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My Wattpad Love

by: cold_lady19

Julie has always been the shy type. Her world changes when she finds wattpad, a
very popular ebook community. She becomes addicted to it and even starts posting
her own stories. But are friends, fans and votes all she will get from this site?
Or is it possible to find love as well?

Kaya Scodelario as Julie Ann Jones
Jeremy Kapone as Evan Woods
Alex Pettyfer as Shane Mason
Emma Stone as Laura Peterson
Logan Lerman as Jason Thomas
Sophie Marceau as Carla Jones
Lyndsy Fonseca as Helen Woods
Blake Lively as Melissa Collins
Kellan Lutz as Jordan Richards


To Wattpad for being such a nice website :)

and my boyfriend. Rob, I love you!

This is the work of fiction. Remember that.

My wattpad love.

Four words.

It is unbelievable how four words can change your life. I will never understand how
such little quantity of letters can change your life forever. Phrases like "I truly
love you" or "I really like you" are so powerful and strong; they can warm your
heart in a matter of seconds. They can lead you to happiness. But it was not one of
those phrases the one that changed my life. It was a much simpler phrase, one I
never expected to read.

It was past midnight. I was surfing on the internet like every Saturday night.
After finishing a bowl of ice cream by myself, I was hyperactive and couldn't
sleep. I guess the extra sugar in my system was not really helping. I was lying on
my stomach moving my finger along the pointing device of my Hp laptop. I was
searching for stories to read, I ran out of paper books so I decided to try those
so famous online books. I was not having any success; most of the pages that
offered the mentioned books were kind of expensive. I would have paid for those
books that caught my attention but hey, I was seventeen. I barely had money for
lunch at school. Besides, those websites asked for credit cards and I was really
far away from getting one of those.

Sighing in frustration, I was about to give up when I saw an orange icon and the
word free. I clicked on it and the internet explorer showed me wonderland: Wattpad.
My eyes widened in shock as I read the website's mottos: unlimited stories, free
eBooks, free download for your phone. As I scroll down the page, I discovered many
stories. Many tittles caught my attention. I wanted to read them all. I could not
believe I could read all those amazing stories for free. My heart started hammering
inside my chest in excitement.

For the first few days, I was a silent reader. I didn't have an account so I simply
enjoyed reading the stories I liked. But then I felt the need to support those
writers who spend hours on their books so I created an account. I was soon fanning
people and commenting on stories to show my support. A month later, I was an
addict. I checked wattpad three times per day to see if the stories I was following
were updated.

"Are you listening to me?" Laura, my best friend, asked as we walked to school one

"Huh?" I asked closing the wattpad app on my IPhone.

"You never listen to me, Julie. It's getting on my nerves," she complained walking
faster, leaving me behind.

"Lau, wait!" I screamed running after her.

I couldn't help it. Wattpad had become my guilty pleasure. I tried to balance
things, you know, hanging out with my friends and spending time on wattpad but it
was hard. However, after a few weeks I managed to find the perfect balance.
Whenever I was with my friends, I wouldn't take my IPhone out of my pocket because
I knew if I did I would succumb to the need of checking wattpad.

Anyway, you are probably wondering about those four words that changed my life.
Well, it happened one afternoon after getting home from school. I turned my laptop
on and immediately logged in wattpad. It was then my eyes caught that phrase...

Share your own story.

Four words, seventeen letters... I had always liked writing. I had a few un-
finished stories in my laptop but never got the courage to finish them because I
was lazy. Besides, I honestly never thought people would read them. It took me a
few days to decide whether to post them or not. Clicking on the upload section and
then on post a new story, I uploaded my first story. To say I was nervous is an
understatement, I was terrified. I would check my mail each five seconds to see if
I got a comment or anything.

After two days of agony, my IPhone buzzed in my pocket. It was an email from
wattpad "XxxxxX commented on your story" my heart came to a halt. I clicked on the
link and proceeded to read the comment:

"I love it, you should write more! Upload soon!"

I almost jumped in joy as I read it. Someone liked my story; someone had actually
read my story and enjoyed it. I was grinning from ear to ear as I replied to her
comment. I thanked for her for the nice comment. That was how everything started.
Those four words had really gotten me into something I loved. I uploaded chapter
after chapter, gaining more fans and making new friends in the process. That was
what I enjoyed the most from wattpad, the fact that I got to meet people from every
corner of the world.

But then it happened. I was lying comfortable on my bed while reading on my IPhone
when my phone buzzed, announcing I got a mail. Smiling, I clicked the mail opened.
"Dark_poet001 sent you a message"

What an interesting username! I thought smiling. I was in such a good mood that

I clicked on the link that would lead me to my message board and frowned as I read
the message:

"Your story is really girly, don't you think? It is not good if you ask me, I do
not understand how it is so famous, its plot is not original at all."

My finger froze on my IPhone’s screen. My good mood went down the drainage. Those
words hurt me like hell. I cannot even describe the way they made feel. I was
devastated. I had never got such a negative message in the two months I'd been on
wattpad. I was sure the page was promoting a friendly environment but there were
definitely people out there who didn't know how to be nice. I went to the profile
of the person who sent this message and frowned even more.

It was a guy. It was not very common to find males in this site. I read his profile
info in silence:

Name: Don't need to know, stalker.

Location: Read the above.
Gender: M
Language: English.
Member since: Dec 2010.
Votes received: 10,859

He had posted two stories and a collection of dark poems. His profile info white
box was empty. He didn't write anything about him. His profile picture was blank,
literally blank. I struggled not to write insults on his message board. That would
not make things better. I was going to prove him I was more mature and civilized
than him. I carefully typed my message:

"Hello there, dark poet.

I understand if you didn't like my story,
but there was no need to be so rude.


I pressed the send button. I didn't even get the chance to breathe when my phone
buzzed announcing he had replied. Really? This guy was fast! My eyes narrowed at
his reply.

@JulesRocks Touched a nerve? ;)

I bit my lower lip in anger and quickly clicked the reply option.

@Dark_poet001 Hey, I’m just saying there's not need to be so rude. If you don't
like my story just don't read it. Save your rudeness for yourself.

After a few minutes he replied:

@JulesRocks Cut the drama, girly. This is not one of your stories, this is the real
world ;p

and that, my friends, was how an epic argument started:

Me: First of all, don't call me girly. I don't know you. Second, I’m not being
dramatic. It wouldn't kill you to be nice.

Him: Why would I be nice to you? I don't know you.

Me: Exactly, you don't know me. There is no reason for you to be rude to me.

Him: ;) Whatever, girly.

Me: Don't call me that.

Him: It suits you.

Me: It doesn't! Just be nicer the next time you want to say your opinion about a

Him: Oh, did I hurt your feelings?

Me: Yes.

I thought for a moment he was going to apologize, how stupid of me to think that!

Him: You want to cry on my shoulder, girly? ;)

Me: Can't you just apologize?

Him: Nope.

Me: I give up. Just don't talk to me ever again.

Him: Aww you're breaking my heart, girly. Can't you see?

Me: Shut up! Being sarcastic is not really helping.

Him: I think it is ;)

Me: Why are you so mean to me?

Him: Because.

Me: Because...?

Him: No reason :)

Me: Just stay away from me.

Him: You are the one who's on my profile. Leave, stalker.

Me: I am not stalking you. I came here to see if we could get to an agreement. I
want you to understand that your rude messages hurt people.

Him: Blah blah blah.

Me: You are....

Him: Can't think of a proper insult, Mrs. Strawberry?

Me: Strawberry? What the...

Him: Yeah, you're like a strawberry. Your stories are so cheesy.

Me: You are unbelievable.

Him: Thanks ;)

Me: It was not a compliment!

Him: it was for me ;)

Me: I'm out of here.

Him: Go, shoo! You're staining my page with your pink fingertips and strawberry's

I got out of his page fuming. This guy was unbelievable! He had no manner or
respect for people. I could feel my heart beating desperately inside my chest. Arg!
I buried my face in my pillow and growled in anger. He really got on my nerves. How
could he be so rude? My phone buzzed and I slowly checked the screen. It was a new

"Dark_poet001 sent you a private message"

I clicked on it and frowned reading it:

"It was nice talk to you, Mrs. Strawberry. This is not over :)"

I squeezed my fists. Oh, it's on!

X - X

That was the first chapter.

Next chapter will be more exciting, I promise.

Hugs, Arix.

Chapter 02 >>

A/N: Thank you guys for the support! I just want you to know the chapters for this
story will be kind of short. And there'll be a lot of chat dialogue so if it's not
your thing, I understand! Love u all, Arix!

My Wattpad Love

"Julie..." a low whisper dragged me out of sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, my

sight was blurred for a few seconds but it quickly adjusted to my surroundings. The
first thing I saw was my bed. It was a few meters away; the purple sheets were
perfectly fixed.
Wait...if my bed was so far away, then where was I sleeping? As if my mind wanted
to reply, pain shot through my neck. It was then I realized my face was lying on my
laptop's keyboard; I was sitting in front of my desk. I got my face off the
keyboard, my cheek stung, I was sure I had letters marked on my skin.

"Ow," I exclaimed rubbing my neck. How I managed to sleep in such uncomfortable

position, I had no idea. I couldn't even remember falling asleep in the first
place. My room was only lightened up by the small lamp on my night stand.

"Julie," the same voice repeated and I scanned my room to find it empty. I frowned.
What the-"Julie," the voice sounded more urgent this time. I was still half-sleep.
I got up and started walking like a zombie towards my window. My house was a two-
story one so my room was on the second floor. There was a big full moon on the sky
"Julie!" I took a look outside but found nothing so I lifted my gaze to the sky

"God?" I asked scared. But then, a flying rock hit my forehead "Ow!"

"Wake up! Damn it!" I held my forehead and looked down at my garden frowning.

"Jason?" I scowled at him. He was standing behind a bush between my mother's

flowers. He was my best friend since kinder garden "What the hell! You hit me!" I
whined rubbing my forehead.

"Throw the sheet, I need to talk to you," Jason usually sneaked in my house. I
would throw a prepared sheet and he would climb it like a monkey. My window was not
really high anyway.

"What? Are you out of your mind? It's..." I trailed off; I didn't know what time it
was "It's late!" I finished unsure.

"It's an emergency,"

"What type of emergency?

"Type Y," my eyes widened. Jason and I had created some sort of code, the types of
emergency went from V to Z. Believe me, Y was a very grave one. I searched under my
bed to find the sheets and then threw it over my window. In a matter of seconds,
Jason jumped inside my room. His brown hair was messy as if he had run his finger
through it many times.

"What happened?"

"I need a condom," I gasped as his blunt reply.

"What?! Are you serious?" I asked exasperated.

"It's an emergency!" he exclaimed with pleading eyes.

"That is not an emergency! Buy your own condoms, you cheap whore!" I slapped his

"Please, Jules, please," he begged.


"Come on! It's not like you're using them anyway,"

"Get out," I stated pushing him to the window.

"The drug store is closed. You know there's no other place where I can get condoms
at this time, please!" I knew he was being honest. There was only one drug store in
the entire town.

Sighing in defeat, I walked to my dresser and found some condoms. I was a virgin
but hey, that doesn't mean I wasn't prepared. Besides, my mother was a doctor. When
she gave me the "talk" she made sure to provide me with a big quantity of condoms.
I threw them rudely to Jason. He caught them in midair and grinned at me.

"Stop using the emergency code for these types of things," I said folding my arms
across my chest. Jason held my face and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, you're the best friend ever," and with that he climbed out of my
window. Yawning, I got on my bed. My IPhone was under my pillow; I grasped it and
checked my mails. I hadn't bothered on replying earlier to that rude boy from
wattpad. I was too busy writing a chapter for one of my stories when I'd fallen
sleep. It was 2:30 am. Wow, I should be sleeping. Curiosity filled my veins so I
went to his profile. His last status was 28 minutes ago. I scowled at his words:

Cleaning out my message board, it had pink fingerprints everywhere, Ew!

He had to be kidding me! What the hell was wrong with him? Could he just let it go?
I touched the private message he'd sent me to open it. Quickly, I started typing a
message to him.

Can you just let it go?

I pressed send and almost jumped in surprised when my IPhone buzzed. Jeez, that boy
was fast!

Him: No.

Me: What's your problem?

Him: You are my problem.

Me: Why?

Him: Because.

I growled in frustration and was about to reply when he sent another message.

Him: What are you doing?

Me: Like I would tell you that.

Him: It's late where you live.

Me: How do you know?

Him: you wrote it on your profile. You are not really bright, are you?

Me: Stalker much?

Him: Technically, you are stalking me. You are the one getting in my profile and
you messaged me first.

Me: No, you messaged me first!

Him: Whatever. You didn't answer my question.

Me: Why do you want to know what I'm doing?

Him: Just curious.

Me: Freak.

Him: Strawberry girl.

Me: Stop calling me that!

Him: Make me.

Me: You are impossible!

Him: Thanks ;)

Me: My God, it was not a compliment!

Him: I know. So are you doing something you shouldn't? >=)

Me: What do you mean?

Him: You don't want to tell me what you're doing so I'm going to start assuming
Me: What?

Him: Are you watching porn?

Me: No! Are you out of your mind?!

Him: then what are you doing up? It's 2:54 am where you live.

Me: I was just... helping a friend.

Him: At this time?

Me: Yeah

Him: A male friend?

Me: That's not of your business.

Him: ;)

Curiosity kept filling my veins so I decided to ask him something.

Me: What’s your name?

Him: Darkpoet001 :)

Me: No, I mean your real name.

Him: Why do you want to know, Mrs. Strawberry?

Me: Dear God! Stop calling me that!

Him: Or what? You will hug me to death and throw strawberry pies at me? ;)

Me: You are unbelievable!

Him: I know ;)

Me: I’m out of here. I don't know why I waste my time talking to you.
Him: That hurt!

Me: Right, bye!

Before I could put my IPhone away he replied:

My name is Evan :) Night, Sweet Jules.


Chapter 03 >>

Thanks for the great support! Love you, guys!

My Wattpad Love

"Julie Anne Jones!" I jumped awake, blinking quickly trying to clear my blurred
sight. My mother's angry voice had the power of waking me up in one second. The
morning sunlight was coming through the window. Shoot! I was probably late for
school. I heard my mother's coming footsteps and clumsily tried to get out of my
bed, key word here: Tried. My legs entangled with my sheets so I ended falling
forwards to the floor. It was a good thing, I had reflexes otherwise my face would
have crashed into cold surface if I hadn't got my hands on it first. I tried to
stand but the damn sheet wouldn't let go of my leg. My door was swung opened, and
there she stood: Carla Jones, my sweet mother, well 'Sweet' wasn't an adjective
that suited her in that moment.

"Hi," I greeted nervously. She folded her arms across her chest, giving me a
disapproving look.

"Can you explain to me, why my daughter is still on bed on a Monday’s morning?"

"Technically, I'm not on my bed," I defended pointing the floor beneath me.

"Very funny," she faked a laugh "Be ready in five minutes, Julie. I won't allow you
to be late for school,"

"Five minutes?" I whined.

"Time is running,"


"And you have no time for breakfast. You'll eat a nutritional biscuit on the way,"


"Four minutes," I groaned and quickly moved to my closet. My mother was a nice
person but she was very strict and disciplined. I attributed it to her career.
Medical School was tough. She graduated from it when I was nine, I knew it'd been
hard for her to take care of me and attend to Medical school at the same time. But
she had no choice. We were on our own. My father was a huge blur for me. I barely
remembered seeing him when I was a child. He left us, Mom never explained to me
why. It was a delicate theme for her. Even though, she had a temper I'd learn to
love her just the way she was. She always went by the rules and God saves me if I
did something wrong or didn't follow her commands.

The ride to school was silent, which was rare; my mother usually attacked me with
her doctor's babbling about my unhealthy sleep time. I was more of a night person,
if you haven't noticed. I watched through the window as the trees rushed by. It was
then I remembered him.


I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing right now. Was he sleeping? Why was I
thinking about him this early in the morning anyway? He was just some annoying rude
boy I met on the internet. But he intrigued me, I couldn't deny it.

My IPhone buzzed in my jacket's pocket and I jumped in surprise. My mother glanced

at me coldly and quickly, her eyes were back on the road. I sighed, she was
obviously mad at me. Checking my phone, I couldn't stop the smile that crept to my
lips. It was a mail from wattpad.

I can't remove your disgusting strawberry’s scent from my wall. Bah!

Evan's message made me chuckle. Even though, he was discretely insulting me. Again.
I couldn't help finding funny his entire Mrs. Strawberry thing. For some reason, I
didn't feel insulted by it anymore. I quickly typed a reply:

You couldn't stop yourself for messaging me, could you?

By the time he replied, I was already out of my mother's car and heading to the
school's entrance. Dozens of teenagers were gathering around while others were
entering the school.

Him: Don't flatter yourself, girly. I'm just bored.

Me: Yeah, right. You were bored so you decided to talk to the writer you hate,
that doesn't make any sense.

Him: It does to me ;)

Me: You're so weird.

Him: So I've been told.

Me: You still owe an apology, you know that, right?

Him: An apology? Psst, what would I apology for?

Me: Well, for many things but your rude message about my story is what comes to
mind right now.

Him: I won't apologize for being honest. Your story is cheesy, admit it and move

Me: Honesty? You call that honesty?

Him: Yeah.

Me: I don't even know why I waste my time on you.

Him: Neither do I.

I narrowed my eyes at my IPhone’s screen. He was such a jerk! I was about to reply
when I crashed into someone's hard chest. Strong hands caught me saving me from a
painful fall on my ass. Manly cologne's hit my nostrils and I looked up. My jaw
almost dropped to the floor in shock and I could feel the blood filling my cheeks.
I was in the arms of Shane Mason, the school's popular golden boy. His hazel eyes
were looking right into my blue ones paralyzing me. His blond brownish hair was
messy in a sexy way. His perfect features were envied by most of the guys in this
school and worshipped by the entire female population.

I didn't know what to say, well, true was I couldn't say anything. I was shocked by
the fact that this beautiful boy was holding me. Shane smirked at me arrogantly,
probably thinking I was dazzled, which I was but I quickly tried to put on a
careless facade. I cleared my throat.

"You should watch where you're going," he said curtly, letting go of me. I stumbled
backwards and lifted my chin, trying to maintain my dignity "You should also comb
your hair, have you ever heard of hairbrush?" my mouth was opened in shock. How
dare he! I was a shy person but if you mess with my hair, you mess with my life.
Let's just say, it's a sensitive subject for me since the day my first school's
boyfriend dumped me because my hair was ugly. I was ten when that happened but it
still marked me.

"Have you ever heard of manners?" I retorted folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh, it speaks!" he exclaimed in mock surprise. I glared at him and stepped aside
to walk past him. Successfully, I managed to take five steps away when he spoke
again from behind, "I think this belongs to you," I glanced at him, ok more like
glared at him over my shoulder. My eyes widened when I spot the black phone in his
hand: My IPhone. I rushed towards him and went to snatch it from his hand but he
raised it, keeping the phone out of my reach.

"Give it back," I demanded as I jumped as high as I could. The bastard was so tall
that he didn't even look preoccupied by my futile attempts of getting my phone
He stared at me, amusement plastered on his face.

"Do my math homework and I will give it back,"

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"You heard me,"

"I will not do such a thing!" Didn't he know I was almost failing math? I wasn't
really good with numbers, wait... "You think I'm a nerd?" I asked touching my own
chest. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Aren't you?" I shook my head.

"No, now, give me my phone back,"

"Nope, you have to be a nerd otherwise why would you come to school looking
so...unfeminine? I mean, those baggy pants and t-shirt don't fit you. Anyone could
mistake you for a boy," to say I felt insulted was an understatement. My face
heated in anger and I clenched my fists. The next thing I did was something I would
remember for the rest of my life... no, it was something I'd remember even in the
afterlife: I slapped Shane Mason. My palm hit his left cheek hard, he was
dumbfounded. Taking advantage of his reaction, I snatched my phone away and ran
away like a crazy person.

I spent the rest of the day, watching my back. I felt like a ninja, checking every
corner I was about to cross, hiding behind books and cafeteria's trays. I had a gut
feeling that Shane wasn't going to let this go. In my defense, he earned that slap
by pulse. I still couldn't believe I had done that, I wasn't a violent person but
he really pushed my buttons.

"Julie, what's going on?" Laura, my best friend, asked as we headed to our
chemistry class. I was keeping my bag against my face, covering myself.

"Hum, I'm in trouble,"


"I hit someone,"

"What?" Laura sounded surprised. Like I said, I wasn't a violent person and she
knew that

"Who? What happened?"

"Shane," I whispered so low that for a moment I thought Laura didn't catch it.

"Shane? As in Shane Mason? Hot Shane?"

"Uhum," I nodded.

"Really?" she stopped walking and got on my way, facing me "Tell me exactly what
happened," I opened my mouth to reply when my phone buzzed in my pockets.

"I’ll tell you later," I offered as I checked my phone. My face brightened up when
I saw it was an email from wattpad but I frowned when I saw it was a comment on my
one of my stories. Don't get me wrong, I loved the comments my fans leave and I
read each one of them smiling like an idiot. It was just that I hoped it was a
message from Evan. My phone buzzed again and I couldn't help grinning like an idiot
when I saw it was a message from him. Did he read my mind or something?

Him: Boo.

Me: You really can't survive without me, can you? :)

Him: Nah, I just enjoy annoying you.

Me: Right.

Him: I have the hope I can persuade you into writing good stuff instead of cheesy

Me: My stories are not cheesy! Stop saying that!

Him: They are, someday, you'll admit it.

Me: Whatever.

Him: ;)

Me: Why do you keep messaging me? It's obvious you don't like me.

Him: I told you. You entertain me.

Me: How?

Him: What color is your underwear?

I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as I replied:

Me: You are a pervert!

Him: I bet my PS3 that you are blushing right now. See? That's how you entertain
me, you're a predictable girl.

Me: You don't know me!

Him: I know enough about you.

Me: What's that supposed to mean?

I scowled and felt stupid because he couldn't see my face.

Him: Writers always leave pieces of their selves in their stories. So basically, by
reading your stories i know a lot about you.

Me: My characters are not real.

Him: But they all have a piece of you.

I didn't know what to say to that. He was probably right.

Me: You're weird.

Him: No, I’m smart. Do you want me to prove it to you?

Me: ????

Him: You are a shy girl. You prefer being on your computer because you're afraid of
the real world. You like reading and writing (Obvious two but needed to point them
out) you don't have a father; he left you when you were a child or something like
that. Your mother has a stressing career; she's probably a lawyer or a doctor. You
don't have many friends, you don't like being wrong. You don't let many people get
closer to you because you are afraid they will leave you like your father did. And
lastly, you don't have a boyfriend,"

I was utterly and simply shocked.

How on Earth did he know all that? Was he a stalker?

Me: Are you stalking me?

Him: Nope, I'm a very observant person. I've got all that personal information by
reading your stories.

Me: That's impossible.

Him: No, it's called intelligence.

Me: You are weird, indeed.

Him: thank you ;)

Me: How old are you?

Him: why? :)

Me: I don't know... you just seem...

Him: Older than you? Yes, I am.

Me: So?

Him: Does it matter?

Me: Yeah, I want to know if you're a creepy old man.

Him: Ha-ha, no, I'm not a pedophile so don't worry.

Me: Why are you talking to me?

Him: Because you are the opposite of me.

Me: What do you mean?

Him: Gotta go, talk you later, peachy girl.

Me: Oh great! Another pet name!

Him: you know you love them ;)

Me: Whatever, creep.

Him: ;) Bye.

For some reason, I felt lonely after I was done talking to him. It still surprised
me how much he seemed to know about me. Not even Jason or Laura knew that much
about me. I mean, they didn't know how scared I was of the real world. They didn't
know I was hiding behind my shell to protect myself. They only thought I was just a
closed person. Evan was still a jerk and very rude to me but somehow he had
softened. Or maybe I was just getting used to his rude replies.

I shoved my phone inside my pocket and the bell rang. I’d had only one class left
and I would be free to go. I would be able to leave this school unharmed. Yeah, I
really hoped I didn't run into Shane on my way to my next class. It was easy, just
two more hours and I'd be safe at home. Something in my gut told I was not going to
get away so easily.

And I'd been right.


Chapter 04 >>

Dedicated to all those who have voted and commented on this story. You guys
rock! :D



- Chapter 04 -

After the torment that was gymnastics, I was finally heading out of school. Mom had
texted me, saying she was going to be a little bit late so I was doomed to wait for
her out in the cold. Even when winter was almost gone, the cold breeze was still
whipping our town. I sat on a nearby bench and sighed watching students getting in
their cars and chatting. I couldn't believe I had slapped someone as popular as
Shane and got away with it.

Being really bored, I got on wattpad and started checking my favorite discussions
on the clubs. I would always spend time talking and sharing opinions with people
there. It was then an idea occurred to me. I clicked on Evan's profile and entered
his poetry collection. I wanted to know more about him. I read his poems and tears
sprung to my eyes. They were so sad, and they were so well written that they got to
my heart quickly. His username made more sense now "Darkpoet001" his poems were
dark but they were also extremely sad.

Motivated by curiosity, I clicked on one of his two stories. It was a thriller

story about some murders and stuff like that, I'd read it later so I clicked on the
other one. I opened my mouth surprised. It was about a boy, a lonely boy. The
prologue described his sad thoughts about the world. Wanting to know more, I
transported myself into the story as I read it in silence.

The main character was so deep and thick, that I found myself very intrigued by
him. The story developed in college, basically emphasizing all the steps the main
character had to take to overcome his difficulties. He had lost his family and the
love of his life. God, this boy knew how to get to someone's heart. Tears escaped
my eyes while I was reading a very emotional scene. The girl he loved broke his
heart; she dumped him for his best friend. How could she do that? I was so into the
story that I forgot I was in the parking lot. I didn't notice a figure standing in
front of me.

Someone coughed obviously trying to get my attention but I ignored it. I needed to
know what Josh, the main character, was to say to his former girlfriend. My phone
was taken from my hands in a quick move.

"Hey!" I exclaimed looking up "Uh-oh," I met Shane's hazel eyes; they held a glint
of anger. I swallowed.

"You owe me an apology," he stated coldly.

"Me?" I aimed a finger to me innocently.

"Yeah, you,"

"You insulted me! You deserved what you got," I said standing up "give me my phone

"Don't mess with me, Jones," he pronounced my last name slowly.

"Are you threatening me?" I scowled at him as he stepped closer to me. Worrying
about my safety, I backed away. His lips formed a wicked grin.

"Hit me again and you'll see,"

"See what?" I was not going to let him intimidate me. He grabbed my arm rudely
pulling me to him. I struggled to release myself "Let me go!"

"You are so..." he stated as he stared at me in silence.

"Insult me again and I swear-"

"Beautiful," I gasped and couldn't help the blush filling my cheeks but then he
laughed. I frowned as he let me go and gave me my phone back. He continued to laugh
for a while "You should...have...your... face..." he said among his laughter. So it
was a joke? Why didn't it surprise me? Of course, a guy like him would never think
I was beautiful. I simply glared at him and felt relief when I spotted my mother's
car. I walked past Shane but he grabbed my arm again stopping me "What's your
name?" Oh Great, he knew my last name but not my name, so classy.

"Megan Fox," I replied sarcastically.

"You wish you were that hot," he said sternly. I slapped his hand and smiled at
"You wish you knew my name," and with that I walked off. Unfortunately for me, my
triumphal exit didn't last long. I didn't notice the parked car on my way and
crashed into it with a thud

"Ow!" my knee received all the damage. I jumped on one foot while rubbing my knee
"Ow, ow, Ow" Shane approached to me chuckling,

"Nice exit, Jones," he commented amused.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed putting my hurt feet on the ground again. I started limping
towards my mother's car. I got inside and slammed the door closed. My mother gave
me a confused look but drove off in silence. I guess she was still mad at me.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading Evan's sad story. I wondered if that had
really happened to him because it was really tragic. According to his story, her
girlfriend had chosen his best friend over him. How could she do that? Why did I
care so much anyway? It was probably just fiction, but something in my gut told
Evan had had a difficult life. I didn't know how I knew this but I just sensed it.
I was lying on my back, my laptop was resting on my belly. I was reading peacefully
on wattpad, my eyes landed on the chat box. I had a new instant message. I smiled
like a fool when I read the username "Darkpoet001" he had to be my fan otherwise
there was no way he could appear in my chat box.

Him: ....

Me: What?

Him: Hello, peachy girl.

I rolled my eyes at his new nickname for me.

Me: Hello, freak.

Him: :) How are you?

Me: Good and you?

Him: Great ;) I had a dream about you.

Me: Really?

I asked in disbelief. Why was he being so nice? Maybe he was tired of being a jerk.
My assumptions could not have been more wrong!

Him: Yeah, I killed you in my dream.

Me: so sweet! (Note sarcasm)

Him: Nah, I didn't kill you. It was not nice dream though.

Me: Why?

Him: Because you were in it :/

Me: -.-

Him: It was a nightmare, but oh well, how was your day?

Me: Hm, not good.

Him: Why?

Me: I slapped someone.

Him: hahaha really?

Me: Yeah, it's not funny. Now I got an angry arrogant boy on my tail.

Him: why did you slap him? Did he kiss you?

Me: What? No!

Him: Then...?

Me: He insulted me.

Him: Oh, you need a shoulder to cry on? ;)

Me: No.

Him: Bah, I'm being nice here.

Me: You call this being nice? Your niceness sucks!

Him: You hurt my feelings.

Me: Yeah right

Him: haha did you finish stalking my profile?

Me: Psst, I wasn't stalking your profile

Him: You are not a good stalker. If you were going to read my stories and poems,
trying to figure me out, you shouldn't have voted for them. It's all in my newsfeed

"Damn!" I cussed aloud. I was such an idiot!

Me: I don't know what you're talking about.

Him: Whatever, girly.

Me: Again with the nicknames -.-*

Him: You know you love them.

Me: I don't!

Him: You do :)

I was about to type a reply when my door swung opened crashing against the wall. My
window shook for the impact.

"I have returned!" Jason exclaimed pretending a British accent. He walked inside my
room like he owned the place. I stared at him in silence. He looked rejuvenated and
radiant. I guess he'd had a wild night. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You have a sign on your forehead that says 'I had sex all night'" I commented.

"I had, indeed," I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it with the accent, it doesn't suit you,"

"Someone's cranky," he pointed me and grinned "but do not worry, my lady," he bowed
keeping his eyes on me "I am here to brighten your day,"

"I'm perfectly fine,"

"No, you're not. I heard you got on a fight with Shane this morning,"

"What? I didn't get on a fight with him. I just slapped him," Jason took his shirt
off and fanned himself. Then, he threw himself on my bed, causing it to quaver at
the sudden invasion.

"Oh rumors," Jason shook his head disapprovingly "why did you slap him?"

"He insulted me," I said absently while my eyes landed on my laptop again. I had
two new instants messages from Evan.

Him: Mrs. Strawberry?

You there?

Me: Kind of, my best friend's over.

Him: Oh, talk to you later then :)

Me: Yeah, sure.

"What are you doing?" Jason crawled closer to peak on my laptop's screen; I closed
it on his face.

"Nothing," I gave him a closed mouth smile. He narrowed his green eyes at me.

"What are you hiding?" he looked curious.

"Nothing," I replied too quickly. He looked into my eyes.


"Jason..." we usually got into this staring contest. Jason's eyes widened.

"Oh my God! You are watching porn!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"What?! No! Why would I... no!"

"Then let me see,"


"Jules.." he menaced "let me see,"

"I am talking to someone, alright?" I admitted blushing slightly.

"Is it a boy?" I nodded "Are you blushing? Ah! Thank God, I was starting to worry
about your sexuality," I punched his shoulder hard "Ow! Don’t blame me; you haven't
had a proper boyfriend in years!"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian,"

"Sorry," he grinned at me "So who is it?"

"Jason, stop it. He is just... an acquaintance,"

"But you like him,"

"No, I hate him, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual,"

"Who could possibly hate you? You're as sweet as a peach," a smile crept to my lips
as I remembered that was Evan's new nickname for me: Peachy girl.

"Where were you last night?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh, I was with Helen," I glared at him.

"You were with that sl-" Jason covered my mouth.

"No insults, Jules. She is my friend,"

"Friend? Your definition of friend is sickly wrong. Friends don't screw each

"Well, she's my special friend," he corrected.

"Whatever, but the next time you appear on my window in the middle of the night and
ask me for condoms. I will murder you and feed you to the dog,"

"You don't have a dog," Jason chuckled.

"I could get one," Jason laughed and pinched my nose.

"You're so cute when you try to look angry,"

"I am angry. You scared the hell out of me last night, not to mention the fact, you
hit me with a rock,"

"Sorry about that,"

"Say that to the bruise on my forehead,"

"You don't have a bruise. Don't be dramatic, Jules,"

"Fine, just don't do it again," Jason looked guilty for a moment.

"Actually, I was wondering..."

"Oh no, no, no, don't tell me you're here for condoms," his guilty expression told
me everything "Oh my God! Get out, Jason,"

"Please! I'm short on money and I'm seeing Helen tonight,"

"Again? What are you? A freaking rabbit?"

"Jules, please,"


"Come on, it's not like you paid for them. Your mother gave you tons of them,"

"That doesn't mean I have to maintain your sex life. I'm not your pimp," I
explained exasperated. Jason pouted and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"You cannot let your best friend get a STD or get someone pregnant," he whined with
baby voice. Sighing in frustration, I got out of bed and stalked to my drawer.
Condoms in hand, I turned to Jason and was ready to throw them when my mother burst
in. She looked at Jason, who was lying shirtless on my bed and then at me.

"Julie Ann Jones! Can you explain to me what the hell is going on?" she placed her
hands on her hips.

Ughh, I was in trouble.


Chapter 05 >>

Thanks to him for the banner to the right :D

The song is for an specific part of the chapter. You'll know :D

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 05

"Mom, wait," I whispered panicked as she stalked towards Jason.

"Mrs. Jones, I can explain," Jason started sitting up. I dropped the condoms and
approached to her.

"Mom, it's not wha-" Bam! She slapped Jason right across the face. My jaw dropped
to the floor in shock.

"F*ck!" Jason exclaimed rubbing his cheek "What the-"

"No cussing, mister!" she menaced placing her hands on her hips "I cannot believe
this, I am so disappointed,"

"Jeez! Mom, it's not what it looks like! I was just-" my mother turned to me.
"You were just what? Come on, keep talking. Enlighten me!" she said sarcastically.
Her eyes were barely narrowed, a sign that she was really angry. I swallowed.

"I was... he needs condoms but he's not going use them with me," I grimaced at the
thought "He's short on money and since I have so many condoms, I was just going to
give him some," my mother raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"And he needs to be shirtless to get them?" I opened my mouth to reply but she cut
me off "You expect me to believe that?"

"It's the truth, mom. I swear, I'm still a virgin" I said frankly. She stared at me
for a moment before looking at Jason.

"Is that the truth?" She asked him seriously. Jason nodded frantically.

"Yes, maa'm," mom sighed.

"I hope you two are being honest here because if I find out you are sharing

"Mom!" I screamed disgusted. Sharing fluids? Who the fudge says that? She gave me a
closed mouth smile and then became deadly serious.

"I am watching you," she said aiming her fingers at her eyes and then at us, "So
behave," she ordered walking to the door "and you," she glanced at Jason "come on,
go home now,"


"I don't want you around Jules for today," Jason sighed and put his shirt on,

"Fine," he mumbled and grabbed a few condoms from the floor before heading to the

"Who is she?" my mother started interrogating him as they walked out of the room.
She closed the door behind them, poor Jason. I really didn't want to imagine the
things mom would ask him or tell him. I didn't even want to go there.

"Sharing fluids," I whispered shaking my head. If there was a prize for the most
awkward disgusting phrases, mom would win easily. She had this great ability to
come up with the most awkward lines I'd heard in my life. Maybe, she got that from
being a doctor, I don't know but thanks God I didn't inherit it.

Crawling back to bed, I took my laptop, opened it and placed it on my lap. My chat
box was collapsed. Jeez, I had many messages from friends and fans from wattpad.
But my eyes searched for one single username: Evan's. I clicked on Darkpoet001 and
started typing.

Me: I'm back :) Him: I can tell, Me: ?? Him: Yeah, your cloying smell alerted me of
your presence.

Me: Cloying smell? What the hell?

Him: ;)

Me: What are you doing?

Him: Reading.

Me: What are you reading?

Him: "How to get rid of a cheesy writer" :D

Me: -.- Hilarious.

Him: Bah, you lack sense of humor.

Me: Hum, I read your story.

I had to ask him about it. Curiosity was killing me.

Him: So?

Me: Did it happen to you?

Him: No.

Me: It's written with so much passion that I thought it was a true story... the
story of your life.

Him: I said no. Drop it.

Me: It's real, isn't it?

Him: Are you blind? I said no. It's fiction; get it inside that small skull of

Me: Why are you getting angry then?

Him: I'm not angry.

Me: Yes, you are.

Him: How would you know that? You cannot see me.

Me: I can feel it.

Him: You're wrong. I'm perfectly fine.

Me: Did you lose your parents in a car accident?

I asked him because that was what happened to the main character in his story. He
didn't reply for a while.

Him: Jules, drop it.

Me: Why can't you just tell me?

Him: Just f*cking drop it!

Me: Evan... I just want to know, I want to help you.

Him: Help me? Don't act like you know me.

Me: You're right. I don't know you but that doesn't mean I don't want to know more
about you.

Him: Why?

Me: I'm curious.

Him: I have to go.

Me: Fine, be a coward. Run away.

Him: A coward? You dare to call me a coward?

Me: You're being a coward right now. Running away so you don't have to deal with
the pain.

Him: Pain? What the hell are you talking about?

Me: The pain of losing your parents.

Him: It's not real! It's a fiction story, get it? I am not related in any way to
that character.

Me: I don't believe you.

Him: I don't care.

Me: Writers always leave pieces of their selves in their stories. You said it

Him: That is not my case.

Me: Isn't it?

Darkpoet001 logged off.

Did he just leave? Maybe, he was right. I should just drop it but I couldn't. I
don't know how but I knew Evan needed someone to talk to. In his story, the main
character always wished he had someone to talk to, to tell his fears and let the
pain out.

Maybe I was thinking too much about it, he was right. Not all the stories are based
on true stories. Writers write about what they know and their characters may have
resembles with their life but it doesn't have to be entirely real. Then why did I
have this gut feeling Evan's life was as tragic as his character's? I frowned when
Evan's chat box appeared with a green spot. He was online again.

Him: My parents are dead. I don't want to talk about it.

Me: Oh... okay. I'm sorry.

Him: And if you feel pity for me, don't, I'm fine.

Me: Okay but if you want to talk...

Him: I don't.
Me: Alright.

He didn't reply for a while. Was it weird that I could feel the tension even when
we weren't facing each other? Yeah, it was but I really needed to say something to
lighten our conversation.

Me: You were right.

Him: About what?

Me: I'm a cheesy writer.

Him: You're admitting it?

Me: Yeah

Him: Finally, you realized it :)

Me: But there's nothing wrong about writing cheesy novels. I'm a hopeless romantic,
I love writing sweet love stories. I love writing about happiness and true love.
Life is not just about tragedy and sadness. I like to focus on the good side of
life. There's nothing wrong with that.

Him: It's unrealistic.

Me: What's the point of writing about tragedy? It'll do not good to anyone. Love
stories give people hope.

Him: False hopes.

Me: How can you know that? I believe in soul mates.

Him: Of course, you believe in that bullsh*t.

Me: It's not bullsh*t. It's true.

Him: Love does not exist much less soul mates.

Me: Love exist.

Him: Right, true love is in the air, just like the love your father felt for your
mother when he left her.

My heart sank in my chest. That was a low blow. inevitably, Tears sprung to my
eyes. I held them back, I wouldn't let him get to me.

Me: You're just a coward. You hide behind all those dark poems and thoughts because
it's easier that way. why don't you face the pain, huh?

Him: I'm perfectly fine.

Me: Liar!

him: I'm not lying.

Me: Coward.

Him: I am not a coward.

Me: Prove it.

Him: I don't have to prove anything to you.

Me: Coward.

Him: Stop.

Me: Coward.

Him: I am not a coward! My father killed my mother right in front of my freaking

eyes! And then shot himself. I don't even know how I'm surviving so don't you dare
calling me a coward after all I'm doing to keep going.

My mouth hung opened in shock. I was speechless. I thought they'd died in a car's
accident like in his story.

Him: Don't say you're sorry. I hate it.

Me: I don't know what to say.

Him: Don't say anything. I'm fine.

Me: I wish I could give you a hug.

I regretted sending that but I felt the need to let him know I wanted to help him.

Him: Ew! Don't tell me you have a crush on me :) I'll puke.

I smiled sadly at his futile attempt to change the subject but went along with it.

Me: Pffft! Never.

Him: I know I'm hot and all but seriously you're too sweet for me.

Me: Too sweet? Haha oh please, YOU are too dark for me.

Him: I'm just realistic. You're painfully hopeful and cloyingly sweet, girly.

Me: We're opposites then.

Him: Yes and I hope you don't believe in that crap about opposites attract.

Me: Nah, I don't.

Him: Good :)

Me: Can I tell you something?

Him: Yeah.

Me: I know you're trying to avoid the subject and I understand you don't want to
talk about it. I just want you to know that I think you are amazing because you
keep going after going through something so painful and traumatic. I admire you,
you should be proud of yourself. And if writing sad poems and stories helps you
deal with the pain, I completely understand. I guess life needs both sides, the
good sappy one and the dark tragic one. There's absolutely nothing I can say to
make you feel better. I'm merely an acquainted for you but I just wanted to say
this :) You're still an arrogant jerk though.

Him: You actually made me smile with your mild speech, peachy girl.

Me: I'm glad I did.

Him: I better go to sleep.

Me: Sleep? It's like 8 pm.

Him: It's not that time where I live.

Me: Where do you live?

Him: Like I would tell you that, stalker.

Me: Right.

Him: Listen to this song "I don't care" by Apocalyptica.

Me: Why? Him: Just do it, night.

Me: Night, Evan.

Him: And Jules?

Me: Yeah?

Him: Thank you :)

Darkpoet001 logged off.

I couldn't help smiling like a fool. I felt like I had helped him somehow. I
entered youtube and searched for the song he told me. I put my headphones on and I
rested my back against the head board. a soft melody started playing until the
singer began,

"I try to make it through my life, in my way, there's you

I try to make it through these lies, and that's all I do"

I frowned. This song sounded so much like him,

"Just don't deny it,

Don't try to fight this ,and deal with it
and that's just part of it,"

I frowned in confusion.

"If you were dead or still alive

I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
Cause I swear (I swear),I don't care"

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling. I knew it wouldn't be anything sweet. Was
this his way of telling me he didn't care about me?

"I try to make you see my side

Always trying to stay in line
But your eyes see right through
That's all they do,"

My heart started beating faster in my chest. Why was I feeling as if he was

singing this song to me? As if he had dedicated it to me? It couldn't be possible.
He was just trying to tease me about the entire I don't care thing, right?

"Love changing everything

You won't be left for me"

I closed my laptop and took my headphones off. I could feel butterflies in my

stomach and my heart was menacing to jump out of my chest. What was wrong with me?
Why was I reacting like this to a song? why was I reacting like this at the thought
of him dedicating it to me? I didn't know him. He was just someone I'd chatted with
a couple of times.

"Silly Jules," I whispered to myself and got out of bed. I walked to my drawers and
passed in front of the mirror. I froze when I saw my reflection. My cheeks were
tinted pink and my eyes held a glint i'd never seen before. What was wrong with me?
It was just a song. Why did I feel this need to make him feel better? He'd been
through so much. Why did I care? We were completely opposites. My Iphone started
ringing snapping me out of my thoughts. I stared at the screen scowling: Unknown.


"Hello, Jones,"

"Shane?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, don't drool over your phone. It's disgusting,"

"What-how-why," I rushed my words not knowing which question was more important.

"Calm down, babe. Breathe,"

"Babe?" I grimaced in disgust. He was such a player.

"You like it?" I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I didn't bother to ask him how he got my number. He was Shane
Mason, one of the popular guys at school. He could get anything he wanted. He

"I need you to do my math homework,"

"What? You've have to be kidding me, I-"

"I won't take a no as an answer,"

"I told you I'm not good at math, actually I su-" a knock on my room's door
interrupted me. Oh no, time for dinner, mom was really stricted with timing "wait,
hang on,"

"If you hang up on me, I will-"

"I won't, just wait," I started as I opened the door.

"I told you I wouldn't take a no as answer," Shane stood right in front of me, his
phone on his ear. He was smirking at me, looking all smug and arrogant "close your
mouth, babe. Don't wnat the flies to get inside," It was then I noticed my mouth
was opened in shock. I shut it and put my phone down.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in here?" I felt utterly
confused. not to mention, I was wearing shorts and a see-through white shirt. Shane
pushed me aside and walked inside my room like he owned the place "what are you
doing? Get out! I haven't gi-"

"Jules," my mother called me. It was then I noticed she was standing in the
doorframe, "be nice to Shaney," she ordered in a motherly tone.

"Shaney?" I asked exasperated.

"Yes, he's Mery's son, don't you remember?" Mery was my mother's best friend. Mom
always talked about her, I had seen her like three times in my life. She was a
doctor like my mother so she had a very tight schedule. I always thought the reason
they were so close to each other, it was because they worked in the same place.
Mery spent more time with my mother than me.

"you mean, he's your godson?" I remembered mom telling about being the godmother of
Mery's son but I never expected him to be Shane Mason.

"Yes, isn’t he sweet?"

"Sweet?" I laughed sarcastically. Shane smiled kindly at my mother.

"Help him with his math homework, darling," she said and left closing the door
behind her. I was too shock to say something. What the hell had my life turn into?
I looked at Shane, and he was standing there smirking at me.

"Your face is priceless,"

"Oh shut up!" I held my head. I needed to find a way to get him out of here. Shane
started at me with his big breath-taking hazel eyes and ran his fingers through his
blond brownish hair. His gaze dropped to the floor and his smirk grew bigger.

"You know," he came closer to me, I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm glad you're
thinking about protection," I stepped back until my butt hit the drawer. It was
then I looked down and saw the condoms lying on the floor. Quickly, I started
blushing. When I looked up, I gasped. Shane was too close. I pushed his chest.

"Back off," he grasped my wrist.

"Help me with my homework and I will," he leaned closer. His minty breath brushed
past my face.

"Get off me, pervert!" he looked at me waiting, "fine, I'll help you," he grinned
and backed away.

"This shall be fun," I forced a smile.


Oh course, it'd be fun. I was going to have a lot of fun when he failed math
because of me. Internally, I laughed evilly like Cruella de vil.

Shane was so going down.,

x M W L X
Long Chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for voting :D Love, Arix

Chapter 06 >>

Thank so much for your support! You guys are amazing.

Unedited story so I'm sorry for grammar mistakes :)

My Wattpad Love.

Chapter 06

You know that funny moment when you're holding back laughter and the more you try
not to laugh, the more you want to do it. I was living that exact moment.. I was
looking through the little square glass on the Math's class door. Mr. Satty was
giving out the Math's assignments grades. I couldn't get inside, I was a junior and
this was a senior class. So I was stuck with watching from the hallway. I was
patiently waiting for Shane to get his grade.

I could not believe I was skipping Biology for this but I really wanted to see his
face. He was sitting on one of the front seats, looking smug as he waited. He ran
his fingers through his envied hair and smirked at some girl next to him. He looked
so confident and relaxed. A giggle left my lips, it was becoming impossible to not

"Shane Mason," Mr. Satty called out scanning the classroom. Shane stood up and
walked to Mr. Satty's desk. He gave him his assignment and shook his head
disapprovingly. Shane turned back to his seat; I could see his profile clearly. His
smug smile vanished as his eyes rolled down the paper in his hands. I was covering
my mouth tightly. God, his face was priceless. As if feeling my gaze, his head
snapped towards the door. He looked at me angrily, I gasped. His eyes barely
narrowed as he stalked towards me.
Shoot! He's going to kill me or do something nasty like get his finger inside my
ear. I'd always thought that was disgusting. I started to panic as he got closer; I
really hadn't thought this through. I should've have a escape plan. God, I was such
an idiot! Jordan, Shane's best friend, got on his way stopping him. Jordan started
talking to him about something I couldn't hear. The bell rang. The phrase saved by
the bell had never made as much sense in my life as it was doing it now. I took
advantage of the commotion around and got away from the door to walk away.

I heard Shane shouting my name from behind but didn't bother to look back. I
entered the main hallway and started walking down fast. He was going to murder me
but I couldn't help the triumphal smile that crept to my lips. His face... Oh God,
I didn't even want to remember, it was hilarious. In my defense, he practically
forced to help him with Math a few days ago. It was his fault he didn't believe me
when I told him I sucked with numbers.

"Jones!" Uh-oh, I glanced over my shoulder and panicked. Shane was sprinting
towards me. Anger plastered on his face, his fists clenched at his sides.
Immediately, I started running away. I cursed my short legs, they weren't really
helping in my futile attempt of a escape "Jones! You are so dead!" I started
zigzagging in the hope of misleading him. Yeah, it wasn't the brightest idea but
hey, I was scared.

My eyes met heaven when I spotted the precarious hanging sign that said "Bathroom"
without a second thought, I opened the door and ran inside. I rested my back
against the door breathing heavily. I was safe. He wouldn't enter the girl's
bathroom, would he? I looked up and froze. There was a guy standing a few meters
from me. He was holding his little buddy with one hand as he stood in front of the
urinal. I screamed so loud, my ears were ringing after it.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" I repeated over and over again. The guy didn't seem to
move a muscle "I'm so sorry! Oh my God!" The guy was red as a tomato. Leave it to
me to go inside the wrong bathroom. I had never seen a man's "thing" in my life. I
was terrified. To extend my misery, someone pushed the door opened, hitting the
back of my head. I stumbled forwards and turned on my feet ready to fight Shane. To
my surprise, it was Jason.

