4 23.Rxd7 Qxd7 24.Qxd7 1+-+R+RmK-!
Lxd7 25.f4 b5, when Black does have some
chances of a draw, for example: 26.Kf2 xabcdefghy
(26.e5!?) 26...a5 27.Ke3 b4 28.axb4 axb4 White must prevent Black exchanging his
29.Kd4 c3 30.bxc3 bxc3 31.Kxc3 f6. isolani by means of ...d4.
19.Lxf6 Qxf6 20.Qb5 Qd8 21.b4! 15...h6 16.Ne5 Le6 17.Nxc6 Rxc6
Preventing ...Rc5 and winning a pawn. In this type of position Black should capture
21...axb4 22.axb4 Qc7 23.Lxd5 Lxd5 with a pawn in order to join the centre pawns
24.Rxd5 Red8 25.Rfd1 Rxd5 26.Qxd5 together, but it can’t be done here because of
Qc2 27.Rd4 17...bxc6 18.La6 winning material.
Now a typically won position arised, where 18.Lf3 Qb6
White has just to show some technique (small Slightly better was 18...Qa5 19.Le5 Ne4
tactics and knowledge) in order to cash the 20.Qe2 Rac8.
point home. Although it took some time, the 19.Le5! Ne4 20.Qe2
result was never in doubt. White shouldn’t think of winning material
27...Qc6 28.h4 Qxd5 29.Rxd5 Rc4 with 20.Ld4 Lc5 21.Lxc5 Rxc5 22.Lxe4
30.Rd4 Rc1+ 31.Kg2 Rb1 32.h5 Kf8 dxe4 23.Qxe4 Qxb2 24.Na4 Re5 25.Qf4
33.Re4 Rb2 34.g4 Rc2 35.Kg3 Rb2 36.f3 Qb5 and Black saves the game. 20.Lxe4
Rb1 37.Kf4 Rb3 38.Kf5 Rd3 39.f4 Rb3 dxe4 21.Qxe4 Qxb2 22.Nd5 Lxd5 is not
40.Rd4 Ke7 41.e4 Rb1 42.e5 Rb2 better for White.
43.Rc4 Kd7 44.Rd4+ Ke7 45.Rc4 Kd7 20...Nxc3 21.Lxc3 Rd8
46.Re4 Ke7 47.e6 Rd2 48.exf7+ Kxf7 21...Lxa3 is bad due to 22.Lxg7!.
49.Rc4 Rd5+ 50.Ke4 Rd7 51.Rc6 Rb7 21...Rxc3!? is Karpov’s suggestion, but is
52.b5 Ke7 53.Ke5 Kd8 54.Rg6 seems that after 22.bxc3 Qa5 23.Rd3 Rc8
1–0 24.Qd2 Rc5 25.Rd1 Lf6 26.Lxd5 Lxc3
27.Qa2 Black has enough compensation for
In the next game Black defended better in a the exchange.
similar type of position, although this was not 22.Rd3! Rcd6 23.Rfd1 R6d7 24.R1d2
enough to avoid defeat. Qb5 25.Qd1 (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 117
XABCDEFGHY In the last game we shall see how Black
compensates the weakness of his central
8-+-tr-+k+( pawn with active counterplay on the kingside.
7zpp+rvlpzp-' □ Beliavsky Alexander
6-+-+l+-zp& ■ Illescas Cordoba Miguel
D34 Linares 1990
5+q+p+-+-% 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5 4.cxd5 exd5
5.Nf3 Nc6 6.g3 Nf6 7.Lg2 Le7 8.0–0 0–0
4-+-+-+-+$ 9.Lg5 cxd4 10.Nxd4 h6 11.Le3 Re8
3zP-vLRzPL+-# 12.Qc2 Lg4 13.h3 Ld7 14.Rad1 Qc8
15.Kh2 Lf8 16.Rfe1 Re5 (D)
1+-+Q+-mK-! 8r+q+-vlk+(
xabcdefghy 7zpp+l+pzp-'
This position is very good for White. His
opponent must defend his weak pawn 6-+n+-sn-zp&
passively. One of Black’s problems is the
lack of a knight, as this piece would be 5+-+ptr-+-%
excellently placed on e4. 4-+-sN-+-+$
25...b6 26.g3 Lf8 27.Lg2 Le7 28.Qh5!
White starts an attack on the kingside and at 3+-sN-vL-zPP#
the same time threatens e4.
28...a6 29.h3 Qc6 30.Kh2 Qb5 31.f4
The threat f5 forces Black to weaken his 1+-+RtR-+-!
position even more.
31...f6 xabcdefghy
31...f5? would be worse because of 32.Qg6 With the threats ...Rh5 or ...Lxh3. Bad is
Lf8 33.Qxe6+. 16...Rxe3? 17.fxe3 Qb8 because of 18.Nxd5.
32.Qd1 Qc6 33.g4 17.Rh1?!
Now White threatens to continue with 34.f5 Also bad were 17.Nxc6? bxc6 18.Ld4 Rh5
forcing the retreat 34...Lf7, leaving the d7 19.Lxf6 Lxh3 20.Lh4 Rxh4! 21.gxh4
rook unprotected. Then he can advance e4. Ld6+ winning and 17.g4? Lxg4 18.hxg4
33...g5 34.Kh1! Nxg4+ 19.Kg1 Rxe3 20.fxe3 Nxe3
34.f5?! would be premature due to 34…Lf7 21.Qd3 Nxd1 22.Rxd1 Nxd4. The best
35.e4 d4!, when Black obtains compensation move is 17.Nf3! and if 17...Rh5 (but then
in the form of the weak dark squares. 17...Rxe3!? 18.fxe3 Qb8 is interesting
34...a5 35.f5 Lf7 36.e4 Kg7 [19.Nxd5? Nxd5 20.Rxd5 Nb4]) 18.Nh4
Now 36...d4 can be answered with 37.Rxd4 g5? 19.Nxd5 Nxd5 20.Rxd5.
and Black can’t prevent the advance e5, for 17...Rh5 18.Kg1 Lxh3 19.Lf3 Re5
example: 37...Rxd4 38.Rxd4 Rxd4 20.Nxc6 bxc6 21.Ld4 Lf5 22.e4 Rxe4
39.Qxd4 Qc7 40.e5. In this variation we can 23.Nxe4 Nxe4 24.Qe2 c5 25.Le3 Qe6
see why the white king is badly placed on h2. 26.Kg2 d4 27.Lc1 Re8 28.Qb5 a6
37.exd5 Qc7 38.Re2 b5? 29.Qb7 Qxa2 30.Rde1 Nd6 31.Qb6 Rc8
Losing immediately, although 38...Lc5 32.Lf4 Nc4 33.Qb7 Qxb2 34.Qd5 Qc2
39.Re6! Lxe6 40.fxe6 Re7 41.Qf1 Rf8 35.Re2 Nb6 36.Qb7 Qb3 37.Rhe1 Qb5
42.Rf3 wasn’t much better. 38.Lc1 Nc4 39.Qd5 Ld7 40.Re7 Lxe7
39.Rxe7 Rxe7 40.d6 Qc4 41.b3! 41.Rxe7 Le8 42.Le4 Kf8
1–0 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 118
The Doubled Pawns
Miguel Illescas
Doubled pawns are those pawns of the
same colour that stay on the same file. They 8-trl+k+-tr(
can be especially weak if they are isolated
from the rest of the pawn chain. If they aren't,
two situations can be distinguished: 6-+p+nzp-+&
1) Doubled pawns towards the centre: are
generally strong during the middle game, 5+-zp-zp-+-%
when the control of central squares is most 4-+-+N+-+$
They open semi-open files on the wings 3+-+PvLNzP-#
that can occasionally be used to organise an
attack or take over the initiative in that sector.
However they can be easily attacked in the 1+-tR-mK-+R!
ending. A typical example would be the
bishop capture on c3 in the ‘Nimzo-Indian xabcdefghy
Defence’. 14...Lxc5 15.Lxc5 Nxc5 16.Qxc5 Rxb2
2) Doubled pawns away from the centre: 17.Nxe5! Qe6 18.Qxc6+ Qxc6 19.Nxc6
offer a semi-open file that sometimes can be Lh3 20.f3
useful in the middle game but they are Going for Kf2 and also keeping open the
generally inflexible and a great handicap in option of shutting-in the bishop with g4.
the endgame. 20...0–0
A typical example would be the exchange 20...Rxa2 21.Kf2 as in the game.
variation in the ‘Ruy Lopez’. 21.Kf2 Re8 22.Nd4 Rxa2 23.Ra1 Rb2
23...Rxa1 24.Rxa1 Ra8 is bad due to 25.g4
□ Taimanov Mark with the threat Kg3.
■ Suetin Alexey 24.Rxa7 Rb4 25.Nc2 Rb2 26.Rc7
A34 Kiev 1954 Now White just needs to activate the other
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.cxd5 Nxd5 4.g3 c5 rook, doubling on the seventh rank. As his
5.Lg2 Nc7 6.d3 Nc6 7.Lxc6+ material is of a great importance, the rest of
The pawns are now doubled and isolated, the game was rather simple:
meaning that the c5-pawn will be hard to 26...Lf5 27.Ra1 h5 28.Raa7 Kh8 29.e4
defend. But White has had to exchange his Rc8 30.Rxc8+ Lxc8 31.Rc7 La6 32.Ke3
fianchetto bishop and his kingside light Kg8 33.h4 Rb3 34.Rd7 Lb5 35.Rd4 Kf7
squares have been weakened. 36.f4 g6 37.Ne1 Rb2 38.Rd6 La4 39.e5
7...bxc6 8.Qa4 Qd7 9.Nf3 f6 10.Le3 e5 fxe5 40.fxe5 Ld1 41.Nf3 Re2+ 42.Kd4
11.Ne4 Ne6 12.Rc1 Rb8 13.Qc2 Le7 (D) Rg2 43.Ng5+ Ke7 44.Ne4 Kf7 45.Rf6+
Kg7 46.e6 g5 47.e7 La4 48.hxg5 Rb2
(see next diagram)
49.Rf8 Rb4+ 50.Ke3
14.Nxc5 1–0
Naturally White mustn't exchange his c5-
pawn for the b2-pawn, but he has seen a If the doubled pawns form part of a bigger
tactical detail on move 17. Alternatively, he group, they can be vulnerable to tactical
could have played 14.b3 and then carry on strikes leading to the isolation of the pawn as
attacking c5. we can observe in the following game:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 119
□ Simagin Vladimir XABCDEFGHY
■ Keres Paul
C73 Moscow 1963 8-+-+k+-+(
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.La4 Nf6
5.0–0 d6 6.Lxc6+ bxc6 7.d4 exd4 8.Qxd4
Le7 9.e5 c5 10.Qd3 dxe5 11.Qxd8+ Lxd8 6p+-+-vlpzp&
12.Nxe5 (D)
XABCDEFGHY 5+-zp-+-+-%
8r+lvlk+-tr( 4-+-+-+-+$
7+-zp-+pzpp' 3+-+-+-+-#
6p+-+-sn-+& 2PzPP+-zPPzP"
5+-zp-sN-+-% 1+-+N+-mK-!
4-+-+-+-+$ xabcdefghy
42.Nc4+ Ke6 43.Na5 Kd6 44.Kd3 Kd5
3+-+-+-+-# 45.Nc4 c6 46.Nb6+ Kd6 47.a5 Ld8
48.Kc4 Lc7 49.Na4 Lxa5 50.Nxc5 Lb6
2PzPP+-zPPzP" 51.Nxa6 Le3 52.Nb4 Lc1 53.b3 Lf4
1tRNvL-+RmK-! 54.Nc2 Le5 55.Nd4 Lf6 56.b4 Le7
57.Nf3 Lf6 58.Kd3 c5 59.b5 Kd5 60.c4+
xabcdefghy Ke6 61.Ke4 Kd6 62.b6 Kc6 63.Ne5+
Black's queenside pawn structure is very Kb7 64.Nd7 Ld4 65.Kd5
weak, but the bishop-pair in an open position 1–0
offers enough compensation.
12...Le7 13.Re1 Le6 14.Nc3 0–0 15.Lg5 One of the most serious defects of doubled
h6? pawns appears when they form part of a
A mistake that allows White to eliminate pawn majority on the side of the board, as it
Black's bishop pair, leaving him with no becomes more difficult to make a passed
compensation in exchange for his bad pawn pawn. Lasker demonstrated this concept
structure. Preferable was 15...Rfe8. successfully in the ‘Spanish Game -
16.Ng6! fxg6 17.Rxe6 Kf7 18.Rae1 Rfe8 Exchange Variation’.
19.Lxf6 Lxf6
Black must remain with another pair of □ Lasker Emanuel
doubled pawns as if 19...gxf6 20.Nd5 wins a ■ Tarrasch Siegbert
pawn. But in this case the doubled pawns on C68 Dusseldorf 1908
g7 and g6 are hardly important. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.Lxc6 dxc6
20.Rxe8 Rxe8 21.Rxe8 Kxe8 22.Nd1 (D) 5.d4 exd4 6.Qxd4 Qxd4 7.Nxd4 c5 8.Ne2
(see next diagram) Ld7 9.b3 Lc6 10.f3 Le7
White's advantage is clear. The c7- and c5- A serious strategic mistake. The pawn
pawns are not only weak; also the c4-square structure favours White, as his kingside pawn
is a stronghold for White's pieces, especially majority will produce a passed pawn,
for the king. whereas Black will be incapable of doing the
22...Kd7 23.Kf1 Kc6 24.Ke2 Le5 25.h3 same on the queenside because of his doubled
Kd5 26.Ne3+ Ke4 27.c3 h5 28.Nc4 Lf4 pawns. In exchange, Black did have the
29.g3 Lg5 30.f3+ Kd5 31.Kd3 Le7 bishop pair as compensation but with his last
32.Ne3+ Ke6 33.Ke4 g5 34.Nc4 g6 35.g4 move Black appears to have decided to
hxg4 36.fxg4 Lf6 37.a3 Le7 38.a4 Lf6 exchange one of them, leaving him without
39.Nd2 Le7 40.Nf3 Lf6 41.Nd2 Kd6 one of his most important assets.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 120
11.Lb2 Lf6 12.Lxf6 Nxf6 13.Nd2 0–0–0 47.g7 Kd7 48.Nh4 Rxg7 49.Kxg7 Ke6
14.0–0–0 Rd7 15.Nf4 (D) 50.Nf3 Kf5 51.Kf7 Ke4 52.Ke6 Kd3
XABCDEFGHY 53.Kd6 Kc3 54.Kxc6 Kxb3 55.Kb5
In the ‘Nimzo-Indian Defence’, White
7+pzpr+pzpp' frequently ends up with doubled pawns on c4
6p+l+-sn-+& and c3 that can be fixed and attacked. Here
follows a model game:
4-+-+PsN-+$ □ Botvinnik Mikhail
■ Reshevsky Samuel
3+P+-+P+-# E29 Moscow 1948
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e3 c5 5.a3
2P+PsN-+PzP" Lxc3+ 6.bxc3 Nc6 7.Ld3 0–0 8.Ne2 b6
1+-mKR+-+R! Black's idea is to attack the c4-pawn with
...La6 and possibly ...Na5.
xabcdefghy 9.e4 Ne8! 10.Le3 d6 11.0–0 Na5 12.Ng3
Now White is practically a pawn ahead. His La6 13.Qe2 Qd7! (D)
plan is simple: exchange pieces and advance
his kingside pawns to create a passer.
15...Re8 16.Nc4 b6 17.a4 a5 18.Rxd7 8r+-+ntrk+(
Nxd7 19.Rd1 Ne5 20.Nxe5 Rxe5 21.c4
A necessary move as Black was threatening 7zp-+q+pzpp'
to play ...c4 and exchange his doubled pawn. 6lzp-zpp+-+&
21...Re8 22.Nh5 Rg8 23.Rd3 f6 24.Kd2
Le8 25.Ng3 Ld7 26.Ke3 Re8 27.Nh5 5sn-zp-+-+-%
Re7 28.g4 c6 29.h4 Kc7
Here we can clearly see the difference
between the two pawn majorities. If Black 3zP-zPLvL-sN-#
plays ...b5, White doesn't do anything on this
side of the board and Black can't achieve a 2-+-+QzPPzP"
passed pawn. On the other side White can 1tR-+-+RmK-!
easily make his own passer.
30.g5 xabcdefghy
Possibly this move is premature and 30.Kf4 The queen is heading for the a4-square to
should have been played. continue the attack on the c4-pawn.
30...f5 31.Ng3 fxe4 32.Nxe4 Lf5 33.h5 14.f4 f5! 15.Rae1?!
Rd7 34.Rc3 Better was 15.Rfe1 leaving the other rook
White prefers to avoid giving Black an easy for the d-file and preparing the advance d5 or
chance to bring his king nearer to the side of e5. With regard to 15.d5 the correct reply is
the board where he has his passed pawn. 15...g6! 16.dxe6 Qxe6 17.exf5 gxf5 and
34...Rd1 35.Kf4 Ld7 36.Re3 Rh1 Black ends up winning the c4.
37.Ng3 Rh4+ 38.Ke5 Rh3 39.f4 Kd8 15...g6 16.Rd1
39...Lg4 40.f5 Lxh5 41.Ke6 Kd8 Recognizing the mistake although losing a
42.Rd3+ Kc7 (42...Ke8 43.Kd6) 43.f6. tempo.
40.f5 Rh4 41.f6 gxf6+ 42.Kxf6 Le8 16...Qf7
43.Nf5 Rf4 Dangerous is 16...Qa4 because of 17.d5
43...Rxh5 44.Rxe8+ Kxe8 45.Ng7+. Lxc4 18.dxe6 Lxe6 19.exf5.
44.g6 hxg6 45.hxg6 Rg4 46.Rxe8+ Kxe8 17.e5 Rc8 18.Rfe1 dxe5
FIDE TRG Syllabus 121
If 18...cxd4 19.Lxd4! and 19...Lxc4 doesn't However, Black’s set-up also has some
work because of 20.exd6 with the threat drawbacks. Sometimes White takes advantage
Qe5. of the distant position of Black’s pieces on the
19.dxe5 Ng7 20.Nf1 Rfd8 21.Lf2 Nh5 queenside to launch a dangerous attack on the
22.Lg3 Qe8 23.Ne3 Qa4 (D) other side of the board. The next game
illustrates this danger and at the same time gives
XABCDEFGHY an insight to another concept: doubled pawns in
8-+rtr-+k+( the castled king:
7zp-+-+-+p' □ Bronstein David
6lzp-+p+p+& ■ Najdorf Miguel
E29 Budapest 1950
5sn-zp-zPp+n% 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.a3 Lxc3+
4q+P+-zP-+$ 5.bxc3 c5 6.e3 Nc6 7.Ld3 0–0 8.Ne2 d6
9.e4 Ne8 10.0–0 b6 11.f4 La6?
3zP-zPLsN-vL-# The same manoeuvre, but at a bad moment.
White's attack had to be stopped by 11...f5.
2-+-+Q+PzP" 12.f5! e5 (D)
xabcdefghy 8r+-wqntrk+(
Once the attack on the kingside has been
stopped Black concentrates again on the c4-
pawn. 6lzpnzp-+-+&
24.Qa2 Nxg3 25.hxg3 h5?!
Allowing an interesting possibility. Better 5+-zp-zpP+-%
was 25...Qb3 as after the exchange of queens 4-+PzPP+-+$
any chances of an attack for White vanish in
the air and the weakness of the c4 is decisive. 3zP-zPL+-+-#
26.Le2? 2-+-+N+PzP"
White lets the moment go by. He should have
played 26.Lc2 Lxc4 (if 26...Qc6 White can 1tR-vLQ+RmK-!
play 27.a4 defending everything) 27.Nxc4 xabcdefghy
Qxc4 28.Qxc4 Nxc4 29.Lb3 =.
26...Kf7 27.Kf2 Qb3 13.f6! Kh8
The exchange of queens has left Black with a After 13...Nxf6 14.Lg5 Black is in trouble
strategically won position. as well.
28.Qxb3 Nxb3 29.Ld3 Ke7 14.d5 Na5
And now the strongest move was 29...Rc7 Black has to take another piece away from
30.Lc2 Rxd1 31.Rxd1 Na5 32.Ld3 Rd7 the kingside. He will have trouble bringing
and Black's advantage is clear. In the game he them back again.
played a weaker move, although he ended up 15.Ng3
winning anyway: 15.fxg7+ Nxg7 16.Ng3 was another good
30.Ke2 Na5 31.Rd2 Rc7 32.g4 Rcd7 line, but White doesn't mind sacrificing a
33.gxf5 gxf5 34.Red1 h4 35.Ke1 Nb3 pawn.
36.Nd5+ exd5 37.Lxf5 Nxd2 38.Rxd2 15...gxf6
dxc4 39.Lxd7 Rxd7 40.Rf2 Ke6 41.Rf3 15...g6 was better, keeping the files closed.
Rd3 42.Ke2 16.Nf5 Lc8 17.Qh5 Lxf5 18.exf5 Rg8
0–1 19.Rf3 Rg7
19...Ng7 would have allowed a nice finish:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 122
20.Qxh7+! Kxh7 21.Rh3+ Nh5 22.Rxh5+ □ De la Villa Garcia Jesus
Kg7 23.Lh6+ Kh7 24.Lf8 #. ■ Illescas Cordoba Miguel
20.Lh6 Rg8 21.Rh3 C45 Pamplona 1999
There is no defence against 22.Lf8. If 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Lc5
21...Ng7 22.Qh4 followed by Lg5. 5.Nxc6 Qf6 6.Qd2 dxc6 7.Nc3 Ne7 8.Qf4
1–0 Qe6 9.Ld3 0–0 10.0–0 Ng6 11.Qg3 Qe5!
Black has easily equalised.
□ Fischer Robert 12.Qxe5 Nxe5
■ Benko Pal The knight becomes very active.
Bled/Zagreb/Belgrade 1959 ○ 13.Le2 a5! 14.Lf4 f6 15.a4 Le6 16.Rad1
Making use of the semi-open file.
8r+l+-trk+( 17.Nb1 Lf7 18.Nd2 Re7 19.Lxe5?!
7zp-+-vlp+p' It was difficult to play with White but this
exchange cannot be good.
6-+-+pzp-+& 19...Rxe5 20.Ld3 Lh5 21.Rde1 Re7
22.Nc4 b6 23.Nd2 Rd8 24.Nb3 Ld6
5sn-wq-zp-+-% 25.Lc4+ Kh8 26.f3 (D)
4-zp-+-zP-+$ XABCDEFGHY
3+LsN-+-sN-# 8-+-tr-+-mk(
2PzPP+-+PzP" 7+-zp-tr-zpp'
1tR-+Q+R+K! 6-zppvl-zp-+&
xabcdefghy 5zp-+-+-+l%
The weaknesses in Black’s castled king allow
White to launch a winning attack.
16.Nce4 Qd4 3+N+-+P+-#
After 16...Qc7 comes 17.Nh5! f5 18.Nhf6+!
Kg7 19.Qh5! Lxf6 (19...h6 20.Rf3) 2-zPP+-+PzP"
20.Nxf6 h6 21.Rf3! with decisive threats. 1+-+-tRRmK-!
17.Qh5! Nxb3
There was nothing better: 17...Kh8 18.Qh6! xabcdefghy
Rg8 19.Nxf6 +– or 17...exf4 18.Nf5! exf5 26...Le8!
19.Rxf4 Qxe4 (19...fxe4 20.Rh4 +–) 20. Targeting on a4.
Rxe4 fxe4 21.Qxa5 +– or, finally, 17...Kg7 27.Rd1 Red7 28.Le2 Lf4 29.g3?
18.Rad1 Qxb2 19.Qh4 Lb7 20.Nxf6! +–. 29.Rxd7 Le3+ 30.Kh1 Rxd7 31.g3 ³.
18.Qh6! exf4 29...Le3+ 30.Kg2 Rxd1! 31.Rxd1 Rxd1
If 18...f5 then 19.c3! bxc3 20.bxc3 Qb6 32.Lxd1 c5! 33.f4 c4!
21.Nh5 and White wins. 33...Lxa4 34.Kf3 Lg1 35.Kg2 Ld4 36.c3
19.Nh5 f5 20.Rad1 Qe5 21.Nef6+ Lxf6 Le3 37.Kf3 Lc1! 38.Nxc1 Lxd1+ is also
22.Nxf6+ Qxf6 23.Qxf6 Nc5 24.Qg5+ good for Black.
Kh8 25.Qe7! La6 26.Qxc5 Lxf1 34.Kf3 Lg1! 35.Kg2?
27.Rxf1 Necessary was 35.Nd2 c3! 36.bxc3 Lxa4
1–0 and Black is much better.
35...cxb3 36.Kxg1 Lh5!
Finally, here comes a good example of how A nice touch - Black’s ex-doubled c-pawn
to use the semi-open file adjacent to the queens after 37.Lxh5 bxc2.
doubled pawns. 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 123
The Backward Pawn
Michael Khodarkovsky
Concept 16.Nd2 Ld5 17.e4 Lxc4 18.Nxc4 Na6
The backward pawn is one of the easiest 19.Nxd6 Qxd6 20.Lc3 f5 21.Rae1 Nc7
types of weaknesses to identify. The tell-tale 22.Qc4 Rf7 23.La5 b6 24.Lb4 Qd7 25.e5
structure of a left-behind foot soldier is a Rd8 26.Lc3 Qd5 27.Qxd5 Rxd5 28.Rc1
prime example of weakness in chess. Rfd7 29.b4 Na6 30.Rb1 Kf7 31.Rfc1 b5
While it is busy defending other pawns, no 32.a5 Nb8 (D)
pawns ever come to the aid of the poor
backward pawn!
The backward pawn is a heavy burden to 8-sn-+-+-+(
bear. As with any other weakness, a
backward pawn often requires the defence of 7zp-+r+kzpp'
stronger pieces, moreover in most cases the 6-+p+p+-+&
square in front of a backward pawn is under
control of the opponent’s pieces. Thus, one 5zPp+rzPp+-%
backward pawn can tangle up an entire army
of defending forces.
Fortunately, not all positions with backward 3+-vL-+-+-#
pawns are permanently weakened. Some
openings, such as the ‘Sveshnikov Sicilian 2-+-+-+PzP"
Defence’, and certain variations of the 1+RtR-+-mK-!
‘Najdorf Sicilian Defence’ lead directly to
backward pawn positions for Black. xabcdefghy
In these scenarios, the weak pawn is not Although White does have a backward pawn
considered to be a grave problem because it is on d4 it is not a fatal weakness. In this
difficult to attack and easy to defend. Moreover, situation, the d4-pawn is compensated for by
the backward pawn is shoring up a centre pawn White's enormous space advantage; Black's
which has a big influence on the position. There pieces are unable to exploit the backward
are some methods that can be used to relieve the pawn because of his own backward c-pawn
burden of this common weakness. on the semi-open file and cramped pieces.
This chapter will demonstrate how However, the d4-pawn does complicate
positions with backward pawns may produce matters for White because it blocks the king’s
varied play, which we will demonstrate with entry and the bishop. White wants to open the
a few instructive examples. diagonal for his bishop on a1.
The first two are tributes to Grandmaster 33.La1
Andor Lilienthal (1911-2010) and 7th World The bishop clears a path for the rooks to line
Champion in chess history Vassily Smyslov up on the c-file whilst continuing to support
(1921-2010): the backward pawn d4.
33...a6 34.Rc2 Rc7 35.Rbc1 Rd8 36.Kf2
□ Lilienthal Andor Rd5 37.Ke3 Ke8 38.h3 Rdd7 39.g4 Rf7
■ Makogonov Vladimir
D19 Moscow 1936
White advanced all his resources as much as
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4 5.a4
Lf5 6.e3 e6 7.Lxc4 Lb4 8.0–0 0–0 9.Qe2 possible and is now ready to strike. His next
Ne4 10.Nxe4 Lxe4 11.Nd2 Lg6 12.Nb3 move is a typical and well-calculated small
positional tactic; one that changes the route of
Qh4 13.Ld2 Ld6 14.f4 Le4 15.Le1 Qe7
the game!
FIDE TRG Syllabus 124
8-sn-+k+-+( 8-+-tr-+-+(
7+-tr-+rzpp' 7zp-tr-+-vlk'
6p+p+p+-+& 6-zp-zpq+pzp&
5zPp+-zPp+-% 5+-+-zp-+-%
4-zP-zP-zPP+$ 4-+P+-+-+$
3+-+-mK-+P# 3+PsNRwQ-zP-#
2-+R+-+-+" 2P+-+-zP-zP"
1vL-tR-+-+-! 1+-tR-+-mK-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
40.d5! An ideal composition of forces for White to
The strongest and the only way to achieve a emphasize the inevitability of the fall of the
winning position. White sacrifices a pawn in backward pawn on d6.
order to open a passage for his king, bishop 30...Qg4 31.R1d3 Le7
and e-pawn through the barricades of the 31...Qe6 32.Qd2 Rfd7 33.c5 bxc5 34.Nxc5
Black's weak fortress. +–.
40...exd5 41.e6 Rf8 42.Le5 Kd8 43.Kd4! 32.Nxd6 Lxd6 33.Rxd6
A complete domination over dark squares After the fall of the d6 pawn, it is the turn of
which disables any possible resistance - the the pawn e5 to be eliminated. Despite the fact
end should be near… that White will give up his pawn on f2, the
43...Kc8 44.Lxc7 Kxc7 45.Ke5 g6 46.e7 vulnerability of Black's king plays a more
Re8 47.Ke6 important role than that pawn.
1–0 33...Rdf8 34.Qxe5 Rxf2 35.Rd7+ R8f7
36.Rxf7+ Rxf7 37.Rd8!
□ Smyslov Vassily After which Smyslov concludes the game
■ Denker Arnold with his impeccable technique:
B24 Radio match USSR-USA 1946 37...Rg7 38.Qe8 g5 39.Qh8+ Kg6 40.Rd6+
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Lg2 Lg7 5.d3 Kf7 41.Qxh6 Qf5 42.Rd1 Qc5+ 43.Kg2
e6 6.Le3 Nd4 7.Nce2 d6 8.c3 Nc6 9.d4 Qe7 44.Rf1+ Kg8 45.Qf6 Qe8 46.Qf5 g4
cxd4 10.Nxd4 Nxd4 11.Lxd4 e5 12.Le3 47.Rf2 Qe7 48.Qd3 Rg5 49.Re2 Qf8
Ne7 13.Ne2 0–0 14.0–0 Le6 15.Qd2 Qc7 50.Qe4 Rg7 51.Qd5+ Qf7 52.Re6 Qc7
16.Rfc1 f5 17.c4 fxe4 18.Nc3 Nf5 19.Nxe4 1–0
Nxe3 20.Qxe3 h6 21.Rd1 Rfd8 22.Rac1
Rac8 23.b3 b6 24.Nc3 Qe7 25.Ld5 Kh7 A very instructive game that is clearly
26.Lxe6 Qxe6 27.Rd3 Rc7 (D) highlighting the drawbacks of the backward
(see next diagram) pawn.
This position is an example of a backward Black was hampered by his poor bishop,
pawn which proves to be a critical and trapped on the same coloured squares as the
significant weakness on a semi-open file. backward pawn on d6 and White's space
This position is strategically won for White advantage and strong rooks gave Black little
as his plan to exert pressure on d6 and to hope for.
eventually to win the pawn cannot be In the next game we will see an excellent
adequately countered. example of Karpov’s technique - the ex
28.Rcd1 Rf7 29.Ne4 Lf8 30.Rd5! World Champion clearly knew what to do!
FIDE TRG Syllabus 125
□ Karpov Anatoly Kxg6 30.Rfh1 Rbe8 31.Rh7 Kg5 32.Ke2
■ Mecking Henrique Kf4 33.R1h3 Ld4
B92 Hastings 1971 As Karpov pointed out, White wins in the
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 event of 33...Kxg4 34.Rh1 Rg8 35.Lxg8
5.Nc3 a6 6.Le2 e5 7.Nb3 Le6 8.f4 Qc7 Rxg8 36.Rf1 +–.
9.a4 Nc6 34.Rg7
Here is better to employ 9...Le7 or 9...Nbd7 1–0
rather than develop the knight on c6. Now
White comfortably occupies the outpost on In the next example White refuted all
d5 with emphasis on the weakness d6. attempts at counterattack with an instructive
10.f5 Lxb3 11.cxb3 Qb6 12.Lg5 Le7 positional game. This against the creator of
13.Lxf6 Lxf6 14.Nd5 the popular opening system named after him!
Black basically forced to go for a queen trade
and suffer in the endgame. □ Tal Mihail
14...Qa5+ 15.Qd2 Qxd2+ 16.Kxd2 Lg5+ ■ Najdorf Miguel
17.Kd3 0–0 18.h4 Ld8 19.Rac1 (D) B92 Bled 1961
XABCDEFGHY 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6
5.Nc3 a6 6.Le2 e5 7.Nb3 Le7 8.Lg5
8r+-vl-trk+( Le6 9.0–0 0–0 10.Lxf6 Lxf6 11.Qd3 Nc6
12.Nd5 Lg5 13.Rfd1 Kh8 14.c3 f5 (D)
This is an example of indirect prophylaxis.
The white rook provides surveillance over the 1tR-+R+-mK-!
c-file and is ready to invade if Black would
dare to trade a knight on d5: 19...Ne7 xabcdefghy
20.Nxe7+ Lxe7 21.Rc7!. Thematic or weakening?
19...a5 20.Kd2 Rb8 21.g4 Nb4 22.Lc4 15.Lf3!
White is squeezing on the kingside and is Taking total control of the light squares in the
getting ready to substitute his knight with the centre.
bishop on d5. 15...Lxd5 16.Qxd5 fxe4 17.Qxe4 Qe7
22...Nxd5 23.Lxd5 18.Qd5 Rf6 19.Nd2!
The position has stabilized. White has a Black is forced to trade pieces and settle for a
significant positional advantage without any difficult defence in the ending.
definite counterplay to worry about. Never- 19...Lxd2 20.Rxd2 Qc7 21.Re1 Raf8 22.
theless, Mecking finds probably the only active Re3 g6 23.Le4 Kg7 24.Rf3 Rxf3 25.Lxf3
continuation to stop advance of White pawns. Rf6 26.Le4 Qf7 27.Qb3 Qxb3 28.axb3
23...g5 24.fxg6 hxg6 25.Kd3 Kg7 26.h5 Nd8 29.b4 Kf7 30.Rd5 Ke8 31.b5 axb5
Lb6 27.Rh3 Lc5 28.Rf1 f6 29.hxg6 32.Rxb5 Rf7 33.Rb6 Kd7 34.Ld5 (D)

FIDE TRG Syllabus 126

XABCDEFGHY This is a typical position from the 'Sicilian
Defence' in the 'Najdorf Variation'. Black's
8-+-sn-+-+( backward pawn on d6 is sufficiently
defended, but how should he continue? He
7+p+k+r+p' must first finish his development. Notice
6-tR-zp-+p+& how, as the game progresses, Black slowly
completes his plan of pushing his backward
5+-+Lzp-+-% pawn forward.
4-+-+-+-+$ 12.a3 Lb7 13.b3 Rc8 14.Lb2 Rc7
15.Nb1?! Qa8 16.Nbd2 Nd8!
3+-zP-+-+-# A clever manoeuvre, creating a harmonic
arrangement of pieces. White's pieces,
2-zP-+-zPPzP" meanwhile, remain disorganized.
1+-+-+-mK-! 17.Ld3 Ne6 18.Rc1 Rfc8 19.Nh2 Nd7
20.Nhf1 Ndc5 21.Ng3 g6 22.Ne2 Lg5! (D)
xabcdefghy XABCDEFGHY
Seems like 34...Rf6 would be better. 8q+r+-+k+(
35.g3 Ra4 36.Lxb7 Ra1+ 37.Kg2 Kc7
38.Ra6 Rb1 39.Ld5 Rxb2 40.Ra7+ Nb7
41.Kf3 6p+-zpn+pzp&
Now the white king takes over and the end
should be near. 5+psn-zp-vl-%
41...Kb8 42.Ra6 Kc7 43.Ra8 Nc5 4-+-+P+-+$
44.Ra7+ Nb7 45.h4 Kb8 46.Ra6 Kc7
47.Ra8 Rb5 48.c4 Rb3+ 49.Kg4 3zPP+L+-+P#
□ Unzicker Wolfgang 1+-tRQtR-mK-!
■ Taimanov Mark
B58 Stockholm 1952 xabcdefghy
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 Black is planning to push his backward pawn
5.Nc3 d6 6.Le2 e5 7.Nf3 h6 8.0–0 Le7 and permanently eliminate the weakness.
9.Re1 0–0 10.h3 a6 11.Lf1 b5 (D) Simplification into a worse endgame will not
be a threat and, more importantly, lines
XABCDEFGHY become open for attack.
8r+lwq-trk+( 23.Nc3 Nd4 24.Ncb1 d5!
The backward pawn is pushed forward at the
7+-+-vlpzp-' right moment, killing White’s hope for a
6p+nzp-sn-zp& positive result.
25.exd5 Nxd3 26.cxd3 Rxc1 27.Lxc1
5+p+-zp-+-% Lxd5 28.f3 Rc2! 29.a4 b4 30.Kh1 Qc6
4-+-+P+-+$ 0–1

3+-sN-+N+P# But as is common with every pawn

weakness, the endgame is the phase where
2PzPP+-zPP+" the ‘pain’ can intensify.
1tR-vLQtRLmK-! Exchanging minor pieces and falling into
passivity are the greatest enemies of the
xabcdefghy backward and semi-backward pawns.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 127
□ Grivas Efstratios Forced, as White was threatening 33.b4!. But
■ Ionescu Constantin now Black has given up the possibility of
E19 Elista 1998 counterplay with ...b5, the only decent plan
(Notes based on those of Efstratios Grivas) he had at his disposal.
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.g3 Lb7 33.Rd3 Rd8 34.Red4 Ke7 35.Qe2 Kf7
5.Lg2 Le7 6.0–0 0–0 7.Nc3 Ne4 8.Qc2 36.Qe4! Qc7 37.Kg2?
Nxc3 9.Qxc3 c5 10.b3 cxd4 11.Nxd4 White has made good use of his position so
Lxg2 12.Kxg2 Nc6 13.Lb2 Nxd4 far and should now have played 37.h5. Next
14.Qxd4 Lf6 15.Qd2 Lxb2 16.Qxb2 (D) comes the advance of his g-pawn, supported
XABCDEFGHY by the white rooks. It is not necessary to offer
specific variations as means of proof, as these
8r+-wq-trk+( plans would take up a lot of time and
preparation. The only certain thing is that
7zp-+p+pzpp' Black cannot effectively stop White's plan
6-zp-+p+-+& and, as a result, is condemned to defeat.
5+-+-+-+-% The only move and a very good one, securing
4-+P+-+-+$ the draw. The absence of any satisfactory
breakthrough favours the defending side.
3+P+-+-zP-# Both flanks have been blocked and as a
result, White does not have at his disposal the
2PwQ-+PzPKzP" most useful tool in such positions, i.e. the
1tR-+-+R+-! creation of a second front. This is an
instructive and very significant strategic
xabcdefghy motif - keep it in mind as it will be very
After a long theoretical variation Black is useful in your chess future!
stuck with a weak backward pawn on d7. 38.Qf3 g6 39.Qe4 Rd7 40.Rd2 Rd8
Naturally, as often happens in this type of 41.Kh2 Rf5 42.Qd3 Ke7 43.Re2 Kf7
position, White's advantage is not really 44.Qf3 Re8 45.Qe4 Re7 46.Red2 Rd7
great, but it is static and consequently long- 47.Qf3 Rd8 48.Qd3 Ke7 49.Qe4 Kf7
term, while the danger of defeat is 50.Re2 Rf6 51.Rd3 Rc8 52.Red2 Rd8
significantly reduced. White's plans are 53.Rd4 Rf5
simple and include the doubling of the major White cannot make any progress, so the draw
pieces on the d-file and the development of was the most 'logical' result.
an initiative on both flanks. ½–½
16...Qc7 17.Rfd1 Rfd8 18.Rd4 d6
19.Rad1 Rd7 20.R1d3 Rad8 21.Qd2
Kf8 22.e4 h6 23.f4 Conclusion
Rather premature. The move 23.h4! intending Positions with backward pawns vary in
h5 and g4-g5 would cause Black a serious nature. In many cases the pawn is a
headache, while the f-pawn could be a significant weakness, which often results in
valuable protection to the white king. the negative outcome of the game.
23...Qc6! 24.a4 a6 25.h4 f5?! But in modern theory you may find many
Black finds it impossible to remain passive games played by elite players who are willing
for such a long time. With this move he also to play these complex backward pawn
weakens the e6-pawn, but hopes for structures trying to demonstrate that such
counterplay based on the exposed white king. positions can often be very double-edged.
26.Qe2 fxe4 27.Rxe4 Re8 28.Qf3 Rf7 Only if the pawn is static and permanently
29.Kh2 Qc5 30.Rde3 Rf6 31.Qe2 Kf7 fixed can we say that the backward pawn is a
32.Qd2! a5 handicap.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 128
The Hanging Pawns
Michael Khodarkovsky
Concept This position comes out by the move order
A pair of pawns on adjacent files separated 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e3 0-0
from all other pawns is known as a set of 5.Ld3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.0-0 b6 8.cxd5 exd5
‘hanging pawns’. This formation could 9.dxc5 bxc5.
appear in various modern openings such as It is also possible that the formation of
the ‘Queen’s Gambit Declined’, the Tar- hanging pawns will be transformed from a
takower-Makogonov-Bondarevsky System, position with the pawns’ pair (ex: c3, d4 for
various ‘Queen’s Indian Defence’ variations, White; c6, d5 for Black).
for instance: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.e3 Hanging pawns can control important
Lb7 5.Ld3 c5 6.Nc3 Le7 7.0-0 cxd4 8. central squares and guarantee a space
exd4 d5 9.b3 0-0 10.Lb2 dxc4 11.bxc4 (D) advantage. If the formation of hanging pawns
XABCDEFGHY is supported by actively developed pieces,
then there are good prospects for an attack on
8rsn-wq-trk+( the enemy king.
If the formation is not supported by
7zpl+-vlpzpp' harmoniously developed pieces, this pair of
6-zp-+psn-+& pawns can be attacked and destroyed. In our
first example, White’s pieces are
5+-+-+-+-% uncoordinated in their effort to defend the
4-+PzP-+-+$ weak hanging pawns.

