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Name : Khofifah Wulannor

NIM : 2019.C.11a.1014

Writing 12
1. Notification
- Avoid the spread of gamers
Wash hands with soap under running water
6 steps to wash your hands
a. Wet your hands, rub the soap on your palms then wipe and rub your palms gently
in a circular direction.
b. Also rub and rub the backs of the hands alternately
c. Rub between your fingers until they are clean
d. Clean the fingertips alternately with each other position
e. Rob and rotate the thumbs alternately
f. Place your fingertips on your palms and rub gently. Rinse with clean water and
pat dry
- For the convenience of patients, staff and visitors
Please always keep clean
a. Washing hand
b. Do not smoke
c. Throw garbage in its place
Thank you
- Be a smart patient, do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist regarding the
medication given.
Ask whether there is administration of antibiotics and whether it is really needed to
treat your disease.

2. Signs and symptoms

1) B. Despite all the treatment she received, the symptoms of the disease remained
2) A. The disease is gone when the patient is free from all morbid signs and symptoms.
3) F. In the early stages of the disease, the initial symptoms are things like nausea and
muscle pain.
4) J. Early clinical presentations of ehrlichiosis are non-specific and resemble various
other diseases.
5) C. We didn’t expect weight loss. It’s an atypical sign and led to the wrong diagnosis
6) D. At first, meningitis is hard to identify, but eventually the classic sign of a
haemorrhagic rash appears
7) I. The cardinal signs of leprosy are readily recognised in countries where the disease
is common
8) H. The symptoms are progressive, starting in the spinal cord and continuing to the
9) G. He showed only minimal sign of the disease for quite a long time and did not feel
10) E. The final symptomatic phase of HIV is full-blown AIDS.

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