"What the hell?" Jason looked at the guy, who was finally pulling his zipper up and
then at me, "Are you... Did you... Jules?" He was obviously waiting for an
explanation. The guy walked out of the bathroom embarrassed.

"It's not what it looks like," I stated. The image of the guy's member wouldn't
get out of my head. It was shocking to see one in real life. Jason narrowed his
eyes at me,
"Then what wer-"

"Jones!" Shane's angry voice sounded closer to the door. Jason frowned.

"Is tha-"

"I need to hide," I whispered scanning the bathroom.

"Why? Jules, what's going on? What ar-"

"Shut up! This is an emergency!"

"You need a condom?"

"What? No, distract him," I ordered as I entered one of the cubicles and shut the
metal door.

"Jules, wha-"

"Jones!" By the sound of his voice, Shane was in the bathroom "Where is she?"

"Who?" Jason asked innocently.

"That little devil you call your best friend," he spoke bitterly. I swallowed as I
got on the toilet bowl. Oh look at me, this was such a cliché moment. I really
hoped I didn't slip and fell down. It would pretty disgusting if that happened.

"Jules?" Jason was not really good at lying, "she got in the girls' bathroom,
why?" I could not blame Jason for not defending me straight away from Shane. Shane
was taller, bigger and an athlete. He could beat the crap out of my best friend

"You better not be lying," Shane said and the sound of the door being closed
relaxed me.

"Jules, stay there until the bell rings, he's in the hallway," Jason informed me
"I'm going for back-up, okay?"

"Back-up? What are you? A cop?"

"Stay there,"

"Fine!" I got off the toilet bowl and got my Iphone out of my pocket. Evan and I
had become sort of online friends. We would talk all day, if we weren't busy. It
surprised me how many things we had in common, we listened to the same bands,
watched the same shows and shared a passionate obsession with donuts. He wouldn't
tell much about himself though, I mean, he didn't like talking about his personal
life. He wouldn't even tell me where he lived for God sakes. Me, on the other hand,
I was an opened book. I just felt so comfortable when I talked to him, maybe,
because I couldn't see him. It was easy to write about your life than speak of it,
if you know what I mean. I started to type a message to him:

Shane is gonna kill me.

I pressed the send button. Evan knew about Shane, Jason, Laura and even my mom.
Yeah, I wasn't really a reserved person. Besides, for some reason I trusted Evan. I
know it sounds crazy but he was just so... I didn't have words to explain it.

Him: I'm fine, thank you. Where are your manners?

I rolled my eyes.

Me: this is a life and death situation and that's all you can say?

Him: Yeah ;) but I will spare you this time.

Me: I may die in the next few minutes. Choose your words carefully; they may be the
last ones you write to me.
Him: You are so dramatic. You are not going to die, stop being a chicken and face

Me: you don't know him. He can murder me in a heartbeat. I look like a dwarf in
front of him.

Him: haha I bet you look like a dwarf in front of me, too.

His reply got me thinking about his appearance. How did Evan look like? His wattpad
profile picture was blank so I had no clue.

Me: are you tall?

Him: I'm taller than you.

Me: how would you know that?

Him: common sense. I'm older, I'm a man so I'm 99% sure, I'm taller than you.

Me: how old are you?

Him: haha how many times are you going to ask me that?

Me: until you tell me.

Him: I won't ;)

Me: Evan, do you have a facebook?

Him: No.

Me: Twitter.

Him: No.

Me: anything?

Him: No, only wattpad. I don't like those websites. They're useless.

Me: Evan, I'm curious.

Him: Let me guess, you want to know how I look like, don't you?

My eyes widened in surprise. It was like he could read my mind.

Me: Yeah.

I admitted embarrassed.

Him: I'm ugly.

Me: I didn't ask you if you were beautiful whatsoever. I want to see you, to put a
face to the blank inside my head when I speak to you.

Him: Someday, I may send a picture to you.

Someday? I growled frustrated.

Me: Why are you so reserved?

Him: The less you know about me, the better.

Me: Why?

Him: Trust me :)

Me: You're so weird.

Him: You've already said that many times, little peach.

Me: Little peach?

Him: Yeah, by the way, how come you write romance stories if you haven't been in
love before.

Me: How do you know I haven't been in love?

Him: I told you, I'm a very observant person.

Me: Right, you're such a stalker.

him: haha you wish I was stalking you :)

Me: Oh please, you are stalking me. You may admit it someday, just like I admitted
my stories were cheesy.

him: Nah, why would I stalk you? I don't know you.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

Me: At this point, I think we are friends.

Him: Friends? haha maybe.

I was about to reply when the bell rang.

Me: I have to go.

Him: :) Ok, little peach.

Me: You have the worst taste on pet names.

Him: They suit you.

Me: Yeah yeah, talk to u later.

I shoved my phone inside my bag and left the bathroom as fast as I could. I really
didn't want to see another guy's little buddy. I'd had enough for the day.


"You did what?" Laura asked shocked. Her green eyes were widened. Her brown hair
was falling down her shoulders. She looked good today, which remained me of my
crappy outfit. My hair was in a messy bun, I was wearing a large t-shirt that said
'I'm sexy and I know it' on the front and worn jeans.
We were heading out of school, to the parking lot. The afternoon cool breeze met us
as soon as we stepped outside. Laura had offered me a ride home, I appreciated it
since mom was on duty at the hospital. I updated Laura with everything, except for
Evan. I was not sure why I could not tell her about my online friend. Maybe I was
afraid of her thinking I was crazy for talking to a stranger and actually enjoying

"Yeah, if you see Shane, let me know. I will run for my life," I said. Laura
laughed, snorted and kept on laughing for a while. I smiled at her, at least, there
was someone enjoying my tragic life. I scanned the parking lot. Shane was nowhere
to be seen. I frowned. Where was he?

"I would have paid anything to see his face," Lau commented passing an arm over my
shoulder "you, my friend, are a hero,"

"A dead hero, Lau,"

"Oh come on, what the worst thing he can do?"

"I really don't want to find that out," I shook my head.

"You'll be fine," she said rubbing my shoulder.

On our way home, I was watching through the car's window how the trees rushed by.
I could not stop wondering what Shane was up to.

Why would he let me leave school so easily? Was he planning my murder meticulously?
Did he plant a bomb in my bag? Did he steal my pencils? What did he have in mind?

I was a hundred percent sure he was not going to let it go so easily. My Iphone
buzzed in my bag, I hurried to check it hoping it was message from Evan but to my
surprise it was a text.

It was from: Jerkpid. Yeah, I registered Shane's number with that name, a
combination of jerk and stupid. Call me childish, but hey, each time I saw it in my
contact list. I would grin like an idiot,
From: Jerkpid.

Content: You messed with the wrong guy :)

I knew he was not going to let this go. I didn't reply, why would I? I really
didn't want to know the things he was planning to do to me. Ignorance sometimes was
a blessing.

"Jules?" Laura's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"I was telling you that I visited that page you talk so much about," her eyes were
on the road as she spoke.


"Yeah, it's really cool,"

"I know, I'm addicted to it,"

"I know that. Do you realize I should be mad at you?"

"Why?" I scowled at her.

"You never pay attention to me anymore, I feel neglected," she admitted smiling

"Aww, Lau, you know you're my favorite,"

"You shouldn't use your phone when I'm telling you something,"

"I know, I know, sorry,"

"It's cool," she glanced at me "We're here,"

Giving her a hug and assuring her I was going to pay more attention, I got out of
her car. My house looked so lonely, I crossed our garden, well, if you could call
'garden' a small tree and dry flowers. Mom didn't have time to water the flowers
and I was too lazy to do it so we pretty much had a flowers' cemetery in the front
of our house.

Sighing, I opened the front door to find an empty living room. Our house was not
fancy or anything like that but it was comfortable. I went upstairs and entered my
room. My curtains were closed so it was pretty dark here. Kicking my shoes off, I
took my t-shirt off.

"Nice sight," a soft voice whispered. I screamed and jumped in fear. Holding my
chest, I scanned my room. Shane was standing in the darkest corner. His full lips
were forming a big smirk "keep going, babe. I'm curious to see the rest of your
body," I grasped my t-shirt from the floor and covered my chest feeling eye-raped.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?" I asked completely
shocked. Shane raised his hand and shook some keys.

"Your sweet mother trusts me too much," he replied smugly. My jaw dropped to the
floor. mom had given him keys? What the hell? My mother was bipolar, she couldn't
stand Jason inside my room but she let Shane be alone with me?

"Get out!" I exclaimed scared. We were alone in my house, we were alone. That
phrase kept playing inside my head. I was sure I was starting to freak out.

"Oh no, no," Shane shook his head "I'm not going anywhere. You've been a bad, bad
girl, Jules," I didn't like the tone he was using. Fearing for my life, I backed
away "and you know what happens to bad girls?" I swallowed and shook my head.
"They get punished," his smirk grew bigger as he stalked towards me.

Holy macaronis! I was in deep trouble.


Holy sweet chocolate cookies! Jules is in trouble, people!

Thanks for your support <3



Chapter 07 >>

Unedited story! Sorry for grammar mistakes!

Thanks for the great support! You rock my world.

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 07

Fact: Shane was going to kill me.

Curious fact: My socks didn't match.

Sad fact: I was going to die a virgin.

I could spend all day stating the facts of my life or I could do something while
Shane was approaching to me. I scanned my room searching for something useful to
defend myself but after seeing teddy bears, pillows, small lamps, dirty clothes and
thin paintings, I realized I had nothing. However, I had the element of surprise
that was the only thing I had. I knew Shane was not expecting what I was about to
do. He looked confident and I needed to take advantage of that. In a fast move, I
turned on my feet and ran out of the room.

"Hey!" Shane screamed from behind but I was already going downstairs. Holding my t-
shirt in one hand, I opened the front door with the other "Jones! Stop!" Shoot, he
was close. Shane was taller and faster than me. my chances of escaping were as low
as my IQ but I had to try.
I shivered feeling the cold breeze against my partly naked torso. I grimaced in
pain while crossing the garden, the dead flowers had somehow become stiff and
sharp. They were scratching my bare feet. Note to self: Water the damn flowers,
they may kill me someday "Jones!" I glanced over my shoulder, Shane was sprinting
towards me.

"You'll never get me alive!" I shouted as my feet met the cold road's pavement. Why
did I have to live in a isolated house? I lived in the middle of nowhere. I had
many fights with mom because I wanted to live in the town but of course, she
preferred the 'calmness' of living in a lonely place. Calmness my ass! I was going
to get killed and no one would even notice. I ran down the road, the icy wind
brushing past my skin.
My lower lip quivered, God, I was cold. Where the hell was the sun when you need
it? As in reply, a thunder echoed through the sky. Great, it was going to rain.

"Jones!" I didn't bother to look back. I was breathing heavily, my messy bun went
loosed and soon enough my hair was flying backwards with the wind "Stop!" Shane
sounded right behind me. God, please help, I'm sorry for not going to church last
Sunday. I will go next week I promise. Hearing Shane's footsteps behind me, I
started zigzagging to confuse him. I really needed to stop doing the zigzagging
thing because guys, it seriously doesn't work. A warm arm was wrapped around my
waist stopping me. I shrieked trying to get loose.

"Let me go!" I said panting. I was out shape, I didn't practice any sport

"Jeez! Calm down!" Shane said not sounding as out of breath as I was. Damn football

"Help!" I repeated over and over again. Shane covered my mouth with his free hand.

"Shut up! Could you please calm down?" he turned me around, holding my arms. My
eyes met his, my chest was rising up and down due to my rapid breathing "What's
wrong with you?" he asked frowning "I'm not going to kill you,"

"Really?" I asked hopeful.

"Yeah, I was trying to scare you but I never thought you'd get the run-like-a-
crazy-chick down the road reaction,"

"I thought... you were..." I slapped his hands and stepped back, "What the hell
were you doing in my room, you creep!" I folded my arms across my chest. Shane's
gaze dropped to my breasts, and it was then I remembered I was shirtless. My purple
bra was on sight "Ah!" I screamed covering myself with my t-shirt "You are such a

"Oh please, like I would perv on you," he rolled his eyes "let's get back inside,"
he got his hands inside his jeans' pockets and started walking back to the house. I
narrowed my eyes at his back.

"I'm not going anywhere," I said putting my t-shirt back on.

"Then I hope you enjoy getting wet in the cold," he said getting further away from

"What?" it took me 15 seconds, three thunders and small drop of rain to understand
what he meant. It was going to rain. Sometimes, my brain

surprised me with its slowness. I sprinted towards the house as It started to


Getting my frozen butt inside the house, I closed the front door behind me. Shane
was lying comfortably on the big couch. He had his hands behind his head. I glared
at him. Who the hell did he think he was?

"What are you doing here?" he ignored me. I squeezed my fists at my sides "Hey! I'm
talking to you!"

"What?" He asked looking bored.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I said each word slowly. Shane stared at me for a
moment and then closed his eyes.

"I'm thinking of a way to make you pay for what you did,"

"I didn't do anything," I faked an innocent tone. Shane sat up, his eyes held a
glint of anger.

"I'm going to fail Math because of you, Jones,"

"I told you I was not good with numbers," he stood up.

"No, you didn't,"

"Yes, I did," I retorted sure. He took a step closer.

"No, you didn't. When we finished the assignment the other night, you even patted
my shoulder and said and I quote 'You're going to get an A, tiger'" I chuckled.
Yeah, I did said that but I was upset because he had invaded my room rudely and
called me an ugly nerd many times.

"Hum, I did my best," I shrugged my shoulders. Shane narrowed his hazel eyes at me.

"I was trying to impress this chick in my math class and you ruined it," I rolled
my eyes.

"You're telling me you caused all this mess because you wanted to get laid?"

"Pretty much," I shook my head disapprovingly, "What? She's hot and has these pair
of big boo-"

"Shane!" I screamed disgusted. He reminded me so much of Jason. Were all men the

"Anyway, you know payback is a bi-"

"Stop it with the bad words," I cut him off. Shane simply smirked at me and
searched for something behind his back. Was it a gun? A bomb? My pencils? I was
definitely not expecting what I saw.

"It's curious what we can fin in someone's room," he commented as he showed me my

diary. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"Oh no,"

"Oh yes," he nodded satisfied.

"Oh no," I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I was both angry and
embarrassed, how could he?

"Oh, yes, Jones," I could tell he was pleased by my reaction, "A diary? Seriously?
What are you, ten?"

"That's mine! You have no right to see that!" I said with a stomp of my foot.

"So, tell me," he started, I could tell he was holding back laughter "when Jack
dumped you because your hair was ugly, did you cry?" Oh no, my hair, that was such
a sensitive subject for me. Jack marked me, that happened when I was ten but it
still hurt me. My heart started hammering inside my chest, and my blood was

"Shane," I said through clenched teeth.

"You did, didn't you?" he teased smirking. That was it, I don't know how or why but
my violent side seemed to come to the surface when I was around Shane. Clenching my
fists, I jumped to him and pushed him hard on the chest.

"Give it back, you stupid egocentric jerk!" I kept hitting his chest over and over

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, little lion" Shane said not moving at all. He didn't seem
to be affected by my hits. I tried reaching my diary but he raised his hand as
higher as he could. Being the dwarf I was, I had no chance of getting it. A
brilliant idea came to me, I jumped on the couch and grinned like an idiot when I
realized I could reach it now. I grasped the hem of the diary but Shane pulled it
backwards. I wasn't going to let go of my diary, hell no! Shane pulled again and
this time I lost my equilibrium and fell forwards.

"Ah!" I screamed as I fell, Shane tried to stop me mid-air but he ended up falling
with me.

"Sh*t!" he exclaimed when the back of his head hit the floor. I landed on top of
him. I got my hands on the floor so I could lean backwards, when I did I froze. We
were extremely close. His breath was mixing with mine. His eyes hazel eyes stared
into right mine. My cheeks turned pink when I realized I was straddling him. His
hands were on my waist.
His wet lips formed a smirk as his gaze dropped to my lips. I could feel my heart
beating fast inside my chest. I'd never been in such intimate position with a guy

Shane squeezed my waist gently and I bit my lower lip nervously as I gazed at his
wet lips. They looked so soft.

"Jules!" Jason's voice snapped me out of my trance. My head snapped towards the
source of his voice. He was standing in the front door frame, looking damp. I could
see the heavy rain from where I was sitting. He closed the door and his eyes
scanned the living room widening when he spotted me "Oh," was all he said in shock.
Quickly, I jumped to my feet smiling nervously.

"It's not what it looks like," I explained. Shane stood up next to me, looking smug
and triumphal. Jason stared at me.

"Sure, I should go now, I thought you were alone because your mom was on duty but-"

"Yes, yes, I am alone," I replied fast. Jason frowned and glanced at Shane "Shane
was about to leave," I said. For a moment, I could only hear the rain and my own
breathing. Oh boy, this was awkward.

"No, I wasn't," Shane stated sitting on the couch. I sighed in frustration. Jason
and I shared gazes, he was obviously shocked.

"Jules, Can I talk you for a sec?" he asked walking to the kitchen. I nodded and
followed him. When we were alone, Jason leaned against the kitchen's counter and
folded his arms across his chest. His chestnut straight hair was wet; his fringe
was stuck to his forehead. His green eyes were staring at me, waiting for an

"I didn't invite him," I said frankly.

"Am I missing something here? I found you this afternoon in the boy's bathroom with
some dude and now this," he shook his head "Next time, I'll find you having se-"



"It was all a big" I made a circle with my hands "misunderstanding"

"Really, Jules? Shane Mason? I thought you wouldn't go for the school's jerk,"

"And you're right, I wouldn't," Jason gave me the 'I don't believe you at all'

"When I saw you two, it looked like you were going to devour each other," he

"No," I grimaced "I was trying to get my diary back, that was all," I said showing
him my diary. Jason opened his mouth in shock.

"You have a diary?" he burst out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes, I have a diary," I said trying to maintain my dignity.

"That's like..." he clutched his stomach laughing "so girly,"

"I am a girl, Jason,"

"Yeah, but I never thought you would be that girly,"

"There's nothing wrong with having a diary," I defended holding my diary against my

"Whatever you say, Jules," Jason said walking to the fridge. He took a peach out
and gave it a bite.


Peachy girl...


I ran out of the kitchen and went upstairs. I heard Shane yelling from the living
room but ignored him. I entered my room and sat on my bed. opening my laptop, I
logged on wattpad. I had three private messages. I smiled like a fool when I saw
there was one from Evan.

Him: Did you get killed? ;)

Me: Unfortunately for you, no.

Him: That's too bad.

Me: I'm still in danger though.

Him: Why?

Me: Shane is here.

Him: Here where?

Me: My house.

Him: Oh

Me: Yeah, but I'm fine.

Him: Missed me, girly? ;)

Me: Pftt, never.

We chatted for a while. It surprised me how many things we had in common. Even
though, Evan and I were clearly opposites we still liked the same bands, food and
books. It was kind of contradictory if you ask me. Shane and Jason didn't appear in
my room. I wondered what they were doing downstairs but there was no way I was
getting my butt out of bed any time soon. As I waited for Evan's reply to one of my
private messages, I scanned his wattpad profile. My eyes roamed down his message
board and I frowned. There was a public conversation between him and a girl.

Her: Oh please, I would never fall for you.

him: I think you already fell, silly girl.

My heart sank in my chest. They were flirting... I read the rest of the messages to
confirm they were shamelessly flirting. Sadness and disappointment invaded me. I
knew I was being irrational, I didn't even know the guy but somehow, I'd felt
special when Evan talked to me. I'd felt like I was the only one he wanted to speak
to when he was on wattpad. Obviously, I was wrong. I ran my hand through my hair
and clicked on the private messages option. Evan was telling something about some
rock band he liked. I kept giving him short replies like "Yeah" "Ok" "Right" until
he noticed my change of mood.

Him: Something wrong?

Me: No.

Him: Spit it out.

Me: What?

Him: You're obviously upset about something.

Me: I'm fine.

Him: Then why the change of mood?

Me: I said I'm fine.

Him: Tell me.

Me: :) I'm fine. So, you like a girl on here, huh?

I tried to seem casual but I sucked at pretending.

Him: What do you mean?

Me: Don't play the fool, haha I can help you with her if you want.

Him: ???

Me: The girl on your message board :P

Him: You're jealous?

Me: Pfftt no!

Him: Yes, you are.

Me: No, I am not.

Him: Right, prove it.

Me: How?

Him: Help me with her :) (Even though, I don't need your help to get a girl)

Me: Hum, I don't know her.

Him: Neither do I, but she looks hot in her profile pic.

My stomach clenched at his words. What was wrong with me? Was I jealous?

Me: Sure, I'll help you.

I pressed the enter button reluctantly.

Him: You are so silly, Jules.

Me: Why?

Him: Never mind.

Me: Evan, can I ask you something?

Him: Yeah.

Me: Where are you from?

Him: haha Stalker.

Me: Please, I want to know.

Him: Why?
Me: I don't know.

Him: Give me your house phone's number :)

Me: What?

Him: Do it :)

I typed the number, my heart was hammering inside my chest. What was he up to?

Me: Evan?

He didn't reply. I jumped when the house's phone started ringing. It couldn't be
him... right?


Yeah yeah cliffhanger. Get your tomatoes, carrots,cucumbers, whatever you want to
throw at me (Not potatoes please, I hate those)

Also, shoot me with your comments. They make my day, you guys are so creative :D
Love, Arix

Chapter 08 >>

One, thanks for the amazing support!

Two, sorry for grammar mistakes! This story is unedited so, yeah, sorry in advance!

Three, I love you, guys <3 You're so cool!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 08

I was frozen. I couldn't move at all, my eyes moved away from my laptop's screen
and landed on my room's door.

The phone was ringing...

The house's phone...

I'd just given Evan my number. Was he calling? Panic rose in me when I remembered
my house's phone was downstairs and Shane was there. I jumped out of bed and ran
out of my room into the hallway. I found Jason on the way. He was obviously heading
to my room,

"Hey, I'm gonna use your bathroom because-" I ran past him and went downstairs
"Jules?" Jason's confused voice was soon left behind as I clumsily moved down the
stairs. My feet met the warm living room's carpet and I stopped on my tracks. Shane
was standing next to the couch; he had the phone pressed against his left ear. His
gaze met mine as he proceeded to speak,

"Yes, she is here, hold on," Shane offered me the phone. I stopped breathing,

"Who is it?" I said in a low tone. Shane shrugged his shoulders. Swallowing my
nervousness, I grasped the phone and held it close to my ear. My heart was
hammering inside my chest.

"Hello?" I greeted squeezing the phone cord with my free hand. I could hear the
person's breathing at the other side of the line "Hello?" I repeated a little bit
louder this time.

Come on, Evan, Say something.

"Hello?" My throat was dry. Why was I so nervous? Why wasn't he speaking? It had to
be him, I knew it was him. The line went dead and I let out a breath I didn't know
I was holding. Putting the phone back in place, I ran my fingers through my hair.
Why didn't he say anything? I was confused.

"Who was that?" Shane's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Hum, a friend," I replied automatically. My mind was still on those seconds.

Hearing his breathing had actually made him more real for me. I didn't know how to
explain it but it just did.

"You look like you're going to have a heart attack," Shane commented lying
comfortable on the couch. It was then I noticed the TV was on, he was watching some
football game, how predictable.
"I..." I trailed off as my eyes landed on the phone again.

"Are you on drugs?" Shane asked casually while chewing something. It sounded like
chips... Like ruffles. I snapped my head towards him. For a moment, I completely
forgot about Evan. Anger filled my veins when I spotted the ruffles bag on Shane's

"Are you eating my ruffles?" I asked dangerously. Shane kept his eyes on the TV and
got another chip in his mouth as a reply. I leaned over the couch and snatched the
bag away from him.

"Hey!" He complained looking at me. I held the ruffles against my chest.

"This is not your house! Stop lazing around and eating my snacks," Shane stood up,
his full height intimidated me. I took a step backwards.

"You shouldn't bother a man when he's watching a football game," his tone held a
bit of threat. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You shouldn't eat a girl's snack," I retorted "it's dangerous,"

"Really?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, really," I was having a hard time trying to maintain my strong pose. Shane
was not only taller and stronger than me, he was also devilish. He had that bad boy
look that girls always fell for. Luckily, I was not one of them. Shane kept walking
towards me like a predator. I squeezed the bag in fear and heard the crunch of the
chips. Oh my poor chips!

"Give me that," he ordered. I shook my head "Jones..." he sounded dangerous. My

back hit the wall and I knew I was trapped.

"Stay back," he titled his head to the side. His full lips formed a smirk.

"I'm missing the game because of you; you better give me those chips back, Jones,"
"My name is Julie. Stop calling me by my last name," I said trying to distract him.
I needed to find a way to escape, me and my chips needed a plan to get away from
Mr. Jerkpid.

"I will call you whatever I want to call you, you know why?" he continued before I
could say something "because you messed with me. You ruined my chance of getting
laid tonight so I will make sure to ruin your night as well,"

"I didn't-" The house's phone rang again. Shane and I shared gazes for a second. I
wanted to run to the phone but Shane was on my way.

"If you want to answer the phone, give me the chips," he traded folding his arms
across his chest. There was no way I could go through him, he would stop me in a
blink of an eyes. The phone rang again. The suspense was killing me, was it Evan?
Was he calling again?

I, Julie Jones, was put on the most difficult situation of my life. I had a choice
to make, I looked down at my ruffles. I knew they were inside the bag, I knew they
were crispy and salty. How I loved those chips! But I also knew I had to let them
go if I wanted to pick up that phone.

Chips or Evan...

It was a tough decision.

Yeah, I know you're judging me for actually wavering about it but hey, Ruffles were
my life. After the third ring of the phone, I sighed in defeat and whispered
'Sorry' to my chips. I threw the bag to Shane; he caught it in mid air and grinned.
Getting him out of the way, I answered the phone.



"Mom?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hey, sweetie, how is everything? Did you have dinner? It's in the microwave," Arg!
I had sacrificed my chips for nothing?!

"Arg, mom!"

"My chips," I growled glancing at Shane. He was back on the couch staring intently
at the TV. That stupid chips' killer!

"Chips? Julie, you can't have chips for dinner," mom said in a motherly tone.

"I know, I was just..." I trailed off as I remembered something "mom, why is Shane
in our house?" I said in a whisper. Hopefully, with the loud noise coming from the
TV Shane wouldn't hear me.

"Oh, I figured you would need some company since I'm on duty,"

"Why Shane, mom?"

"I trust him," she said frankly.

"Why would you trust him? He's an arrogant jerk,"

"Language, Jules!"

"Sorry, but still I don't want him around,"

"He is a nice young boy, Julie," I looked at him for a moment. He was eating my
chips like a pig.

"You are blind, mom,"

"No, I'm not. Just give him a chance,"

"Why would I-"

"I promise he is a nice boy behind that arrogant facade, sweetie. Trust me," I
sighed in frustration.
"Fine, but I won't clean his mess," I said glancing at the chips lying on the
carpet. I held my chest; those chips were like fallen soldiers in a battle. Shane
was going to pay for that.

"I gotta go, take care, darling. If you need anything, give me a call,"

"I will,"

"Where is your dinner?" she asked. She was testing me to see if I'd paid attention.

"In the microwave,"

"Good, good, have a nice night, sweet heart,"

"You too, mom" I hung up.

Ignoring the Jerkpid on the couch, I went upstairs. Mostly, because I was peeing
but also cause I needed to check if Evan had messaged me again. I knew he had
called me, but why didn't he say a word? I slammed the bathroom's door opened and
screamed at the top of my lungs. Jason was standing next to the shower. He was
naked. I gasped when my eyes met his little buddy.

"Oh my God!" I repeated over and over again. When did I forget Jason was in the

"Jesus, Jules!" Jason exclaimed covering his private parts with both hands.

"Oh my God!" I covered my eyes and gave my back to him "I'm so sorry!" What was
wrong with me? Was it my new hobby to see everyone's little buddy? I closed the
door behind me. I was sure I was as red as tomato. I couldn't remove that scene
from my mind. I was so embarrassed.

I saw Jason naked.

I saw my best friend naked.

Those thoughts wouldn't stop prowling around my mind, not to mention the image of
his little buddy. The harder I tried to forget it, the quickest It displayed inside
my head. I entered my room, locking the door behind me. I could feel the blood in
my face. I needed some time to think. Hell, I needed time to stop looking like a
freaking strawberry.



God, were all those fruits going to remind me of him all the time? It was kind of
weird, if you ask me. Regaining my regular breathing, I sat on my bed and checked
my laptop. I had no new messages from Evan. I checked my chat box and noticed he
was online but he hadn't message me. I started typing a message,

Me: You there?

Him: No

Me: -.-

Him: ;)

Me: Did you call me?

Him: No.

Me: I know it was you. Why didn't you speak?

Him: I don't know what you're talking about.

Me: You're lying.

Him: Am I?

Me: Evan...

Him: Yes, Jules?

I don't know why but I felt strange -in a good way- each time he wrote my name.

Me: Please, stop lying.

Him: I'm not lying.

Me: Come on, I gave you my house number which was kind of dangerous since I barely
know you. You don't want to tell me anything about you.

Him: I have told you lots of things about me already, Jules.

Me: I mean, personal stuff, I don't even know where you live.
Him: Why do you want to know?

Me: Because we are wattpad friends.

Him: Wattpad friends?

Me: Yeah

Him: Is that a new term?

Me: Sort of, I made it up.

Him: You are weird. How come you consider me your friend now, I thought you hated

Me: Hum, I don't hate you.

Him: Right, I forgot you're Mrs. Strawberry. You're incapable of hating someone.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

Me: Again with the nicknames?

Him: They suit you ;)

Me: You're changing the subject.

Him: Whatever you say, peachy girl.

Me: Evan...

Him: Yeah?

Me: Stop avoiding the question and tell me, why didn't you say a word?

Him: I didn't have to.

I got a funny feeling in my stomach. So he was admitting he'd called me. My heart
started hammering inside my chest. I didn't know what to say. I started typing a
short reply when he messaged me again.

Him: You have a sweet voice :)

That was it. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. What was wrong with me?
Somehow, knowing that he'd been at the other side of the line made me feel nervous.

Me: Thank you?

Him: No problem.

It was the first time Evan complimented me. It was so weird that I had no idea of
what to say.

Me: Why didn't you say something?

Him: you wanted to hear my voice, didn't you?

Me: Well, yeah.

Him: Why?

Me: Curiosity.

Him: ;)

Me: It's not fair. You got to hear my voice but I didn't hear yours.

Him: Does it matter?

Me: Of course, it does.

Him: I have to go.

Me: Evan!

He logged off and I let out a groan of frustration. Lazily, I got out of bed and
headed out of the room. I still needed to pee but there was no way I was getting
closer to the bathroom again. I could hear the shower so Jason was probably still
inside. I shuddered remembering the awkward moment from before. Why did I have to
see him naked? Shaking that memory out of my head, I --for the third time in less
than three hours-- went downstairs. Shane was no longer watching TV. He had his
earphones on and his eyes were closed. The empty bag of ruffles was resting on his
lap. His longs legs were extended; his feet were resting on the coffee table. If my
mother saw him, I was sure she would kill him in cold blood.

Rule number one in the Jones House: Never mess with the furniture; you'll die a
horrible death if you do.

For a moment, I dared to stare at him. The muscles of his arms and shoulders were
relaxed. You could tell he was defined through his black t-shirt. His face was
flawless, his skin looked creamy, no sign of acne or any puberty mark. His lips
were full, his upper lip had two defined curves. It resembled the top part of a
heart. His eyebrows were kind of blond and perfectly placed above his eyes. His
blond brownish hair were messy but in a good way unlike mine, I was sure my hair
looked like a devastated bird's nest. It was then I heard his voice, Shane was
singing? Well, more like humming a song, I focused on listening.

"Something's getting in the way.

Something's just about to break.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane"

I recognized that song. It was "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin. I never

thought Shane would like rock music. He looked so innocent with his eyes closed. To
think behind that innocent cute face, there was an evil arrogant jerk.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes. Shoot! I got caught staring! His hazel eyes stared
into my blue ones paralyzing me. He didn't say anything; we just stared into each
other's eyes in silence. For a moment, I felt like he was not that evil, that mom
was right and there was actually a good guy hiding behind that player arrogant
facade but then he spoke and ruined it,

"You like what you see, fake nerd?" he gave me a smug smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Not really," he took his earphones off.

"Then stop checking me out," he said casually "it's creeping me out,"

"I was not checking you out,"

"Yes, you were. I can't blame you though, I'm ridiculously hot," I narrowed my eyes
at him.

"How can you survive with that ego? It shocks me, really,"

"To be a girl, you really don't care about your looks, do you?" he scanned my body
shaking his head, "You seriously look like a boy," Shane really knew how to get on
my nerves.

"You are-" the phone rang and I picked it up quickly "Hello?" there was silence
"Evan?" there was no answer. Shane put his earphones back on and closed his eyes. I
gave my back to him "Evan, say something, I know it's you,"

"Hey," I stopped breathing. My whole world stopped with there. Time slowed down and
I held my chest. his voice was so... sexy. My heart was racing full speed.

"I-I-I" I stuttered. I heard him chuckle.

"Goodnight, sweet Jules," his husky yet velvety voice whispered and then he hung

Even tough, I knew he'd hung up I was still pressing the phone against my ear. I
was shocked, I never expected him to call me again. I never expected him to hear
his voice.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I closed my eyes realizing one

God, I loved his voice.

That's the end of the chapter! Muahaha, see, I didn't end it on a cliffhanger so
stop throwing potatoes at me, you mean people!

Hugs and yellow carrots,



Chapter 09 >>

Bam! You're awesome for reading this story, you know that, right? *winks*

Thanks for the votes and comments. You are hilarious xD

Great banner to the right by TheHandsomeBeast >>>>>


My Wattpad Love

Chapter 09

I was writhing around my bed frustrated. I was trying to get some sleep. For the
past hour, I'd been failing miserably. I couldn't get Evan's sexy voice out of my

What was wrong with me? He'd only said a few words, why was I already dying to hear
his voice again? As soon as he'd hung up, I'd headed to my room to check my
computer. He was offline in wattpad so I waited... I chatted with other friends
from the site while I waited for him to come online but he never came. I had no
choice but to sleep, it was school's night and it was past midnight. But of course,
thanks to my unhealthy sleeping habits, I was lying on my back with my eyes wide

Groaning in frustration, I sat up rubbing my face. My stomach roared loudly, I

hadn't even tasted the so famous dinner Mom left for me in the microwave. I swung
my feet out of bed and slowly got up. I made my way to the door wondering what
Shane was doing. I had left him on the couch after throwing him some covers. I
didn't like him but that didn't mean I was going to let him freeze to death in my
living room.

I was crossing the hallway when I passed the bathroom's door. Instantly, an image
of a naked Jason played in front of my eyes. God, was I ever going to be able to
erase that from my memory? I wished my mind was like a computer, that I could
delete all the awkward, unnecessary memories with a click. Fortunately, Jason had
left as soon as he finished the shower. I guessed he wasn't ready to deal with the
awkwardness of the situation. I mean, I saw him naked.

I went downstairs walking as slow as possible. I resembled a zombie during night.

The lack of sleep was killing my brain cells in a slow but steady process. When I
reached the living room, Shane was lying across the couch in front of the stairs.
He was using his phone and listening to music. The TV was off so the entire place
was semi-dark. Shane looked at me; an amused smile appeared on his face.

"If you're going to seduce me, you should try something better than a little
mermaid pajama," he suggested and chuckled.

"Whatever," I stated entering the kitchen. I knew my pajamas were not sexy at all
but hey, I was in my house. I could wear anything I wanted, he was the intruder not
me. How the hell did that jerk end up staying over my house anyway? Oh yeah, I had
a very gullible mother. She was the one to blame if I got killed tonight. Opening
the microwave, I heard his footsteps from behind but ignored him.

"Are you looking for your broomstick, little witch?" I ignored him. Did he have fun
telling me how ugly I look? Yeah, definitely yes "Aww, Jones is not really chatty
tonight, isn't she?"

"Ah, shut up already!" I exclaimed and my eyes widened when I saw the microwave was
empty. What the... Immediately, I turned on my feet and pointed my finger
accusingly to the tall guy sitting across the counter "You ate my dinner?" I asked
knowing he was the only one in the house. I didn't need to be bright to know he was
the culprit.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to eat that so," he shrugged his shoulders.

"It was MY dinner! You are such a... Arg!" I slammed the microwave's little door
closed. Shane looked surprised by my outburst.

"Calm down, little lion," What's up with him and using 'little' for every nickname
he gave me? I knew he was significantly taller than me but he didn't need to remind
me of it all day.
Opening the fridge angrily, I searched for something to eat. After seeing all the
tasteless food my mother called 'healthy food' I slammed the fridge closed as well.
I needed to calm down, it was not my electro domestics' fault there was a jerk in
the house.

I turned to Shane again and for a moment, I saw a flash of guilt cross his face,

"What are you doing here, Shane?" I asked bitterly "I know I messed your chances of
getting laid tonight but don't you think

you're taking this too far?" he opened his mouth to say something but I continued
"I mean, you are in my house, eating my food, invading my personal life. That is
just too much,"

"It wasn't like I planned this, alright?" he explained sounding annoyed "Your
mother called me this afternoon, she asked me to stay over because you were going
to be alone,"
"Why would she do that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because she trusts me," was his reply. I knew he was being honest, Mom definitely
trusted him otherwise I was sure she wouldn't leave two teenagers alone in a house.
Sighing in frustration and defeat, I took a bag of chips out of the cabinets and
sat across Shane. I had no energy whatsoever to keep arguing with him.

"Why are you awake?" I wondered while chewing loudly my chips. They weren't ruffles
but they were better than all those stuff Mom had in the fridge.

"Couldn't sleep," he said casually "You?"

"Same," reluctantly, I offered him the bag so he could have some chips. I don't
know where my anger had gone but I didn't care. I felt good to have something in my
stomach. Shane shook his head.

"I'm full," I narrowed my eyes at him. Of course he was full, he had eaten MY

Breathe, Jules, breathe

There was a long moment of silence. Shane was staring at me with... curiosity? We
locked gazes and It suddenly became difficult to swallow my chips. His hazel eyes
were so deep, like they had life on their own. Shane was really hot but it was not
just his physical appearance, which was very fine. Everything about him screamed
danger. But that kind of danger, we always want to taste. His bed hair made him
look even sexier than usual. I shut my thoughts. I couldn't be interested in him.
He was an arrogant jerk but I couldn't deny he was as attractive as a huge bad of
Ruffles. Ok, maybe that was a bad comparison but you would understand if you knew
the amount of passion I had for Ruffles.

"You’re done checking me out?" he asked smirking at me. I looked away blushing.

"Psst, I wasn't checking you out," I lied. I was suddenly self-conscious of my

outfit. I was sure I looked terrible; I didn't even want to imagine how my hair

My hair...

"Are you blushing?" Shane was snickering. I glared at him from the corner of my eye
and got on my feet. For some reason, I felt nervous now.

"I should sleep," I mumbled as I walked to the door fro that would lead me to the
living room. Shane jumped to his feet and blocked my way. I had to tilt my head
back to look at his face, "move," I ordered but he remained motionless. His intense
gaze was making me feel weird. He was too close for my like so I stepped back until
the small of my back hit the counter. Shane moved with me, "what are you doing?
Back off," I demanded as he rested both of his hands on the counter behind me, his
arms trapping me. I could smell his nice manly cologne.

"You know, you ruined my plans of getting laid tonight," he whispered, his minty
breath hitting my face "You owe me,"

"I don't owe you anything, back off," I pushed his chest but he didn't budge.

"Am I making you nervous, Jules?" my stomach did a back flip. It was the first time
he called me by my name. My heart started racing inside my small ribcage.
"No," I knew he was playing with me. I could tell by the amused expression on his
face. I dropped my gaze to his chest, which was a mistake; I was now looking at his
defined chest and abdomen. I could see he muscles beneath his t-shirt.

"You like what you see?" he stated arrogantly, I pushed his chest hard this time,
"Go on, babe, I like it rough," I scrunched my nose in disgust at his remark.

"Leave me alone, stop," I could feel my heated cheeks. Pervert comments always made
me blush.

"Look at me,"

"Shane, stop it, let me go," I felt the urge to punch his chest again but I didn't
want another sexual remark so I stayed still.

"Look at me, Jules," I looked up to meet his eyes. They held a glint of something I
couldn't decipher. His eyes landed on my lips. My breath was heavy, my lips parted
in anticipation. He leaned closer until our breaths were mixing. But then, he
smirked and took a step backwards "Sorry, you just don't do it for me," my heart
sank in my

chest. His words hurt my woman pride, but I managed not to let it show.

"Right," I walked past him and went upstairs.

Why did it hurt so bad? I guess, my pride was hurt. It was not nice to have a guy
to say those words to you. After some minutes of struggling, I finally fell asleep.


The week rushed by uneventful. It was the same routine: going to school, hanging
out with Laura, avoiding Shane and been avoided by Jason. I really didn't get why
Jason was not even talking to me. I mean, I know it was awkward after the
'incident' in the bathroom but I believed I was the worst affected in this
situation. I saw his little buddy for God sakes! That image was going to hunt me
until the end of time.

As for Evan, I talked to him every day. He was being friendlier to me but he was
still arrogant and insulted me once in a while. I was used to it though, which was
kind of worrying, a girl should never get used to be insulted, right? However, his
insults were harmless. I mean, being called Mrs. Strawberry or Cheesy writer
weren't considered insults, were they?

Anyway, the week end was here. It was Saturday morning. I was, of course, doing
homework and studying, yeah right, I was actually watching TV with no intention of
getting my butt out of the couch anytime soon. Yes, I was lazy, sue me. I was
waiting for Evan to message me back whilst watching Friends. I freaking loved that
TV show. It was hilarious. My phone buzzed and I checked it knowing it was him. How
did I know? That was one of the mysteries of life.

Him: Morning, sleepyhead.

Me: Sleepyhead?

Him: Yeah ;) What's up?

Me: Just chilling, watching TV, you?

Him: Same, shouldn't you be studying Math?

Me: Hum, yeah, it is a waste of time though.

Him: how can you expect understanding Math if you never study?

Me: I have tried but it's hard.

He didn't reply for a while. I realized how bad I wanted him to call me again. That
urge was growing in me since that night he'd called me. Since the moment I heard
his sexy husky voice. I would call him if I could but I didn't have his number.
Gaining some strenght, I dared to type something

Me: I was wondering...

I sent the message without finishing it. Ah! Stupid Jules!

Him: You wanted me to call you again, don't you?

My heart started hammering inside my chest. How did he know?

Me: Yeah, how do you know?

He didn't reply and my house phone rang making me jump in the couch. I held my
chest, my breathing became uneven. I could feel the loud beats of my heart in my
throat and ears. What was wrong with me? I squeezed my sweaty hands. He was calling

Evan was calling me.

Jesus, I was going to die of an heart attack. Calm down, Jules, Breathe I chanted
inside my head. The suspense was killing me. I grasped the phone and pressed to my
ear wit a shaking hand.

"He-Hello," I stammered feeling stupid.

"Hello, Jules," his sexy voice sent a shiver through my spine. My legs weakened.

"Hum, Hi," I swallowed. My throat was dry.

"You sound nervous," he said amused.

"Hum, no, I was just... the phone was far away so," I bit my lower lip "I ran to
get it, I'm..."

"stop lying," he said in a whisper "I know I make you nervous,"

"No, it-"

"Why did you want me to call you?"

To hear your amazing sexy voice... and drool over my phone.

I couldn't tell him that so I went for the lie.

"I was bored,"

"Really?" I swear, I could tell he was smirking at the other side of line. How did
I know? Add that to the big list of mysteries of life.

"Yeah, so, what are you doing?" I desperately needed to change the subject. For the
sake of my heart and lungs, I needed to calm down.

"I think that is pretty obvious. I'm talking to you," he said teasingly. I rolled
my eyes.

"I mean... besides that,"

"Nothing, I was reading," he paused, "I was reading your story,"

My stomach twisted in nervousness. I could feel tingles inside.

"You were?"

"Yes, it made me curious,"

"Why?" I sat on the armrest of the couch; my legs would give up anytime. Jeez, how
did his voice affect me this much?

"The last chapters were written with so much passion," he commented "do you like
someone, Jules?"

My heart skipped a beat. I clang to the phone for dear life.

"I-I..." I stuttered not knowing what to reply.

Did I like someone?

He was asking the question I'd been avoiding for a while now.

I was deeply afraid of the answer.

x M W L X

YES! YES! YES! It's a cliffhanger!! Shoot me potatoes, kill me, cut me in pieces!
You have the right to do so, but remember, if you hurt the writer, there'll be no
story! Muahaha you're trapped!

Next chapter will be revealing :D and it'll be longer.

Hugs and purple tomatoes,

Arix ;)

Chapter 10 >>

My Wattpad Love
Chapter 10

I was stupid, really really stupid.

I was stuttering, uttering incoherent sentences and laughing nervously. Evan's

question had definitely caught me out of guard. I didn't know what to answer so I
did the stupidest thing I'd ever done in my life. And believe me, I'd done many.

I hung up.

I held my chest trying to calm my breathing. I stared at the phone in shock. Why
did I do that? what the hell was wrong with me? I covered my face and growled in
anger. I was angry at myself for being so stupid. How could I do that? It was
beyond to rude to hang up like that. What was he going to think of me now? In my
defense, I panicked. It was like a reflex movement, besides, I wasn't saying much.
I was only embarrassing myself by stuttering and mumbling unfinished sentences.

His question kept replaying inside my head. Did I like someone? Why was I so afraid
of the answer? Sure I could forget about it and pretended nothing happened but
there was no point of fooling myself.

Because I, Julie Ann Jones, sort of liked someone. I furrowed my eyebrows as I

realized this.


I definitely felt attracted to him. Yes, call me crazy. I know it was crazy. I
mean, I hadn't even seen the guy. I had no idea of what he looked like but somehow
that didn't matter. I had fun talking to him. I even enjoyed arguing with him,
which was pretty often by the way. he made butterflies appear in my stomach. Not to
mention how nervous I became when I heard his voice. I didn't want to imagine what
would happen to me if I see him. I would probably die of a respiratory arrest,
which would be a very lame death.

Sighing I fell backwards on my couch. How did I end up liking him? I was sure I
hated him at the beginning. He insulted me for God sakes! He made a rude comment
about my story. I remembered that as clear as water. I ran my fingers through my
hair. Maybe, I was a masochist.

The phone ran making me jump. I stared at it in silence, I didn't move for a while.
But then I realized my stare was not going to stop the phone from ringing so I
extended my shaking hand slowly towards it. What if it was Evan? What if it was the
Ruffles' factory manager to tell me they were not going to make any more Ruffles? I
swallowed, terrified by both options.

"Hello?" I answered trying to keep a straight voice.

"Jules!" I relaxed as I heard Laura's voice. Ruffles were safe.

"Hey, Lau, what's up?"

"What's up?!" she imitated my voice. It was then I noticed she sounded angry "why
are you ignoring me on facebook?"


"Great, now you're deaf,"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're online on face book and you keep ignoring my messages," she explained.

"I do?" I frowned and then spotted my opened laptop on the couch "Oh, i was...
yeah, I was online but I was not on the computer,"

"Really?" she asked sarcastically.

"Stop it with the attitude, Lau. I was.... busy," I finished unsure.

"You're telling me you are busy in a Saturday's morning?" she asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I was..." Think of something, Jules. I encouraged myself "I was peeing,"

Really? That was the best excuse I could come up with?

"I've been peeing a lot," I further explained.

Great move, Jules.

"Right," Lau sounded uncomfortable. I was not good at lying, I usually got verbal
diarrhea whenever I was trying to lie.

"Yeah, there's something wrong with my bladder,"

God, I really knew how to extend my misery.

"Hum, okay,"

Just shut up! Stop talking about your bladder!

"Maybe, I drank too much water. My bladder is probably small,"

"Oh God! Shut up, Jules! You suck at lying, Jesus!" Laura exclaimed and then
laughed. I couldn't help joining her laughter. I had managed to talk more than two
minutes about my bladder.

"Sorry," I said after laughing my ass off.

"It's cool. Anyway, what I was trying to tell you on face book was that I think I
like someone at school,"
"Really?" I was shocked. Laura had not been lucky with guys. Her last boyfriend
dumped her for some transferring student from Jamaica. After that she swore not to
trust any other man. I couldn't blame her, she'd been hurt a lot of times.

"Yeah, he is way out of my league, but I think you could help me out,"

"Who is it?"

"Jordan," she whispered secretly.

"Jordan? Shane's best friend?" I asked in disbelief. Laura giggled.


"Are you on drugs?"


"He is an arrogant douche, just like Shane. It doesn't surprise me they're best

"I know he's a player," Laura admitted "but I think he has a side no one knows
about. He's in my art class, and he is very passionate about it. He loves painting
and his eyes turned so bright when he speaks of art. He looks so sweet,"

"He is a player, Lau,"

"I know,"

"Then why are we even having this conversation? Just stay away from him," yeah, i
was being overprotective but hey, she was my best friend. I didn't want her to get
hurt. I'd watched her cry over men many times. I'd eaten ice cream and watched
romance movies as she sobbed snuggling to me. I'd been with her in every time she'd
got her heart broken. I didn't want her to go through that again.
"I'm just saying I like him, I'm not in love with him or anything like that,"

"Then stop liking him," Laura sighed.

"It's not that easy,"


"It is useless. Every time I see him..." she paused and I swear I could imagine the
dreamy face she was making.

"I don't even know why you tell me this, you're not even listening to me," I spoke

"You’re my best friend, who else am I going to share these stuff with?" Instantly,
I felt guilty. I hadn't tld her anything about Evan. should I? But what was I going
to say?

'Hey, Lau, I liked this guy I met on the internet a few weeks ago. I hadn't even
seen him'

It didn't sound reasonable for me to tell her that. After chatting about random
stuff, she hung up. She was going to her dancing class. Laura loved dancing. I, on
the other hand, hated it. I just sucked at it. I couldn't dance to save my life.

Grasping my laptop, I swallowed getting ready to deal with Evan. I checked my

wattpad chat box. He was online but he hadn't written anything to me. Was he mad at
me? It was understandable, I would be mad at him. I mean, I'd abruptly hung up.
Nervously, I sent him a message.