3+-sNL+N+-# □ Euwe Max

■ Reshevsky Samuel
2PvL-+-zPPzP" Zurich 1953 ●
xabcdefghy 8-+r+-+k+(
Another opening is the ‘Nimzo-Indian
Defence’, for example (D):
XABCDEFGHY 6lzp-+psnp+&
8rsnlwq-trk+( 5wq-+-+-+-%
7zp-+-+pzpp' 4-+PzP-+-+$
6-+-+-sn-+& 3zP-tR-+PzP-#
5+-zpp+-+-% 2-+R+-wQ-zP"
4-vl-+-+-+$ 1+-vL-+LmK-!
3+-sNLzPN+-# xabcdefghy
How can Black take advantage of the lack of
2PzP-+-zPPzP" harmony among the White pieces?
1tR-vLQ+RmK-! 32...Nd5! 33.cxd5
33.Rb3 Lxc4 34.Lxc4 Rxc4 35.Rxc4
xabcdefghy Rxc4 –+.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 129
33...Rxc3 34.Rxc3 Qxc3 35.Lb2 Qb3 XABCDEFGHY
36.Lxa6 Rc2 37.d6 Rxf2 38.d7 Qd5
39.Kxf2 8r+-+-+-tr(
One very important strategy to be used 6-+-mk-+-zp&
against hanging pawns is to force the advance
of one of the pawns. 5+-zpp+-+P%
The second pawn becomes backward and 4-+-+-sN-+$
weak. Instead of controlling the squares in
front of them, a hole appears that the 3+-+-zP-+-#
opponent can occupy. 2PzP-mKLzPP+"
In our next example, White has already
been able to force the d-pawn to move, 1+-tR-+-+R!
leaving the c-pawn a terrible weakness.
□ Flohr Salo Black's hanging pawns on the c- and d- files
■ Kasparian Genrikh appear to be solid. What is White's plan to apply
Leningrad 1947 ○ pressure and crack the opponent's centre?
White focuses first on the d5-pawn; then the
8-+r+-+k+( rooks will join.
19...Rab8 20.Rhd1 Rhd8 21.Ke1 Lc6?!
7zp-+-+qzp-' The rook is needed on the c-file.
6-+-+l+-zp& 22.b3 a5 23.Nd3
Shifting focus to the other pawn. Black's
5+-zp-zPp+-% position worsens.
4-trLzp-zP-+$ 23...Rb5 24.Nb2! Kc7 25.Na4 c4 26.bxc4
dxc4 27.Rxc4 Rxd1+ 28.Lxd1 Kd6 29.g3?!
3wQP+-+-+-# White missed 29.Rd4+ Rd5 30.Rf4!,
maintaining chances to win.
2P+-+-+PzP" 29...Nd5 30.Nc3 Nxc3 31.Rxc3 Ld5
1+-tR-+RmK-! 32.a3 Rb2 33.Rd3 Kc5 34.Rc3+ Kd6
35.Rd3 Kc5 36.Rc3+
xabcdefghy As Black is very well centralised and quite
How does White apply further pressure and active, White is now ‘obliged’ to accept the
win the weakened c-pawn? draw.
24.Qa6! ½–½
Although it is tempting to win a pawn, after
24.Lxe6 Qxe6 25.Rxc5 Rxc5 26.Qxb4 By forcing the advance of the d-pawn,
Qd5! White is equal at best. White is able to weaken Black’s position.
24...Re8 25.Lxe6 Rxe6 26.Qc8+ Kh7 Black lost control of the centre and the c5-
27.Qxc5 +– pawn became an enormous weakness.
And White has a won position, although the In the next example, White forced the
game was drawn in 55 moves. advance of one of the pawns and then
½–½ isolated the backward pawn by exchanging
the pawn that had been advanced.
□ Polugaevsky Lev White maintained chances to win and only
■ Hort Vlastimil with impeccable accuracy Black was able to
Belgrade 1970 ○ escape with a draw.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 130
□ Petrosian Tigran 17...a5
■ Botvinnik Mikhail It is difficult to handle the weakness of hanging
Moscow 1963 ○ pawns. After 17...Nd7, Fischer found the clever
XABCDEFGHY resource 18.Nd4! (with the idea 19.Nb3 or
19.Nxe6) 18...Qf8? (18...Nf6 19.Nb3 Nd7
8r+-+-trk+( 20.Lb5 Nf6) 19.Nxe6! fxe6 20.e4! ²
7zp-+nvlpzpp' Fischer,R-Spassky,B Reykjavik 1972. White's
next move is natural.
6-zp-+p+-+& 18.Rc3! Nd7 19.Rfc1 Re8 20.Lb5 Lg4
21.Nd2 d4
5+-zpp+-+-% And now, with exchange, the hanging pawns
4-+PzP-+-+$ become an isolated pawn.
22.exd4 cxd4 23.Qxe7 Rxe7 24.Rc8+
3+-+-vL-zP-# Kh7 25.Nb3 Ne5 26.Rd8 Rac7 27.Rxc7
Rxc7 28.f4! Ld7 29.fxe5 Lxb5 30.Nxd4
2PzP-+PzPNzP" Rc1+ 31.Kf2 Rd1 32.Rd6
1tR-+-+RmK-! 1–0
xabcdefghy In the next example, White applied pressure
14.cxd5 exd5 15.Nf4 Nf6 16.dxc5 bxc5 to force a weakening in his opponent’s pawn
17.Rac1 d4 18.Ld2 a5 19.Nd3 Nd7 structure. He maintained winning chances
20.e3! dxe3 21.Lxe3 and dictated play for the rest of the game.
Black is left with a weak, isolated c-pawn. After mistakes from both sides, however, the
21...Rab8 22.Rfd1 a4! game concluded in a draw.
A clever resource, putting pressure on the b2
pawn. With this idea, Black is able to save □ Capablanca Jose Raul
the game. Botvinnik's accuracy in defence is ■ Alekhine Alexander
undisputable. A draw was agreed later, in 86 Buenos Aires 1927 ○
□ Furman Semen
■ Geller Efim 7+l+nvlpzpp'
Moscow 1970 ● 6p+-+-sn-+&
XABCDEFGHY 5+qzpp+-vL-%
8-snr+-+k+( 4N+-+-+-+$
7tr-+-wqpzp-' 3zP-+-zPN+-#
6-+-+l+-zp& 2-zPL+QzPPzP"
5zp-zpp+-+-% 1+-tRR+-mK-!
4-+-+-+-+$ xabcdefghy
3wQ-+-zPN+-# 17.Qxb5 axb5
2PzP-+LzPPzP" What plan is White supposed to choose when
fighting against these hanging pawns?
1+-tR-+RmK-! 18.Nc3 Lc6 19.Ld3 c4?
Although Black's centre is under pressure, it is
xabcdefghy not necessary to create the hole on d4 for White.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 131
20.Lf5 b4! □ Keres Paul
With his next move, Black gets rid of a ■ Taimanov Mark
weakness. However, he still has to face the Moscow 1951 ○
problem of the weak c-and d- pawns, XABCDEFGHY
especially with the issue of the bad
lightsquared bishop. 8r+-wq-trk+(
21.axb4 Lxb4 22.Nd4 Lb7
Because the position is closed, White
correctly chooses to trade his bishops for 6-zpn+psn-+&
Black's knights. White is left with powerful
knights, free to roam the board as Black's 5+-+-+-+-%
bishops struggle to find useful diagonals. 4-+PzP-+-+$
23.Lxd7 Rxd7 24.Lxf6 gxf6 25.Nde2?
And here White falters. Better was 25.Nf5! 3+-sNL+N+-#
Re5 26.g4 h5 27.f4 +–.
25...Ld6! 26.Rc2 Le5 27.Rcd2
Planning e4. 1tR-+Q+RmK-!
27...Rc7! 28.Ra1 Kg7 29.g3 Rc5! 30.Ra7
Rb8 31.Nd4 Kg6 32.f4 Lc7 33.Kf2 xabcdefghy
33.Ncb5? Lb6 34.Ra1 Rxb5!. 12.Qe2 Re8
33...Ra5 34.Rxa5 Lxa5 35.g4 h5! 12...Nxd4? 13.Nxd4 Qxd4 14.Nd5 Qc5
36.gxh5+ Kxh5 37.Kf3 Rg8 38.Rg2 15.Lxf6 gxf6 16.Nxe7+ Qxe7 17.Qg4+
Rxg2 39.Kxg2 Kg4 40.h3+ Kh4 41.Nf5+ Kh8 18.Qh4 +–.
Kh5 42.Kg3 13.Rfd1 Rc8 14.Rac1 Qd6 15.Lb1 Qf4
Or 42.Nd6 Lxc3 43.bxc3 d4+ but now not 15...Na5 16.Ne5 Red8 17.Nb5 Qb8 ².
44.Nxb7? (44.Kf2 dxc3 45.Ke1 =) 16.d5!
44...dxc3 –+. This breakthrough gains space and opens the
42...Lb4! 43.Nd4 Kg6 44.Kg4 f5+! position for White's bishops. Suddenly, Bla-
45.Kg3 Kf6 46.Nf3 Lc5 47.Kf2 Lb4 ck's king begins to look very vulnerable...
48.Ne5 Ld6 49.Nf3 Lb4 50.h4 Kg6 16...exd5 17.cxd5 Nb8 18.Rd4 Qd6
51.Ne2 Lc8! 52.Ng3 Le6 53.h5+ Kh6 19.Rcd1 Lf8 20.Ne4 Nxe4 21.Rxe4
Rxe4 22.Qxe4 Qh6 23.Ng5
54.Ke2 Le7 55.Kd2 Ld8! 56.Nd4
Not much of an improvement was 56.Kc3 The position has changed dramatically in the
La5+ 57.Kd4 Lb6+ 58.Ke5 Lxe3 last ten moves. Every single one of White's
59.Nd4 with equality. pieces is better placed and Black is gasping
for air.
56...Lc8 57.Kc2 La5 58.Kd1
White is also going nowhere with the other 23...Ld6 24.h4 Nd7 25.Qf5 Nf6 26.Lxf6
option of 58.Ndxf5+ Lxf5+ 59.Nxf5+ 26.Nxf7! is simply more accurate: 26...Kxf7
Kxh5 60.Nd6 Kg4 61.Nxf7 Kf3 =. 27.Qe6+ Kf8 28.Qxd6+ +–.
58...Lb4 59.Ke2 Ld7 26...gxf6 27.Nxf7 Qc1 28.Qxh7+ Kf8
½–½ 29.Nxd6 Qxd1+ 30.Kh2 Qxd5 31.Nxb7
Qe5+ 32.g3 Rc7 33.Qh8+ Kf7 34.h5 Rxb7
Hanging pawns are not always a weakness. 35.Qh7+ Ke6 36.Qxb7 Qxh5+ 37.Kg2
In certain positions, they can be very 1–0
powerful, controlling central squares.
It is possible to build an attack behind them In some positions, it is even possible to
and a well-timed push can gain space. push one of the pawns and leave a backward
A good example of how to utilize the one. The idea lies in pinpointing a weakness
strength of the hanging pawns can be seen in in the opponent’s pawn structure, as shown in
the following game: the following example:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 132
□ Bertok Mario XABCDEFGHY
■ Fischer Robert
Stockholm 1962 ● 8r+r+-+k+(
XABCDEFGHY 7wq-+-+pzp-'
8rsn-+-trk+( 6-+-snl+-zp&
7zp-+ wqpzp-' 5+-zppsN-+-%
6-+-+l+-zp& 4p+-+-+-+$
5+-zpp+-+-% 3wQP+-zPL+-#
4Q+-+-+-+$ 2P+-+-zPPzP"
3+-+-zPN+-# 1+-tR-+RmK-!
2PzP-+LzPPzP" xabcdefghy
1tR-+-+RmK-! This position demonstrates how hanging
pawns can give a space advantage. In
xabcdefghy addition, it is possible to push and create one
14...Qb7! 15.Qa3 Nd7 16.Ne1 a5 17.Nd3 passed pawn.
c4! 24.Lf3 Nb5
In this position, advancing the c4 pawn Better was 24...axb3 25.Qxa7 Rxa7 26.axb3
makes the b2 pawn weak, while the d5 pawn f6 27.Nd3 c4 28.bxc4 dxc4 29.Nf4 Lf7 ³.
is defended well. White's position begins to 25.Qb2 axb3 26.Qxb3 Rab8 27.Lxd5
fall apart. Nd4 28.exd4 Rxb3 29.Lxe6 fxe6 30.axb3
18.Nf4 Rfb8 19.Rab1? Rc7 31.Rxc5 Rxc5 μ
19.Nxe6 fxe6 20.Lg4 Ra6! 21.b3! cxb3 ½–½
22.axb3 Qxb3 23.Qe7 Nf8 24.Ra3 Qb4
25.Qxb4 Rxb4 μ. Conclusion
19...Lf5! 20.Rbd1 Nf6 21.Rd2 Hanging pawns possess both advantages
21.Lf3 Qxb2 22.Qxb2 Rxb2 23.Nxd5 and disadvantages, and it is important to
Nxd5 24.Lxd5 (24.Rxd5 Le6 25.Rc5 Rc8! know how to play both with and against
26.Rxa5 c3 27.Rc1 c2 28.Le4 Rb1! 29. them. As a general rule the owner of hanging
Rxb1 cxb1Q+ 30.Lxb1 Rc1 #) 24...Rc8 25. pawns should keep pieces on and stay in the
e4 Le6! 26.Lxe6 fxe6 27.a4 c3 28.Rc1 c2 –+. middlegame, whereas the opponent of the
21...g5! 22.Nxd5 pawns should aim for exchanges. As the
22.Nh5 Ne4 23.Rc2 Qb4 –+. endgame approaches, hanging pawns become
22...Nxd5 23.Lxc4 a liability.
23.Lf3? Ld3.
23...Le6 24.Rfd1 Advantages
24.Lxd5 Lxd5 25.f3 –+. 1) Control important central squares.
24...Nxe3! 25.Qxe3 2) Space advantage.
25.Lxe6 Qxg2 #. 3) Can be used to build an attack.
25...Lxc4 26.h4 Re8 27.Qg3 Qe7 28.b3
Le6 29.f4 g4 30.h5 Qc5+ 31.Rf2 Lf5 Disadvantages
0–1 1) Weak without pawns on adjacent files to
□ Larsen Bent 2) Can lead to badly coordinated pieces.
■ Portisch Lajos 3) Can become an isolated pawn or set of a
Porec 1968 ○ backward pawn and advanced pawn.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 133
The Passed Pawn
Michael Khodarkovsky
Concept The blockade of a passed pawn is to
A pawn is considered passed if there are no physically stop it from advancing by placing
pawns on the same or neighbouring files that a piece directly in front of the specified pawn.
would make the path to the last rank difficult. It is necessary to blockade a pawn to ensure
Passed pawns are dangerous and enemy that it will under no circumstances be pushed.
forces must frequently be used to neutralize The pawn could be deliberately sacrificed
the threat. to activate pieces behind it and allow them to
In this chapter, we will explore enter the game. Thus, it is crucial to obstruct
Nimzowitsch's principles for passed pawns the path of a passed pawn. Note the
by using several examples. importance of the blockading square: a piece
The primary rule of passed pawns states as stationed on that square is protected from
follows: ‘frontal attacks’ by the very same pawn that
‘Every healthy, uncompromised pawn was such a threat (Nimzowitsch)!
majority must be able to yield a passed The blockading square is a ‘weak point’ for
pawn’. For example: the enemy. The blockading piece maintains a
strong post and retains the ability to move in
□ Alekhine Alexander certain situations, highlighting the principle
■ Bogoljubow Efim of elasticity.
Dresden 1936 ○ As Nimzowitsch shows in ‘My System’,
XABCDEFGHY blockading pieces are not confined to their
one square, but, like the white rook in this
8R+-+-+-+( coming position, can leave and return.
6pvl-+-trp+& □ Romanovsky Peter
■ Platz R
5+-+p+-+p% Soviet Union 1935 ●
3+-zPK+-zP-# 8-+-+-+-+(
2-+-+-+-zP" 7+-+-+-+-'
1+-+-+-+-! 6-+-+-+-+&
xabcdefghy 5zP-+-+-+-%
In this position, White is about to achieve the 4-zp-+-+-+$
enormously desirable formation of two
adjacent passed pawns. The existence of 3+P+-+ltR-#
these 'friends' allows White to do a little 2-mk-+p+p+"
40.Rxa6! Lxd4 41.Rxf6 Lxf6 42.a5 Ld8 1+-+-mK-+-!
43.Kd4 f5 44.Kc5 h4 45.a6 Lg5 46.b5
Le3+ 47.Kc6 g5 48.b6 hxg3 49.hxg3 f4 xabcdefghy
50.a7 1...Kxb3! 2.Rxf3+ Ka4 3.Rg3 b3 4.Rg4+
1–0 Kxa5 5.Rg5+
FIDE TRG Syllabus 134
Not of course 5.Kxe2? b2 and it is now □ Khodarkovsky Michael
Black who wins! There is always danger ■ Heine Rolf
hidden at any position! Muenster 1989 ○
5...Kb4 6.Rg4+ Ka3 XABCDEFGHY
Also equal is 6...Kc5 7.Rg5+ Kd4 8.Rg4²
if of course now Black avoids the naive 8-+-+-tr-+(
8...Ke3? which loses to 9.Rxg2 b2
10.Rxe2+ +–.
7.Rg3 Ka2 8.Rxg2 b2 9.Rxe2 6-+-zp-+p+&
□ Chekhover Vitaly 4-+-+Q+-zP$
■ Makogonov Vladimir
Leningrad 1934 ● 3+-zP-+-zP-#
8-+-+-wQ-+( 1+-+-+RmK-!
7zp-tr-+-+-' xabcdefghy
6-+ mkP+-+& 23.Qe4 Rb8 24.Rb1 Rxb1+ 25.Qxb1 Nc4
26.Qb5 Ne5 27.a4 Kf8 28.a5 Nd7 29.Lh3
5+-+p+-+p% Nb8 30.e4 Qa7 31.Lc8 Qc7 32.Lb7
4-wq-zP-zP-zP$ 1–0

3+-zp-+-+-# The following game is a great illustration of

2-+-+-zP-mK" the dynamic active play when White is rolling
his passed pawn like a soccer ball towards the
1+-+-+-+-! opponent's goal and Black's defence and his
xabcdefghy 'goalkeeper', the blockading rook, are hopeless
to stop the 'ball' - white d-pawn.
The queen is not an ideal piece with which to
blockade a passed pawn. Although it is very
elastic as a blockading piece, it is a dreadful □ Spassky Boris
burden for the most powerful piece to be ■ Petrosian Tigran
stuck in front of a passed pawn when it could D41 Moscow 1969
be doing so much more elsewhere on the 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.d4 c5 5.cxd5
board! This ending is a good illustration how Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Lb4+
Black takes advantage of this fact (do not try 9.Ld2 Lxd2+ 10.Qxd2 0–0 11.Lc4 Nc6
to find this position in any database; it is just 12.0–0 b6 13.Rad1 Lb7 14.Rfe1 Rc8
a variation of the original game): 15.d5 exd5?
1...Kxe6! 2.Qxb4 c2 3.Qe1+ Kf7 4.Qc1 15...Na5! 16.dxe6 Qxd2 (16...Nxc4 17.exf7+
a5 5.f5 a4 Kh8 18.Qxd8 Rcxd8 19.Rxd8 Rxd8 20.e5
With inevitable promotion of the a-pawn and +–) 17.exf7+ Kh8 18.Nxd2 Nxc4 19.Nxc4
win of the queen. Rxc4 20.e5 Lc8 21.e6 Lxe6 22.Rxe6 g6 =.
0–1 16.Lxd5 Na5 17.Qf4 Qc7 18.Qf5 Lxd5
19.exd5 Qc2 (D)
The following example shows how White (see next diagram)
capitalized on his extra outside passed pawn, White holds a definite advantage due to the
using the superiority of the queen and bishop perfect set up of all his pieces and the well
vs queen and knight and motifs of zugzwang. supported passed pawn.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 135
XABCDEFGHY □ Miles Anthony
■ Rodriguez Ruben
8-+r+-trk+( D85 Riga 1979
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Lg7 4.Nf3 d5
7zp-wq-+pzpp' 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Le3
6-zp-+-+-+& Nc6 9.Rc1 cxd4 10.cxd4 0–0 11.d5 Na5
12.Le2 e6 (D)
4-+-+-+-+$ 8r+lwq-trk+(
3+-+-+N+-# 7zpp+-+pvlp'
2P+-+-zPPzP" 6-+-+p+p+&
1+-+RtR-mK-! 5sn-+P+-+-%
xabcdefghy 4-+-+P+-+$
Black doesn’t have much of a choice here, as
can be seen in the variations: 19...Nc4 20.Ng5 3+-+-vLN+-#
g6 21.Qh3 h5 22.Ne4 ± and 19...Qd6
20.Ng5 Qg6 21.Qxg6 hxg6 22.d6! Nb7
23.d7 Rcd8 24.Re7 Nc5 25.Rd5! ±. 1+-tRQmK-+R!
White prefers to avoid the queen trade, xabcdefghy
although it looks favourable as well: 13.d6!
20.Qxc2 Rxc2 21.Re7! ± with invasion on Also possible is 13.0–0, however the text
the seventh rank. Instead he decides to move looks more aggressive and intends to
sacrifice a pawn, keeping the queens on the advance the d-pawn to make it more difficult
board to maintain an attack in the centre as for Black to coordinate his forces.
well as on the kingside. 13...e5
20...Qxa2 21.d6! Rcd8 22.d7 Qc4 23.Qf5 Seems more promising to start with 13...Nc6
h6 14.0–0 and then 14...e5 with the idea to
If 23...Qc6, then 24.Ne5 Qe6 25.Qc2 h6 relocate the bad knight from the edge of the
26.Qc7 a6 27.Ng6! Qxg6 28.Qxd8 is board to the d4 outpost.
winning for White. 14.Rc7! Le6
24.Rc1 Qa6 25.Rc7 b5 26.Nd4 Qb6? 14...Lg4 15.Qd5 Lxf3 16.Lxf3.
It could be more stubborn to continue with 15.Ng5! Rc8
26...Qd6 27.Nxb5 Qd2 28.Rf1 Nb3!. 15...Lxa2 16.Qa4.
27.Rc8! Nb7 16.Nxe6 fxe6 17.Rxc8 Qxc8 18.0–0
Other continuations are losing as well, for Now White obtains a strategically winning
example: 27...b4 28.Re8 Qxd4 29.Rxf8+ position with no weaknesses. The advantage of
Rxf8 30.Rxf8+ Kxf8 31.Qc5+!! Qxc5 the bishop-pair combined with an advanced
32.d8Q # or 27...g6 28.Rxd8 Qxd8 passed pawn, gives him all the chances.
(28...gxf5 29.Rxf8+ Kxf8 30.Re8+ Kg7 18...Nc6 19.d7 Qc7 20.Lg4 Nd4 21.Lxd4
31.d8Q +–) 29.Qxb5 +– ; 27...Qxd4 exd4 22.Qb3! Kh8 23.Qxe6 Le5 24.g3
28.Rxd8 Rxd8 29.Re8+ +–. Lf6 25.Kg2 Kg7 26.Qd5 b6 27.Re1
28.Nc6 Nd6 29.Nxd8! Solid and keeps all the pieces connected. It
A nice final touch - a small combination that was possible also to march the kingside
clarifies the result. pawns too by 27.f4 Qc5 28.Qxc5 bxc5
29...Nxf5 30.Nc6 29.e5 Le7 30.Le6 Rb8 and 31.g4.
1–0 27...Qc5 28.Qb7 Ld8
FIDE TRG Syllabus 136
Now the bishop plays the role of a XABCDEFGHY
'goalkeeper' - a blockade piece, although it
doesn't last long either. 8r+r+-+k+(
29.e5 d3 30.Re3 d2
Black was allowed to advance his passed
pawn too, but it doesn't bring much danger as 6L+-+-+-+&
White's duo.
31.e6 Kh6 32.Qe4 Le7 33.h4 Kg7 5+-+Psn-+-%
33...Qc1 34.Rd3 Qe1 35.Qe3+ +–. 4-zp-+-+-+$
34.Qe5+ Qxe5 35.Rxe5 h5 36.Ld1 Kf6
37.Re4 Lc5? 38.Rf4+ 3+P+-zP-+P#
1–0 2-+-+-+P+"
We will now look at two games recently 1tR-+-mK-+R!
played in a disputed theoretical line, where
White convincingly proves his dominance, xabcdefghy
due to a dynamic, aggressive approach based The exchange of queens just emphasizes
on the creation of a strong passed pawn White's advantage.
supported by coordinated pieces. 22.Kd2 Rc3 23.Rhb1 f5 24.Ra4 Rc5
25.e4 fxe4 26.Ke3 Rc2 27.Ld3! Rxa4
□ Kramnik Vladimir If 27...Ra2, then 28.Rxa8+ Rxa8 29.Lxe4
■ Ni Hua Nd7 30.d6 Re8 31.Kd4 also winning.
D15 London 2009 28.Lxc2 Ra2 29.Lxe4 Kf7 30.Rc1 Kf6
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e3 a6 5.Nf3 31.Rc2 Ra1 32.Kd4 Rd1+ 33.Kc5 h5
b5 6.b3 Lg4 7.h3 Lxf3 8.Qxf3 e5 34.Rf2+ Ke7 35.Re2 Nd7+ 36.Kc6 Rc1+
This is an old approach which came into 37.Lc2+ Kd8 38.Kd6 Nf6 39.Ke6 h4
fashion lately. 40.d6 Rf1 41.Re5 Rf2 42.Lf5 g6
9.dxe5 Lb4 10.Ld2 Lxc3 11.Lxc3 Ne4 43.Lxg6 Nd7 44.Rg5 Rf6+ 45.Kd5
12.Lb4 bxc4 13.Qg4 c5 14.f3 cxb4 15.fxe4 Nb6+ 46.Kc6 Nc8 47.Kc5 Nxd6 48.Ld3
0–0 16.exd5 cxb3 1–0
Some months later Black deviated here with
16...Nd7 but still he was unable to hold on: The last two games are examples where
17.Qd4 cxb3 18.axb3 Qg5 19.Qf4 Qg6 passed pawns are neutralized, because Black
20.Rd1 Qc2 21.Lc4 Qc3+ 22.Ke2 Nxe5 employed the strategy of active counterplay,
23.d6 Rad8 24.Rd5 Rfe8 25.Rhd1 h6 focusing on the enemy king.
26.Qd4 Qc2+ 27.Rd2 Qf5 28.Rc5 Qg5
29.Kd1 Qf6 30.Lxa6 Re6 31.Rc8 Rxc8 32. □ Kramnik Vladimir
Lxc8 Qf1+ 33.Kc2 Re8 34.d7 Nxd7 35. ■ Kasparov Garry
Lxd7 Ra8 36.Qxb4 Ra2+ 37.Kc3 Qe1 38. D88 Linares 1999
Kd3 Ra1 39.Qb8+ Kh7 40.Qf4 Qb1+ 41. 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5
Kc3 Qc1+ 42.Rc2 Qe1+ 43.Kc4 Kg8 44. 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Lg7 7.Lc4 c5 8.Ne2
Qe4 Qa5 45.b4 Qa6+ 46.Lb5 Qf6 47.Qd4 Nc6 9.Le3 0–0 10.0–0 Lg4 11.f3 Na5
Qe6+ 48.Kc3 Re1 49.Le2 Qc6+ 50.Lc4 12.Lxf7+ Rxf7 13.fxg4 Rxf1+ 14.Kxf1
Qa4 51.Qd8+ Kh7 52.Qd3+ Kg8 53.Ra2 cxd4 15.cxd4 e5 16.d5 (D)
Qc6 54.b5 Qf6+ 55.Kb3 and as no more This is a theoretical tabiya, first seriously
checks are available for a defence, Black employed by Anatoly Karpov, where White
decided to resign in the game Le Quang,L- is trying to capitalize on his passed pawn,
Bacrot,E Moscow 2010. while Black is looking for a counterplay
17.Qd4 Nd7 18.axb3 Qg5 19.Qf4 Qxe5 against the opponent's king. The latter
20.Qxe5 Nxe5 21.Lxa6 Rfc8 (D) approach succeeded in this game.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 137
8r+-wq-+k+( 8-+-tr-tr-mk(
7zpp+-+-vlp' 7zpq+-vlPzpp'
6-+-+-+p+& 6-+lzp-+-+&
5sn-+Pzp-+-% 5+-+-+R+-%
4-+-+P+P+$ 4-+-vLnwQ-+$
3+-+-vL-+-# 3zPLzp-+-+-#
2P+-+N+PzP" 2-zPP+-+PzP"
1tR-+Q+K+-! 1+K+R+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
16...Nc4 17.Qd3 Nxe3+ 18.Qxe3 Qh4 21...La4! 22.Qg4
19.h3 Lh6 20.Qd3 Rf8+ 21.Kg1 Qf2+ According to Geller's comments, other
22.Kh1 Qe3 23.Qc4 b5 24.Qxb5 Rf2 continuations are also winning for Black:
25.Qe8+ Lf8 22.Qh6 Lf6 23.Rxf6 Lxb3 24.Rxd6
Up to this point everything was known in (24.cxb3 Qxb3 25.Rf2 Qxd1+) 24...La2+.
modern theory and tried in practice. Kasparov 22...Lf6! 23.Rxf6
then introduced this new move with twin Unfortunately for White 23.Rh5 doesn’t
aims of blockading the pawn and assisting in save the day, as 23...Rxf7 24.Qg6 Ng5 is
a coming attack on White’s king. winning as well. The truth is that White is
26.Qe6+ Kh8 27.d6 Qxe2 28.Qxe5+ Lg7 doomed and his resignation is just a matter of
29.Qe8+ Rf8 30.d7 Qd3 31.e5 h6 32.e6 time.
Kh7 33.Rg1 Rf3 34.Qb8 Rxh3+ 23...Lxb3
Draw by perpetual check is unavoidable. In view of 24.Rf4 (24.cxb3 Nxf6!)
35.gxh3 Qe4+ 24...La2+ White resigned.
The game Kundrak,G-Toth,D Miskolc 1999 0–1
lasted two more moves…
½–½ Conclusion
A passed pawn is an extremely important
□ Fischer Robert element of positional chess and poses a very
■ Geller Efim frightening threat to the opponent.
B88 Skopje 1967 Passed pawns often give the position
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 tactical potential. If they can be correctly
5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Lc4 e6 7.Le3 Le7 8.Lb3 blockaded, however, passed pawns lose much
0–0 9.Qe2 Qa5 10.0–0–0 Nxd4 11.Lxd4 of their value.
Ld7 12.Kb1 Lc6 13.f4 Rad8 14.Rhf1 b5 The principle of elasticity states that the
15.f5 b4 16.fxe6 bxc3 17.exf7+ Kh8 18.Rf5 blockader is not confined to one square, but
Qb4 19.Qf1 Nxe4 20.a3 Qb7 21.Qf4 (D) can travel and return to blockade again.
(see next diagram) The mobilization of all possible forces to
In this double-edged position both sides are counterattack is one of the methods to fight
poised to strike against the king. At the first versus structures with the advanced passed
glance White's chances looks much brighter pawns. Finally, it is absolutely necessary in
taking into consideration the passed pawn on all positions with passed pawns to calculate
f7. However, Black finds an incredible accurately and tempi are of the utmost
counterattacking resource. importance.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 138
The Pawn Majority / Pawn Minority
Jovan Petronic
Pawn Majority - Introduction Here, he demonstrates two valuable insights
The Pawn Majority concept may best be into the secrets of the pawn majority: how to
divided into three major categories: play against a majority and how to activate
1) Queenside Pawn Majority (2 pawns vs 1, one’s own!
3 pawns vs 2, or 4 pawns vs 3).
2) Centre Pawn Majority (2 pawns vs 1). □ Smyslov Vassily
3) Kingside Pawn Majority (2 pawns vs 1, ■ Gligoric Svetozar
3 pawns vs 2, or 4 pawns vs 3). D43 Soviet Union 1979
We may begin to assess these properly only in 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.d4 d5 3.c4 e6 4.Lg5 h6
the middlegame, after the opening phase of the 5.Lxf6 Qxf6 6.Nc3 c6 7.e4 dxe4
game has concluded, by carefully examining 8.Nxe4 Lb4+ 9.Ned2 c5 10.a3 Lxd2+
the pawn structure. When referring to the ‘pawn 11.Qxd2 0–0 12.dxc5 Rd8 13.Qc2 Na6
majority’, we assume a healthy pawn chain, 14.Le2 Nxc5 (D)
rather than a deformed pawn structure. Doubled XABCDEFGHY
pawns, for example, would not fit well into
advantages of having a mobile pawn majority. 8r+ltr-+k+(
For example, in most cases they would not
be able to create a passed pawn. Such is a 7zpp+-+pzp-'
pawn structure resulting after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 6-+-+pwq-zp&
3.Nd2 (or 3.Nc3) dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6?!
5.Nxf6! exf6, or after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 5+-sn-+-+-%
3.Lb5 a6 4.Lxc6 dxc6 5.d4 exd4 6.Qxd4. 4-+P+-+-+$
A pawn majority assumes such a pawn
chain is mobile, and ready to advance. It also 3zP-+-+N+-#
assumes the opposing side’s pawns, taking on
the pawn majority, are not a threatening
mobile force (in which case they would be 1tR-+-mK-+R!
termed as a pawn minority).
Practice shows that, for example, with both xabcdefghy 
kings castled kingside, the side with the
(mobile) pawn majority on the queenside may We may now start to analyze the pawn
generally consider it as an advantageous structure. White has a pawn majority on the
element in the overall evaluation of the position. queenside (3 pawns vs 2), and Black a pawn
The advantages of having a mobile pawn majority on the kingside (4 pawns vs 3).
majority mainly lie in having an opportunity White's pawn majority is presently not
to create a passed pawn. Such mobile pawns mobile and presents only a potential threat.
can further severely limit the mobility of the Black's pawn majority is mobile, but would
opponent’s pieces, thus ensuring a lasting weaken the castled king in the event of an
initiative for the side activating its superior advance.
pawn phalanx. 15.0–0 Ld7! 16.Rac1?
‘The pawns are the soul of chess’ - 1749 / White's misses a chance for activating the
François-André Danican Philidor. pawn majority. Better was 16.b4 La4
Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric would often 17.Qb1 (17.Qa2!?) 17...Nb3 18.Ra2
comment on his games with Vassily Smyslov (18.Ld1!?) 18...Nd4 19.Nxd4 Rxd4 20.b5
that the advantage lay with Black! Rad8 21.Qb4 Ld1 ³.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 139
16...La4! 17.Qc3 Qxc3 18.Rxc3 Lb3! while creating permanent pawn and square
Black has successfully immobilized White's weaknesses on their kingside.
pawn majority on the queenside, demonstra- 36...Nc5 37.Rb5 hxg4 38.hxg4 f4! 39.Ke1
ting one method of acting against such a Ke5 40.a4 Kd4 41.a5 bxa5 42.Rxa5 Ra6!
threat. Aided by the powerful c5-knight, and 43.Rb5
with the queens being off the board, Black 43.Rxa6 Nxa6 –+.
can now safely plan his own pawn majority 43...e5 44.Kf2 e4 (D)
19.Rcc1 a5 20.Ld1 a4 μ, is only helping 8-+-+-+-+(
Black. 7+-+-+-+-'
A standard reinforcement of the existing 6r+-+-+-+&
blockade. 5+Rsn-+-zp-%
20.Kf1 Ra6
20...Rd6, followed by 21...Rad8 would have 4-+PmkpzpP+$
reached the same position. The text move 3+-+-+P+-#
offers Black more flexibility.
21.Ke1 Rad6 22.Rb1 2-+-+LmK-+"
White is pretty tied up and in a waiting mode. 1+-+-+-+-!
Black dominates throughout the board - on
the queenside, centre, and the kingside. xabcdefghy 
22...a4 23.h3 f6 Black's pawn majority attack is triumphant.
The pawn majority (4 pawns vs 3) attack 45.Rb1
starts with this modest move. Black is in no 45.fxe4 Nxe4+ 46.Kg2 (46.Ke1 Ra1+
hurry, as White's forces lack harmony. 47.Ld1 f3 48.Rf5 f2+ 49.Ke2 Ra2+ –+ ;
24.Nh2 b6 25.Nf1 Kf7 26.f3 f5 46.Kf3 Ra3+ 47.Kg2 Nc3 48.Rxg5 Nxe2
As a rule, when advancing one's pawn –+) 46...Ra2 –+ (47.Kf3 Rxe2 48.Kxe2
majority, the first pawn to move should be Nc3+ 49.Kf3 Nxb5 50.cxb5 Kc5 –+).
the one with no opposing pawn on its file. In 45...Ra2
this position, however, Black reserves the White resigned due to 46.Kf1 (46.fxe4
possibility of activating his king via the e5- Nxe4+ 47.Ke1 Rxe2+ –+) 46...exf3
square, as White has no useful means of 47.Lxf3 Ke3 48.Ld5 f3 –+.
slowing down the pawn advance. 0–1
27.f4 Rd4 28.g3 Ne4 29.Rcc1 g5 μ. Advice
27...g5 28.Nc2 Kf6 29.Na1 h5 General advice relating to the pawn
Better was 29...La2 30.Rbc1 (30.Rd1? majority attack revolves around:
Rxd1+ 31.Lxd1 Nd3+ –+) 30...h5 with the 1) Creation of a passed pawn, followed by
idea 31.Nc2 Rd2. 2) Pawn promotion and
30.Nxb3 axb3 3) Execution of material advantage.
30...Nxb3 would have also retained all the
advantages of Black's position. Pawn Minority - Introduction
31.Rd1 Rxd1+ 32.Lxd1 Nd3+ 33.Kf1 The Pawn Minority concept may as well be
33.Ke2? Nf4+ –+. best divided into three major categories:
33...Nxb2 34.Le2 1) Queenside Pawn Minority (1 pawn vs 2,
34.Lxb3 Rd3! 35.Rxd3 Nxd3 –+. 2 pawns vs 3, and 3 pawns vs 4).
34...Na4 35.Rxb3 Rd6 36.g4?! 2) Centre Pawn Minority (1 pawn vs 2).
White attempts to simplify the position, 3) Kingside Pawn Minority (1 pawn vs 2,
but manages to trade off only one pawn, 2 pawns vs 3, and 3 pawns vs 4).
FIDE TRG Syllabus 140
A mobile pawn minority may prove itself a should) launch a minority attack (...b5, ...a5
valuable offensive weapon in the middlegame and ...b5-b4) of his own (D):
phase of the game, as soon as pieces have XABCDEFGHY
been developed.
A well known motif originates from the 8-+-+-+-+(
‘Exchange Variation’ of the ‘Queen’s Gambit
Declined’, and is termed as a ‘minority
attack’ (D): 6-+-+p+-+&
XABCDEFGHY 5+-+p+-+-%
8-+-+-+-+( 4-+-zP-+-+$
7zpp+-+pzpp' 3+-zP-+-+-#
6-+p+-+-+& 2PzP-+-zPPzP"
5+-+p+-+-% 1+-+-+-+-!
4-+-zP-+-+$ xabcdefghy
3+-+-zP-+-# A popular minority attack frequently
happens in the ‘Sicilian Defence’ pawn
2PzP-+-zPPzP" structures’ with opposite side castling (D):
1+-+-+-+-! XABC
In these situations,
xabcdefghy 8-+- Black often launches his
We can identify White's pawn minority,
consisting of the two pawns at a2 and b2,
7zpp+ pawn minority attack in
pursuit of the ultimate
facing themselves against three black pawns 6-+- goal - checkmate, by
at a7, b7 and c6. marching both his a- and
Advancing their mobile pawn minority by 5+-+ b-pawns towards the
executing, for example, b4, a4 and b5, White 4-+- three pawns protecting
may plan to achieve any of the following the white king, with the
positional advantages: creation of a weak 3+-+ intention of opening files
backward black c6-pawn, a weak isolated
black d5-pawn, or an outpost on c5 for his
2PzPP and diagonals, and often
with sacrifices, followed
pieces. 1+-+ (in general) by piece
Such an assault needs careful preparation invasion.
and execution with the correct pawn move xabc
order and accompanied by the proper The minority attack is a dangerous tool in
placement of the minor (bishop, knight) and the hands of chess masters, and if not met
heavy (rook, queen) pieces supporting the correctly may result in quick acquisition of
attack. either the positional advantages or execution
A premature minority pawn advance may of tactical methods mentioned.
backfire resulting in any of the following It is a well-known weapon which has
positional advantages for the opposing side: a ‘served’ every decent player in the long
backward white b-pawn, a protected passed history of chess, worldwide.
black c-pawn, or a weak c4-square, which We shall follow up with an instructive
may be controlled or occupied by an game, in which the 9th World Champion
opponent's piece. clearly demonstrated many of the benefits
Similarly, in positions arising largely from one can derive from a pawn minority attack -
the ‘Caro-Kann Defence’; Black may (and a true masterpiece:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 141
□ Petrosian Tigran has already committed to ...c6, White's
■ Krogius Nikolai lightsquared bishop is less dangerous here.
D91 Tbilisi 1959 13.Lxf5 Nxf5 14.b5!
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.c4 Lg7 4.Nc3 d5 The minority attack continues, with White
5.Lg5 Ne4 6.cxd5 Nxg5 gaining more space on the queenside.
6...Nxc3 7.bxc3 Qxd5 8.e3 ² would result 14...Qd6 15.Qb3!
in a different pawn skeleton for White. Now, By attacking the d5-pawn, White forces
having a mobile pawn minority in the form of Black to misplace one of his pieces.
the a2-pawn, which may be sent in the future 15...Ne7 16.Rfc1 Kh8?
course of the game towards the Black a7 and A 'mysterious king move', simply deserving a
b7 pawns, with the purpose of either creating 'question mark'.
multiple pawn weaknesses (after a4-a5-a6 17.Rc2
and ...bxa6), or a weak c6-square (after a4- White prepares development of the a1-rook
a5-a6 and ...b6), all in cases where the black and to double on the semi-open c-file,
pawns remain static. targeting the potential c7-pawn weakness.
7.Nxg5 e6 17...h6
7...c6 8.dxc6! Nxc6 lost its popularity many After 17...f5 18.Rac1 f4? Black is not ready
years back and is now rarely seen in master for a pawn minority strike of his own:
play. 19.exf4 Rxf4 20.Ne2 winning material.
8.Nf3 exd5 9.e3 Finally, if 17...a6 then 18.bxa6! Rxa6
The pawn structure has stabilized and we can (18...bxa6 19.Rb1 ±) 19.Nb5 ± (19.Qxb7?
already recognize White's mobile pawn Rb6 20.Qa7 Ra6 =).
minority (a2 and b2 vs a7, b7 and c7) on the 18.Rac1 c6 19.Na4!
queenside. Black, in turn, has his less mobile 19.bxc6 bxc6 20.Na4 Rab8 would give
pawn minority (f7, g6 and h7 vs e3, f2, g2 Black some counterplay along the b-file.
and h2) on the kingside. 19...Rab8
9...0–0 19...cxb5 20.Qxb5 b6 21.Qa6 ±.
9...a5 and 9...Qd6 are playable alternatives, 20.g3
with the idea of discouraging White from a Grandmaster prophylaxis. White removes all
pawn minority attack on the queenside. hopes of Black tactically exploiting his weak
10.Ld3 Nc6 11.0–0 Ne7 (D) back rank, while at the same time
discouraging the ...f5-f4 pawn minority
XABCDEFGHY advance. 20.Nc5 was just fine as well.
8r+lwq-trk+( 20...Kh7 21.Nc5 Rfd8 22.bxc6! bxc6
23.Qa4 (D)
12.b4! Lf5?
12...Lg4! followed by a timely ...Lxf3, 1+-tR-+-mK-!
would have suited the needs of the position
better. Unlike pawn structures where Black
FIDE TRG Syllabus 142
White has already accomplished a great deal. and most effective continuation to bring the
The b-pawn minority attack resulted after bacon home!
space gain, in pawn (a7 and c6) and square 40...Rg8
(a6, b7 and c5) weaknesses in Black's camp. 40...La1 (or 40...Lf6) 41.Rh7+ Kg8
His only compensation, the control of the b- 42.Rxh6 +–.
file, he surrenders by the next two moves. It 41.Nh4!
must be mentioned that Black, impressed by A final touch! Piece invasion via the light
the pawn minority attack, failed in producing squares along the b1-h7 diagonal decides the
counterplay in the form of his own pawn game quickly. Black resigned as there is no
minority attack on the kingside. salvation anymore: 41...a5 42.Ng6+ Kh7
23...Qf6 24.Kg2 43.Qb1 +– or 41...Qxa2 42.Ng6+ Kh7
24.Ne5 looks (and is) quite good, too. Tigran 43.Qe4 +–.
Petrosian demonstrates one his well known 1–0
qualities of emphasizing own king safety,
while continuing with superior positional
play and technique.
24...Ra8 25.Nb7 Re8 26.Na5
White is about to win material as a direct
result of his positional gains. The backward
c6-pawn is doomed, with the d5-pawn being
converted into a new weakness and target for
White's actions.
A late reaction, and of no practical value. It is
already impossible to recommend a good line
of counterattack for Black.
27.h3 Conclusion
A final prophylaxis. The immediate 27.Nxc6 The pawn minority attack requires not only
g4 28.Nfe5 Qf5 would offer Black more knowledge and understanding of the basic
compared to the game. elements involved, but also the understanding
27...Qf5 28.Nxc6 Qe4 29.Rc5 f5 of various types of pawn structures such as
Black has finally managed to create a threat isolated and backward pawns, as
of …g5-g4; one which White had prepared transformation into these structures will
for in advance. happen in most probability.
30.Qc2 Nxc6 31.Rxc6 f4 32.exf4 gxf4 It is equally important to monitor and be
33.g4! able to predict opponent’s counterplay, which
With his four pawn islands and material and often consists of similar pawn marches,
positional disadvantages, Black can only usually motivated by an attack on the castled
hope for a miracle. Premature resignations king.
were not as popular in the past as they are
today, thus the game continues. Advice
33...Lxd4 When conducting a pawn minority attack
Black has managed to temporarily equalize (as in the featured game with the ‘Carlsbad
the material count, yet the position remains as pawn structure’), make sure you have at least
technically lost as ever. one of your knights at hand, and best two.
34.Qd2 Lg7 35.Re1 Qa4 36.Qxd5 Rxe1 One will serve to control and occupy an
37.Nxe1 Rf8 38.Nf3 Kh8 39.Rc7 a6 outpost created, while the other may serve as
40.Qb7! backup and a defence to own’s king. At least
White could have won with many different two major pieces will be necessary to acquire
moves, but Petrosian chose the most accurate the desired material advantage.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 143
The Exchange Sacrifice
Jovan Petronic
Motivational Quotes The exchange sacrifice is also one of the
‘He who would accomplish little sacrifices tools used by qualified trainers to identify
little; he who would accomplish much, must chess talents in their early ages.
sacrifice much’ - James Allen. This sacrifice, immediately resulting in a
‘You have to have the fighting spirit. You relative ‘-2’ point count, is practically often
have to force moves and take chances’ - accompanied with various ‘bonuses’, such as
Robert James Fischer. (among others):
‘There are two types of sacrifices. Correct 1) Damaging the opponent’s pawn structure.
ones and mine’ - Mihail Tal. 2) Winning a pawn on the next move, limi-
ting the material loss to a mere ‘-1’ only.
Introduction With psychological factors involved in all
The exchange sacrifice is one of many types of sacrifices, this motif remains an
which connect chess with art. It is an improvement roadblock for many young
inspirational moment in a game, whether players, an obstacle the chess trainer needs to
during preparation or over-the-board play, recognize, address and resolve.
even with the execution lasting one move The exchange sacrifice may be positional or
only. tactical in nature. Positional exchange
The ‘hero’ of the exchange sacrifice is the sacrifices, and especially ones in the ‘Sicilian
rook, offering itself for an opponent’s minor Defence’, which have withstood the test of
piece (knight or bishop), either by capturing time in the opening phase of the game are
without ‘fear of its life’, or staying put when referred to as simply - theory.
attacked by the same. Positional exchange sacrifices in the
Thanks to tournament bulletins, chess middlegame are mostly motivated by the
literature, electronic chess recording devices creation of a protected passed pawn and the
and the invasion of chess via the Internet, we creation of an outpost for a minor piece.
are witnessing amazing exchange sacrifices In the endgame, this sacrifice is used
being played worldwide and by all levels of successfully to transpose into defendable
players. ‘theoretical positions’.
Thanks to published analysis made by chess Tactical exchange sacrifices are most often
masters of the past and present, we are able to targeted against the opponent’s king, by
come closer to understanding the secrets of removing a defender, or weakening the pawn
positions arising from this unique change in structure in pursuit of checkmate.
the material balance. This type of sacrifice also exists as a
Unless forcing the game result, the true starting point of an exciting combination, at
value of an exchange sacrifice often becomes which end material is gained.
known only after long hours of high-level How to recognize an exchange sacrifice
analysis. worth playing? In the next 4 diagrams note
Sometimes, many games with such the major ‘hot-spots’ where sound exchange
sacrifices need to be played, which may sacrifices happen.
reveal hidden possibilities for both sides. You will need to visualize each of the
Even then, many of these still remain minor pieces and imagine it being protected,
unsolved and are popular playing strategies usually by a pawn.
used by both the player sacrificing and the The rook may strike at such a piece,
player willingly accepting the relative unbalancing the position, while benefiting the
material advantage. player either positionally or tactically.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 144
Exchange sacrifice visualization board 1 RxB(e6)! was an inspiring positional
XABCDEFGHY exchange sacrifice in Anand,V-Gelfand,B
Wijk aan Zee 2006. Rd5! Karpov,A-Sax,G
8-+-+nsn-+( Linares 1983.
7+-+-+-+n' Exchange sacrifice visualization board 3
6-+n+-sn-+& XABCDEFGHY
5sn +nsn-+n% 8rtrrtrrtrrtr(
4-+-+n+-+$ 7+-+-+-+-'
3+-+n+-+-# 6-+N+-+-+&
2-+-+-+-+" 5+-+NsN-+-%
1tRRtRRtRRtRR! 4-+-sNNsN-sN$
xabcdefghy 3+-sN-+N+-#
Intuitive exchange sacrifices, when a white
rook (and not necessarily from the 1st rank) 2-+-+-+N+"
sacrifices itself for a black knight, happen 1+-+-sNN+-!
often: RxN(e4)! in Topalov,V-Aronian,L
Wijk aan Zee 2006. RxN(f6)! was unleashed xabcdefghy
in Botvinnik,M-Tartakower,S Nottingham RxN(e5)! was seen in Larsen,B-Petrosian,T
1936. RxN(g4)! Ivanchuk,V-Gelfand,B Havana 1966. RxN(c6)! was played in
Monaco 2010. RxN(h7)! Kramnik,V-Nunn,J Radjabov,T-Topalov,V Wijk aan Zee 2003.
RxN(e6)! RxN(f4)! Larsen,B-Gligoric,S Portoroz
Manilla 1992. Flohr,S-
Uhlmann,W Marianske Lazne/Prague 1956. 1958. RxN(c3)! Movsesian,S-Kasparov,G
RxN(h5)! Fischer,R-Larsen,B Portoroz Sarajevo 2000. Rd4! Liublinsky,V-
Botvinik,M Moscow 1943.
1958. RxN(d3)! Reshevsky,S-Petrosian,T
Zurich 1953. RxN(c6)! Morozevich,A-
Exchange sacrifice visualization board 4 
Sakaev,K Moscow 2007. RxN(h5)!
Kamsky,G-Almasi,Z Reggio Emilia 2010. XABCDEFGHY
Exchange sacrifice visualization board 2 8rtrrtrrtrrtr(
XABCDEFGHY 7+-+-+-+-'
8-+l+-vl-+( 6-+-+L+-+&
7+l+-vl-vl-' 5+-vL-+-+-%
6l+l+lvl-+& 4-+LvL-vL-+$
5+-+l+-+-% 3+-vL-vLL+-#
4-+-+-+l+$ 2-vL-+L+L+"
3+-+l+-+-# 1+-vL-+L+-!
2-+-+-+-+" xabcdefghy 
1tRRtRRtRRtRR! RxB(e3)! Polugaevsky,L-Petrosian,T
Moscow 1983 and Lilienthal,A-Ragozin,V
xabcdefghy Moscow 1935.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 145
Let's take a brief look at one of the 15...Nxd5 16.Lxg7 Nc3+! leads to an equal
beforementioned sacrificial games. rook endgame.
16.Lb3! Rc7 17.h4 Qb5
□ Fischer Robert 17...h5 18.g4 +– with the idea 18...hxg4
■ Larsen Bent 19.h5 gxh5 20.fxg4 hxg4 21.Rdg1! +– with
B77 Portoroz 1958 the idea 22.Lxf6.
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 18.h5! Rfc8
5.Nc3 g6 6.Le3 Lg7 18...gxh5? 19.g4 +– or 18...Nxh5? 19.Lxg7
6...Ng4? is a well known opening mistake. It Kxg7 (19...Nxg7 20.Qh6 Nh5 21.g4 +–)
is less known that in the main line of this 20.g4 Nf6 21.Qh6+ Kg8 22.g5 Nh5
variation it is in fact an exchange sacrifice 23.Rxh5! (an exchange sacrifice forcing
blunder; one that Black did not plan to play! checkmate) 23...gxh5 24.g6 +–.
Nevertheless, it is still a ‘popular choice' 19.hxg6 hxg6 20.g4
among recreational and even rated players: 20.Lxf6 Lxf6 21.Qh6 e6 with the idea
7.Lb5+! Nc6 (7...Ld7? 8.Qxg4! +–) 22.Lxe6? Qe5 –+.
8.Nxc6 bxc6 9.Lxc6+ Ld7 10.Lxa8 Nxe3 20...a5 21.g5 Nh5 (D)
11.fxe3 Qxa8 +– as Black is an exchange 21...a4 fails to 22.gxf6 axb3 23.fxg7 bxc2+
and a pawn down. 24.Qxc2 +–.
After 7.Qd2? comes 7…Ng4! 8.Lg5 h6 XABCDEFGHY
9.Lh4 Nc6 and Black has an early initiative. 8-+r+-+k+(
7...0–0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.Lc4
9.0–0–0 is another popular plan for White - a 7+-tr-zppvl-'
pure case of personal taste… 6-+-zp-+p+&
Far less played than the main line 9...Ld7, 5zpq+-+-zPn%
and in style with Larsen's original play.
10.Lxd4 Le6 11.Lb3!?
Prior to this game, 11.Lb3 was seen only 3+L+-+P+-#
once in master practice: Suetin,A-
Barshauskas,V Minsk 1957. 11.Lxe6 is 2PzPPwQ-+-+"
another option for White. 1+K+R+-+R!
11...Qa5 12.0–0–0 b5
12...Rfc8 and 12...Lxb3 13.cxb3! (with xabcdefghy 
attack) are moves White should be aware of. 22.Rxh5!
13.Kb1 The (intuitive) exchange sacrifice!
Prophylaxis with a threat: 14.Nd5!. 22...gxh5?
13...b4 Inserting 22...Lxd4! 23.Qxd4 (23.Rh6!?
13...Rfc8 14.Rhe1! Lxb3 15.cxb3! b4 Lg7 24.Qf4 [24.Rxg6 Qe5 25.Rxg7+ {the
16.Lxf6 (16.Nd5 Nxd5 17.Lxg7 Ne3! and exchange sacrifice!} 25...Kxg7 ÷] 24...Rc4
Black is OK) 16...bxc3 17.Lxc3 Lxc3 [the exchange sacrifice!] 25.Lxc4 Qxc4
18.bxc3 Rxc3 19.Re3! Rac8 20.Rxc3 Qxc3 26.Rh2 a4 and Black is 'alive and kicking',
(20...Rxc3 21.Kb2 Rc5 22.Qxa5 Rxa5 being an exchange down) 23...gxh5 offered
23.Rc1 ±) 21.Qxc3 Rxc3 22.Rc1 ±. Black an escape route. For example: 24.g6
14.Nd5 Lxd5 Rc4! (the exchange sacrifice!) 25.gxf7+
14...Nxd5 15.Lxg7 Kxg7 16.exd5! ±. Kxf7 with the idea 26.e5 a4 (26...dxe5?
15.Lxd5 27.Qh4) 27.Qf4+ Ke6 28.Qh6+ Kd7 with
15.exd5 was the choice of White in games the idea 29.exd6 (29.Lxc4 Qxc4 30.Qh7
following Tal,M-Larsen,B Zurich 1959. Rc6 ÷) 29...axb3 30.dxe7+ Kc7! 31.axb3 ÷.
15...Rac8?! 23.g6 e5
FIDE TRG Syllabus 146
23...e6 24.gxf7+ Kxf7 25.Lxg7 Kxg7 □ Petronic Jovan
26.Rg1+ Kh7 27.Lxe6 +– with the idea ■ Djuric Stefan
27...Rf8 28.Ld5 Rg7 29.Rxg7+ Kxg7 B07 Belgrade 1998
30.Qg5+ Kh7 31.Qxh5+ (31.Lg8+? Rxg8 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.f4 Qa5 5.e5
32.Qxb5? Rg1+ –+) 31...Kg7 32.Qg5+ Ne4 6.Qf3 d5 7.Ld3 c5!? 8.Nge2
Kh7 33.c4! bxc3 34.Lg8+ +–. Post-game analysis revealed there was a better
24.gxf7+ Kf8 way to play: 8.Lxe4 dxe4 (8...cxd4 9.Lxd5
The exchange sacrifice (!) 24...Rxf7!? may dxc3 10.Qxc3 Qxc3+ 11.bxc3 e6 12.Le4 ±)
have offered better practical chances. 9.Qxe4 cxd4 (9...Nc6 10.dxc5 ±) 10.Qxd4
25.Le3 (only move) 10...Lf5 (10...Nc6 11.Qe4 Qb4
What has White gained for the exchange 12.Qd3 (12.Nf3 Qxe4+ 13.Nxe4 Lf5
sacrifice? 14.Nc5 Nb4 15.Nd4 0–0–0 16.a3 Nxc2+
1. A bishop and a pawn. 17.Nxc2 Lxc2 18.Le3 Lf5 19.Rc1 Kb8
2. A demolished king position. 20.Kf2 e6 =) 12...Le6 13.a3 ±) 11.Qf2 Nc6
3. An ongoing attack which promises an early 12.Nf3 Nb4 13.Nd4 Lxc2! 14.0–0 Ld3
end to the game. 15.Rd1 Lc4 16.Le3 ².
Advice: when making a similar sacrifice, do 8...Nxc3 9.Nxc3
not forget about your clock! 9.bxc3? c4.
25...d5!? 9...e6 10.Ld2!?
25...a4? 26.Qxd6+ Re7 (the only move) 10.dxc5 Lxc5 (10...d4? 11.Lb5+! Ke7
27.Qd8+! Rxd8 28.Rxd8+ Re8 [11...Ld7 12.Qxb7 +– or 11...Kd8 12.Qd3
29.fxe8 + xe8 30. c5 #. Lxc5 13.Le3 +– or, finally, 11...Nd7
26.exd5! Rxf7 12.Lxd7+ Lxd7 13.Qxb7 Rc8 14.b4 Qd8
26...a4 27.d6 axb3 28.dxc7 Kxf7 was 15.Ne2 Lc6 16.Qa6 {16.Qxa7? Ra8
another possibility for Black to delay the 17.Qb6 Qc8! 18.Nxd4 Ra6} 16...Lxg2
inevitable. 17.Rg1 Qh4+ 18.Kd2 +–] 12.Qd3 Ld7
27.d6 Rf6 28.Lg5 Qb7 29.Lxf6 Lxf6 [12...dxc3? 13.Qd6 #] 13.Lxd7 dxc3 14.b4!
30.d7 Rd8 31.Qd6+ Qxb4 15.Lb5 +– with the idea 15...Qxc5
31.Qh6+ was a mate in 3: 31...Ke7 16.La3! Qxa3 17.Rd1 f5 [17...f6 18.Qd8+
(31...Lg7 32.Qd6 #) 32.Qh7+ Kf8 Kf7 19.Qe8+ Kg8 20.Qxe6 #] 18.Qd8+
(32...Lg7 33.Qxg7 #) 33.Qf7 #. Kf7 19.Qe8+ Kg8 20.Qxe6 #) 11.Ld2 ².
1–0 10...cxd4
10...c4! 11.Nd1 (11.Le2? Nc6 12.Nd1
Learning from one's own mistakes and [12.Le3? La3! –+ or 12.Qf2? Qb6 ³]
especially in games lost is something we 12...Lb4! 13.Lxb4 [13.c3? Nxd4! 14.Qg4
must never forget to do. Nc2+ 15.Kf1 Lf8!? 16.Rc1 Nd4! –+]
One of the best ways to get over the loss is 13...Nxb4 14.Kd2 Nc6+ 15.Ke3 Nxd4!
to immediately analyze the game in as great 16.Kxd4 Qd2+ 17.Ld3 [17.Kc5 b6+
detail as possible, while keeping the 18.Kc6 La6 19.Qc3 Rc8+ 20.Kd6 Lb7
variations and evaluations of analysis made 21.Qxd2 Rc6 #] 17...cxd3 μ) 11...Qa4
as unbiased as they can be. (11...Qb6 12.Le2 Nc6 [12...Qxd4? 13.Le3
The following game was played at a Qe4 14.Qxe4 dxe4 15.Lxc4 ±] 13.c3 ²)
Yugoslavian closed championship, with a 12.Nc3 (12.b3? cxb3 13.cxb3 Qxd4 μ)
large audience present and with standard 12...Qc6!? (12...Qa5 =) 13.Le2 b5 ÷.
demonstration boards for each game. 11.Nb5 Qb6 12.Qg3! g6!
These were always inspiring playing 12...a6 13.Nd6+ Lxd6 14.Qxg7! Rf8
conditions. I had studied and prepared the (14...Lxe5 15.fxe5 Rf8 16.0–0–0 Nd7
opening part pretty well, only to encounter an 17.Lh6 +–) 15.exd6 Qxb2 (15...Qxd6
‘irrefutable’ over-the-board novelty already 16.Qxd4 ±) 16.0–0 ±.
on move 7. 13.0–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 147
13.f5!? gxf5 (13...exf5 14.0–0–0 °) 14.0–0–0 °. 26...f6 27.Le6+ Kg7
13...a6 14.Nd6+ Lxd6 15.exd6 Qxd6 27...Kh8? would have blundered into
16.c3!? dxc3 17.Lxc3 0–0 checkmate: 28.Qxf6+ Rxf6 29.Lxf6 #.
17...d4?! 18.Rad1 Nc6 19.Le4 Ld7 28.Qc7+ Lf7?
20.Lxc6 Lxc6 21.Rxd4 °. 28...Kh6? 29.Le3+! g5 30.Lc5 Qd2
18.Ld4! 31.Lxf8+ Kxh5 32.Qxh7 # or 28...Kh8?
Keeping the bishop alive on the a1-h8 29.Lc5 Qxb2 30.Rf1 Rg8 31.Lxg8 Kxg8
diagonal. 32.Qe7 Lf7 33.Rxf6 Qc1+ 34.Rf1 +–
18...Qd8 would be bad, but Black had to go for 28...Rf7
18...Nc6 19.Lf6 °. 29.Qf4 (29.Lxf6+ Kxf6 [29...Kf8? 30.Lxf7
19.Rac1! Lxf7 31.Le5 Kg8 32.Qxc6 +–] 30.Lxf7
White is carefully preparing the exchange Qd4+ [30...Lxf7 31.Qxc6+ Kg7 32.Qxa8
sacrifice! Qd4²] 31.Kh1 Qh4+ 32.Kg1 Qd4²)
19...Nc6 (D) 29...Qe7 30.Lxf7 Qxf7 31.hxg6 hxg6 32.Rf1
XABCDEFGHY Kg8 33.Lxf6 Ld7 °.
8r+lwq-trk+( 29.Qf4! was what a part of the audience
7+p+-+p+p' were rooting for. It would have ended the
game almost instantly: 29...Qe7 (29...Lxe6
6p+n+p+p+& 30.Lxf6+ Rxf6 31.Qxb4 +–) 30.Lxf6+!
Qxf6 31.h6+ Kg8 32.Qxf6 +–.
5+-+p+-+-% 29...Kg8
4-+-vL-zP-+$ Now White is lost.
30.Lxf6 Rae8 31.Lh3 Qd2 32.Qxc6
3+-+L+-wQ-# Qe3+! 33.Kh1 Qxh6 34.Rf1 Le6 35.Rf3
2PzP-+-+PzP" Lxh3 36.gxh3 Qd2 37.Rf1 Qd3 38.Kg2
Re2+ 39.Rf2 Rxf2+ 40.Kxf2 Qf5+
1+-tR-+RmK-! 0–1
20.Rxc6! Lessons Learned
The positional exchange sacrifice! Being 1) Hard work needs to be put in to increase
already two pawns down, the relative point the understanding of such an exchange
count will amount to -4 after Black's move. sacrifice. Many examples from master play
However, things are not that simple. and much accompanying analysis.
20...bxc6 21.h4! ° 2) More experience in playing the same is
Weak dark squares around the black king required through training games practice with
with several pieces being out of play, promise strong opposition. This will reduce time
an exciting game ahead. pressure situations, simultaneously increasing
21...Qe7 22.Rc1 Ld7 23.h5 Le8 own confidence.
23...f6!? 24.hxg6 hxg6 25.Lxg6 Qg7 3) Take care of one’s own health at all times.
26.Rc3! Le8 27.Lxe8 Raxe8 28.Qh2! ±.
24.f5! exf5 25.Lxf5 Qb4? 26.Qe5 Afterthoughts
Offering excuse #2 for not ending the game Exchange sacrifices continue to amaze the
as I could have (thanks to the opponent's world of chess and serve as a constant
mistake later on) - time trouble at move 26. inspiration for both old and new generations
Less than 5 minutes left for remaining 14 of chess players and qualified trainers.
moves, before the first time control. Excuse The exchange sacrifice (but not the
#1? I had played the game with a light fever exchange blunder) is pretty awesome. Try it,
and a runny nose. you’ll love it!
FIDE TRG Syllabus 148
The Positional Sacrifice
Jovan Petronic
Introduction PPS (a)
The positional sacrifice (PS) in chess is one The positional pawn sacrifice may occur as
of the important strategical elements a early as the 1st move (for Black) and the 2nd
qualified chess trainer needs to explore and move (for White) in the opening. These are
the ambitious chess player needs to master. commonly referred to as gambits.
It is the duty of the chess trainer to provide Below are, in random encyclopedic format,
their students with a reasonable number of a few of the most common positional pawn
carefully selected instructive examples of sacrifices played by White and Black, which
games and game fragments from the past, occur in the early opening phase of the game:
present and future, constantly exploring new 1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 d6 - 1.d4 Nf6 (1...d5 2.c4 e5
developments involving the positional [2...c6 3.Nf3 {3.Nc3 e5} 3...Nf6 4.Nc3
sacrifice. dxc4 ; 2...e6 3.Nc3 c5 4.cxd5 cxd4 ;
It is the duty of the chess player to 2...dxc4] 3.dxe5 ; 1...f5 2.e4 fxe4) 2.c4 c5
thoroughly analyze all examples and (2...e5 3.dxe5) 3.d5 b5 (3...e6 4.Nf3 b5)
implement lessons learned into their own 4.cxb5 - 1.e4 e5 (1...c5 2.d4 [2.Nf3 e6 3.d4
games. cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 Nf6
A positional sacrifice involves trading a 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 d5] 2...cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 ;
piece of higher value for a piece of lower 1...d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.c4 e6 4.dxe6 ; 1...Nf6
value, or for no material in return, benefiting 2.Nc3 d5 3.e5 Nfd7 4.e6 fxe6) 2.f4 (2.Nf3
in the long run with various types of Nc6 [2...f5] 3.Lc4 [3.d4 exd4 4.c3 ; 3.Nc3
positional gain. Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5 ; 3.Lb5 f5 {3...a6
Positional sacrifices should not be confused 4.La4 Nf6 {4...f5} 5.0–0 Le7 6.Re1 b5
with tactical sacrifices, where the side 7.Lb3 0–0 8.c3 d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5}]
sacrificing benefits shortly afterwards. 3...Nf6 [3...Lc5 4.b4 Lxb4] 4.Ng5 d5
‘The beauty of a chess game is usually 5.exd5 Na5 6.Lb5+ c6 ; 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Lc4
appraised, and with good reason, according to Nxe4 4.Qh5 Nd6 5.Lb3) 2...exf4.
the sacrifices it contains. On principle we
incline to rate a sacrificial game more highly
than a positional game. Instinctively we place The motivations behind a positional pawn
the moral value above the scientific’ - Rudolf sacrifice (in the opening phase) include, but
Spielmann. are not limited to:
Any chess piece except the king can be 1) Fast piece development.
positionally sacrificed. We shall divide the 2) Opening of files, ranks or diagonals.
positional sacrifice into the following five 3) A creation of temporary or permanent
categories, depending on which piece has weaknesses around the opponent’s king.
been sacrificed: 4) Taking the initiative.
1) PS1: Positional Pawn Sacrifice (PPS). 5) Creation of disharmony among
2) PS2: Positional Knight Sacrifice (PNS). opponent’s pieces (inclusive of pawns).
3) PS3: Positional Bishop Sacrifice (PBS). 6) Space advantage.
4) PS4: Positional Rook Sacrifice (PRS). 7) Superior control of the centre.
5) PS5: Positional Queen Sacrifice (PQS). 8) Artistic value.
All above may be further classified as ‘It has been known for a hundred years that
forcing (leaving the opponent with ‘no choice’ a positional advantage is a prerequisite for a
but to accept) and non-forcing (with the successful attack’ - Samuel Reshevsky in
opponent having the choice not to accept). ‘The Art of Positional Play’.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 149
PPS (b) 16.Nxd5? Qxd5 would only improve
Positional pawn sacrifices, being the Black's position.
minimum material one can offer, are equally 16...Nxc3!?
often seen in the middlegame phase. Black does not wish to allow White to play
17.Ne4, with chances for a kingside attack,
□ Spassky Boris
but instead transforms some of their
■ Tal Mihail
positional advantages. White will now have a
B82 Moscow 1971
weak isolated pawn on a3, and with White
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 pawns c3 and d3 vulnerable to attack.
5.Nc3 d6 6.f4 Le7 7.Ld3 Nc6 8.Nf3 0–0
17.bxc3 Rc8 18.c4 Rc7!?
9.0–0 Nb4 10.Kh1 b6 11.Le3 Lb7
An invitation to fireworks. 18...g6, preventing
12.a3 Nxd3 13.cxd3 d5 14.e5 (D)
an easy 19.f5, was a good defensive move, but
XABCDEFGHY obviously not Tal's preference.
8r+-wq-trk+( 19.f5! Rd7!
The point!
7zpl+-vlpzpp' 20.Qg4
6-zp-+psn-+& 20.fxe6! Rxd4 21.exf7+ Kh8 (21...Rxf7?
22.Rxf7 Kxf7 23.Qh5+! with a strong
5+-+pzP-+-% attack) 22.Lxd4 Qxd4 23.Qe2! Rxf7
4-+-+-zP-+$ 24.Rxf7 Qxa1+ 25.Qf1 Qxf1+ 26.Rxf1
Kg8 gives a complicated endgame, with
3zP-sNPvLN+-# White having the upper hand.
2-zP-+-+PzP" 20...h5! 21.Qxh5
21.Qg3 h4! 22.Qg4 h3! 23.Qxh3 Rxd4
1tR-+Q+R+K! 24.Lxd4 Qxd4 25.fxe6 f5! and Black is OK.
xabcdefghy 21...Rxd4 22.f6!
22.Lxd4 Qxd4 23.fxe6 fxe6 24.Rxf8+ Lxf8
With the material being equal, Black opts for
a positional pawn sacrifice: 25.Rf1 Qd7 with a complicated game ahead.
14...d4! 15.Nxd4 22...gxf6
The only good move for White. 15.Lxd4? 22...Rxd3? 23.Qg5! g6 24.fxe7 (24.Qh6?
Lxf3 16.Qxf3 Qxd4 17.exf6 Lxf6 and Lxg2+! 25.Kxg2 Qa8+ and Black is
Black has the upper hand. 15.exf6? Lxf6 is winning) 24...Lxg2+! 25.Qxg2 (25.Kxg2?
Qa8+ 26.Kf2 Qf3+ 27.Ke1 Qe4+ 28.Le3
advantageous for Black in all variations. Rxe3+ 29.Kf2 Re2+ 30.Kg1 Re8 31.
15...Nd5 Rad1 Rxe7! and Black has the upper hand)
What has Black gained for the pawn?
1. An outpost on d5. 25...Qxe7 26.Rf3 and White is going for a
2. Favorable opening of the h1-a8 diagonal.
3. Favorable opening of the d-file. 23.Ra2! fxe5 24.Lxd4 Qxd4!
4. A weakness in White's pawn structure - the 24...exd4? 25.Raf2! f5 26.Qg6+ Kh8
backward d3-pawn. 27.Rf3! Lxf3 28.Rxf3 Lh4 29.Rh3 Qe7
5. With the opening of the position in the centre, 30.Qg3 Rf7 31.Rxh4+ Rh7 32.Qe5+ Kg8
Black's bishop-pair has increased its value. (32...Qg7? 33.Qb8+! Qg8 34.Rxh7+ Kxh7
These newly acquired positional benefits 35.Qxa7+ and White is on the way to win)
guarantee Black a good game, but not more 33.Rxd4 and White has the upper hand.
than that! With correct play by both sides, the 25.Rf3! Lxf3
game should remain as complicated as it was 25...Le4 26.Rg3+ (26.Rh3!?) 26...Lg6
from the start. 27.Rxg6+ fxg6 28.Qxg6+ and the position
16.Lg1 is equal.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 150
26.gxf3 Lf6 27.Rg2+ Lg7 28.Rxg7+ 5.Kxc6! Kd8 6.Kd6
28.Qg5? e4 and Black is winning. ½–½
28...Kxg7 29.Qg5+
The fireworks have ended. Draw agreed. More complicated positions with the same
½–½ motif are often seen mostly in rook
endgames, in attempts to achieve a win or to
Conclusion salvage a draw.
Black's positional pawn sacrifice resulted in
a lively complicated game, with chances for PNS
both sides. In similar positions with similar Positional knight sacrifices differ to positional
pawn structures, such a minimal sacrifice can pawn sacrifices. They are much more
be recommended. complicated in nature and require advanced
skills and experience to be administered
PPS (c) properly. Once mastered, they may become a
Positional pawn sacrifices are often enough powerful weapon in a chess player’s arsenal.
seen in endgames, too. Main motivations behind a positional
While barely fitting the description, the knight sacrifice include:
following example provides a subtle 1) The demolition of opponent’s pawns
positional element: near their king, whether castled or uncastled.
2) The creation of two mobile connected
Example 1 ○ passed pawns.
XABCDEFGHY 3) Artistic value.