Me: You there?

He took a few minutes to reply. I was growing more and more nervous.
Him: Yeah.

Me: Sorry about before.

Him: You mean, you're sorry for hanging up on me?

Me: Yeah, I was just...

Peeing? I couldn't make the same mistake twice. I was not that stupid. I retyped my

Me: I was just feeding my cat.

Him: I thought you were allergic to cats.

I was indeed, when did I tell him that? My memory was not really good.

Me: Hum, I wear gloves around it.

Really, Jules, really?

Him: You're telling you have a cat even though you're allergic and you feed it
wearing gloves?

me: Yeah.

I was pathetic.

Him: You really can't lie, can you?

I sighed defeated.
Me: Nope, sorry, I was surprised by your question.

Him: Why?

Me: Why did you ask me that?

Him: I told you I was curious.

Me: Why?

Him: Your story got me thinking about it. You wrote it like you knew how it feels
to like someone.

Me: Everyone knows that.

Him: Sure but writers know about what they write. You seem to have experienced what
you were writing.

Me: Hum, okay.

Him: Okay? Let's make a deal.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

Me: What deal?

Him: I'll forgive you for hanging up on me if you answer the question.

Me: What question?

Him: Do you like someone?

i couldn't help the funny feeling in my stomach when I read the question again. I
could still hear his sexy voice saying those words when he asked me that over the

Me: I'll answer if you answer one of my questions.

There were many things I'd asked him and he hadn't bothered replying.

Him: Deal.

Me: Yes, I like someone.

Him: ;) Who is it?

Me: No, that's another question. Now, it's my turn. How old are you?

Him: I'm older than you.

Me: not enough, I want a digit.

Him: 19 ;)

He was two years older than me. That wasn't much, considering I was getting closer
to my eighteen birthday.

Me: Cool.

Him: So, who is it?

Me: Drop it. I’m not telling you.

Him: I'll tell you where I live if you tell who you like.

That was such a tempting offer. But there was no way I was telling him he was the
one I liked.

Me: So what are you doing?

Him: nice try. Why can't you tell me? It's not like I’ll know the person you like.

Me: That's personal stuff. I don't want to say it, okay?

Him: Why are you making such a big deal of this?

Me: Why can't you just drop it?

Him: I'm just intrigued by your secretiveness.

Me: Evan, let it go,

Him: Fine, whatever.

Me: Are you mad at me?

Him: Nah, you should study Math. I'll see you around.

His curt goodbye confirmed my suspects: He was upset. He was still online but he
was not talking to me. I spend some time watching YouTube videos but got bored
pretty quickly. It was eating me from the insides to know he was online and not
talking to me.
Sighing in defeat, I went to his profile ad my heart sank in my chest. He was
talking to the same girl from the other day. All their messages were on his
message's board. They were flirting shamelessly. I was hurt, not only because I was
jealous but because he had stopped chatting with me to talk to her. It was like he
was choosing her over me.

God, I had to stop being so dramatic. He was some guy I met on wattpad. I looked
down notcing the tears filling my eyes.

Seriously, Jules? You're going to cry over some guy you haven't even seen?

I held back tears and opened Evan's chat box.

Me: You didn't need to ditch me to flirt with that girl.

I sent the message and instantly regretted it. What was wrong with me?

Me: I mean, I could have given you some tips to make her fall for you.

I sent that second message in a pathetic attempt of fixing it. He didn't reply and
that made me feel worse. I could see him replying to the girl on his message board
so he was obviously there ignoring me.

Evan was ignoring me and it hurt. I slammed my laptop closed. I needed t get some
fresh air. I needed someone to talk to. I changed into a pair of jeans and a purple
t-shirt that matched my purple converse. I combed my hair with my fingers and then
searched for my phone. I called Jason but he didn't pick up. Was he still avoiding
me? He was definitely overreacting about the entire 'seeing-naked' situation. I
didn't bother calling Laura. She was probably in her dancing class. That thing
could last for hours.

Who else?

I realized I didn't have many friends. It probably had to do with the fact that I
was a shy person and I barely talked to anyone at school. But seriously, two
friends? Well, at least, they were true friends. I stared at my phone watching how
the mails from comments and messages from wattpad were being received. They
reminded me of Evan. I felt really sad, I really needed a distraction.
So, I found myself dialing Jerkpid's number. Even though, I was still mad at him
for playing with me in the kitchen the other day. He was the only one who
apparently could answer his phone after the first ring,

"Hello there," his arrogant voice made me regret calling him.

"Hey, Shane,"

"Oh Jones, I knew you couldn't survive without me," I swear I could see him
smirking "You miss me, babe?"

"Cut it out, Mr. Flirt,"

"Mr. Flirt?" he laughed for a moment.

"Yeah, listen," I didn't know what to say or how to say it, "what are you doing?"

"Men's stuff, why?" I narrowed my eyes and then felt stupid because he could not
see me.

"You're trying to get a girl for the night, aren't you?" I heard him gasp.

"You read my mind! I knew you were a witch. Your bad choice of clothes gave it

"That doesn't make any sense, you idiot,"

"It does to me," he chuckled "as much as your call pleases me, I cannot help but
wonder the reason behind it,"

"Hum, I was wondering if you... we could... I..." I trailed off nervously.

"If you want a date with me, just say it, babe,"

"Not a date and stop calling me babe," I paused as I knew he was waiting for me to
speak "I just need someone to talk to," I blurted out and froze. Shane stayed in
silence for a few seconds.

"Well, we are talking, aren't we?"

"I mean, I need to get out of my house, get some fresh air and since I live in the
middle of nowhere. I'm stuck here unless someone picks me up,"

"And you thought that someone could be me," he finished for me.


"Why would I get my precious car out of my garage and drive to the middle of
nowhere to pick up a girl who has claimed to hate me passionately?" my brain took
its time to understand the long question.

"Is that a no?" I asked confused.

"No, it means I need an incentive, a stimulus to do it. What do you have to offer,

"Hum, cookies?"

"Not enough,"


"Try harder,"

"Ruffles?" I was sacrificing my little buddies for this. I couldn't believe it.
"That may work but I need something else,"

"I don't have anything else to give you,"

"Yes, you do,"

"What do you want?" I placed my free hand on my hip impatiently.

"I'll tell you when I get there but you have to promise you will do it,"

"I'm not going to have sex with you," I warned just in case. Shane laughed.

"It's not sex, Jones. You couldn't get me hard even you try,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind, want me to pick you up or not?"


"then promise it,"

"Fine, I promise I will do what you want when you get here,"
"Alright, I'll be there on five," he hung up.

Five minutes? What was he? A fast and furious' driver? I shook my head, I felt like
I made a mistake but oh well, anything was better than staying alone in my house
watching how Evan ignored me as he flirted with some stupid girl. Shane was a pain
in the ass but he could at least entertain me for a while. I enjoyed getting under
his skin.

But I wasn't certainly not prepared for what was about to come.


Yes! That is the end of the chapter! It is not a cliffhanger so put away those
potatoes, you mean people!

he he, thank you so much for your awesome hilarious comments. You made me laugh
out loud in public, at work. I get funny stares but I don't care!




love, hugs and violet lemons,

Arix :D

Chapter 11 >>

Thanks for your support <3

Thanks t Misswatty for the banner

Unedited story. Sorry for mistakes, read on your own risk :D

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 11

"This is a bad idea" I whispered to no one in particular whilst I was going

downstairs. I could hear Shane's horn from the outside. It seemed like he was
playing the drums on his horn.

"I'm coming!" I shouted hoping he could hear me through the noise he was making. I
opened the front door and closed it behind me. The fresh morning breeze hit my skin
and I instantly felt better. It didn't surprise me to see a SUV parked in front of
my house. It was a Honda CR V 2010. Shane’s family had money; I knew this because
of my mother. She usually told me things I wasn't interested in.

Shane got off the SUV and walked around it to face me. He was wearing worn jeans
and a loose black t-shirt. His pale skin stood out of it. His hair was purposely
messy giving him his usual bad boy look. I couldn’t help but notice the amusement
plastered on his face. He walked towards me, smirking.

“What?” I asked curious. He was up to something, I could tell.

“Nothing, where are my chips?” he said frowning at my empty hands.

“I thought you said chips were not enough motivation,”

“I said I wanted the chips, plus your promise of doing whatever I want,”

“Except sex,” I felt the need to point that out. Shane chuckled.

“You really think I would have sex with you?” he pointed me and gave me an are-you-
out –of-your-mind look. Ok, I must admit that hurt my ego. I narrowed my eyes at

“Whatever, I ran out of chips,” I lied shamelessly “Besides, I think my promise is

enough,” I folded my arms across my chest and lifted my chin defiantly. Shane
opened his mouth to protest but I raised my hand stopping him, “let’s go,” I
ordered walking past him. He had no choice but to follow me.

I got inside his SUV. Instantly, the smell of spices and a delicious man's perfume
hit my nostrils. It was really warm and comfortable here. I could really get used
to be in this car. Shane got in the driver's seat and started the engine. He drove
off and I wondered where he was taking me. He hadn't said a word.

"Where are we going?" I noticed we were heading to town.


"McDonalds? Why?" I scowled at him, "I'm not hungry," ok, that was a lie and my
stomach fought for honesty by roaring like a caged lion. Shane laughed softly.

"You sure about that?" I glared at him.

"Listen," I ignored his question "I don't have any money on me," I admitted
embarrassed. It was better to tell him now that when we were ordering or something.

"Don't worry about that, today the food is on me," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why are you being so nice to me? What are you up to?" Shane grinned like a cat
getting in the line to the auto-mac.

"I can be nice,"

"No, you can't," I was about to interrogate him further when it was our turn to
order. I let him order whatever he wanted for me. It was embarrassing enough for me
to let him pay.

We were soon on road again, leaving the town behind us. Where were we going? I
furrowed my eyebrows but didn't bother asking him. He pulled over in the middle of
the lonely road.

"Why are we stopping here?" I asked worried about my safety. Was he going to feed
me, then kill me and throw my body in a river? I really needed to stop watching CSI
episodes. They were making me paranoid. Shane, being the stupid jerk he was,
ignored me and jumped out of the SUV. I got off as well. Food in hand, Shane
started walking inside the woods "Shane? Where are you going?"

"Just follow me," he shouted back. Groaning in frustration, I started to follow

him. I hated walking in the forest. Don't get me wrong, I loved nature and all. The
thing is that I had no skills whatsoever when it came to walk on a rocky bushy

"Shane!" I tried getting his attention but I was again simply ignored. Everyone
seemed to ignore me today, first Evan and now Shane. What was I doing here anyway?
It wasn't like Jerkpid was my friend. It was costing me all my strength and
concentration to catch up with him. Starting with the fact that he was
significantly taller than me which meant his steps were larger.

"Shane! Where are w-ah!" I stepped on a rock and I swear I saw everything in slow
motion. I tried not to fall, really tried, but of course I failed. I could see the
ground getting closer and closer to me. I ended up falling on my hands and knees.
Shane's laughter echoed through the silent woods.

"You...face..." I could understand a word he was saying. Basically, because he

wasn't uttering a coherent sentence. He was too busy laughing whilst clutching his
stomach. I got on my feet and shook the dust of my pants and hands.

"Hilarious," I said sarcastically. Shane stopped laughing and wiped his tears away.

"You entertain me, Jones,"

"Why did you bring me here?" I folded my arms across my chest "if you're going to
kill me, you could have done it in the house. We were alone,"

"You always think I want to kill you," he stated frowning "I'm not a killer, you
know," he gave his back to me and got on his way.

After going through 1352 trees, stepping on 123 rocks and almost falling 10 times,
we finally reached our destination. Ok, maybe I exaggerated the numbers a little
bit but I was exhausted. I was no longer walking, I was dragging myself through the
trees. Shane looked perfect, he didn't even look tired. He was a football player, I
bet this was nothing to him. I rested my back against a tree. I was out of breath,
I would probably pass out if I continue walking. I was really out of shape.

"We're here," Shane informed from some place ahead of me.

"Yay!" I exclaimed sarcastically. It was then I looked forwards and my jaw dropped
to the ground. We were in front of a mighty river, you could see the giant tress
surrounding it. There was grass everywhere, lining the river bank "wow," I said
breathless, literally "This is... wow," I swallowed feeling my dry throat. Shane
sat down and proceed to open his bag of food. He glanced at me over his shoulder.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" He said giving his hamburger a bite. My
mouth watered, I was starving. Motivated by hunger, I approached to him and sat
down next to him. He gave me my food and stared at the lake. To say I was confused
was an understatement. Why did he bring me here? This looked like a... Jeez, I
couldn't even think about that word.


Yeah, this looked like a date. But it was not a date, right? We ate our food
silently. I gazed at the river in silence. It was refreshing to hear the noises of
the water running through the rocks. I glanced at Shane, he seemed to be enjoying
the sight. His hazel eyes had a glint I'd never seen before. His full lips were
forming a genuine smile. He looked at me and we locked gazes. I swallowed.

"Why are we here?" I had to ask. Shane's smile turned into a smirk.

"Well, I couldn't risk my reputation by taking you to a public place, so" he

shrugged his shoulders. I got on my feet feeling insulted, Shane imitated my

"You are a jerk," I said frankly.

"So what? You still owe me,"

"What do you want?" I folded my arms across my chest for the second time this day.

"What do I want?" He held his chin as if he was deep in thought.

"Just say it," I pushed even when I was kind of scared of what he could possibly
want me to do. I mean, he was a jerk. Who knows what kind of twisted thoughts went
through his head?

"Do you really want to know?" he cocked an eyebrow teasingly.


"I want a kiss," my eyes widened in shock and my lips parted. I couldn't help
blushing fiercely. Shane was looking right into my eyes, hovering me. My heart
started hammering inside my chest.

"Why not?" he titled his head to the side and took a step closer to me.

"I-I don't... no,"

"You're going to break your promise?" he asked approaching to me. I was about to
take a step back when he grabbed my arm "If you break your promise, I may just
steal the kiss then,"

"No, let me go!" I fought to release myself. Shane let me go and burst out
laughing. I frowned at him.

"You really entertain me," he said among laughter and gave his back to me. He sat
on a rock.

"You were joking?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course I was joking," he stated as it was the most obvious thing in the world
"I would never kiss you," his words stung. He really enjoyed hurting my ego. I
swallowed my hurt pride and put on a careless facade.

"Then what do you want?"

"I need your help,"

"If you tell me to help you with Math, I swear to God I'll-"

"No," he cut me off "I won't make the same mistake twice,"


"I want you to help me with Melissa,"

"Melissa?" I asked confused "Who is Melissa?"

"The hot chick in my math class,"

"Are you serious?" I moved my hands exasperated.

"Yeah," he nodded, "she seems immune to my charms, besides, she's not only hot but
really smart,"

"She sure is smart for not falling for your looks,"

"Yeah, she's a genius," Shane looked up at the sky and sighed.

"You're in love with her?"

"No, I just want to screw her but damn, she's playing hard to get and I've been
hard for a while now so,"

"Oh my God! Shane! You are such a pervert!"

"What? I've being honest here,"

"Save your honesty for yourself," I scrunched my nose "and how on Earth am I going
t help you? I don't even know her,"

"Talk to her or something. Tell her I'm great in the sac or something like that,"
"Wow, you suck at making plans. I can't just go and talk her all of the sudden,"

"Yes, you can and you will. You owe me," I groaned in frustration. I knew this was
a bad idea, why didn't I listen to my smart inner voice? Suddenly, an idea came t

"Fine, fine but I have one condition."

"I reject it,"

"Then there's no deal," I shot back. Shane gave me a suspicious look.

"What do you want?"

"A kiss," I teased grinning. Shane chuckled.

"Very funny,"

"No, actually, I want you to help Laura with Jordan,"

"Who the hell is Laura?"

"My best friend, she's been your neighbor for years,"

"I don't know her,"

"Whatever, help her out and we have a deal,"

"Jordan is kind of picky when it comes to girls," Shane added.

"I don’t care, that's the deal. Take it or leave it,"

"Fine fine," Shane agreed and we shook hands.

After our little pact, Shane decided to climb some rocky waterfall. I sat on a rock
and watched him, hoping he could fall in the water or something like that but damn
he was skilled. He knew exactly how to climb. I got my phone out of my pocket,
feeling bored. My heart started beating fast whilst I was scrolling down the mails
from wattpad. I stopped breathing when I read one specific mail:

"DarkPoet001 sent you a message"

I clicked the message opened and proceeded to read it:

"I don't need your help :) The girl already fell for me,"

My chest tightened painfully. I knew he was talking about the girl he was flirting
with. He was replying to my earlier message when I offered him to help him with the
girl. I would not show him how much this was getting to me. It was a good thing, he
couldn't see me because my face was a mirror of my emotions right in this moment. I
started typing a message for him,

Me: I'm happy for you then.

I was surprised by the quickness of his reply,

Him: thank you ;)

Me: No problem.
Him: She's really hot.

God, he was killing me. Couldn't he see it?

Me: Good for you.

Him: She's realistic and has dark vision of the world like me. We have so much in

Me: Good.

Him: Her voice is really sexy.

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't talk to him any longer.

Me: Hum, I gotta go.

Him: Why?

Me: I'm on a date.

I really don't know why I said that. I was just so hurt that I wanted him to feel
the same. I wanted to hurt him.

Him: Really? With who?

Me: You don't know him.

Him: You're lying.

Me: I'm not lying. Why would I lie?

Him: I don't know.

Me: I'm not lying, alright?

Him: Sure.

Me: Evan...

Him: You can date whoever you want. I don't really care.

Me: Why are you being such a jerk?

Him: I'm being honest.

Me: You're being rude and mean.

Him: I'm being frank.

Me: You really don't care about me, do you?

Him: Why would I? You're just some girl I met on the internet.

Ok, that was harsh. Tears sprung to my eyes. I bit my lower lip trying to hold them
back. I shoved my phone inside my pocket and took a deep breath in.

Don't cry, Jules, don't cry.

I chanted inside my head with my eyes closed. What was wrong with him? I knew I was
not just some girl he met on the internet. We were friends, we had talked so much.
He knew everything about me, I knew almost everything about him. Why would he say
that? I opened my eyes to meet... a shirtless Shane?

"Jones!" he screamed loudly. He was standing precariously on a rock at the top of

the waterfall. His six pack was on sight, he was grinning like a maniac.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted scared. I was not a fan of Shane but he
could seriously kill himself if he jumped off that rock.

"I'm having fun," he said before jumping off the rock.

"No!" he dived in the water majestically, splashing water to me. I shrieked backing
away but my t-shirt was damp in a matter of seconds Shane emerged from the water
and laughed. His brownish blond hair looked dark and wet

"You stupid egocentric jerk!" I screamed angry. Quickly, I took my phone and put it
far away from the water. The last thing I needed was my phone to get wet and
damaged. I really couldn't afford another one. My eyes landed on the screen and my
heart came to a halt. Evan had replied. His reply fastened my breathing and
increased my heart beats. His words were melting me. I couldn't help reading them
over and over again:

"I like you, Jules,"

x M W L X

Aww sweet ending, huh? I'm a sucker for sweet endings. Anyway, I've received
many messages asking about the cast for this story and I have no idea about who
could play who so help me out, you lazy potatoes launchers!

Hehe! of course, first tell me your thoughts about the chapter and then your
suggestions for the cast!

Love and orange broccolis (Yes, they exist. I have colorful fruits and vegetables,
be jealous) Arix

Chapter 12 >>

You guys rock! You all have a piece of my black heart!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 12

I was going to die. Period.

I was breathless, literally, there was no air entering my lungs. I had stopped
breathing in the exact moment I read Evan's message. My heart was beating so fast
inside my chest that I could feel the beats in my throat and ears. What was wrong
with me? It was only a message. I needed to breathe. There was no way I was dying
now, at least not without replying his message.

But what was I supposed to say? He said he liked me. God, Evan admitted he liked
me. A giggle escaped my lips ending my self-inflicted respiratory arrest. I no
longer felt butterflies in my stomach, they were more like eagles now. Unicorns and
flowers were going to erupt from my pores anytime soon. wow, that was too much,
wasn't it?

Act cool and natural...

I started typing a message but erased it over and over again.

Should I tell him I liked him, too?

I really sucked at these types of things. There should be books about what to do in
this situation. You know tips to date.

There are books about it, you idiot.

My inner voice snapped at me. Yeah yeah, I guess I should really read one of those.
Focusing on my phone, I typed a reply.

Me: I like you, too.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and sent it. My hands were sweaty. He didn't reply
for a few minutes, those were the longest minutes of my life by the way.

Him: I know ;)

I narrowed my eyes at his chesty reply.

Me: Arrogant much?

Him: It's the truth. I knew you like me.

Me: How? Him: You're too obvious.

Me: No, I'm not. Wait... you like a friend or...?

Him: You know the answer to that question.

Me: I do?

Him: Yes ;)

Me: I don't think so.

Him: ;)

Me: Evan...

Him: Yeah?

Me: never mind.

Him: what is it?

Me: I want to know...

Him: what?

Me: You can't expect me to be all cool after we admitted to like each other.

Him: why are you making a big deal of this?

Me: It is a big deal to me.

Him: Why? You haven't even seen me.

I typed a reply and clicked 'send' then, I heard the most terrifying sound I'd
heard in my life: My phone's low battery signal.

"No,no,no,no" I exclaimed terrified "you can't do this to me," I begged to the

device in my hands. I was literally on my hands and knees waiting for the message
to be sent.



"Come on!" I was starting to panic. and then it happened.

My stupid selfish idiotic phone went off.

"No! Damn it! Arg!" I groaned and let out a sigh of frustration. Did Evan get my
message? Did I send it? What was he thinking now?

"Jones!" Shane's voice got my attention.

"What?" I asked annoyed glancing at him over my shoulder. He was floating around
the water with a huge grin plastered on his face. I got up and turned to him.

"What?" I repeated.

"Get in the water,"

"Ehh... let me think about it," I held my chin pretending to be deep in thought,
"No, never, nah, nei, not gonna happen," I gave him a closed mouth smile. Shane
narrowed his eyes at me.

"come on, it's really warm,"

"I said no,"

"It's better if you get here willingly,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shane gave me a devilish smile.

"You wouldn't want me to drag you here, would you?"

"Oh, you wouldn't,"

"Yes, I would,"

"You wouldn't," I shook my head taking a step backwards. Shane started swimming to
the river bank. I took three more steps backwards.


"I know what you're thinking," Shane said getting out of the water. He was
shirtless. His abdomen was on sight and I really needed self-control not to stare.
His pants were damped sticking to his muscular legs, "I would catch you in a
heartbeat if you try to run," he whispered darkly.

Being the half-witted person I was, I turned on my feet and ran for my life.
Remember the fact that I was not good at walking through the forest? Well, imagine
how much I sucked at running through it. I grimaced in pain as the rocks hit my
feet. It was a good thing I had my converse. I felt stupid. What was I
thinking? It was useless to run. Shane was a football player; he was taller and
faster than me so what was the point of running?

To save your dignity.

I kept my futile attempt of escape ignoring the pain in my toes each time I stepped
on a rock. I really needed to learn how to walk on this type of surface. If I ever
got to a survival situation, you know like when people get lost in the woods or the
plane crashed in an isolated island; I was sure I was going to be dead before I
could even realized I was in a life and death situation. My survival instincts
sucked big day.

"Jones!" Shane wrapped his arm around my waist from behind. I shrieked and felt a
déjà vu sensation. This was exactly how it happened that day I tried to run from

"Let go of me!" I was not going to give up without putting up a fight. I struggled,
kicked, screamed and even tried to bite his arm. Shane didn't even flinch or made
no attempt to let me go.

"Stop struggling!" He exclaimed steadying me. I growled like a savage animal. It

was then he pressed me against his body and I could feel his wet naked torso on my
back. I could feel the heat coming from his skin. Shivers went through my spine as
his hot breath began brushing the back of my neck.

"Shane, let me go," I said each word slowly but couldn't help feeling nervous. We
were too close for my like. Too closed.

"Nope," Shane stated and bended over to lift me and carry me bridal style.

"No! No!" I screamed hitting his hard chest as he walked back to the river. He was
carrying effortlessly as if I weighed nothing "Shane! Stop! Don't do it! I will
kill you!" Shane grinned down at me as he reached the river bank "Shane! Don't do
it! Please! I..."

Think of something, Jules!

"I can't swim!" Wow, it was the first time I was actually telling a good reasonable

"It's not a deep river," was Shane's reply before throwing me to the water. I
screamed so loud, I swear I saw birds and owls running away from these woods. I
landed on a big amount of cold water. I was swallowed by the river for a few
seconds, my entire body shook by the unexpected change of temperature. I felt like
small needles were piercing my bones softly. I emerged to the surface taking a puff
of air, Shane was standing on a rock laughing.

"You stupid prick! You Idiotic self-centered bastard! You... You..." I was really
angry but I was also running out insults. It wasn't like I had a big variety
anyway, I was not a violent person but Shane definitely knew how to make me one
"I'm going to kill you!" I promised him and I was really thinking about hitting him
with a rock and throw him his body to the river. Jeez, I really needed to stop
watching thrillers "You are so dead!" I yelled at him swimming to the rock where he
was. I was pissed off. I was not a fan of water besides this was freaking cold. I
was going to die of hypothermia.

"How is the water?" He asked smirking at me.

"I hope you choke with your own saliva!" I aimed my finger at him "what’s wrong
with you?!"

"Oh, nothing, just thought you may need a bath. You stung," I glared at him.

"I hate you," I said passionately.

"No, you don't. I'm too hot to be hated,"

"You have a big ego, don't you?" I stared up at him.

"Yes," he replied arrogantly.

"I bet that's the only big thing you have," It was my time to smirk up at him.
Shane narrowed his eyes at me.

"Nice one, Jones, but I suggest you don't start something you can't finish," he
folded his arms across his chest.

"What do you mean?" I frowned confused. He squatted to be at my level. "You're

too innocent for your own good," he patted my head. I gave him a killer look, I got
my hands on the rock to push myself up but slipped back down.

"Jesus, this is slippery and wet," I complained.

"That's what she said," Shane chuckled. I made a gag gesture.

"You are disgusting," I said finally getting out of the water. My clothes were
sticking to my body. Shane's hazel eyes dropped from my face to chest and went down
to my legs. I swallowed "Hey!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face, "were you
checking me out?"

"I just realized you have an okay body. I mean, you're too skinny but I could still

"Shane!" I punched his chest "You are such a pervert!" my lower lip quivered from
the cold. I was sure I was turning purple.

"Let's go back before you pass out from the cold," he said starting to walk to the
woods. I glared at his back whilst following him.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted getting inside my house but of course I got no reply. My
mother was probably still at the hospital. Shane had brought me home and then drove
off saying he had something to do, well, he actually said he was going to 'bang'
someone or something like that. I couldn't remember his words but I knew they were
nasty. I let myself fall on my couch and closed my eyes.


He hadn't left my mind in the entire day. How was it possible to like someone you
haven't even seen? My phone was off so I plugged it to the nearest electric outlet
and took a shower. After putting some warm clothes on, I went downstairs. I picked
up my laptop and turned it on. Checking wattpad, I noticed my last message hadn't
been sent just I expected. I sent a message saying hi to Evan but he didn't reply.
That was how my boring Saturday started. I had nothing to do, well, I actually
needed to do my homework but I didn’t feel like doing it right now.

The night arrived and I was lying on my couch, checking wattpad each five minutes.
Where was he? Most of the time he was online, it was weird not to get an instant
reply from him. My face brightened up when I saw him online.

Him: Hi back.

Me: Finally, you're here.

Him: you were waiting for me? ;)

Me: Hum, kind of.

Him: haha I know you can't live without me, peachy girl.

me: I thought we have gotten over the nicknames stage.

Him: Never.

Me: I should make up a pet name for you then.

Him: Nah, you're not creative enough, Mrs. Strawberry.

Me: Right.

Him: Do you have Skype?

My heart stopped, ok, not literally because if my heart stopped I would be dead in
a matter of seconds but you get my meaning. The eagles inside my stomach started
fluttering making me feel nervous. Of course, I had Skype. It was program design to
video chat. I usually used it with Laura or even Jason.

Me: Yes, why?

I squeezed my sweaty hands waiting for his reply.

Him: Add me.

He gave me his Skype account and I was too socked to do something.

Me: You want to video chat... right now?

Him: Yes ;)

I clicked the Skype program opened in my laptop and logged in my account. I proceed
to add him and he accepted me very quickly. My God, i wasn't ready to see him. My
heart was hammering inside my chest, my throat was dry. My stomach kept fluttering,
I felt like I was going to be sick anytime soon.

I was going to see him...

I was going to see Evan for the first time...

I needed to breathe, I couldn't pass out.

His chat window on Skype popped up and it started loading the images from both
cameras, his and mine. I combed my hair with my fingers desperately. Jeez, I was
not prepared for this.

What if he sees me and thinks I'm ugly?

What does he look like?

Many questions were prowling around my collapsed mind. The loading process ended
and the little boxes were our images displayed turned black before showing both of
us. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the face of the boy I liked for the
first time.

"Hi," he whispered with that sexy voice of his.

X M W L x

A/N: Muahahaaa this is the most evil cliffhanger I've ever written :P Sorry but I
just couldn't help it! It's like a drug to me.

For your information, guys, I upload each four of five days. I may even upload
weekly. It depends on my work. I work from 6 am to 6 pm so be considerate with me.
I had a busy life.

Love and strawberries (normal ones, not green or yellow. I decided to stop rubbing
my colorful fruits on your faces)

Arix <3

Chapter 13 >>

Calm down, people! :D Here's the new chapter!

Dedicated to Ellengreenxo for making the awesome trailer to the right >>>
and xHearMeRawrX for the fantastic banner!

Chapter 13

Three words.





Ok, those were actually four words but you can't blame me for not thinking straight
right now. My eyes were glued to the square on my laptop's screen. I was staring at
the most sexy hot guy I'd ever seen in my life. He was not the muscled hot type; he
was more like the sexy mysterious hot type of guy. His hair was midnight black; it
was all shaggy partly covering his ears and forehead. His pale skin was flawless.
His dark eyes seemed to go on forever. His thick eyebrows leaded the way down to
straight-edged shape nose and finally, his full lips. He was wearing a black t-
shirt that matched his eyes and hair. I was speechless.

I had never felt so self-conscious. He was probably thinking I was ugly. My brown
hair was falling messily down my shoulders and I had no make-up on whatsoever. I
wasn't hot or anything like that. I was average. I had a pair of big blue eyes that
was all I'd got.

"Hey," I finally greeted him back nervously. My pounding heart was going to jump
out of my chest. The eagles inside my stomach turned into dragons and fluttered
around making feel sick.
I was seeing him....

He was seeing me...

Oh God, what was he thinking of me?

"So you're Jules?" he asked smiling at me through the camera. his voice sent a
shiver through my spine.

"So you're Evan," I tried to say casually and swallowed feeling my dry throat.
Where the hell did all my saliva go?

"Are you alone?" his black eyes seemed to be swallowing in a slow but steady
process. I nodded at his question, "so, tell me, how is it that a girl like you
ended up being my friend?" it hurt to hear him say 'friend' it made me wonder if
when he'd said he liked me, did he mean it as a friend? But I pushed the thought

"What do you mean 'a girl like me'?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, you are all happiness and love while I'm a negative realistic jerk,"

"You're admitting you're a jerk?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I never said I wasn't," he smirked at me and my heart skipped a beat. Cute dimples
appeared on his cheeks making him look devilish adorable.

Breathe, Jules, Breathe

"I could ask you the same thing. I thought you hated me," I was trying to act
casual but I was failing miserably.

"Why are you so nervous?" he tilted his head to the side. Amusement plastered on
his face.
"I'm not nervous," I said in a puff.

"Yes, you are," he teased and I looked away.

"So, what's up?" I looked at his image on the screen again and he still had that
arrogant smirk on his face.

"I wanna try something," he whispered.


"What color is your underwear?" my eyes widened and I couldn't help blushing
fiercily. My face was as red as a tomato.

"You..." An insult didn't come to my mind. Evan laughed loudly. God, even his
laughter was sexy. I glared at him until he was done laughing.

"I knew you would do that,"


"Blush like that, you're so innocent, Jules," his eyes held a glint of something I
couldn't decipher.

"You are a pervert," I accused him.

"No, I am not," he ran his fingers through his hair messing it a little. I gawked
at him like a stupid person. Anytime soon I was going to start drooling all over my
laptop "I just enjoying teasing you, Mrs. Strawberry," my breathe was caught inside
my lungs. Those nicknames sounded so good coming from him. Evan cleared his throat.
I realized my mouth was hanging partly opened so I regained my composure and gave
him a closed mouth smile.

"You should stop it with the pet names,"


"Because we're friends," I slurred the last word. Why was it that I couldn't deal
with the fact that he thought of me as a friend? I mean, I understand him. We met
on the internet. It was not like he was going to like more than a friend, right?
Those stuff didn't happen. We hadn't even faced each other personally. It was then
I realized how bad I wanted to meet him in the real world, which brought me to the
next question I made "Where do you live?" Evan's smile vanished and he looked
deadly serious for a moment.

"Are you stalking me again, Jules?" he pretended to be scared.

"No, I just want to know,"


"I'm curious besides, you're my friend,"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes," I stated frankly. I watched him hesitate.

"I should go now," he said scratching the back of his head.

"No, don't leave,"

"I have things to do," he stated coldly.

"Why can't you just tell me? Do you seriously think I'm going to stalk you?" I was
confused. Evan let out a long sigh.

"We are miles away, Jules. That is all you need to know,"
"It's not enough," I needed to know.

"Yes, it is,"

"Jules," his dark eyes looked at me seriously. I felt like he was seeing right
through me even when we were seeing each other over a web camera "Drop it," he
whispered and then logged off.

I stared at the black screen where his sexy face had been a few seconds ago. Why
couldn't he tell me? I shut my laptop and rubbed my face. What was I doing?

"We are miles away, Jules. That is all you need to know,"

Those words kept spinning around my head. My heart was sinking in my chest. Was he
telling the truth? What was I going to do if he was miles away from me? I raked my
fingers through my hair.

"What are you doing, Jules?" I wondered aloud. Evan was getting to me in a way I'd
ever expected him to. I liked him, I really really liked him. In fact, he was the
first guy to make me feel so many things. All these sensations were new for me but
how was it possible? Was it possible to like someone that much without personally
knowing him? I closed my eyes and let out of a long sigh. His face came to mind.

He was so sexy, I smiled like a fool remembering the cute dimples that formed on
his cheeks when he smirked. I checked my phone, there were no new mails so Evan
hadn't messaged me. I looked down sadly and went upstairs. It was almost midnight

I threw myself on my bed landing on my back. My eyes met the wooden ceiling, I
stared at it in silence. I knew I was going to have a hard time falling sleep due
to my unhealthy sleeping routine. I tossed around my bed desperately. I wanted to
sleep so I didn't have to think. I was almost succeeding when my phone rang. I
checked the screen narrowing my eyes at the sudden amount of light.


Jason Rocks :D
Yeah, he registered his number like that in my phone. I frowned. Did he finally get
over the me-seeing-him-naked incident?

"Hello?" I answered. There were noises and loud background music.

"Juuleeess!" A girl shouted sounding excited "Julieee!" it was then I recognized

the voice.

"Laura?" I sat up totally surprised.

"I lovee youu, Juleees! You know that, don't you?" she slurred excitedly. Wait...

"Are you drunk?" Lau was not the type of girl to drink. In fact, I'd never seen her
drunk in my life.

"No, yes, no, I mean, yeah," she hiccupped "maybe,"

"What the hell... Where are you?" I demanded worried.

"This party is amazing! I... Jordan... he's so hot..."

"Lau, where are you?" I repeated my question swinging my feet out of bed.

"Amanda's party! Yeah!" she shouted and the people in the background followed her.

"Who the hell is Amanda? What are you doing there? Where's Jason?"

"Who's Jason?" Laura inquired laughing.

"Our friend, the owner of the phone you're using," I reminded her exasperated.
"Oh, Jay, jay!"

"Jay Jay?"

"That's his name," Lau giggled.

"Lau, I need to talk to Jason," I stated. It was obvious she was a lost cause.

"Oh wait... he's.... Jay Jay!" she called him out and I moved the phone away from
my ear. Jesus, she practically screamed in my eardrum "He's coming," there were a
lot of noises, voices, screams before I heard Jason's voice.

"Hello," his voice sounded neutral for a moment.

"Jason, where the he-"

"JUlie! I've missed you sooooo much!" he shouted over the phone.

"Oh God," I said face palming myself "Of course, you're drunk, too," I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry for what happened! You are my best friend in the world, Jules!"

"Shut up! Where are you?"

"We are... hum... we are at..." he hesitated, "Banana's party,"

"Banana? You mean, Amanda?"

"Yeah, her, she's so cool,"

"How-Ah, never mind, is there a sober person there?"


"Is there a sober per-" the line went dead. Groaning in frustration, I dialed his
number again but only to hear his voicemail. I called Laura but she didn't pick up
her phone.

"Arg!" What the hell were they thinking? They were never the party-like type of
people. Why were they drunk and who were on Earth was Amanda? Why didn't Laura tell
me anything about a party? I could understand why Jason didn't, I mean, he didn't
even speak to me. But Laura? That girl told me everything she did. They were my
best friends.

They were drunk somewhere out there. I needed to do something. What could I do?


Yeah, if there was a party somewhere he was obviously there. He wasn't the school's
golden boy for nothing. Reluctantly, I dialed his number. It rang a few times
before he answered.

"Wow, two calls in a day," his smug voice made me roll my eyes "You really want me,

"Get over yourself, where are you?"

"Why should I answer your question at..." he seemed to be looking at his watch
"1:30 am,"

"Are you at Amanda's party?"

"How do you know?" See? I was really smart.

"I need you to do something for me,"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, we're not friends,"

"Shane, this is a life and death situation,"

"I don't believe you,"

"Fine, it's not but please-"

"I need a motivation," I sighed in frustration.

"I will speak to Merissa or whatever her name is," I offered. That was the hot girl
he liked in his math's class.

"You already promised that, and her name is Melissa,"

"Fine, I will make her fall for you in a week,"

"You give me your word?"

"Alright, what do you want this time?"

"I need you to look for Jason and Laura and bring them here,"


"Just do it,"

"Fine but I don't know who's Laura,"

"Jesus, Shane she's been your neighbor your entire life,"


"Yes, now go and find them. Do not take them to their houses. Bring them here.
Their mothers will snap if they see them drunk,"

"Wait, they're drunk?"


"Fine!" he hung up rudely.


I was pacing around my living room like a caged lion. It'd been forty five minutes
since I spoke to Shane. What was taking him so long? I heard an engine and I ran
out of the house. The cold night air hit my bare skin. I was wearing a night gown,
before you think I looked sexy, believe me I didn't. Shane parked and jumped out of
the car. He was wearing dark jeans, a loose t-shirt and a black jacket. I could see
the annoyance plastered on his face.

"Julie!" Jason shouted getting off the back seat. He stumbled towards me. He was a
mess "Julie!" he pulled me into a tight hug. The smell of liquor enveloped me.

"Where is Laura?" I mouthed to Shane over Jason's shoulder. Shane shrugged. I

frowned and took Jason inside the house. I threw him on the couch and it surprised
me how quickly he fell asleep. I turned to Shane angrily.

"Where is she?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"She's with Jordan," Shane said shrugging.


"Yeah, he offered her a ride home,"

"Are you out of your mind? She was drunk!"

"Hey, Jordan is not a bad guy. He is going to take care of her,"

"That's bullsh*t! Oh God," I held my forehead dramatically.

"She's going to be alright, stop the drama,"

"Drama?" I asked moving my hands exasperated "She's in danger,"

"Jordan will take care of her, I promise," Shane said seriously. I sighed in
defeat. Shane approached to me slowly. I had to tilt my head back to look at his

"What?" he smiled down at me and cupped my cheek. I shivered at the contact. His
hazel eyes were looking right into my blue ones.
"You look like an angry kitten," he twisted a smile amused. I narrowed my eyes at

"What's that supposed to mean?" his thumb caressed my cheek softly. What was he

"Nothing," he retreated his hand back and scratched the back of his head "I gotta

"Shane..." he gave his back to me and left slamming the front door closed behind
him. What was all that about?

I went upstairs, leaving a snoring Jason on my couch. I landed on my bed for the
second time that night. I checked my phone and smiled like a fool when I saw a
message from Evan. He was already logged off but his goodnight message still
brought a smile to my lips.

"Goodnight, sweet Jules. You are too cute for your own good ;)"

With those sweet words prowling inside my head, I fell asleep.


A/N: Hello there! See? No cliffhanger! I am a GOOD person : D

Seriously, guys, I have a busy job so be patient with me :)

Check out the awesome trailer to the right!

Peace and Fried potatoes (Yeah, I found an use for all those potatoes you threw at
me *winks*)

Arix :P

Chapter 14 >>

Awesome people reading this story in 5...4...3...2....1


My Wattpad Love

Chapter 14

My bed had to be the most comfortable thing on Earth. It was soft like a cloud. I
was waking up slowly feeling extremely rested. I was lying on my side when I felt
something warm on my back. There was also something hard poking my ass. The warm
thing moved and there was suddenly something heavy on my waist. Opening my eyes, I
looked down at my waist and gasped. There was an arm wrapped there.

"What the..." I mumbled with a sleepy voice. I rolled over to look behind me. My
eyes met the peaceful sleeping face of Jason. I frowned in confusion. What the hell
was he doing here? His chest was naked. My frown grew bigger and I looked down past
his abdomen. I screamed loudly backing away from him. Jason's eyes snapped opened,
before he could say anything I fell off the bed with a thud. It was a good thing
the house had a carpeted floor otherwise that could have been really painful.

"Jules?" Jason seemed to be searching for me. I jumped on my feet, my face was as
red as it could get. Jason was sitting on the bed now, my sheets covering down his
"You! You... You're naked!" I shouted shocked.

"Stop screaming!" he grimaced in pain, "my head is going to explode,"

"You're naked!" I repeated aiming my finger at him.

"I'm not naked, I'm..." Jason looked under the sheets and his eyes widened "Ok, I’m
naked," he acknowledged and looked up at me.

"What the hell, Jason! Why are you naked?"

"I don't know," he rubbed his temples, "it's hard to think when my head is
throbbing like this,"

"And you were lying next to me... and that thing poked me! Oh my God! It poked me!"
I scrunched my nose in disgust "I feel so violated,"

"Jules, you're overreacting,"

"Am I? I woke up to find my very excited best friend laying naked next to me.
Excuse me, if I'm a little freak out here,"

"I'm sorry, I guess, I was cold last night and decided to come up and sleep with
you," I held my forehead pacing around my room. Jason and I had slept together
before. But really slept, we didn't have sex or anything like that. He was like my
brother. Sometimes when Mom was on duty and he came over, he stayed all night long.
But of course, nothing weird like this had ever happened to us. Jason got out of my
bed covering his thing with my pillow.

Oh my poor pillow!

"I get that you were cold last night whilst sleeping on the couch," I paused and
glanced at him. Jason was smiling apologetically "but I don't get why you're

"Well, apparently, I enjoy stripping when I'm drunk," he scratched the back of his
head with his free hand.

"Really, Jason? Really?"


"That thing poked me! Why was it even...up?" I asked awkwardly,

"It's the morning cramp; it has nothing to do with you,"

"You promise?"


"I can't believe this," I shook my head.

"Oh come on, it wasn't like I did this on purpose," he explained seriously. I let
out a sight of frustration "besides, it's not like you haven't seen me naked
before," he tried to make a joke... I glared at him feeling my heated cheeks.
Jason's smile vanished "too soon?" I nodded.

"Just put some clothes on," I waved him off. Jason walked out of the room. I guess,
his clothes were all over the couch.

Wow, that was awkward.

My life was getting a little bit crazy. Not to mention, now I had my best friend's
little buddy portrayed inside my head. The image was so clear in my mind; I swear I
could draw the damn thing if I wanted to. Even though, this was not the first time
I'd seen naked, it was the first time I'd seen him....well... aroused. Let me tell
you, that thing is huge. It kind of freaked me out a little bit back there.

It poked me!
I shuddered remembering that. I went to my bathroom and did my morning routine. I
came back to my room to look for my sandals.

"Take me by the tongue and I'll know you. Kiss me till you're drunk and I'll show
you," my phone started singing loudly. That was Laura's ringtone. Yeah, she liked
Maroon 5. I wasn't a big fan but hey that song was catchy "You want the moves like
jagger, I've got the moves like jagger,I've got the mooooooves... like jagger"


Instantly, I remembered she was drunk last night and Shane didn't bring her over.
She was with Jordan. I run-and-jump ninja style to my bed and pressed the green

"Hello?" I was out of breath.

"Jules?! Thanks God! Jules, I'm in trouble," she spoke fast. She usually did that
when she was freaking out.

"Lau, what-"

"I woke up in Jordan's bed... I'm..." she trailed off, I could tell she was biting
her nails "I can't remember a thing about last night. But I'm only wearing his

"Oh no,"

"I'm freaking out. I may not be a virgin anymore,"

"Calm down, Lau, where is he?"

"He's in the shower, I need to get out of here before he comes out but how am I
supposed to leave wearing his shirt?"

"Well, your house isn't that far from his house, is it?" I asked remembered they
all actually lived in the same street: Shane, Jordan, Jason and Laura. I was the
only one who lived in the isolated part of the town. Yay, lucky me. Oh sarcasm!

"No, Jules but it's not like I can go home walking half-dressed like this. Oh God,
Mom will kill me,"

"Go to Shane's house," I said surprising us both.

"What? No, I don't even know him that much,"

"But I kind of do. Just go there, I'll call him,"

"I can't, I'd die of embarrassment,"

"Oh well, then stay there and face Jordan. I hope you're ready when he starts
making comments about last night from which you can't remember a thing by the way,"

"Call him, I'm running there,"

"Ok," I hung up and dialed Shane's number. It rang a few times before I finally
hear someone at the other side of the line.

"Hello," a female sleepy voice greeted me. I frowned and looked at my Iphone's
screen. Yeah, I definitely dialed the right number.

"Hi, is Shane there?"

"Yes, he's sleeping," she said softly "who is this?"

"I really need to talk to him,"

"Who are you?" Her voice became cold. She was probably one of his night stands.

"I'm his friend," I lied. Shane and I weren't exactly friends.

"What friend?"

"Listen, just put him on the phone. It's urgent," she hesitated but then I heard
noises and a masculine grunt.

"What?" Shane's asked annoyed.

"I need another favor,"

"You seriously think we're friends,"

"Laura is coming over your house, help her out,"

"Why would I-who the hell is Laura?"

"Oh God," I felt like slapping him right now "you have the memory of a dead fish,"

"I only remember important things," he retorted rudely.

"Whatever, just open the door for her and help her out,"

"Why would I do that? I'm sleeping,"

"Please," I put my pride aside and begged "please," I heard him growl in

"I cursed the day you got my phone number. Fine," he hung up. I smiled in relief
but instantly grew worried. What if Laura lost her virginity last night? i knew it
would devastate her if it did happened. She always dreamt about her first time
being special with someone she loved. We were very alike in the sex terms. We both
were waiting for our charming princes to arrive and all that stuff. She would be so
depressed if Jordan and her had sex last night. She didn't even remember a thing
for God sakes. I bet no one wants to be drunk on their first time. I looked down at
my phone and smiled again when I noticed I had a message from Evan.

Evan: Good morning, sunshine ;)

The dragons in my stomach fluttered around and I couldn't help blushing a little.

Me: Hey, you seem to be a in good mood today.

Him: Yes, I had a great dream last night.

Me: Really? What was it about?

Him: I'll tell you later.

I bit my lower lip in curiosity.

Me: Why not now?

Him: I have something to do, talk to you later, Mrs. Strawberry.

I rolled my eyes and typed 'Ok'

"Jules!" Jason shouted my name from downstairs.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Breakfast is ready!" he informed.

"Oh no," I ran out of the room and then downstairs. Jason sucked at cooking so I
was scared as hell of what he may have tried to prepared. I entered the kitchen.
Jason was sitting on the counter; his mouth full of... pancakes? I grimaced in
disgust at his full opened mouth.

"You made pancakes?" he nodded as he swallowed what he was chewing.

"They’re pretty good," I looked at the plate in front of me. Pancakes are supposed
to rounded, right? Well, Jason absolutely forgot about that detail. Their form was
inexplicable "Just try it, they're good. I promise," he encouraged me to taste it.
I shook my head, "come on, Jules,"

"Just a bite," I was about to take a bite when...

"Sweetie, I'm home," my mother's voice echoed through the living room.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I shouted whilst Jason got off the counter.

"Hey," Mom greeted us stepping inside the kitchen. She looked tired, there were
bags her blue eyes. Her reddish hair was in a messy bun. She smiled when she saw me
and kissed my forehead "How are you?" she caressed my face gently.

"I'm good, how was your night?" I asked watching her put some bags on the counter.
She gave Jason a closed mouth smile.

"Agitated, Saturday's night are always agitated at the hospital," she replied
sadly. I knew her job was not easy. I admired her, I really did. I mean, how
couldn't I? She saved lives every day. I was proud of her. She was a good doctor. I
squeezed her shoulder.

"I know, you should rest. I will take care of this," I said referring to the bags.
My mother gave me a grateful smile.
"Alright, I brought you breakfast," she pointed one of the bags.

"Thanks God," I muttered. I didn't have to eat Jason's formless pancakes.

"I heard that," Jason glared at me. Mom left us to go upstairs. I really hoped she
could have a good sleep.

When we were done eating, Jason proceeded to do the dishes. I was sitting next to
the counter as I stared at his profile. His brown hair was all messy, pointing all
directions. In that moment, I realized Jason was good-looking in a cute kind of
way. He was that type of sweet guy that gets girls with enchanting words and cute
smiles. He rolled his lower lip into his mouth as he kept on his chore. He had nice
lips, his lower lip was fuller than his upper one but they looked good. His body
was not slightly muscled like Shane's. Jason was thin but defined.