8-+-+-mk-+( □ Anand Viswanathan

7+-+-+-+-' ■ Topalov Veselin
E04 Sofia 2010
6-+pzPp+-+& 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.g3 dxc4
5+-+-+-+-% 5.Lg2 Lb4+ 6.Ld2 a5 7.Qc2 Lxd2+
8.Qxd2 c6 9.a4 b5 10.Na3 Ld7 11.Ne5
4-+-+K+-+$ Nd5 12.e4 Nb4 13.0–0 0–0 14.Rfd1 Le8
3+-+-+-+-# 15.d5 Qd6 16.Ng4 Qc5 17.Ne3 N8a6
18.dxc6 bxa4 19.Naxc4 Lxc6 20.Rac1 h6
2-+-+-+-+" 21.Nd6 Qa7 22.Ng4 Rad8 (D)
1+-+-+-+-! XABCDEFGHY
xabcdefghy 8-+-tr-trk+(
White to play. Only one path leads to 7wq-+-+pzp-'
salvation, and it involves a relatively simple,
yet effective, positional pawn sacrifice. 6n+lsNp+-zp&
1.Ke5 Kf7 2.d7! Ke7 3.d8Q+! Kxd8 5zp-+-+-+-%
White is in no hurry to regain the sacrificed 4psn-+P+N+$
material. Instead, the positional move 4.Kd6!
limiting the mobility of the opponent's king,
leads to an equal game. 4.Kxe6? Kc7 5.Ke5
Kb6 6.Kd4 Kb5 7.Kc3 Kc5 and Black is
winning. 1+-tRR+-mK-!
4...Kc8 xabcdefghy
4...Ke8 5.Kxe6! Kd8 6.Kd6 =.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 151
23.Nxh6+! PBS
The pks in its pure form! Positional bishop sacrifices are similar to
23...gxh6!? positional knight sacrifices and may occur at
Accepting the non-forced positional sacrifice any time in the game. Here is an endgame case:
may not have been the best practical chance
for Black, who had one other option: □ Kramnik Vladimir
23...Kh7 24.Ng4 ±. ■ Bareev Evgeny
24.Qxh6 f6 B19 Wijk aan Zee 2003
What has White gained for the sacrifice? 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Lf5
1. Two pawns for the knight. 5.Ng3 Lg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 Nd7 8.h5 Lh7
2. A demolished king position. 9.Ld3 Lxd3 10.Qxd3 Ngf6 11.Lf4 e6
3. A psychological inspiration. 12.0–0–0 Le7 13.Ne4 Nxe4 14.Qxe4 Nf6
The position remains practically highly 15.Qd3 Qd5 16.c4 Qe4 17.Qxe4 Nxe4
complicated, with White having the upper hand, 18.Le3 Nd6 19.b3 Lf6 20.g4 b5 21.Nd2
and the obligation to play almost perfectly to Kd7 22.Kc2 Ld8 23.Nf3 Lf6 24.Ne5+
accomplish the ultimate goal - checkmate. Kc7 25.c5 Lxe5 26.dxe5 Nc8 27.Rh3 Ne7
25.e5! 28.Rf3 Rhf8 29.Rd6 a5 30.g5 hxg5 31.
Played after a further ‘useful’ ten minutes of Lxg5 Nf5 32.Rd1 a4 33.b4 Kc8 34.Rfd3
thought. Ra7 35.Rd8+ Rxd8 36.Rxd8+ Kb7 37.
25...Lxg2 Kc3 Ka6 38.Kd3 Rc7 39.Ke4 Kb7 40.
25...Qg7 26.Qxg7+ Kxg7 27.Lxc6 +– or Rd1 Kc8 41.Rd8+ Kb7 42.Kf4 Rc8 43.
25...fxe5 26.Qxe6+ Kh7 27.Rxc6! Qxf2+ Rd7+ Rc7 44.Rd3 Kc8 45.Rd8+ Kb7 (D)
28.Kh1 +– with the idea 28...Nxc6
29.Le4+ +– or 25...Le8 26.Nxe8 Rdxe8
27.exf6 +–. 8-+-tR-+-+(
26.exf6! Rxd6
26...Qh7 27.Qg5+ Kh8 28.Rc4 Rg8 7+ktr-+pzp-'
29.Nf7+! +– with the idea 29...Qxf7 6-+p+p+-+&
30.Rh4+ Qh7 31.Rxh7+! (31.Rxd8 Rxd8
32.Qg7 #) 31...Kxh7 32.Qh5 #. 5+pzP-zPnvLP%
27.Rxd6 Le4 4pzP-+-mK-+$
27...Ld5 28.Qg6+ Kh8 29.Rc4! +– with
the idea 29...Lxc4 30.Rd4! Qh7 31.Rh4 3+-+-+-+-#
Rf7 32.Rxh7+ Rxh7 33.Qe8 #.
28.Rxe6 Nd3!? 2P+-+-zP-+"
28...Qh7 29.Qg5+ Kh8 30.Rxe4! +–. 1+-+-+-+-!
29.Rxe4? Qxf2² . xabcdefghy
29...Qh7 30.f7+ 46.Lf6!!
30.Qg5+! Kh8 (30...Lg6 31.f7+! Kxf7 An amazing non-forced positional bishop
32.Rcc6! +– or 30...Qg6 31.f7+! +–) sacrifice in the endgame... for most chess
31.Rxe4! +–. ‘mortals’, unless you are able to calculate at
30...Qxf7 least nine moves ahead, while evaluating the
30...Kxf7 31.Rf6+ +– . position properly at all times.
31.Rxe4 Qf5 46...g6
31...Nxf2 32.Rf4 +–. The main alternative was 46...gxf6 47.exf6
32.Re7! Rc8 (47...Nh4 48.Kg4! Nf5 49.Kg5 +–
32...Rf7 33.Rc8+ Qxc8 34.Qg6+ Kh8 and h6) 48.Rxc8! Kxc8 49.Kg5 Kd7
35.Qh5+! +–. (49...Nd4 50.h6 Nf3+ 51.Kh5! Ne5 52.h7
1–0 Ng6 53.Kh6 Kd7 54.Kg7 e5 55.h8Q
FIDE TRG Syllabus 152
Nxh8 56.Kxh8 Ke6 57.Kg7 a3 58.f3 +–) 2. Black lost his potential advantage of the
50.h6 Nxh6 51.Kxh6 e5 52.Kh7! (52.Kg7? bishop's-pair.
Ke6 53.a3 e4 –+) 52...Ke6 53.Kg7 a3 Black returned the exchange by move 28, with
(53...e4 54.a3 +–) 54.f3 (zugzwang) +–. White continuing to enjoy a strong initiative.
47.hxg6 fxg6 48.Kg5 18...Lg5 19.Na3 0–0 20.Nc4 a5 21.Ld3
1–0 axb4 22.cxb4 Qb8 23.h4 Lh6 24.Ncb6
Ra2 25.0–0 Rd2 26.Qf3 Qa7 27.Nd7
It is worth noting that many simple Nd8 28.Nxf8 Kxf8 29.b5 Qa3 30.Qf5
exchanges bishop captures knight, in the Ke8 31.Lc4 Rc2 32.Qxh7 Rxc4 33.Qg8+
opening and middlegame, should often be Kd7 34.Nb6+ Ke7 35.Nxc4 Qc5 36.Ra1
referred to as positional bishop sacrifices. Qd4 37.Ra3 Lc1 38.Ne3
Positional rook sacrifices are usually played PQS
as exchange sacrifices, where a rook is Positional queen sacrifices are relatively
sacrificed, usually, for a knight. common by comparison to other sacrifices in
As with other positional sacrifices, PRS the games of the chess master. Here is one
generally remain ‘with compensation for the example where my 15-year-old student
sacrificed material’, requiring deep positional benefited from our PQS training (combined
understanding and fighting spirit. with essential endgame knowledge) in the
last round of the Sydney Open 2010, gaining
□ Kasparov Garry his 2nd IM norm along the way. Daniel’s
■ Shirov Alexei PQS resulted in an impregnable fortress.
B33 Horgen 1994
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 □ Kunte Abhijit
5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Lf4 e5 8.Lg5 a6 ■ Fernandez Daniel
9.Na3 b5 10.Nd5 Le7 11.Lxf6 Lxf6 Parramatta 2010 ●
12.c3 Lb7 13.Nc2 Nb8 14.a4 bxa4 XABCDEFGHY
15.Rxa4 Nd7 16.Rb4 Nc5 (D)
XABCDEFGHY 8-+-+-+k+(
8r+-wqk+-tr( 7+-wQ-tRlvl-'
7+l+-+pzpp' 6-+-+q+pzp&
6p+-zp-vl-+& 5+-+-zpp+-%
5+-snNzp-+-% 4-+-+-+N+$
4-tR-+P+-+$ 3+-+-+-+P#
3+-zP-+-+-# 2-+-+-zPP+"
2-zPN+-zPPzP" 1+-+-+-mK-!
1+-+QmKL+R! xabcdefghy
43...fxg4!! 44.Rxe6 Lxe6 45.hxg4 Kh7
xabcdefghy 46.f3 La2 47.Qe7 Lb1 48.Kf2 g5 (=)
17.Rxb7!! Nxb7 18.b4 49.Ke3 Lg6 50.Kd2 Kg8 51.Qe6+ Kh7
What did White gain from this positional 52.g3 Lh8 (=) 53.Ke3 Lg7 54.f4 exf4+
sacrifice? 55.gxf4 gxf4+ 56.Kxf4 Lh8 57.g5 h5!
1. Black's light squares became increasingly 57...hxg5+? 58.Kxg5 +–.
weak. ½–½
FIDE TRG Syllabus 153
Won Positions / Lost Positions
Jovan Petronic
Introduction 21) Not well-prepared.
Understanding of the concepts of won and 22) Bad position.
lost positions should begin with examining 23) Falling into a trap.
our own games, which we have won and lost. 24) King not well protected.
An survey conducted in Singapore on April 25) Positional mistakes.
17th 2010, among 28 National Junior Squad 26) Intimidated by opponent.
players (FIDE-rated 1600-2000), who 27) Panic.
regularly train with qualified trainers and 28) Distracted.
equally regularly play in local and 29) Incorrect planning.
international tournaments, offered the 30) Careless oversights.
following various reasons, presented below in 31) Confusion.
random order, as to why one loses and wins a 32) Making strategic mistakes i.e. weak
game of chess. pawns / conceding squares with no compe-
Q1: ‘My ten reasons as to why I lose games 33) Pre-game pressure to win = unnece-
at chess’. ssary risk taking.
Q2: ‘My ten reasons as to why I win games 34) Wrong choice of opening which doesn’t
at chess’ suit style/personality.
35) Emotional consequences.
Survey 36) Endgame impatience.
Question 1: Why we lose games at chess? 37) Bad at chess.
38) Not thinking hard.
Answers: 39) Lack of practice.
1) Lack or loss of concentration. 40) The opponent is a better player.
2) Making mistakes or blunders. 41) Not in the mood to play.
3) Opponent’s see winning combinations. 42) Caught in zugzwang.
4) Defence against opponent’s attack fails. 43) Bad defence.
5) Over-confidence or lack of confidence. 44) Did not analyze moves accurately.
6) Lack of endgame knowledge. 45) Opponent attacks aggressively.
7) Lack of opening knowledge, resulting in 46) Opponent makes forced moves.
a weak position. 47) Poor middlegame play.
8) Making moves without careful and 48) Playing moves without any plans.
thorough consideration. 49) Not focused on the game.
9) Playing too quickly or slowly. 50) Did not attack fast enough.
10) Our opponent outplays us. 51) Bad opening preparation.
11) Physically too weak. 52) Thinking too long.
12) Tiredness. 53) Sacrificing for no reason.
13) Boredom. 54) Flag drop.
14) Playing very passively. 55) We just don’t care.
15) Scared/afraid of opponent. 56) We can’t make up our mind.
16) Did not prepare for the game. 57) Thinking everything is good for you.
17) Time trouble. 58) We develop wrongly.
18) A failed combination. 59) We allow our opponent to promote.
19) Bad opening. 60) We play lousy openings.
20) Nervousness. 61) We have a bad coach.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 154
Question 2: Why we win games at chess? 38) Premature resignation.
39) Psychology: won opponent before.
Answers: 40) Middlegame ideas were good.
1) Seeing winning combinations. 41) Good at chess.
2) Having accurate plans in the endgame. 42) Talented.
3) Creating weaknesses in the opponent’s 43) Lucky.
position and exploiting them. 44) Know how to counterattack.
4) Attacking the king and preventing him 45) Know how to scam your opponent with
from having any good defence. easy tactics.
5) Preparing ourselves mentally before the 46) Can recognize common patterns and the
game, to have confidence to beat the best moves.
opponent. 47) Think about all possible moves.
6) Better concentration than opponent. 48) Really want to win.
7) Good knowledge of opening play, 49) Overwhelming attack.
resulting in a good position. 50) Take risks to win.
8) Good knowledge of endgame play to 51) Not walking around.
outplay opponents. 52) In the mood to play chess.
9) Opponent is psychologically affected 53) Not tired.
before the game. 54) Good analysis of moves.
10) The opponent is making mistakes. 55) Playing forced moves.
11) Opponent is too weak or weaker or 56) Playing good openings.
lousy. 57) Playing good middlegame tactics.
12) Opponent overestimates me. 58) Playing moves with a plan.
13) Opponent underestimates me. 59) Focused on the game.
14) A tired opponent. 60) Confident of winning, but not over-
15) I play very actively. confident.
16) Opponent plays very passively. 61) I play better.
17) Opponent has lower concentration. 62) I attacked first.
18) We analyze the opponent more than he 63) Opponent did not attack.
does us. 64) Opponent is not concentrating.
19) Opponent doesn’t know the opening. 65) Opponent lost on time.
20) Opponent in (serious) time trouble. 66) Opponent got zero-started.
21) Have enough time to think. 67) Opponent is over-confident.
22) Play carefully. 68) Opponent never comes.
23) Play steady. 69) We make brilliant moves.
24) Having a lot of practice. 70) We play uncommon openings.
25) Wanting badly to win. 71) We use our time wisely.
26) Fighting and trying hard. 72) Opponent does not care.
27) Study, study, study. 73) Opponent plays too fast.
28) The position is good. 74) We develop correctly.
29) Proper strategic planning. 75) We do not give away material.
30) Well prepared and confident.
31) Knowledge of tactics. The main purpose of the anonymous survey
32) Read chess books. was to unveil personal thoughts, some of
33) Calculated the moves correctly. which otherwise may not have been revealed
34) Capitalize on opponents blunders. directly in the initial player-trainer
35) Opening mistake. relationship. Such research provides a
36) Strategic squeezing until material is goldmine for the trainers who wish to deal
won. with all problems relating winning and losing
37) More experience in the position type. games of chess.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 155
With the advance of computer chess Chess masters offer their resignations
programming, we can at present identify all usually when being at least a minor piece
positions with 6 pieces (inclusive of kings) or down, and without any compensation for it.
less - as being either won, lost or drawn. One such situation happened in a well known
These now replace old collections of GM encounter:
‘theoretical positions’, previously known to
chess players, thanks to extensive research □ Christiansen Larry
made by endgame specialists. ■ Karpov Anatoly
Many positions remain beyond human E12 Wijk aan Zee 1993
reproduction at the board, but nevertheless 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.a3 La6 5.Qc2
offer useful general knowledge that was Lb7 6.Nc3 c5 7.e4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Nc6
unknown before. 9.Nxc6 Lxc6 10.Lf4 Nh5 11.Le3 Ld6?
It is important to define the won and the (D)
lost positions from the earliest trainee’s age XABCDEFGHY
when entering the competitive environment,
and follow up by slightly adapting the 8r+-wqk+-tr(
definition as the player progresses. As the
tournament player matures, more time should 7zp-+p+pzpp'
be devoted to studying won positions, and 6-zplvlp+-+&
less to lost positions.
Won Positions - Definition
A won position is one where one side is
able, with correct play, to eventually force 3zP-sN-vL-+-#
resignation or checkmate against any
Depending on the number of pieces 1tR-+-mKL+R!
remaining on the board, the won position
may present itself with various levels of xabcdefghy
‘technical difficulties’, which one needs to An ambitious developing move, and - a
acknowledge and overcome. decisive mistake, leaving two minor pieces
It is common, for example, just when unprotected and being vulnerable to a double
reaching a won position, the opposition puts attack.
up serious resistance, something which may 12.Qd1!
lure us into taking the wrong path. 1–0
Young chess players often fail to convert a
winning material advantage into a full point. A won position need not be related directly
The general solution to this technical problem to a material imbalance. A won position may
is always to go for minor or major piece also be positional in nature, from which
exchanges, while keeping pawns on the comes a winning strategy. Mastering
board. strategically won positions is directly related
Simplifying the materially won position in to the ‘principle of multiple weaknesses’,
such a way will almost always result in a which is one of the very important techniques
much easier path to victory, with increased in exploiting a decisive advantage.
prospects of pawn promotion in the Three weaknesses, for example, are often
middlegame or endgame. enough to convert a won position,
It is also important to stress the difference weaknesses that emerge from pressurizing
between a position in which one side has the positions previously having only one (not
upper hand, and not to confuse it with a won enough to win) or two (defendable) of the
position. same.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 156
□ Kasparov Garry 24...Rhg8 25.Rg5! a5 26.g4! fxg4
■ Bacrot Etienne (26...hxg4 27.h5 Rh8 28.Rxg6 Rdf8
C45 Sarajevo 2000 29.Kf2 and the king's march to g5 will
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 decide) 27.Lxg6 +–.
5.Nxc6 bxc6 25.b4!
Black accepts having two weaknesses in the The fixation of weak pawns in the opponent’s
early phase of the game, doubled c-pawns positions makes them an easier target.
and isolated a-pawn. 25...Ke6 26.Kd2 Ra8 27.Rb1! a6
6.e5 Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5 8.c4 La6 9.b3 g6 10.f4 27...a5 28.b5.
Qb4+ 11.Ld2 Qb6 12.Qe4 f5 13.Qf3 28.Rb3 Kf7 29.Ra3 Rhh8 30.Rg5! Rh6
13.exf6+? Kf7 μ. 31.Kc3 Rb8 32.Ra5!
13...Qd4?! 32.Lxa6? Ra8 simply loses an exchange.
13...Nb4 14.Kd1 ÷. 32...Ra8 33.Kd4 (D)
14.Nc3 Nxc3 15.Lxc3! Lb4 XABCDEFGHY
15...Qe4+? would lead to the creation of a
third (pawn) weakness: 16.Qxe4 fxe4 17.e6 8r+-+-+-+(
Rg8 18.exd7+ Kxd7 19.g3 with a
strategically 'won position' for White.
16.Rc1 Lxc3+ 17.Rxc3 0–0–0 18.c5! Lb7 6p+p+-+ptr&
18...Lxf1 19.Rxf1 ±.
19.Qe3! Qxe3+?
19...Qb4 20.Le2 ±. 4-zP-mK-zP-zP$
20.Rxe3 d6 21.Lc4 Kd7
The alternative 21...dxc5? loses after 22.e6!
Rde8 (22...Rhe8 23.e7 +–) 23.e7 Kd7 2P+-+-+P+"
24.Kf2 Rxe7 25.Rd1+ Ke8 26.Red3 Kf8
27.Rd8+ Re8 (27...Kg7 28.Rxh8 Kxh8 1+-+-+-+-!
29.Rd8+ Kg7 30.Rb8 +–) 28.R1d7 Rxd8 xabcdefghy 
29.Rxd8+ Kg7 30.Rd7+ +–.
22.h4 d5 23.Ld3 h5? 33...Rhh8 34.Lc2 Rab8 35.Ld3
The g6-pawn becomes a third weakness. Better Time is a factor in each tournament game.
(although not pleasant) was 23...a5 24.h5 ±. White is not in any hurry and is wisely delaying
24.Rg3 Rh6!? (D) the execution until move 41 and beyond.
35...Ra8 36.Le2! Rhb8! 37.Ra3!
XABCDEFGHY 37.Rg3? Lc8 would tie up one of White's
8-+-tr-+-+( rooks to defending his b4-pawn.
7zplzpk+-+-' 37...Lc8 would now fail to a decisive attack
6-+p+-+ptr& on the kingside: 38.Rag3! Rxb4+ 39.Kc3
Rxf4 40.Rxg6 Rb8 41.Rg7+ Ke8
5+-zPpzPp+p% 42.Rg8+ Kf7 43.R3g7+ Ke6 44.Re8 #.
38.Rag3 Rag8
4-+-+-zP-zP$ There is no salvation anymore: 38...Rh6
3+P+L+-tR-# 39.Rxg6 Rxg6 40.Lxh5 Rag8 41.e6+ Kf6
42.Rxg6+ Rxg6 43.e7 Kxe7 44.Lxg6 +–.
2P+-+-+P+" 39.Lxh5!
1+-+-mK-+R! A small combination decides the game:
39...Rxh5 40.Rxh5 gxh5 41.e6+ Kf8 42.e7+.
xabcdefghy 1–0

FIDE TRG Syllabus 157

Lost Positions - Definition gain. In the many 2500+ played endgames,
A lost position is one where one side is not only has resistance been offered in each
unable to avoid resignation or checkmate, encounter, but extensive analysis was made
with best play by both sides. in a number of them, proving the positions
The purpose of studying lost positions is, of being won (for the side having the rook, of
course, to increase one’s prospects of not course), but also proving that the losing side
losing in the same way. Is it possible to make should resist until all is lost. Lessons to be
a mistake when in a lost position? Yes, of learned? No one ever drew a game by
course! This fact alone hints that one should resigning!
not surrender until all is lost. It is worth 1–0
noting that it is considered unethical to offer
a draw in a lost position. Typical advice, □ Kochyev Alexander
when playing a materially lost position, is to ■ Petronic Jovan
play for pawn exchanges, rather than piece Budapest 1988 ●
exchanges. XABCDEFGHY
‘Invincibility lays in the defence, the
possibility of victory in the attack’ - Sun Tzu. 8-+-+-+-+(
□ Nikolic Predrag
■ Gelfand Boris 6P+-zp-+p+&
Belgrade 1991 ○
XABCDEFGHY 5+p+Lwq-+-%
8-+-+-+k+( 4-zP-+Pzp-+$
7+-+-+p+p' 3+-+-+-+Q#
6-+-+-+p+& 2-+-+-zP-mK"
5+-+-+-+-% 1+-+-+-+-!
4-+-+-zP-+$ xabcdefghy
Black to play in a lost position. Any ideas?
3+-+-+KzPP# 45… Kf8!! 46.a7? f3+ 47.Qg3
47.Kh1 Qa1+! 48.Kh2 Qe5².
2r+-+-sN-+" 47...Qh8+! 48.Qh3
1+-+-+-+-! 48.Kg1 Qa1².
48...Qe5+ 49.Kg1 Qa1+?
xabcdefghy 49...Qg5+! 50.Qg3 (50.Kh1 Qc1+ 51.Kh2
With the last move being 40...Rc2xLa2, Qf4² ; 50.Kh2 Qe5² [50...Qf4²])
White to play resigned, with the two 50...Qc1+ 51.Kh2 Qh6².
thousand or more spectators deprived of 50.Qf1 Qxa7 51.Qd1
seeing Gelfand’s winning technique against 1–0
Nikolic’s best defence. Was it a premature
resignation, or simply superior knowledge of Advice
lost positions, added to respecting the By defending a lost position, you will not
opponent’s winning technique? General lose dignity, but gain respect. Stay calm and
winning strategy in this type of ending controlled. Fighting spirit combined with a
includes: a) using the king and rook to restrict knowledge of what is possible will help you
the knight’s mobility, followed by b) pawn in search of solutions that may draw or even
storm with fixation of a pawn weakness and win a lost position. ‘To err is human, to
c) advancing the king in pursue of material forgive divine’ - Alexander Pope.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 158
The Golden Rules of the Endgame
Efstratios Grivas
The endgame is the moment of truth. It is the phase of the game where we will try to reap the
seeds of our effort, regardless of whether that is the full point of victory or the half point of the
draw. In the endgame the significance of errors increases, as the opportunities for correcting them
are few. The following rules are considered to be the Golden Rules of the Endgame. They were
recorded by GMs Reuben Fine and Pal Benko, two of the world's greatest experts in this field:

1. Start thinking about the endgame in the middlegame.

2. Somebody usually gets the better deal in every exchange.

3. The king is a strong piece: Use it!

4. If you are one or two pawns ahead, exchange pieces but not pawns.

5. If you are one or two pawns behind, exchange pawns but not pieces.

6. If you have an advantage, do not leave all the pawns on one side.

7. A distant passed pawn is half the victory.

8. Passed pawns should be advanced as rapidly as possible.

9. Doubled, isolated and blockaded pawns are weak: Avoid them!

10. The easiest endings to win are pure pawn endings.

11. Passed pawns should be blockaded by the king, the only piece that is not harmed by watching
a pawn is the knight.

12. Two bishops vs bishop and knight constitute a tangible advantage.

13. Bishops are better than knights in all except blocked pawn positions.

14. Do not place your pawns on the colour of your bishop.

15. The easiest endings to draw are those with bishops of opposite colours.

16. Rooks belong behind passed pawns.

17. A rook on the seventh rank is sufficient compensation for a pawn.

18. Not all rook endings are drawn!

19. Perpetual check looms in all queen endings.

20. Every move in the endgame is of the utmost importance because you are closer to the moment
of truth.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 159
How to Think in Endgames
Mikhail Gurevich
‘To learn and to play endgames well the might follow, and some kind of prosaic
chessplayer must love endgames’ - Lev endgame arises...
Psakhis. Every player has to spend a few minutes, if
Different kinds of endgames have specific the clock allows, just to relax, and to calm
characteristics and rules. Every serious player down your emotions in order to look
must know many typical positions and main differently at the position. This investment of
principles of all kind of endings. time will pay back later in the game.
That knowledge should help us during the I am well aware that this advice was given
game, but it is not enough to be a good before World War II, when they had very
player, not yet. There just too many different different time controls.
endings, some of them with two or more So do not waste your time, just switch on
pieces, some very complex. To be the button in your brains, just remember that
comfortable and play well those complex positional endgames require ‘endgame
endings requires specific knowledge and thinking’ by schemes, by plans.
specific ways of thinking. We will call it And do not forget to respect your
‘endgame thinking’. We will explain... opponent's ideas. The art of endgame play is
First of all we will separate endgames into how to achieve your plan and subdue the
two categories: tactical and strategical. opponent at the same time.
Tactical complex endgames must be treated
as a middlegame. As in the middlegame our □ Gurevich Mikhail
thoughts are busy with calculation based on ■ Andersson Ulf
the specific characteristics of the position. Leningrad 1987 ○
But more often in our games, as practice XABCDEFGHY
proves, we have so-called strategical endgames;
the endgames where even computers have 8-+-+-+-mk(
difficulties to find the best move. These are the
endgames that do not rely on calculation. It is
known from the time of Capablanca that in 6-+-+-sn-zp&
strategical, positional endgames we have to
think by plans, schemes. Variations and 5+-+-+-+-%
calculation plays a secondary role. 4-+-+-+-+$
First we have to understand where to put
our pieces; to find an idea for improving 3+-+q+-+-#
position. After, we start to form a plan. This
is what we call ‘endgame thinking’.
Thinking correctly, in the right order, will 1+-+-wQ-mK-!
significantly simplify the process of
calculation... xabcdefghy
So, how to approach ‘endgame thinking’, A tense tactical battle led to a prosaic
how to switch the right button in our brain. endgame with White having an extra pawn. It
The Russian master Sergei Belavenets, great was time to switch'-on the 'endgame thinking'
chess thinker, gives the following advice: button:
‘After tactical complications, when our 1) First of all, as usual, we evaluate the pawn
brains have been busy with calculation of structure. Here it is simple; just 3 against 2 on
beautiful variations, the exchange of pieces the same side, no weaknesses.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 160
2) Activity of pieces: the white pieces are not Bringing the queen to f5 and the knight to e5
active for the moment. was an appealing idea. The control of e4-
3) What pieces I would like to exchange here, square limits the activity of the black knight
what exchange(s) suits my opponent? White and simplifies my task of building the next
is ready to change both pieces, as the pawn part of the winning plan.
ending must be winning for him. Black XABCDEFGHY
would love to change any pair of pieces, as
both queen and knight endings should be 8-+-+q+-+(
holdable and much easier for him to defend...
4) How to proceed, what is my plan? I have
to improve my pieces, develop them to better, 6-+-+-sn-zp&
more active positions and probably to the
centre. 5+-wQ-+-+-%
5) What is the plan of my opponent? Not any 4-+-+-+-+$
big threats or ideas for the moment; Black
has just to try to control the centre and to 3+-+-sNP+P#
defend here.
This is about enough for the moment. I do not
want to spend my time and try to look too far, 1+-+-+-mK-!
time to play.
56.Ng3 Qd5 57.Qe2 xabcdefghy
A small improvement. I knew that I could not win the game by just
57...Qd4 58.h3 Qd5 59.Qe7 Qd1+ moving and improving the pieces. I would
60.Kh2 Qd5 61.Qe1 need the help of my pawns, and considering
We had no additional seconds for our move the fact that the f-pawn is the only one which
at those times, neither had Capablanca, Flohr, has no rival in front of it, it is the 'candidate'
Fischer, Karpov. Repetition of moves is an pawn; this is the one to go first. And go
important part of chess technique. Not only slowly...This move in connection with all
does it allow a player to understand the those manoeuvring, with all these moves
position better, but it also puts psychological repetitions, is a part of the strategy in 'prosaic'
pressure on the defender. That pressure often endgames. The strategy presented by
pushes the opponent to weaken his position Belavenets as a paradoxical rule: Do not
further. Nowadays, when we get additional hurry! The rule goes as an important addition
time for every move, it allows us to to the 'schematic, endgame thinking'. It
accumulate time. allows us to understand things better,
61...Qd6 62.Kg1 Qd5 63.Qb1 Qe5 disciplines our thinking, our play and
64.Nf1 Nd5 prevents us from making silly mistakes. But
Prevents Ne3. one has to be aware, and understand very
65.Qb5 Qe6 66.Qb8+ Kh7 67.Qf8 Nf6 clearly that the 'do not hurry' rule cannot be
68.Ne3 Qe5 applied in tactical or dynamical endgames
68...Nd5 was more stubborn. where the waste of time or a loss of important
69.Qa3 Kh8 70.Qa8+ Kh7 71.Qa3 Kh8 tempo in concrete positions might be
72.Qc1 Qe6 73.Qc3 Kh7 74.Qc5 Qe8 disastrous.
75.f3!? (D) 75...Qb8
By taking the e4-square under control. I My opponent recognizes the weakness of the
completely control the centre. This fact does dark squares in my pawn structure.
not force my opponent to resign, but makes 76.Qf5+ Kh8 77.Nc4 Qa7+ 78.Kh1 Qc7
me happier somehow... My next idea is to 79.Ne5 Qc1+ 80.Kh2 Qc7
activate my pieces further, to take them to a Ulf demonstrates correct active defence by
more attacking position on the 5th rank. pinning the knight.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 161
81.Kh1 Qc1+ 82.Kh2 Qc7 83.Qe6 Kh7 100...Qf7 (D)
(D) Black should go for 100...Qxe5! 101.fxe5
83...Nd7 84.f4 Nxe5 85.fxe5 transforms the which would lead to a holdable position after
position into a queen ending which was no the great reply 101...Ne4! 102.e6 g6!
relief for Black, as the e-pawn is very 103.Nxh6+ Kf8 =.
dangerous. XABCDEFGHY
XABCDEFGHY 8-+-+-+k+(
8-+-+-+-+( 7+-+-+qzp-'
7+-wq-+-zpk' 6-+-+-sn-zp&
6-+-+Qsn-zp& 5+-+-wQN+-%
5+-+-sN-+-% 4-+-+-zP-+$
4-+-+-+-+$ 3+-+-+-+P#
3+-+-+P+P# 2-+-+-+PmK"
2-+-+-+PmK" 1+-+-+-+-!
1+-+-+-+-! xabcdefghy
xabcdefghy 101.g4!
84.f4 There was no any other way to improve my
Forced, as the pin was paralyzing the white pieces as they have already achieved the
pieces and I saw no other improvement. optimal active positions and their counterparts
84...Qb7 are passive. So, I started an all-out attack.
Perfect defence so far, taking the light 101...Qa7
squares d5 and e4 under control. 101...Qa2+ 102.Kg3 Qb3+ 103.Kh4 would
85.Qf5+ Kg8 86.Qe6+ Kh7 87.Nc6!? just improve the position of White's king, and
Qc7 88.Qf5+ Kh8 89.Nd4 Kg8 90.Qe6+ in case of 103...Qf3 104.Nxh6+ wins.
Kh7 91.Qe3 Kg8 92.Nf5 Kf7 102.Kg2 Qb7+ 103.Kg3 Qf7 104.Ne7+
Perfect defence. Black recognized my idea, Kf8 105.Nf5 Kg8 106.g5 hxg5 107.fxg5
and tried to prevent it by activating his king Nd7
and controlling the e5-square. The best defence according to Rybka, but I
93.Qd4 Ke6 94.Ne3 Kf7 95.Nc4 Ke6 was always considering this move as a
96.Kg1 Kf7 97.Nd6+ Kg8 passive defence... Active defence with
Ulf did not want to calculate, or got scared to go 107...Qb3+!? 108.Kh4 Qc4+ should be
with this king to the centre again. But 97...Ke6! preferred, forcing my pieces backward to less
was the best defence. White would then have active positions: 109.Nd4 (109.Qd4 Qxd4+
problems in achieving his objective: 98.Qe5+ 110.Nxd4 Nd5 111.Kg4 g6 should draw)
Kd7 99.Nf5 Qxe5 100.fxe5 Nh5! (a and only now 109...Nd7 where there are
computer move. 100...Ne8 is the human reply better chances for a successful defence.
which leads to a difficult endgame after 108.Qe4!
101.Nd4 Nc7 102.Kf2 Ne6 103.Ke3 ±) Takes the light squares under control. The
101.Nd4 Nf4 as Black should hold. plan is to put the king on g4, followed by h4-
98.Qe5 Qc1+ 99.Kh2 Qc7 100.Nf5 h5, but tactical ideas connected with Ne7-g6
Objective No. 3 is achieved, although it should be always considered...
happened at the moment when my opponent 108...Qb3+ 109.Kh4 Nf8
was short of time... The knight ending with a Or 109...Qf7 110.Ne7+ Kh8 (110... Kf8
passed pawn on e5 looks dangerous... 111.Ng6+ +–) 111.Ng6+ Kg8 112.Qa8+
FIDE TRG Syllabus 162
Kh7 (112...Nf8 113.Qxf8+ Qxf8 Qa4+ 114.Kh5 Qa6 (114...Qe8+
114.Nxf8 Kxf8 115.Kh5 +–) 113.Qh8+ 115.Ng6+ Kg8 116.Qd5+ Qf7 117.Qd8+
Kxg6 114.Qh5+ +–. Nf8 118.Qxf8+ Qxf8 119.Nxf8 Kxf8
110.Ne7+! 120.Kg6 +– transposes to a winning pawn
Forces the black monarch into the corner; and ending ; 114...Qa2 115.h4 +–) 115.Ng6+
signals the decisive phase of the attack. Kg8 116.Qd5+ +–.
110...Kh8 1–0
110...Kf7 111.g6+ Kf6 (111...Nxg6+
112.Nxg6 ; 111...Ke8 112.Nf5+) □ Topalov Veselin
112. d5+ +–. ■ Anand Viswanathan
111.Qf4! (D) Sofia 2010 ●
8-+-+-sn-mk( 8-+-+-+-+(
7+-+-sN-zp-' 7+p+-+k+p'
6-+-+-+-+& 6p+-zPp+-+&
5+-+-+-zP-% 5zPl+-vL-mK-%
4-+-+-wQ-mK$ 4-+-+-+-+$
3+q+-+-+P# 3+-+-+P+-#
2-+-+-+-+" 2-zP-+-+P+"
1+-+-+-+-! 1+-+-+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
111...Nh7? There are spots even on the sun... The entire
A mistake in a difficult position which chess world witnessed recently the 'terrible'
simplifies my task. 111...Ne6 112.Qg4 with example of 'wrong thinking' of the great
unavoidable mate also wins, but 111...Nd7 World Champion. After good defence in a
was the move that would allow Black to fight difficult game Anand achieved a 'dead drawn'
still: 112.Ng6+ (112.Qg4 Qd3) 112...Kg8 position, as many commentators tried to
(112...Kh7 113.Qe4 Nc5 114.Qf5 Qd3 ±) claim. Just continue correct 'endgame-
113.Qe4 Kf7 and the game continues... schematic' thinking. Just understand that with
112.Qg4!! ...Kd7, and ...Ld3 White would have no
A nice queen manoeuvre probably missed by chance to win the game... In fact it is all not
Ulf, with multiple threats (Qc8 the main) so easy, not so obvious...
which leads my opponent to zugzwang... He 54...Lc6?
needs to cover c8- and g6-squares not to be Certainly the losing move, which might be
mated at once... explained by tiredness, caused by the extreme
112...Qc2 tension of the match... 54...Ke8!? was the best
If now 112...Nf8 then 113.Qh5+ Nh7 move, although achieving the draw was not
114.Qe8+ +–. easy at all: 55.Kf6 (55.Kh6 Ld3) 55...Kd7
113.Qf3! 56.Kg7 Ld3 57.g4 Lc2 58.f4 Le4 59.Kf6
The threat is Qa8+. Any response allows me Ld3 60.Kg5 Le4 (White can create a second
to achieve the winning idea: Kh5 and h4. So, passed pawn-f; only chance for a win) 61.f5
Andersson stopped the clock due to (61.Kh6 Ld3 62.f5 exf5 63.g5 f4 =) 61...exf5
113...Qc4+ 114.Kh5 Qa2 115.h4! (the final 62.gxf5 (the critical position of variation arised.
zugzwang - no escape left...) or 113.Qf3 White has a threat of a 'winning' plan: Kg7 and
FIDE TRG Syllabus 163
f6. Vishy would have to find the only move:) Ka4 83.Lh2!! Ka5 {83...a5 84.Ld6 h2
62...h6+! 63.Kf6!? (going forward has no 85.b3 #} 84.Lg1! Ka4 85.Lc5! Ka5 {85...h2
sense. It seems at first, as the f-pawn can not 86.Lb4 h1Q 87.b3 #} 86.b4+ Ka4 87.Ld6
move, but king can go to the centre; to e5- h2 {87...Ka3 88.b5+} 88.Lxh2 and White
square: 63.Kf4 Lc2 64.f6 Lg6 and Black wins} 81.Ke4 Kc4 82.Kf3 Kb3 83.La3
build a fortress... Not easy... The other try with achieving a winning position. But now Black
63.Kg4 Ld3 64.f6 Lg6 65.Lf4 Ke6 also can achieve a theoretically drawish position]
leads to nowhere) 63...Ld3 64.Lg3 Le4 79.Lc7 [79.Kf5 a4 80.Kg4 a3 81.bxa3
65.Ke5! Lc2 66.f6 Lg6 67.Lf4! (nothing is {81.b3 Kxb6 82.Kxh3 Kb5 83.Lc3 a2
obtained by 67.Kd5 h5 68.Kc5 Lf7 69.Kb6 84.Kg3 a1Q 85.Lxa1 Kb4 = or 79.b7 Kxb7
Ld5 70.f7 Lxf7 71.Kxb7 Lc4 =) 67...h5 (the 80.Kd5 a4 81.Kc4 a3 =} 81...Kxb6 =]
task to defend this position without h-pawn by 79...a4 80.Kf5 a3 81.bxa3 h2 82.Lxh2 Kxb6
changing the black pieces Kf7 & Ld7 into =) 78.Lc7 Kc6 79.Ld6 Kb5 80.Kd5 (80.b4
Kd7 & Lf7, depending where the white king b6 =) 80...Kxa5 81.Kc5 Ka4 82.Kc4 seems
goes, I will leave to chess composers...) 68.Lg3 to be a draw with accurate play: 82...Ka5!
Le8!? (68...Lf7 69.Kf5 and king goes to g7: 83.Lc7+ Ka4 84.Lh2 Ka5 85.Lg1 Ka4
69...h4 70.Le5 h3 71.Kg4 Le6+ 72.Kg5 86.Lc5 Ka5 87.Ld6 Kb6 and so on...
Ke8 73.Kg6 Lf7+ 74.Kg7 Le6 75.Lf4 55.Kh6 Kg8 56.g4
Ld5 appears to be just a transposition to Anand resigned, as he regained correct
66...Le8) 69.Kf5 Lf7 70.Kg5 Ke6 71.Le5 'endgame-schematic' thinking, and realized
Le8 72.Kh6 h4 73.Kg7 h3 74.f7 Lxf7 75.d7 that he has no defence against the following
Kxd7 76.Kxf7 Kc6 (D) and we have the winning plan of Topalov: Kh6, Lg7 and g5-
following diagram: g6, with the black bishop not on e8.
XABCDEFGHY Here how it works: 56...Ld7 57.g5 Lc6
58.Lg7! (58.g6? hxg6 59.Kxg6 Kf8
8-+-+-+-+( 60.Kf6 Ld7 =) 58...Le8 (58...e5 59.g6!
7+p+-+K+-' hxg6 60.Kxg6 and white king to e7 is
inevitable, winning the black bishop and the
6p+k+-+-+& game) 59.f4! (zugzwang!!!) 59...Lc6 60.g6
hxg6 61.Kxg6 Ld7 62.Kf6 Lc6 63.Lh6
5zP-+-vL-+-% Ld7 64.Ke7 +–.
4-+-+-+-+$ 1–0