What the hell, Jules!

Did I just check out my best friend? That was so inappropriate of me. God, seeing
him naked was really affecting me. That thought brought unwanted images of his
thing to my mind. Oh God, I couldn't help blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" I jumped to his voice. Jason was now in front of me, drying
his hands with a kitchen's rag. I looked up to meet his green eyes, he was staring
down at me, confusion plastered on his face.

"I...hum, I'm not blushing," I looked away and stood up. I could feel his eyes on
me as I stumbled towards the kitchen's doorway "I'm going back to my room," I said
cowardly as I left him there confused.

* *

The day rushed by uneventful. Laura had called when she finally got to her house.
Apparently, Shane had helped her giving her some clothes from his little sister.
Laura had told her mother she spent the night in my house. However, her mother
still grounded her for not notifying her in advance.

Jason left as soon as he was done in the kitchen. I was grateful for it. I really
needed him away from a while. This entire seeing-him-naked thing was messing up my
mind. I was lazily lying on my couch. It was twilight. The house phone rang and I
answered before the sound could wake up my mother. She seriously needed to rest.

"Hello, peachy girl," my breath was caught inside my lungs. My heart started
pounding desperately behind my thin ribs.

Act casual, Jules.

"He-hey," Did I just stutter?

Way to act casual, Jules.

"You sound surprised," he teased with that sexy voice of his, sending shivers
through my entire body.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting your call," I admitted clearing my throat. He chuckled.

"I'm bored,"

"You're bored?" I cocked an eyebrow but then felt stupid because he couldn't see
"So that's why you're calling me,"

"Yeah," I swear I could see him smirking at the other side of the line. I couldn't
help visualizing the cute dimples that formed on his cheeks when he smiled "what
were you doing?"

"Just talking to Laura," I said frankly. Evan knew she was my best friend. I'd told
him everything about her and Jason. Yeah, I wasn't really reserved when it came to
him. I just felt like I could trust him, crazy huh?

"I read the new chapter for your story," he commented all of the sudden. I froze.

"Why? I thought you hated that story, you said it was too cheesy," I reminded him
as I remembered his mean comment on my story.
"I was curious. It's incredible the things I can learn about you by reading it,"

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Nothing," he whispered and a shiver went down my spine. I really needed to

reinforce my self-control around Evan. If his voice was doing this to me, I
couldn't even imagine what would happen to me if I see him face to face. This
thought reminded me of the fact he didn't want to tell me where he lived.


"Don't," his voice grew cold. Did he know what I was going to ask?

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"It doesn't matter,"

"It matters to me,"

"Why?" he inquired and I swallowed.

"Because you're my friend," I slurred the last word. Why did I always do that?

Because you like him, silly. You don't want to be his friend.

My inner voice replied to me.

"We are miles away, Jules," my stomach fluttered when I heard him say my name.

"You already said that, I just want to know where you live," I insisted. Evan
sighed in frustration.
"It's better if you don't know," he said seriously.


"Jules, drop it,"

"I can't,"

"Yes, you can and you will," he sounded upset.

"Evan, please," I pleaded.

"Why can't you just drop it?"

"I..." I trailed off not knowing what to answer.

"This is wrong," Evan whispered softly.

"What is wrong?"


"What are you talking about?"

"Jules, I'm not good. You shouldn't be this eager to know more about me,"

"I just want to know where you live, that's all,"

"I know why you want to know," he assured "that's why I'm not telling you,"
"Evan, you're confusing me,"

"I know," I caught a trace of sadness on his tone "I gotta go,"

"Evan, don't,"

"I’m sorry," he whispered before hanging up.

I placed the phone back on the table and ran my fingers through my hair. What the
hell was that? why did I want to know so bad where he lived? I knew the answer to
that question, I knew it. I was just in denial. But there was no point in fooling
myself anymore.

I really liked Evan. A lot. It was something more than an internet crush; I was
seriously starting to like the guy for real. That’s why I wanted to know where he
lived because deep down, I hoped I could meet him wherever he was. I wanted to meet
him so bad that it actually scared me. This like for him was growing and growing
and I was worried and scared. I'd never liked a guy this much in my entire life. I
was scared of getting hurt, scared of him not liking me back. I mean, I didn't even
know if when he said he liked me he meant it as more than a friend. God, I didn't
even know where he lived. What if he lived in another country? Wattpad had members
from everywhere. I let myself fall backwards on my couch and stared at the ceiling.
It was going to be a long week according to my list of things-to-do:

1.- Find out where Evan lives.

2.- Investigate if Laura is still a virgin or not.

3.- Try not to see Jason naked again.

4.- Help Shane with Marissa or Merissa whatever her name was.

and the most important one:

5.- Find out what the hell is wrong with me. Why am I developing such strong
feelings towards a guy I hadn't seen personally?

Yeah, it was going to be a long week.

x M W L X

A/N: Hello :D I uploaded fast this time. I hope I get a reward! :) I guess, you
noticed the slideshow to the side. I finally chose a cast but feel free to picture
the characters in your mind as you like. I only made the cast for fun :P

Also, if you haven’t watched the trailer. What the fudge are you waiting for? >=)

Love and white cabbages!


Chapter 15 >>

Unedited story! Sorry for grammar mistakes. You’ve been warned.

Thank you for being the awesome fans you are <3

You made my day with your funny comments and support!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 15

I was sitting on a bench at 3:06 am in the middle of the town's square. Shane was
sitting next to me in silence. I was shivering from the cold; my hair was sticky
and starchy. My clothes were damp. Vodka, strawberry juice and other unknown
substances were enveloping my upper body. Shane wasn't looking very good either. A
dark bruise was forming on his cheekbone; it was probably going to become a black
eye very soon. His lower lip was swollen and had a small cut. His shirt was ripped
off at some parts.
I know what you're wondering...

How the hell did we end up like this?

What happened?

Alright, I will enlighten you.

12 Hours ago...

"I'm so embarrassed," Laura said whilst chewing some French fries. It was lunch
time "I mean, I can't remember a damn thing. There's this huge blank in my mind
when I tried to remember that night," I gave her a sympathetic smile. It was Friday
already, the week had rushed by uneventful. I'd talked to Evan everyday but he
seemed so distant since last Sunday when I asked about where he lived.

"Well, that's the power of alcohol, Lau. It can erase your memory," I said giving
my hamburger a bite.

"I'm not a drinker, you know that," she fork-pinched a slice of tomato from her
salad "I just wanted to have fun that night and-"

"Drink a little but everything went down the drainage after the first drink," I
finished for her. I heard the same statement many times this week. That was all she
could talk about, I couldn't blame her though. I knew I would be doing the same-if
not worse- if I was in her position. I knew she had to talk to Jordan sooner or
later. It wasn't like she could avoid him forever, I mean, we attended to the same
school and he lived down her street. But I could understand her fear. She was
scared of what he could tell her, scared of confirming she'd lost something as
special as her virginity in a drunken night.

"Have he tried talking to you?" I asked and took a huge bite from my hamburger and
got some French fries in my mouth until it was so filled my cheeks were inflated.
It tasted so good, I moaned softly. Laura stared at me like I'd grown a third eye.
I gave him a 'what' look.

"I honestly don't know how you're so skinny. I mean, you eat like a pig," I
narrowed my eyes at her whilst chewing my food "and to answer your question, if
he's tried to talk to me I haven't noticed because I've been too busy avoiding
him," I swallowed my food and opened my mouth to say something.

"Julie!" A pitchy familiar female voice screamed from behind me. I lost my appetite
and rolled my eyes. It was a good thing, she couldn't see my face. Reluctantly, I
turned half of my body to look behind. There she came...

My torture...

The definition of hell on earth for me

Melissa. Shane's ultimately crush.

Remember my task list? Yeah, I had to make this girl fall for Shane within a week.
I owed Shane big time since he'd saved me and Laura. However, I wasn't really
succeeding; each time I mentioned Shane to her she would change the subject. It was
like she didn't want to talk about him and I couldn't blame her. I forced a smile
as she sat next to me placing her tray beside mine.

"Hey, I've been looking for you all day," she said smiling sweetly at me. Melissa
was a sweet girl but she was taking this friendship too seriously. Don't get me
wrong, it wasn't that I didn't like her. I just felt terrible for befriending her
for such evil purposes like getting her in Shane's bed. I felt utterly disgusted
with myself. Melissa seemed to be a nice girl. She didn't deserve to be used by
someone like Jerkpid.

"Yeah, I was starving so I practically ran over here," I lied giving her a closed
mouth smile. Laura shook her head disapprovingly.

We ate our food in silence. Melissa made a few comments about the paper work she
did for Math and bragged about the A she got. I chuckled remembering Shane had
failed that one because of me. His face was priceless. Oh Good times...

"Julie?" a hand was waved in front of my face. I snapped out of my flashback

moment to find a frowning Laura. Melissa was gone.


"Are you going to eat that? Lunch time is almost over," I looked down at my tray.
Half of my hamburger and French fries were still there. When had I stopped eating?
I finished my food quickly "I'll see you in class" Lau waved her hand at me as she
walked away,. We were heading out of the cafeteria, my stomach was full. I felt
really good. However, my good mood went down the drainage when I saw who was coming
towards our way.

Shane Mason...

The school's popular player... or how I'd like to call him...

The Antichips.

That was my original version of the Antichrist since I thought of chips as a gift
from God. Shane was wearing a tight dark t-shirt making his defined arms and chest
visible, his hair was messy and his eyes held a glint of smugness as he passed by
girls and they almost drooled over him.

Oh God...

I have to hide!

Without thinking properly, I got inside the nearest janitor's closet. I could hear
the commotion vanishing in the outside. Everyone was probably heading to class. I
would wait here for a few minutes and then ran to class. I really hoped Shane was
out of the hallway when I come out. The door was swung opened and I jumped away
from it before it could hit me.

"Jones," Shane greeted stepping inside and closing the door behind him. A lopsided
smirk formed on his lips "Are you hiding from me?"

"Me?" I exclaimed exaggeratedly "No, of course not," I shook my head repeatedly.

Shane narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes, you are," he took a step closer. I backed away scared "Why?"

"I wasn't... I didn't..."

"How is Melissa?" he asked staring at me suspiciously.

"All good, the plan is going great," I shouted with fake a enthusiasm. Shane got
closer to me until my back was pressed against the wall. I swallowed.

"Really? That's weird because I just asked her out and she turned me down," he
explained "so, your plan is not going so great, is it?" he placed a hand on the
wall at the side of my face. His hazel eyes were boring into mine.

"I tried, I really tried but she's-" Shane put his index finger over my mouth
silencing me. I shivered at the contact.
"You haven't tried hard enough," he retreated his hand and his gaze dropped to my
lips. The tension in the room made my heart beat faster "If you fail, you'll be my
slave for a night," I opened my mouth to protest "no buts, you owe me, Jones,"

"I'm not gonna have sex with you," I stated firmly. Shane chuckled.

"Why is it that you always think that? I don't like you, Jones so I wouldn't have
sex with you even if you were the last girl in the world," His words stung. My
hidden ego was wounded. I knew I should feel good about the fact that he didn't
want me like that but it still hurt like hell. Shane managed to make me feel so
ugly with just a phrase. Tears sprung to my eyes but I held them back and lifted my
chin proudly.

"I wouldn't have sex with you even if... even if..." I trailed off not knowing what
to say. Shane laughed and stared at me amused.

"Even if?" he cocked an eyebrow and leaned closer to me "That's bullshit, Jones. If
I want to, you would be mine a in blink of an eye,"

"Never," I said in a puff.

"You wanna bet?"

"No," I replied seriously. I'd read too many stories about bets on wattpad. The
girl always ended up losing, she either got her heart broken or she would live
happily ever after with the guy. With my luck, I knew It would be

the first option for me. Happy endings were not my thing. Shane's smirk grew

"You're afraid you'll lose, Jones?" He teased.

"No, I ju-"

"Then why are you refusing?" He leaned closer until we were so close our breaths
were mixing. I pushed him away from me but he didn't move a muscle "Aww, little
Jones is afraid she'll lose, isn't she?"

"Back off," I pushed on his chest again.

"Say yes,"

"No, Shane," I tried to step aside but he placed his hand on my hip keeping me
"Why not?" He insisted burying his face in my neck. I shivered as his nose made
contact with my skin. My breath quickened.

"Shane, stop!" I pushed his chest harder and this time he moved slightly backwards.

"Coward," he teased as I approached to the door "wait," he grabbed my arm and spun
me around to face him.


"There's a party tonight in Jordan's house," I folded my arms across my chest.


"You have to take Melissa there. I will take care of the rest,"

"What? No, I can't do that,"

"Then I hope you enjoy being my slave for one night," I let my arms fall to my
sides in defeat.


"You can also take Laura with you,"

"I don't think so," I stated remembering Laura was avoiding Jordan. She wouldn't go
to his house even if I dragged her there.

"Why not?" Shane scowled at me "I thought they were-"

"Don't say anything!" I interrupted "I don't want to know,"

"What are you talking about?" I ignored him and got out of that janitor's closet.

The afternoon rushed by pretty quickly. I didn't pay too much attention to my
biology class since I was chatting with Evan.

Him: So you gave up on being cupid?

He knew everything about Melissa and Shane.

Me: Not yet, but I really suck at this stuff. Melissa doesn't even want to talk
about him.

Him: haha Mrs. Strawberry sucks at love stuff, how ironic!

Me: What do you mean?

Him: You're all love and sweetness. You write cheesy stories but you can't even get
two people together.

Me: Oh shut up!

Him: ;) touched a nerve, peachy girl?

Me: Again with the nicknames?

Him: Yeah.
Me: What are you doing?

I asked trying to get to know more about him. Maybe get him to spit out where he
lived by accident or something. Yeah, that was unlikely to happen but a girl can
dream, right?

Him: I'm writing.

Me: really? What are you writing?

Him: A poem.

Me: About what?

Him: it's a sad poem :)

Me: Hmm, those are your favorites?

Him: I guess so.

Me: Can you show it to me?

Him: No.

Me: Come on, if you're going to post it on wattpad I will read it anyway.

Him: I'm not going to post it.

I frowned.

Me: Why not?

Him: It's a personal poem. Nobody will read it.

Me: wow, so much mystery. Now, I'm curious. At least tell me what is it about?

Him: You.

My heart skipped a beat and my breath was caught inside my lungs.

Me: me?

Him: Yes.

Me: You wrote a poem about me?

My heart was racing inside my chest. The dragons in my stomach were fluttering
desperately. I bit my lower lip waiting for his answer.

Him: Yes.

Me: why?

Him: Because.

His vague answers would always get on my nerves. I was about to type a reply when
the bell rang. Groaning, I told him I was heading to gymnastics and shoved my phone
inside my pocket.

After getting home from school, having dinner and getting ready. Melissa picked me
up to get to the famous party.

This is not going to end good

I thought as I stood in front of Jordan's door. The music blasting inside was
announcing a good party. Melissa was standing next to me. She looked beautiful with
her tight flowered dress and cute sandals. I was suddenly self-conscious. I was
wearing my usual baggy jeans and loose t-shirt. My hair was on a messy bun. I
wasn't a fan of parties. I only came to bring Melissa otherwise there was no way I
was going to come.

The door opened slowly showing a grinning Jordan. He was at least two heads taller
than me. He looked really handsome with his disheveled bad boy look. He reminded so
much of Shane. His brown eyes looked between Melissa and me.

"Hello there," he grinned at Melissa and she instantly blushed. Bastard! I glared
at him folding my arms across my chest "How come I've never seen you before,
beautiful," he started getting closer to my blonde friend. I stepped between them.

"Probably because of the big sign that says 'Player' hanging over your face. It
blocks your vision, doesn't it?" I said giving him a fake closed mouth smile.
Jordan narrowed his eyes at me.

"And who are you?" His flirty voice turned into a cold one.

"She's my friend," Melissa intervened wrapping an arm around my shoulder "now, can
we get in? It's cold out here," Jordan hesitated but then stepped aside.

"Welcome to my palace," he said with enthusiasm. I watched in disgust how he stared

at Melissa's ass as she walked inside.

Men were all the same. Shaking my head disapprovingly, I followed her.

I find it quite funny and unbelievable how a party can change in a short period of
time. At the beginning, everything was kind of calmed. People were talking and
gathering in groups while drinking.

Two hours later?

The place was a mess. There were girls dancing on the tables, boys trying to touch
them. Couples were making out in dark corners. People kept going upstairs to do God
knows what.

And me?

I was being squeezed by a bunch of people I didn't even know. I was trying to get
through them but Jesus, it was becoming impossible. I really wanted to go home but
Melissa was nowhere to be found. I'd let her with Shane like half and hour ago but
I had no idea where they went. So now I was alone and stuck here surrounded by
drunken people. I couldn't go home since Melissa was my ride. I would walk to Lau's
house since it wasn't that far but I really didn't want Laura to find out about
this. I mean, the entire Jordan's subject was still really touchy for her.

I was rudely pushed out of the mass of people and I felt like I could breathe
again. For a moment, I sensed eyes on me. I scanned around the alcohol intoxicated
people but found nothing.

That was weird. My eyes landed on the stairs and I watched Shane coming down. His
shirt was all messy as was his hair. An arrogant smirk was formed on his lips. He

Pleased? As if he had won something... As if...

Oh no...

Jordan met Shane at the end of the stairs and high five him. And then everything
happened in slow motion...

Melissa was coming down stairs fixing her dress when Jordan took some money out of
his pocket and handed it to Shane. Uh-oh... Melissa's eyes widened. Hurt and anger
crossed her face as she got between them.

"Shane, what the hell is going on?" She inquired glancing at the money on his hand.
Shane was out of words. He wasn't expecting this, I could tell.

"He won a bet, that's all, babe," Jordan explained carelessly.

"A bet? What was the bet about?" She asked angrily. I felt like I was in a live
soap opera. The pop corns were the only thing missing.

"You," Jordan stated shrugging his shoulders. Shane glared at his friend.


"Yeah, we bet on how long it would take him to have sex with you," alright, I must
admit I didn't see that one coming. My jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief.

How could they do that?

Melissa's eyes were crystallized with tears. Immediately, I walked to them and
slapped Jordan right across his face. He was dumfounded, he cupped his cheek and
stared at me in shock. I turned to Shane who looked oddly guilty.

"Jones, I-" I slapped him as well

"You are the most disgusting guy I've ever met!" I punched his chest over and over
again "you heartless pig! You monster! I hope you die on your sleep! I hope you get
swallowed alive by a toothless Anaconda!" I screamed on his face. Shane didn't even
try to stop me. He let me punch him "I can't believe I was part of this! That I
helped you!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Julie?" Melissa's voice asked from behind.
Before I could say something Jordan opened his big mouth.

"She helped him get to you. It was all a plan," he said shoving his hands inside
his pockets. I turned around to face her.

I watched how Melissa's face fell and in that exact second I felt like the worst
piece of excrement on Earth. I felt horrible.

"Melissa, I-"
"Is that true?" Two tears escaped her eyes and my heart sunk in my chest "so this
was all a lie? You never wanted to be my friend. It was all part of a stupid bet,"
her voice broke "I thought you were different, I thought..." She grasped a plastic
glass from the nearby table and poured it down on me. The cold liquid ran down my
hair into my face. Ok, I deserved that. She took off ignoring me the entire way I
tried to follow her until Shane grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Let her go," he said pulling me deeper inside the house. I slapped his hand.

"Don't touch me!" Shane rubbed his temples and looked at me. I could see honest
guilt on his face but that still didn't calm the anger within me.

"Stop looking at me like that," he said leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Like what?"

"Like you want to murder me,"

"Maybe because I want to murder you! How could you do that?"

"Why are you making such a big deal of this? What were you expecting?" he said

"I thought you truly liked her! That's why I helped you,"

"You seem to forget I'm a player, Jones," I glared at him "this is what I do, I
like a girl, I screw her and then move on to the next one," I shook my head

"You're unbelievable, you disgust me," I turned on my feet and was ready to leave
that place. I smelled like strawberry and vodka. Shane grabbed my arm turning me to

"Why are you so surprised?" his hazel eyes looked into my blue ones.

"Because..." I trailed off remembering my mother's words.

I promised he's a nice boy behind that arrogant facade, sweetie.

Mom was definitely blind. There was no goodness behind that arrogant face.
"What?" Shane pressed waiting for my answer. I lifted up my chin determined and
slapped his hand.

"Because I thought you were better than this," his eyes widened "I thought there
was something good behind that arrogant attitude, but I was wrong,"

I walked out of the kitchen, feeling awful. I was crossing the mass of people when
someone pulled at my arm. I was dragged to a dark corner. My back crashed into the
wall and I came to face a ginger boy. His eyes were red and he smelled of alcohol.

"Why so lonely, babe?" he purred cupping my cheek. I smacked his hand.

"Back off," I exclaimed pushing him away. He stumbled backwards chuckling.

"I like your eyes," he approached to me, pressing his body against mine. I grimaced
in disgust.

"Get off me," he ignored me and pinned my hands above my head against the wall. I
struggled but he simply slide his hand under my t-shirt "Stop! Help!" I screamed
but the blasting music seemed to mute my screams for help "Stop!" I shivered in
disgust when his tongue licked my neck lustfully. Suddenly, the boy was yanked away
from me.

"Get your hands off her," Shane pushed the boy angrily. I'd never seen him angry
before and believe me, he looked scary. And then, it started.

An epic fight...
Shane was beating up the guy whilst other people wanted to help ginger boy. It all
turned into a big mess. Everyone was fighting, girls were screaming. There were
chairs flying around. I couldn't even distinguish Shane in the crowd anymore. The
sound of broken glass echoed everywhere. I guess they found another use for the
alcohol bottles.

I found my way out of the house and breathed in relief when I stepped on the front
yard. I couldn't help being worried about Shane. Even though, he acted like a jerk
tonight, he actually saved me from that ginger boy. It started to drizzle. I looked
up at the sky.

"Really?" I asked to no one in particular. The cold night breeze made me shiver.
This was definitely not my night.

"Jones!" Shane's shout came from behind. I frowned when I watched him running
towards me "Run!"

"What? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and then I saw a bunch of guys
chasing after him. Shane passed by my side and held my hand, pulling him behind
him. We were soon running down the street like crazy people. Drops of rain were
hitting my face and the cold was becoming unbearable.


That was how we ended up here. Shane was beaten up and my upper body was damp. It
was a good thing my phone was inside my jean's pocket. It didn't get wet. I really
sucked at fulfilling my objectives. Remember my task list? Well, I still didn't
know where Evan live, or if Laura was still a virgin or not. Conclusion: I sucked
at tasks lists.

I glanced at Shane and he was looking at the street absentmindedly.

"I think we should go," I said breaking the silence. Shane was too quiet, which was

"Yeah," he replied coldly. He got on his feet and I imitated him. My phone buzzed
in my pocket, I got it out and checked the message. It was a mail from Wattpad.
"DarkPoet001 sent you a message"

I smiled like a fool and proceed to open the message.

"You look cute tonight"

I stopped on my tracks. My heart was already hammering inside my chest, menacing to

jump out of my throat. I stopped breathing. How did he...

With shaking hands, I started typing a reply.

Me: How do you know?

Him: Because I saw you ;)

---X M W L X----

A/N: Muahahaha sweet tempting cliffhanger! Shoot me potatoes again so I can make
French fries :D

Love, hugs and Evan’s strawberries,

Arix ;D
Chapter 16 >>

Hello! Sorry for the long wait but I'm super busy with my job and I think I got the
flu -.-

Unedited Chapter!

Enjoy & Vote

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 16

To say I was in shock was an understatement.

I was bewildered. I was frozen. I was not moving or breathing. My eyes were glued
to my phone's screen.

He saw me.

Evan saw me.

He just said he saw me.

Those phrases kept playing inside my head over and over again. Not to mention...
the questions:



Was he being serious or was it all a joke?

Was he at the party?

"We're miles away, Jules" his words echoed through my head. I didn't need to be
bright to know Evan was lying, whether he was lying about the fact of us being
miles away or the fact that he'd saw me I didn't know but I was going to find out.

Me: What do you mean you saw me?

I sent the message. My heart was menacing to jump out of my chest as I waited.

Him: ;)

Really? That was all he would say? A freaking winking face? I was almost dying of
an heart attack here and he just sent me a winky face. Evan could be a jerk

Me: Evan, what the hell..? What do you mean you saw me?

Him: Because I did.

Me: What? How? When?

Him: How? With my eyes, when? Tonight ;)

Me: You were at the party?

Him: Maybe.
Me: Maybe? Evan you're confusing me.

I sent that message with shaky fingers. It was then I realized I wasn't feeling so
well. My stomach felt funny and it wasn't a nice sensation, believe me. The next
thing that happened was the last thing I was expecting. Hell, I wasn't expecting it
at all. I didn't know if it was because I had skipped dinner that night, or because
I drank a cup of beer or because all the emotions I'd been through in the last
couple hours.

My sight became blurred and my hands cold and sweaty. I felt sick but then my knees
gave up as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I, Julie Ann Jones, passed out in the middle of my town's square.


"She's dead,"

"No, she's not," I was being dragged out of unconsciousness slowly. I could hear
two male voices around me, they sounded worried.

"How much alcohol did you give her?"

"What? I didn't-"

"Oh come on, Shane, look at her," I could feel eyes on me for a moment which made
me feel kind of awkward "she's totally wasted,"

"No, she didn't drink,"

"Are you sure?"

"Hum, no?"

What happened...

I wondered inside my head. I was lying on my back on a very soft surface: a bed.
Something poked my cheek.

"I think she's dead, man," it was then I recognized that voice: Jordan's voice.

"She's not dead, she's breathing, you idiot," Shane sounded closer to me this time.
The bed dipped in a spot next to me and I knew Shane was sitting there. Opening my
eyes slowly, I met the worried face of Shane. It was the first time I'd seen him
looking so vulnerable. I opened my mouth to say something but then a sharp pain at
the back of my head made me moan in pain.

"Ow," I exclaimed wincing.

"Don't move," Shane demanded holding my hand.

"What the hell happened?" I asked with a sleepy voice. My head was throbbing

"You passed out," Shane said staring at me.

"I did?" God, my head hurt so much "My head..."

"You hit your head when you fell," Shane gave me a sympathetic smile.


"Yeah, Shane didn't catch you on time. Smooth, bro, really smooth," Jordan shook
his head disapprovingly at Shane.
"I tried, alright? But everything happened so fast. Besides, she didn't even tell
me she was feeling sick," Shane retorted.


"She's really skinny, how hard can it be to catch her?" Jordan folded his arms
across his chest.

"By the time I turned around she was already falling,"


"Oh really?" Jordan narrowed his eyes at Shane.

"Guys!" I shouted getting their attention. They both snapped their head towards me.


"Could you please be quiet? My head is going to explode," I pleaded. They smiled
apogetically at me "Thank you, what time is it?" I lost notion of time but by the
sunlight streaming through the window I knew it was the morning already.

"7:25," Jordan said after glancing at his watch "Do you want anything? We can take
you to the hospital if you want,"

"No," I sat up rubbing my throbbing forehead "Mom is on duty, she'll freak out if
she sees me there,"

"Jules," I was surprised by Shane's soft voice. It wasn't everyday he called me by

my name. He usually used my last name "I really think we should take you. I mean,
you hit your head pretty bad,"

"Yeah, because your shining knight in armor couldn't catch you," Jordan chimed in.
Shane gave him a annoyed look.

"Dude, just drop it,"

"This is your fault, I haven't slept at all because of this," Jordan stated and

"You mean, you didn't get laid because of this," Shane shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop," I ordered swinging my feet out of bed. My stomach roared and I smiled shyly
at the two big guys in front of me "I'm hungry,"

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious," Jordan chuckled "I'll get the maid to prepare
something for you," he walked out of the room.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked nervously. Shane nodded and gestured me a half-
opened door next to the drawers.

After taking a shower, eating yummy food and changing into Jordan's clothes I could
fairly say I was as good as new. I honestly didn't know why I passed out but I
would deal with that later. Right now, I was staring at my phone. It was a good
thing Shane had been considered enough to pick it up when I blacked out. I really
couldn't afford another phone. My phone had obviously ran out of battery so I was
waiting patiently for it to charge. Ok, maybe not so patiently but I was trying. I
was sitting in Jordan's living room. I must admit he had a beautiful house. It was
modern. You know, like that type of house with unusual shaped chairs and leather
furniture. There were psychedelic paintings all over the walls. This house was
truly bright.

"How are you feeling?" Jordan asked as he dropped himself on the couch across mine.

"That's good,"

"Yeah," I wasn't really in the mood to talk to Jordan. He'd acted like a jerk last
night. he and Shane were horrible to Melissa. Oh, that reminded of the fact that
she probably hated me right now.

"Listen," Jordan started awkwardly "Shane told me you're Laura's best friend,"

"Yeah, I am," I said proudly.

"Why is she avoiding me?" for a moment, I saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I played the fool.

"You know what I mean, you're her friend. Girls always tell each other that stuff,"

"Hum, why do you want to know? I mean, you obviously don't care about her. You were
hitting on anything with boobs last night," I said bitterly.

"I just want to know. I'm curious, that's all," he shrugged his shoulders

"You’re just curious?" I rose both eyebrows at him "That's all?" I pressed staring
at him. Jordan shifted uncomfortable on the couch.

"I just don't get her,"

"And that's obviously eating you from the insides," I commented amused "You've
never been avoided before, have you?"

"No," I chuckled "it's not funny," he glared at me.

"What happened between you two that night?" I had to ask. Mostly because I was
curious as hell but also because I seriously needed to achieve some of the goals in
my task list "did you two..." I trailed off awkwardly. Jordan's eyes widened as he
realized what I was referring to.

"What? No!"

"Oh thank God!" I let out a sigh of relief. Lau was still virgin, what a relief!

"Why would you think..." he trailed off scowling at me "did she tell you we-" I
shook my head before he could finish that sentence "she doesn't remember, does
she?" Jordan's tone grew sadder.

"No, she doesn't,"

"She thinks we had sex? That's why she's been avoiding me?"

"Not exactly,"

"Then what is it?"

"Well, she wasn't sure about what happened that night,"

"She was drunk. I would never take advantage of a drunken girl. I may be a jerk
sometimes," I cocked an eyebrow at him "well, most of the times, but I would never
go that low. Besides, she's-" he stopped talking abruptly as if he was going to say
something he shouldn't.

"She's what?"

"Never mind," we heard footsteps and then Shane was joining us.
"What's up?" he greeted falling backwards on the couch I was sitting until he was
lying over it. His head was resting on my lap. I glared at him and he gave me a
innocent smile. His hair was wet and he smelled of honey shampoo and soap. He'd
probably just taken a shower "What were you guys talking about?" he asked

"Get off my lap," I tried pushing his head off but he wouldn't cooperate. I was
still mad at him about last night.

"Why so violent, babe?" he purred whilst his hand was going up to caress my cheek.
I slapped his hand away.

"Get off or I will stick my fingers in your eyes," I menaced. Jordan snickered.

"Hey, I saved you last night, remember? I don't deserve this treatment," he
narrowed his eyes at me. I faked a smile.

"Of course, you don't deserve this treatment," I leaned down as if I were to kiss
his forehead. He closed his eyes and I took the opportunity to push him off the
couch "You deserve worse,"

"Sh*t!" Shane exclaimed as he landed on his stomach on the floor. Jordan burst out

"You are something, girl," Jordan gave me a thumb up.

"Considering the fact that you let me fall last night, I think we're even," I said
to a very annoyed Shane. He was already standing in front of me massing his

"You are evil," he said aiming his index to me.

We spent the rest of the morning chatting and commenting about the party. I barely
spoke to Shane but Jordan was another story. The guy was awesome at telling funny
stories and jokes. My stomach hurt from laughing so much. Even though, they both
acted like complete jerks the day before I couldn't help feeling guilty for judging
them before getting to know them. They were not as bad as they wanted people to
think they were. It was like I was seeing their true selves.

Was Mom right?

Was the player/jerk attitude just a mask for them?

It made sense. They were probably using it as shield against the world. I mean, if
you're a player you don't get attached to anyone so you won't get hurt. God, I felt
like I was thinking this too much. Shane fell asleep on my lap, yeah, I know, I had
no idea how he managed to crawl back to me again. Jordan was yawning and said he
was going to take a nap. I sighed as I realized I couldn't move. I had a very
snoring Shane on my lap. So, I extended my hand towards my phone and smiled when I
noticed it was full charged.

The first thing I saw when I turned it on where the several emails I had from
wattpad. I scrolled down to look for one particular username. My stomach did a back
flip when I found the mail I was looking for.

"DarkPoet_001 sent you a message"

I clicked the message opened

"I saw you by accident"

Quickly, I started typing a reply.

Me: You there?

Him: Yeah.

Me: So, what was all that about?

Him: What?
Me: Don't play the fool. You said you saw me last night.

Him: Yeah.

Me: How?

Him: With my eyes?

Me: Evan, be serious.

Him: What do you want me to say?

Me: I want you to be honest with me.

Him: I'm being honest.

Me: Then tell me where you live.

Him: Jules...

Me: I swear to God, that if you leave again and ignore my question I will never
speak to you again.

I was tired of him being so secretive. I was tired of being kept in the dark. Evan
was all I could think of, he was the first thing I thought about when I woke up.
That wasn't a good sign, was it?

Him: I told you we live miles away.

Me: That's bullsh*t! How can you say that when you told me you saw me last night?
Him: It was an accident. Believe me; I wasn't planning to see you.

Me: What's that supposed to mean?

Him: Why are you getting so upset about this?

Me: You keep confusing me. It's not fair. I feel like you enjoy playing with my

Him: Feelings? What feelings?

My breath was caught inside my lungs. I shouldn't have said that.

Me: Never mind. Just answer my question.

Him: Jules, I'm not good. I'm not someone you want to get involved with so drop it.

Me: You live here, don't you? You've been living in my town all this time and never
said anything.

Him: I can't tell you, Jules. I'm sorry.

Me: Why can't you tell me?

Him: I just can't.

Me: So you're willing to lose me just because you can't tell me where you live.

Him: Yes.
That stung. Tears sprung to my eyes but I held them back.

Me: Wow... now I see how much you care for me.

Him: I never said I cared about you.

That was it. I felt he just stabbed my heart deeply. A tear escaped my left eye and
rolled down my cheek until it fell off my chin. Why did it hurt so much? I put my
phone away and closed my eyes.

I never said I cared about you.

Those hurtful words kept replaying inside my head. My lower lip quivered as tears
streamed down my face. Then I felt a soft warm hand cupping my cheek. I opened my
eyes slowly, my sight was blurred but I could still see the handsome face of the
Antichips. Shane was sitting up, I didn't even notice when he got off my lap. He
looked into my eyes and wiped some of tears away. We didn't say anything. We simply
stared into each other's eyes until he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly.

I never expected his arms to be so warm.

I never expected to be hugged by Shane Mason but the most unexpected fact was...

that it felt so good.

x M W L x

A/N: No cliffhanger but sad ending, huh? I'm sick so I'm not going to offer any
colorful fruits and vegetables today. Buuuut! I made a facebook group for all those
fans who want to share ideas, pictures, comments and stuff.. Also for those who
want to steal my awesome vegetables ;)

Here's the link:
I'll put it as comment down there for you to acess easily.



Chapter 17 >>

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 17

If you had said to me that I was going to be crying my eyes out over Shane’s
shoulder, I would’ve laughed at your face. I would’ve called you crazy because
three weeks ago, I was sure as hell that would never happen.

Oh well, screw my prediction skills, because right now, that was exactly what I was

The most shocking fact was that I wasn’t used to crying in front of people. I mean,
not even Jason or Laura had seen me cry before, and here I was, sobbing like a baby
in the arms of the school’s popular jerk.

Oh, life is truly unpredictable.

Shane remained in silence, and I was afraid that he would make fun of me or
something. But surprisingly, he kept his mouth shut.

Why was I crying, anyway? These tears made realize how much I cared for Evan. I
know it sounds crazy because I’d even seen the guy in real life, but I couldn’t
help it. I was attached to him; I was used to his good morning messages, his
teasing jokes and arrogant replies. We were so much alike, but at the same time, so
different. Evan knew more about me that my own best friend. I trusted him . . .
why? That was the question.

Why did I trust him? He was just some guy I met on the internet a month ago. How
did he end up becoming part of my life? A part of me? I knew it was my entire
fault, how I’d let him in. Therefore, I gave him the power to hurt me like he was
doing right now.
I never said I cared about you...

His words stung. They were like fuel to the burning fire in my chest. Flashes of
his beautiful face came to my mind. I loved his smile, I loved the way dimples form
on his cheeks when he smirked. I was intrigued by the dark pool of his eyes. They
held so much mystery. His sexy voice was always present in my mind. I felt like he
was playing with me... He’d been so caring and sweet sometimes. But then he says he
never cared about me. That’s so contradictory.

Is this a game for him?

I pulled away from Shane, sniffing and wiping my tears away. My eyes met his and I
couldn’t help blushing in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I—” he put his index on my wet lips, interrupting me.

“You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered and then he did something I’d never
expected Shane Mason to do: he smiled at me. Shane gave me a genuine smile. I’d
seen him smirk or smile mockingly, but I never expected him to give me a true

“Thank you,” I said honestly. He nodded and then got off the couch awkwardly.

“Whoever made you cry,” he started looking right into my eyes, “is not worth it.” I
didn’t know what to say and neither did he, so he simply walked upstairs. He knew I
didn’t want to talk about it, so I appreciated his consideration.

There was a knock on the door. I waited for Shane or Jordan to open it, but they
never came so I had to do it.

Sighing in frustration, I got on my feet. On my way to the door, I tried to fix my

face a little bit but I knew it was useless. My nose was probably tomato red and my
eyes were swollen. I probably looked like protagonist of a soap opera. Okay, that
was not a good comparison but well, I’d never been good with comparisons, if you
haven’t noticed.

I opened the door and the sun hit my eyes mercilessly. I raised my hand to block it
and blinked, trying to see something. After having my vampire-reaction-to-the-sun
moment, I could finally see who was standing right there in front of me. My jaw
dropped to the floor.

“Laura?” I asked shocked.

She scowled at me and scanned my clothes. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched her
fists at her sides. It was then I remembered I was wearing Jordan’s clothes.

Oh, this didn’t look good.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I said quickly. Yeah, I know. It was such a cliché
phrase. People usually judge when someone said that but hey, what else can you say
when it really isn’t what it looks like?

“I can’t believe this,” Laura stated, hurt plastered on her face. “Melissa was
right.” She took a step backwards.
“Melissa?” I frowned. What did she have to do with any of this? “Lau, listen to me,

“Shut up!” her voice cracked. “How could you? You knew how much I like him!”

“Lau, I don’t know what you’re thinking but you’re wrong,” I tried to explain.

“Am I?” A tear rolled down her cheek, and she wiped it away angrily. “I knew you
were hiding something from me!”

I couldn’t deny that. I was indeed hiding the entire Evan thing from her but it
seemed like she wasn’t referring to that.

“Don’t talk to me ever again,” she said through clenched teeth and started walking

“Laura! Wait!” I chased after her desperately. The ground was hot due to the
intense sun so I was forced to jump over it since I was walking bare feet. “Lau!
Wait! Damn it! Ow!”

Laura was a good girl but she’d always been very gullible. I knew Melissa had
probably poisoned her mind, telling her God knows what about me. And Laura, being
the gullible girl she was, believed her.

Let me tell you something: Laura was an excellent runner. No matter how fast I
tried to run, no matter how many trash cans I dodged, I couldn’t catch up with her.
By the time I reached her house, she already had gone inside and slammed the door
closed. I rested my hands on my knees breathing heavily. I was literally out of

“Jules!” I heard a distant scream, and I snapped my head towards the street and
spotted Jason’s car. He was there, half of his body was leaning over the window.
“Get in the car now!” He sounded desperate.

“I can’t! I have . . . I have to talk to Laura,” I explained, holding my chest.

Jeez, I was seriously out of shape.

“Get in now! This is an emergency,” I scowled at him. “Type Z,” he finished looking

Alright, I blamed it on Jason, but as soon as he said emergency, I couldn’t help

thinking this was about condoms. It was his entire fault that now, I related our
emergency code to condoms. Reluctantly, I walked around his car and jumped into the
passenger’s seat. As soon as I put my seatbelt on, Jason drove off fast.

“What’s going on? I swear to God, this is about condoms I will—”

“What? No,” Jason shook his head, “Why would you think that?”

“Then what is it? Because as far as I remember, Code Z is for a zombie apocalypse,”
I couldn’t help chuckling. Yeah, our emergency codes weren’t really realistic.

“Really? I thought that was Z +,” Jason retorted confused.

“No, Z + is for the zombie apocalypse plus if you’ve been bitten,”

“No no... That was Z + 0,” I rolled my eyes.

“No, Z+ 0 is for an alien invasion!” I argued.

“What? No! That’s X +,”

“Alright! Fine! Can we discuss this later?” I said, exasperated, “Tell me what’s
going on. What’s the emergency?”

“Check your phone.”

“Oh God, tell me already.”

“Just check your damn phone!” Jason ordered annoyed.

I did as I was told. I had 15 missed calls and 4 texts. They were all from Mom.
“Uh-oh,” I whispered checking the texts. She was really angry.

“She’s looking for you. You’re lucky I found you before she did,”

“Where is she now?” I was starting to panic.

“She’s in the town. We’ll get home and then you’ll call her to tell her we were out
buying peaches,” my heart sank in my chest.


Peachy girl...

Was everything going to remind me of Evan now?

“Jules?” Jason glanced at me. I looked away.


“You okay?”


As soon as we got to my house, I ran upstairs and changed into shorts and a simple
t-shirt. When I called my mother, she sounded pretty upset so I waited for her in
the living room whilst Jason was putting the peaches in the fridge.

When Mom arrived, she gave me a lecture about picking up the phone whenever she
called and all that stuff. After her motherly-like speech, she went to bed. She was
probably really tired. Jason and I went to my room. I sat on my bed, Indian style.
Jason simply stood there next to the door.

“So, now, I want an explanation,” he said casually.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you didn’t sleep at your house. I found you running like a crazy person in
the street, wearing men’s clothes and with a red face which means you’ve been
crying,” Jason stated, folding his arms across his chest, “I need an explanation.”

“It’s a long story,”

“I have all day to listen;” I sighed. “Spit it out,”

I told him the entire story, omitting Evan’s part. Jason told me he was going to
talk to Laura about it to solve everything. Jason could be a man-whore sometimes,
but he wasn’t stupid.

“I understand most of the situation now,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “but
you still haven’t told me why you were crying,” I looked down. Jason sighed and sat
next to me. He held my chin forcing me to look up at him. “You know you can tell me
anything, right?” his green eyes shone with honesty. I nodded.

“You promise you won’t judge?”

“I promise,”

“I met a guy,” I started awkwardly. I couldn’t believe I was saying this aloud, “on
the internet.”


“We talked every day; I told him everything about me. We became friends.”

“I gave him my house phone number.”

“You what?!” Jason stood up. “Why would you do that, Jules? He’s a stranger,”

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t really thinking. I just trusted him,”

“How can you trust him? He’s someone you met on the internet. You haven’t even seen
the guy.”

“I saw him,” I retorted. Jason’s anger decreased as he waited for me to continue.

“I saw him on Skype.”


“The thing is . . .” I trailed off nervously, “I like him. Heck, I’m crazy about
him,” I admitted, looking away.

“You like a guy you haven’t even seen, I mean, face to face?” Jason sounded
shocked. “That’s...”

“Weird, I know. I’m a freak,”

“No, no, Jules that’s not what I meant. It’s just . . . not something you see every
day,” he explained sitting back next to me.

“I know it’s weird. You don’t have to lie,” I gave him a closed mouth smile.

“I’m not lying. It’s pretty unusual but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.” he stated,
cupping my face gently. “You don’t have to worry about what other people think,
Jules. Don’t be afraid to be different because being different is what makes you
special,” his thumb rubbed my cheek softly.

“It doesn’t matter; he doesn’t feel the same way. He made that cleared yesterday,”
“Is that why you were crying?” I simply nodded. “So you’re going to let him go just
like that?”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“Yes, you do. Do you honestly believe he doesn’t feel the same way?”

“No, I don’t know. I’m not sure.”

“Then don’t give up,” he kissed my forehead and pulled me to his chest. “Everything
will be alright, Jules. I promise.”


Following Jason’s advice was harder than I thought. I think I could easily qualify
as a stalker. I had tried talking to Evan multiple times without getting a reply. I
posted on his message board on WattPad. I’d sent him private messages but still,
there was no reply. I think I could fairly say that Evan was avoiding me. It was
already Tuesday and I hadn’t heard from him since last Saturday.

As for Laura, she wasn’t picking her phone and I hadn’t seen her since I was not
attending school this week due to the powerful flu I caught—thanks to the events of
last Friday.

I was lazily lying over my couch; warm blankets were enveloping my sick body. My
nose was red and stuffed. My laptop was resting on my stomach. I was scrolling down
Evan’s profile as usual. It had become a habit now that I had nothing to do. My
heart dropped when I noticed he’d just replied to some girl on his message board.
He was completely ignoring my messages. I watched how they started flirting
shamelessly. Then, the girl made a comment about me:

Girl: Who’s that girl? She kept posting messages on here.

Evan: I have no idea.

Girl: She looks a little bit stalkerish if you ask me.

Evan: Hum, yeah.

My face flamed up in fury. I opened the private message section and started typing
in a rush:
“You are such a coward! I know you’re avoiding me because you can’t deal with the
fact you actually care about me. I thought we were friends, I thought you’d be
decent enough not to disrespect me like that in public. I’m not stalker. I’m your
friend. I’m probably the only friend you have after what happened to your parents.
Stop being a coward and talk to me, Evan. Please!”

I really thought that overloaded message was going to earn me a reply from him, but
it didn’t. After watching him flirt with the girl on his profile, I slammed my
laptop closed and rubbed my temples. My head hurt and I was really cold. Mom had
gone out to pick up some medicine at the hospital for me. She asked for a few free
days to take care of me. That was the advantage of having a doctor as a mother. I
had my personal doctor and didn’t have to move my lazy ass to be cured.

The house phone rang, it didn’t surprise me. Mom kept calling to check on me every
five minutes which was a little bit too much. People don’t die because of a simple
flu. Well, with my luck, I wouldn’t be so sure.

“Hello?” I answered with a sleepy voice.

“Hey,” my heart skipped a beat. My breath was caught inside my small lungs.


“Yes,” his sexy voice sent shivers through my entire body. I had to lean against
the couch not to fall.

“He-hey,” I stuttered nervously.

“I’m not a coward. What do you want from me?”

“I . . .” I was speechless. I hadn’t been ready to hear his voice. I hadn’t been
ready to talk to him.

“You’ve been leaving tons of messages so let’s get this over with. What do you
“I just . . .” I swallowed

“You just what?” he sounded so cold.

“I want to see you,” I blurted out all of the sudden.

“Why?” there was curiosity lining his voice now.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I started. My fingers were playing nervously with the
phone’s cord. “Let’s meet up and I promise I will leave you alone after that.”

He hesitated. My heart was hammering inside my chest.

Please, say yes.

“You won’t let this go, will you?”


“Then, we have a deal.” he whispered. A smile crept to my lips. “Meet me on

Dawson’s park today at 6 pm. I’ll be next to the lake,”


“Remember your promise.”


“Alright, I’ll see you later then, sweet Jules.”

x M W L x

Yes! Are they going to finally see each other?!

There’ll be a sneak peak from the next chapter. I’ll post it on the facebook group
later. You haven’t checked the group? Psst! You’re missing out the fun. I’m still
sick, people so be considerate with me.

Love and smashed yellow carrots,


Chapter 18 >>

Join the facebook group!

Thanks for the support, guys. You rock!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 18

I was not ready.

I wasn't ready to meet Evan.

I knew it but there was no point of return now.

I squeezed my sweaty hands whilst I was forcing my feet to move across Dawson's
park. My pulse was erratic; I could feel my heart beats in my ears and throat. A
drop of cold sweat rolled down my forehead. I wiped it away quickly. Why was I
sweating? It was freaking cold out here. It had probably something to do with the
fact that I was awfully nervous. I was having a hard time trying to breathe
properly, mostly because I was sick—therefore; my nose was all stuffed up.

I really hoped I wouldn't scare him away. I knew I wasn't hot; I wasn't even pretty
so I wouldn't blame him for running away when he sees me. As I approached to the
lake, I realized I felt sick. The eagles in my stomach were fluttering around
desperately. I needed to calm down if I didn't want to vomit all over the recently
pruned grass. It wasn't like I had a lot of food in my stomach anyway.

The sun was setting down, giving the lake's water a glint of orange. I stopped
walking when I reached the edge of the lake. After a few seconds of hesitation, I
finally lifted my gaze and scanned around. There were a few couples sitting around
the lake. My body froze when my eyes spotted the tall figure of a guy. He was
standing right across me at the other side of the lake.


My heart skipped a beat. He was there, Evan was actually there. He was leaning
casually against a tree, looking careless. He was wearing dark faded jeans and a
black hood. He had his hands inside his jeans' pockets. I swallowed. His deep-black
eyes met my blue ones and the world stopped for me. It became hard for me to even
breathe. His gaze was so intense; it held so many untold stories and mysteries. I
felt like he was seeing right through me; as if his eyes were piercing my soul even
when we were a few meters away, even when the lake was between us. My lips formed a
nervous smile. He simply stared at me, his handsome facial expression unreadable.

God, I was going to die of a heart attack before I could even talk to him.

Holding my chest, I watched him walk around the lake as he came towards my
direction. The closer he came, the faster my heart pumped blood through my veins.

Breathe, Jules, breathe.

I chanted inside my head. I didn't want to faint before I even got the chance to
talk to him. Each step he took towards me was painfully slow. The vanishing
sunlight brushed half of his face, making his skin look creamy. I felt like this
wasn't real. I couldn't believe I was seeing him. I still remembered his first
messages to me on WattPad. I still remembered our first argument.

His words...

"You're too cute for your good."

"Goodnight, sweet Jules."

"We're miles away, Jules."

I couldn't believe he was just a few meters away from me. He was really tall that I
think, he was even taller than Shane. I'd never felt so self-conscious. I was
wearing tight jeans (Yes, shocking, I know.) and a simple, blue sleeveless t-shirt.
My hair was combed at the sides of my face, getting slightly curly at the ends.
This wasn't the usual me, but it felt good to look presentable once in a while.
Laura had helped me with this. We fixed things earlier this afternoon and I decided
to tell her everything about Evan.

Conclusion: My best friend was the reason I looked slightly good right now.
Besides, she was my ride back home after I was done here. She was waiting for me at
the parking lot. It was her punishment for believing Melissa's words instead of

Getting back to the situation at hand, I watched breathless how Evan, the mean
Dark_Poet001, headed to me. He stopped walking when he was right in front of me. He
kept a prudent distance. I swallowed feeling my dry throat. The deep pool of his
dark eyes seemed to be devouring me in a slow, but steady process. His midnight
black hair was all messy, falling over his forehead and ears. His full lips formed
a simple smile; cute dimples appeared on his cheeks. God, he looked so cute.

"Hi," he said breaking the silence. His sexy voice made my knees go weak. He looked
extremely intimidating.

I felt like a small mouse in front of a huge tiger. Seeing him in person made me
notice the age gap between us. Evan looked more mature than any of the guys I'd met
before; but it wasn't like I met many anyway. You could see he had been through a
lot. He was an experienced person. But his face still conserved that cute childish
features that made him look cute in a manly way.
My mouth was partly opened; I realized I was staring at him. I looked away clearing
my throat.

"He-Hey," Great, now I was stuttering. The tension was so thick a needle couldn't
have pierced through it.

"I'm here," he tilted his head to the side.

"Yes, I can see that." I replied nervously. My eyes were glued to the green grass.

Look up, you idiot! My inner voice yelled at me.

"Jules?" To hear him say my name sent shivers through my spine.

"Yes?" I bit my lower lip. God, I needed to look at him but I just couldn't.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale," there were both concern and amusement
lining his voice.

"I'm fine," I said too quickly.

He held my chin forcing me to look up. His touch sent jolts of electricity through
me. I met his dark eyes and I could see his smirk now.

"I didn't come here to watch you stare at the grass," he joked and pulled his hand

"I wasn't . . ." I trailed off. "So, what's up?" I started rubbing my sweaty hands
against my pants. Evan's smirk grew bigger, making the dimples in his cheeks more

"You look like you're going to pass out anytime soon."

"I'm fine," I repeated.

"Sure.” I knew he didn’t believe me. He knew he made me nervous and that somehow
gave him power over me.

Evan smiled at me and sat down on the grass. I stood there and gazed down at him
confused. He glanced at me, "Come on, sit down. I don't bite," he touched the spot
next to him.

Was he being nice? Slowly, I sat on the spot next to him but still kept some space
between us. We stayed like that for a while. We were staring at the sunset in
silence. It was so peaceful here. I couldn't believe Evan was sitting right next to
me. It was surreal. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was focused on
the sight in front of him. He was so handsome. I looked away; he didn't need to see
me drooling over him.

"Why did you lie to me?" the question left my mouth before I could stop it. I could
feel his eyes on me but I kept my gaze on the orange sun.

"I didn't lie to you," he replied casually.

"You said we were miles away."

"We're miles away, I just didn't specify how many," I looked at him and found him
grinning mockingly.

"Very clever," I admitted smiling at him.

"I told you I was ridiculously hot and smart." he shrugged his shoulders. His eyes
held a glint of an amusement. I was getting more and more comfortable around him.
Don’t get me wrong, I was still nervous. I was breathing heavily and sweating like
a pig but I was getting used to him. At least, I hadn't passed out.

"Getting cocky, aren't we?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah," he didn't even deny it. I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew I should've been
mad at him but I just couldn't. He'd been a jerk these past few days but just to
have him next to me made me forget everything. Besides, he was being nice now. Was
he bipolar or something? "You're truly reckless; you know that, don't you?"

"Why?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Meeting a stranger in a park isn't the brightest idea,"

"You're not a stranger."

"I am a stranger for you, Jules," God, my stomach needed to stop doing the back
flip thing whenever he said my name.

"You are not a stranger," I repeated each word slowly. "I know you. I know a lot
about you."

"How can you possibly know I'm not a bad person? I could be a killer or a rapist,
even a thief."

"But you're not."

"How can you know that?"

"I just do. I trust you."

His eyes widened. My words caught him out of guard. He shifted uncomfortably on the
ground and rolled his lower lip into his mouth.

"You're too naive for your own good." he whispered, staring back at the sunset.
"You shouldn't trust me." There was sadness in his voice. I felt the urge to hug
him. I didn't know where that came from but I felt like he needed me. He needed

"Evan . . . I . . .” I extended my hand towards his shoulder.

Should I touch him?

Should I tell him I liked him?

One thing was for sure: this meeting had only increased my feelings for him. Having
him so close to me made me realize how big what I felt for him was. It sounded so
crazy but it didn't matter that we hadn't had actual face-to-face conversations
before this one. I felt like I'd known him since forever. Yeah, that was just too
cheesy back there, but I'm just being honest.

My hand reached his shoulder and I felt him stiffen. For a moment, I thought he was
going to push my hand away, but he didn't. So, I dared to move my hand forwards and
caressed his face gently. He closed his eyes. His skin was so soft, my fingers
traced down his cheek to his jaw. But then, his hand grabbed my wrist.

"Stop," he ordered, turning to me. He was looking right into my eyes. Slowly, he
let go of my wrist and pushed my hand away.

"I was just—"

"Just stop," he said coldly.

I looked down feeling slightly rejected. I heard him sigh.

"I'm sorry." I looked up, surprised. Did he just apologize? "I'm just not used to—
never mind, I should probably go now." He got on his feet. I imitated him feeling
extremely sad. It wasn’t enough. I needed more.

"So this is it?" I asked not bothering to hide the sadness in my tone. I had to
tilt my head backwards to look at him. We stared into each other's eyes without
saying anything. I knew this was it. I had to leave him alone after this, I gave
him my word. God, it was going to be so hard. Evan's gaze dropped to my lips and my
breath quickened. I bit my lower lip nervously.

Kiss me . . .

That thought roamed around my mind. His lips looked so inviting, so soft. Evan took
a step backwards breaking the moment.
"Remember your promise," his words stung. They burnt my beating heart.

"I will." I tried to sound as casual as possible. He nodded and then got his hand
inside his pocket. He took a folded paper out and gave it to me.

"What's this?" I asked, starting to unfold it. He placed his hand over mine and
squeezed it closed around the paper.

"Read it when you get home," he demanded as he let go of my hand. "Bye, Jules," he
whispered, getting his hands inside his hood’s pockets. He turned on his feet and
started walking away. I was left there in pure confusion and sadness.

Should I go after him and tell him how I feel?

Should I read the paper?

Should I ran to him and kiss him?

Feeling romantic, I decided I would go after him and kiss him. What did I have to

Your dignity, my inner voice replied. Ignoring it, I was about to start running
when I sneezed loudly.

Oh right, I was sick. I couldn't kiss him like that. He'd probably be disgusted. I
mean, who wants someone else's germs? I knew I didn't. What was I thinking? I
couldn't just go and press my lips against his. This was the first time we'd seen
each other. He'd think I'm crazy or something like that.

Defeated, I turned on my feet and headed towards the parking lot.

The ride home was silent; Laura had bombarded me with questions but I simply told
her that I didn't want to talk about it. She seemed to understand because she kept
her mouth shut for the rest of the ride.

I walked inside my room and slammed the door closed behind me. Hurriedly, I took
off my shoes and jumped on the bed sitting Indian style. I proceed to unfold the
paper Evan had given to me. His writing was slightly cursive, I proceed to read. It
was a poem:

The Girl and the Shark.

Once upon time, in the middle of the night

A girl and a shark got up to fight.

They are so different yet so much alike,

He is hopelessly doomed,

Whilst she glows and shines.

She walks gracefully in the dark,

Ignoring the constant danger,

Oblivious to the watching Shark.

She dances around bringing joy and smiles

To those pained hearts

She considers worthwhile.

She believes in soul mates,

She believes in love,

But the cruel truth is

She doesn’t have any of those.

The awaiting shark has lost his soul,

He stupidly thinks

She can fill the hole.

That empty hole in his chest,

It swallows everything,

Even his own blood and flesh.

The pain had made him numb,

Turning him into a cold monster,

One that doesn’t deserve love.

Hurtful words have stamped his spirit.

Scars have marked his body,

Salvation is inaccessible to him

He is just a nobody.

The girl and the shark must stay apart,

Because he will not wound

Her precious kind heart

- Evan.

I stared at the paper in shock. I didn’t need to be a genius to know that he was
The Shark and I was the girl. At the end of the page, there was a drawing. It was a
cute small strawberry; there were a few words written next to it:

“You’re beautiful :)”


A/N: Nothing to say....

Chapter 19 >>

Holy Ruffles! 2000 votes for the last chapter :O You guys went wild, didn’t you?

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Thanks as usual for the great support. You’re all in my heart (Yeah, I have a big
heart, problem?)

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 19

I was seriously questioning my morals. Keeping a promise had never felt so

impossible in my entire life; not even when I promised Mom, I wouldn't play with
her shoes when I was seven. Yeah, that had been a tough promise to keep, believe
me. I was sitting on my bed; my laptop was on my lap. I was scrolling down
Wikipedia. I was focused on reading an specific term:

Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the
differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good
(or right) and those that are bad (or wrong).
Right and wrong...

There was such a thin line between those two. I knew it was wrong to break a
promise but God, it was getting so hard. It'd been two days since the day I met
Evan in the park. Two long agonizing days... I'd been at home trying to recover
from the so opportune flu I'd caught last week. I read Evan's poem over and over
again. How could he expect me to forget about him just like that? He wrote me a
freaking heartbreaking poem and then he expected me just to forget him? He
certainly didn't know me well. I wasn't the type of girl to give up so easily. But
then there was the fact that I'd given him my word. However, my word didn't seem
too valuable for me right now.

Maybe, I could talk to him and blame it on the cough medicine. That thing was
strong; it got me all sleepy and relaxed. I could tell him I got an overdose or

Yeah, Julie, cough medicine overdose... classy.

Sighing in frustration, I closed the Wikipedia tab and immediately the browser
showed me Wattpad. I'd got many privates messages but any of them was from Evan.
Not being able to hold back any longer, I clicked on Evan's profile. I wasn't going
to talk to him; I was just going to check his profile, that wasn't bad, was it? As
soon as I scroll down his message board, I knew this was a bad idea. He was talking
to that girl again. My heart sank in my chest as I watched them flirt.

Didn't he know how bad he was hurting me?

If he was going to flirt with her, couldn't just he do it through private messages?
It was like he was rubbing all this on my face. I slammed my laptop closed and fell
backwards on my bed. I stared at the ceiling in silence.

"What should I do?" I wondered aloud, rubbing my face. I closed my eyes remembering
him. I would never forget his face; Evan was not only the hottest guy I'd ever
seen. He had that mysterious sexy aura around him, it pulled me towards me. I felt
like I wanted to unveil all his secrets, I knew he was suffering. I saw the hidden
pain in his deep-dark eyes. But he'd chosen to push me away. He'd chosen to be all
alone in this. Why? I knew he had a bad past. His parents' death must've been
traumatic for him. Was that why he didn't want me around?

The Girl and the Shark...

His poem really got to my heart. His words seemed to come to life whenever I read
it. My chain of thoughts was interrupted by a much unexpected song.

"Dirty babe, you see these shackles. Baby I'm your slave," I snapped my eyes opened
and sat up in shock. The song was coming from my phone, I scowled at it "I'll let
you whip me if I misbehave. It's just that no one makes me feel this way,"

What the hell...? I'd never liked Justin Timberlake’s music. How on Earth did that
song end up in my phone? I picked up my phone and everything made sense when I saw
the caller ID:


"Seriously?" I answered annoyed. Shane laughed at the other side of the line.

"You like our song, babe?"

"How the hell did you-ah, never mind." I shook my head disapprovingly.

"It's a good song, admit it. It really suits us, you know."

"Us? There's no us."

"Someone's grumpy," Shane chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked bothered. It was then I noticed the voices in the

"We just got out of school and decided to visit the sick puppy."


"Hey, Jules!" I heard a scream in the background "We're coming over!"

"Is that Laura?" I asked surprised.


"Who else is with you?"

"Jordan. Listen, the reason-"

"Wait wait... slow down," I demanded confused "Laura and Jordan are together?"

"Hum, yeah,"

"Since when?" Jesus, I missed school for a week and everyone decided to make the
big choices in my absence.

"Since yesterday?" Shane answered hesitantly "I’m not sure but listen-"

"She didn't tell me a thing. How could she?"

"Could you please just shut up? I'm trying to say something here." Shane exclaimed

"Fine, what is it?"

"Is there anything you want? We're going to the grocery store first to get you
apple juice and sick people's stuff..."

"Sick people's stuff? Really?" I couldn't help chuckling. Shane sighed in

frustration as he waited "Hum, I want Ruffles." I said without hesitation.
"I already knew that," he stated arrogantly "You're really predictable." I rolled
my eyes.

"Well, then get me some gumdrops."

"Gumdrops!" Shane shouted to someone "See ya in a few minutes, babe."

"Stop calling me-" he hung up before I could finish, such a gentleman!


They're coming over... and I looked like the drown version of a mutilated zombie.
Wow, my comparison skills truly sucked. I jumped out of bed and headed to the
bathroom. As soon as I faced the mirror, I knew I was a lost cause. My hair was
knotty and greasy. My nose and cheeks were flaming red, my eyes looked dull and my
lips dry. I washed my face and got my hair in a bun. I changed into a pair of
shorts and a sleeveless loose t-shirt. I sat back down on my bed to wait for the

I realized the surrealism of this situation. How was it that Lau and I end up being
friends with the school's players? Jeez, this sounded like a wattpad cliché story.
You know, where the average girls get close to the popular boys just out of the
blue. The only difference was that I wasn't interested on Shane, was I? I pushed
that thought away. The bell rang and jumped out of bed. Did they arrive already?
That was fast, well, Shane drove like a crazy fast and furious driver, so it wasn't
really shocking. I was walking downstairs when I heard the bell again.

"I'm coming!" I shouted walking faster. Jeez, I was sick. It wasn't like I could
fly to the door. Insensitive

bastards! I grasped the doorknob and pulled the door opened.

Holy Mother of Ruffles!

The whole world stopped for me. My jaw almost dropped to the floor.
"You," I said in an almost inaudible whisper. I was positive I wasn’t breathing,
hell, I wasn't even sure my heart was beating. I squeezed the doorknob in shock.

Evan... Evan was standing right in front of me. This had to be a dream. Oh no...
the cough medicine was truly affecting me. Was I having an overdose? but, I was
sure I had taken the right quantity. I frowned trying to remember how much cough
medicine I'd taken. What if it was expired? That could cause hallucinations, right?

"Jules?" His sexy voice made my heart beat faster. He was there, he was right
there, looking absolutely adorable. A sad expression was plastered on his handsome
face. His dark hair was even messier than the last time I'd seen him as if he had
ran his fingers through it too many times. His deep-black eyes stared at me in
silence. He was wearing dark-blue jeans and a blue hoddie.

"What... are you do-doing here?" I stuttered swallowing hard.

"I just..." he trailed off scratching the back of his head "This was a bad idea,"
he stated turning on his feet. He started walking away, there was a car parked in
front of my house. It was probably his.


He was walking away...

Hell no, I wasn't going to let him go this time.

I ran to him and before I could think properly, I wrapped my arms around him from
behind. He froze whilst I was hugging him tightly. I buried my face in his back. He
smelled so nice. It was a combination of lavender softener and a light cologne.

"Don't go," I mumbled pathetically. Evan's stiff body relaxed a little. I could
feel the beats of his heart. God, it was beating so fast. Was it for me?
"I miss you." I heard him whisper so weakly I'd barely caught it. My heart melted
at his words.

"I missed you too." I replied frankly. Evan placed his hands on mine to pull them
away from him. I let my hands fall to my sides as he turned to face me. We stared
into each other's eyes intently.

"I hope we can be friends," he stated, his face turned into a cold expression. I
scowled at him.

"Friends?" I asked hurt. I liked him, I was crazy about him and he was asking me to
be his friend?

"Yes." he said casually.

"I guess we can be friends even though I-" he pressed his index finger against my

"Friends." he repeated the word silencing me. His finger caressed my lower lip
softly causing me to shiver and close my eyes. I felt him lean forwards; his
forehead touched mine "My friendship, that's all I can offer, Jules. Take it or
leave it." his breath fanned my lips teasingly. God, if he wanted me to be his
friend he seriously needed to back away now. I was struggling not to move forward
and plant my lips against his. I opened my eyes slowly and looked in the depth of

"I'll take it," he knew I would take it. I would do anything to stay close to him.
I had no idea how I ended up feeling this strong towards him. It was like it was
meant to be, as if I was meant to be with him. Maybe I was crazy; I'd never been a
regular person. Untold love stories and cheesy novels were always in my mind. I'd
always had the hope of finding the right guy for me. I didn't know if that guy was
Evan but a part of me knew he needed me. Evan needed a friend. I knew it was going
to be hard-if not impossible to be this close to him without spitting out my
feelings but I had to try.

"Good." he said taking a step backwards. He smiled brightly at me. his adorable
dimples formed in his cheeks. I couldn't help returning the smile even though I
felt sad in the inside. A cold breeze brushed my skin. I rubbed my arms and sat on
the front stairs. Evan imitated my movements and sat next to me "How are you?" he
sounded concerned.

"Surviving, this damn flu is killing me slowly and painfully," Evan chuckled.

"You’re so dramatic."

"It's true."

"Yeah, right," he rolled his eyes and shook his head disapprovingly "Look at the
bright side, you didn't have to go school."

"I missed all the fun. Jordan and Laura got together and I was the last to know." I
almost pouted.

"It was about damn time they got together." Evan commented starting to take his
hoodie off.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. I couldn't help blushing when his bare arms
came on sight. He was left with a black t-shirt. It was then I noticed a dark
tattoo on the right side of his neck. It was a very strange design but it was
beautiful, it had the right curves ending close to his jaw "You have a tattoo?"

"Yeah, put it on." he said offering his hoodie to me. I scowled at him "I know
you're cold. You shouldn't be out of the house so put it on." he insisted.
Reluctantly, I grabbed his hoddie and pulled it over my head. It was too big for me
but it was warm and it smelled of him. God, it smelled so good. Trying not to sniff
on the hoodie and look freaky, I focused my eyes on the tattoo.

"You never told me you have a tattoo" I couldn't help staring at his neck.

"You never told me you didn't water your flowers," he stated pointing the dead
stiff flowers in front of us "There are many things we haven't told each other," he
glanced at me, grinning amused. I couldn't help laughing a little.

"How do you know where I live, stalker?" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Jason told me." Evan shrugged his shoulders.

"Jason?" I asked shocked "You know him?"

"Yeah, we're sort of friends."

"But he's never mentioned you before,"

"I said 'sort of' he's dating my sister."

"What?" As far as I knew, Jason wasn't dating anyone. he was only banging Helen...
oh no... "Helen is your sister?"

"You know her?" he looked at me and I looked away. I couldn't tell him Jason was
actually using her sister just for sex. Jason could be a manwhore sometimes but he
was my best friend, I didn't want him dead.

"Yeah, he's mentioned her before." I mumbled "So you've been living here all this
time, how come I've never seen you before?" I needed to change the subject.

"I don't live here. I live in River Town."

"Oh" River town was a close town. It was probably 30 minutes away from here "but
Helen lives here." I stated confused.

"She lives with our Aunt. I live by myself in our parents' house." his tone grew
colder. He probably didn't want to talk about his parents.

"I see." we stayed in silence for a moment.

"Did you like the poem?" he asked softly. I looked up at him, my cheeks tainted

"Yes, it was really good." I admitted frankly. He smirked at me.

"Of course, it was. I wrote it." he said arrogantly. I chuckled shaking my head.

"I forgot about your big ego." I poked his arm.

"Ow! Say no to violence, woman."

"I was just checking if I could pierce through your ego, you know." I teased

"Is that so?" He cocked an eyebrow. He gave me a devilish smile and started poking
my stomach. I was really ticklish so I started laughing until there were tears
streaming down my face.

"Stop!" I begged among laughter. My belly was starting to hurt. I tried to push him
away but he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I couldn't
breathe, oh God, I was going to die of laughter, literally. He stopped and it was
then I noticed how close we were. His nose was almost touching mine as he breathed
heavily on my lips. Evan's gaze dropped to my mouth and I bit my lower lip in

A horn interrupted our moment; we both got away from each other and snapped our
heads to the street. A very excited Laura jumped out of Shane's SUV, followed by
Jordan. Shane was the last one to get out of the car. I remained unmoving as I
watched my friends coming closer. Confusion and curiosity plastered on their faces
as they looked between me and Evan.

I smiled shyly at them. It was going to be a long night.


A/N: Awesome fruits for everyone! The check is on me. I’m still sick, I shouldn’t
be writing but I couldn’t let you guys wait any longer. Hope you enjoyed the

Muahahahaha *cough* ah, damn cough, it doesn’t even let me laugh evilly.

Love and green poisonous pineapples,


Chapter 20 >>

Unedited chapter!

Join the facebook group now! Click on external link >>>

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 20

We all have awkward moments in our lives. It's like we're destined to have them.
Sometimes I wonder if it's normal to have so many because I was certainly going to
break a record or something. Well, I was about to have what I'd like to define the
most awkward moment of my life. As Laura, Jordan and Shane walked towards me and
Evan, I had no idea of what to say or how to say it. My brain didn't seem to
process the situation. Maybe, the cough medicine syrup did have an effect on me.
Whatever the reason for my frozen state was, it didn't matter at the moment. Laura
was the first one to get to us. She was smiling knowingly.

"Hey," she greeted. Evan stood up and I did the same. Jordan reached Lau from
behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Hey, sick puppy," Jordan said grinning at me but then his grin vanished when he
looked at Evan.

Shane was the last to come closer. His hands were full of bags. His face was
unreadable. It was like a mask of coldness was covering his face. I mean, Shane
always had that arrogant playful attitude since the very first day we started
talking but right now, his face was just blank. No trace of playfulness not even
arrogance were on it. I scowled at him but he simply stopped walking once he was
next to Jordan and Lau. That was how the awkward silence began. What wasn't I
saying something? Everyone was waiting for me to introduce Evan and I was standing
there like an idiot. Laura made me a gesture to speak.

"Jules?" She called my name and that seemed to snap me out of my trance.

"Ugh, guys, this is… hum…" I trailed off nervously. Everyone was staring at me

Awkward moment when your real friends meet your online friend…

Laura raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue.

"I'm Evan." Evan spoke for me. He shook Jordan's hand.


“I’m Laura, nice to meet you, Evan.” Laura said his name slowly flashing amused
smiles at me.

“What are you doing outside?” Shane asked coldly. I opened my mouth to speak but he
continued “You’re sick. You shouldn’t be out in the cold.” I knew he was right.

“Let’s get inside.” Laura agreed.

“I should probably go now,” Evan whispered to me. I knew he wasn’t comfortable.

“No, don’t go.” Laure intervened grinning like a cat “We’re going to watch a movie.
You should stay. There are enough snacks for everyone.” Her excitement was

“Yeah,” Jordan agreed as he started walking towards the door holding Lau’s hand.
When he passed Evan, I heard him whisper “don’t eat the Ruffles though, she’ll kill
you.” He pointed me mocking fear.

“Very funny, Jordan,” I rolled my eyes.

After getting our frozen butts inside the house, Jordan and Lau sat on the big
couch. Evan sat on the other couch shyly. Shane took the bags to the kitchen. I
hesitated, not knowing where I should sit. Evan was rubbing his hands over his lap,
he was probably feeling out of place. I was about to sit next to him when a hand
was wrapped around my arm.

“I need your help in the kitchen,” Shane muttered and dragged me out of the living
room, almost literally. It was getting hard to follow his pace. As soon as we
entered the kitchen, he pushed me inside roughly. His hazel eyes were blazing with
anger. His jaw tensed. I’d never seen Shane angry before, it kind of scared me.

“Hey!” I whined rubbing my arm “What’s your problem?”

“You. You are my problem,” he said stalking towards me. I backed away until my back
met the fridge.

“What are you talking about?” I frowned confused. Shane passed his hand over my
shoulder and pressed it against the fridge.

“Who the hell is that freak?” I knew he referred to Evan.

“His name is Evan and he’s not a freak.” I stated offended. Shane laughed bitterly.

“That’s the guy from wattpad, isn’t he?”

“How do you know-“

“You’re truly reckless, Jones. You let a stranger visit you while you’re alone in
your house.”

“He’s not a stranger. He’s my friend.” I didn’t like the tone Shane was using.

“He is a stranger,” he repeated slowly “are you out of your mind?” Shane definitely
knew how to push my buttons “He’s the reason you were crying the other day, isn’t
he?” I kept my mouth shut but my silence said everything “Wow,” Shane shook his
head taking a step backwards “you like him.” It was not a question.
“Why are you getting so upset about this?” I asked him folding my arms across my
chest. My eyes widened in realization “Are you jealous?” Shane laughed.

“Why would I be jealous?” he asked amused. He walked towards me once again

cornering against the fridge.

“I don’t know. You’re acting like a jealous boyfriend right now,” I placed my hands
on his chest trying to push him away but he only grabbed my wrists holding them in
the air. His eyes looked right into mine.

“I’m not jealous.” He said leaning forwards “If I wanted you, I would’ve had you a
long time ago.”

“Yeah right,” I rolled my eyes.

“It would be so easy to seduce you,” his gaze dropped to my lips “to please that
virgin body of yours.”

“How do you know I’m a virgin?” I swallowed.

“It’s written all over your face.” He smirked at me.

“They’re waiting for us. Let me go.”

“I make you nervous,” he said satisfied “That’s a start.” He let me go. I stared at
him confused for a moment before running off the kitchen with one of the bags.

When I got back to the living room, Laura was sitting on the floor staring at some
movies covers displayed in front of her. Jordan was telling her which one to pick.
Evan was in the same position I’d left him. I couldn’t believe he was actually
there. I sat next to him, he smiled at me.

“Welcome back,” his smile grew bigger, the cute dimples formed on his cheeks. My
heat skipped a beat.

“Miss me?” I teased returning the smile. His dark eyes locked with mine as he

“Always,” the sincerity in his sexy voice made the dragons inside my stomach
flutter. My eyes landed on his lips, they looked so full and wet. I bet my Ruffles
he was a good kisser. Sadness filled me when I realized I would never find out if
he was a good kisser or not. He wanted to be my friend and last time I checked
friends don’t kiss each other. I looked away from him, it was enough temptation to
have him so close to me.

“So,” I stated getting Lau’s attention “What are we watching?”

“Dawn of the bloody mutilated zombies,” Jordan joked. I chuckled.

“I don’t know. There are so many, I want to watch them all,” Laura whined pouting.
Yeah, did I mention my best friend have an obsession with movies? She even wants to
be a film director when she finishes high school.

“Did you pick a movie already?” Shane joined us sitting next to Jordan. Lau shook
her head frustrated.

“We should probably vote,” Evan chimed in surprising us all. We all stared at him,
it was the first time he was actually interacting with my friends “You know, the
movie with more votes wins.”
“That’s a good idea, man,” Jordan nodded his head.

“Alright,” I clapped my hands excitedly “Our options?” I asked Laura.

“Well, we have…” she trailed off scanning the movies “Kiss me now,” she showed the
first movie,

Oh the irony…

“We also have ‘Dawn of the zombies’ ‘Friends with Benefits’ and ‘Seduce me’”

“Why are there so many romantic movies?” Shane asked annoyed turning to Jordan “I
thought you were going to pick the movies at the store,”

“Hum, well, she…” Jordan looked at Laura “it’s hard to say no to her, you know.”

“Arg, man, you’re whipped.” Shane shook his head disapprovingly. We all laughed a
little at Jordan.

“Time to vote,” I shouted grinning.

“Dawn of the Zombies,” Shane and Jordan said at the same time.

“So predictable,” Lau rolled her eyes “I vote for ‘Friends with benefits’” she
glanced at me and winked. I really didn’t want to watch a zombie movie. To be
honest, I didn’t have a strong stomach. Show me too much blood and guts and you’ll
probably see me puking.

“Friends with Benefits,” I voted hesitantly. We all snapped our head towards Evan.

“It’s up to you,” Laura waited for him to reply. Each movie had two votes, the
choice was up to Evan. Jordan started mouthing ‘Choose the zombie one’ to him.

“Jordan! Stop! He needs to choose by himself,” I said looking at Evan. He seemed

unsure of what to say.

Please, say Friends with Benefits, please.

I pleaded mentally. Evan looked at me and smiled.

“Friends with benefits,” he said loudly.

“Yes!” Lau jumped to her feet and started doing some weird happy dance “Take that,
zombie sucker!” she stuck her tongue out to Jordan.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Jordan complained shaking his head at Evan.

“It’s hard to say no to her,” Evan replied pinching my cheek. My heart melt in my
chest, I was sure I wasn’t breathing. I couldn’t help blushing fiercely. I cleared
my throat.

“So, let’s watch it,” I tried to cover my flushed cheeks but I probably looked like
a tomato. I could feel eyes on me; I lifted my gaze to find Shane. He was staring
intently at me.

“We need to get the snacks out of the bag,” Shane gestured the bag I was holding
“Come on, Jones. We all know you want to kidnap the Ruffles but there’s enough for
everyone.” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I thought they were all for me,” I retorted holding the bag tightly.

“There are live five huge bag of Ruffles there,” Jordan chimed in “come on, share.”
I sighed in defeat.

“Fine, one bag for you.” I threw a bag at him. Jordan caught it in mid-air. I heard
Evan chuckled next to me. I glanced at him.

“You never told me you have an obsession with Ruffles,” he commented amused.

“I thought we agreed there were many things we haven’t told each other,” I used his
own words against him. I stole a glance at his tattoo and he nodded knowingly.

“You got me there.” He admitted rolling his lower lip into his mouth. Didn’t he
know he was provoking me by doing that?

“Time for the movie!” Lau shout excitedly. We all got on our seats. Reluctantly,
Shane sat next to the lovey-dovey couple. Lau turned the lights off and started the
movie. As soon as we were surrounded by darkness, I felt extremely uneasy. Evan was
mere inches away from me. I could see him from the corner of my eye.

Calm down, breathe.

I chanted inside my head trying to ease my heart beats. We watched the first
minutes of the movie in silence, of course, we would make a few comments once in a
while. But then it happened: a sex scene. The main characters started kissing and
moving towards the bed. My face flamed up in embarrassment, my ears felt hot. Evan
shifted uncomfortable next to me.

“Wow, nice choice, girls.” Shane teased grinning. I looked at Lau, her mouth was
hanging opened. Don’t get me wrong, we were virgins and this wasn’t the first time
we’d seen a sex scene. The thing was, this was the first time we watched a sex
scene with three guys in the same room with us.

Awkward moments: 2 for the night.

I was certainly breaking a record. My heart was hammering inside my chest; my hand
was resting next to my thigh. I froze when I felt Evan’s hand holding mine. I
looked at him and he seemed focused on the movie. What was he doing? He squeezed my
hand gently and I felt like I was going to pass out right there. My hand was
getting sweaty, was he noticing that? The scene got even more intense, the girl was
moaning loudly. Alright, that was my key to escape.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I excused myself poorly. Lau snapped her head towards
me; she stared at me with pleading eyes. I mouthed ‘Sorry’ to her and escaped the

I entered the bathroom, closed the door and moved towards the mirror. I rubbed my
sweaty hands over my face. How could I lie? Masking my feelings was going to be
harder than I thought. But I knew I needed to swallow everything I felt for Evan if
I wanted to keep him around. It was kind of masochist if you ask me. It was like
having your favorite food in front of you without being able to even taste it.
There was so much mystery behind Evan’s eyes. What did I have this urge to conform
him? I sighed leaning forwards; I pressed my forehead against the mirror and closed
my eyes. Immediately, his face displayed in my mind. He looked so cute when he
smiled. There was something in the way he looked at me that made me feel nervous
but good at the same time.
“What should I do?” I wondered aloud.

“Kiss him,” I snapped my eyes opened. My best friend smiled at me through the
mirror’s reflection. She was behind me.

“I can’t.”

“Why not? God, he’s hot!” Lau exclaimed dreamily.

“He wants us to be friends,” I whispered sadly.

“Then friends with benefits it is!”


“Oh come on, the movie is like this huge signal from God. You two need to hook up,”
she aimed a finger at me.

“Speaking of hook ups,” I turned to her “How come I’m the last one to know you and
Jordan are together now?” I placed my hands on my hips. Laura bit her lower lip,
guilty plastered on her face.

“Sorry about that; everything happened so fast and you were sick so I-“

“Excuses, excuses,” I interrupted her.

“This isn’t about me.” She retorted “This is about you and mysterious boy out

“There’s nothing to say,” I shrugged my shoulders.

“You’re crazy about him, just kiss him.”

“He doesn’t like me like that,”

“Are you serious?” Lau asked in a puff “Can’t you see the way he looks at you? He
totally has the hots for you,”

“You need to stop hanging out with Shane and Jordan. You’re getting their phrases,”
I commented seriously “anyway; nothing is going to happen between Evan and me.”

“You wanna bet?” Lau cocked an eyebrow “It’s a matter of time. He can’t hold
himself back forever, neither can you. Your self-control will crack, trust me.” I
looked down playing with my fingers.

“I just… I don’t want to risk everything for a kiss. What if I kiss him and he
rejects me? Being his friend is better than nothing,” Lau wrapped her arms around
me pulling me into a hug.

“You’re a great girl, Jules. He’s stupid if he can’t see that.” She kissed my hair.

“You only say that because you’re my best friend,” I stated pulling away from her.
Lau smiled at me.

“Probably,” she teased pinching my nose which was a terrible mistake. Remember I’d
caught the flu? Her fingers were instantly filled with mucus “Ew!” Lau exclaimed
washing her hand in the sink whilst I was laughing my ass off.

We got back to the living room. The boys seemed to be chatting about some band.
“We’re back,” Lau informed sitting on Jordan’s lap. Evan was using his phone. He
put back in his pocket when I sat back next to him. As soon as the movie started
again, I thanked God the sex scene was over. The movie was about to be over when I
felt Evan get closer to me until his breath was brushing my ear. I swallowed.

“I have to go now,” his sexy voice and hot breath fanned my ear sending shivers
through my already revolted body.

“Hum, I-I… okay.” I finished embarrassed. I hated stuttering. “Guys, Evan has to
go. I’ll walk him to the door.” I informed getting off the couch. Lau mouthed ‘Kiss
him!’ to me. I glared at her. They all waved their hands to Evan as we started our
way to the door. We stepped out of the house.

“So,” he started looking at me “I had fun.”

“Me too.” I admitted nervously.

“It’s a shame I have to go but it’s late and I have to drive back home.”

“I understand,” my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I realized I was still
wearing his hoodie “I should probably get this back to you,” I said starting to
take it off. Evan grabbed my hands stopping me. His touch sent a tingling sensation
through me.

“Keep it,” he said softly. I looked up at him. He was smiling sweetly at me. I
found myself lost in the depth of his eyes.

“Evan, I…”

Tell him! Kiss him! Do something!

“Yes?” he stared at me in silence.

“I…” my throat was dry. One of his hands cupped my cheek. I couldn’t help closing
my eyes and pressing my face against his hand. His touch felt so good, so right. I
felt him lean forward.

Was he going to kiss me? Oh God! Did my breath smell? Was I going to give him the
flu? I stopped breathing. He pressed his warm lips against my cheek and then backed
away breaking all contact between us. I opened my eyes disappointed. I forced a
smile trying to cover up my disappointment.

“I’m glad you agreed to be my friend,” he said walking backwards.

“Yeah, yay me! ” I truly sucked at pretending to be okay. Evan gave me one last
smile before turning on his feet and getting in his car. I watched him leave; my
heart was falling inside my chest. God, this was going to be harder than I thought.
I got inside the house and let myself fall on the couch. My phone buzzed in my
pocket. I checked the e-mail, it was from Wattpad.

Dark_poet001 sent you a message.

I frowned as I clicked the message opened:

“My hoodie looks good on you. Night, cute Jules.”


A/N: Jules had a busy night, didn’t she? Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for
being the awesome fans you are. I got all your messages wishing for me to get
better. It meant a lot to me, especially when I was sneezing and coughing my ass
off wishing for a quick death. I’m not completely healed but I’m definitely feeling
better. I’m eating strawberries now oh the irony!

Love and pink oranges!


Chapter 21 >>

Unedited chapter! This story will be edited when I finished it because right now, I
really don't have time to do it!

Facebook group on External link >>>>

~You’re the antidote that gets me by ~ Something strong like a drug that gets me

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 21

“You’re a chicken!”

“I’ m not!”

“Yes, you are”

“I’m not!” I repeated annoyed. Laura hadn’t stopped teasing me about the entire
Evan thing. According to her, I was a hopeless coward. She certainly didn’t get the
part where he told me he wanted me to be my friend. He said that was all he could
offer me and I’d accepted it. Being his friend was better than nothing. However, it
was going to be a lot of harder than I thought.

Anyway, back to the present, it was lunch time; we were sitting on one of the
cafeteria’s square tables. Yeah, I finally came back to school. I had a lot to
catch up with but Lau was helping me with it, besides annoying the hell out of me
of course.

“Admit it.” She said aiming her fork at me.

“I am not a chicken,” I uttered each word slowly.

“Who’s a chicken?” Jason joined us sitting next to Laura.

“Jules,” Lau replied quickly. Jason gave me a confused look before focusing on his
full tray of food. That guy could eat like a pig.
“Why?” he asked giving his burger a bite.

“Well, she is crazy about Evan but she didn’t even try kissing him last week.” I
glared at Laura but she ignored me when she heard the voice of her current

“Hey, guys, what’s up?” Jordan greeted us. Jason nodded and I simply smiled at him.
Jordan kissed Lau shortly “Hey, hottie.” Lau giggled. I rolled my eyes.

“Hey, handsome.” She replied batting her eyelashes at him.

“I’m going to steal this beauty from you for a sec,” Jordan informed us holding her
hand. Jason and I simply nodded.

The lovely couple left to do God knows what and I was kind of glad they did because
Lau could be really annoying when she got something in mind. She was determined to
get me to tell Evan my feelings.

Yeah, like I would be brave enough to do that.

Now, there was just me and Jason. It was then I remembered Jason knew Evan. I
snapped my head towards him. Jason’s mouth was full; he stared at me confused like
a deer caught in the headlights.

“What?” he managed to ask through his full mouth.

“First of all, swallow that.” I ordered disgusted “And second, how come you didn’t
tell me you knew Evan?” I waited for him to swallow his food and take a sip of his

“I didn’t know it was the same Evan.” Jason shrugged “Small world, huh?” I punched
his shoulder.

“Helen is his sister.” I whispered.


“You’re using my ultimate crush’ sister as a sex toy?” I inquired demandingly.

“In my defense, I met her first.”

“What?” I scowled at him.

“Helen and I were already screwing before you met Evan.” He explained.

“Can you just not say that word, please?” I pleaded holding the brick of my nose
between my index and my thumb.

“What? Screwing?”

“Oh God!”

“Oh come on, you’re seventeen. You can say bad words, you know.”

“Jason, focus!” I poked his forehead.

“Stop hitting me!”

“Then stop changing the subject” I shot back annoyed. Jason sighed.
“What do you want me to do?”

“She and Evan have been through enough. I just hope she doesn’t get hurt because of

“What would she? Listen,” Jason started seriously “We both know what we’re doing.
It’s not like I lied to her to get her on my bed. She knows how this works.”

“I’m sorry but I don’t believe in that ‘Friends with benefits’ thing. I mean,
haven’t you watched the movie? Haven’t you read the statistics? One of you is going
to get attached and most of times; it’s the girl who gets attached.”

“Since when do you read statistics?”

“Since I got sick and spent a week doing nothing in my house but that’s not the
point.” I lied shamelessly. Truth was, I actually did some research about the
Friend with benefits thing since that day we watched the movie. I had the hope that
could work with Evan. Yeah, I know that’s lame but hey it was not easy to control
this urge I had to kiss him.

“Jules, I…” Jason trailed off running his fingers through his hair “She’s cool with
this. I know she is.”

“Really?” I narrowed my eyes at him. Jason looked away nervously “What are you
hiding from me?”

“Nothing.” He scratched his ear.

“You’re omitting something.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you just scratched your ear. You do that when you lie.” I accused him.

“Arg!” Jason growled “Sometimes, I hate you for knowing me so much.”

“So? What is it?” he hesitated for a moment “Come on, spit it out.”

“Well, it’s probably nothing…”

“Spit it out, Jason.”

“The other day we were doing it in my car and-“

“Oh my God! Seriously? Your car? I’m so not getting in that car again.” Jason gave
me a killer look “Sorry, sorry, continue.”

“I was on top, it felt so good-“

“Ok, you can skip the details.” I scrunched my nose in disgust.

“The thing is, I looked down at her and we locked gazes for a moment. I felt
something, I’m not sure. There was something in her eyes that caught me and somehow
that made everything more intense.” I couldn’t help grinning at him.

“You’re sooooo falling for her.” I teased excited.

“What? No! I’m not looking for anything serious right now and you know it.”
“Alright, just answer me this,” I couldn’t remove the big grin from my face as I
spoke “are you seeing someone else?”


“So you’re exclusive?”

“I guess so.”

“Is she seeing someone else?” I asked watching his reaction. He pressed his lips
together as his jaw clenched. Oh boy, he was so into that girl.

“I don’t know,” he replied shrugging his shoulders “I don’t care.”

“Liar.” I chuckled. I was happy to know he cared for her. I mean, Jason was a good
boy. Even though, he had his player’s moments a few times, he didn’t lie to the
girls. He let them know how things were going to be from the beginning. I think
that was pretty fair, the girls knew what they were getting themselves into. He
didn’t act like he wanted something serious to get them on his bed. That was
Shane’s modus operandi. I was sure he’d lied to Melissa; heck he even lied to me to
get me to help him with her. He broke hearts easily without looking back.

Thinking of the devil…

Shane Mason, better known as the Antichips or Jerkpid, made his way through the
cafeteria. He walked like he owned the place and everyone in it. He was wearing
blue jeans and a dark sweater with a blue t-shirt underneath, it made his skin look
paler than usual. Every girl in the room-including me- was staring at him. Most of
the girls gazed at him dreamily whilst others were glaring at him. He probably
broke their hearts. I prayed to God for him not to see me. He stopped in front of a
table filled with guys. I looked back at my food and started eating.

Thank you, God.

“Jones,” Shane’s voice sounded right behind me.

I celebrated too soon.

I felt his hands on my shoulder; he squeezed them gently “You came back.”

“No, I’m a hologram.” I replied sarcastically. Jason snickered. Shane let go of my

shoulders and sat next to me.

“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Jones.” I looked at him and instantly regretted it. We
were way too close for my liking. Besides, Shane was looking hot today. I swallowed
hard and he smirked knowingly. He could be a heartless jerk but he sure knew how
hot he was “Close your mouth, babe. No need to drool in public,” I glared at him
and straightened in my seat to look at Jason, but I only found an empty seat.

“Where’s Jason?” I asked frowning.

“He left when you started drooling over me,”

“I wasn’t-Ah, never mind.” I took a sip of my strawberry’s juice. It was then I

remembered Shane knew about wattpad and Evan “How do you know about wattpad?” I
glanced at him from the corner of my eye, Shane tensed up.

“What are you talking about?”

“Last week, when you asked me about Evan … you said ‘That’s the guy from wattpad,
isn’t he?’” I fully looked at him this time. Shane shifted on his seat.

“Hum, I said that?” I nodded “Well, let’s just say Laura is not good keeping
secrets when she’s with Jordan.” My jaw almost dropped to the floor.

“She told you?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah,” Shane mumbled and got off the chair “I gotta go now. See you around.” Ok,
that was just weird. I was left alone just like that. I’d always thought it was
kind of depressing to eat alone, it seemed like my friends didn’t think the same

Way to go, guys!


After eating –more like devouring- my food, I stared at my glass of Strawberry’s


Mrs. Strawberry…


The only thought of him made my stomach flutter. I couldn’t stop thinking about
him. Everything reminded me of him, even the glass of strawberry juice I had in
front of me. How could something so simple remind me of him? My phone buzzed in my
pocket snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly checked it. It was a text from
Evan. Yeah, I finally got his number. I touched my phone’s screen to open the text.

From: Evan <3

Guess what?

Me: What?

Him: I’m eating Ruffles ;)

Me: -.-! So you decided to rub it on my face?

Him: Of course.

Me: That’s so sweet of you (Sarcasm!)

Him: I don’t know why you like them so much though. They’re not that good.

Oh, he did not just say that! I glared at my phone’s screen.

Me: You don’t wanna go there.

Him: You don’t scare me, little peach.

Me: Again with the nicknames?

Him: Yeah ;)
Me: I’m gonna find a nickname for you and it won’t be nice.

Him: Right, I’m so scared.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen, I was about to reply when the bell rang. I told
him I would text him later before running out of the cafeteria. I couldn’t be late
to my next class.


By the end of the day, I was dragging myself out of school. I wasn’t sick anymore
but I was still kind of weak. Mom said that was normal, that sensation would last
for a few days. I hated being sick. At least, my mother was a doctor and I didn’t
have to go to the hospital. I hated hospitals, they gave me the chills since the
day I watched a marathon of horror Japanese movies. They all took place in some
gloomy, creepy hospital. I shivered remembering them.

Yawning, I started to cross the football field to get to the parking lot. I really
hoped Laura hadn’t forgotten about me. She was my ride today. I felt a few eyes on
me, the football team was practicing. I tried to ignore the stares. I knew I wasn’t
really good-looking, especially today. I was wearing worn pants and a loose purple
t-shirt that said ‘Bite me’ on the front. My hair was in a lazy bun and I didn’t
put any make-up whatsoever that morning. Conclusion: I probably looked terrible.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I opened the text quickly.

From: Evan <3

Nice t-shirt ;)

I frowned and stopped on my tracks. I lifted my gaze to scan my surroundings. My

heart started hammering inside my chest. He couldn’t have seen me, could he? As in
reply, my eyes caught some movement on the way ahead of me. There he stood…


He was leaning against a black car. My breath was caught inside my lungs. My
stomach did a black flip. I wasn’t expecting to see him so soon. I wasn’t mentally
prepared to see him. God, he looked so hot. He was wearing dark pants, a grey
hoodie with a dark t-shirt underneath. His midnight-black hair was messy in a sexy
way. His full lips formed a sexy smirk. We were still a few meters away. I found
the strength to start walking again. My hands were getting sweaty as I approached
to him. I swallowed feeling my dry throat. How could he make feel so much by just
standing in front of me?

“Hey, what are you do-doing here?” I stuttered nervously. He shoved his hands
inside his hoodie’s pockets.

“I’m waiting for Helen,” he replied casually.

“Oh,” I looked down at the pavement playing with my fingers.


“Jules?” his sexy voice sent a shiver through my spine. I looked up to meet his
penetrating deep dark eyes. They seemed to pull me towards him.

“Are you okay? You look a little pale,” his eyes were scrutinizing me.

I just want to kiss you like there’s no tomorrow, that’s all.

“I’m fine.” I said instead. Evan narrowed his eyes slightly.

“You sure?” I simply nodded.

“So,” I started clapping my hands trying to act casual “I’ve never seen you before

“I don’t come here very often. I only come when Helen doesn’t have a ride.” He
explained “I guess I’m her last option.” I chuckled.

“That’s nice of you to come all the way here to give her a ride home.” I stated

“You think I’m nice now?” he cocked an eyebrow playfully.


“Maybe?” he asked taking a step towards me.

“Yeah,” I teased grinning at him. He smiled, his cute dimples forming on his

He looked so cute when he smiled.

“What about you? Do you have a ride home?”

“Hum,” I held my chin as if I was deep in thought when I was actually scanning the
parking lot “Laura is my ride but I don’t see her around.”

“She left a few minutes ago,” Evan said coolly.

“What? Really? You saw her?” Evan nodded. I growled in frustration, how could she
forget about me?

“I can give you a ride home,” Evan offered “I mean, if you want to.”

“Are you sure?” I asked not knowing if Helen would be cool with this.

“Of course.” A cool breeze brushed past us, making a lock of my hair to get loose
from the bun. Evan extended his hand towards me and tuck the rebel hair behind my
ear. I stopped breathing when his fingertips made contact with my skin. His eyes
never left mine. He cupped my cheek and I fought the urge to close my eyes. Then,
his thumb caressed my lower lip slowly. I parted my lips in anticipation.

What was he doing?

“Evan!” A sharp voice shouted snapping me out of the moment. Evan took a step
backwards, retracting his hand “Didn’t you get my text?” a very cheerful Helen
asked Evan as she came towards us.

“What text?” Evan frowned at her.

“I texted you telling you I didn’t need a ride. Jason is going to take me home.” It
was then she noticed me “Hey, you’re Jules, right?”
“Yep, that’s me.” I smiled at her.

“It’s good to meet you. Jason has told me a lot about you.” I sensed a bit of
jealousy in her tone but ignored it.

“Yeah, he told me a lot about you, too.”

Including how good it was last time you two did it in his car.

I was so not going to say that. Helen stared at me for a moment, her eyes scanning
my body and then going up to my face. Her shoulders relaxed and she smirked. She
probably didn’t feel threatened by me anymore. I mean, I looked pretty bad right
now. I wouldn’t consider myself a threaten.

“Well, I have to go. He’s waiting for me.” She said squeezing Evan’s shoulder
“Sorry, bro. I didn’t mean to make you come for nothing.”

“It’s cool.” Evan replied. Helen glanced at me and gave me a closed mouth smile.

“It was nice to meet you, Jules.” She said before walking off. I could tell she
wasn’t really a fan of me already. And to think, she actually got laid using my

Ungrateful girl!