3+-+-+-+p# A painful loss, especially when I myself

2-zP-+-+-+" introduced him to 'endgame thinking' 18
years ago in 1992…
1+-+-+-+-! It could have easily cost Anand the crown
of the World Champion, but in the end he
xabcdefghy won by prevailing in the very last game
A new critical position which seems to be (Anand-Topalov 6½:5½ - Sofia 2010) and
holdable: 77.Ke6 and now (77.Ke7 b6 retained the title that he had won by beatin
[77...Kb5 78.Lc7 h2 {78...Kc6 79.Kd8 +–} earlier V.Kramnik.
79.Lxh2 Kxa5 =] 78.axb6 Kxb6 leads to As I did mention, the work we did together
drawish position as black king goes to b3) at that time was very useful for his career and
77...Kb5 (also a good ‘technical’ way to draw was paid-out in many-many games.
is 77...b6 78.axb6 a5!! [78...Kxb6? loses: In one of our regular meetings we were
79.Kd5 Kb5 80.Ld6! a5 {after 80...Ka4 mastering his 'schematic' vision and already
working with Rybka I created a nice study: in 1992 he solved the following problem
81.Kc4! Ka5 {81...a5 82.b3 #} 82.Lc7+ easily:

FIDE TRG Syllabus 164

□ Kupreichik Viktor XABCDEFGHY
■ Gurevich Mikhail
Riga 1985 ● 8-+-+-+-+(
XABCDEFGHY 7+p+-+-+-'
8-+-+-+-+( 6p+k+p+p+&
7+p+-+-+-' 5+-+-zP-+p%
6p+k+p+p+& 4-zPK+-+-zP$
5+l+-zP-+p% 3+-+-+-zP-#
4-zP-mK-+-zP$ 2-+-+p+-+"
3+-+-+-zP-# 1+-+-vLl+-!
2-+-+p+-+" xabcdefghy
1+-+-vL-+-! The winning scheme is achieved. White
pieces are both paralyzed. Now a simple task;
xabcdefghy to lose a tempo, and let White to play...
Black has two extra pawns so the position 58...b6!
should be certainly winning despite the Zugzwang. No good move left.
opposite colour bishops. However White can 59.b5+!?
try to create some kind of a fortress. While 59.Kd4 Kb5 60.Ld2 a5 61.bxa5 bxa5
Le1 and b4-pawn are well in control of 62.Le1 a4 63.Kc3 Lg2 64.Ld2 Ld5
Black's a6, b7 and e2 pawns and the white 65.Kb2 (65.Le1 a3) 65...Kc4 –+.
monarch stands ‘shouldering’ his colleague, 59...axb5+ 60.Kd4 b4! 61.Lxb4 Kb5
trying to prevent him from penetrating. The 62.Le1 Ka4
logical question needs to be answered: how to And black king came through...
improve the black king; how to enter into 63.Kc3 b5 64.Kb2 b4 65.Ld2 Lg2
White's position and to come to f1- or d1- 66.Le1 Ld5
squares, as a dream, or at least to b5 and to With the inevitable idea of...Kc4, ...b3 and
create a new passed a-pawn, without losing then the king goes to f1. White resigned.
his important e2-pawn? Simple calculation 0–1
shows that the task is not as easy as it seems,
as with Black's bishop on d5 or a2 White Following my work with Kasparov, Anand,
plays Kd3 and attacks the e2-pawn; Topalov, many other GMs, I still believe that
otherwise White’s king stays always on c4 correct ‘endgame thinking’ comes only
and his bishop moves d2-e1... If Black’s king through long and hard training (with a lot of
goes to the kingside, White’s king simply valuable exercises) and it simply needs to be
follows... This is one of those positions, mastered...
where ‘human’ calculation is just not good Where and how the famous ex-World
enough to win a game. Here, ‘schematic’ Champion Jose Raul Capablanca got it is the
thinking is the only the way to answer the greatest wonder for me; and there is no way
questions, to solve the problem. It took a to find out...
couple of minutes for the young Anand to So, master it, learn it, train it, and during
find the solution in 1992... The answer to all the play ‘do not hurry’.
problems is ...Lf1! If you understand it, the This last example shows how ‘schematic’
calculation is primitive... thinking improves our practical chances,
53...La4 54.Kc4 Lc2 55.Ld2 Lf5 sometimes allowing to win unwinnable
56.Le1 Lh3 57.Lc3 Lf1! 58.Le1 (D) positions...
FIDE TRG Syllabus 165
□ Magalashvili Davit Black's queen and rook are perfectly placed
■ Gurevich Mikhail compared to the opponent's pieces which are
Warsaw 2005 ● passive, but how to develop an advantage?
XABCDEFGHY Computer programs are helpless here, but a
well-trained brain used to 'schematic'
8-+r+-+k+( thinking will help...
7+-+-+p+p' Despite the fact that queens and rooks are on
6-+-+p+p+& the board and the material is limited, Black is
well in control on the centre, so, I see no real
5+-+-+-+-% danger to my adventurous monarch...
4-+qzP-+-+$ 52.Qf3+ Ke6 53.Kh2 f6! 54.Qe2 Kd6
55.Qf3 Kc5 56.Qf4!?
3+-zp-zP-zPP# My opponent realizes that passive defence
2-+Q+-zP-+" loses and starts active resistance.
56...Ra4! 57.Qc7+ Kb4 58.Qb7+ Kc4 (D)
xabcdefghy 8-+-+-+-+(
The position is 'drawish', although the 7+Q+-+-+p'
dangerous passed c3-pawn demands by
White a very good defence.
34...Kg7!? 35.Kg2 Kf8!? 5+-+-+-+-%
Creating a seemingly senseless triangle, and
introducing a trap... Not good was 35...e5 4r+kwqP+-+$
36.Qe4 exd4 37.Qxd4+ Qxd4 38.exd4 Kf6 3+-zp-+-zPP#
39.Kf3 Ke6 40.Ke3 =.
36.Kg1 Kg8 37.Kg2 2-+R+-zP-mK"
White fell for it easily. 37.Kh2!? was 1+-+-+-+-!
37...e5!? 38.dxe5 Qd5+ 39.e4 xabcdefghy
39.Kg1 was more 'careful'. 59.Qc6+?!
39...Qxe5 A mistake in a very difficult position. The
The first step is achieved; the centre is a bit computer move is 59.Re2 activating the
more open, Black's pieces a bit more mobile... rook, was the most stubborn defence, but I do
40.Qd3 Rc5 not want to get into computer variations here.
Intending to slowly swap places of queen and Let's keep it 'human'.
rook... 59...Kb3 60.Re2 Qc4 61.Qb6+ Rb4
41.Rc2 Kg7 42.Re2 Rc8 43.Rc2 Qc5 62.Qe3 Qd4 63.Qf3 Rb6 64.e5?! fxe5
44.Kf1 Qb4!? 45.Kg2 Rc4 46.Qf3 Qc5 65.Qf7+ Qc4 66.Qf3 e4!
47.Qd3 Qc6 48.Qf3 Qc7 49.Qd3 Qc5 The winning manoeuvre.
The tempo is lost, the same position with 67.Rxe4 Rf6! 68.Qd1+ c2 69.Re3+ Kb2
White to play - new trap. 70.Qd2 Qc5! 71.Re2 Rf3 72.Kg2 Rf6
50.Qf3? 73.Kg1 Rd6 74.Qf4 Rd4 75.Qb8+ Rb4
And the opponent falls for it again; a good 76.Qd8 Qd4 77.Qa5 Kb1 78.Kg2 Rb2!
sign... The last finesse, covering the a2-square and
50...Qd4! now the c2-pawn is unstoppable. My
Black controls the centre; a big achievement. opponent threw out a white towel...
51.Qe2 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 166
Pawn Endings
Andrew Martin
'Pawn endings are to chess what putting is I am sure that you will have your own
to golf' - CJS Purdy. favourites. It is only important to steer the
You may have the most powerful drive in students in the right direction. It is extremely
the game and your approach play might be important that the books do not sit in the
sublime, but if you can't put the ball in the bookcases gathering dust.
hole you will not go anywhere as a golfer. Summarizing, the coach must inspire
So it is with chess. If your endgame play is students to develop a strong appreciation of
not up to scratch you will soon be found out the endgame.
as you rise through the levels. This appreciation will generate the
The main challenge for the coach is in the enthusiasm to study endgames, which in turn
presentation of endgames. This is obviously develops intuition and understanding.
not a problem when one is dealing with Most constructive study of the endgame
talented, motivated players, but at lower will be done alone and the student has to be
levels it can be a struggle. Somehow, students properly motivated in order to do this.
have to develop within themselves a strong So to pawn endings. I have only five pages
appreciation of the endgame which will drive to work with, so I'm going to concentrate on
them to deepen their understanding. This is examples which would inspire me to study
the job of the coach. this subject further.
John Nunn has spoken of a 'feel' for the
endgame. We see in the games of great What is important?
players an almost faultless intuition when to 1) Even the simplest pawn endings require
come to this phase of the game. They seem to care.
know exactly when and where to place their 2) Second-best does not exist.
places and they always win won positions. 3) Pawn structure means more in pure pawn
The coach has to get across the message that endings than in any other phase of the game.
this 'feel' can be learned and developed 4) The king is boss!
within oneself. I could compile a list printed many times
We are fortunate to have a terrific before, about the opposition, zugzwang,
collection of books and electronic data on the bodycheck, triangulation, the square and the
endgame. Any coach is safe to recommend theory of coordinate squares.
information by Karsten Muller (books and But you will already have your favourite
DVD's), John Nunn (brilliant, sometimes ways of presenting these ideas.
dry), Yuri Averbakh, Mark Dvoretsky and
Jon Speelman. Care
In addition: Ever-faster time controls have taken away a
1) Cheron's - four volume set - Lehr und lot of the precision from tournament chess.
Handbuch des Endspiele. Chess has become a lot more sport-like; a
2) Basic Chess Endings - Reuben Fine. pressure game, with mistakes regularly
3) Practical Chess Endgames - Paul Keres. cropping up in all games at all levels.
4) Practical Endgame Play-Mastering the However, any player of any class has to
Basics - Efstratios Grivas. realise that care is needed in pawn endings
5) Endgame Strategy - M.Shereshvsky. beyond any other quality.
6) With specific reference to pawn Our sense of danger must be on high alert
endgames - The Final Countdown - Hajenius when only pawns are left, lest the position
and Van Reimsdijk. spit in our face.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 167
□ Abdulla Al Rakib XABCDEFGHY
■ Emms John
Scarborough 1999 ○ 8-+-+-+-+(
XABCDEFGHY 7+-+-+-+p'
8-+-+-+-+( 6k+-+p+p+&
7+-+-+-+p' 5+-mK-+-+-%
6Pmk-+p+p+& 4-+-+-+-+$
5+-+-+-+-% 3+-+-+-+P#
4-+-+-+-+$ 2-+-+-zP-+"
3+-+K+-+P# 1+-+-+-+-!
2-+-+-zP-+" xabcdefghy
1+-+-+-+-! Kd4 7.Kg7 Ke5 8.Kxh7 Kf6 9.Kg8! Kf5
10.Kg7 Kg4 11.Kxg6 Kxh4 12.f4 +–.
xabcdefghy So he could win, but what precision was
I have no doubt that White thought he was necessary!
winning this position. The outside passed
pawn on a6 surely drags the black king away Example 1 ○
from the action. First, let's see the game. Let’s see the following study by Grigoriev:
1.Ke4 Kxa6 2.Ke5 XABCDEFGHY
Straightforward. If 2.h4 Kb5 3.Ke5 Kc4
4.Kxe6 Kd3 draws: 5.Kf6 Ke2 6.f4 Kf3 =. 8-+-+-+-+(
2...Kb5 3.Kf6 Kc4 4.Kg7 Kd3 5.Kxh7
Ke2 6.Kxg6 Kxf2 7.h4 e5 8.Kf5 Kf3! 7+-+-+-+-'
Nice. The black king does two jobs at once. If 6-mk-zp-+-+&
8...Kg3? then 9.h5 +–.
9.Kxe5 Kg4 10.h5 Kxh5 5+-+-+-+-%
Abdulla is left scratching his head. 4P+P+-+-+$
Now let us have a re-run of this endgame, 2-+-+-+-+"
because something doesn't feel quite right.
Instead: 1+-+K+-+-!
1.Kd4! Kxa6 2.Kc5! (D)
(see next diagram)
Preparing to cramp Black with h4 and I have set this position to my students many
keeping the black king confined. Ideas and times. I don’t even tell them whose move it is
plans abound in pawn endings and this is and ask them what's going on. They shortly
what can often make them so fascinating. work out it must be White to play and draw,
2...Ka5 although few get it right without trial and
If 2...e5 3.f3!! (3.h4 e4! 4.Kd4 Kb5 5.Kxe4 error.
Kc4 6.f3 Kc3 7.h5 Kc4 8.f4 Kc3! =) No doubt the strong and motivated will solve
3...Ka5 4.Kc4! Ka4 5.h4 h5 6.Kd3!! +– this position instantly, but how often do we
(6.Kd5 g5!). A superb move, covering the get to work with such players? Not everyone
possibility of ...g5!. can get by with a pat on the back and a gentle
3.h4 Ka4 4.Kd6 Kb4 5.Kxe6 Kc4 6.Kf6 nudge in the right direction.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 168
1.Kc2 Ka5 2.Kb3 a2 (D) is important in king and pawn endings. The
XABCDEFGHY game is on a knife-edge throughout.
Second-best does not Exist
7+-+-+-+-' Following on from the last topic, precision
6-+-zp-+-+& is the keynote in pawn endings. Room for
error is marginalized. We often see
5mk-+-+-+-% inexperienced and younger players speeding
4P+P+-+-+$ up as the endgame approaches, thus the
likelihood of a serious mistake increases.
2p+-+-+-+" □ Tal Mihail
■ Djurasevic Bozidar
1+-+-+-+-! Varna 1958 ○
xabcdefghy XABCDEFGHY
Easy to here, but what next? 8-+-mk-+-+(
In a game we might have to find this move 7+-+-+pzp-'
quickly. 6p+-+p+-zp&
3...Kxa4 4.c5! (another fine point) 4...dxc5 5+p+-+-+-%
5.Kxa2 =. 4-+-+-zP-+$
4.Ka1!! (D)
XABCDEFGHY 3zP-+-+-+-#
8-+-+-+-+( 2-zPP+-+PzP"
7+-+-+-+-' 1+-mK-+-+-!
6-+-zp-+-+& xabcdefghy
5+-+-+-+-% Give this position to your students, pair them
off without any further information and ask
4PmkP+-+-+$ them to play it out, maybe with 15 mins or so
3+-+-+-+-# on the clock. They must write out the moves.
Once they have finished the position should
2p+-+-+-+" be analysed properly.
1mK-+-+-+-! In fact White to move has a considerable
advantage which is not immediately apparent
xabcdefghy at first sight:
A lovely move and the saving grace. 1) It is easier for him to create a passed pawn.
4...Kxa4 2) He can activate his king more easily.
4...Kxc4 5.Kxa2 Kb4 6.Kb2 Kxa4 7.Kc3 1.Kd2!
Kb5 8.Kd4 =. Tal wastes no time activating his king.
5.c5! dxc5 6.Kxa2 1...Kd7
An examination of similar examples during a 1...g5 2.fxg5 hxg5 3.h3!, intends g3 and h4.
training session can be fun and full of White would then be able to set up two
surprises for the students. They will surely outside passed pawns.
develop the understanding that care above all 2.Kd3 Kd6 3.c4! (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 169
XABCDEFGHY □ Lasker Edward
■ Molle Dominique
8-+-+-+-+( Berlin 1904 ●
7+-+-+pzp-' XABCDEFGHY
6p+-mkp+-zp& 8-+-+-+-+(
5+p+-+-+-% 7+-+-+pzpp'
4-+P+-zP-+$ 6-+-+-+-+&
3zP-+K+-+-# 5+-+-+P+P%
2-zP-+-+PzP" 4-+k+-+P+$
1+-+-+-+-! 3+-zp-+-+-#
xabcdefghy 2-+-+-zP-+"
White speedily creates a passed pawn. The 1+-mK-+-+-!
threat is simply cxb5 followed by b3 and a4!
3...bxc4+ xabcdefghy
3...e5 4.fxe5+ Kxe5 5.cxb5 axb5 6.b3 Kd5 I would be keen to see how a group assesses
7.a4 bxa4 8.bxa4 Kc5 9.Ke4 Kb4 10.Ke5 this position. Black to move got it all wrong
Kxa4 11.Kd6 shows the mechanism in in the game, but he did not have to suffer for
action. The white king will invade and his mistake.
destroy Black's kingside. 1...h6?? 2.f4??
4.Kxc4 e5? It just goes to show that even masters do not
A fatal mistake according to Grandmaster necessarily play pawn endings well. White
Grivas. Correct was 4...g5! 5.g3 (5.fxg5 hxg5 could actually win this position with 2.f6!
6.h3 f5 7.g3 e5 8.Kd3 f4 with a draw) gxf6 3.f4 Kd4 4.g5 fxg5 5.fxg5 Ke5 6.gxh6
5...gxf4! 6.gxf4 and only now 6...e5! with a Kf6 7.Kc2.
draw. Black failed to understand the 2...f6
difference. Normal service has been resumed.
5.fxe5+ Kxe5 6.b4 f5 7.b5 3.g5 Kd4
The smaller the pawn majority, the easier it is 0–1
to make a passed pawn. Black has not been
able to fire a shot in anger in this endgame. If we re-run the ending, Black could have
7...axb5+ 8.Kxb5 f4 9.a4 g5 10.a5 g4 made life simple with
10...Kd6 is far too slow: 11.Kc4 g4 1...f6!
(11...Kc6 12.Kd4 Kb5 13.Ke4 Kxa5 White cannot now break through:
14.Kf5 Kb5 15.h3! +– - the fine point, 2.h6
preparing Kg6) 12.Kd4 Kc6 13.Ke4 f3 2.f4 h6! (2...Kd5 is ok too: 3.g5 h6 –+).
14.gxf3 gxf3 15.Kxf3 +–. 2...gxh6 3.f4 Kd5 –+
Black resigns due to 11...Ke4 (11...f3 By constantly emphasizing that second-best
12.gxf3 gxf3 13.Kd3) 12.a6 f3 13.gxf3+ will not do when it comes to the pawn
gxf3 14.a7 f2 15.a8Q+. Perfect play by Tal. ending, the skilled trainer will be preparing
1–0 his students for constructive endgame work
on their own. The students will chuckle at the
The following ending is rather instructive mistakes made in examples such as the one
and important and should be always kept in above and will be able to see themselves
mind: more clearly.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 170
Pawn Structure Preparing for a later breakthrough.
Any type of pawn weakness is going to be 31...d5 32.b3 d4
magnified in a pure pawn ending. Isolated, A protected passed pawn, no less! Black
doubled, tripled, hanging pawns are to be thought this was insurance against defeat.
avoided like the plague. The more pawn 33.f4
islands (groups of pawns) the worse the Shutting out the black king and preparing to
ending. transfer his own king to e4.
This realization gets the students used to 33...Kd6 34.g4 Ke7 35.Kf2 Kd6 36.Kf3
the ending as part of a complete game. One Ke7 37.Ke4 Kd6 38.h4 Kd7 39.b4!! (D)
would certainly think twice about playing an XABCDEFGHY
opening variation or entering into a
middlegame where all potential pawn endings 8-+-+-+-+(
Of course, you cannot play chess like that,
but just to have this sense of danger in the 6-+-+-zp-zp&
back of your head is a good thing.
□ Capablanca Jose Raul 4PzPPzpKzPPzP$
■ Conde Adrian Garcia
Hastings 1919 ○ 3+-+-+-+-#
XABCDEFGHY 2-+-+-+-+"
8-+-+-+-+( 1+-+-+-+-!
7+-+-+p+-' xabcdefghy
6-+kzp-zp-zp& Foreseen well in advance. White's superior
pawn structure gives him all the options,
5zp-zp-+P+-% whereas Black has to sit and watch.
4-+P+-+-+$ 39...axb4
39...cxb4 40.Kxd4 also loses, as White has a
3+-+-+-+P# kingside breakthrough with g5 ready:
40...Kd6 (40...Kc6 41.g5 fxg5 42.fxg5 +–)
2PzP-+-zPP+" 41.g5 hxg5 42.c5+ Kc6 43.fxg5 fxg5
1+-+-+-mK-! 44.hxg5 b3 45.Kc3 Kxc5 46.g6 +–.
40.a5 Kc7 41.g5 fxg5 42.fxg5 hxg5 43.hxg5
xabcdefghy b3 44.Kd3 Kd7 45.g6 fxg6 46.fxg6
White has two pawn islands to Black's four. The black king needs to cut himself in half in
In addition, he is much the better player! This order to cope with the two passed pawns. A
hints at the idea that Black's game plan has keen appreciation of and respect for pawn
not been very well thought through. structure dramatically improves decision-
Capablanca was a legend in the endgame. making at other stages of the game. All
All students at every level will benefit from a coaches will have examples of the above type
study of his games. I can recommend to draw on.
'Capablanca's Best Chess Endings' by Irving 1–0
Chernev as an excellent reference point.
I don't know whether Conde thought he could The King is the Boss
keep the white king at bay, but one glance at In the land of pawns, the king is the boss.
his pawn structure should have told him the Without an active, aggressive and positive
game was up. use of the king, pawn endings cannot be
31.a4! played successfully.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 171
This does not mean a lecture on the theory common motifs in king and pawn endgames.
of coordinate squares is the right way to 52...Kf8!
proceed. I think I would rather watch the A paradoxical but excellent move, placing
traffic lights change than attend one of those. White in zugzwang. The white king cannot
If you had uniformed men with machine guns leave the e-file due to ...h5! and if he retreats
and snarling dogs, lining the auditorium you he allows the black king to come to d6.
might just pull it off. 53.Ke3 Ke7 54.Ke4 Kd6 55.Kd4 h6!
No, it means sensible and inspiring One tempo makes all the difference. White
examples which encourage the student to go must give way.
away stimulated to study the endgame 56.Ke4 Kc5 57.Ke3 Kd5
themselves. 57...Kb4 58.Kd4 Kxa4 59.Kd5 Kb3
60.Ke6 a4 61.Kxf6 is winning for Black,
□ Randviir Juri but unnecessarily complicated. Why take any
■ Keres Paul risks at all?
Parnu 1947 ● 58.Kd3 Ke5 59.Ke3 h5 60.gxh5 Kxf5
XABCDEFGHY 61.Kf3 Ke6 62.Kg4 Kf7 63.Kf5 Kg7
Superbly played by Keres.
8-+-+-+-+( 0–1
This is a complex position where Black finds Conclusion
himself a pawn up, but with his king offside. My main conclusion is that most serious
Can he win? endgame work is done at home, alone. Most
45...Kb5! endgame experience is picked up from the
Keres mentions that 45...Kb6 46.Kc4 a5 joys and sorrows of practical play. It is the
47.a4 h6 48.Kc3 Kc7 49.Kd3 draws. job of the coach to get the student in the right
46.a4+ Kb6 47.Kc4 a5 48.d6 frame of mind and motivated to
48.Kc3 Kc7 49.Kd3 Kd6 50.Kc4 h6! systematically study the endgame.
shows the value of an extra tempo. Black A 'feel' for the endgame can be learned by
wins: 51.Kb5 Kxd5 52.Kxa5 Kc6! 53.Ka6 competitors of limited natural ability.
c4. Talented players will have this intuitive grasp
48...Kc6 49.d7 Kxd7 50.Kxc5 Ke7! already; it just needs to be prodded and
Restricting White's king thanks to the stimulated in the right way. These students
breakthrough involving ...h5!. are a joy to work with, but they are few and
51.Kd5 far between.
51.Kb5 h5 52.gxh5 g4 53.h6 Kf7 –+. As far as king and pawn endgames go,
51...Kf7 52.Ke4 appreciation is the key. Instil that in your
Black threatened ...h5 followed by ...Kg7-h6. students and half the battle is won. The other
Zugzwang approaches, one of the most half they will have to win for themselves.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 172
Queen Endings
Andrew Martin
The defining characteristic of Queen XABCDEFGHY
Endings is that they are gruelling. Queen
endings can be protracted and exhausting. 8-+-+-wQ-+(
They don’t crop up very often either, which
makes it doubly difficult for the coach to
interest his students in this subject. 6-+-+-+-+&
In my experience the attention span of the
audience is in direct relation to the practical 5+K+-+-+-%
use of the information being supplied. 4-+-+-+-+$
So, the coach is running uphill on this one
and must work hard for his honest crust. Of 3+-+-+-+-#
course, the job can be done!
I split the subject into two areas:
1) Queen and pawn endgames. 1+-+-+-+-!
2) Other queen endgames.
Queen Pawn Endings Example 2 ○
The way diverges again. A coach does best
to emphasize the general characteristics of
such endings and then point the students 8-+-+-wQ-+(
towards the right information.
I have many times covered various queen
endings in group sessions, but only in small 6-+-+-+-+&
doses. Anything else would drive the crowd
mad. 5+K+-+-+-%
What is important?
1) A few basic positions.
2) The quality of the passed pawn is key. 3+-+-+-+-#
3) King safety often decides.
4) Get ready for the long haul.
The Absolute Basics
As I said, it is important for every student xabcdefghy
to know some basic positions: Queen versus bishop's pawn is often drawn
due to stalemating ideas at the end. The
Example 1 ○ coming example is an exception - keep it well
(see next diagram) in your mind…
A rook's pawn often gives rise to stalemating 1.Qf4+ Kd1
ideas. It is worth showing some exceptions. 1...Kc3 2.Qc1.
1.Qf2+! 2.Qd4+ Ke2 3.Qc3 Kd1 4.Qd3+ Kc1
1.Qb4+ Kc2 2.Qa3 Kb1 3.Qb3+ Ka1 5.Kc4
4.Qd1+ Kb2 5.Kb4 a1Q 6.Qd2+ Kb1 The white king is just close enough to force a
7.Kb3 wins in the same way. win.
1...Kb1 2.Kb4 a1Q 3.Kb3 5...Kb2 6.Qd2 Kb1 7.Kb3 c1Q 8.Qa2 #
1–0 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 173
Example 3 ○ Quality not Quantity
XABCDEFGHY As in all major piece positions, activity is
paramount and the quality rather than the
8K+-+-+-+( quantity of passed pawns often proves the
decisive factor.
6-+-+-+-+& □ Marshall Frank James
■ Tarrasch Siegbert
5+-+-+-+-% Ostend 1907 ●
4-+-+-+-zp$ XABCDEFGHY
3+-+-+-+-# 8-+-+-+-+(
2-+-+-+p+" 7+-+-+-+-'
1+-+-+-+k! 6-+-+-+-+&
xabcdefghy 5+-+-+Q+-%
The queen usually overpowers king and 4-+-+-+P+$
pawns easily, but there are a few rare cases
where things become more complicated. 3+-+-zp-+-#
1.Qf3 Kh2 2.Qf4+ Kh3 3.Qf2 g1Q!
½–½ 1+-+k+-+K!
Our last example proves the king’s value: xabcdefghy
I have no doubt at all that this was an
Example 4 ○ exhausting game and after hours of hard work
XABCDEFGHY Black had sacrificed material to reach this
winning position. His pawn on e3 is a giant.
8-+-+-+-+( In such positions you must collect yourself
for one final push to the summit!
7+Q+-+-+-' 1...Qf2?
6-+-+-mK-+& No! Now by a series of accurate diagonal
checks White forces a draw: Instead 1...e2!
5+-+-+-+-% wins: 2.Qb1+ Qc1 3.Qd3+ Ke1 (maybe a
tired Tarrasch failed to evaluate this position
4-+-+-+-zp$ correctly) 4.Kg2 Qc6+ 5.Kg1 Qc5+ 6.Kg2
3+-+-+-+-# Qf2+ 7.Kh3 Kf1! 8.g5 Kg1 –+.
2.Qb1+ Ke2 3.Qb5+ Kf3 4.Qd5+ Kg3
2-+-+-+p+" 5.Qe5+ Kxg4
1+-+-+-+k! The black king cannot avoid perpetual. Many
queen endings can be saved or even won if
xabcdefghy you own a quality passed pawn. All the
To win such a position, the queen needs student has to do is to keep this in mind. ½–½
cooperation from the king.
1.Qf3 Kh2 2.Qf2! h3 3.Kg5 Kh1 4.Qf3 King Safety
Kh2 5.Kh4! g1Q 6.Qxh3 # Counterattack, perpetual check and
Examples such as these should set the brains stalemate are the currency of the defender in
of the students ticking over. queen and pawn endings.
1–0 Never giving up hope and looking for every
FIDE TRG Syllabus 174
last resource are absolute prerequisites. The Long Haul
Of particular importance is king safety. An Are you ready for the long haul? Are you
open king or a king which can be opened up ready to invest every last drop of sweat into
means chances for both sides! fighting for the win?
Imagine playing the following game at the
□ Miles Anthony current FIDE time limits, with increments at
■ Korchnoi Viktor the end. This is why you need to be fit to play
Horgen 1994 ● chess, both in body and in mind.
□ Guliyev Namig
8-+-+-+-+( ■ Abbasov Farid
7+-wQ-+pzpk' B06 Baku 2008
1.e4 g6 2.d4 Lg7 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 d6 5.a4
6-+-zP-+p+& Nd7 6.Le2 Qc7 7.Le3 Ngf6 8.Nd2 0–0
5+-+-zp-+-% 9.f4 b6 10.0–0 Lb7 11.e5 Nd5 12.Nxd5
cxd5 13.Ld3 e6 14.Qg4 Rae8 15.Qh4 f6
4-+-+-+-+$ 16.Nf3 Qd8 17.Qg3 dxe5 18.fxe5 fxe5
19.dxe5 d4 20.Nxd4 Rxf1+ 21.Rxf1 Lxe5
3+-+-+-+P# 22.Qg4 Nf6 23.Qh4 Qd5 24.Rf3 Rf8 25.b3
2-+-wq-zPPmK" Qd6 26.Rh3 Qd7 27.Nf3 Lxf3 28.Rxf3
Nd5 29.Rxf8+ Kxf8 30.Ld2 Kg8 31.Qc4
1+-+-+-+-! Kg7 32.g3 Nf6 33.Le3 h5 34.Le2 Nd5
35.Lf2 Ne7 36.Qe4 Qc7 37.Lc4 Qd6
xabcdefghy 38.Qb7 Ld4 39.Qxa7 Kf6 40.Ld3 h4
This position looks extremely dangerous for 41.Qa8 Lxf2+ 42.Kxf2 hxg3+ 43.hxg3 Nf5
Black. But by concentrating on opening up 44.Qf3 Qd4+ 45.Kg2 Kg5 46.Qe2 Qd6
the enemy king he saves the game. 47.Qd2+ Kf6 48.Qf4 e5 49.Qe4 Qc7 50.b4
1...Qf4+! Qc3 51.g4 Nd6 52.Qxg6+ Ke7 53.Qg7+
1...Qxf2? will not do: 2.d7 Qf4+ 3.Kg1 Ke6 54.Qh6+ Kd5 55.b5 Qd4 56.Qg6
Qe3+ 4.Kh1 +–. Qxa4 57.c4+ Kc5 58.Qe6 Qa8+ 59.Kg3
2.Kg1 Qd8 60.Qxe5+ Kb4 61.Qb2+ Kc5 62.Qf2+
2.Kh1 is not helping either: 2...e4 3.Qc6 Kb4 63.Qe1+ Kc5 64.Qe5+ Kb4 65.g5
Qxf2 4.Qxe4 Qd2 5.Qh4+ Kg8 6.Qe7 Nxc4 66.Lxc4 Kxc4 67.Kg4 Qd7+ 68.Kf4
Qc1+ 7.Kh2 Qf4+ 8.Kg1 Qc1+ 9.Kf2 Kb4 69.g6 Ka5 70.g7 Qd2+ 71.Kf5 Qd3+
Qd2+ 10.Kg3 and now 10...g5! would do 72.Kf6 Qd8+ 73.Kg6 Qd3+ 74.Qf5 Qg3+
the job: 11.Qe8+ Kh7 12.Qxf7 Qxd6+ 75.Qg5 Qd3+ 76.Kh6 Qd6+ 77.Kh7 Qd3+
13.Kg4 Qd4+ 14.Kxg5 Qd2². 78.Qg6 Qh3+ 79.Qh6 Qf5+ 80.Kh8 Qe5
2...e4! 3.Qc6 81.Qh3 Qd4 82.Qg3 Qf6 83.Kh7 Qf5+
3.Qc5 doesn’t help, as after 3...Qd2 4.Qe5 84.Kh6 Qf6+ 85.Qg6 Qf4+ 86.Qg5 Qd6+
f6! Black is OK. 87.Kh5 Qh2+ 88.Kg6 Qd6+ 89.Kf7 Qc7+
3...e3 90.Qe7 Qc4+ 91.Qe6 Qc7+ 92.Kf8 Qd8+
Just in time. Now Black is ample to save the 93.Kf7 Qc7+ 94.Kf6 Qf4+ 95.Qf5 Qd6+
half-point. 96.Kg5 Qg3+ 97.Kh6 Qh4+ 98.Qh5 Qf4+
4.fxe3 Qxe3+ 5.Kf1 Qd2 6.d7 f5 7.Qc7 99.Kh7 Qe4+ 100.Kh8 Qd4 101.Qh2 Qf6
Qd1+ 8.Kf2 Qd2+ 9.Kg1 f4! 10.d8Q 102.Qd2+ Ka4 103.Qc2+ Ka5 104.Qc7
Qe1+ 11.Kh2 Qg3+ Qh4+ 105.Kg8 Qf6 106.Qc6 Qf5
Counterplay is the essence of successful 107.Qa8+ Kxb5 108.Qe8+ Ka6 109.Qa4+
Kb7 110.Qc4 Qg5 111.Qe4+ Ka6 112.Kf7
defence and this is no less true in queen
Qh5+ 113.Qg6 Qd5+ 114.Qe6 Qb7+
½–½ 115.Kf6 Qf3+ 116.Ke7 Qb7+ 117.Qd7
FIDE TRG Syllabus 175
Qe4+ 118.Kd8 Qh4+ 119.Kc8 Qc4+ There are no hard and fast rules for such
120.Kb8 Ka5 121.Qc7 Qe6 122.Qc3+ Kb5 endgames, but the usual guidelines associated
123.Qb2+ Ka6 124.Qa3+ Kb5 125.Qd3+ with queen endings come into play:
Kc6 126.Qf3+ Kb5 127.Qf1+ Ka5 1) The queen is best used as an attacking
128.Qg2 Qg8+ 129.Ka7 b5 130.Qg5 Qf7+ piece. Centralize the queen!
131.Kb8 Qg8+ 132.Kc7 Qc4+ 133.Kd6 2) The queen is a very poor defender.
Qd4+ 134.Ke6 Qb6+ 135.Kd5 Qb7+ 3) Queen and connected pawns are more
136.Kd4 Qd7+ 137.Ke4 Qc6+ 138.Kd3 effective than queen and split pawns.
Qc4+ 139.Kd2 Qd4+ 140.Kc2 Qe4+ 4) The queen and knight work very well
141.Kd1 Qf3+ 142.Ke1 Qe4+ 143.Kf2 together.
Qd4+ 144.Kg3 Qd3+ 145.Kf4 Qd4+ As space is pressing, I can only give a
146.Kf5 Qd5+ 147.Kg6 Qe6+ 148.Kh7 couple of examples.
Qh3+ 149.Qh6 Qf5+ 150.Kh8 Qe5
151.Qh4 Qc3 152.Qd8+ Ka4 153.Qa8+ □ Capablanca Jose Raul
Kb4 154.Qe4+ Ka5 155.Qf5 Qd4 156.Kh7 ■ Alekhine Alexander
Qh4+ 157.Kg6 Qg3+ 158.Kf6 Qd6+ Buenos Aires 1927 ○
159.Qe6 Qf4+ 160.Ke7 Qc7+ 161.Qd7
Qe5+ 162.Kf7 Qf4+ 163.Ke8 Qe4+ XABCDEFGHY
164.Qe7 Qc6+ 165.Kd8 Qd5+ 166.Kc8
Ka4 167.Qd7 Qc4+ 168.Kb7 Qe4+
169.Ka7 Qe3+ 170.Ka6 Qh6+ 171.Kb7 7+-wq-+p+-'
Qg6 172.Qd1+ Kb4 173.Qd4+ Ka3
174.Qe3+ Ka2 175.Qa7+ Kb3 176.Qe3+
Kb4 177.Qd4+ Kb3 178.Qe5 Ka4 5+-+-sN-+p%
179.Qf4+ Ka3 180.Qd4 (D)
5+p+-+-+-% Here is a typical queen endgame played at the
4-+-wQ-+-+$ highest level. It is impossible to demonstrate
a 100% win for White, but over the board
3mk-+-+-+-# Black's defensive task is so uncomfortable he
2-+-+-+-+" would lose this many times more than he
would make a draw.
1+-+-+-+-! We note White is beautifully centralized and
that he can create a passed d-pawn. He may
xabcdefghy also attack the black king directly, using the
There is plenty of play left, but the caretaker optimal attacking combination of queen and
switched off the lights. knight. All Black can do is wait and hope.
½–½ 39.Ne5 Lg7 40.Qa8+
40.Nf3 Lf6 41.Qd3 Kg7 42.e4 initiates a
Other Queen Endings clear plan suggested by GM Edmar Mednis.
Asymmetric queen endings, where the queen White creates a passed pawn without delay:
fights against other combinations of pieces can 42...Qc8 43.h3 Qc7 44.Nd2 Qc8 45.Nc4
be very interesting indeed. Perhaps the struggle Qd7 46.d5 exd5 47.exd5 ±. Who would want
of queen versus two rooks is most common. be Black in this situation? I estimate White's
FIDE TRG Syllabus 176
winning chances at 95%. Why didn't 69.g7?? Lc3².
Capablanca play this way then? He could see 69...Ke8 70.d7+
such a plan in his dreams. The answer is that Queen endings of all types give rise to
he thought he could always execute this plan complexity and this is why even the greatest
and probably wanted to torture Alekhine. players struggle with them. This was by no
Such tactics in a long match are means a perfect ending, but it was very
commonplace. Any advantage in any position typical and instructive. The coach might go
must be maximized. through such an ending with his students at
40...Kh7 41.Nf3 Lf6 42.Qa6! considerable length.
42.Qf8 Qe7. 1–0
42...Kg7 43.Qd3! Qb7 44.e4 Qc6 45.h3
Qc7 46.d5! □ Georgiev Kiril
46.Nd2?! h4!. ■ Anand Viswanathan
46...exd5 47.exd5 Qc3! Las Palmas 1993 ●
The exchange of queens enables the black XABCDEFGHY
king to take part in the action. 47...Qd6
48.Qc4 Qf8 49.Nd4 ±. 8k+-+-+-+(
48.Qxc3 7+p+-+-+-'
Better was 48.Qd1 and if 48.Qe4 then
48...Qc5! ². 6p+r+-+-+&
48...Lxc3 49.Kf1 Kf6 50.Ke2 Lb4!
51.Nd4 Lc5
51...Ke5?? 52.Nc6+. 4-+-+-+-+$
52.Nc6 Kf5 53.Kf3
53.f3 h4!. 3+K+-+-+-#
53...Kf6 54.g4 hxg4+ 55.hxg4 Kg5? 2-zP-+-+-+"
55...Ld6! looks like it holds the game: 56.Nd8
(56.Ke4 Kg5! and ...f5 =) 56...Le7. 1+-+-+-+-!
56.Ne5!! Ld4?! xabcdefghy
56...f5 57.d6! fxg4+ 58.Kg2! Lb6 (58...Kf5
The idea of constructing a fortress to keep out
59.d7 Le7 60.Nc6 +–) 59.d7 Kf5 60.Nc6 +–
the queen is an important idea which could be
or 56...f6 57.Nf7+ Kh4 58.d6 +– or 56...Kf6
introduced with the following example:
57.Nd7+ +– or, finally, 56...La3 57.d6 Kf6
1...Rb6+ 2.Ka3 Rb5 3.Qd4 Kb8 4.b3
58.d7 Ke7 59.Nxf7 Kxd7 60.Ne5+ +–. Ka8 5.Kb2 Kb8 6.Kc3 Ka8 7.Kc4 Kb8
57.Nxf7+ Kf6 58.Nd8 Lb6
8.b4 Kc7 9.Qf4+ Kb6!
58...Ke5?! 59.Nc6+ +–.
Anand defends very well, as one might expect.
59.Nc6 Lc5 60.Kf4! Instead 9...Kc8 10.Qd6 forces zugzwang.
60.Kg3 Ld6+ 61.f4 g5 = or 60.Ke2 Kg5 Black has nothing to do: 10...Rg5 (10...b6
61.f3 Kf4 =. 11.Qc6+ Kb8 12.Qd7! Ka8 13.Qc7!)
60...Lxf2 11.Qf8+ Kd7 12.Qf7+ Kc8 13.Qe8+ Kc7
60...g5+ 61.Kf3 planning Ke2, f3 and Kd3- 14.Qe7+.
c4. 10.Qb8 Rh5
61.g5+ Kf7 If the black king stays on darksquares, White
61...Kg7 62.d6. cannot get at the rook. 10...Kc6? 11.Qd8! b6
62.Ne5+ Ke7 (11...Re5 12.Qf6+ or 11...Rf5 12.Qc8+ or,
62...Kg7 63.d6. finally, 11...Rh5 12.Qe8+) 12.Qc8+ Kd6
63.Nxg6+ Kd6 64.Ke4 Lg3 65.Nf4 Ke7 13.Qxa6 +–.
66.Ke5 Le1 67.d6+ Kd7 68.g6 Lb4 11.Kb3 Rb5 12.Ka4 Rd5
69.Kd5 ½–½
FIDE TRG Syllabus 177
□ Petrosian Tigran commence action.
■ Geller Efim 71.b5 cxb5 72.Qxb5 Re7 73.g4 Rf6 74.a5
Kiev 1954 ● Rfe6 75.Qb2+ Kg8 76.Qb3 Kh7
XABCDEFGHY 77.Qd3+ Kg8 78.g5 (D)

8-+-+-+-+( XABCDEFGHY
7+p+rtr-mk-' 8-+-+-+k+(
6-+p+-+pzp& 7+p+-tr-+-'
5+-wQ-+-+-% 6-+-+r+-zp&
4-+-+-+-zP$ 5zP-+-+-zPP%
3zPP+-zP-zP-# 4-+-+-zP-+$
2-+-+-zPK+" 3+-+Q+K+-#
1+-+-+-+-! 2-+-+-+-+"
xabcdefghy 1+-+-+-+-!
This final example deals with the struggle of xabcdefghy
queen vs two rooks, although in this case This is the break that ultimately, Black could
White has two extra pawns. What does the not stop. Now the white pawn-phalanx will
owner of the queen require in such endings? march and there will be nothing that could
a) An aggressive queen. stop it!
b) A safe king. 78...hxg5 79.fxg5 Re5 80.Kf4 R5e6 81.g6
c) Not too many pawn islands. Isolated pa- b6 82.a6
wns are particularly vulnerable. 1–0
Meanwhile the rook’s possessor would like:
a) A safe king.
b) To train his rooks together on weak pawns.
c) To attack the enemy king.
In full knowledge of the facts Petrosian does
not hurry and settles down for a nice,
leisurely session (or two) where Geller is
squirming in his seat. Ultimately, he will use
his queen and connected pawns to wipe out
the black king.
42...Re6 43.h5 g5 44.Qc3+ Kh7 45.Qc2+
Kg7 46.Qf5 Rde7 47.f4 gxf4 48.exf4 Rd6
49.Kf3 Re1 50.Qg4+ Kf7 51.Qc8 Re7
52.Qf5+ Kg7 53.a4 Re1 54.Qg4+ Kf7 Summary
55.Qc8 Re7 56.b4 Rd3+ 57.Kg4 Kg7 On occasion, the experienced coach will
58.Qf5 Rd6 59.Qc5 Rdd7 60.Kh4 Re6 certainly deal with queen and pawn
61.Qc3+ Kh7 62.Qc2+ Kg7 63.Qb2+ endgames.
Kh7 64.Qb1+ Kg7 65.Qf5 Rdd6 66.Kh3 May I respectfully suggest that he confine
Re7 67.Kg4 Ree6 68.Kf3 Re7 69.Qc2 his examinations only to those endings which
Ree6 70.Qf5 Re8 have some relevance to practical over the
Not much has happened recently except for board chess.
Geller getting ground down psychologically. Queen endings are deep, complex and
The great players sense the right moment to gruelling. There is no getting away from it.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 178
Rook Endings
Andrew Martin
The subject of Rook Endings is an Example 1 ●
extremely important one and the coach must XABCDEFGHY
go to great lengths to emphasize this.
Rook endings crop up frequently in over 8-+-+k+-+(
the board chess and even an understanding
which is minimally superior to that of the
opponent can pay rich dividends. 6-+-+-+-+&
The student will have to understand early
that there are certain positions which have to 5+-+KzP-+-%
be learned. Theory is as important in rook 4-+-+-+-+$
endings as it is in the opening!
Once again let us break the subject down to
make it easier to manage: 1+-+-+-+r!
1) The basics must be learned. Specific
knowledge is of vital importance. xabcdefghy
2) Activity is the key to understanding rook Black to play.
endings. The rook needs room to breathe. Solution: 1...Kd8 or 1...Kf8 or even
3) Planning ahead is necessary. 1...Rh6, draws comfortably.
It is said that Capablanca carefully analysed Example 2 ○
more than a thousand endgames in order to XABCDEFGHY
attain his mastery in the endgame.
I have no idea whether this is true or not, 8-+-+K+-+(
but it is safe to say that everyone who wants
to improve at chess has to put the hard yards
into rook endings. 6-+-+-+-+&
I would start by giving the students a basic
set of positions as homework, without 5+-+-+-+-%
solutions. Ask them to go away and find the 4-+-+-+-+$
solutions, somehow.
Then get them to discuss the solutions 3+-+-+-+-#
individually in front of the group at the next
Nobody will know which position they 1+-+R+-+-!
have to comment on. This will ensure they
complete the homework properly. xabcdefghy
All good coaches will have a whole stack of White to play and win (two ways).
thematic rook endings to analyze. I give my Solution: 1.Rc1+ Kb6 2.Rc4 and
basic top ten. 1.Rd4 Re2 2.Rc4+
I also give brief solutions - this doesn’t This is the basic winning method, called the
mean that you will give them to your trainees, ‘bridge’.
at least not before they try to solve them… 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 179
Example 3 ● Example 5 ○
8-+-mK-+-+( 8-+-+-+-+(
7+-+P+k+-' 7+-+-+-+-'
6-+-+-+-+& 6-mKP+-+-+&
5+-+-+-+-% 5+-+r+-+-%
4-+-+-+-+$ 4-+-+-+-+$
3+-+-+-+-# 3+-+-+-+-#
2r+-+-+-+" 2-+-+-+-+"
1+-+-tR-+-! 1mk-+-+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
Black to move. White to win. White to play. What result?
Solution: 1...Rc2 2.Rf1+ Kg6 3.Rf4 Rc1 Solution: White wins with 1.c7 Rd6+ 2.Kb5
4.Ke7 Re1+ 5.Kd6 Rd1+ 6.Ke6 Re1+ 2.Kc5? Rd1 =.
6...Rd2 7.Rc4 Rd1 8.Rc5 +–. 2...Rd5+ 3.Kb4 Rd4+ 4.Kb3 Rd3+
7.Kd5 Rd1+ 8.Rd4 5.Kc2 Rd4 6.c8R!
1–0 6.c8Q? Rc4².
6...Ra4 7.Kb3!
Example 4 ○ With the double threat Kxa4 and Rc1 #.

8-+-+-+RmK( Example 6 ○
7+-+-+-+-' XABCDEFGHY
6-+-mk-+-+& 8-+-+-+-+(
5+-zp-+-+-% 7+-+-+-+-'
4-+-+-+-+$ 6-+-+-+-+&
3+-+-+-+-# 5+-+-+-+-%
2-+-+-+-+" 4-mk-+-+-+$
1+-+-+-+-! 3+pzp-+-+-#
xabcdefghy 2-+-+-+-+"
White to play. What result? 1+KtR-+-+-!
Solution: White wins with 1.Rg5!
Cutting off the king in the 5th rank - a well- xabcdefghy
known winning method. White to play and win.
1...Kc6 Solution: 1.Rh1 Kc4 2.Kc1 Kd3
1...c4 2.Kg7 c3 3.Rg3 c2 4.Rc3 +–. 2...Kb4 3.Rh8 Kc4 4.Rb8.
2.Kg7 Kb5 3.Kf6 Kb4 4.Ke5 c4 5.Kd4 3.Rh4 b2+ 4.Kb1 Kd2 5.Rc4 Kd3 6.Rc8
c3 6.Rc5 Kd2 7.Rd8+
1–0 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 180
Example 7 ○ Example 9 ●
8-tR-+-+-+( 8-+-mk-+-+(
7+-+-+pmkp' 7+-+-+-+R'
6-+-+-+p+& 6-+-mK-+-+&
5+-+-zp-+-% 5+-+P+-+-%
4-+-+-+-+$ 4-+-+-+-+$
3tr-+-+-zP-# 3+-+-+-+-#
2-+-+-zPKzP" 2-+-+-+-+"
1+-+-+-+-! 1+-+r+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
White to play. What result? Find examples. Black to play and draw.
Solution: In general this position with 4:3 Solution: 1...Kc8 2.Rh8+ Kb7 3.Rd8
pawns on the same side is drawn, especially 3.Ke6 Kc7!.
if the weaker side is able to push his h-pawn 3...Rh1 4.Re8 Rd1 5.Re5 Kc8 ½–½
twice, without creating any weakness:
1.h4! Example 10 ○
Example 8 ○ 8-+-+-+-+(
XABCDEFGHY 7+-+-+-mk-'
8R+-+-+-+( 6R+-+-+-+&
7+-+-+-mk-' 5+r+-+-+P%
6P+-+-+-+& 4-+-+-zPK+$
5+-+-+p+p% 3+-+-+-+-#
4-+-+-+p+$ 2-+-+-+-+"
3+-+-+-zP-# 1+-+-+-+-!
2r+-+-zPKzP" xabcdefghy
1+-+-+-+-! White to play. Can he win with best play?
Solution: Here we have a theoretical draw:
xabcdefghy 1.h6+ Kh7!
White to play. What result? 1...Kf7? 2.Ra7+ Kg8 3.f5 Rb1 4.f6 Rf1
Solution: White wins as he can attack (via 5.Kg5 Rg1+ (5...Rf2 6.Ra8+ Kh7 7.Ra4
g5) and capture Black's kingside pawns: +–) 6.Kf5 Rf1+ 7.Ke5 Re1+ 8.Kd6 Rd1+
1.Kf1 Kf7 2.Ke1 Kg7 3.a7 Kh7 4.Kd1 9.Ke7 Re1+ 10.Kd8 Rd1+ 11.Ke8 Re1+
Kg7 5.Kc1 Kh7 6.Kb1 Ra5 7.Kc2 Ra1 12.Re7 +–.
8.Kd3 Ra3+ 9.Kd4 Ra4+ 10.Ke5 Ra5+ 2.f5 Rb1 3.Kg5 Rg1+! 4.Kf6 Rf1 5.Ke6
11.Kf4 Kg7 12.Kg5 Kxh6
1–0 ½–½
FIDE TRG Syllabus 181
Conclusion to Basics black rooks. White dies through lack of
This assignment will certainly challenge the activity in the end.
student and force them to take a close look at XABCDEFGHY
various items of endgame literature.
The coach will then reinforce the practical 8-+-+r+-+(
aspect of this work; that at any time the
student can expect any of these positions in
his or her games! 6-+-+-+-zp&
I am convinced this initial study will
prepare the ground for future enjoyable and 5+-tR-+-+-%
productive work on rook endgames. 4-+-+-mK-+$
Crash Crouse 3+R+-+-+P#
After the basics, comes the crash course. A
good coach could easily conduct a whole
lesson or session on any or all of the 1+-+-+-tr-!
following concepts:
1) 'The spirit of attack' rules in the rook xabcdefghy
ending - Rudolf Spielmann. 1...Re8 2.h4
2) Rooks belong behind passed pawns. A summary of the alternatives will show that
3) The rook or rooks and the king must be White is already under very serious pressure:
kept active. Passivity means defeat! 2.Rg3 Rf1+ 3.Kg4 Re4+ 4.Kh5 Rf3!!
4) Rook endings NOT always drawn! 5.Rxf3 g6 # or 2.Rf3 g5+ 3.Kf5 Rf8+
5) A rook on the seventh is worth a pawn. 4.Ke4 Re1+ 5.Re3 Re8+ –+ or, finally,
6) Lack of specific knowledge in rook 2.Re3 Rf8+ 3.Ke4 Rg6 4.Rf3 Re6+
endings will lose you many points. 5.Kd5 Rxf3 6.Kxe6 Rxh3 –+.
7) Activity, both in attack and defence is 2...Rf8+ 3.Ke5 Rg4 4.Rh3
the most important idea to understand. Exactly the type of uncomfortable move one
Grandmaster Grivas in his ‘Practical has to avoid in a rook ending, but what was
Endgame Play’ quotes five basic principles White to do? If 4.h5 Rg5+ 5.Kd4 Rxc5
that must be followed faithfully, in order to 6.Kxc5 Rf5+.
be sure that we have obeyed our ‘duty’, so to 4...Re8+ 5.Kd5 h5
speak: Nailing the weakness on h4.
1) Rook behind the pawn. 6.Kd6 Kh6 7.Rc1 Rd8+ 8.Ke5 Rdd4
2) Active rook. 9.Rch1
3) Active king. A horrific move to have to play.
4) Planning. 9...Kg6
5) Combination of all the above. 9...g6! wins immediately, threatening ...Kg7
and ...Rge4 mate! White would have to
Activity is the Key surrender the h-pawn to survive.
With the idea of activity kept firmly at the 10.Rg3 Rde4+ 11.Kd5 Kf5 12.Rgh3
forefront of our mind, we proceed to a few 12.Rxg4 hxg4 –+ or 12.Rf3+ Ref4
examples. 13.Rxf4+ Kxf4 –+.
12...Ra4 13.Rf3+ Kg6 14.Rfh3 Kh6 15.Ke5
□ Ivanka Budinsky Maria She had to try 15.Kc5 Ra5+ 16.Kb6 Rf5
■ Gaprindashvili Nona 17.Kc7 but White was probably out of
Thessaloniki 1984 ● energy by now.
(see next diagram) 15...Rad4 16.Ke6 Kg6
Throughout the coming ending White is Due to 17.Ke7 Rge4+ 18.Kf8 Rd8 #.
plagued by her open king and the more active 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 182
□ Capablanca Jose Raul =. This small variation teaches us that every
■ Kupchik Abraham detail counts.
Havana 1913 ○ 24.Re7 Rxf4?
XABCDEFGHY Again 24...Rb2+ 25.Kc3 Rh2 26.Rxe6 Ka7!
27.h6 Kb6 ÷ gave much better chances to
8r+-+-+-+( draw.
25.h6 Rxd4+ 26.Kb5 Rd1 27.h7 Rb1+
7zpkzp-+-+p' 28.Kc5 Rc1+ 29.Kd4 Rd1+ 30.Ke5
6-+p+p+-+& Re1+ 31.Kf6 Rh1 32.Re8+ Ka7 33.h8Q
Rxh8 34.Rxh8 Kb6 35.Kxe6 Kxc6
5+-zPp+p+-% 36.Kxf5 Kc5 37.Ke5
4-+-zP-zP-+$ Kupchik played fatalistically. He did not
believe he could save the game against perhaps
3tR-+-+-+-# the greatest ever endgame expert. If that is your
attitude, you are almost certain to lose.
2PzP-mK-zP-zP" 1–0
□ Alekhine Alexander
xabcdefghy ■ Yates Frederick
Mounting and sustaining pressure is the way to Hamburg 1910 ○
force mistakes. This applies to any game or XABCDEFGHY
sport and chess is no different. In the following
instructive example we see Capablanca turning 8-+-+-+-+(
the screw, Kupchik getting chances, spurning
chances and in the end succumbing to the 7+-+k+-+-'
pressure. You'll note that Black did not defend 6-+-+R+-+&
actively enough and that is why he lost. Let us
review the opening position. White is much 5+p+r+p+-%
better with his active rook and more mobile 4p+-+-zP-+$
king. This should add up to a win. For the time
being, Capablanca plays superbly. 3zP-mK-zP-+-#
1.Ra3 Rg8 2.Rh3 Rg7 3.Ke2 Ka6
4.Rh6 Re7 5.Kd3 Kb7 6.h4 Kc8 7.Rh5
Kd7 8.Rg5 Rf7 9.Kc3 Kc8 10.Kb4 Rf6 1+-+-+-+-!
11.Ka5 Kb7 12.a4 a6 13.h5 Rh6 14.b4
Rf6 15.b5? xabcdefghy
So far, so good for White, but this obvious Whilst White's rook is very active in this
move is premature. He should simply play particular example, he does not hesitate to
15.Rg7! and only then break with b5: change the nature of his advantage if that is
15...Rh6 16.b5 axb5 17.axb5 cxb5 what the position demands.
(17...Rxh5 18.b6) 18.Kxb5 Rxh5 19.c6+ +–. 1.Re5! Rxe5 2.fxe5 Ke7 3.Kd3
15...axb5 16.axb5 Rf8 17.Rg7 Ra8+ 3.Kb4 Ke6 4.Kxb5 Kxe5 5.Kxa4 Ke4
18.Kb4 cxb5 19.Kxb5 Ra2! 6.b4 Kxe3 7.b5 f4 8.b6 f3 9.b7 f2 10.b8Q
Kupchik responds correctly and with his f1Q ÷.
active rook should now save the game. 3...Kd7 4.e4 f4 5.Ke2! Ke6 6.Kf2!
20.c6+ Kb8 21.Rxh7 Rb2+ 22.Ka5 Ra2+ Flexibility of thought in the endgame is of
23.Kb4 Rxf2? inestimable use. If instead White played the
23...Rb2+! was the drawing finesse: 24.Kc3 ‘natural’ 6.Kf3?? he could resign after
Rxf2 25.Re7 Rxf4 26.h6 Rh4 27.h7 Ka7! 6...Kxe5 –+.
(Black’s king comes to life) 28.Rxc7+ Kb6 1–0
FIDE TRG Syllabus 183
Planning He constructs the following plan:
The ability to see ahead and devise an 1) Apply psychological pressure by not
appropriate plan is the key to winning in the offering a draw. Play to the death. Fischer
endgame. To have the knowledge which used similar methods.
positions are won and which not and what to 2) Isolate and try to win the e5-pawn.
aim for is vital when referring to rooks and 3) Advance the e- and f-pawns thereafter.
pawns. Without this basic stock of thematic The problem for White is that he has no
positions memorized, we will be all at sea. corresponding plan with which to get
Rook endings can be very complex! counterplay. Still, he can and should draw.
I close with a notorious recent rook 42.Kf3
endgame. Ponomariov will have nightmares Surely 42.h4 g5 43.hxg5 hxg5 44.fxg5 Kg7
about what happened, but you have to admire 45.Kf3 should hold the position.
Carlsen's will to win. 42...Rc3+ 43.Kf2?!
He must take positive action: 43.Kg4 Kg7
□ Ponomariov Ruslan 44.g3 (44.h4?? h5+ 45.Kg5 Rg3 #) 44...g5
■ Carlsen Magnus 45.h4 =.
D87 Nice 2010 43...g5 44.fxg5 hxg5 45.Ra4 Kg7 46.Rg4
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 Kh6 47.g3 Kh5 48.Ra4 Kg6 49.Ra5 Rd3
5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Lg7 7.Lc4 c5 8.Ne2 50.h4
Nc6 9.Le3 0–0 10.0–0 Qc7 11.Rb1 Rd8 White can draw with 50.Rb5 Rd5 (50...Kf5
12.Lf4 Le5 13.Lxe5 Nxe5 14.Lb3 Ng4 51.Rb7) 51.Rxd5 exd5 52.Ke3 Kf5
15.Ng3 Qf4 16.h3 Nf6 17.e5 Nd5 18.Ne2 53.Kd4 Ke6 54.h4 gxh4 55.gxh4 f6 =. It is
Qe4 19.Ng3 Qf4 20.dxc5 Le6 21.Qd4 b6 amazing he misses this chance, although it
22.Ne2 Qf5 23.cxb6 Nxb6 24.Qf4 Rac8 was a rapid game.
25.Qxf5 Lxf5 26.Rbd1 Ld3 27.Rfe1 a5 50...gxh4 51.gxh4 Rd7 52.Ke3 Rb7
28.Nf4 Lc4 29.Rxd8+ Rxd8 30.Re4 53.Kf4 Rb4+ 54.Kg3 Kf5 55.Ra7 Rg4+
Lxb3 31.axb3 Rd1+ 32.Kh2 Rb1 33.c4 56.Kf3 Rg7 57.Ra5 Rg1 58.Rb5
Rxb3 34.c5 Nd7 35.c6 Nb6 36.Rd4 Rc3 58.Ra7 Kxe5 59.Rxf7 Rf1+.
37.Nd5 Nxd5 38.Rxd5 Rxc6 39.Rxa5 58...Ra1 59.Rc5 Ra3+ 60.Kf2 Ke4 61.h5
Rc4 40.Kg3 e6 41.f4 h6 (D) Ra8 62.Kg3 Kf5 63.Kh4 Ra4+ 64.Kg3
XABCDEFGHY Rg4+ 65.Kf3 Rf4+ 66.Kg3 Kg5 67.h6
Rg4+ 68.Kf3 Rh4 69.Rc7 Kg6 70.Rc8
8-+-+-+k+( Rxh6 71.Kg4 Rh1 72.Rg8+ Kh7 73.Ra8
7+-+-+p+-' Rf1
At this stage, I am sure that White was
6-+-+p+pzp& completely hacked off.
5tR-+-zP-+-% 74.Ra2 Kg6 75.Rg2 Rf5 76.Re2 Kg7
77.Kg3 Kf8 78.Re4 Ke7 79.Kg4 Kd7
4-+r+-zP-+$ 80.Rd4+ Kc6 81.Rd6+ Kc7 82.Rd1
Rxe5 83.Rf1 f5+ 84.Kg5 Kd6 85.Kf6
3+-+-+-mKP# Re4 86.Rd1+ Kc5 87.Rd8 f4 88.Kg5 e5
2-+-+-+P+" 89.Kg4 Re3 90.Rd1 Kc4 91.Rd2 f3
92.Kg3 e4 93.Kf2 Rd3 94.Ra2 Kd4
1+-+-+-+-! 95.Ra4+ Ke5 96.Kg3 Rd2 97.Ra5+ Kd4
xabcdefghy 98.Ra4+ Ke3 99.Ra3+ Ke2 100.Kf4 f2
Let us all be inspired by this fighting
Who could believe Ponomariov would lose this
example. The entire essence of chess is
position, a top Grandmaster! White's pawn
contained in endgames involving the rook.
structure is a little more exposed, but that is it.
All players can learn from Carlsen's attitude. 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 184
Bishop Endings
Miguel Illescas
Bishop endings can be divided into two 1.Kd4 Le8 2.Kc3 Ke7 3.Kb3 Kd8
groups: when the bishops move on squares of 4.Ka4 Kc7 5.Ka5 Lf7 6.Lc4 Lg8 7.a4
the same colour or when they move on Lf7 8.b5 axb5 9.axb5 Lg8
squares of the opposite colour. 9...cxb5 10.Lxb5 would allow the bishop to
go to e8 with decisive effects: 10...Lg8
Bishops of the Same Colour 11.Le8 Lh7 12.Lf7 Kd7 13.Kb6 winning.
In these endings, the Capablanca rule is 10.b6+!
especially important. It says that our pawns A typical manoeuvre. This advanced pawn
must be situated on squares of the opposite offers the tactical possibility La6 if the black
colour than our own bishop. In this case our king moves away.
bishop becomes a ‘good bishop’. 10...Kd8 11.Kb4 Lf7 12.Kc3 Kd7
The bad bishop, on the contrary, has its 13.Kd4 Kd8
own pawns blocking its movement. This 13...Ke7? 14.La6!.
advantage is frequently enough to win the 14.Ke3 Kd7 15.f5! gxf5 16.Kf4 Lg6
game. The problem of a bad bishop is double. 17.Kg5 Le8
On the one hand its pawns can be attacked by 17...Lf7 18.Kf6 Lg8 19.Kg7 is even
the enemy bishop and on the other hand, the worse.
squares of the other colour are not protected 18.Kf6 f4 19.Le2
and the opposing king can take advantage of Black was not able to defend the threats on
this fact to penetrate in our position.
both sides of the board (g6 and La6).
The next position is a good example of
these problems:
Let us see another example of the 'problem
□ Baslavsky Ilia
of the two weaknesses'.
■ Kondratiev
Tallin 1947
□ Van Wely Loek
XABCDEFGHY ■ Kramnik Vladimir
8-+-+-+-+( Arnhem 1990

7+p+l+k+-' XABCDEFGHY
6p+p+p+p+& 8-+-+-+-+(
5+-zP-zP-+p% 7zp-+-+-zp-'
4-zP-+-zP-zP$ 6-+-+-vl-+&
3zP-+LmK-+-# 5+-+p+k+p%
2-+-+-+-+" 4-+-zP-+-+$
1+-+-+-+-! 3+P+-mK-zPP#
xabcdefghy 2-+-+-+-+"
Black has a serious weakness on g6 and 1vL-+-+-+-!
White's winning plan begins by the king xabcdefghy
invasion on the dark squares on the queenside.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 185
Black should anticipate Kf3 and g4 allowing After 17.Lf4 Lb4 White has the ingenious
White to make a draw. Generally, only one 18.Ld2! but it's insufficient in view of
weakness (the d4 pawn) is not enough to win. 18...Le7 19.Lf4 (19.La5 Ld6 –+)
A second weakness has to be created in a 19...Ke1 20.Ke3 Lb4! 21.Le5 Ld2+
short time! 22.Kd3 Lg5 –+ and Black's king gets to f3.
1...g5! 2.Kf3 17...La3!
2.Lc3 g4 3.h4 Ld8 4.Le1 Lc7 –+. Stronger than 17...Lb4 18.Ke3 Ld2+
2...g4+ 3.hxg4+ hxg4+ 4.Ke3 Le7 5.Lc3 19.Kd3 Lc1 20.Le3.
Ld6 6.Le1 Ke6! 7.Kd3 18.Ke3
7.Kf2 Kd7 8.Ld2 Kc6 9.Lf4 Le7 10.Le5 18.Le3 Ke1 –+.
Kb5 11.Ke3 Kb4 12.Kf4 Kxb3 13.Kxg4 a5 18...Lc1+ 19.Kd3 Ld2! 20.Le3 Le1
winning. If 7.b4?! a6! 8.Kd3 Kd7 9.Kc3 Kc6 21.Lf4 Lf2! 22.Le5 Ke1 23.Kc3 Ke2
10.Kc2 Kb5 11.Kb3 and Black exploits the 24.Kb4 Kf3 25.Kc5 Ke4!
two weaknesses (b4 and g3) with 11...Lc7 0–1
12.Lf2 Lb8 13.Le1 Ld6 zugzwang.
□ Smyslov Vassily
7...Kd7 8.Ke2 Kc6 9.Kd3 Kb5 10.Kc2
■ Keres Paul
Moscow 1951
8-+-+-+-+( 8-+-+-+-+(
7zp-+-+-+-' 7zp-+-+-zpk'
6-+-vl-+-+& 6-zp-+-zplzp&
5+k+p+-+-% 5+-zp-+-+-%
4-+-zP-+p+$ 4-+P+-+-+$
3+P+-+-zP-# 3+P+-zPLzPP#
2-+K+-+-+" 2P+-+-+-mK"
1+-+-vL-+-! 1+-+-+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
White has a bad bishop, as his pawns on the
To continue with ...a4 and obtain the c4-
queenside are situated on light-coloured
squares. Keres takes advantage of this factor
11.Kd3 a4 12.bxa4+
to slowly increase his advantage.
12.Kc2 a3 13.Kb1 Lb4 14.Lf2 Ld2
36...Lb1 37.a3 a5!
15.Ka1 Kb4 16.Ka2 Kc3 17.Kxa3 Kd3
Fixing the weakness on b3.
18.b4 Ke2 19.Lg1 Kf1 winning.
38.Ld1 Kg6 39.Kg2 Kf5 40.Kf3 Ke5
12...Kxa4 13.Lf2 Black's plan is to prepare the advance ...g5
Or 13.Kc2 Ka3! 14.Lf2 Kb4 15.Kd3 Kb3 followed by ...f5 and ...f4 to eliminate the e3
transposing to the game. pawn and guarantee an entry through the d4-
13...Kb3 14.Le1 Kb2 15.Lf2 square. However, Black doesn't carry out this
15.Kd2 Lb4+ –+. plan in a precise way. Better was 40...g5 to
15...Kc1 16.Le3+ continue afterwards with ...Ke5 and the
If 16.Ke2 Kc2 17.Le1 Lc7 18.Lf2 La5! mentioned plan. Now White has the opportunity
19.Le3 Lc3 20.Lf2 Ld2 21.Lg1 Kc3. to play h4.
16...Kd1 17.Lf2 41.a4? (D)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 186
After 41.h4! g5 42.hxg5 hxg5 43.g4! it isn't The last subtlety. If 52...Ke5 53.Kg2 this
easy to progress with the blockaded pawns. In position should be achieved with White to
any case, Keres indicated a winning plan for play as if now 53...Lb1 54.Kf2 Ke4
Black, even if White plays 41.h4: 41...Ld3 55.Ke2 White prevents the black king from
42.a4 (forced, because of the threat ...a4) crossing. On the other hand 52...Ke6!
42...g6! with the idea ...Lf5 and then ...h5, to 53.Kg2 Ke5 54.Kh2 Lb1 55.Kg2 Ke4
expel the king from f3 and then play...Ke4. White can't get there in time and after 56.Kf2
However, as White still has the defence Lc2+, Kd3 57.Kf3 Kd2 58.Le2 Lf5 Black wins.
Black must get to this position with White to 0–1
play: 43.Kf2 (43.g4 g5 44.hxg5 hxg5
followed by ...f5, would leave Black with a Opposite-coloured Bishops
distant passed pawn) 43...Ke4 44.Lf3+ Kf5! When bishops travel on squares of the
45.Ld1 Ke5 46.Kf3 (46.Ke1 Lf5 47.Kf2 opposite colour the characteristics of the
h5) 46...Lf5! (46...h5 47.Kg2!) 47.Kf2 h5 ending change.
and the objective have been achieved. White is The most important concept is that the
in zugzwang: 48.Ke1 Ke4 49.Kd2 Lg4 blockade of the weaker side can be done on
50.Lc2+ Kf3 51.Lxg6 Kxg3 and Black squares of the same colour, as the opponent
wins. will not be able to use his bishop to break it
This means that these endings tend to be
8-+-+-+-+( drawn a lot and even an advantage of a pawn
7+-+-+-zp-' is usually not enough to win, sometimes even
□ Walther Edgar
5zp-zp-mk-+-% ■ Fischer Robert
4P+P+-+-+$ Zurich 1959 ○