“You ready?” Evan’s voice caught my attention. It was then I came back to reality.

Evan was going to take home…


We were going to be alone in his car.

Oh boy, I was going to need all my self-control to survive this chaotic ride home.

Because hell, my urge to kiss that mysterious sexy boy was growing bigger each
passing second.

“Yep, I’m ready.” I said smiling at him.

Tempting ride, here we go.


A/N: Hello, awesomers (Yeah, I made up that word cause I’m cool like that) I hope
you enjoyed reading this chapter as much I loved writing it. I’m finally recovered.
I had this chapter ready since yesterday but lighting hit the internet antenna so I
was doomed to keep you waiting. Thank you for your nice messages and for each time
you voted and commented, it truly means the world to me! I just want you to know I
appreciate each one of you! (Yeah, I’m getting corny here so better go now)

Ruffles for everyone! :D Not really ;) They’re all for me. Juanita’s tacos are also
mine *winks at Juanita*


Chapter 22 >>
Thanks to Dani for editing this chapter :D

Thanks to all of you for voting, commenting and being the awesome fans you are <3

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 22

Okay, this was a lot of harder than I thought.

As soon as I got inside Evan's car and closed the door, I could feel the tension
forming in the air. It was so thick I fought the urge to jump out of the car and
ran away like a crazy person. I watched him get in the car as well. He put his
seatbelt on and flashed me a smile.

God, stop smiling, you cute boy! It’s not helping!

Evan started the engine; the car roared to life.

"You ready?" He asked, giving me a quick glance. I loved his eyes. They were so

"Yeah," I replied nervously. Evan grinned at me and leaned closer. I stopped

breathing as I watched his beautiful face getting closer to mine. His dark gaze
dropped to my lips.

Was he going to kiss me?

He passed an arm around my waist; by this moment we were so close his breath was
fanning my lips. I swallowed.

"Jules..." His sexy voice trailed off, sending a shiver through me.

"Ye-yes?" I stuttered feeling lost in the depth of his eyes.

"Never forget your seatbelt."

I frowned and then I heard a click sound. Evan leaned backwards and straightened in
his seat.

It took me five seconds to understand what he'd done. I looked down to see my
seatbelt and understood everything. When I looked back up at him, he was smirking
victoriously at me.

"Now you're ready," he said amused as he started driving off the parking lot. I
glared at his profile. He seemed to enjoy messing with me. I knew he knew I liked
him, so what was the point of teasing me like that? That was just mean.

“You look cute when you blush,” he whispered, his eyes focused on the road ahead

“I’m not blushing,” I affirmed even when I could feel my flaming cheeks.

“Yeah right.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. I opened my mouth to say something but shut it when my
eyes landed on the tattoo on his neck. I could see it pretty clearly now. I
couldn’t help feeling curious about it. I’d never been a fan of tattoos but that
was a really good one, it looked so professional and well-done. Besides, it suited
Evan and his mysterious attitude.

“Where did you get that?” I asked, my eyes glued to the dark lines of his tattooed

“What?” He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

“The tattoo.”

Evan’s smile vanished; he hesitated for a moment. “I got it in a friend’s tattoo


“Why?” The question left my lips before I could stop it. “I mean, there must be a
reason behind it.”

“Not really,” he replied a little bit too quickly. “I was young and stupid.
Besides, I was drunk.”

“That doesn’t look like a drunken tattoo.” I stated honestly.

“Then what does look like, Jules?” His tone became slightly cold. I was taken aback
by his sudden change of mood. He gripped the steering wheel with ferocity. Alright,
maybe I shouldn’t have asked anything.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” I trailed off unsure of what to say.

Evan let out a long sigh. “It’s cool,” he stated relaxing his shoulders. I didn’t
need to be smart to know there was a big reason behind that tattoo. Evan was
definitely lying when he said it was just a drunken thing. Silence reigned in the
car, making the already crushing tension between us even thicker. I rubbed my
sweaty palms on my jeans awkwardly and stared through the window.

“So,” Evan broke the silence and I mentally thanked him for it, “tell me more about
your cheesy story.”

I scowled at him.

“Really? I thought you didn’t read it,” I folded my arms across my chest.

“It entertains me,” he admitted, rolling his full lower lip into his mouth. I
gawked at him, I wanted to taste those red lips so badly.

“Jules?” his voice snapped me out of my inappropriate thoughts.

“Huh?” I closed my mouth and looked away.

“I asked you a question.”

“You did?” I could feel the blood pumping up to my cheeks again. “Sorry, what was
it?” I kept my eyes glued to the road.

“Does she ever tell him the way she feels?”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Who?”

“Oh, you’re talking about my story,” I laughed nervously feeling like an idiot.
Evan stopped at a red light and turned half of his body towards me. His dark eyes
met my blue ones and I backed away a little in my seat.

“So, does she tell him or not?” He sounded pretty curious about it. I swallowed.
“It’s pretty obvious she’s dying to say something.” My heart was hammering inside
my chest, my throat felt dry. Why did I feel like he wasn’t talking about my story
but me?

“I can’t tell you that. You must read to find out.”

Wow, that was a clever answer. I high-fived myself. Mentally, of course.

“Come on, we’re friends, aren’t we?”

Unfortunately, we are.

“I can’t tell you.” I tried to keep a strong pose. Evan leaned closer to me.

“Is there any way I can persuade you?” he asked hoarsely. I shook my head because I
could no longer utter a word. “Are you sure?” His warm hand cupped my cheek. I
closed my eyes for a moment enjoying his touch.

He’s playing with you!

My inner voice snapped me out of my trance. I slapped his hand away and looked
right into his eyes defiantly.

“I won’t tell you. Period,” I said feeling proud of myself. “Why are you so eager
to know anyway?”

“I’m just curious,” he shrugged his shoulders. “I want to know how long it’ll take
her to throw herself at him.”
“She wo-” I covered my mouth. Evan chuckled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” I looked away.

“She won’t what?”

“I’m not going to tell you a thing, mister.” I could feel his eyes on me. It was
making me uneasy. “And stop staring at me,”

“Then tell me.”


“I won’t move then,” he stated obstinately. I watched how the red light became
green; immediately we heard the horns behind us. I looked at the stubborn driver.
He was still gazing at my direction fully.

“You need to move.”



“Jules…”he teased, grinning like a cat.

“Move,” I ordered, emphasizing the ‘O’.

“Tell me or we’ll get beaten up by a bunch of angry drivers. It’s up to you,” he

said as careless as the wind.
“Are you blackmailing me?” I held my chest dramatically.

“Maybe, is it working?” I glared at him. The street had quickly become noisy,
filled with all the honking cars behind us. I looked at the rear-view mirror and
watched a huge man coming out of his car, heading towards us.

Oh no…

“Fine! Move!” I exclaimed panicking.

“You mean you’re going to tell me?”

“Yes! Move! Now!” The big man was coming closer.

“Promise it,”

“I promise!” I shouted scared. Evan drove off leaving the Hulk behind.

Jesus Christ, that was close.

“I’m waiting,” Evan chanted softly. I gave him a killer look.

“You do realize we were this close,” I made a gesture with my index and thumb, “to
being brutally murdered by Hulk.” Evan laughed loudly. God, even his laugh was

What am I thinking? I should be mad at him!

“You are so dramatic,” he spoke, shaking his head.

“Am not!”
“Sure, Mrs. Strawberry.”

My heart skipped a beat. It felt so weird to hear him call me that. It created sort
of an intimate connection between us.

“I’m waiting,” he reminded me.

“I refuse to say anything.”

“You promised you would tell me, Jules.” I fought the shiver going up my spine when
he said my name.


“You’re going to break your promise? There are more semaphores on the way; you
wouldn’t want us to stop again, would you?”

“You are evil.” I accused him. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. I knew he
was waiting for me to tell him about my story. Sighing in defeat, I looked through
the window as I spoke.

“She’ll tell him eventually,” I said watching the trees rush by. It was then I
realized how much alike the main character of my story and I were. “It’s not easy
for her. She doesn’t want to lose him.” I felt like I was talking about me and not
a fictional character. Evan pulled over in front of my house. I felt his eyes on me
so I looked at him. His eyes were glowing with something I couldn’t decipher.

“She shouldn’t tell him anything,” he commented. My heart sank in my chest. Was it
me or were we not talking about my story anymore?

“Why?” I inquired. Evan’s lips twitched up, forming his sexy smirk.

“She should just man up and kiss him.”

My eyes widened at his words. I couldn’t help blushing; I bit my lower whilst my
eyes were switching from his eyes to his lips. I don’t know for how long we
remained in the same position.

Kiss him! Stop being a chicken!

My inner voice was yelling at me but I couldn’t seem to find the strength to do
anything. I was actually kind of frozen in my seat. My mind was processing his
words, not knowing for sure if he was telling me to kiss him in a very discrete,
indirect way. Evan chuckled and got out of the car. Then he opened my door and
offered his hand to me snapping my out of my frozen state.

“This is your stop, cheesy writer,” he said jokingly. I took his hand, ignoring the
tingles that ran up my arm.

“Thank you, dark poet.” I stepped out of the car, a cold breeze brushed past me
making me shiver. The sky was kind of orange; sunset was here. Evan walked me to
the porch in silence. Once we reached the door, we turned to face each other. I
felt kind of small in front of him; he was at least a head taller than me. “Thanks
for the ride home,” I smiled up at him. Evan shoved his hands inside his hoodie’s

“No problem.”

I wanted to say so many things, I wanted to tell him how much I liked him, how much
I wanted him to kiss me right now but I stood there staring at his handsome face
instead. Sadness took over me when I realized this was all I could get from him. It
hurt me to know this friendship would never turn into something else. Being his
friend would never be enough for me, I was only prolonging my torture. I would
never see him as a friend. Tears formed in my eyes when I realized when I had to

I had to let him go…

It would be painful but I knew the heartbreak wouldn’t last forever. Having him as
a friend, so close yet so far would definitely cause more pain and frustration than
letting him go for good.

“Jules?” His sexy voice brought me back to reality.

“Yeah?” I swallowed a lump in my throat.

“Is there something wrong?” he asked, concern plastered on his face.

Yeah, I’m crazy about you so that’s why I’m going to do this.

“Yep, I’m good. See you around.” I got inside the house quickly, and closed the
door behind me. I wasn’t brave enough to tell him a thing on his face. So, I took
my phone out of my pocket and typed a quick text whilst hearing his car’s engine. I
walked to the living room and dropped myself on one of the couches as I pressed the
send option:

Sorry, thought I could do this but I can’t be your friend.

Sending that message was like stabbing myself. My heart was shrinking in my chest.
No more funny nicknames or poems, no more waking up to his nice messages, no more
dragons fluttering in my stomach each time I talked to him.

No more Evan…

His cute smile displayed inside my head as the memory of his sexy voice filled my
ears. My phone buzzed in my hands.

Evan’s reply came a lot of faster than I expected.

Evan: What are you talking about? :/

Me: I can’t be your friend, I’m sorry. I’ll be out of your life for good.

Evan: You’re joking, right?

Me: No.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I needed to be strong now that I finally had the
courage to let him go.

Evan: What did I do wrong?

Me: Nothing, I just can’t be your friend. Please, stop texting me.
I begged, knowing it would be harder to do this if he kept talking to me. He didn’t
reply causing more tears to fill my eyes. He was going to respect my decision,
wasn’t he? I got on my feet and paced around my living room trying to ease my
aching heart. I ran my fingers through my hair with my shaking hand.

The front door was swung open and I snapped my head towards it. There he stood…


He was holding his phone in one hand and the doorknob in the other.

“What are you doing here?” I asked wiping my tears away. Seeing him again was like
adding fuel to the fire in my chest. Evan walked towards me with long strides.

“I want you to say it to my face,” his black eyes were darker than usual. “Tell me
you don’t want to see me anymore.”

I looked away from his intense gaze. “Please, don’t make this any harder for me.”

“What are you talking about, Jules? Look at me.” He held my chin forcing to meet
his gaze “Why can’t we be friends?”

“Just…” I trailed off sadly “Just go,” I backed away from him. Evan grabbed my arm
pulling me towards him.

“I won’t go until you tell me the reason why we can’t be friends.” He sounded

“Let me go!” I struggled to release myself, his touch made me feel so warm inside.

“Tell me.”

“Tell me.” He leaned closer to me.

I had nothing left to lose, did I?

His face was mere inches from mine. “I shouldn’t tell you anything,” I whispered,
remembering his words, Evan’s heavy breath was brushing my mouth teasingly. “I
should just man up and kiss you.”

I got on my tiptoes, and pressed my lips against his. A shot of electricity

crossed my body. His lips were so soft. I leaned back to see his reaction; I ached
for more of his lips but I needed to know if he wanted it to. Evan seemed surprised
but then he grabbed a fist of my hair and kissed me passionately. I’d never been
kissed like this before, there was so much need and passion in the way he moved his
mouth on mine that I felt weak in the knees. It was like he couldn’t get enough of
me. The kiss was becoming more and more urgent; I could feel my blood running hot
through my veins. He wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me closer, our
bodies pressing together. He slid his tongue inside my mouth and I could feel my
entire body getting hot. I wanted more, so much more. He sucked on my lower lip,
gaining a soft moan from me. Evan broke the kiss and took a step backwards. We were
both breathing heavily. Our lips were red and swollen.

That was the best kiss I’d ever had.

“I…this is…” Evan was lost for words. “I have to go.” He turned on his feet and
walked away.

I was left there in pure shock. My entire body was throbbing, my lips were

I wanted more… so much more of Evan.


A/N: Yes! They kissed! That's all I have to say.

Join the facebook group!

Love and cough syrop,


Chapter 23 >>
Dedicated to Zach for editing this chapter. You did a great job, you truly rock
haha :)
Thanks for the support, guys!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 23

I didn't move. I didn't breathe. I didn't do anything – not even when the house
phone started ringing, not even when my phone buzzed in my hand.

Evan kissed me...

Well technically, I’d kissed him first, but then he kissed me, and for the raw
passion he showed throughout the kiss he definitely enjoyed it. I stared at my
opened front door in silence. I could see my front garden; the vanishing sunlight
was brushing the dead flowers softly. I smiled like fool, a wave of happiness and
relief washing over me.

Happiness because I’d just had the best kiss of my entire life and relief because
Evan didn't reject me, which was my worst fear. I brought a hand to my mouth and I
swear I could still feel his soft lips against mine. I never thought a kiss could
me make feel so many things. I had been kissed before but never felt this way about
it. Actually, my past attempts of dates never really went for the whole French kiss
thing. Evan, on the other hand... well, the guy was an expert on the French kiss
area; if he hadn't broken the kiss I could have easily spent the rest of my life
with my face glued to his. However, I doubted that could happen since Evan was
nowhere to be seen. Realization came down on me like a bucket filled with ice-

Evan left.
He'd gone.
He walked away.

I'd never been so confused about my emotions. I was happy a second ago but suddenly
now sadness was taking over me even though a part of me was still squealing
excitedly about the kiss.

Such a bittersweet moment...

The wind slammed my door closed in a very violent move making me jump awake. I'd
been in some sort of trance.

The house phone was ringing. I snapped my head towards it.

What if it was Evan? Was he calling me to apologize for leaving like that? That
didn't sound like something he would do, but I still hoped that was what he was
going to do.

Grasping some courage, I answered the phone.

"Ugh, hello?" I had a hard time finding my voice.

"Jules!" My mother's voice exclaimed into my ear. Relief and disappointment filled
me. God, I really needed to stop these contradictory emotions in me.
"Hi, Mom."

"Where were you? I've been calling for a while now." Her tone was demanding.
Feeling like a thief caught in the act, I swallowed a lump in throat.

"I was..."

Making out with my ultimate crush in our living room.

Yeah, like I would say that. I needed to come up with a lie, which knowing me
wouldn't turn out any good.

"I was..." I trailed off again.

Don't say anything stupid! Don't say anything stupid!

"I was... Eating?" I finished uncertainly.

Phew! That wasn't so bad.

"Eating?" Mom repeated incredulously. "Eating what?"

"Nuts," I said stupidly.

And you ruined it, idiot!

"You don't like nuts," my mother reminded me "What's going on, Julie? Is everything

"Everything is absolutely, definitely, perfectly fine," I replied in a rush.

Oh verbal diarrhea! Thank you, brain.

"Did you just use three adverbs in one sentence?" Mom seemed to be getting more and
more suspicious.

"Yeah, I... It's an exercise... My English homework actually. You know adverbs,
verbs, adjectives, kiss." I quickly snapped my mouth shut.

"Kiss? Julia Ann Jones, what the hell is going on?"

"He, I... There was a kiss in a book we're reading in class so yeah," I explained,
laughing nervously.

I suck at lying! My God!

"I'm going home," Mom informed, sounding angry.

"No, Mom, I swear everything is fine!"

"Sweetie, I'm your mother. I know you, not to mention you are a terrible liar. You
got that from your father." There was a silence. It was the first time that Mom had
mentioned him in a while. She seemed to realize that too because she didn't say
anything else.

"You don't need to come home. You have patients to take care of, and I'm fine, Mom.
Trust me."

"Just promise me you'll explain everything to me tomorrow, alright?" She didn't

sound angry anymore. She sounded worried.

"I promise," I stated in a defeated tone. There was no point in continuing this
futile attempt to lie.

"Alright, I'll check on you every two hours. Lock the doors and-"

"All the windows," I finished for her. I was used to being alone in my house. Mom's
job forced me to get used to it. Somehow, that made me more independent and mature
in some aspects. Mom hung up after making some comments about behaving and being a
responsible daughter. I couldn't blame her, she knew I'd been lying and she still
let it pass... until tomorrow, that is. I shuddered thinking of her interrogatory.

I let myself fall on the armrest of the couch and blew a strand of hair out of my

What a long day! I looked down at my phone where a few mails from Wattpad were
waiting, but none of them said anything about dark_poet001.

Should I text him? But what was I going to say?

'Hey, I was wondering why you ran away after we shared that awesome mind-blowing

Nah, that was not happening. I’d run out of bravery for the day. I needed to talk
to someone. Needing a friend, I scrolled down my mobile messenger contacts. I knew
I would find Laura online.

Me: Where are u?

LauIsASexybeast: Jordan's place. Why?
Me: I need to talk to you. Can you come over?
LauIsASexybeast: Something wrong?
Me: No, but I need someone to talk with. It's cool if you can't come though.
LauIsASexyBeast: I'm coming. Don't do anything stupid.
Me: Anything stupid?
LauIsASexyBeast: Yeah, like killing yourself or throwing away your awesome purple
Me: You're crazy.
LauIsASexyBeast: Haha I'll be there soon.
Me: Ok.

I threw my phone on the couch and got to my feet. I needed a glass of water. The
turmoil of emotions inside me had been overwhelming. I was heading towards the
kitchen when-

"Mi corazon esta abierto, lo tengo que cerrar, me importas tanto. Eres mi
debilidad." I stopped on my tracks frowning at the song echoing behind me "Mis
heridas me recuerdan, que el pasado es real."

What the hell? Was that my phone? Was that a song... in Spanish? Why on Earth...

Ask questions later! Answer the phone!

Slowly, I went to pick up my phone. I scowled at the ID:

Jason rocks :D

"What the hell, Jason?" I answered, totally confused. "Your ringtone-"

"Is a song in Spanish," he interrupted me and chuckled. "That's a pretty good

Okay, so everyone seemed to feel right with changing their ringtone in my phone
without my permission. Great!

"When did you-"

"Jules, listen.” Jason cut me off. “What did you say to Helen?"

"What are you talking about?" I frowned.

"Well, she didn't give me my dose of sex today." I rolled my eyes at his remark.

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"Because after getting off my car, she said, and I quote, 'Go ask Jules for it.
I'll bet she'll be more than happy to please you.’
My jaw dropped to the floor. "What?"

"Great, now you're deaf. I won't repeat the whole thing."

"No, I heard you. I just... What would she... I didn't say anything. I met her at
the parking lot but we barely talked."

"You sure? She seems pretty sure you and I have a passionate hidden best friends'

"Best friends' affair, seriously, Jason?" I wanted to slap him through the phone.
He chuckled.

"Can't deny I'm creative, huh?"

"You're an idiot."

"You still love me so that makes you idioter than me."

"Idioter? That's not even a word!"

"But it sounds cool, doesn't it?" I face-palmed myself. Maybe the wild sex was
killing my best friend's brain cells in a slow but steady process "Your Mom is on
duty, right?" He asked, dragging me back to reality.


"I'm coming over so we can talk better about this,"

"Alright, see you soon." I hung up, feeling confused.

Why would Helen say that? Was she jealous? That was a good sign; it

meant she cared for Jason.

After eating two bags of Ruffles, drinking coca-cola and locking all my windows, I
finally heard a car's engine outside the house. Finally! It took them long enough.

"Jules?" I heard Lau's voice and then some knocking on my door.

"Coming!" I shouted, throwing the empty Ruffles' bags in the trash can. I opened
the door to see a grinning Laura. God, Jordan was definitely making this girl

"Hey, twin.” She kissed my cheek and walked inside. We sat down on the big couch in
Indian style facing each other. "I have something to tell you, too," Lau stated
with a flustered face. "But you go first." I let out a sigh before telling her the
entire story, from the tempting ride to the passionate kiss.

"Oh my God!" Lau squealed excitedly. "You kissed him! I can't believe it! No
offense, but I never thought you'd get the courage to do it!" Lau clapped her
hands. "How was it? Did you like it? How long did it last? Did he use his tongue?"

"Whoa! Slow down, woman!"

"Oh come on! Tell me! I want every juicy detail!"

"It was amazing." I looked at nothing in particular as I spoke. "It was the best
kiss I've ever had-not that I've had many- but yeah." I closed my eyes remembering
the kiss; a smile crept to my lips. "There was so much passion..." I opened my eyes
slowly, but my smile vanished when I remembered he'd left. "But then he left," I
added sadly.

"Maybe he was shocked or something," Lau said, holding her chin as if she was deep
in thought. "You probably caught him off guard. I mean, everyone knows you're a
chicken." I glared at her. "Don't look at me like that. It's true. So, your sudden
act of bravery must've have shocked him."

"You think so?"

"It's just a possibility. Men are kind of hard to read," Lau confirmed.

"You think we should ask Jason about it?"

"Sure, it'll be good to see this from a man's point of view." Lau shrugged her

We chatted some more about the kiss. Let me tell you something, Lau was a sucker
for details.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. Lau blushed and looked down. "Lau?"

"Well, I..."

"You...?" I stared at her.

"Jordan and I were making out on his couch and he…" she paused, "Well,
wekindofgottosecondbase." She rushed her words making it almost impossible for me
to understand her. Key word here: almost. She was my best friend; I was more than
used to understanding her rushed sentences.

"You did what?!" I jumped on the couch bewildered. "Wait... Second base is..." I
gestured towards the boob's area. Lau nodded. Oh God! I was the one asking for
every single detail now. Seemed like Lau was not the only sucker for details today.

We spent the night talking about everything. We prepared some hot chocolate and
decide to watch some thriller film. We were half-way the movie when my phone buzzed
in my pants. I checked it desperately but it was only a text from Jason.

Jason rocks :D
Sorry! Can't come over! Helen changed her mind :D

I rolled my eyes and typed a reply:

Good for you. Have fun.

"Who is it?" Lau asked as she sipped on her chocolate. "Is it him?" I knew she
referred to Evan. I shook my head sadly.

"Nope, it's Jason. He's not coming. Apparently, Helen is not angry anymore,” I

"Seems like Jay-Jay is getting laid tonight," Lau snickered.

"He hates than nickname, you know," I commented.

"That's the point." Lau grinned at me. Lau and Jason got along in a very weird way.
Some days they couldn't stand each other and then there were these days when they
acted like good friends. I guess they just had those types of personalities that
collide once in a while. I stared at my phone intently. I was dying to text Evan.
Lau had distracted me a lot but he was still present in my mind most of the time.

"Why don't you text him?" Lau seemed to be reading my mind, not literally of
course, that'd be pretty weird.

"I don't know. What am I going to say?"

"Anything, just talk to him," she encouraged.

"He left. He should be the one texting me, he owes me an explanation."

"You know how he acts. Do you

honestly believe he's going to text you?"

"No," I sighed.

"Then you go ahead, don't waste your time waiting for something that will never

Listening to my best friend, I started typing a text. After hesitating, deleting

words, writing again, deleting and finally writing a final text I sent it:


Yeah, don't judge me. I just needed to know if he was going to talk to me before
texting anything more serious. When my phone notified there was a new text from
Evan. I hesitated to read it. My poor heart was beating so fast I thought it would
come out of my throat. I touched the screen to open the text:

From: Evan <3


Really? Hey? That was all he could say?

You texted him 'Hi' what were you expecting?

My inner voice snapped at me. I looked up to check on Lau. She seemed to be

swallowed by the movie because her eyes were focused on the TV – and she wasn't
even blinking. I bit my lower lip as I typed a reply to Evan:

We need to talk.

I waited for his reply but it never came so I texted him again,

Are you there?

No reply, it was obvious he was avoiding the talk. Sighing in frustration, I looked
at the TV trying to catch up with the movie, checking my phone each two minutes.
Evan never replied.

Lau and I watched some other films and then we talked about everything. It'd been a
while since we’d a moment for ourselves, so time flew by as we spoke. Lau was
telling something about her dancing class when my eyes landed on the window next to
my front door. My eyes widened in shock.

"Oh My god!" I exclaimed, jumping out of the couch. I stared at the sunlight
streaming through the window.

"What?" Lau stood up and frowned at me.

"It's the sun!" I exclaimed freaking out. Lau's frown turned bigger.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it? Are we role playing the vampire movie we watched a few
hours ago?" She asked amusedly. I glared at her.

"Very funny but no," I said, picking up the empty bags of Ruffles, Doritos,
chocolate bars, coca-cola cans and so on. "Mom's duty ends at 6:00 am so that means
she's-" I was interrupted by the sound of an engine outside the house. "Oh shit!
She's here!" I threw everything in the trash can and held Lau's hand to pull her
upstairs "Run!" I hissed.

When we were lying on my bed hidden under the sheets, Lau took the opportunity to
make questions.

"What's going on?" She whispered secretively.

"If Mom finds out we stayed up all night, she'll kill us, but not before giving us
the entire sleeping habits speech." Lau made an O with her mouth in realization.

"Did you turn off the TV?" She asked worriedly. I panicked.


"Then-" I covered her mouth when I heard footsteps in the hallway.

"Shhh! Pretend to be asleep!" I ordered but as soon as I closed my eyes I didn't

need to pretend anything because I quickly fell in dreamland.



I was dragged out of sleep by an incessant poking on my forehead. As my senses were

waking up, I started hearing voices around me.
"Leave her alone!" Lau's voice sounded irritated.

"No, she's been sleeping all day." Was that Shane?

"Stop poking her!" The poking stopped.

"We're going to be late because of her!"

"She needs to rest," Lau stated.

I opened my eyes slowly. The first thing I saw were a pair of beautiful hazel eyes
staring at me – Shane’s eyes. He was too close for my liking so I pushed him away.

"Sleeping beauty is back," Shane joked, grinning at me. "How was the hibernation?"
I ignored him and sat up.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled with a sleepy voice.

"We were waiting for you to wake up. It's been a few hours." Shane folded his arms
across his chest. I was about to ask him why when my eyes landed on my window.
There was a big full moon on the sky.

"Oh God! The moon!" I cried in shock.

"Yeah, you're going to turn into a werewolf now?" Shane joked. Lau punched his

"Get out," she said, pushing him towards the door.

"Oh God! I did sleep all day! It's night already?" I asked Lau when Shane left us

"Yeah, you better hurry."

"Why? And what is Shane doing here?"

"He came with Jordan. We're going to Helen's birthday party,"

"Woah woah, what? I'm not going!" Lau grinned at me.

"Evan's probably going to be there," she urged, wiggling her eyebrows.

"We are so going!" I said, running towards the bathroom.


As soon as we parked in front of Helen's house, I grew nervous and insecure. This
didn't seem like a good idea anymore. I mean, Helen didn't really like me so
showing up at her birthday party wasn't the brightest idea.

Oh Evan... The things I do for you... I thought sadly. I got off the car and
followed Laura. For the first time in a while, I could say I looked good. I was
wearing a blue dress that matched my eyes. Laura had straightened my hair making it
curly at the ends. She also did my make-up. That girl could do miracles. Shane and
Jordan joined us at the front door.

After getting inside the house, I was growing more and more nervous. There were
people everywhere. The music was really loud. How was I supposed to find Evan in
this mess? It was like looking for my missing pencil in my room, a total lost
cause, I never found it by the way. Jordan and Lau informed me that they were going
to look for some drinks, so I was left alone with Jerkpid. I turned around to ask
him something but found an empty space.

Of course he would leave me alone here. Smooth, Shane, real smooth. I scanned the
crowd warily. Some people were dancing, others were drinking but most of them were
doing both things.

Reaching the living room, I rested my side against the wall. I was starting to
regret coming here. However, that feeling went away as soon as my eyes landed on


My stomach did a major back flip. He was sitting on the armrest of the couch,
dressed in all black as usual. I was frozen in my spot. He seemed to be talking to
someone. I looked at the person standing in front of him and my mouth hung opened.


Melissa was talking to him, smiling and punching his shoulder playfully. They
seemed to be very comfortable around each other. Were they friends? Evan was
smiling at her and I felt a shot of jealousy crossing me. So this is what he was
doing while I was dying in my house waiting for his reply to my text. He looked
careless. There was no sign of apprehension on his face. I crossed my fingers for
Melissa to go away. It seemed to work because she whispered something in his ear
and disappeared in the hallway.

You can do this.

I squeezed my sweaty hands and tried to ease my pumping heart. I crept over to him.
He hadn't seen me since he was looking to the opposite side of the room. I touched
his shoulder getting his attention. His deep-black eyes met my blue ones and I felt
like they were piercing through my soul. He looked surprised, and his smile
instantly vanished.

"Hey," I greeted shyly.

"Hey," he greeted in the same tone. I barely caught his words through the loud
I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I
leaned back not before sensing his fragrant cologne. He smelled so good. Evan
nodded and stood up. He led me through the crowd until we crossed some Victorian
doors and entered the lonely peaceful garden. He stopped walking, not even looking
at me.

"What?" He asked coldly, shoving his hands inside his pockets.

I bit my lower lip. "Why are you ignoring my texts?" I asked straightforwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He ignored my question.

"I came to see you." There was no need to lie. "We need to talk."

"No, we don't," he retorted harshly.

"Could you at least look at me?" I demanded, growing upset. Reluctantly, Evan
turned to me.
"What do you want from me?" he sighed.

"I want answers, Evan. You can't expect me to act as if nothing happened."

"Nothing happened." His words hurt.

"You regret kissing me, don't you?" I confirmed. I was on the verge of tears.
Evan's cold expression broke for a moment and I thought he would kiss me and make
me forget everything.

"Yes," he answered, averting his gaze."It was a mistake." I swear I could hear my
heart shattering into a millions pieces.

"Oh." I took a step backwards. Two thick tears escaped my eyes. I wiped them away
quickly, and Evan’s expression softened when we locked eyes.

"Don't cry," he whispered, trying to reach me. I took another step backwards.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at him angrily. He seemed surprised by my outburst. "You
are a jerk! You played with my feelings so carelessly!" My voice broke.

"Jules, I-"

"Don't! I've tried over and over again to get you to open up to me. I tried to help
you even when all you've done is to push me away. I..."

"Jules, It’s-"

"I've been so stupid," I stammered. Tears rolled down my cheeks freely. "I've been
such idiot for thinking you actually cared for me." I wiped my tears away angrily.
"Why would you? I'm just some girl you met on the internet." My sight was blurred
with surfacing tears. Evan tried to reach for me again but I slapped his hand.

"I never meant to hurt you," he assured.

"But you did," I said sadly. "Don't worry. I'll be okay. I will please you, Evan. I
will leave you alone. I'm so done here." I turned on my feet and started running

"Jules! Wait!" I heard him scream from behind me, but I ignored him. Tears flew
from my face with the wind as I ran out of that house.

I've been so stupid.

God, this hurt so much. I ran down the sidewalk until I couldn't breathe and had to
stop. I was sobbing uncontrollably, and I was sure my mascara and eyeliner were
rolling down with my tears, turning them into a darker shade, but I didn't care. My
chest felt so empty; it was the most painful sensation I'd ever felt in my entire


So this was what it felt like to be heartbroken. Let me tell you, it's really
When I thought things couldn't get any worse, it started to drizzle. Oh Great! Now
I was going to freeze to death. The drizzle turned into heavy rain getting me damp
in a matter of seconds. I reached the town's square and sat down on one of the
What was wrong with me? How did I end up feeling this strong towards a person I met
on the internet? Is it possible to fall for someone over written words? I was proof
that it actually was. I’d just felt this strong connection between Evan and me
since the day we'd started talking. I just felt as if we complemented each other. I
rubbed my wet face, shivering slightly. I caught some movement from the corner of
my eye and snapped my head towards that direction. My heart skipped a beat.

Evan was standing there a few meters from me completely damp. His wet hair was
sticking to his forehead and ears. His chest was moving up and down as if he was
breathing heavily. I got on my feet surprised.

What was he doing here?

He walked to me slowly, our gazes locked. Rain was dripping from his nose and chin.
When he was standing right in front of me, his hands held my face.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine. I didn't know what to
say. I had to tilt my head back to look right into his eyes since he was taller
than me. Rain was falling on us relentlessly but I didn't care. Words were
unnecessary, I could see everything in his eyes; they were filled with so much
regret and need. I cupped his wet cheek and he closed his eyes pressing his face
against my hand.

Then, he leaned closer and pressed his wet lips against mine gently. Volts of
electricity ran through my entire body. The sensation was so good that I felt my
knees go weak. He started moving his lips on mine slowly as if he wanted to savor
me. I eagerly kissed him back with all I had. Below us, my feet felt like they were
slowly liquefying in my shoes. Evan gripped my face tightly as he deepened the
kiss, sliding his tongue inside my mouth. He tasted so good, and it felt so right
to kiss him. His long fingers tangled through my hair and the kiss turned into a
passionate one in a matter of seconds. It seemed like we couldn't get enough from
each other. Evan's hands left my face and went down my arms until he finally
wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. Our bodies were pressed
together, so that I could feel the warmth radiate from his skin beneath his
clothes. The sweet smell of his cologne caught my nose, and I lost myself in his
aromatic scent. Our breaths were becoming heavy as the kiss became more and more
intense. Evan bit my lower lip softly, stealing a soft sigh from me. He definitely
knew what he was doing.

And there, under the rain, I realized I was kissing Evan like there was no
tomorrow. Hell, I was kissing him like we were going to die right after that kiss.

There was no point in denying facts. I was not only crazy about him.

But I was falling for him, falling hard.


Long chapter! So, I'm officially entering this story in the Watty awards under the
Teen fiction category. As you know, that is a very populated category so each vote
and comment you can give me will mean the world to me! I hope you enjoyed the

Love and strawberries (I'm eating them right now)

Arix :D
Chapter 24 >>

Dedicated to Aishwarya for winning the banner contest! You did a great job, girl.
You shall become part of my awesome wattpad friends group (You’ll get free colorful
fruits ;) and thanks to everyone who participated! You guys made some awesome

Also, thanks to ZackRock for editing this chapter and to ForeverNAlwaysILY for
making the awesome trailer to the right >>>>

Watch the trailer now!



~ You say you wanted more ~ what are you waiting for? ~ I’m not running from you. ~

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 24

I was lost in Evan’s addicting lips. If I’d know kissing him would be this good, I
would’ve have done it before. Our breaths were heavy as if we’d just run a
marathon. I got on my tiptoes to wrap my long arms around his neck, and I could
feel the rapid fall and rise of his chest against mine. Cold rain was dousing us
from head to toe but I actually felt warm in his arms. I wanted to stay like this
forever. I didn’t want anything to ruin this perfect moment. Unfortunately for me,
we were humans and we needed to breathe.

I was feeling light-headed already.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from him to take a deep breath in. I didn’t open my
eyes, but pressed my forehead against his. My heart was pumping blood fast through
my veins, making me feel invigorated. My entire body was throbbing, not to mention
the rebel dragons fluttering in my stomach. Evan’s ragged breath was fanning my

“I can’t,” he murmured, so low that I’d barely heard him through the heavy rain.

“What?” I opened my eyes slowly.

His expression was blank, and there was no trace of the regret and need I’d seen
on his face before the kiss. He grabbed my wrists to remove my hands from his neck
and took a step backwards, breaking all contact between us. Instantly, my body felt
cold without his touch. I stared at him confused.

He ran his fingers through his wet hair and rolled his lower lip into his mouth
before speaking, “I’m sorry.” Pure regret flooded from his mouth.

“W-What?” I spluttered, confused. I tried to reach him but he stepped backwards. My

chest tightened. “Evan?” It was then I noticed his tensed shoulders and defensive
pose. There was something wrong here.

“Ah, shit!” he exclaimed, turning around holding his head.

“Evan, what’s wrong?” I asked bewildered. I thought everything was more than fine,
I thought that kiss was a good sign – that he would finally open up to me.
Apparently, I thought wrong. Evan turned to me once again, determination plastered
on his face.

“I can’t do this,” he said coldly. “And I won’t.”

I felt pain at the tip of my stomach.

“What are you talking about?” I was afraid of the answer to that question.

Evan averted his gaze. “I don’t want to see you again,” he said harshly. Was I
hearing him right? Tears formed in my eyes, blurring my sight.

“What? How can you say that after kissing me like that?” I was beyond hurt. “Is
this some sort of game for you?” My voice broke and I faltered near the end.

Evan’s lips pressed together in a tight line. “I told you I could only offer you
my friendship,” he retorted.
“Friendship?” I mimicked, dazed and shocked. I hoped Evan couldn’t see my tears in
the rain. Not someone like him. “You kissed me just a few minutes ago. We both know
this is… more than a friendship, Evan. Friends don’t kiss each other like that.”

He didn’t say anything.

Sadness washed over me – strong sadness, like a tsunami. This was what it felt like
to get your heart broken. It was painful to have an amazing moment with him and
then hear him say he didn’t want to see me anymore. It was like falling off a high
cloud to crash into a cold hard surface.

“Why did you come here? Why did you kiss me?” I demanded, indignation swirling in
the pit of my stomach.

“I did it on the spur of the moment, I’m sorry for leading you on like that,” he

I felt like thousands needles were piercing through my heart, cutting and leaving
permanent wounds on it. “See it as a farewell kiss.” He tried to smirk but his
futile attempt barely got to a sad smile.

My face heated up in anger and I walked to him. I wasn’t thinking. I brought my

hand to his face and slapped him, hard. The sound of my palm crashing into his
cheek echoed through the rainy square. Evan didn’t seem surprise when he turned his
face back at me. He rubbed his growing red cheek.

“I deserved that,” he stated calmly.

I’d never been this angry in my life before. I’d never felt so disappointed, so

“You are such a jerk! How could you play with my feelings like that? How could
you-“ I broke off, taking a shaky breath. My entire body was shaking in anger.

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” he tried to explain; his tone was less
cold for a moment. My lower lip quivered.

Don’t cry!
I needed strength to yell at him, there was no need to hold back my feelings
anymore. There was no need to be careful about whatever I said to him. I had
nothing left to lose.

“I know you’ve had a difficult life but that doesn’t give you the right to go
around hurting people like this.” By this point I was yelling at him.

“I warned you!” He rose his tone as well. “I told you I was not good… but you
didn’t listen.”

“Because I cared for you!” I blurted out. Evan’s eyes widened, his jaw clenched. I
couldn’t take it back so I continued.

“I wanted to help you.”

“I don’t need your help or your pity!”

“Is this what this is about? You think I pity you?” Evan opened his mouth to say
something but shut it quickly. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

“You should probably go back to the house before you get sick.” He rubbed his hand
over his face and let out a long sigh.

“Why are you doing this, Evan? Why do you keep pushing me away?” My voice was
filled with longing and hurt. He didn’t say anything; he just stared at me in
silence. His lips looked so red due to our recent make-out session. For a moment, I
could only hear the rain falling on us. We locked gazes, his cold façade seemed to
crack for a millisecond and I was able to see pain behind it. The deep pool of his
dark eyes seemed to be endless. I wished I could know what was going through his
head at that mere instant. The sadness reflecting in his eyes eased my anger a
little, but it was still there, palpitating like a sleeping volcano. Trying to
understand him when his actions were absolutely contradictory was so frustrating.
Was this a game for him?

“Go back to the house,” he said in a whisper. I squeezed my wet hands regaining my
“So this is it?” I asked the obvious. Evan nodded.

My heart sank in my chest. His careless attitude was hurting me and angering so
much at the same time. I wanted to yell at him, to insult him for playing with my
emotions like that. But I knew that if I spoke, my voice would crack. I was so
close to start sobbing like a baby. I wouldn’t take the chance to let him see me
like that. I still had my dignity and pride, which was all I’d had left after the
events of this night.

I, Julie Ann Jones, turned on my feet and started walking away from him. It was the
hardest thing I’d done in my life. It was even harder than watching my pet died
when I was five. My heart ached; I could feel an empty hole in it.

Mrs. Strawberry…

I swallowed the lump in throat. I remembered all those nights I stayed up late
chatting with him, sharing random thoughts about anything that’d come to mind. I’d
always felt so comfortable when I talked to him, and I felt like I could tell him
everything because he wouldn’t judge me and he never did. I trusted him. I would
definitely miss those random chats with him. He was my friend, he was my crush. He
was many things to me, I had no idea how he got to be so important to me but the
truth was, he was a part of my life now.

Falling for someone over the internet sounded wrong and weird in so many levels.
How can you get attached to a person without seeing his face? I probably knew the
reason for it. When you are chatting with someone, you don’t have to worry about
those barriers that exist in the real world. You don’t have to worry about looks;
you don’t have to pretend to be something else. You can be you without fear of
being rejected; you can share things you haven’t even told your best friend. Why?
Because the person at the other side of the chat is looking for the same thing as
you. That person wants to be listened to as much as you do. If what matters is what
we truly are inside, then the internet can be a media to share that. When we are
chatting, we’re letting our true selves come to the surface, because that’s all
you’ve got when you can only express yourself through words. There are no masks, no
need of lying, there’s only you and that unknown person at the other side.

A thunderclap snapped me back to reality. I was already walking down the sidewalk,
sniffing and hugging myself. I was going to the opposite direction of the party. I
really didn’t want to go back there. I passed Lau’s, Jordan’s and Shane’s houses
but I knew they weren’t there. They were at the party.

Absent-minded, I headed towards the house at the end of the street. I was shivering
from the cold; this was not good for my past flu. I crossed a very familiar garden
filled with lilies and faced a wooden door. I knocked on it with shaking hands. I
knew my lips were purple by this point. The house was quiet. What if there was no
one home? As if reply, the front door swung opened. Jason stood there wearing blue
shorts. His torso was naked. His hair was mess; each strand was pointing a
different direction. He looked as he just woke up…

“Jules?” he yawned, rubbing his left eye lazily. “What the hell?” He dropped his
hand while taking in my appearance. I wanted to say something but my words drowned
in my throat and I only managed to let out a shaky breath. Without hesitation, I
hugged him. His bare chest and arms felt so hot against my wet skin. He smelled
like honey soap.

“I-I-I-” I stuttered, shaking, burying my face in his neck.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he cooed softly, caressing the back of my head “It’s alright.” He
pulled away and held my face. “What happened?”

“I… I…” my voice kept cracking making it impossible for me to explain it to him.
Jason caressed my cheek gently.

“Come on, let’s get you some warm clothes.” He passed an arm over my shoulder and
led me to his room. When we entered it, it was a mess as usual. There were clothes
all over the floor, his bed was unmade. Jason gave me one of his t-shirts and a
pair of shorts. They were too big for me but they were better than my damp dress. I
changed in the bathroom quickly, then I got back to an empty room, drying my hair
with a towel. I had no idea where Jason had gone. After sitting on the warm bed, I
rubbed my face feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.


The only thought of him made my heart ache so I pushed it away. Jason came back
holding two cups of some hot beverage. I could see the smoke floating out of them.
He had changed his shorts as well, yeah; I probably got him damp when I hugged him.
He kicked the door closed and grinned at me.

“I made some hot chocolate for you, milady,” he stated in a royal manner, bowing
like a servant. I couldn’t stop the smile that crept to my lips.

“Your British accent sucks big day,” I teased, grasping the cup from him. Jason
gasped in mock shock.

“How can you say that, milady? I’m a much respected Lord in these lands.”
I chuckled blowing some fresh air on my hot chocolate. That was what I really loved
from Jason. He could make me smile even in the worst situations. He was a cheerful
guy; no matter the circumstances he could always bring a smile to my lips. Jason
sat abruptly on the bed causing it to quaver. I almost spilled my chocolate.

“Jason!” I whined, holding the cup tightly.

“Sorry,” he mumbled next to me. We were so close our arms were touching. There was
a moment of silence; I knew he was waiting for me to tell him everything. I
appreciated he was giving me my time to do it. Letting out a long sigh, I grasped
some strength and proceeded to tell him the entire story. Jason listened to me very
carefully; his green eyes never left mine, not even when he took a sip of his hot

By the time I was done, we both had finished our beverages and placed the cups on
the night table. I pulled my feet inside the bed to sit Indian style and turned
slightly to face my best friend. Jason mirrored me and we were soon staring at each
other in silence for a while.

“Alright, you’re supposed to say something now,” I said nervously. Jason was too
serious and I didn’t like that.

“Jason?” I pushed, not liking his seriousness.

“You do realize he’s two years older than you?” he asked after a while.

“Yeah. So?” I didn’t know where this was going.

“And you’re okay with that?” he questioned skeptically.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

Jason poked my forehead, “Because it’s illegal, dumbass. You’re underage.” I opened
my mouth forming a ‘O’. “Eighteen is the age of consent here. If you and him have
romantic physical contact, he could go to jail.” I was too shocked to say
something. How had I forgotten about that? It hadn’t even crossed my mind. I wasn’t
really updated with my state’s laws.

Was that why Evan keep pushing me away?

A wave of hope crossed me. That would make a lot of sense.


“Is kissing considered a romantic physical contact?” That was the stupidest
question that I’d ever wondered aloud.

Jason rolled his eyes. “Of course.” He poked my forehead again. “You seem
surprised,” he scowled at me. “Didn’t you know this?”

“Not really,” I admitted, lowering my head. “Wow, this is the first time you’re
actually being smarter than me.”

Jason snickered. “I have my moments.” I looked up at him and gave him a genuine

“You think that’s the reason he keeps pushing me away?” I asked hopefully. Jason

“I don’t know. It could be. He sounds like a troubled dude though, he could have
other reasons.” I rubbed my face, frustrated. I was tired of thinking, and my
throbbing head wasn’t helping. “Hey.” Jason cupped my cheek. “Everything is going
to be okay. I promise,” he reassured. I nodded, staring at him intently. Jason
looked so cute with his bed hair. I ruffled it playfully.

“I know, silly boy.” I grinned at him.

“Silly boy?” he cocked an eyebrow. “I thought I was being smarter than you
tonight.” he smiled smugly.
“The moment’s gone, loser.” I stuck my tongue out at him. Jason narrowed his eyes
at me but then a wolfish grin formed on his lips.

“Is that so?” His green eyes glowed with amusement. I knew what this meant…:

Tickling war!

I tried to jump out of the bed but he caught me by my waist and pushed me back on
it. “No!” I screamed, struggling to get free. He crawled on top of me to straddle

“You’re going down!” he exclaimed dramatically and started pinching my waist over
and over again.

“No!” I laughed uncontrollably. He kept tickling me non-stop. I was laughing so

hard my stomach began to hurt.

“Can’t… breathe,” I managed to say, tears of laughter rolling down the sides of my

“Say I’m smarter than you.”

“No!” I refused, out of breath.

“Say it!” he moved his hands faster on my waist. I was going to die of laughter if
I didn’t stop him. I raised my hand and grasped a fist of his hair to pull at it. I
flipped him over and now it was me straddling him. I grinned triumphantly, tickling
his neck. That was his weak spot. Jason laughed beneath me, trying to get me off

“Get off, you evil girl!” He was becoming red from laughing so much. He managed to
grab my wrists and stop me. We were both breathing heavily from all the effort.
Jason looked into my eyes panting “Let’s call it a draw, okay?” he gambled.

“I believe I won.” I couldn’t remove the huge grin from my face. Jason’s expression
“Fine.” He let go of my wrists “I’ll give you this one, only because I like making
you smile like that.” He pinched my nose, and I chuckled “Now, can you get off me?
I can’t feel my legs,” he added, faking a pained expression. I shook my head and
rolled off him to lie on my back.

“Can I use your phone?” I asked, staring at the white ceiling.

“That depends.”

“Depends on what?” I moved my head aside to look at him.

“It depends on who you’re going to call.” I furrowed my eyebrows at his response.

“Laura,” I said.

Jason handed me his Blackberry. It wasn’t a surprise I knew Lau’s number by heart.
It rang a few times before she answered.

“Hello!” she exclaimed excitedly. I could hear the party’s music at the background.


“Jules?” she seemed surprised “Where are you? Why are you calling me from…” she
made a pause, I could picture her taking a look at the ID on her phone’s screen.
“Jason’s phone?”

“Because you have mine,” I reminded her, rolling my eyes. I’d given Laura my phone
when we left the house since the dress I’d chosen to wear didn’t have any pockets

“Right, where are you?”

“I’m at Jason’s house. Can you give me a ride home?” I bit my lower lip waiting for
her answer.
“Oh, I’m not sure I can drive. I had a couple drinks. I thought you were staying
over my house.” She sounded confused “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, I just want to go home.” I tried to sound as cool as possible.


“I’m not feeling well,” I pressed. I really didn’t want to ruin her night. Lau
deserved to have some fun; I could tell her my sad story in the morning.

“Hold on…” I heard some voices at the background, they seemed to be talking about
me “Hey, Shane says he can give you a ride.” I frowned.

“Really?” I didn’t bother hiding the surprise in my voice.

“Yeah, he’ll be there soon.”