2-+-+-+-+" 8-+-+-+-+(
1+l+L+-+-! 7+-+k+-+-'
xabcdefghy 6-+-vl-+-+&
41...g5! 42.Ke2 5+K+-+-+-%
42.h4 gxh4 43.gxh4 f5 44.Kf2 Ke4 45.Ke2 f4. 4-+-+-+-zp$
42...Lf5! 43.g4
43.h4 Lg4+ 44.Ke1 Lxd1 45.Kxd1 Ke4 3+-+-+L+P#
46.Ke2 g4.
43...Lb1 44.Kf3 f5 45.gxf5
45.Ke2 f4 46.Kf3 fxe3 47.Kxe3 Le4 and 1+-+-+-+-!
White has no move.
45...Kxf5 xabcdefghy
45...Lxf5 46.Kg3 Ke4 fails to 47.Lc2+. Even though White has two extra pawns, his
46.Kf2 Le4 47.Kg3 Kg6 48.Kf2 path to victory is not easy. The fact that his h-
48.h4 h5 49.Kh3 Ld3 50.Kg3 Lf5! and pawn promotes on a square of different
White must capture on g5, allowing the colour than his bishop, means that he can't
advance of the h-pawn. win the darksquared bishop in exchange for
48...h5 49.Kg3 h4+ 50.Kf2 Lf5 51.Kg2 his queenside pawns.
Kf6 52.Kh2 Ke6! 54.a4?
FIDE TRG Syllabus 187
Allowing Black to blockade on the This move gives the black king too much
darksquares. White was winning with 54.b4! freedom. He had to attack the e4-pawn from the
Kc7 55.Ka5 Kb8 (55...Le7 56.b5 Lc5 c2-square with 66.La4! Kc4 67.Lc2 Kd4
57.Ka6 Ld4 58.a4) 56.b5 La3 (preventing (67...b3 68.Lxe4 Kc3 69.Lf5 Kb2 70.Le6
the advance of the a-pawn as he has no time Ka3 71.Lf5 isn't enough) 68.Ke2 Kc3
to construct a blockade with ...Ra7 and (68...Lh6 69.Kd1) 69.Lxe4 b3 70.Kd1 Kb2
...Lc5) 57.b6 Kc8 58.Ka6 Kb8 59.Lg2 71.Ld5.
(zugzwang) 59...Kc8 (59...Lc5 60.a4) 66...Kd4 67.Ke2
60.Ka7 Lc5 61.a4 +–. It's too late for 67.Le8 b3 68.La4 Kc3!
54...Kc7 55.b4 69.Lc6 Kb2! (69...Kd3 70.Lb5+) 70.Ld5
55.Ka6 Lc5 56.a5 Kb8 57.Kb5 Lf2 as in Lf4 (zugzwang) 71.Le6 Kc3 72.Ld5 Kd3.
the game. And if 67.La2 Lh6! (67...Kc3? 68.Lb1 b3
55...Kb8! 56.a5 69.Lxe4 Kb2 70.Ld5 =) 68.Lb1 b3 69.Ke2
56.Ka5 Ka7 57.b5 Lc5 58.Le4 Lf2. Kc3 70.Lxe4 Kb2 71.Ld5 Kc2.
56...Ka7 57.Kc4 Lg3 58.b5 Lf2 59.Le2 67...Kc3 68.Ld5 b3 69.Lxe4 Kb2 70.Ld5
If 59.b6+ Lxb6 60.axb6+ Kxb6 is a draw. Kc2
59...Le3 60.Kb3 Ld2 0–1
Or 60...Lf2 as the only dangerous plan is if
the white king can get to c6 supporting the A good example of the subtleties of this
advance b6. But after 61.Kc4 Le3 62.Kd5 type of ending is the following position,
Black can play 62...Ld2 63.b6+ Kb7. which went around the world:
61.b6+ Kb7 62.Ka4 Kc6
63.Kb5 must be prevented. □ Topalov Veselin
63.Lb5+ Kc5 ■ Shirov Alexei
64.b7 Lf4 65.a6 Kb6 =. Linares 1998 ●
□ Lopez Martinez Josep Manuel 8-+-+-+-+(
■ Illescas Cordoba Miguel
Ayamonte 2007 ○ 7+-+-+-+-'
XABCDEFGHY 6-+-+kzpp+&
8-+-+L+-+( 5+-+p+l+-%
7+-+-+-+-' 4p+-+-+-zP$
6-+-+-+-+& 3+-vL-+-+-#
5+-mk-+-vl-% 2-+-+-+P+"
4-zp-+p+-+$ 1+-+-+-mK-!
3+-+-zp-+-# xabcdefghy
Although Black has two extra pawns the win
2-+-+-+-+" is not simple. Shirov finds a spectacular and
1+-+K+-+-! unique winning move:
xabcdefghy The king now has a path through f5 and e4,
In order to win with two passed pawns, they and at the same time g2 is attacked, not
must be separated at least three files. However, allowing the white king to defend. Natural
White couldn't find the correct defence. moves only lead to a draw: 47...Kd6?
66.Lf7? 48.Kf2! Kc5 49.Ke3 =. Or 47...Le4
FIDE TRG Syllabus 188
48.Kf2 Kf5 49.g3 (...Lxg2 was threatened, 36.La3?!
followed by ...Ke4) 49...a3 50.Ke3 Kg4 More precise was 36.Kd4 Kf6 (36...b5
51.Lxf6 Kxg3 52.Kd2 Kf4 (52...d4 37.c4) 37.Kc4 Kg5 38.Kb4 Kg4 (if
53.Lxd4 Kxh4 54.Kc1 g5 55.Lc5 a2 38...Ld7 39.h4+! Kg4 40.Ld6 with an
56.Kb2) 53.Le7 a2 54.Lf6 Lf5 55.Lg7 impenetrable fortress) 39.Ld6! Kf3
Ke4 56.La1 d4 57.Lb2 d3 58.Lc3 Kf4 40.Kxa4 Kg2 41.Kb5 Kxh2 42.g4+ Kg2
59.Lb2 Kg4 60.Lf6 a1Q 61.Lxa1 Kxh4 43.g5 Lf5 44.Kb6 Le4 45.Lf4 and a draw
62.Ke3 g5 63.Lf6 Kh5 64.Le7 g4 and the as ...h5 is answered by gxh6 followed by h7.
two pawns separated by two files are not 36...g5 37.Lb4 Kg6 (D)
enough to win.
Black's idea appears clearly in the variation 8-+-+-+-+(
48.Kf2 Kf5 49.Kf3 in which Black deviates
the white king with 49...Lxg2+! 50.Kxg2 7+p+-+-+p'
Ke4 51.Lxf6 d4 52.Le7 Kd3 53.Lc5 Kc4
as in the game.
48...Kf5 49.Kf2 Ke4! 50.Lxf6 5+-+-mK-zp-%
If 50.Ke2 d4 followed by f5.
Threatening ...a3. 3+-zP-+-zPl#
51.Le7 Kd3!
With the idea ...Kc2 followed by ...d3. 2-+-+-+-zP"
52.Lc5 Kc4! 53.Le7 Kb3 1+-+-+-+-!
And Black wins with ...Kc2 and then ...d3
and ...a3 promoting one of his pawns. xabcdefghy
0–1 38.c4?
The correct move was 38.La3 Kh5 39.Ke4!
□ Vidmar Milan Kg4 40.Ke3 Lf1 (40...Kf5 41.Kd4 and
■ Spielmann Rudolf Black can't get through) and now 41.Kf2!
St. Petersburg 1909 ● (note that 41.Le7 [instead of 41.Kf2!] Black
XABCDEFGHY wins instructively: 41...Kh3 42.Kf2 Kxh2
43.Lxg5 [43.Kxf1 Kxg3 44.Lxg5 a3 45.c4
8-+-+-+-+( a2 46.Lf6 Kf3 47.Ke1 h5 48.Kf1 Ke3
49.Kg2 Kd3 50.c5 Kc2] 43...a3 44.c4
7+p+-+k+p' Lxc4 45.Le7 a2 46.Lf6 Ld5 47.Lh8 Kh3
6-+-+-+p+& 48.La1 Kg4 49.Lg7 h5 50.Lh8 b5 51.Lg7
b4 52.Lh8 Lf3! 53.Lg7 h4! 54.gxh4 Kf4)
5+-vL-mK-+-% 41...Ld3 42.Le7 Kh3 43.Kg1 b5 44.Lf8
4p+l+-+-+$ (not 44.Lxg5 Kg4 followed by ...Kf3)
44...Lg6 45.Lb4 Kg4 46.Kf2 Kf5 47.Ke3
3+-zP-+-+-# with a draw.
38...Kh5 39.Kf6?
2-+-+-+PzP" A mistake which allows the black king to
1+-+-+-+-! penetrate. 39.Ke4 was necessary although
after 39...Lf1 40.c5 Kg4 41.Ke3 Kh3
xabcdefghy 42.Kf2 Kxh2 Black must win.
34...Lf1 35.g3 Lh3! 39...Kg4 40.La3 Lg2 41.Ld6 Lf1
Fixing the pawn on h2, where it can't be 42.Kg7 Kf5 43.c5 a3 44.c6 a2 45.g4+ Ke4
defended easily. This way White will have to 46.Le5 bxc6 47.La1 c5 48.Kxh7 c4
worry about both sides of the board. 49.Kg6 Kd3 50.Kxg5 c3 0–1
FIDE TRG Syllabus 189
Knight Endings
Mikhail Gurevich
The majority of Knight Endings are very When the knight moves it automatically
similar to pawn endings. The way we leaves unprotected all the squares that were
evaluate pawn endings is useful for knight controlled before the move.
endings as well. Activity of the king is an This strategical weakness of the knights
important, often decisive factor. leads us to very important knowledge: the
Therefore the pawn structure needs to be knight cannot win or lose a move.
evaluated. The existence of extra pawn(s), We will explain by following a classical
passed pawns of all kinds, especially outside, example:
connected and protected passed pawns; all
these factors should be considered. Example 1 ○
The existence of knights on the board XABCDEFGHY
makes the game more complicated, more
tactical and requires sometimes a lot of 8-+-+-mk-mK(
Unlike the long-range bishop, the knight is
a short-range piece that makes it often very 6-+-+-+-sN&
weak, especially when fighting against
passed pawns. 5+-+-+-+-%
But from another side it is a mighty piece 4-+-+-+-+$
which may visit any square of the board, may
influence an activity, or rather inactivity of 3+-+-+-+-#
the opponent's monarch.
And last, but not least for admirers of
tactics, the knight is a very tricky piece... 1+-+-+-+-!
The size of this article does not allow us to
demonstrate all those typical primitive xabcdefghy
positions when the knight can win without Draw with White to play, Black to move
pawns by mating the opponent's king trapped loses. In this 'extreme' example, White cannot
in the corner by his own pawn(s). We will not win despite his huge material advantage.
waste your time by positions when a b2- An excellent illustration of the importance of
knight cannot stop an a3-pawn. king activity and the knight's major
We will just mention that most positions weakness, which is the inability to lose a
with knight against one pawn are drawn and tempo.
most positions with knight against two (and ½–½
even three) connected or closely placed
pawns are drawn as well, on condition the Here, we wish to use a 'human' approach to
knight and the king are correctly placed near the process of understanding knight endings
the pawns and cooperating. by explaining the main principles and
For those who wish to study theoretical characteristics of most typical practical
positions with knight against pawns we may endgames...
recommend that the 'simple' solution is to Two knights win if opponent has a pawn,
look into Nalimov's Databases on condition that the pawn does not cross the
( imaginary ‘Troitsky line’ (after the famous
If this is not ‘enough’ then TRG Russian chess composer), which can be seen
recommendations on-line would be! in the next diagram:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 190
Example 2 ○● 72.Kd2 Kf1 73.Kd3
XABCDEFGHY 73.Kd1 Nc4 –+.
73...Ke1 74.Kc2 Ke2 75.Kc1 Nc4!
8-+-+-+-+( 75...Ne3!? 76.d5 Kd3 77.Kb2 Kc4 78.Ka3
(78.Ka2! Kc3 79.Ka3 Nec4+ 80.Ka4
7+-+-+-+-' Nb6+ 81.Ka3 [81.Ka5! Nd7 82.Ka4 Kc4]
6-zp-+-+p+& 81...Nd7 82.Ka2 Nc5 83.Ka3 Nc4+
84.Ka2 Kc2 85.d6 Nd3 86.d7 Nb4+
5+Nzp-+psN-% 87.Ka1 Nd2 88.d8Q Nb3 #) 78...Nd1
4p+NzppsN-zp$ 79.Ka4 (79.Ka2 Kb4! 80.Kb1 Kc3
81.Kc1 [81.Ka1 Nb2 82.Ka2 Nbc4
3sN-+NsN-+N# 83.Kb1 Kd2 84.Ka2 Kc2 85.Ka1 Na3
86.Ka2 Nb1 87.Ka1 Nc4 88.d6 Nc3 89.d7
2-+-+-+-+" Nd2 90.d8Q Nb3 # or 81.Ka2 Nb2
1+-+-+-+-! 82.Ka3 Nb5+ 83.Ka2 Kc2 84.d6 Nc4
85.d7 Nc3+ 86.Ka1 Nd2 87.d8Q Nb3 #]
xabcdefghy 81...Nb2 82.Kb1 Nd3 83.Ka2 Kb4
An important position to remember. The 84.Kb1 Kb3 85.Ka1 Nb4 86.Kb1 Na2
problem however is that many of those 87.Ka1 Nc4 88.d6 [88.Kb1 Na3+ 89.Ka1
endgames are won in more then 50, up to 115 Nc3 90.d6 Nc2 #] 88...Nc3 89.d7 Na3
moves... Details in above mentioned 90.d8Q Nc2 #) 79...Nb2+ 80.Ka5 (80.Ka3
Nalimov's Databases ( Kc3 81.Ka2 Nbc4 82.Kb1 Kd2 83.Ka2
‘Samples’ are in need; here is one of mine: Kc2 84.Ka1 Nb5 85.d6 Nc3 86.d7 Nd2
87.d8Q Nb3 #) 80...Kc5 81.Ka6 Nbc4
□ Rogers Ian 82.Ka7 Kb5 83.Kb8 Kb6 84.Ka8 Na3
■ Gurevich Mikhail 85.Kb8 Nab5 86.Ka8 Ka5! 87.Kb8 Ka6
Biel 1993 ● 88.Ka8 Na7 89.Kb8 Kb6 90.Ka8 Ne8
XABCDEFGHY 91.Kb8 (91.d6 Nc6 92.d7 Nc7 #) 91...Nc7
92.d6 Na6+ 93.Ka8 Nc6 94.d7 Nc7 #.
8-+-+-+-+( 76.Kc2 (D)
7+-+-+-+-' XABCDEFGHY
6-+-+-sn-+& 8-+-+-+-+(
5+-+nmK-mk-% 7+-+-+-+-'
4-+-zP-+-+$ 6-+-+-+-+&
3+-+-+-+-# 5+-+n+-+-%
2-+-+-+-+" 4-+nzP-+-+$
1+-+-+-+-! 3+-+-+-+-#
xabcdefghy 2-+K+k+-+"
60...Kg4 61.Ke6 Kf4 62.Kd6 Kf5 63.Kc5 1+-+-+-+-!
Ke6 64.Kc4 Ne4 65.Kd3 Nd6
The perfect position for the knights achieved. xabcdefghy
Next step - king attacks king, pushing by 76...Nce3+
‘shoulder’... 76...Ke3! was best: 77.Kc1 (77.Kb3 Kd3
66.Ke2 Kf5 67.Kf3 Ne4 68.Ke2 Kf4 or 77.Kd1 Kf2 78.Kc1 Ke1 79.Kc2 Ke2)
69.Kd3 Nd6 70.Ke2 Kg3 71.Kd3 Kf2 77...Kf3!! (a nice triangle, which I did not
FIDE TRG Syllabus 191
see, would allow to push opponent's king Study this ending; you never know…
further in the corner without moving d5- 0–1
knight) 78.Kb1 Kf2! 79.Kc1 Ke1! 80.Kc2
Ke2 81.Kb3 (81.Kc1 Nce3 82.Kb2 Kd3 Knight & Pawn versus Knight
83.Ka3 [83.Kc1 Kc3 84.Kb1 Nc4 85.Kc1 Very common. The main principle difference
Nb2 86.Kb1 Nd3 87.Ka2 Kb4 –+ or between pawn and knight endgames can be
83.Kb1 Kd2 84.Kb2 Nc4+ 85.Kb3 Kd3] seen in the following position:
83...Kc4 84.Ka4 [84.Kb2 Kb4 85.Ka2
Nc4 86.Kb1 Kc3 87.Kc1 Nb2 88.Kb1 □ Yrjola Jouni
Nd3 89.Ka2 Kb4 90.Kb1 Kb3 91.Ka1 ■ Gurevich Mikhail
Nc3 92.d5 Nb4 93.d6 Nc2 #] 84...Nf5 Tallin 1987 ○
85.Ka3 Kc3 86.Ka2 Kc2 87.Ka3 Nd6 XABCDEFGHY
88.Ka4 Kb2 –+) 81...Kd3 82.Ka4 Nd6
83.Kb3 Kd2 84.Kb2 Kd1 85.Kb1 8-+-+-+-+(
(85.Kb3 Kc1 86.Ka3 Kc2 87.Ka4 Kb2
88.Ka5 Kb3 89.Ka6 Kb4 90.Ka7 Kb5 7+-+-+k+n'
91.Ka8 Ka6! 92.Kb8 Kb6 93.Ka8 Nc7+ 6-+-+-+-+&
94.Kb8 Na6+ 95.Ka8 Ne8 96.d5 Nec7 #)
85...Nc4 86.Ka2 Kc2 87.Ka1 Nc3 88.d5 5+N+-+-+-%
Nd2 89.d6 Nb3 #.
77.Kc1 Kd3 78.Kb2 Kc4 79.Ka3 Kc3
80.Ka4 Kc4 81.Ka3 Nd1 82.Ka4 N1c3+ 3+-+K+-+-#
83.Ka3 Kd3 84.Kb2 Nb5 85.Kc1 Ke2
86.Kc2 Nd6 87.Kc1 Nb4 2-+-+-+-+"
87...Nc4! 88.Kc2 Ke3!. 1+-+-+-+-!
88.d5 Ke1 (D)
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
Draw agreed, as the black king and knight
8-+-+-+-+( come on time and stop the pawn easily. Just
imagine this position without knights. Black
7+-+-+-+-' would resign on the spot. Considering the
6-+-sn-+-+& limited material, White is unable to promote
the pawn, or, to be more specific, cannot
5+-+P+-+-% prevent an inevitable exchange of the pawn
4-sn-+-+-+$ for the opponent's knight.
89.Kb1? Kd2 90.Kb2 Nc2 91.Kb3 Kd3
92.Kb2 Nd4 93.Kb1 Kd2 94.Kb2 Nc4+
Last step. The knights ignore the pawn and
go for a decisive mating manoeuvre.
95.Kb1 Ne2
The end could be 96.Ka1 Kc2 97.d6 Nc3
98.d7 Nd2 99.d8Q Nb3 # or 96.d6 Nc3+ A completely different case occurred in the
97.Ka1 Kc2 98.d7 Nd2 99.d8Q Nb3 #. following game:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 192
□ Gurevich Mikhail Knight & Pawns versus Knight & Pawns
■ Firat Burak □ Gurevich Mikhail
Chalkida 2009 ○ ■ Andersson Ulf
XABCDEFGHY Leningrad 1987 ●

8-+-+-+-+( XABCDEFGHY
7+-+-+-mk-' 8-+-+-+k+(
6NzP-+-+-+& 7+-+-+-zp-'
5+-+-+-+-% 6-+-+-sn-zp&
4-+-sn-+-+$ 5+-+-zPN+-%
3+-+-+-+-# 4-+-+-+-+$
2-+-+-mK-+" 3+-+-+-+P#
1+-+-+-+-! 2-+-+-+PmK"
xabcdefghy 1+-+-+-+-!
Here the passed pawn is too far advanced and xabcdefghy
the bad position of the opponent's king makes This is a variation of the game. Limited
the position winning for White. He only has material strongly differentiates the knight
to show some basic technique… ending from the corresponding pawn ending.
48.b7?! 101...Ne4!
An case of 'chess blindness’ which might be Prevents the white king from entering play,
excused only by the fatigue of a long and with the idea of improving the black king
tense game. White could win immediately with ...Kf7-e6. This will lead eventually to a
with the simple 48.Nb4 when the pawn is defendable endgame with white g-and h-
unstoppable. pawns against black g- or h-pawn...
48...Nc6 49.Nb4 Nb8 50.Ke3 102.e6
White is still winning despite the previous The best tactical chance, with the idea of e7
blow, as the position of the kings (an winning both black pawns for the e-pawn. If
important factor in all endings) is decisive. instead 102.g4 Kf7 103.Nd4 (103.Kg2
50...Kf6 51.Kd4 Ke6 52.Kc5 Kd7 Ke6 104.Nxg7+ Kxe5 105.Nf5 h5 =)
53.Nd5 Nc6 54.Kb6 Kd6 55.Nf6 103...Nf2 104.Kg3 Nd3 105.e6+ Kf6
55.Ne7! Nb8 56.Ka7 Nd7 57.Nc8+ Kc7 106.Nf5 g6 (106...Kxe6 107.Nxg7+ Kf6 =)
58.Nb6 Nb8 59.Nd5+ +–. 107.e7 Kf7 108.Nxh6+ Kxe7 = and Black
55...Nb8 56.Ka7 Nc6+ 57.Ka8 will achieve his aim.
A winning 'schema' achieved. Now the knight 102...g6! 103.Nxh6+
has to attack its counterpart and black king is Or 103.Ne7+ Kg7 104.Nd5 Nc5 105.e7
unable to cover all possible roots... Kf7 106.Kg3 Nd3 107.Kf3 Ne5+
57...Ke6 108.Ke4 Nc6 =, with a draw.
There is no salvation anymore, as after 103...Kf8
57...Kc7 White wins by 58.Nd5+ Kd6 The e-pawn falls and a draw is the
59.Nb4 +–. predictable result.
58.Ne4 Kd5 59.Nd2 ½–½
And Black resigned as with Nb3 coming
next, followed by Na5 or Nd4, he cannot The next game is a very nice example of
survive. positional advantage exploitation; material
1–0 equality can easily misguide you…
FIDE TRG Syllabus 193
□ Gurevich Mikhail □ Gurevich Dmitry
■ Johansen Darryl ■ Gurevich Mikhail
Gent 1997 ○ New York 1989 ●
8-+-+-+-+( 8-+-+-+-+(
7+-+k+p+-' 7+psn-mk-+-'
6-+-+n+p+& 6-+p+-sNp+&
5+p+NmK-zP-% 5+-zP-zP-+-%
4-+-+-zP-+$ 4-zP-zp-+-+$
3+-+-+-+-# 3+-+K+-+-#
2-zP-+-+-+" 2-+-+-+-+"
1+-+-+-+-! 1+-+-+-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
Despite the equal and limited material, White 67...Ke6!
is clearly better thanks to the dominating Activating the king is more important than
position of his king in the centre. the extra pawn. Having an outside passed g6-
51.Nb4!? pawn Black should win. Instead, 67...Ne6?!
With the idea Nd3 and b4. 51.Kf6 Ke8 68.Ne4 g5 69.Nd6 g4 70.Ke4 Kf8 71.Nf5!
52.f5 gxf5 53.g6 Kf8 54.Nb6 (54.gxf7 Nd8 ³ would complicate Black's task
=) 54...Nc5 =. significantly, as the black king cannot be
51...Nc5 52.Kd5 Ne6 53.Nd3 Kc7? activated without losing the g-pawn.
A mistake in a difficult position. 53...Ke7 68.Kxd4 Kf5 69.Nd7
54.Ke5 ± (54.b4? f6 =). 69.Ne4 Ne6+ 70.Ke3 Kxe5 71.Nd2
54.b4 (71.Nd6 b5) 71...Kd5 –+.
White found the winning plan. Black is in a 69...g5 70.Nb6 Kf4
kind of zugzwang. 70...g4! 71.Nc8 Kf4 –+.
54...Kb6 71.Kd3
54...Kd7 55.Nc5+ Ke7 (55...Nxc5 71.Nc4 keeping the e5-pawn was more
56.Kxc5 +–) 56.Nxe6 fxe6+ 57.Ke5 +– but resistant: 71...g4 72.Kd3 Ne6 73.Ke2 g3
54...Kd8 was more resistant. 74.Kf1 Kf3 75.Nd2+ Kg4 μ.
55.Kd6 Nd4 56.Ke7 71...Kxe5
The opponent stopped the clock. The outside and extra passed g-pawn makes
1–0 the position easily winning.
72.Nc4+ Kf4 73.Ke2 g4 74.Kf2 Nd5
75.Na5 g3+ 76.Kg2 Kg4! 77.Nc4
77.Nxb7 Nf4+ 78.Kg1 Kf3 –+.
77...Nf4+ 78.Kg1 Kh3 79.Ne3 Nd3
80.Nc2 g2 81.Ne3 Nf4 82.Kf2 Kh2
83.Nxg2 Nxg2 84.Ke2 Kg3 85.Kd3 Nf4+

Limited and equal material fools no one in

the following position. Positional assets are
more than valuable in knight endings…
FIDE TRG Syllabus 194
□ Gurevich Mikhail 64.Kd6 64.Kd4 Ng4.
■ Radjabov Teimour 64...Kxa2 65.Ke5 Kb3 66.Kf4 Nf1 67.h3!?
Dos Hermanas 2001 ○ Kc4 68.Nh4 Kd5 69.Nxf5 h5 70.h4

8-+-+-+-+( Knight - A Tactical Piece

A spectacular tactical dance of the knight
7+-+-+k+-' decided the next game:
□ Shushpanov Vladimir
5+-+-+p+-% ■ Gurevich Mikhail
4-+K+-sN-+$ Pardubice 2000 ●

3+-+-+-zP-# XABCDEFGHY
2P+-sn-+-zP" 8-+-+-+-+(
1+-+-+-+-! 7+p+-+k+-'
xabcdefghy 6-+-+-+-+&
White has a clear advantage due to both the
better king and superior pawn structure. 4-+-+psN-zp$
56.Kc5 Ke7?! 3+-+-zPn+P#
Black tries to improve his king, which is a
human response. 56...Nf1! was a more 2-+-+-+P+"
aggressive defence. It is difficult to know which
of the following sharp variations did not suit my 1+-+K+-+-!
opponent: 57.Kb6 Nxh2 58.Kxa6 Nf3! xabcdefghy
(maybe this move was not evaluated properly
by Radjabov. Leaves hope for defence, as there
63...gxf4 64.gxf3 Kf6 65.exf4 exf3 66.Kd2
is no time for a second pawn with 58...Nf1? Kf5 67.Ke3 f2 68.Kxf2 Kxf4 69.b6 Ke4
59.a4 Nxg3 60.Kb6 Ne4 61.Kc6! Ke7 70.Ke2 Kd4 71.Kf3 Kc5 72.Kg4 Kxb6
62.Nd5+ Ke6 [62...Kd8 63.a5 Kc8 64.a6 73.Kxh4 =.
Kb8 65.Kb6 +–] 63.a5 Nd6 64.a6 Nc8
65.Kc7 Nd6 [65...Na7 66.Kb7 +–] 66.Nc3 Best defence. 64.exd4 gxf4 65.Kd2 Ke6
+–) 59.Kb6 Nd2 60.a4 Nc4+ and the game 66.Kc2 (66.Kc3 Kd5 67.b6 Kc6 –+)
continues, as White has to avoid an exchange of 66...Kd5 67.Kc3 b6.
the a-pawn for the knight... 64...Nxb5 65.Nc5
57.Kb6 Kd6 58.Kxa6 Kc6 65.Nf2! was a difficult move with the idea
Black lost the important a-pawn, but the Ng4, creating some kind of fortress:
position of the kings changed considerably. 65...Nd6 66.Kd2 Ke6 67.Kc3 Kd5
59.Ng6! 68.Ng4 ³ (68.Kb4 Nc4 69.Nd1 Nxe3
This strong move with a threat Ne7-fork 70.Nxe3+ Kd4 –+).
forces Black to liberate my king. 65...Nd6
59...Kc5 The extra outside passed pawn should bring
59...Nf1 60.Ne7+ Kc5 61.a4! +–. the full point to Black, although good
60.Nh4 Nf1 61.Nf3!? technique is still required.
A good 'technical' move which prevents 66.Kc2 Kf6
unnecessary exchanges... 66...b6! followed by Nc4 would win at once,
61...Kb4 62.Kb6 Ka3 63.Kc5 Ne3 Rybka is smart. It took me another 25 moves
FIDE TRG Syllabus 195
instead, although I did not give a chance to XABCDEFGHY
my opponent.
67.Kc3 Ke5 68.Nd7+ Ke6 69.Nb6 Nf5 8-+-+-+-+(
70.Kd2 Ne7 71.Na4 Kd6 72.Nb6 Nf5
73.Nc4+ Kd5 74.Nb6+ Kd6 75.Nc4+
Ke6 76.Nb6 Ne7 77.Na4 Kd6 78.Nc3 6-+-+p+-+&
Ke5 79.Nb5 b6 80.Na3 Nc8 81.Kc3 Kd5
82.Kb4 Nd6 83.Nc2 Nf5! 84.Kc3 5+-sNkzP-+-%
84.Kb5 Nxe3 is a typical knight sacrifice 4-zP-zp-zP-+$
which forces the opponent to retreat his king:
85.Nxe3+ Kd4 –+. 3+-+K+-+-#
84...Kc5 85.Kb3 b5 86.Kc3 b4+ 87.Nxb4 2-+-+-+-+"
What to do to avoid defeat? If 87.Kb3 then
simply 87...Kb5 –+. 1+-+n+-+-!
87...Nxe3 88.Na6+ Kd5 89.Nb4+ Ke5
90.Nc6+ Kf4
The knight is a tactical piece; a sacrifice for 76.Nxe6!
an important pawn should be always A typical, but nice sacrifice nevertheless.
considered... 76.Na6? Nf2+ 77.Ke2 Ne4 = and White
0–1 must avoid 78.Nc7+? Kc4 79.Nxe6 d3+
80.Kd1 Kc3 when Black wins.
□ Gurevich Mikhail 76...Nf2+
■ Bareev Evgeny 76...Kxe6 77.Kxd4 Nb2 78.Ke4! Nc4
Germany 1991 ○ 79.f5+ Ke7 80.Kd4 +–.
XABCDEFGHY 77.Ke2 Nh3 78.f5!
78.b5? Kxe6 79.b6 Nxf4+ 80.Kf3 (80.Kd2
8-+-+-+-+( Kd7 –+) 80...Ng6 81.b7 Nxe5².
7+-+-+-+-' 78...Kxe5 79.b5 Ng1+
79...Kxf5 80.b6.
6-+-+p+-+& 80.Kd1!
5+nsNkzP-+-% Avoids all checks. White's pawns are
4-zP-zp-zP-+$ 1–0
Centralizing the king - the winning
manoeuvre. 74.Ka4 Nc3+ (74...Kc4) Conclusion - Reminder
75.Ka5 Kc4 =. Knight endings are very similar to pawn
74...Nc3 endings. The influence of the knight on the
74...Kc4 75.Nxe6 d3+ 76.Kd2 Nc3 opponent's king activity may change the
77.Nc5 Nb1+ 78.Kc1 +–. evaluation.
75.Kd3 Nd1!? (D) With limited material a difference from
The most stubborn defence. 75...Nb5 pawn endings is considerable, as the knight
76.Ne4 with idea 77.Nf6 wins. can be sacrificed for the remaining pawn(s).
FIDE TRG Syllabus 196
Mixed Endings
Andrew Martin
I am sitting at a desk beside which are piles 6) There are no hard and fast rules in the
of books. Most of these books are very good endgames, just guidelines. Watch out for the
indeed and deal with the endgame. exceptions to these guidelines.
I am sure that all of you reading these lines The usual early indicator of a potentially
will have your own particular favourite poor endgame is of course, the pawn
endgame literature and ways of teaching this structure. We will assume players who have a
aspect of the game. sharp opening repertoire know what they are
Many endgame books contain general doing.
advice about the endgame, some in the form
of useful tips; golden rules etc. □ Spirin Oleg
What are the ‘golden rules’ for coaching ■ Vymazal Bronislav
endgames? I can reduce it to a short list: E29 Brno 2009
1) The coach must make endgame study 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Lb4 4.e3 c5 5.a3
enjoyable and approachable. Risk versus reward. Do you prefer the
2) The coach must inspire the students to bishops and potentially mobile centre or a
research the endgame themselves, alone. rock-solid defensive position with clear
3) The coach should concentrate on the chances to win the pawn on c4? This game
practical and aesthetic qualities of the turns into a nightmare for White. His
endgame. initiative runs out of steam and he has to sit
4) The coach acts as a catalyst, drawing the and watch Black pick off the static pawn
best out of the student at all times. weaknesses.
We now turn to Mixed Endgames. What 5...Lxc3+ 6.bxc3 Nc6 7.Ld3 0–0 8.Ne2
does that mean? To me it is the opportunity to b6 9.e4 Ne8 10.0–0 La6 11.f4 f5 12.exf5
showcase some of the classics and the chance exf5 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Le3 d6
to show the beauty of chess during this final 14...Qa5 15.Ng3 g6 16.Le2 Nf6 17.Qd6
stage of the game. Rae8 18.Lxc5 Rf7 19.Ld4 Re6 20.Qc5
Qxc5 21.Lxc5 d6 22.Lb4 Rfe7 23.Rfd1
Pointers Nxb4 24.axb4 d5 25.b5 Lc8 26.Lf3 Rb6
Before we see some chess, here are some 27.cxd5 Rxb5 28.d6 Rf7 29.Nf1 +–
points about the endgame which are worth Ezat,M-Ameir,M Cairo 2009.
consideration. 15.Rb1 Qc7 16.Qa4 Lb7 17.Ng3 Ne7
1) The endgame should be kept in mind 18.Rfe1 g6 19.Lf2 Nf6 20.h3 Nc8 (D)
throughout the opening and middlegame.
(see next diagram)
This will help to make correct decisions.
2) Planning in the endgame often means I am not sure where White goes from here that
making use of your advantages in any given is the problem. White is still reasonably active,
position and eliminating your disadvantages but all the long term chances favour Black. Still,
3) Be quite clear in your mind where these if you play an opening variation where there is
advantages and disadvantages lie, whether no plan B, what do you expect?
you are attacking or defending. 21.Re6 Nb6 22.Qb5 Lc6 23.Qb3 Rae8
4) You must bring all your pieces into play 24.Rbe1 Kf7!
wherever possible. Why not exchange all the rooks? It makes
5) One weakness in the enemy camp might perfect sense.
not be enough to win. Stretch the defence by 25.Rxe8 Rxe8 26.Rxe8 Kxe8 27.Nf1
creating a second weakness. Qb7 28.Ne3 Na4 29.Qc2 Nh5?
FIDE TRG Syllabus 197
8r+n+-trk+( 8-+-+-+-+(
7zplwq-+-+p' 7zp-+-+-+-'
6-+-zp-snp+& 6-+-zpk+p+&
5+-zp-+p+-% 5+-zp-+p+p%
4Q+P+-zP-+$ 4l+P+nzP-+$
3zP-zPL+-sNP# 3zP-zP-sNKzPP#
2-+-+-vLP+" 2-sn-+L+-+"
1+R+-tR-mK-! 1+-+-vL-+-!
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
29...Kf8! ³. 56.Nd5?
30.Nd5? White runs out of steam and makes the
A reciprocal mistake, possibly encouraged by decisive mistake. With 56.Kg2 the torture
the onset of time trouble. With 30.Nxf5 gxf5 would continue at length, although White
31.Qe2+ White turns the tables and probably might be able to hold.
wins the game. 56...Lc6 57.Ke3 Lxd5 58.cxd5+ Kxd5
30...Nb6 31.Qe2+ Kf8 32.Qe6 Qd7 59.Lb5 Nf6
33.Qxd7 Nxd7 59...c4! 60.Le8 (60.Ke2 Nd3 61.Le8 Ke6
The endgame commences. We notice the 62.Lxg6 h4 –+) 60...Nd3.
complete absence of counterplay for White, 60.a4 Nc4+ 61.Kd3 Nb6 62.c4+ Ke6 63.a5
which is the nightmare scenario. Having Nc8 64.Lc6 Ne7 65.Lb5 Nd7 66.Lc3
survived the hiccup on move 30, Vymazal Nb8 67.Ld2 a6 68.La4 Nbc6 69.Lc3 Nd8
does not rush and first puts his pieces on their 70.Ld2 Nec6 71.Lc3 Kd7 72.Ld1 Nb7
best squares. 73.La4 Nbd8 74.Ld1 Nb4+ 75.Kd2 Nb7
34.g3 Nhf6 35.Ne3 Lf3 36.Le1 Nb6 76.La4+ Ke7 77.Lxb4 cxb4 78.Lb5 Nc5
37.Kf2 Le4 38.Lf1 79.Lc6 Nb3+ 80.Kd3 Nxa5 81.La4 Nb7
The two knights are fantastic ganging up on 82.Kd4 Nc5 83.Lc2 a5 84.Lb1 a4
isolated or doubled pawns, in fact any kind of The sort of experience as White that makes
pawn weakness. Spirin avoids further you rethink why you play chess. But Spirin
exchanges. would certainly have recognised he got
38...h5 39.Ke2 Ke7 40.Kf2 Lb7 41.Ld3 himself into trouble by employing a very
Ne4+ 42.Ke2 Na4 43.Nd1 Ke6 44.Lc2 double-edged opening variation.
Nb6 45.Ld3 Nf6 46.Kf2 Le4 47.Lf1 Lc2 0–1
48.Ne3 Ne4+ 49.Ke2 Lb3 50.Kf3 Na4
51.Nd5 Nb2 52.Ne3 Kd7 53.Le2 Ke6
This endgame is your worst nightmare with
White and has stemmed directly from the
opening variation.
The defender usually tries to exchange
pawns, so maybe 54.g4 hxg4+ 55.hxg4 was a Weak squares or weak-square complexes
better try. inherited in the opening can certainly form
54...Ld1+ 55.Le2 La4 (D) the basis for endgame defeat. Here is a good
He needs his bishop to keep an eye on d5. example:
FIDE TRG Syllabus 198
□ Petursson Margeir Petursson. He has fractured pawns to look
■ Ehlvest Jaan after, by far the worse bishop and he has not
A42 Yerevan 1996 solved his dark-squared problem inherited in
1.c4 g6 2.d4 Lg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.e4 e5 5.dxe5 the opening.
dxe5 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 7.f4 Nc6 (D) XABCDEFGHY
XABCDEFGHY 8-+-mk-+-+(
8r+lmk-+ntr( 7+-+-+p+n'
7zppzp-+pvlp' 6-+p+l+p+&
6-+n+-+p+& 5zp-tr-+-+-%
5+-+-zp-+-% 4-+P+P+P+$
4-+P+PzP-+$ 3+-sN-+-mK-#
3+-sN-+-+-# 2P+-+-+-+"
2PzP-+-+PzP" 1+-tR-+L+-!
1tR-vL-mKLsNR! xabcdefghy
xabcdefghy 39.Le2 Nf6 40.Kf4 g5+ 41.Ke3 Re5
Black has d4, White does not have d5. Of 42.Kd4 Nd7 43.Rb1 Kc7 44.Rb2 f6
course, Black has to survive the White 45.Rb1 Lg8 46.Rh1 Re8 47.Rh6 Rd8
initiative. I am sure that most masters would 48.c5 Ne5+ 49.Ke3 Rd3+!
prefer to play White in this position, but if Nicely done.
Black is patient and understands the positive 50.Lxd3 Nxg4+ 51.Kd4 Nxh6 52.a3 Ng4
aspects of his game, he may weather the 53.Le2 Ne5 54.Nd1 Le6 55.Nf2 Kd7
opening storm. 56.Nh1 Ke7 57.Ng3 Kf8 58.La6 Kg7
8.Nf3 Nd4 9.Kf2 exf4 10.Lxf4 Ne6 59.Ke3 Kh6 60.Lb7 Ld7 61.La6 Le6
11.Ld2 62.Lb7 g4 63.Ne2
11.Rd1+ achieves very little after 11...Ld7. 63.Kf4 Nd3+ 64.Ke3 Nxc5 –+.
11...Nf6 12.h3 Nd7 63...Kg5 64.Kf2 Nd3+ 65.Ke3 Ne5
The danger signs are there for White to see, as 66.Kf2 Kh4 67.Kg2 Lc4 68.Ng3 Kg5
he has whole complex of central dark squares to 69.Nf5 Ld3 70.Ng3 Lb5 71.Nf5 Kf4
monitor. If White plays this line, he has to 72.Ng3 Nd3 73.Lc8 Nxc5 74.Lf5 Ld3
ensure he keeps active at all times to prevent 75.Nh5+ Kg5 76.Ng3 Lc4 77.Kf2 Le6
Black from exploiting the weak squares. 78.Ke3 Lxf5 79.Nxf5 Nd7 80.a4 c5
13.Ld3 Ne5 14.Le2 c6 15.Na4 Nxf3 81.Nd6 Nb6 82.Nb7 Nxa4 83.Nxa5 Nb2
16.Lxf3 Kc7 17.Lc3 Lxc3 18.Nxc3 Nc5 84.Nb3 c4 85.Nd4 Nd3 86.Ne2 Kh4
19.Rhd1 a5 20.Rac1 Re8 21.Rd4 Re5 0–1
22.Rcd1 Le6 23.g4 Re8
Solid control. By now Black has a slight White endured the type of tiresome,
edge. thankless task that can ruin a tournament.
24.Kg3 Lc8 25.Lg2 h5 26.Rf1 R8e7 You invest a lot of energy and end up with
27.Lf3 Ne6 28.Rd2 Ng5 29.Lg2 hxg4 nothing. The good coach will emphasize the
30.hxg4 Rc5 31.Kh4 Re8 32.Rd4 Rh8+ necessity to consider all aspects of any
33.Kg3 Le6 34.b3 b5 35.Rc1 bxc4 36.bxc4 opening the student might employ.
Rd8 37.Rxd8 Kxd8 38.Lf1 Nh7 (D) The type of middle game that arises from
(see next diagram) the opening variation and even the potential
The endgame is not going to be much fun for endgames have to be studied carefully.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 199
The Second Weakness and superbly played.
I first remember seeing the principle of the 16...f2 17.Lc4
second weakness described by Shereshevsky Here Black resigned due to 17...f1Q+
in his excellent ‘Endgame Strategy’. 18.Lxf1 Rf2+ 19.Rf5 Rxf5+ 20.Kxf5
Learning about this idea has won me many Rxd4 21.Rf6.
points over the years in tournament games. 1–0
You will undoubtedly introduce your students
to this technique using favourite examples of Classics
your own. The educational value of classic endgames
can never be underplayed. Once the student is
□ Kasparov Garry properly motivated it will be a positive joy to
■ Andersson Ulf revisit and analyse some of the great games
Belgrade 1985 ○ of the past.
XABCDEFGHY The good coach will pepper his training
regimes with many examples of this type.
8-+-sn-+-+( The endgame must never be seen as a dry,
7+ptrr+-mkp' theoretical exercise, but the natural
presentation skills of the coach will take this
6-+-+-+p+& into account. Endgames must entertain first,
instruct second.
5+R+-+p+-% I never tire of the following beautiful
4-+-zP-+-zP$ example of Luigi Centurini (1847):

3+-+-zPL+-# Example 1 ○
2-+-+-zP-+" XABCDEFGHY
1+R+-+-mK-! 8-+K+-+-+(
xabcdefghy 7+P+-+-+-'
The following ending is a classic example of 6-+k+-+-+&
creating a second weakness, thereby fatally
pressurizing the defence. In the diagrammed 5+-+-+-+-%
position Black is doggedly hanging on,
protecting b7 with all his pieces. In order to
win, Kasparov creates fresh targets on the 3+-+-+-+-#
1.h4! Kf7 2.h5 Kg7 3.Kg2 Re7 4.Rb6 2-+-+-+-vl"
Rf7 5.Ld5 Rfd7 6.R1b5 Re7 7.Kg3
Red7 8.hxg6 hxg6 9.Kf4!
The king heads for g5 to attack and win the g6 xabcdefghy
pawn. Since Andersson can't defend b7 and g6 White must find the way to drive Black's
effectively, he makes a stab at activity. bishop off the h2-b8 diagonal.
9...Rc2 10.Kg5 Rxf2 1.Lh4 Kb6 2.Lf2+ Ka6 3.Lc5!
Or 10...Nf7+ 11.Lxf7 Kxf7 12.Rf6+ Ke8 Forcing Black's bishop out of the corner in
13.Re5+ Re7 14.Rxg6 Rxe5 15.dxe5 order to gain a tempo. 3.Le3 Ld6 4.Lg5
Rxf2 16.Kf6 +–. Kb5 5.Ld8 Kc6 6.Le7 Lh2 has not
11.Rxg6+ Kf8 12.Lb3 Nf7+ 13.Kf6 f4 achieved the aim.
13...Rb2 14.Re5! Rd6+ 15.Le6 +–. 3...Lg3
14.e4 Rb2 15.e5 f3 16.e6 3...Le5 4.Le7 or 3...Lf4 4.Le7.
The endgame has been carefully calculated 4.Le7 Kb5 5.Ld8 Kc6
FIDE TRG Syllabus 200
The original position is revisited except that board.
Black's bishop is on a more exposed square. 2) He found a strong square for his knight.
6.Lh4! 3) He provoked a weakness on g6 and
Gaining the vital winning tempo. attacked g7.
6...Lh2 7.Lf2 Lf4 8.La7 Lh2 9.Lb8! 4) He kept the queens on the board.
Lg1 10.Lg3 La7 11.Lf2! If the great Schlechter did not find a way to
Superb! win, you can guarantee that this endgame was
1–0 not as easy as it looked. Enhance advantages,
eliminate disadvantages.
The following example made a strong ½–½
impression on me:
Chess can exert a boa-constrictor like grip
□ Steinitz William on the intelligent mind. We all know chess
■ Schlechter Carl players and personalities who are obsessed
Hastings 1895 ○ with this beautiful and dangerous game.
XABCDEFGHY One of the most serious responsibilities the
coach has is to make sure that his students do
8-+-+r+k+( not develop an unhealthy obsession with chess.
7wq-+-+-zpp' Working with highly intelligent and
sometimes vulnerable students is a real art. I
6-+-+-zp-+& am not sure that in education or in chess
coaching that we have got it right so far.
5+-zp-+-+P% All too often coaches, parents, mentors are
4-+-+-+-+$ living out their own fantasies through their
students, rather than concentrating on what is
3+P+-sN-+-# best for the child.
2-+-+-zPP+" What is best: a top grandmaster, lonely,
unhealthy, embittered and obsessed, who
1+-+Q+-mK-! only has chess for company, or a healthy
human being who is a fully integrated
xabcdefghy member of society and who, because of their
Looking at the diagram it is hard to believe that natural intelligence, is able to make a real
Black isn't winning easily, as he is the exchange difference? I only ask all coaches to ponder
up for nothing. Watch what happens! this problem when they are working with
1.h5 h6 2.Nf5 Qc7 3.g3 Qc6 their charges.
3...Qe5 4.Qd7. I have been to European and World Junior
4.Kh2 Kh8 5.Qg4 Qd7 6.Qf3 Re5 Championships and have observed in some
7.Nh4 Kg8 8.Ng6 Re8 9.Nf4 Rb8 cases nothing less than the creation of young
10.Qe4 Qf7 chess robots. I wonder what these kids will
10...Rxb3 11.Qa8+ Kf7 12.Ng6 Rb4 look like in 20 years time, or indeed, whether
(12...Rc3 13.Nh8+ Ke6 14.Qe4+ Kd6 their coaches actually care about that!
15.Qf4+ Kc6 16.Qa4+ Kc7 17.Qa5²) Perhaps this is the toughest assignment; to
13.Qf8+ Ke6 14.Qxc5. get the chess/life balance right. I'm not really
11.Qf5 Qxb3 12.Qxc5 Qb5 13.Qc7 Re8 qualified to comment further, but it feels right
14.Kg2 Rb8 15.Kh2 Re8 16.Kg2 to bring the situation to your attention.
Black cannot make inroads. Steinitz drew What has this got to do with Mixed
because he did not give up hope and resolved Endings? Not a lot, but as the next example is
to make the best use he could of any by Bobby Fischer, who was about as messed
advantages in his position: up as it gets, and about as brilliant as it gets,
1) He reduced the pawns to one side of the the idea came to mind.
FIDE TRG Syllabus 201
How Fischer could have profited from 1973 or 14...c5 15.bxc5 exd4 16.cxd4 dxc5 ²
some decent advice about how to enjoy life. Balashov,Y-Podgaets,M Moscow 1956 or
Instead, after an unhappy childhood, chess 14...d5 15.Nxe5 (15.dxe5 Nxe4 16.Nxe4
took him over and he became a move-making dxe4 17.Lg5! f6 18.Lxe4 Lxe4 19.Rxe4
machine. Nxe5 20.Rd4 Nxf3+ 21.Qxf3 Qc8 =
One could see occasional flashes of his Vasiukov,E-Zuidema,C Wijk aan Zee 1973)
sensitive nature, but at those moments and all 15...dxe4 16.f4 exf3 17.Ndxf3 Nxe5 18.Nxe5
too quickly, his hatred of normal life took Ld6 19.Lf4 ² Vasiukov,E-Kholmov,R Dubna
over and he became submerged in chess, 1973.
more or less until the end. 15.a5 Nbd7 16.Lb2
The following game is a masterpiece, as 16.Rb1 d5! = Savon,V-Vogt,L Skopje 1972.
Fischer squeezes Spassky from beginning to 16...Qb8
end, rather as a boa-constrictor would! Notes 16...Rb8 17.Rb1 La8 18.La1 g6 19.c4
are culled from various sources (V.Anand, bxc4 (19...exd4 20.cxb5 axb5 21.Nxd4 d5
M.Botvinnik, R.Byrne, R.Keene, I.Nei,
22.N4f3 dxe4 23.Ng5 e3! 24.Lb3 exf2+
F.Olafsson, L.Polugaevsky, C.Purdy,
25.Kxf2 Ld5 =) 20.dxe5 Nxe5 21.Nxe5
V.Smysslov and J.Timman) and credited.
dxe5 22.Lc3 Lc6 23.Qe2 Lb5 24.Nxc4 c5
□ Fischer Robert 25.bxc5 Rc8! Browne,W-Karpov,A
■ Spassky Boris Amsterdam 1976.
C95 Reykjavik 1972 17.Rb1
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Lb5 a6 4.La4 Nf6 17.c4! bxc4 18.La4 c6 (18...Rd8) 19.Nxc4
5.0–0 Le7 6.Re1 b5 7.Lb3 d6 8.c3 0–0 Qc7 (19...exd4 20.Qxd4 d5 21.exd5 Rxe1+
9.h3 Nb8 10.d4 Nbd7 11.Nbd2 Lb7 22.Nxe1 Nxd5 23.Nd3 ± Kavalek,L-
12.Lc2 Re8 13.b4 Lf8 14.a4 Nb6 (D) Reshevsky,S Chicago 1973) 20.dxe5 dxe5
XABCDEFGHY 21.Qb3 ± Savon,V-Muschin Soviet Union
8r+-wqrvlk+( 17...c5 18.bxc5
7+lzp-+pzpp' 18.d5 g6 19.La3 c4 20.Nf1 Nh5 =.
18...dxc5 19.dxe5 Nxe5 20.Nxe5 Qxe5 (D)
6psn-zp-sn-+& XABCDEFGHY
5+p+-zp-+-% 8r+-+rvlk+(
4PzP-zPP+-+$ 7+l+-+pzpp'
3+-zP-+N+P# 6p+-+-sn-+&
2-+LsN-zPP+" 5zPpzp-wq-+-%
1tR-vLQtR-mK-! 4-+-+P+-+$
xabcdefghy 3+-zP-+-+P#
14...a5 15.bxa5 (15.axb5 axb4 16.Lb2 bxc3
17.Lxc3 c6 = Kavalek,L-Portisch,L Wijk aan 2-vLLsN-zPP+"
Zee 1969) 15...Rxa5 16.Rb1 La6 (16...Qa8 1+R+QtR-mK-!
17.axb5 exd4 18.cxd4 Nxe4 19.Nxe4 Lxe4
20.Rxe4! Rxe4 21.Ng5 Rh4 22.g3! ± xabcdefghy
[22.Nxf7?! Kxf7 23.Lg5 Re4 24.Qf3+ Nf6 21.c4 Qf4 22.Lxf6
25.Lxf6 Re1² Geller,E-Portisch,L Portoroz 22.e5 Rad8 (22...Red8 23.Re3! Ne8 24.Qe2
1973]) 17.d5 Qa8 18.La3 c5 19.dxc6 Qxc6 ± or 22...Nd7 23.Le4 [23.Nf3 Rad8 24.Lc1
20.Lb4 Beliavsky,A-Petrosian,T Soviet Union Qxc4 25.Lb3 ±] 23...Lxe4 24.Rxe4 Qf5

FIDE TRG Syllabus 202

25.Qe2 ±) 23.exf6! (23.Re3 bxc4 ³) 26.Rf3 Qd8 (26...Qd4) 27.Nf1 =.
23...Rxd2 (23...Rxe1+ 24.Qxe1 Qxd2 24.Qc1 Qc3
[24...Rxd2 25.Lc1 Qg5 26.Qf1 ±] 25.fxg7 24...Qf4 25.Nc4! (25.Nf3 Qxc1 26.Rexc1
[25.Le4 Qxe1+ 26.Rxe1 Lxe4 27.Rxe4 axb5 27.Rxb5 La6 28.Rb6 Le2 =) 25...
Rd2 28.Le5 b4 = 29.fxg7 Rd1+ 30.Kh2 Qxc1 26.Rexc1 axb5 27.Rxb5 La6 28.La4
Ld6] 25...Qxe1+ 26.Rxe1 Lxg7 27.Lxg7 Lxb5 29.Lxb5 and Lc6-d5 ² or 24...axb5
Kxg7 28.Re7 Rd2! =) 24.Qxd2! Qxd2 25.Rxb5 La6 26.Rb6 Qc3 (26...Qf4 27.Nf3
25.Rxe8 gxf6 (25...Qxc2 26.fxg7 Qxb1+ Qxc1 28.Rxc1 c4 29.e5 ²) 27.Nb3 g6! 28.e5
27.Kh2 +– or 25...Lc6 26.fxg7 Lxe8 (28.Re3 Qe5) 28...Lh6 29.Qb1 c4
27.Lxh7+ Kxh7 28.gxf8Q +–) 26.Lc1 Vasiukov,E-Smejkal,J Polanica Zdroj 1972.
(26.Rbe1 Qxc2 27.R1e3 Kg7 28.Rg3+ 25.Nf3 Qxa5?
Kh6 29.Lxf6 Qb1+ 30.Kh2 Ld6 31.Lg7+ 25...c4! 26.bxa6 (26.b6 La3 27.Re3 Rd3!
Kh5 32.Le5 Qe4! 33.f4 f6 and 34...Lxe5 μ) μ or 26.e5 g6) 26...Lxa6 27.e5 g6 28.e6 ÷ or
26...Qd7 (26...Qxc2 27.Lh6 Qxb1+ 28.Kh2 25...axb5 26.e5! (26.Rxb5 La6 27.e5
+–) 27.Rxf8+ Kxf8 28.Lh6+ Kg8 (28...Ke8 Qxe1+ 28.Qxe1 Lxb5 29.Qb1 Lc4!
29.Re1+ Kd8 30.Rd1) 29.Rb3 bxc4 [29...Rxa5 30.Lxh7+ Kh8 31.Ng5 Lc4
(29...Lc6 30.Rg3+ Kh8 31.Lg7+ Kg8 32.Lg8 +–] 30.Lxh7+ Kh8 31.Ng5?! Le7
32.Lxf6+ Kf8 33.Lg7+! [33.Lxh7 Qd1+ 32.Lg8 Ld3 33.Nxf7+ Kxg8 –+) 26...g6
34.Kh2 Qd6] 33...Ke7 [33...Kg8 34.Ld4+ (26...b4?? 27.Re3 +–) 27.Rxb5 Lxf3
Kf8 35.Lxc5+ +–] 34.Re3+ Kd8 35.Rd3 (27...La6 28.Rb6 Qxa5 29.Qb2 ±) 28.Rb3
+–) 30.Rg3+ Kh8 31.Lg7+ Kg8 32.Lxf6+ Qxa5 29.Rxf3 ±.
Kf8 33.Lg7+ Ke7 34.Re3+ Kd8 (34...Kd6 26.Lb3! axb5 27.Qf4 Rd7 (D)
35.Lf8+ +–) 35.Lf6+ Kc8 36.Re7 Qd5 XABCDEFGHY
(36...Qc6 37.Lf5+ Kb8 38.Le5+ Ka7 39.f3
+–) 37.f3 +–. 8r+-+-vlk+(
22...Qxf6 23.cxb5 Red8 (D)
XABCDEFGHY 7+l+r+pzpp'
8r+-tr-vlk+( 6-+-+-+-+&
7+l+-+pzpp' 5wqpzp-+-+-%
6p+-+-wq-+& 4-+-+PwQ-+$
5zPPzp-+-+-% 3+L+-+N+P#
4-+-+P+-+$ 2-+-+-zPP+"
3+-+-+-+P# 1+R+-tR-mK-!
2-+LsN-zPP+" xabcdefghy
27...c4 28.Lxc4 bxc4 29.Rxb7 f6 (29...Qh5
1+R+QtR-mK-! 30.g4) 30.e5 Qd5! 31.Rc7 fxe5 32.Nxe5
(32.Rxe5 Ra1+ 33.Kh2 Ld6 34.Rxg7+
xabcdefghy Kxg7 35.Qg5+ Kf7 36.Qf5²) 32...Ld6
23...Rad8 24.Qc1 (24.bxa6 Lxa6 25.La4 33.Qxc4 (33.Rxg7+ Kxg7 34.Qg5+ Kh8
[25.Rb6 Qc3 –+] 25...Re6 ³ and 35.Qf6² [35.Ng6+?? hxg6 36.Qxd5 Lh2+
26...Red6) 24...Qc3 25.bxa6 Lxa6 26.La4! –+]) 33...Qxc4 34.Rxc4 Lxe5 35.Rxe5
± ; 23...axb5 24.Rxb5 La6 25.Rb3! Ra1+ 36.Kh2 Ra2 ².
(25.Rb6 Qc3 μ 26.Nb3 [26.Rb3 Qxa5 28.Ne5 Qc7 29.Rbd1! Re7
27.Ld3 Red8 28.Qe2 c4 {28...Rxd3 29...Rad8 (29...Rxd1? 30.Lxf7+ Kh8
29.Rxd3 Rd8 30.Rxd8}] 26...c4 31.Ng6+ hxg6 32.Qh4 #) 30.Lxf7+ Rxf7
[26... ed8 27. c1 c4 28. e3 e5]) 25...c4 (30...Kh8?? 31.Ng6+ hxg6 32.Qh4 #)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 203
31.Qxf7+ Qxf7 32.Nxf7 Rxd1 33.Rxd1 50.Rd7 Lf2 51.Rd5 Le3 52.Re5 +–.
Lxe4! (33...Kxf7? 34.Rd7+ +– or 33...b4
34.Nd6 Lxd6 35.Rxd6 Lxe4 36.Rb6 Ld3
37.Rb7 Kf8 38.f3 Ke8 39.Kf2 Kd8 40.Ke3 8-+-+-+-+(
Kc8 41.Rxg7 +– or, finally, 33...c4 34.Nd6
Lc6 (34...La6? 35.Ra1 b4 36.Rxa6 c3 7+-+-+-zp-'
37.Nc4! +–) 35.e5 c3 36.Rb1 Lxd6 37.exd6
Kf7 38.f3! Ke6 39.Rb3 b4 40.Rxb4 Kd5
41.Rb1 Kc4 42.Kf2 c2 43.Rc1 Kd3 44.Ke1 5+-zp-+-+p%
Ld7 =) 34.Ng5 Lf5 (34...Lc2 35.Rd8 Lb3
[35...b4! 36.Ne6 Kf7 37.Nxf8 b3 38.Rb8 c4
39.Nd7 c3 40.Ne5+ Ke6 41.Nc4 Ld1 3+-+-+-zPP#
42.Na3 c2 43.Nxc2 bxc2 44.Rc8 Kd5
45.Kf1 Kd4 46.Ke1 Kd3 47.Rd8+ Kc3 2-+-+-zPK+"
48.Rxd1 cxd1Q+ 49.Kxd1 Kd3 50.Ke1 g5 1+-+r+-+-!
51.Kd1 Kd4 52.Kd2 h5 53.g4! {53.g3 g4! = ;
53.f3 h4 54.Ke2 Ke5 55.Ke3 Kf5 56.f4 g4! xabcdefghy
57.hxg4+ Kxg4 58.Ke4 Kg3 =} 53...hxg4 41.Ke2 Rd5 42.f4!
{53...h4 54.f3 Kd5 55.Kd3 Ke5 56.Ke3 Kd5 42.Rb5 g6 43.Rexb4?? Re5+ –+.
57.f4 +–} 54.hxg4 Ke4 55.Ke2 Kf4 56.f3 42...g6 43.g4! hxg4 44.hxg4 g5
Ke5 57.Ke3 +–] 36.Nxh7 Kxh7 37.Rxf8+–) 44...Kf6 45.Rb5 Kf7 (45...g5 46.f5) 46.g5!
35.Rd5 h6!! (35...g6 36.g4 Lc8 37.Rd8 +– ; (46.Rexb4? cxb4 47.Rxd5 Lxf4 =)
35... Lg6 36.Rd8 Lf7 37.Nxh7 Kxh7 38. 46...Rf5 47.Ke3 Kg7 (47...Rd5 48.Rexb4
Rxf8 +–) 36.Rxf5 hxg5 37.Kf1 (37.Rxg5?? +–) 48.Rb6 Rd5 49.Re6 +–.
b4 –+) 37...Le7! (37...b4 38.Ke2 c4? 39. 45.f5 Le5 46.Rb5 Kf6
Rxg5 b3 40.Rb5 Le7 41.Kd1 Kf7 42.Rb6 46...Ld4 47.Rb7+ Kf8 48.Re6 +–.
+–) 38.Ke2 g6 39.Rd5 Kf7 40.Rd7 c4 =. 47.Rexb4 Ld4 48.Rb6+ Ke5 49.Kf3! Rd8
30.Lxf7+ Rxf7 31.Qxf7+ Qxf7 32.Nxf7 50.Rb8 Rd7 51.R4b7 Rd6 52.Rb6 Rd7
Lxe4 33.Rxe4 Kxf7 34.Rd7+ Kf6 53.Rg6 Kd5 54.Rxg5 Le5 55.f6 Kd4
35.Rb7 Ra1+ 56.Rb1!
35...b4! 36.Rb6+ (36.Kf1 Rc8 37.Rc4 56...Lxf6 57.Rd1+ Kc4 58.Rxc5+ Kxc5
Rd8 38.Ke2 Ke6 39.Rb5) 36...Kf7 59.Rxd7 +–.
(36...Kf5 37.f3! +– [37.Rbe6 Ra1+ 1–0
38.Kh2 Ld6+ 39.g3 b3 ÷]) 37.f4.
36.Kh2 Ld6+ 37.g3 b4 38.Kg2 h5 Conclusion
38...Le5 39.f4 Ld4 40.g4 Ra2+ 41.Kf1 Ra3 I have always found chess coaching
42.h4 b3 43.f5 +– or 38...Kf5 39.Rh4 Le5 challenging and interesting and I am sure that
40.Rh5+! (40.Rxh7 Ld4) 40...Ke6 41.Rb6+ you do too. You will all have your own
Ld6 (41...Kd5 42.f4) 42.Rxc5 +–. effective methods.
39.Rb6 Rd1 (D) Chess is becoming a much tougher game,
(see next diagram) with standards rising across the competitive
40. f3! spectrum and this will make our job even
40.f4? Kf5 41.Rc4 (41.Kf3 Rf1+ 42.Ke2 harder as the years go by.
Kxe4 43.Kxf1 Kd5 =) 41...Rd2+ 42.Kf3 We must raise our standards too! But I'll
Rd3². leave you by stating that I always look at my
students as human beings first and chess
40...Kf7?! players second. That sums up my approach.
40...g5!? 41.Ke2 Rd5 42.g4! hxg4 (42...h4
43.f4 +–) 43.hxg4 Kf7 44.Rb7+ Kf8
(44...Kf6 45.Rd7 +–) 45.Re6 Re5+ 46.Rxe5
Lxe5 47.Kd3 Ld4 48.f3 Ke8 49.Kc4 Kf8
FIDE TRG Syllabus 204
Index of Games
When a player’s name appears in bold, that player had White. Otherwise the first-named Player
had White. A total of 185 games and examples are analysed in this book.

Abbasov Farid - Guliyev 175 Chernin Alexander - Mikhalchishin 51

Abdulla Al Rakib - Emms 168 Chernin Alexander - Ragozin 90
Adams Michael - Martinovic 101 Christiansen Larry - Foygel 54
Adams Michael - Zhigalko 79 Christiansen Larry - Karpov 156
Agzamov Georgy - Gurevich 61 Conde Adrian Garcia - Capablanca 171
Alekhine Alexander - Bogoljubow 134 Cramling Pia - Polgar 66
Alekhine Alexander - Capablanca 131 De la Villa Garcia Jesus - Illescas 123
Alekhine Alexander - Capablanca 176 De Legalle - Saint Brie 71
Alekhine Alexander - Yates 183 Deep Junior - Kasparov 89
Anand Viswanathan - Georgiev 177 Denker Arnold - Smyslov 125
Anand Viswanathan - Gurevich 109 Djurasevic Bozidar - Tal 169
Anand Viswanathan - Kasparov 44 Djuric Stefan - Petronic 147
Anand Viswanathan - Kasparov 91 Donner Jan - Botvinnik 90
Anand Viswanathan - Kempinski 76 Duchene Rene - Van Nies 68
Anand Viswanathan - Topalov 151 Duhayon Yves - Karaklajic 62
Anand Viswanathan - Topalov 163 Dvoretsky Mark - Tal 91
Andersson Ulf - Gurevich 160-193 Ehlvest Jan - Petursson 199
Andersson Ulf - Kasparov 200 Emms John - Abdulla 168
Atalik Suat - Gurevich 106 Epishin Vladimir - Nunn 92
Bacrot Etienne - Kasparov 157 Euwe Max - Reshevsky 129
Balashov Yuri - Petrosian 115 Fernandez Daniel - Kunte 153
Bareev Evgeny - Gurevich 196 Firat Burak - Gurevich 193
Bareev Evgeny - Kramnik 152 Fischer Robert - Benko 123
Baslavsky Ilia - Kondratiev 185 Fischer Robert - Bertok 133
Bauer Johann - Lasker 34 Fischer Robert - Geller 138
Beliavsky Alexander - Gurevich 111 Fischer Robert - Larsen 146
Beliavsky Alexander - Illescas 118 Fischer Robert - Petrosian 113
Beliavsky Alexander - Mikhalchishin 65 Fischer Robert - Petrosian 114
Beliavsky Alexander - Xie Jun 63 Fischer Robert - Smyslov 64
Bellon Lopez Juan - Illescas 116 Fischer Robert - Spassky 202
Benko Pal - Fischer 123 Fischer Robert - Taimanov 38
Bertok Mario - Fischer 133 Fischer Robert - Walther 187
Bogoljubow Efim - Alekhine 134 Flohr Salo - Kasparian 130
Bohm Hans - Kavalek 68 Foygel Igor - Christiansen 54
Botvinnik Mikhail - Donner 90 Furman Semen - Geller 131
Botvinnik Mikhail - Lisitsin 88 Gaprindashvili Nona - Ivanka 182
Botvinnik Mikhail - Petrosian 131 Gelashvili Tamaz - Gurevich 59
Botvinnik Mikhail - Reshevsky 121 Gelfand Boris - Ivanchuk 74
Botvinnik Mikhail - Smyslov 78 Gelfand Boris - Nikolic 158
Botvinnik Mikhail - Zagoriansky 36 Geller Efim - Fischer 138
Bronstein David - Mikhalchishin 36 Geller Efim - Furman 131
Bronstein David - Najdorf 122 Geller Efim - Mikhalchishin 65
Capablanca Jose Raul - Alekhine 131 Geller Efim - Petrosian 178
Capablanca Jose Raul - Alekhine 176 Geller Efim - Petrosian 35
Capablanca Jose Raul - Conde 171 Geller Efim - Romanishin 54
Capablanca Jose Raul - Kupchik 183 Georgiev Kiril - Anand 177
Capablanca Jose Raul - Mieses 95 Georgiev Krum - Kasparov 47
Carlsen Magnus - Ponomariov 184 Gligoric Svetozar - Smyslov 139
Chekhover Vitaly - Makogonov 135 Grischuk Alexander - Riazantsev 51
FIDE TRG Syllabus 205
Grivas Efstratios - Ionescu 128 Kasparov Garry - Anand 44
Guliyev Namig - Abbasov 175 Kasparov Garry - Anand 91
Gurevich Dmitry - Gurevich 194 Kasparov Garry - Andersson 200
Gurevich Mikhail - Agzamov 61 Kasparov Garry - Bacrot 157
Gurevich Mikhail - Anand 109 Kasparov Garry - Deep Junior 89
Gurevich Mikhail - Andersson 160-193 Kasparov Garry - Georgiev 47
Gurevich Mikhail - Atalik 106 Kasparov Garry - Gurevich 108
Gurevich Mikhail - Bareev 196 Kasparov Garry - Karpov 97
Gurevich Mikhail - Beliavsky 111 Kasparov Garry - Kramnik 137
Gurevich Mikhail - Firat 193 Kasparov Garry - Petrosian 85
Gurevich Mikhail - Gelashvili 59 Kasparov Garry - Shirov 153
Gurevich Mikhail - Gurevich 194 Kavalek Lubomir - Bohm 68
Gurevich Mikhail - Hamdouchi 104 Keene Raymond - Miles 88
Gurevich Mikhail - Hector 57 Kempinski Robert - Anand 76
Gurevich Mikhail - Johansen 194 Keres Paul - Randviir 172
Gurevich Mikhail - Kasparov 108 Keres Paul - Simagin 120
Gurevich Mikhail - Kupreichik 165 Keres Paul - Smyslov 186
Gurevich Mikhail - Magalashvili 166 Keres Paul - Taimanov 132
Gurevich Mikhail - Malakhov 60 Khodarkovsky Michael - Heine 135
Gurevich Mikhail - Nisipeanu 106 Knight Endings - Example 1 190
Gurevich Mikhail - Radjabov 195 Knight Endings - Example 2 191
Gurevich Mikhail - Reuss 56 Kochyev Alexander - Petronic 158
Gurevich Mikhail - Rogers 191 Kondratiev - Baslavsky 185
Gurevich Mikhail - Sandipan 98 Korchnoi Viktor - Miles 175
Gurevich Mikhail - Sebag 58 Kostic Boris - Muhlock 71
Gurevich Mikhail - Shushpanov 195 Kotov Alexander - Smyslov 32
Gurevich Mikhail - Yrjola 192 Kramer Haije - Thomas 96
Hamdouchi Hichem - Gurevich 104 Kramnik Vladimir - Bareev 152
Hector Jonny - Gurevich 57 Kramnik Vladimir - Illescas 102
Heine Rolf - Khodarkovsky 135 Kramnik Vladimir - Kasparov 137
Hort Vlastimil - Polugaevsky 130 Kramnik Vladimir - Ni Hua 137
Howell David - Trent 81 Kramnik Vladimir - Van Wely 185
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - Beliavsky 118 Krogius Nikolai - Petrosian 142
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - Bellon 116 Kunte Abhijit - Fernandez 153
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - De la Villa 123 Kupchik Abraham - Capablanca 183
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - Kramnik 102 Kupreichik Viktor - Gurevich 165
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - Lopez 188 Larsen Bent - Fischer 146
Illescas Cordoba Miguel - Short 84 Larsen Bent - Portisch 133
Ionescu Constantin - Grivas 128 Larsen Bent - Torre 93
Ivanchuk Vassily - Gelfand 74 Lasker Edward - Molle 163
Ivanka Budinsky Maria - Gaprindashvili 182 Lasker Emanuel - Bauer 34
Jakobsen Ole - Pachman 86 Lasker Emanuel - Tarrasch 120
Johansen Darryl - Gurevich 194 Lilienthal Andre - Makogonov 124
Karaklajic Nikola - Duhayon 62 Lisitsin Georgy - Botvinnik 88
Karjakin Sergey - Radjabov 94 Lopez Martinez Josep - Illescas 188
Karpov Anatoly - Christiansen 156 Lukacs Peter - Psakhis 89
Karpov Anatoly - Kasparov 97 Magalashvili Davit - Gurevich 166
Karpov Anatoly - Mecking 126 Makogonov Vladimir - Chekhover 135
Karpov Anatoly - Seirawan 67 Makogonov Vladimir - Lilienthal 124
Karpov Anatoly - Smyslov 116 Malakhov Vladimir - Gurevich 60
Karpov Anatoly - Spassky 37-117 Marshall Frank - Tarrasch 174
Karpov Anatoly - Timman 100 Martinovic Sasa - Adams 101
Karpov Anatoly - Unzicker 87 Mecking Henrique - Karpov 126
Karpov Anatoly - Westerinen 90 Mieses Jacques - Capablanca 95
Kasparian Genrikh - Flohr 130 Mikhalchishin Adrian - Beliavsky 65

FIDE TRG Syllabus 206

Mikhalchishin Adrian - Bronstein 36 Randviir Juri - Keres 172
Mikhalchishin Adrian - Chernin 51 Rapport Richard - Portisch 82
Mikhalchishin Adrian - Geller 65 Reshevsky Samuel - Botvinnik 121
Miles Anthony - Keene 88 Reshevsky Samuel - Euwe 129
Miles Anthony - Korchnoi 175 Reuss Andreas - Gurevich 56
Miles Anthony - Rodriguez 136 Riazantsev Alexander - Grischuk 51
Mixed Endings - Example 1 200 Rodriguez Ruben - Miles 136
Molle Dominique - Lasker 163 Rogers Ian - Gurevich 191
Morozevich Alexander - Petrushin 87 Romanishin Oleg - Geller 54
Muhlock - Kostic 71 Romanovsky Peter - Platz 134
Najdorf Miguel - Bronstein 122 Rook Endings - Example 1 179
Najdorf Miguel - Tal 126 Rook Endings - Example 2 179
Ni Hua - Kramnik 137 Rook Endings - Example 3 180
Nikolic Predrag - Gelfand 158 Rook Endings - Example 4 180
Nimzowitsch Aaron - Tarrasch 34 Rook Endings - Example 5 180
Nimzowitsch Aaron - Vidmar 40 Rook Endings - Example 6 180
Nisipeanu Liviu Dieter - Gurevich 106 Rook Endings - Example 7 181
Nunn John - Epishin 92 Rook Endings - Example 8 181
Onischuk Alexander - Shirov 96 Rook Endings - Example 9 181
Pachman Ludek - Jakobsen 86 Rook Endings - Example 10 181
Pawn Endings - Example 1 168 Saint Brie - De Legalle 71
Petronic Jovan - Djuric 147 Sandipan Chanda - Gurevich 98
Petronic Jovan - Kochyev 158 Schebler Gerhard - Schulz 63
Petronic Jovan - Petrov 70 Schlechter Carl - Steinitz 201
Petronic Sanja - Petrovic 72 Schulz Klaus - Schebler 63
Petrosian Tigran - Balashov 115 Sebag Marie - Gurevich 58
Petrosian Tigran - Botvinnik 131 Seirawan Yasser - Karpov 67
Petrosian Tigran - Fischer 113 Shirov Alexei - Kasparov 153
Petrosian Tigran - Fischer 114 Shirov Alexei - Onischuk 96
Petrosian Tigran - Geller 178 Shirov Alexei - Topalov 188
Petrosian Tigran - Geller 35 Short Nigel - Illescas 84
Petrosian Tigran - Kasparov 85 Shushpanov Vladimir - Gurevich 195
Petrosian Tigran - Krogius 142 Sigurjonsson Gudmund - Stein 33
Petrosian Tigran - Smyslov 92 Simagin Vladimir - Keres 120
Petrosian Tigran - Spassky 135 Smyslov Vassily - Botvinnik 78
Petrov Marian - Petronic 70 Smyslov Vassily - Denker 125
Petrovic Marija - Petronic 72 Smyslov Vassily - Fischer 64
Petrushin Alexander - Morozevich 87 Smyslov Vassily - Gligoric 139
Petursson Margeir - Ehlvest 199 Smyslov Vassily - Karpov 116
Platz R - Romanovsky 134 Smyslov Vassily - Keres 186
Polgar Zsusza - Cramling 66 Smyslov Vassily - Kotov 32
Polugaevsky Lev - Hort 130 Smyslov Vassily - Petrosian 92
Ponomariov Ruslan - Carlsen 184 Spassky Boris - Fischer 202
Ponomariov Ruslan - Svidler 52 Spassky Boris - Karpov 37-117
Portisch Lajos - Larsen 133 Spassky Boris - Petrosian 135
Portisch Lajos - Rapport 82 Spassky Boris - Tal 150
Positional Sacrifice - Example 1 151 Spielmann Rudolf - Vidmar 189
Psakhis Lev - Lukacs 89 Spirin Oleg - Vymazal 197
Queen Endings - Example 1 173 Stein Leonid - Sigurjonsson 33
Queen Endings - Example 2 173 Steinitz William - Schlechter 201
Queen Endings - Example 3 174 Suetin Alexey - Taimanov 119
Queen Endings - Example 4 174 Svidler Peter - Ponomariov 52
Radjabov Teimour - Karjakin 94 Taimanov Mark - Fischer 38
Radjabov Teimur - Gurevich 195 Taimanov Mark - Keres 132
Ragozin Evgeni - Chernin 90 Taimanov Mark - Suetin 119

FIDE TRG Syllabus 207

Taimanov mark - Unzicker 127 Unzicker Wolfgang - Karpov 87
Tal Mihail - Djurasevic 169 Unzicker Wolfgang - Taimanov 127
Tal Mihail - Dvoretsky 91 Van Nies Pauline - Duchene 68
Tal Mihail - Najdorf 126 Van Welly Loek - Kramnik 185
Tal Mihail - Spassky 150 Vidmar Milan Sr - Nimzowitsch 40
Tarrasch Siegbert - Lasker 120 Vidmar Milan Sr - Spielmann 189
Tarrasch Siegbert - Marshall 174 Vymazal Bronislav - Spirin 197
Tarrasch Siegbert - Nimzowitsch 34 Walther Edgar - Fischer 187
Thomas George - Kramer 96 Westerinen Heikki - Karpov 90
Timman Jan - Karpov 100 Xie Jun - Beliavsky 63
Topalov Veselin - Anand 151 Yates Frederick - Alekhine 183
Topalov Veselin - Anand 163 Yrjola Jouni - Gurevich 192
Topalov Veselin - Shirov 188 Zagoriansky Evgeny - Botvinnik 36
Torre Eugenio - Larsen 93 Zhigalko Andrey - Adams 79
Trent Lawrence - Howell 81

FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG)

FIDE Trainers’ Commission - Council 2015-2018
N Title Surname-Name Country
1 Chairman Mikhalchishin Adrian Slovenia-Ukraine (Europe)
2 Secretary Grivas Efstratios Greece (Europe)
3 Councillor Boensch Uwe Germany (Europe)
4 Councillor Khodarkovsky Michael US America (Americas)
5 Councillor Petronic Jovan Serbia (Europe)
FIDE Trainers’ Commission - Members/Advisors 2015-2018
N Title Surname-Name Country/Region
1 Member Janovsky Sergey Russia (Europe)
2 Member Khader Shami Jordan (Asia)
3 Member Khaled Hassan Egypt (Africa)
4 Member Kobese Watu South Africa (Africa)
5 Member O’Connell Kevin Ireland (Europe)
6 Member Olafsson Helgi Iceland (Europe)
7 Member Petrosian Arshak Armenia (Europe)
8 Member Sahu Sekhar Chandra India (Asia)
9 Member Slipak Mariano Argentina (Americas)
10 Member Tserendorj Sainbayar Mongolia (Asia)
11 Member Ye Jiangchuan China (Asia)
12 Member Zapata Alonso Colombia (Americas)
FIDE Trainers’ Commission - Technical/Editorial 2015-2018
N Title Surname-Name Country
1 Editor Bojkov Dejan Bulgaria (Europe)
2 Editor Bosch Jeroen Netherlands (Europe)
3 Editor Fierro Martha Ecuador-Italy (Europe)
4 Editor Glek Igor Germany-Russia (Europe)
5 Editor Gurevich Mikhail Turkey (Europe)
6 Editor Illescas Miguel Spain (Europe)
7 Editor Mohr Georg Slovenia (Europe)
8 Editor Polgar Susan US America (Americas)
FIDE TRG Syllabus 208

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