“Okay, have fun.”

“You sure you’re okay?” Lau pressed, concern evident in her tone.

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“Okay, call me when you get home. I’ll give your phone to Shane so you can get it

“Sounds good.” Realization hit me “No no, wait.” Lau had already hung up.

Shane was going to have my phone…

My phone…
That little device was like an electronic diary. Everything was saved there; my
Wattpad account was open. Every single one of Evan’s text was there.

Oh no…

Shane had not only read my actual diary, now he was going to have access to my
electronic diary as well.

Great, this is just great!

My night just got a worse if that was even possible. I growled in frustration. Even
though I wasn’t a fan of Jerkpid, I appreciated his offer.

“What’s wrong?”Jason asked, sitting in front of his computer’s desk.

“Nothing,” I mumbled. I knew Jason could’ve given me a ride if his car wasn’t at
the workshop. Bored, I looked at my shirtless best-friend. He seemed to be focused
on the computer’s screen. I narrowed my eyes when I spotted a very familiar orange
label there “What are you doing?” I walked to be right behind him. My jaw dropped
to the floor “You’re on Wattpad?”

Jason laughed nervously. “Yeah, you kept talking about it. I was curious. Turns out
it’s pretty cool,” he admitted.

I punched his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you. What’s your username?” he asked, typing on the search


“No way!” he exclaimed in disbelief.

“Mine’s JasonRocks.” We both laughed at our obvious lack of creativity.

“High five, bestie,” I said, raised my hand and grinning like an idiot. After high-
fiving three times, I watched in silence whilst Jason was scrolling down my page

“Wow, you have a lot fans.”

“Yeah, they’re awesome.”

“What’s Evan’s username?” Jason opened the search box again. I hesitated to say it.
I didn’t know if I wanted to check his profile after what happened. What if he was
flirting with that girl again? I wasn’t sure I could bear with it right now.
Letting out a long sigh, I told Jason the username. As soon as the browser showed
up his profile, my eyes landed on his recent status.

It was 11 minutes ago:

If you only knew…

I felt something warm at the tip of my stomach. Why did I feel like that status had
something to with me? My gaze dropped to his profile info. He’d changed it. It
wasn’t empty anymore. It had sort of a short poem there.

Red lips like petals of the passion flower,

That part to breathe the honeyed breath of love.
Those lips that my lips gladly would devour,
whose honey I would taste again thereof.

I couldn’t help feeling touched by his words. I wasn’t sure he was talking about me
but it still made my heart beat faster. Even though he’d hurt me many times, I
still had feelings for that jerk. I still felt the need to comfort him.

I still got warm inside reading his words.

After all, he was my one and only Wattpad crush.


A/N: Yoho! :D Hope you enjoyed the chapter! There were no cliffhangers so you can't
throw anything at me, alright?

Thank you guys for the awesome support! We are all together in this ship going to
the Watty awards, I'm sure we won't let it sink :D

To the infinity and beyond!

Yeah, yeah I don't really have creative words of encouragement xD



Chapter 25 >>

Oi Oi! Everyone! I have a surprise for you! (I love surprises) This chapter will be
in Shane's P.O.V to refresh the story a little.


Shane's Pic to the side >>>




Chapter 25

Shane's P.O.V

"Oh Shane!" the brunette in front of me moaned in my lips; but the sound didn't
excite me at all, in fact it had the opposite effect. She had that kind of squeaky
voice that resembled chalk scraping on a board. I kissed her harder trying to
silence that annoying voice of hers but it only earned me a sonorous whimper. I
ignored it as her avid hands slide under my t-shirt to caress my lower abdomen. I
had her pressed against the bathroom's pottery wall. I didn't know her name but I
didn't need it. I'd met her a few minutes ago in the party when my so-considerate
companion ditched me.


Whenever I thought about her, I got a little angry. That little blue-eyed demon
definitely knew how to get under my skin. I remembered her coming out of her house
looking all cute with that blue navy dress. She was anything like the models-body
girls I'd been with but she had something more. She was innocent. I didn't know why
I felt this urge to protect her, like she was this fragile porcelain figure who
could be broken so easily.

Porcelain figure? Jeez, I'm turning into a pussy.

Anyways, when we'd arrived to the party, I'd gone to get her a drink to tease her
about that time Melissa poured one down on her. Imagine my surprise when I came
back and saw her talking to that Wattpad freak. They walked out of the living room
obviously needing more privacy.

That little...

I'd squeezed the plastic glass so hard that vodka was dripping from my fingers.

Nobody ditches me, I’m Shane Mason. I ditch people.

She didn't seem to appreciate the fact I was choosing to stay by her side instead
of finding some easy girl to have my way with this night.

I was being nice here and no one seemed to appreciate it. So, screw niceness, I’d
decided I was going to get laid and find some peace between this beautiful
brunette’s legs.

“You are such a good kisser,” the girl whispered on my mouth. Her voice came out

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I said arrogantly. She smirked and pulled at my
hair to kiss me again. She tasted like cheap vodka and minty gum. Kissing her
wasn’t really getting me in the mood so I left her lips to kiss her neck whilst
massaging her breasts. I’d always been a boobs’ man so touching hers was really
getting me where I wanted to be.

“Shane!” Jordan’s voice entered the bathroom making me jump away from the girl.

“The hell, man! You scared me!” I exclaimed annoyed.

“Have you drunk tonight?” His tone was urgent.

“What?” I frowned “I don’t know if you noticed but I’m kind of busy here.” I
gestured to the girl and me suggestively.

“Have you drunk or not?” Jordan pressed, ignoring both the girl and my complaint.

“No,” I stated, remembering I wasn’t really in the mood to drink after being
ditched by that little minion known as Jules.

“Cool,” Jordan said, and took a step out of the bathroom “Shane will take her!” he
shouted at someone.

“Okay!” I heard Laura’s voice from the hallway.

“Take who?” I scowled at my best friend.

“Shane, what’s going on?” the brunette asked, feeling as confused as I was. Her
squeaky voice caught Jordan’s attention. It was like he had finally noticed her. He
eyed her for a moment and then gave her a closed mouth smile.

“I think it’s time for you to go,” he said rudely.

“What?” The girl arched her eyebrow in surprise. “Shane?” She looked at me as if
waiting for me to do something.

“Listen…” I started. Oh crap! I didn’t know her name… did she tell me her name? The
brunette waited for me to continue while Jordan watched the scene amused.

“You don’t remember my name, do you?” she pouted, folding her arms across her
chest. She shook her head, disappointed. Names seemed to be important shit for
girls. “You’re a jerk!” She stormed out of the room, pushing Jordan’s side in the
process. I glared at him.

“Thanks, man,” I said sarcastically. Jordan squeezed my shoulder as we headed out

of the bathroom.

“She wasn’t even your type,” he commented.

“Hey!” Laura stalked towards us. Excitement plastered on her face, “Let’s dance,
babe,” she purred, holding Jordan’s hand, shaking her hips at the music’s rhythm.
She hadn’t stopped dancing since the very first moment we got here. Jordan stared
at her dazzled.

Oh man, he was whipped!

“Can someone explain to me why the hell I was interrupted?” I wondered aloud,
breaking their staring-at-each-other-like-fools moment.

“Yeah,” Jordan snapped out of her girlfriend’s spell “Jules is at Jason’s house.”
At the mention of that little devil’s name, I tensed up, and anger flowed through
my body “You need to give her a ride home.”

“Why would I do that?” I asked but was ignored by the couple. They practically ran
downstairs to continue dancing.

Debating with myself, I leaned against the hallway’s hall. What was she doing at
Jason’s house? I thought she’d left with that Wattpad freak. Besides, it was
pouring with rain outside. A flash of trepidation crossed me. Was she okay? I shook
my head; I shouldn’t worry about her, not after she ditched me. I was submerged in
my thoughts.

“Hey!” Laura waved her hand in front of me “I forgot to give you this.” She handed
me an Iphone and left as fast as she’d come. I stared at the phone, puzzled.
Everything made sense when I touched the screen; the background was a picture of
the little mermaid. I couldn’t help the smile that crept to my lips. Yeah, this had
to be Jules’ phone. It reminded me of that night I was at her house and she came
down stairs wearing those ridiculous, little mermaid pajamas. What was she? Five
years old? Shaking my head in amusement, I noticed she had three unread texts and
lots of emails from Wattpad.

This could be interesting…

I thought evilly but then I caught some movement from the corner of my eye. I
snapped my head towards the end of the hallway. There was a guy coming out of one
of the rooms. His clothes were damp; I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked familiar.
He looked up at me and I instantly recognized him. It was the Wattpad freak. He
stalked towards my direction in silence. There was something wrong going on here.
Last time I’d seen Jules, she was with him and then she was at Jason’s house, and
the freak was all damp walking around here.

What happened?
He seemed lost in deep thought. He gave me a simple nod as a greeting and tried to
get in the bathroom but I blocked his way.

“Where is she?” I asked seriously.

“Who?” he replied.

“Jules.” His shoulders tensed up as he pressed his lips in a tight line.

“I don’t know,” he murmured coldly as he pushed me aside to enter the bathroom. I

had a bad feeling about this. I went downstairs and crossed the living room as fast
as the dancing crowd let me. I opened the front door, the rain had stopped finally.

“Shane!” A hot brown haired girl shouted my name excitedly. She got on my way
grinning from ear to ear. How did she know my name? I had no idea but it didn’t
really surprise me. I was popular around here. I took my time to eye this hottie
but sighed disappointedly when I noticed she was intoxicated. Her blonde hair was a
mess and her eyes were red. She was holding a plastic glass precariously, taking
unsteady sips. “You’re not going to wish me a happy birthday,” she slurred. Her
breath almost got me drunk right there. Oh, she was the birthday girl.

“Happy birthday…” I trailed off not remembering her name. I’d seen her before at
school, she was kind of hot but I sucked with names if you hadn’t noticed.

“Helen,” she finished for me “The name’s Helen,”

“Right.” Somehow, I manage to curl my lips upward in a semblance of a smile.

“Why so lonely?” She traced her hand up my chest trying to be seductive. Drunken
girls should never try being seductive, enough said. Even though she was hot, I
preferred my girls sober so they could be fully conscious when I showed them a good
time. Gently, I held her hand removing it from my chest.

“I’m not alone,” I lied. She looked surprised for a moment and then her expression
turned into a sad one.

“I’m sorry.” She rubbed her face with her free hand and exhaled shakily. “I don’t
know what I’m doing.”

“You okay?” I asked politely.

“No, I think…” her eyes were brimming with tears. Oh crap! Did I hurt her woman’s
pride or something?

“Listen, Helen, you’re hot and all but I-”

“No, no, this isn’t about you,” she cut me off. I stared at her confused. She held
her forehead “I love him,” she blurted out. I frowned.

“Huh?” she seemed to notice my confusion.

“I love my fuck buddy, holy shit!” She threw the plastic glass away and placed her
back to me. “I screwed it up!” I had no idea what this girl was talking about but
she seemed pretty upset about it. She turned to me once again “What would you do in
my position?”

“Your position?”

“Yes,” she answered, obviously, “what would you do if you fell for someone you’re
not supposed to fall for?”

“Hum…” I really didn’t know what to say to that. “Tell them?” I asked hesitantly.

“But what if you knew he probably doesn’t feel the same way?”

“Then don’t tell him.” I shrugged. Yeah, I was a simple person. Helen sighed.

“I pushed him away,” she admitted sadly. “I didn’t even invite him to my birthday.
I can’t love him, I just can’t. He said it would always be about sex between us,
nothing serious and I agreed. I can’t go and tell him I want more, so much more so
I ended it with him.”

“I’m not the most appropriate person to give a piece of advice,” I started, “but
you should tell him, life is about taking risks,” I added as I walked past her.

“Thank you,” I heard her say behind me.

“No problem,” After having my Dr. Phil moment with Helen, I jumped inside my car.
The familiar warm and peppermint scent welcomed me. Jason’s house wasn’t really far
so I drove slowly towards it. Jules’ phone was lying on the passenger seat. I
glanced at it a few times curiously. Who kept texting her? Was it the freak? My
hands itched to check it but I had some respect for girls’ privacy. Yeah, that
sounded hypocritical after that time I’d read Jules’ diary, but in my defense, I
was mad at her because of that time she made me fail Math.

You’re mad at her now for ditching you…

My mind retorted trying to find an excuse to check her phone. It was too late
though, I’d already parked in front of Jason’s house. I honked until the front door
was opened. Jules walked out of the house, looking like a boy. She was wearing a
large size green t-shirt that fell past her hips and baggy shorts. Her brown hair
looked darker than usual since it was wet. What happened to her dress? I narrowed
my eyes at her suspiciously. Seemed like she and freaky boy had fun under the rain,
huh? Why did I care anyway? Jules got on the passenger’s seat, picked up her phone
and closed the door. Instantly, her scent filled the car. She smelled really good,
nothing compared to the alcohol, intoxicated girls from the party. She smelled
sweet and mild.

“Hey,” she whispered shyly, averting her gaze from me.

“Hey.” I stared at her for a moment before driving off. “You’re into transvestism
now?” I joked trying to start a conversation but she didn’t say anything. I stole a
few glances at her but she seemed lost in thought. What was wrong with her? She
wasn’t usually this quiet. I pulled over at the side of the dark road and turned my
body towards her. “What happened?” I asked straightforwardly. She shifted in her

“Nothing,” she muttered, not even glancing at me. She smoothed a stray lock of her
hair behind her ear, giving me a better view of her face.

“Look at me,” I demanded, but she kept her eyes on the window.

“I’m fine.” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. I pursed my lips in frustration.

“Listen, earlier you ditched me at that party and when I was finally starting to
have fun again I was interrupted, because apparently, I had to pick you up, so you
owe me big time. Tell me what the hell happened between you and freaky boy.”
“His name is Evan,” she reminded me sadly. I held her face and forced her to look
at me. My eyes widened. Her big blue eyes were swollen and her nose red. I clenched
my jaw, a tidal wave of rage surging over me. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen her
like this, looking so sad, and I knew Evan was behind this.

“Have you been crying?” my voice was low, laced with concern.

“Yes.” She looked so vulnerable.

“Why?” She bit her lower lip drawing my attention to her mouth. I knew I’d always
found her attractive in a cute strange kind of way but I could have never expected
me to feel this uncontrollable urge boiling inside me…

The irrepressible urge to kiss her…

God, I wanted to lean forwards and pressed my lips against hers so bad. I wanted to
taste her, to hold her and feel her against me. I wanted her. I wanted to have her
for me. I didn’t know if it was pure lust or something else but there was a more
important question prowling in my mind:

Why her?

She wasn’t hot or outgoing like many of the girls I’d dated before. But she was
funny, sarcastic and innocent. I enjoyed hanging out with her, she was the only
girl I’d spent so much time with not involving sex. However, I knew there was
another reason why I wanted her; something had triggered this sudden urge.

“I think,” Jules’ voice snapped me out my internal conflict “I think I’m falling in
love with Evan,” her words made my chest tightened. I looked right into her eyes,
trying to hide my disappointment.

I couldn’t have her, but that was exactly why I wanted her now. I thought sadly as
I let go of her face and drove off into the dark night.


A/N: Heya! Thank you all for the awesome support! I appreciate each time you voted,
commented and threw potatoes at me in this story :D

Thanks to Zachrock for being my awesome editor :D

Time to share your thoughts about the chapter!

Also, Join the facebook group. Click on external link >



Chapter 26 >>

Dedicated to my Mom because she's amazing. You did a great job even after my
father's death. I love you, Mom.
~ I never really wanted you to go ~ so many things you should’ve known ~

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 26

Jules’ P.O.V

Shane was too quiet.

After my embarrassing confession of love for Evan, Shane hadn’t uttered a word. I’d
expected him to tease me about it, to make fun of me or something but not this. The
rest of the ride home became truly uncomfortable. I stole a few glances at him, but
his eyes were on the road, and I wasn’t sure he was even blinking. I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing. Shane looked serious. That was new. He’d never been the
serious type. I couldn’t understand the reason for his strange behavior but I was
definitely going to find out.

“Shane?” My voice sounded raspy.

“Yeah?” his tone was cold; there was no trace of his usual playfulness. Alright,
that was new, too.

“What’s wrong?” I stared at him but he didn’t even glance at me. He squeezed the
steering wheel.

“You’re acting weird,” I commented, watching his reaction. He pressed his lips in a
tight line. His shoulders were tense. I didn’t need to be an expert on body
language to know there was something wrong with him. Did I make him uncomfortable
with the confession? I was seriously regretting telling him. I didn’t know what I
was thinking, I’d just blurted it out. It was like one of those moments when we
realize something shocking and we can’t help saying it aloud.

Shane’s silence was killing me; I could almost touch the tension inside the car. I
stared at the window, watching the drops of rain rolling down the glass. A flash of
sadness crossed me. I would never be able to see the rain without thinking about
Evan. It would always remind me of that mind-blowing kiss. I’d never felt anything
like this before. To be in his arms felt so good, so right.

“We’re here.” Shane’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I took my seatbelt off,
shoved my phone in my shorts’ pockets and opened the door.

“Thank you,” I whispered honestly. He didn’t say anything so I got off the car and
headed towards my house. I hugged myself, shivering from the cold. It was still
drizzling a little. I opened my front door and the warmth and familiar smell of my
home welcomed me. The lights were on and so was the TV which meant my mother was
still awake. I had no idea what time it was.

“Mom, I’m home!” I shouted, sniffing. Something smelled really good here.

“I’m in the kitchen!” she shouted back. I frowned. What was she doing there? Mom
wasn’t really a fan of cooking.

Following the delicious scent of homemade food, I found myself in the kitchen. Mom
was wearing a very nice black short dress. It was really tight, highlighting her
curvy figure. Her brown hair was in an elegant pony tail. She even put some make-up
on. I frowned. What was going on? She bent over to get something out of the oven
and placed it on the counter facing me. God, that food looked very appetizing. Was
that chicken? I licked my lips.

“Hey, I thought you were staying over Laura’s house.” She stared at me inquiringly.
“Are those men’s clothes?” Her eyebrows knitted together. “What happened to your
dress? And why are you looking like a soaked dog?” Her expression turned into a
judging one. “Julie Ann Jones, don’t tell me you were out in the rain.” I laughed

“What?” I asked, my tone rising. That usually happened when I lied. “No, of course
not.” Mom narrowed her eyes at me.
“You just recovered from influenza, Jules.” She took her oven gloves off. “Since
when are you so reckless?” I sighed.

“I’m sorry, Mom, it just happened,” I said. “What’s going on?” I asked in a subtle
attempt to change the subject.

“Have you been crying?”

There goes my attempt…

I shifted in my seat, “No, I was…” I trailed off. “I was looking up at the sky and
rain got in my eyes.”

Really, Jules? Really?

“You really can’t lie, can you?” she asked amusedly. I relaxed my shoulders in
defeat. Mom’s expression softened “Is this about a boy?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, looking down.

“Sweetie, you do know you can tell me everything, right?” I nodded. “What

Telling Mom my sad love story wasn’t as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. She
and I had always trusted each other; it’d always been the two of us. We had family
in other towns but we barely kept in touch with them. Therefore, we only had each
other. Of course, I skipped some details that I knew Mom wouldn’t really approve,
like the heat I felt when I was passionately kissing Evan under the rain. Yeah, I
was sure she didn’t need to know that. Mom listened to me in silence. When I was
done, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

“I think I know who he is,” Mom whispered, deep in thought. I stared at her

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” she started, sitting on the stool across me, “Do you remember that week-end
you had to stay over Lau’s house because I couldn’t come home?” I searched in my
mind for that memory.

“Yes, you were three days straight in the hospital. That was years ago.” I furrowed
my eyebrows. “Where are going with this?”

“The reason I couldn’t leave the hospital was because I had a very unusual terrible
case to deal with,” she made a pause, “We received a call from River Town’s
hospital, they were transferring four patients. Apparently, it was a murder case,
so we, as the biggest hospital close by, had to take care of it. Besides, our
hospital had more resources and specialists.” My chest tightened but I listened to
her attentively. “When the ambulances arrived, two of the patients were already
dead. I was really shocked, Jules. They were a family. The police officer informed
us of the situation. The father had shot the mother and then shot himself. Their
children were coming in the other ambulance. There were a boy and girl. They were
both injured. And as we proceeded to take care of them and examine them, we noticed
they’d been victims of abuse for years. They had bruises and fractures. They were
both traumatized, especially the boy, as he wouldn’t even speak. The girl was
younger than him and she wouldn’t let go of him.” Mom let out a long breath. “I’d
never seen anything like it before. That case was in the news for months, but of
course, the identity of them was hidden. They had suffered enough to be chased by
the media.”

“You’re saying…” Mom nodded.

“Their names were Evan and Helen Woods,” even though I knew that was where she was
heading, it still surprised me when she clarified it, “I could never forget their
names, their case really moved me.”

“Oh God.” I clutched my forehead, bewilderment washing over me. Life was truly a
mess. Who could’ve thought my own mother had treated him in the worst night of his
life? God, I felt so bad for him. I couldn’t even imagine what he’d been through.

“Are you okay?” Mom’s hand reached mine and she squeezed it reassuringly.

“Yeah, this is just…” I was out of words.

“I know,” she whispered. “He’s been through a lot, sweetie. He probably has
emotional wounds that haven’t healed. When a person goes through traumatic
circumstances, they usually block everyone out. They are afraid of being hurt
again. I’m not justifying him, but medically, his behavior is normal. He will
overcome this with time, the thing is, are you really up for dealing with him?” She
rested her palm on my face. “His burden has nothing to do with you. I don’t want
you suffering for it; you’re too young for that, sweetie.”

“I care about him, Mom.” She smiled sadly at me.

“I know that. I can see it in your eyes.” She caressed my cheek gently.

“I can help him.”

“Some people don’t want to be helped, Jules,” she stated seriously. I closed my
eyes, remembering the sadness in Evan’s gaze.

“I don’t care,” I replied, opening my eyes. Mom shook her head disapprovingly.

“You’re so stubborn.”

“I got it from you,” I joked, trying to ease the sadness in me. Mom got on her feet
and leaned over to kiss my forehead.

“Just be smart enough to know when to give up,” she said, softly leaning backwards
to look into my eyes. “I know it’s hard, but sometimes you just have to let it go.”
She started taking her apron off. It was then I remembered she was up to something.

“What’s the occasion?” I wondered aloud. Mom bit her lower lip nervously.

“Oh, I thought you were staying over Lau’s house so I…” she trailed off giving her
back to me to put the apron inside one of the cabinets.

“So? You decided to invite some friends to dinner?” I guessed, because she had done
that before. Some friends from the hospital had come two or three times for dinner
in the past few months.

“Actually, I have…” she paused turning to me, “a date.” My eyes widened.

“A date?” I was shocked “Really?”

“Yes, his name is John. He’s a cardiologist at the hospital.”

“Oh.” This was the first time Mom had a date in years.

“I’m sorry, I thought you weren’t coming. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable? Mom, I’m fine,” I assured her honestly. “I just think it’s kind of
fast to invite him over in the first date.”

“Actually… it’s not our first date. We’ve been dating for three months now.” My jaw
dropped to the floor.

“What? And you tell me this now?” My tone rose.


“We’re not supposed to hide these things for each other,” I cut her off, getting
slightly upset.

“Sweetheart, you have to understand. I wanted to know him, to see if we have some
future before introducing him to you. I don’t want you meeting all the guys I try a
relationship with. I don’t want you getting attached to a man who’ll end up
leaving. We had enough with your father’s depart.” A flash of pain crossed her
eyes. “I won’t put through that again.” Her words eased my anger.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized for getting all judgmental on her.

“It’s okay. You weren’t suppose to find out like this anyway.”

“Mom, it’s cool. You have fun, alright? I’ll go upstairs and you won’t even notice
I’m here. I’ll meet him whenever you think it’s time, there’s no rush.” Mom gave me
a toothy smile.
“You have matured for your age.”

“Not really, I’m still afraid of the boogeyman.” Mom laughed shortly.

“I love you.” Her eyes shone with sincerity.

“I love you too, Mom,” I said before yawing. I was tired. I rubbed my face. “What a
night!” I blew some hair out of my face. Mom stalked towards me.

“Come here.” She offered her arms and I got up to hug her. She held me tightly. I
felt so safe in her arms. Her smell calmed me. “Everything is going to be alright.”
Even when I knew that statement was probably wishful thinking, it still calmed me
to hear her say it. Mom took a step backwards and held my face with both hands
“Now, you’re going to take a warm shower, take two aspirins and sleep, okay? We
don’t want you relapsing on the flu.”

“Yes, sir!” I exclaimed, mocking determination. Mom pinched my nose.

“Go,” she shooed me, pushing me to the stairs.

“Can I have some of that chicken? It looks so good.” Mom chuckled at my question.

“Sure, I’ll give you a plate once you’re showered.”

“Thank you!” I kissed her cheek and went upstairs.

As soon as I stepped in my room, everything fell down on me. I had a lot of

information to take in. I turned my night light on and sat on my bed. I stared at
my closed laptop on the night table. It brought so many memories to me. I
remembered the first I talked to Evan. I was so angry about the rude comment he
made about my story. Who could’ve thought I would end up caring about him? A sad
smile crept to my lips as I remembered all those nights I stayed up late, talking
to him without realizing I was fascinated by him. I wanted to know more and more
about him. His mysteriousness dragged me to him. Not to mention how comfortable I
felt talking to him, I trusted him for no reason.
I don’t want to see you again…

His cold words made my heart constrict. How long will this hideous overwhelming
feeling last? Why did it hurt so much? Even though Mom had told me his depressing
story, that wouldn’t ease the pain within. He’d hurt me too much. Why was it so
hard to let him go? My eyes watered. Maybe I turned into a masochist without even
realizing it. Images of his handsome face flashed through my closed eyes.

“Just be smart enough to know when to give up.”

Mom’s wise recommendation roamed around my head. How could I know when to give up?
Could I bear getting hurt again? How many punches could my heart take? What if Evan
didn’t really feel the same way and that was why he kept pushing me away? Maybe I
was fooling myself for thinking he actually had feelings for me. Tears streamed
down my face.

Love makes us fools.

Sighing, I let myself fall backwards on my bed. I could hear the rain hitting my
window’s glass.



What are you doing right now? Where are you? Are you thinking about me?

What should I do?

Mrs. Strawberry…

I covered my face to sob softly. I was swallowed by the memory of all the things
he’d said to me…

You’re the opposite of me.

I like you

You’re beautiful

Writers always leave pieces of themselves on the story.

We’re miles away.

Why would he do this to me? Why would he push me away like this? I wished I could
enter his mind, I wished he knew I was more than willing to help him, to be there
for him whenever he needed me. I couldn’t imagine the pain he’d endured but I was
willing to listen to him. He didn’t have to be alone in this. It could be my way of
paying him back for all those nights he listened to my endless babbling. I
uncovered my face and opened my eyes. My sight was blurred ‘cause of the tears. I
blinked, letting them escape my eyes.

My phone buzzed in my shorts’ pocket. I had totally forgotten about it. I pulled it
out to check it. Anticipation made my mouth dry as my eyes landed on the unread
texts and mails from Wattpad. I proceed to read the texts but I was instantly
disappointed when I read the IDs. There were three texts from Jason and one from
Laura. Jason’s texts were from earlier, asking me about Helen’s party. That was
probably before I showed up sobbing at his door. Lau was asking if I got home
alright. I texted her back telling her I was okay.

Sorrowfully, I checked the email’s list. I felt a pull at the top of my stomach as
I read that familiar e-mail:

Dark_poet001 sent you a message:

It is for your own good. I’m sorry.

My own good? Didn’t he know I wasn’t good at all without him? The message was 14
minutes ago. I hesitated about my reply. I didn’t know if I was ready to talk to
him. I wanted to tell him so many things. I wanted to yell at him. Couldn’t he let
me make my own choices? Angrily, I typed a reply:

Why would you play with my feelings like that?

Him: I’m sorry.

Me: Stop saying that.

Him: .….

Me: Why…?

Him: Did you get home alright?

Me: Like you care.

Him: Just tell me.

Me: I’m fine.

Him: Good.

Me: Evan…

Him: You need to forget about me.

Me: No, no until you tell me why.

My heart was racing inside my chest. I literally stopped breathing each time he

Him: I already told you.

Me: You never gave me your reasons.

Him: I didn’t need to.

Me: You owe me an explanation.

Him: I don’t owe you anything.

Me: Why would you lead me on like that if you felt nothing for me?

Him: I was just fooling around.

I ignored the stabbed I felt in my chest when I read that.

Me: Was this a game for you?

Him: Yes.

Me: I don’t believe you.

Him: I don’t care.

Me: …

Him: I have to go.

Me: Don’t.

Him: I’m sorry.

Dark_poet001 logged off.

Desperately, I searched through my contacts and found his number. I called him
biting my lower lip nervously; my heart was going to jump out of my chest.I thought
he wasn´t going to answer but after the third ring, I was surprised to hear his
sexy voice.


“Evan, I-”

“Stop this, Jules.” His tone was soft, but tinged with pain.

“I can’t.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I want answers… that’s all.” Evan sighed.


“Evan, please,” I pleaded pathetically. Why did love make us so weak? God, I was
being clingy.

“I’m not good, Jules.”

“That’s not true,” I retorted. I heard him sigh again, he sounded so troubled.

“What am I going to do with you?” he whispered, his husky voice sent shivers
through me.

“Just be with me.”

“I can’t.”


“I just… you should get some sleep.” He tried to sound cold but I could still sense
the sadness lining his voice.

“Promise me, I will see you again and we will talk.”

“I can’t promise that.”


“Goodnight, sweet Jules.” He hung up but I still held the phone pressed against my
ear. My heart was beating really fast inside my chest. I lay back on my bed and
gazed at the ceiling. I was numb for a moment. My phone buzzed in my hand and I
raised it to my face. It was a text from Evan; I stopped breathing whilst I read

You’re driving me crazy, Mrs. Strawberry.


A/N: Hello! How are you doing? I hope you're enjoying winter/summer/whatever
season is where you live! xD I'm really grateful for everything you've done so far
for this story. I love you guys, really!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Facebook group on external link >>>



Chapter 27 >>

Dedicated to all of you for voting and supporting this story so much!

It means the world to me!

Thanks to Zachrocks for editing this :)

Here we go!

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 27

“Evan…” I whispered, leaning to him. I wanted to feel his lips against mine. Evan
smiled at me.

“You are so cute, Jules.” His sexy voice made me shiver.

“Kiss me,” I demanded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Our lips were about to meet…

“Jules!” someone screamed right in my ear. I jumped awake; I held my chest as I sat
up. Lau was standing next to me, grinning wickedly.

“Arg! Lau! I was having a good dream!” I whined throwing my pillow at her. She

“I’m sorry but it’s past noon, time to wake up,” she said casually, sitting on the
edge of my bed.

“It’s Sunday,” I reminded her, annoyed. “I can sleep late on Sundays.”

“Not when you have some explaining to do.” She folded her arms across her chest.
I frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“What happened last night?” she inquired, staring at me.

“Long story,” I replied, rubbing my face.

“I have all day to listen.”

“Can I brush my teeth first?” I asked, irritated. I didn’t get in my best mood when
someone woke me up. Lau gestured me towards the bathroom.

“Sure, but I won’t go away and you know it.” I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.
After doing my routine in the bathroom, I walked out scratching my butt. I was sure
a part of my brain was still asleep. To my surprise, Lau was not alone anymore.
Jason was lying on my bed as if it was his.

“Hey, we brought you breakfast.” Jason sat up, smiling at me. “Well, more like
lunch.” He frowned, probably remembering it was the afternoon. “The point is, we
brought you food.”

“What’s going on?” I asked, eyeing them suspiciously. “Why are you two here?” Lau
and Jason exchanged knowing glances.

“Are you okay?” Jason asked seriously.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” They seemed surprised by my reply.

“I don’t know. I thought heartbreak was very painful,” Jason commented.



Everything came down on me. My heart shrunk in my chest as I remembered all the
events from last night. I held back some tears and pretended a smile.

“I’m okay,” I lied. Lau shook her head, smiling sadly at me.

“We’ve been your best friends since kindergarten.” Lau stood up. “I’m pretty sure
we can tell whenyou’re lying. Come here.” She offered her arms to me. I hugged her
tightly. “I’m sorry for not being there for your last night.” I knew she was being

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.” I pulled away from her.

“I should’ve known there was something wrong when you called me,” she spoke softly,
guilt plastered on her face, “but I was so submerged in that party.” She sighed
“I’m really sorry,”

“Lau.” I held her face “It’s cool, really. You have the right to have fun, you’re
here now and that’s all that matters.” Jason cleared his throat.

“Sorry to interrupt your Beverly Hills’ TV show moment, but Jules, your food is
getting cold,” he said, pinching my food.

“Hey! Hands off the food!” I exclaimed, approaching to him.

“Calm down, woman!” He seemed scared. He knew better than to mess with my food. I
proceeded to eat and tell Lau the entire story. Jason already knew most of it so he
simply stayed on my bed texting someone. Lau listened to me attentively. I felt a
soft thug of pain in my stomach when I told her the painful parts. I had to pause
to swallow the lump in my throat a few times. It was hard talking about it but it
felt kind of good to vent all my feelings.

“So that’s all,” I finished, letting out a long sigh. Feeling my dry throat, I took
a sip from the orange juice they’d brought me.

“Wow.” Lau ran her fingers through her hair. “Nothing is easy when it comes to that
boy, is it?”

“Nope,” I stated, popping the ‘p’.

“You want to hear my opinion?” she offered, holding her chest.

“No, Lau, I just spent half-an-hour of my life telling you the entire story just
for the fun of it,” I said sarcastically. Lau pinched my waist. I jumped away from

“No need to be sarcastic, alright?” she reprehended before continuing, “I’m just
saying, you know me. My opinion will be brutally honest, are you ready for that?” I
knew what she meant. Lau wasn’t the go around the bush type of girl. She didn’t
like embellishing the things she said.

“I’m ready.” I nodded my head slowly.

“In my opinion, he’s being an indecisive jerk and you’re being weak and needy.” My
eyes widened.

“It’s pretty obvious he’s a very reserved, closed-up guy, probably because of his
past but he needs to stop toying with your heart like this. It’s like that hot and
cold song from Katy Perry,”

“You like Katy Perry? Since when?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah, but that’s not the point. He obviously likes you, I mean, he kissed you for
a reason but he’s probably scared or something. Guys can be pretty confusing
sometimes. As for you my dear friend, you need to stop being so clingy, okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Boys don’t like clingy, whiny girls, Jules,” she explained seriously.

“She’s right,” Jason agreed from behind me.

“I’m not being clingy,” I retorted. Lau cocked an eyebrow.

“Yes, you are. You’re clinging to him like you did with that hideous teddy bear you
had when you were seven.” I opened my mouth in surprise.

“Hey! It wasn’t hideous and it was a panda,” I defended indignantly. Lau rolled her
eyes as Jason snickered behind me.

“It was hideous,” Jason agreed. I folded my arms across my chest.

“Wasn’t!” I retorted childishly.

“Was!” Lau poked my forehead.

“You still have it, don’t you?” Jason wondered, pulling at my hair.

“Pssst!” I exclaimed nervously. “Of course not! I’m a big girl now.” My tone was
too loud. Jason and Lau exchanged glances.

“She still has it,” both of them said at the same time.

“This isn’t about Pedro, we were-”

“Pedro?” they burst into laughing. I glared at them

“You named it Pedro?” Lau asked, laughing her ass off. Their loud laughs were kind
of contagious. I was biting my lower lip not to join them but couldn’t help
bursting into laughing as well. Yeah, Pedro wasn’t really the cutest name for a
teddy bear, but hey, I was seven at the time, okay?
We laughed for a while until there were tears streaming down my face. Somehow I
ended up resting my head on Jason’s lap. I wiped my tears away. Lau composed
herself and for a moment she seemed to be deep in thought.

“Lau?” I caught her attention.

“I have a plan.” She finally snapped out of her thoughts.

“A plan?”

“Yes, you need to stop your clingy attitude, alright?” She held her chin staring at
some point at the wall. “Don’t message him. Leave him alone. If it’s possible,
ignore him. That will be like a bucket of cold water to him because you’ve never
been cold to him. You’ve always been there for him so he needs to think he lost
you. That will make him come to you by himself.”

“And if he doesn’t?” I whispered sadly.

“Then sadly, you’ll have to let him go because he obviously doesn’t care enough
about you if he doesn’t react at your change of attitude.” I took a deep breath in.

“But I don’t know If I can't stop myself from messaging him,” I admitted.

“We will help you,” Lau grinned at me, “we’ll keep you distracted.”

“I appreciate the effort, but guys, you two have lives and relationships to take
care of. You can’t be with me all day.”

“The hell we can.” Jason got on his feet, rubbing her hands manically. “We’re gonna
be like your bodyguards, and for the record, I’m not in a relationship.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Seriously, Jason? When are you going to admit you’re
crazy about Helen?”

“He what?” Lau opened her mouth and punched his shoulder. “Jay-Jay has been
caught!” she joked. Jason ruffled her hair.

“I hate that nickname,” he muttered.

"I know, Jay-Jay," she teased, taking a step away from him. "By the way, you and
Jason are really ignorant when it comes to know about the law," I scowled at her.

"The law clearly states that it's illegal to have sex with a minor if you're over
18. It doesn't say anything about kissing or having a relationship," she clarified.

"Really?" I glared at Jason. "You idiot!" I threw my other pillow at him. "And to
think I thought you were actually being smart when you told me Evan and I couldn't
be together because of the law." Jason scratched the back of his head.

"You shouldn't have trusted my words, you know me.” He shrugged his shoulders. Lau
let herself fall on my bed.

"You're lucky to have me," she added arrogantly "Jason's IQ is as small as his

"Lau!" I scrunched my nose in disgust remembering the two times I had unfortunately
seen his little buddy. I couldn't help the blush invading my cheeks.

"You don't know the size of my penis!" Jason jumped on top of her angrily. Lau
laughed trying to push him off.

"But it's okay if you wanna find out.” He winked down at her. Lau made a disgust

"Ew! Get off me!" I watched the scene in amusement. Jason smiled wickedly at her.

"You enjoy having me this close," he teased, tickling her.

"No!" She trashed around, trying to get him off. They stopped moving and stared
into each other's eyes breathing heavily. For a slight moment, Jason's gaze dropped
to her lips. Whoa whoa... What? He quickly jumped off her, fixing his t-shirt.

"I gotta go now," he rushed his words. Lau sat up brushing her messy hair with her

"Bye, Jay-Jay.” She stuck her tongue out at him. Jason gave her a killer look and
looked at me.

"Call me if you need anything, alright?" He came closer and kissed my forehead


We watched him leave and then my eyes landed on my best friend.

"Ok," I started. "What the hell was all that about?"

"What?" Lau played the fool.

"You and Jason."


"Lau, I just witnessed my two best friends flirting... hard, so what the hell?"

"We weren't flirting.” She averted her gaze.

"Look into my eyes," I demanded, crawling closer to her. Her big green eyes met my
blue ones."What. Was. All. That. About?" I said each word slowly. Lau swallowed,
her cheeks tinted slightly red.
"It's just innocent flirting."

"What? Lau, you have a boyfriend!"

"I know. I know. I'm not saying I like Jason or anything. We're just used to do
this sometimes, it won't happen again."

"It better not." I gave her a disapproving look.

"It's just an old habit, it won't happen again, alright?"

"Fine." I smiled at her. "How's Jordan?" Lau's face brightened up.

"We're good. You have no idea how sweet he can be behind that arrogant attitude.”
Her words reminded me of Shane. Did he have a sweet side like Jordan? I bet a bag
of Ruffles he didn't.
We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about random things. I introduced her to
Wattpad once again but she refused to create an account. She said she was too lazy
to do it. I didn't know anything about Evan since I was following Lau's advice. I
really hoped it worked out.


This wasn’t working out.

I was in hell.

The week rushed by and I hadn't even got one single message from Evan.

I was dying inside slowly and painfully. Ok I was probably being dramatic but this
was pure torture. I put on a strong facade in front of Jason and Lau, but truth
was, I was having a hard time. My fingers itched for texting him, for checking his
wattpad profile. Holding myself back was not a easy thing to do. It was Friday’s
afternoon already. I was walking to the parking lot lazily. I really hoped Lau
hadn’t ditched me since she was my ride home.

Crossing the football field, I remembered that day Evan gave me a ride home. I
remembered our first kiss. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I was
afraid of scanning the parking lot, what if he was there? What was I supposed to

I lifted my gaze to check the parking lot; I had no idea of where Lau’s car was
parked. My heart jumped in my chest as my eyes spotted a very familiar black car…
Evan’s car. I tried to maintain my regular breathing but my chest was already
rising and falling quickly. I squeezed my hands at my sides nervously. My throat
was awfully dry.

Calm down…

I hadn’t even seen him and I was about to die of a heart attack. What if that
wasn’t his car? It had to be, I hadn’t seen a similar car around before. Oh God! He
had to be around if his car was there.

Breathe, Jules. You’re overreacting.

Overreacting my ass! I wasn’t prepared for this. Lau hadn’t obviously considered
this possibility. One thing was not to message him but what was I supposed to do if
I saw him? Ignore him, too? With shaking hand, I took my phone out of my pocket to
text Lau:
Where are u?

Lau: End of the parkin lot. Come.

I felt relieved because she didn’t leave without me. Ok, I could do this. Evan was
not around right now, I just needed to cross the parking lot and everything would
be over.

Why the hell am I not moving?

When my legs finally responded to me, I found myself walking through the cars.
There were cars at both of my sides, some students were gathered around their cars
talking, and some were already leaving. Sunset was falling all over us, tilting the
sky orange and pink. I swallowed when I passed Evan’s car.

I can do this…

I can do th-

I stopped on my tracks abruptly. Evan… he was walking right towards me. My stomach
did a major black-flip. God, I forgot how hot he was. He was wearing a leather
jacket with dark blue t-shirt underneath. His dark hair was messy partially falling
down his forehead a little. His intense gaze fell on me freezing me on the spot. He
was walking in my direction, probably heading to his car. He had his hands inside
his jacket’s pocket. As he came closer I couldn’t help noticing the bags under his
eyes. I knew I had to move. He was staring at me shamelessly, not bothering to
dissimulate. I felt like he was seeing right through me. It was then I realized how
bad I wanted to kiss him again, to feel those lips against mine, to have him close.


My inner voice yelled at me. I knew I had to ignore him but I was dying to talk to
him, to hear his sexy voice. I missed him so much. But I was also afraid of getting
hurt again so grasping some courage, I started moving towards him. I couldn’t
remove my eyes from him though. His expression was unreadable as usual. Evan slowed
down a little bit when I was getting closer to him as if he expected me to stop or
say something. Ignoring my protesting heart, I walked past him averting my gaze.
Getting away from him like that was one of the hardest things I’d done in my life.
When I reached Lau’s car, she was sitting on the hood alone, playing with her keys.

“You look like you’re about to pass out,” she said jumping off the hood. I wanted
to speak but no words left my mouth “You okay?” I shook my head “What’s wrong?” I
walked around her to get on the passenger’s seat. Lau frowned but ran to jump in
the driver’s seat. Once we were inside the car, she turned her body to me “What

“I saw him,” I mumbled.


“I saw him,” I said louder this time.


“Oh,” Lau exclaimed in realization, “Did you…?”

“I ignored him.” I clutched my forehead trying to calm down.

“Really?” Lau didn’t bother to hide the shock on her face. “Wow, that’s… great.” I
gave her a flat look.

“Sorry, but that was the best thing to do right now.”

“I know,” I sighed.

“Don’t worry, you’ll probably seen him again tomorrow.”

“What?” I snapped my heard towards her.

“River town’s festival is tomorrow and we are so going.”

“You mean that weird festival they do at the river’s borders?”

“Yup.” Lau started starting the engine.

“What if he doesn’t go?” I wondered sadly.

“He will, everyone is going,” Lau assured me seriously. She drove off the parking
lot and I kept my head down. I knew I had done the right thing but I still felt bad
about it. My phone buzzed in my hand making jump a little in my seat. It was a text
from Evan. I hesitated to open it. My heart was pumping blood really fast through
my veins. Waves of expectation and curiosity were washing over me.

From: Evan </3

Why can’t we be friends?

His question caught me out of guard. I couldn’t believe he was bringing up that
friend thing again. I showed Lau the text.

“Tell him you’re going to be his friend,” she recommended.


“Listen, he just took a step. He texted you even when he said he didn’t want to see
you again which is obviously a lie. He’s looking for an excuse to have you close
without complications. So, be his friend. He likes you, he will eventually crack,

“But I don’t want to be his friend.”

“I know that and I bet he really doesn’t want that either but you have to be smart,
Jules. Having him close can provide you from a lot of opportunities to tease him,
to make him jealous until he finally finds the courage to tell you the way he truly
feels about you.”
I sighed, burying myself deeper in my seat.

“Sounds easier said than done,” I commented, rubbing my face.

“Trust me on this, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed, starting to text him back.

Me: Okay, Evan, we will be friends.

Him: Really?

Me: Yeah.

Him: I’m really sorry.

Me: ?

Him: For hurting you.

His apology warmed my heart.

Me: It’s cool.

Him: I really didn’t mean to.

Me: I know.

“Ask him if he’s going to the festival.” Lau’s voice filled the silent car.

Me: Are you going to the festival tomorrow?

Him: No.

Me: That’s too bad.

Him: Why? Are you going?

Me: Yeah.

Him: I guess I could drop by for a few minutes.

A smile crept to my lips.

Me: Sounds cool.

Him: I’ve got something for you.

Me: Really?

Him: Yes, it’s kind of an apology present or something like that.

Me: That’s… sweet but you didn’t need to buy me anything.

Him: I know but I wanted to.

Me: Alright, you can give it to me tomorrow then.

I bit my lower lip.

Him: Okay, peachy girl ;)

I smiled like a fool, shaking my head. His nicknames were so weird.

Me: I’ll see you tomorrow, dark poet.

Him: I’ll be the one with the killing body and handsome face ;)
I laughed loudly.

Me: Right (rolls eyes)

It felt so good to talk to him. It made me feel better even though we’d just agreed
to be friends. Lau was right; I needed to find a way to get him to open up to me.
Pushing him had definitely not worked so now I would try being his friend. It
wasn’t going to be easy but I could least try, right?

That festival was going to be interesting.


A/N: Heya! The world is ending! You gotta vote NOW! Haha jk jk. I laugh so much
reading your comments. They are so contradictory like "I love Evan!" and then next
one "I hate Evan so much" You guys made my day. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Red Bananas and broken hearts!

Arix out.

Chapter 28 >>

Dedicated to MySwaggerJagger for helping edit this and Haylii for the banner to the

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 28

Two words.

Bathing suits.

I'd never felt comfortable wearing them. Seriously, what's the different between
them and underwear? None. So excuse me if I wasn't a fan of walking basically in my
underwear around people. Besides, you need a lot of self confidence to wear a
bathing suit.

Even though, my protests and good arguments against those things, Lau made me wear
one. She said everyone was going to be wearing them at the festival. Let me tell
you something, my best friend was as stubborn as me, if not more.

So here I was, sitting on Jordan's car backseat wearing blue shorts, a loose white
t-shirt and a dark blue bathing suit beneath. Lau said it matched my eyes. She also
had straightened my brown hair making it curly at the ends. I felt good about my
looks today. Jordan was the designed driver for the day; Lau was of course sitting
next to him. And guess who was being my company on the backseat?

Yeah, you guessed it right.


Shane was looking all hot with his jean shorts and green t-shirt but that didn't
surprise me. Somehow, I'd grown used to be around him and his hotness.
"Here we go!" Jordan exclaimed enthusiastically as he started driving into the

"Yeah!" Lau was as enthusiastic as her boyfriend. I, on the other hand, was kind of
nervous about seeing Evan again "Take us there, babe!" Lau cheered leaning to kiss
Jordan. He leaned to her and kissed her back.

"Hey!" I pressed my hand on Lau's forehead to push her away from Jordan "Could you
just not make out while driving, please?" They both laughed. Lau looked really
good. She was only wearing shorts and the top part of her bathing suit. She had
enough self-confidence to go around like that unlike me. Her hair was in a pony
tail and she had sunglasses on. She turned her head to me and flashed me a smile.

"You look kind of pale." she commented "You definitely need some sun." I glared at
her. Shane snickered beside me. Was he still weird with me like last time I saw

"I can't wait to see you without all that clothes, Jones." Shane said, smirking at

No, he was definitely same old Shane.

"I prefer keeping my clothes on, thank you very much." I stated bluntly folding my
arms across my chest. I could feel Shane's eyes on me.

"And exactly what's your plan?" He asked crawling closer to me "Get in the river
fully dressed and make a fool of yourself?"

"Who says I'm getting in the river?" I shrugged my shoulders. Lau and Jordan were
talking, ignoring us.

"Well,", Shane's breath was tickling my ear "You'll be wet by the end of the day,
Jones. I can assure you that." I shivered. I looked at him, which was a grave
mistake. He was too close for my liking. His green feline eyes stared right into
mine intensively. I pushed his chest.

"Back off, Jerkpid!" I covered my mouth as I said it. Shane cocked an eyebrow.

"What did you just call me?" The amusement in his voice was annoying.

"Nothing," I mumbled looking at the window. It was sunny outside. It was a great
day for the festival.

"Jerkpid?" Shane asked amusedly "Gotta admit you're creative, babe," I snapped my
head towards him.

"Don't call me babe,"

"You know you like it." he teased, cupping my cheek.

"I don't," I slapped his hand. He chuckled and grasped a lock of my hair to play
with. Having him this close was making me nervous.

"Leave her alone, man." Jordan chimed in glancing at us through the rear-mirror.
Shane let go of my hair and raised his hands in peace.

"Fine," he gave me my space and I was thankful for it.

"Thank you, Jordan." I smiled at him through the rear mirror.

"No problem."

The rest of the ride was kind of fun. Jordan was really funny. Even though his
jokes were lame. The way he told them made us all burst into laughter. I couldn't
help noticing how his eyes glowed whenever he glanced at Lau. He really liked her,
I could tell. Shane, on the other hand, wouldn't stop making fun of me and my

By the time we arrived to the festival, I was fuming about some joke Shane made
about my hair. Yeah, my hair was a very sensitive subject for me and he knew it. I
jumped off the car but was suddenly overwhelmed by the view. This festival seemed
to be a very big deal.

The river was wide and mighty, surrounded by tall trees. Its water was a
combination of blue and green. There were balloons tied to the trees and a big sign
that said "welcome to River Town's festival" I gawked at a decorated wooden bridge
that crossed the river. There were people at both sides. The sun was bright up in
the sky, making the water crystalline; you could see the bottom of the river in the
shallow parts. Wow, there was a lot of people here, most of them teenagers. There
were booths all around as if it was a carnival. I wondered what they were selling
in them.

"You like it?" Lau asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I nodded, closing my
mouth. I noticed all the girls walking around in their bathing suits. There were
shirtless boys with plastic glass in their hands. This looked more like a party
than a festival. The music was pretty loud. Shane appeared at my side, strecheting
his arms.

"Ready to get loose, babe?" he asked grasping the hem of his t-shirt to pull it
over his head. Unconsciously, my eyes roamed around his biceps, chest and eight-
pack. It was understandable why he was the school's player, I mean, with that
marvelous body he could easily be a model "Stop raping me with your eyes, Jones,"
his arrogant voice snapped me out of my inappropriate thoughts. I blushed looking
at my other side where Laura was watching me with a diverted expression. She
wiggled her eyebrows.

"He's hot, isn't he?" she whispered conspiratorially.

"Yeah," I admitted smiling shyly. Jordan pushed us apart to get between us.

"Are you ready, ladies?" he grinned at the sight "The river looks good. Let's go!"
he wrapped his arms around both us to pull us forward. Remember I had no skills
whatsoever when it came to walk on a rocky surface? Well, river banks are usually
rocky so yeah, you get the picture.

It was a good thing Jordan was a fast catcher otherwise I would've ended up falling
too many times to count. The worst part was that we weren't even half of way and I
was already breathing heavily as if I ran a marathon. Walking on a rocky surface
should be a sport, enough said! Shane was laughing at me, of course, the entire
way. I wanted to glare at him but I couldn't take my eyes off the rocks. We stopped
walking because Lau wanted to take her short off. I rested my hands on my knees
trying to catch my breath.

I hate rocks!

Maybe, they hated me. It could be a mutual thing.

"My stomach hurts," Shane said caressing his abs

"I think I laughed enough for the day," he approached to me with long strides. He
didn't seem to mind the rocks "come here, clumsy girl," I scowled at him.

"What ar-Ah!" Shane lifted me to carry me bridal style "Put me down!" I exclaimed

"No," he started moving to the river.

"Shane! Put me down!" I pushed his chest, feeling the muscles beneath. He looked
down at me and grinned.

"That way, you won't ruin my day by falling and hitting your head,", he explained
casually. I glared at him but he simply winked at me.

"I hate you,".

"Hate is a powerful feeling, I can work with that,". I decided to ignore him the
rest of the way.

When we finally got to the river bank, Shane put me down. I took a step away from
him and folded my arms across my chest. I could feel the sand getting in my

"You're an ungrateful little minion," he shook his head, poking my forehead.

"Little minion?"

"Yes, you're not the only one creative in this relationship, babe,"

"There's no relationship here!" I gestured both of us "and stop calling me babe,"

"Whatever you say," he waved me off, shrugging.

If looks could kill...

"Yoho!" Lau showed up in all her almost naked glory. Jordan was already shirtless,
holding his girlfriend's hand possessively.

"Hey, you made it," Jordan ruffled my hair as if I was a child. I gave him a closed
mouth smile.

"Why do you still have your clothes on?", Lau asked, tugging my t-shirt. I ran my
fingers through my hair.

"I..." I trailed off "I'll take them off later,"

"Water is going to be too cold later, Jules," Lau assured "right now, it's the
perfect time to go for a swim," I ran out of arguments therefore I slowly took my
t-shirt off. I could feel my flaming cheeks as I kept my hands over my chest trying
to cover myself. I didn't have big boobs, they weren't too small either, they could
fill a hand I guess "that's better!" Lau encouraged "Let's go!" she said heading to
the river, pulling Jordan with her. I wasn't getting in the river anytime soon so I
sat on a rock. Sunlight was brushing my skin, warming me up.

Ah! This feels good.

A red headed came closer and started talking to Shane, flirting with him
shamelessly. I rolled my eyes, typical. My phone buzzed in shorts pocket. I took it
out nervously. I knew it was a text from Evan. How did I know? Add it to the list
of mysteries in Julie Ann Jones' life. However, I was not expecting to read these

Blue suits you :)

Oh God! He saw me?!

I was officially looking like a tomato right now. I lifted my gaze and scanned the
crowd surrounding the river but didn't see him.

Me: Where are u?

Him: Planet Earth :)

I narrowed my eyes at my phone's screen.

Me: Ha! Hilarious.

Him: Cross the bridge ;)

What? I looked at the wooden decorated bridge, it wasn't that far. I checked the
way and it only had sand so phew! No more rocks.

Me: Okay.

I shoved my phone inside my pockets, took my sandals off and started walking
through the sandy riverbank. Shane seemed too busy to notice my sudden depart. I
kept my eyes on the sand, trying to be invisible. I should've have put my t-shirt
on again. I couldn't believe I'd left it on some random rock. I embraced myself and
rubbed my arms. The view from the bridge was breathtaking. You could see all the
way up the river and the bright sun shielded by mountains. The sound of water
running was refreshing. A cool breeze brushed my hair softly. it was so good to be
out of my house. This place was pretty cool.

As soon as my feet landed on the other side of the river, I texted Evan asking him
where he was again.

Him: Walk deeper into the woods..

Me: What direction?

Him: Just walk straight :)

This side of the river wasn't as rocky as the other. The sand felt soft under my
bare feet. I was soon swallowed by tall trees that hid the sun from me. I stopped
on my tracks realizing I was far enough from civilization to be worried about my
safety. What if I got the wrong direction? What if got lost? What if there was an
angry panda waiting for me there?

There are no pandas here, dumb-ass! My inner voice snapped at me. I heard some
noise behind me so I turned on my heels in a fast move.


"Evan?" I called him out because I was starting to get scared. Who am I kidding? I
was one minute from running away like a scared puppy. Yeah, I wasn't a brave person
besides, I'd watched too much discovery channel to know there could be a snake
waiting to inject its poison in my bare feet or an angry bear looking for food.
Something warm was wrapped around my waist so I screamed but my mouth was soon
covered. the familiar smell of lavender softener hit my nostrils... Evan. He let me
go and I turned around angrily, ready to yell at him for scaring me like that. But
when my eyes landed on his handsome face, I was speechless. He was wearing a
sleeveless black t-shirt, shorts and black converses. His hair was tousled giving
him a sexy disheveled look. The tattoo on his neck was visible, adding more to his
bad boy appearance. I looked into his dark eyes and swallowed.

"You're not really brave, are you?" he teased, smiling. Oh God, the dimples on his
cheeks formed taking my breath away.


Breathe, Jules.

"You scared me!" I accused trying to sound angry but failing miserably. How could I
be angry at him when he smiled like that? that wasn't fair! He should be banned for
smiling. Evan chuckled.

"It's not my fault you're a chicken,"

"I'm not a chicken!", I retorted folding my arms across my chest, causing Evan's
gaze to drop to my boobs for a slight second before going up to my face again.
Damn! I forgot I was shirtless. My cheeks reddened as I tried to compose myself.

"You're going for a swim?", he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Not really,"

"Why not?"

"Well... swimming is not my thing," I lied. Truth was, I couldn't swim but It's not
like I'm telling him that. I mean, he lived in River town, swimming was probably
natural for him. Evan narrowed his eyes at me, as if he was scrutinizing me.

"You can't swim, can you?" how did he know? Arh! I really sucked at lying. I shook
my head ashamed "That's not bad. It only means I have more to teach you," he
smirked. My heart skipped a beat.

"More to teach me?"

"Yeah,". he took a step closer. I had to tilt my head back to look at him.

"So now you're the experienced bad boy," I said mocking seriousness.

"More like the experienced good-looking bad boy,". his arrogance made me roll my

"Get over yourself," I poked his chest playfully. He held my hand, the contact sent
shivers through me. I retracted my hand, smiling nervously "So, any particular
reason you brought me to this isolated place?"

"Yes, I'm going to kill you," he affirmed hiding a smile "I must say, you were very
easy to catch,"

"You're going to kill me and throw my body in the river?" I asked shaking my head

"That's so cliche"

"Life is a big walking cliche, peachy girl," his hand cupped my cheek. I swallowed.

"Why are we here?" I sounded a little bit breathless.

"Close your eyes," his thumb caressed my cheek gently. I did as I was told "Give me
your hand,". Slowly, I lifted my hand. He held it opened and placed something cold
on my palm. Curiosity was getting the best of me. I was struggling not to see what
it was. "Open your eyes, Jules," he whispered looming over me. As soon as I opened
my eyes, I looked at my hand and gasped. There was a beautiful golden necklace on
it. It had a big strawberry shaped pendant. I covered my mouth with my free hand,
hiding the dreamy smile on my lips "I'm truly sorry," he said, honesty dripping
from his tongue.

"Wow... this is...." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't used to get presents. I
didn't expect Evan to have such a detailed gesture.

"Check the inscription," he spoke excitedly. I grasped the medium size strawberry
pendant and turned it over to read the inscription. It read:

To the beautiful

Mrs. Strawberry


My heart melted inside my chest. How could he do things like this and expect me to
be his friend? No one had ever given me something like this before. It was so
meaningful. it wasn't just some random necklace. He found a way to make it unique,
to relate it to me. I looked up at him. He was giving me a genuine smile. I wanted
to close that space between us and pressed my lips against his, I wanted to show
him how much he meant to me, to let him know how much I cared about him. I knew he
had internal conflicts, i knew he was troubled guy but I didn't care. I would do
the impossible to remove that sadness from his eyes. Even when he was smiling I
could clearly see the hidden sadness in the depth of his eyes... it was almost

"Did you like it?" his question interrupted my thoughts. I blinked getting back to

"I love it...It's beautiful," I answered frankly. He took the necklace from my palm
to put on my neck gently. The cold gold met my bare skin, I couldn't help
shivering. Evan took a step backwards and grinned.

"It looks great on you,"

"Thank you," I mumbled with a flustered face "This is... really sweet of you,". He
scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, I guess your sweetness is contagious," he stated, making a disgusted face. I

punched his shoulder.

"Silly dark poet!" I exclaimed playfully.

"Naive cheesy writer," He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oh, very mature, huh?" Evan opened his mouth to say something but then someone
else spoke.

"Finally!" I turned around to find Shane. He was dripping wet "I've been looking
for you everywhere, babe," Evan tensed up at the word 'babe' he glanced at me
confused as if wondering 'did he just call you babe?'

"I told you not to call me ba-"

"Hey, man," Shane shook Evan's hand interrupting me.

"Hey," Evan's voice was back to cold. It wasn't the same excited playful voice

"So what were you guys doing?" Shane asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder,
getting my side damp in a matter of seconds. I tried to push him off but he simply
held me tightly against him. I gazed at Evan. His expression was unreadable but he
was clenching his fists at his sides.

"Take your hands off her," Evan hissed through clenched teeth, surprising me.

"Excuse me?" Shane played the fool.

"I said," Evan's biceps were tensed, I swear I could see his veins bulging out of
his skin "Take your hands off her," he repeated deliberately slow.

"And if I don't?" Shane challenged. Evan's pressed his lips in a tight line "You're
going to make me?" Shane pulled me tighter against him. I struggled to get loose.

"Let her go," Evan demanded dangerously.

"Or what, freak?", Shane said, snarling.

"Shane!" I protested not liking where this was going.

"Don't provoke me," Evan menaced, anger plastered on his face.

"I'm not afraid of you," Shane shrugged.

"You should be,"

"Oh yeah?" Shane's voice was getting serious "You lost your turn, loser, she's mine

"What?" I looked at Shane shocked.

And then everything happened so fast my brain barely had time to register
everything. Evan launched towards Shane, pushing him backwards getting me out of
the way. Then, his fist connected with Shane's face hard. I was too shock to move,
I was paralyzed. Shane fell to the ground, his nose was bleeding. Oh my God!
Evan got on top of him and straddled him. I held my chest scared. Violence had
always scared the hell out of me. Evan started punching Shane over and over again.
the sound each punch produced was making me sick.

"No!" I yelled shaking. I knew I had to do something. "Evan! Stop! No!" I came
closer to them and was horrified to see the mess Shane's face was turning into. He
was barely conscious "No, Evan! Don't!" I knelt next to them. Evan seemed lost in
his own rage "Stop! Please!" I begged. I held his fist in the air catching his
attention. Evan looked at me. His expression went from anger, to realization and
finally regret. His knuckles were stained with blood: Shane's blood. Evan didn't
seem to know what to say.

"Oh God!" I exclaimed, letting go of his hand. He got off Shane so I leaned
forwards my injured friend "Shane? Can you hear me?" I hadn't noticed the tears
rolling down my face.

"Ow!" was all Shane managed to utter as I helped him sit up.

"Oh God! Are you okay?" I tried to clean his face with shaky hands.

"Never been better," Shane's sarcastic remark was prove he was okay. He got on his
feet, holding his nose.

"Shane?" I was so worried. He ignored me and stared at Evan.

"This isn't over," he promised as he started walking away. He was probably going to
clean his face off in the river.

What the hell just happened? I turned to face Evan.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed at him angrily. Evan kept his gaze
on the ground. I pushed his chest "You could have killed him!"

"He started it," Evan looked up at me, his voice cold and unnerving.

"He was joking! He's Shane! He's always joking!" I explained exasperated.

"He wasn't joking!" Evan's tone rose "Can't you see the way he looks at you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Apologize to him!" I ordered.

"No, he got what he deserved!"

"What is your problem?!"

"He is a jerk and you know it!"

"So what? that doesn't give you the right to beat the crap out of him! That's just

"What about the things he does? they are not wrong?" I frowned in confusion "you
know exactly what he did to Melissa. Is that what you want for yourself?"

"So this is about Melissa?", I asked hurt.

"No, this is about you. I won't let him play with you,"

"He's not going to play with me! He's my friend!"

"He wants you!" Evan hissed "It's obvious, you're just to naive to notice,"

"He doesn't..." I trailed off taking in his words, "and what if he does want me?
Why do you care? As far as I know, you only want to be my friend,"

"I'm your friend. That's why I get to worry about you, that guy will only hurt

"He won't. He's not like you," The words left my mouth before I could stop them.
Evan's face contorted in hurt "I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I..."

"It's fine. You're right," my chest tightened.

"I really didn't mean to say that," I looked for his eyes but he kept them
everywhere but me. He turned around and held his head.

"You should go back to your friends,"

"No," this wasn't over. Not like this.

"Jules, just go," he turned to me. We locked gazes; my chest was rising and falling
due to my heavy breathing. We were both angry but there was something else flowing
around us: Tension. I felt like there was an electric pull between us. All I wanted
to do was close that space and kiss him with everything I had. Somehow I knew he
wanted the same.

And there we stood, staring into each other's eyes, holding ourselves back. Evan
took one step closer; I swallowed feeling my dry throat.

"You have to go before I do something stupid," his voice was a soft whisper now.

"No," I took one step forwards.

"Jules..." a shiver traveled down my spine. My name sounded so good in that sexy
voice of his. He took three long strides towards me, until we were mere inches from
each other. He held my face with both hands and rested his forehead on mine. His
ragged breath fanned my lips teasingly. God, I'd never wanted something so bad as I
wanted him to kiss me.

"I won't let him have you,"

"Why?" I looked right into his dark eyes.

"Because you're mine"


A/N: Yoho! I hope you enjoyed the long chapter! I bet my fresh peaches Shane's fans
are going to be angry, he got beaten xD oh well, that's life. There are surprises
coming, people. Thank you guys for the support.

Don't forget to vote since this story is the wattys! Also, join the facebook group.
It's on the external link.

Love and regular peaches, Arix

Chapter 29 >>

Unedited chapter, I decide to post the chapters and I will edit them after I
finish the story.

Thanks to Alexandra for the banner!

And watch the video to the side, it's lovely. The song fits Evan >>


My Wattpad Love

Chapter 29

To say I was speechless was the biggest understatement of my life. I was

dumbfounded, shocked, wordless and many other adjectives that represent
bewilderment and surprise. I wasn't even sure I was still breathing. Evan's face
remained so close to mine, our breaths were mixing together. I just needed to move
one inch closer and I would be kissing him.

‘Because you're mine...’

God, those words had sent shivers through my entire body. My breath had become
unsteady; my heart was racing unhealthily inside my chest. Evan pressed his
forehead against mine while his warm thumbs were caressing my cheeks gently. I
wanted to kiss him so bad, it was killing me. Our noses touched, our lips were
merely an inch apart. My lips parted yearning to feel his. My eyes looked for his,
they looked darker than usual. I stared into them wondering, ‘Why aren’t you
kissing me?’

The answer was obvious and it hit me like a bucket of cold water.

He wasn't going to kiss me. He wanted me to do it so he could be free of blame for

misleading me again. He wanted me to cross that line of friendship he had drawn
between us. The line he had definitely pierced with his entire 'You're mine'
statement because last time I checked, friends don't own each other.

So where was he going with this? Understanding Evan could be extremely hard and
exhausting. He couldn't just pretend to be my friend and then get me to kiss him.
Somehow, he knew I wouldn't be able to resist him. He knew I was crazy about him
and that put me in disadvantage. No matter how bad I wanted to kiss him -because I
was honestly dying to- I knew I couldn't. I'd kissed him twice in my life and he
ended up running after leaving me heartbroken. So yeah, I was crazy about the guy
but I wasn't stupid or a masochist.

It's like Albert Einstein said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results"

I couldn't keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome. Things needed
to change for good. However, having him so close to me was incredibly tempting. The
warmth coming from his body was dragging me to him. My love intoxicated heart was
yelling at me to kiss him, to hug him but my mind thought otherwise. Listening to
my heart hadn't actually earned me good results thereby it was time to listen to my

Ignoring my body's protests, I placed my hands on Evan's chest and using all my
self-control, I pushed him backwards. I instantly felt cold without his touch. I
lifted my gaze to look at him. He seemed surprise but he quickly covered it up with
a cold expression.

"I'm not yours," I forced the words out of my mouth. The whole sentence was a
blatant lie because deep down, I was already his even when he hadn't even asked me
out. Evan watched me in silence for a few seconds. I swallowed, trying to keep my
strong pose. His shoulders relaxed as he shove his hands inside his pockets.

"You're right," he stated nonchalantly. "I'm sorry."

So he wasn't going to fight for me anymore, was he? I folded my arms across my

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Shane." His expression hardened.


I crossed my arms."Yes."

"That's not gonna happen, Jules." There goes a shiver...

Why was it that I always got that goose bumps whenever he said my name?

‘Because you're possibly falling in love with him!’ My bold inner voice snapped at
me. I mentally rolled my eyes before getting back to the situation at hand.

"You need to apologize, it wasn't right to beat the crap out of Shane like that." I
said calmly.

"I can't apologize." he said with finality.

"Then, I guess we are done here." I said with all the coldness I could muster.
"Thanks for the necklace." I gave him a closed mouth smile and turned on my feet.
As I started walking away, I could feel my heartbeat in my ears and throat.



Three... steps.

Wasn't he going to stop me?



My plan sucks.



I should stop counting my steps.



Albert Einstein had definitely not met Evan when he said that stuff about doing
things differently cause it wasn't really working for me.


I should've kissed him.


At least I would be walking away with the memory of his lips against mine instead
of feeling genuinely stupid.


Seriously, I need to stop counting. He's not gonna stop me.


I blame it on all those romantic movies where the guy always stops the girl.



"Jules, wait!" Did I hear him right? "Hey, wait!" He grabbed my arm turning me to
him. I faced him trying to hide the relief within me.

Play it cool, Jules.

"What?" I asked, lifting my chin proudly.

"I will do it." he said defeated.

"You will do...?" I played the fool. Evan narrowed his eyes at me.

"I will apologize to him."

"That means you know what you did was wrong, right?" Evan gave me a flat look.

"I'm trying here, okay?" he stated annoyed.

"Fine." I gave him a toothy grin, savoring my partial victory.

Thank you, Albert Einstein.

"Are we cool?" he wondered, watching me carefully.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Good." His lips formed a lop-sided smirk. One of his dimples formed on his right
cheek almost breaking my determination.

"Good." I unfolded my arms, letting them fall at my sides. Evan's smile turned into
a full smirk.

"You look cute when you're angry." he smiled, pinching my nose. I chuckled.

"You're a bipolar jerk, you know that, don't you?" I stated frankly.

He shrugged "Maybe."

"Maybe?" I cocked an eyebrow. He nodded.

"Yeah." He ran his fingers through his midnight black hair, rolling his lower lip
into his mouth "Would you give this bipolar jerk a hug?" he pouted.
"A hug?" I was taken aback by his request.

"Uhum." He gave me a puppy look "That way, I can know if I am truly forgiven." He
extended his arms towards me. I wavered. God, he looked so adorable but I didn't
know if I could resist to having him so close to me again.

"Apologize to Shane and I will give you all the hugs you want." I traded, avoiding
the hug because right now, I couldn't have him close to me again. I had to wait for
my self-control to reload. Evan shook his head disappointed.

"You're mean."

"I'm being fair so let's go, impulsive boxer, apologizing time." I gestured him to
the way back to the bridge. "And to pay for all the trouble you caused, you're
giving me a piggyback." Ok, maybe I was taking advantage of the situation but hey,
it wasn't everyday Evan was this submissive. He grinned at me.

"Deal." he said giving his back to me, bending forwards slightly "Get on,

I glared at the back of his head. Slowly, I approached him and crawled on his back,
wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Evan held me up as
if I weighted nothing. Jeez, I forgot how tall he was. When he lifted me, the
ground looked far away. If I fell, it would be very painful.

"I won't let you fall." he assured, probably sensing my fear. My almost naked
torso was pressed against his back and even though he was fully dressed, I could
feel the heated skin beneath his t-shirt. He smelled so good. I struggled not to
sniff on his hair and neck.

"Go!" I encouraged him to move. Evan laughed softly before starting to walk towards
the decorated bridge. In this position, I could take a better look at his tattoo. I
studied the perfect curvy dark lines on his skin. It looked so professional. I felt
like it had some tribal meaning.

"Why so quiet?" Evan asked glancing at me over his shoulder "Are you having a panic

"No, I just..." I knew the tattoo was a sensitive subject for him so I pushed away
the questions about it. "I'm admiring the sights." I lied burying my face in his
hair, sniffing a little. I couldn't help it. It was so soft.

"Are you sniffing on my hair?"

"What? Psssh! Of course not!" I replied exaggeratedly.

"Right." he mumbled as we crossed the bridge. The sun was nowhere to be found.
Clouds were masking the once bright blue sky. Was it going to rain? Seriously? The
day had started so good for the festival.

Anyway, I scanned the crowd looking for my friends. I spotted Laura sitting on the
rock inside the river. Jordan was swimming around her.

Where was Shane? As if on cue, Shane emerged from the water taking a deep breath
in. Every girl in a 10 meter radius was gawking at him as he ran both of his hands
through his hair, water droplets were rolling down his muscled chest, six-pack, and
finally got lost down the defined V in his lower abdomen. As for his face, it
didn't look so bad now that he had no trace of blood on it. However, his nose
looked red and swollen, a bruise was starting to form around his left eye. This was
the second time I'd seen Shane beaten up. The first time was in that party at
Jordan's place. That seemed so long ago.

"There they are!" I pointed my friends out to Evan. He simply strode towards the
direction I pointed. He dropped me gently when we reached the river bank "Hey!
Guys!" I called them out waving my hand at them to get their attention. Lau was the
first one to spot me.

"Hey!" she waved her hand back at me and then her eyes landed on Evan. She grinned
knowingly. "Hey, Evan!"

"Hi," Evan whispered shyly. Shane noticed the commotion and looked at us. He glared
openly at Evan. I felt Evan stiffened next to me.

Ugh, this is awkward.

"Shane!" I shouted his name, getting his attention. "Can you come here for a sec,
please?" I watched him hesitate for a second before swimming his way over to us.
Dripping wet, he got out of the river and stood in front of us. As soon as I got
both of them to face each other, I knew this was a bad a idea. Shane was shooting
daggers at Evan, he was obviously still pissed at him.

Alright, I need to solve this maturely.

"Shane, Evan has something to say." I stated awkwardly. Shane cocked his head
waiting. Evan remained in silence "Evan?" I reminded him.

"I'm sorry, dude." Evan said expressionless. I gestured for him to continue. "I'm
sorry for beating you up." Shane scoffed.

"You didn't beat me up. You punched like a girl."

"Shane." I warned him, getting between them.

"Oh, really?" Evan inquired arrogantly.

"Ok, ok, that's enough." I stated nervously. It was hard to breathe through the
tension between those two. I looked for Lau around the river for help. We exchanged
gazes and she understood I needed her. I think that is one of the greatest thing of
having a best friend, you can speak to them with just a simple look.

"Hey, guys!" Lau exclaimed getting out of the river "Why don't we go for a swim?"
she wrapped her arm around Shane's arm "Come on, Shane." she pulled at him. Shane
didn't budge for a second, glaring at Evan but then he gave up and let Lau drag him
back into the river. I let out a sigh of relief.

"He's a jerk." Evan muttered. I glanced at him.

"Yeah, but he's not a bad guy," I said, watching Lau and Shane diving in the water.

"How can you say that?" Evan wondered. I could feel his eyes on me.

"I don't know... he can be..." I trailed off, remembering all those times Shane'd
been there for me. Remembering that time he failed math because of me. The memories
brought a smile to my lips "He's just... Shane." I shrugged.

"Do you like him?" Evan asked, his voice restrained. I snapped my head towards him
taken aback by his question. I frowned.
"That's none of your business." I stated, averting my gaze. Shane was attractive
but I'd never thought of him in a romantic way. We were too different for
that.Shane was my friend, that was all. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to tell Evan
that. I wanted him curious about the entire Shane subject.

"I thought we were friends." Evan murmured.

"We are."

"Then why can't you tell me if you like him?" he pressed.

"Why do you care?" I looked at him defiantly. He shrugged.

"I'm curious, that's all." He shoved his hands inside his pockets. "I just hope
you're smart enough not to fall for his looks."

"I'm good; you don't need to worry about me." I said simply.

"I can see that." There was a glint of need in his dark eyes. A clap of thunder
made me jump slightly. Then, it began to drizzle. Cold raindrops started touching
my bare torso, making me shiver. Everyone with dry clothes on rushed to the parking
lot to their cars. Lau emerged from the water. Her eyes widened when she noticed
the rain.

"Jules!" She cried out. "Our phones! Please take them to the car before they get
wet!" She pointed towards their clothes; they were lying on a rock.

"Ok!" I picked up her shorts, Jordan's and Shane's t-shirts. I wrapped the clothes
around the phones to protect them. I looked up the rocky way to the parking lot.
Ok, that was not going to be easy.

"You need help?" Evan asked knowingly. I glanced at him, he was smiling at me.

"No." I replied securely.

I can do this. If I manage to resist kissing Evan a few minutes ago, I could
definitely do this.

Believe it or not, I did it. I managed to run through the rocks without falling.
The drizzle was turning slowly into heavy rain. Evan was following right behind me,
as if he was waiting to catch me if I fell. We reached the parking lot's entrance
when a familiar voice screamed my name loudly. I looked behind me to see...

"Jason?" I knew he would come to the festival but I hadn't seen him around.

"I... need... to... talk... to you..." he said panting.

"This is not the best time, I have-"

"I can take the phones to my car if you want." Evan offered, noticing the despair
on my best friend's face.

"Okay." I gave him the clothes and phones.

"I'll wait for you in the car, it's right there." Evan pointed his black car out
before walking off. It was already raining heavily when I looked at Jason.

"This better be good." I warned, getting damp as I said it. Jason was resting his
hand on his knees, trying to recover his breath. He looked up at me.

"Helen..." He sounded breathless. "We're kind of back together."

"That's good. But, I don't know if you’ve noticed that it's pouring with rain! You
could've waited to tell me that!" Jason straightened his body. He was shirtless.

"I know. The thing is that she's been acting weird and I..." I couldn't hear the
rest. The rain was so heavy, it was getting hard to see or hear through it.

"What?" I shouted.

"I said..."

"I can't hear you!" I screamed, frustrated. Raindrops were getting in my mouth as I
spoke. I spit them out, cleaning off my face. Jason stepped closer.

"I said I..."


"She... know... I... how..." All I got were fractions of words that made no sense.
Jason must've seen the confusion on my face because he wrapped an arm around my
waist, pulling me to him and leaned into my ear. "I said that I think she likes
me." His warm breath gave me goosebumps. It was freezing out here.

"We already knew that." I said annoyed. Jason's body was pressed against mine
keeping me warm. Anyone could have thought we were a couple, making out under the

"No, you don't understand." Jason spoke softly in my ear. "I mean, she really likes

"I don't get it." He sighed frustrated. The flow of air tickled my neck. I giggled.

"It's not funny, Jules." he groaned.

"I know. I wasn't---Never mind. What's the problem?"

"I think she wants us to be official. You know, to have a relationship and all that
crap." I grinned.


"I don't know what to do."

"Cause I'll never be with you." I sang, quoting James Blunt's song 'You're
Beautiful'. Jason pinched my waist.

"I'm being serious here."

"Fine, Mr. Seriousness. What did she say?"

"She asked me if I wanted to take our thing to the next level." he shrugged.

"And what did you say?" I coaxed.

"That I needed to pee." I rolled my eyes, laughing loudly but Jason remained quiet.
"Wait... Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"I freak out, okay? She's waiting for me as we speak! You better tell me what to
do." he said.

"I can't do that. It's your choice to make." I ruffled his wet hair. "It's simple.
What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." he murmured.

"Then tell her you need time to think about it." I said, squeezing his hand

"I can't leave her hanging like that. You should have seen her face; she was so
scared of my reaction." he said, his eyes misting over as he remembered her

"Poor her! I wish I could tell you what to do but It's your choice, Jason." I
smiled sadly.

"I know." He sighed, making me giggle again. "I just don't want any complications."

"Do you like her?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said with no hesitation.

"Is it just physical or is there something more between you?"

"I don't know." he shrugged.

"I don't know." I mimicked his words, holding his face to look at him. "You, my
friend, need to make up your mind." He smiled sadly at me.

"My head is a mess."

"You're gonna be fine." I assured, caressing his face.

"You really think so?" He looked so hopeless, so vulnerable. I pulled him into a
tight hug.

"Yeah, you're a good boy." I was nothing but frank. We both pulled away. "Just hold
her close, look into her eyes and then you'll know exactly what to do." I gave him
the wisest piece of advice I could think of. "Now, go back to her. She's probably
thinking she scared you away."

"Thank you." He gave me a genuine smile which I quickly returned.

"Go!" I shooed him, pushing his chest facetiously. He grinned, turned on his feet
and left. I was glad he finally left, mostly because I was freezing my butt off out
here. Rubbing my arms, I scanned the almost empty parking lot to find Evan's car.
When I spotted it, I rushed towards it. Evan was inside looking warm and cozy while
I was shaking uncontrollably outside the passenger’s door. He pushed the door
opened for me.

"Get in!" he ordered loudly.

"But I'm dripping wet! I'll ruin your seat!" Evan rolled his eyes.

"Just get in before you freeze to death!"


"Jules." he warned. "I'll drag you inside if it's necessary."

His tone was mandatory. I was sure my lips were turning purple. Reluctantly, I got
inside the car. The warmth welcomed me, calming my trembling hands and quivering
lips. I rubbed my hands together. It smelled really good in here, it smelled
like... Evan. I knew he was staring at me. I could feel it "Take this." he said,
offering me a blanket.

"Thanks." I grasped it, covering my frozen body. Silence reigned between us and it
suddenly became hard to breath. I could feel the tension forming in the air.

We're alone in his car... and it's raining.

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I remembered that passionate kiss we shared under the
rain last week.

Don't think about it, Jules!

"Is Jason okay?" Evan's sexy voice broke the silence.

"Yeah." I nodded, averting his gaze.

"Jules." His voice was soft. "Look at me."

Nervously, I turned my head to him. We locked gazes and my heart skipped a beat.
God, he was so cute. Inevitably, my gaze dropped to his lips. Evan extended his
hand towards me; he cupped my cheek. My skin heated at his warm palm. I swallowed;
everything about him was dragging me closer. His smell, his looks, his voice, his
thoughts, his poems... just everything. His eyes held so many emotions.

"Evan... I..." He pressed his index on my lips silencing me.

"I'm sorry, Jules. I'm truly sorry for hurting you." he whispered sincerely. " I
know I can be confusing. I don't want you thinking this is a game for me. I never
meant to play with you. I swear." I was shocked by his words.

"I just--", he leaned closer, "--I know I’m not being fair to you. I'm being a
selfish bastard because I can't let you go even though that's the right thing to

"Evan, I-"

"I'm not as strong as I thought I was." He cut me off gripping my face tightly.
"You're gonna have to be strong and stay away from me since I can't find the
strength to get away from you."

He closed his eyes, our foreheads colliding together. The rain had stopped outside
the car. I could only hear our heavy breaths mixing since we were so close.

"But I-"

"You need to get out of the car now, Jules." he said softly.


"I won't be able to hold myself back for much longer." he breathed.
"What do you mean?"

"I want to kiss you so bad. I'm dying to taste those sweet lips of yours again. My
hands are itching to touch you, to feel you." His words warmed my body. "So, get
away from me while you can."

How could I tell him I wanted the same thing? I opened my mouth to speak.

"Jules!" Jordan's voice made us both jump away from each other. It was like we were
in sort of trance and we snapped out of it. Jordan was knocking on my window. I
opened it.

"What?" I spat angrily.

"We have a problem, come out." he informed me, looking worried. I stepped out of
the car worried. Did something happen to Laura?

"What's wrong? Where's Lau and Shane?"

"Shane left with some redhead and Lau is buying some souvenirs in the last booth."
Jordan's words calmed me "Well, the rain was pretty heavy."

"I know." I gave him a ‘duh’ look. Evan joined us, interested in the conversation.
He probably noticed Jordan's worried expression.

"Hey." Evan shook Jordan's hand.

"What's up, man?" Jordan smiled.

"What's wrong?" Evan asked straight-forwardly.

"Apparently, the rain was pretty intense and there was a collapse on the road.
There's mud and a huge tree blocking the way back home." I opened my mouth

"Oh God!" I held my forehead. "What are we going to do? They're going to clean the
road, I suppose, right?"

"Yeah, but, since it's nearly evening, the road won't be ready until tomorrow." I
blew a strand of wet hair out of my face.

"Great! Just great!" I exclaimed sarcastically. Lau strode towards us holding some
bags. She didn't seem concerned about the entire road situation.

"Hey again." She greeted Evan. He simply smiled at her "So did you find a solution,
babe?" Jordan shook his head. "We can always stay in a hotel." she offered,

"Already called; they're full because of this entire festival event." Jordan
retorted defeated. I rubbed my face with both hands thinking, 'Mom is going to kill

"Well, we could sleep in the car." Lau added trying to calm us down.

"And freeze to death?" I chimed in, annoyed. "Look at us! We're all damp and as far
as i know, we didn't bring any more clothes."

"Hey, don't get mad at me." she raised her hands in a peaceful sign. "This is not
my fault."

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm cold and hungry. Sorry for snapping at you." Lau
pinched my cheek.

"It's cool; our situation sucks."

"Yeah, it does." I agreed defeated.

"You could all stay over my place." The three of us snapped our heads towards Evan.

"Really?" Lau's face brightened up. I couldn't bring myself to say something.

"You sure, man?" Jordan asked cautiously.

"Yeah, my house is awfully big." Evan shrugged.

"Are you sure, man?" Jordan repeated his question "We don't want to intrude."

"It's cool, really. You can spend the night there and come back home when the road
is ready tomorrow." Lau squealed excitedly and gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you." she grinned widely at him. "That's really nice of you."

"No problem." Evan glanced at me, probably expecting me to say something, but I was
mute. "I'll start the engine. You can follow me with your car, man." he said to
Jordan. "My house is not really that far from here."

"Okay." Jordan agreed walking to his car. Lau and I exchanged gazes.

"Go with him." Lau gestured me to Evan.


"Come on, Jules!"

"He said we should follow him;I'm going with you guys." I stated stubbornly.

"Please. He's being really nice by letting us stay over his house. Keep him


"Go!" she pushed me towards his car. Growling in frustration, I walked with long
strides to Evan's car. He was already opening the driver's door. He spotted me and
smiled at me.

"You're coming with me?" he was amused.

"If you want to." I folded my arms across my chest. "If you don't, I can-"

"Don't be silly, get in." He jumped in the driver's seat. I remained still in front
of the passenger's seat. Evan opened the door from the inside, pushing it opened
for me.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked, leaning over my seat. I was nervous about
being alone again with him in his car after what happened a few minutes ago. Evan
smirked up at me "Get in, I don't bite." he teased. "At least, not hard." he winked
at me. My stomach did a major black flip. Swallowing my nervousness, I got inside
the car.

It was going to be a long night...


A/N: Heya! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for the support, guys! Next
chapter will be fun muahaha Please, go to the feedback page, then select Special
awards nomination from the drop-down menu and nominate this story for Best Overall
cast. It'll mean the world to me. The link for the feedback page is on the right,
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Don't forget to vote!

Love and forbidden apples,


Chapter 30 >>

Dedicated to my Wattpad sister Lydia :D She made the awesome banner to the right >>
and edited this for me. Thank you, girl ;)

Special long chapter :)

Play the music when I tell you.


My Wattpad Love

Chapter 30

"Wow, he surely has a fine place," I heard Laura say as we all stood in front of
Evan's house. I couldn't agree more with her. We were facing a big two story house
with dark blue walls, white Victorian windows and a big front garden.

"Come on," Evan said walking past us. I stared at his back, swallowing hard. I
couldn't believe I was about to go in his house. I mean, he was the guy I met on
Wattpad. I never expected him to live thirty minutes away from my town, or to have
these immense feelings towards him. When we were in the car, the tension had been
absolutely unbearable. It was a good thing he lived ten minutes away from the
river, otherwise I wasn't sure I could have survived.

"Jules?" Lau waved her hand in front of my face "come on, move. It's freezing out
here." she gave me a little push.

We followed Evan through a path with small trees and flowers at both sides. I was
embracing myself, rubbing up my arms with my hands. It was already getting dark,
and Lau was right, it was pretty cold here. Evan opened his front door and held it
opened for us. I was the last one to cross the door. He stared at me intensely as I
passed him. We stepped inside the hall, and immediately I felt the warmth receiving
my cold body. I wondered if this was his parents' house, but I knew I couldn't ask
him that, at least not in front of Lau and Jordan.

Evan led us towards the living room. There were three huge brown couches, two
lamps, wooden framed paintings and a small fireplace. A curved wood-made staircase
was placed to our left. The entire place shouted warmth and comfort.

"Nice place, man," Jordan complimented checking our surroundings.

"Thanks," Evan mumbled shyly. We all stood there not knowing what to do.

Awkward much?

But of course, I had to be the one to break the uncomfortable silence. How?

"Oh, you're probably all freezing," Evan realized, noticing our wet outfits
"There's a bathroom down the hall," he pointed to our right.

"Jordan will take that one," Lau said pushing her boyfriend.

"No, babe, you go first," Jordan stated like a gentleman.

"You go, I'm sure there's another bathroom here, right Evan?" Lau smiled at Evan.
What was she planning? I squinted at her.

"Yeah, there's actually two more upstairs," Evan replied hesitantly "One is in the
hall and the other one is my room," Lau grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I'll take the one in the hall if you don't mind," Evan opened his mouth to say
something "Thanks," she glanced at me with a smirk "You can use his bathroom,
Jules." she winked at me and ran upstairs leaving us alone. I was so embarrassed.
Lau made choices as if this was her house.

"I'm sorry, she's a bit... bold sometimes," I apologized, gazing at the wooden
floor "I can wait for her or Jordan to finish... you don't have to let me use your
bathroom, I-" Evan's warm fingers held my chin, forcing me to look up at him. Our
eyes met making my heart beat quicker.

"It's cool," he said in a relaxed tone "come on, or you'll get sick." He held my
hand, leading me upstairs. The dragons in my stomach were now soaring as I
struggled not to squeal like a little girl right there.

He’s holding my hand!

When we finished climbing the stairs, we found ourselves in a long hallway. There
were doors at each side. I could hear the water running somewhere and realized it
was probably Lau taking a shower. Since when was she this bold, smarty girl? She
seemed to have everything planned to get me alone with Evan in his room.

That evil genius! Hanging out with Shane and Jordan was definitely making her more
avid and malicious. I was so deep in thought that when Evan stopped, I slammed into
his back.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed ashamed. He didn't say anything, but instead pushed a door
open. He gestured me to go in first, but I hesitated.

"What?" He asked with a little smirk, "Little Jules is afraid of going inside the
Shark's cave?"

"No," I replied with a flustered face, heat niggling at my cheeks. His words
reminded me of the poem he wrote to me. Evan stared at me, making my breathing
hitch. I looked away, and entered his room.

I couldn't see a thing until he turned on the lights. My jaw dropped to the floor.
I can honestly say I'd never seen so much black together in my entire life.
Everything was black: the walls, the bed's sheets, the window's curtains, the
mirror's frame, even the floor was carpeted black. It made the room feel so small
and swallowing.

"Wow, that's a lot of black," I commented, my eyes still roaming around his cave
"you took the dark poet thing to a huge new level, huh?" I joked looking back at
him. Evan was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.
Somehow knowing he was blocking my only way out was making me nervous. I was in his
territory, I was vulnerable. I waited for him to say something but he remained in
silence. His heavy gaze was making me uneasy.

"Hum," I started awkwardly "where's the bathroom?" Evan aimed his finger to a black
door next to the drawers. I was about to move towards it when he stepped inside the
room, closing the door behind him.

We're alone in his room...

He just closed the door.

I'm going to die of a heart attack.

I watched him walk past me and looked for something inside the drawers.

"You can use this towel," he handed me a dark blue towel. I grasped it with a
shaking hand.

"Thanks," I pressed the towel against my chest and ran off into the bathroom. I
locked the door behind me and let out a long breath. Phew! I could finally feel my
heart getting back to his regular beating.

They say love is good for your health...

Good my ass! I was lucky to be young, otherwise I would have had a heart failure a
long time ago. I stripped from my damp clothes and jumped inside the shower. It was
a well-sized bathroom, nothing too big or too small. And guess what color the
pottery was?

Yep, you guessed right: Black. Warm water started falling on me, relaxing me. Ah!
That felt good. I grasped the soap and for a moment, I simply gazed at it. Evan had
used this soap... He had rubbed it all over his hot body. The thought made me
shiver in delight.

Oh God, I need help.

Shaking my head at myself, I proceeded to continue with my relaxing shower. When I

was done, I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me. It was then my not so
bright brain seemed to remember I didn't bring any dry clothes. I clutched my
forehead with one hand and pressed the towel against me with the other. There was
no way I was leaving the bathroom like this. I glanced at my damp clothes lying on
the floor. No, I couldn't put them on again. I didn't want to get sick. Since I
didn't want to leave the bathroom wrapped-up in toilet paper, which sounds like
something Lady Gaga would do, I didn't have a choice but to hope for Evan to hear
my precarious whispers.

"Evan?" I hoped he was still in the room "Hey, Evan!" Nothing. Maybe he went
downstairs. Arg! I unlocked the door and slowly pulled it open, sticking my head
out. Evan had his back to me and was looking for something on his night table
"Evan?" he turned to me and grinned.

"Need help over there?" he asked suggestively. I glared at him, but couldn’t help
the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"No, I just need some dry clothes."

"I figured. I brought you some clothes,” he pointed his bed “They’re Helen’s, she
left them here when she visited me last week.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“Well, Helen and I…” Evan waited for me to continue “Never mind,” I couldn’t tell
him his sister probably hated my guts.

“I’ll let you change,” he stated, leaving the room.

Believe it or not, the rest of the night was boring. Evan avoided being alone to be
at all costs. We were all too tired to prepare something to eat so we got some
chips and crackers before going to bed early. Lau and Jordan were –of course–
sharing a room, therefore I was thrown into a lonely room. I was mad at Evan. Why
was he avoiding me now? I tossed around my bed trying to get some sleep. After an
hour of futile attempts, I finally fell in dreamland.


I don't know what woke me up. I just had this weird feeling in my stomach. At first
I thought it was hunger, but as I sat up I realized the feeling expanded to my
chest, constricting it. Something was wrong. I sneaked a quick look at the alarm
clock next to the bed: 1:27 am.

God, what am I doing awake?

I rubbed my face, swinging my legs out of the bed. I got up and went out of my
room, stepping into the dark hallway. Half-sleep, I headed towards Evan’s door.
Carefully, I pulled it opened and stuck my head inside.

(Play the song now!)

He was there. He was awake. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, his naked back
to me. He was slightly bending over, his elbows on his knees. His face was buried
in both of his hands. He looked so lost, so vulnerable. I didn't know what to do so
I stood there in his door frame motionless. His bed was a disaster as if he'd been
tossing around repeatedly. His pale back stood out of the black sheets and walls.
His dark hair was disheveled; each strand was pointing a different direction. It
was obvious he couldn't sleep, but why?

"Evan?" he tensed up at my voice. He glanced at me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" his tone was cold. I took a step inside.

"I couldn't sleep," I lied.

"Go back to bed," he ordered looking back ahead of him.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Evan didn't say anything. I knew he wasn't okay.
It led me to wonder why do we always ask a person, who's obviously not okay, if
they are? It's a stupid unnecessary question. Grasping some courage, I slowly
walked around his bed. I wanted to see his face. I was hoping his expression could
help me figure out what was wrong with him. I stopped right in front of him, my
figure was blocking the moonlight streaming through the window behind me. My shadow
was fully coating him. He didn't look at me though, his gaze seemed lost as if he
wasn't there with me.

"Evan?" he looked up at me and my heart shrieked and sank in my chest. His eyes
were filled with so much sadness and pain I felt my eyes water. He wasn't hiding
the pain anymore, it was rolling off him freely. It was like he had taken the cold
mask off and for the first time since I met him, I was finally seeing his hidden
side, and now I knew why he hid it, because it was heartbreaking to watch him like

There were bags under his penetrating dark eyes, my eyes roamed down his chest and
it was then I noticed the scars. I clutched hold of my chest and struggled with not
being surprised. There were many scars... on his chest and abdomen. I remembered
Mom telling me about how he'd been victim of abuse for years.

"They're repulsive, aren't they?" his voice brought my gaze back to his face. I
frowned at him for a second, not understanding his words. But then it dawned on me,
he was talking about his scars. I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me
off "Don't answer that."

"Evan, I—"

"What?" he got up abruptly "You what, Jules?" there was anger lacing his voice. I
stumbled backwards taken aback by his outburst.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. Evan stared down at me coldly.

"Why are you apologizing?" he frowned.

"I don't know, I just..." my eyes landed on his scars once again. God, there was a
large one that started on his chest and crossed down his stomach. He gave me one
last look before turning on his feet. He searched for a sweater inside his drawers
and put it on angrily. He slammed the drawer closed, and stalked towards the door.

He was leaving?

"Where are you going?" I asked following him. He turned to me.

"Stay here," he hissed through clenched teeth "I need some fresh air." I watched
him walk down the hall and disappear down the stairs.

Hell no! I wasn't going to let him go out like this. I ran after him, my bare feet
moving across the cold floor and stairs. When I reached the living room I frowned,
he wasn't around. The front door looked intact, locked and unused. Where did he go?
As if on cue, I heard a door being closed. I followed the noise, it was coming from
the kitchen. I crossed the dark kitchen and opened the back door. The cold night
breeze met my skin. I shivered. The full moon was lighting up the entire place as
if it was daylight already.

There he was...

Evan was walking fast through his backyard. I chased after him. Rocks and stiff
grass were pinching my bare feet, I winced but kept going.

"Evan!" I yelled at him, trying to catch up with him. He didn't stop, but quickened
his pace instead "Wait!" I grabbed his arm but he slapped my hand away "Evan!" I
was already out of breath, catching up with him was a lot of harder than I thought
"Evan! Stop!" I grabbed his arm again, this time he whipped around fast to face me.

"What?" he snapped rudely.

"Where are you going?" I was breathless.

"That's none of your business, go back to the house," he ordered, clenching his
fists as if containing his anger.

"No," I shook my head "No until you tell me what's wrong."

"Go back to the house," he repeated each word deliberately slow.

"Talk to me," I pleaded. I didn't bother to hide the despair in my voice. We locked
gazes and I watched him hesitate for a slight second.

"There's nothing to talk about," his voice was pure bitterness.

"Why can't you just tell what's wrong? I can help you, I—"

"Help me?" he let out a fake cynical laugh "I don't need your help, I'm fine."

"Stop lying, Evan. Whatever is bothering you, you don't have to face it alone, I'm
here," I tried to reach for him but he stepped backwards. I ignored the pain his
rejection caused inside of me "I know you had a hard past, I know—"

"You know?" he asked skeptically "You know nothing, Jules. You've lived happily in
that dreamy bubble of yours! You've had everything!" his tone rose "You've had a
good perfect life, so don’t come to me with that crap!" he was yelling now.

"My life is far from perfect!" I found myself yelling as well "We all have our own
problems, don't you dare say I had a perfect life because that's not true." he
rubbed a palm over his face roughly.

"Listen, I just need to be alone, okay?" he whispered obviously struggling to keep

his calm.

"No," I said stubbornly "You need to vent your feelings out, Evan." I was
desperate. It was killing to see him like this, so broken. He was hurting, I knew
he was.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"I'm fine!" he clenched his fists at his sides, his knuckles turning white.

"You are not fine. Stop lying, stop pretending."

I'm here for you...

"I don't wanna talk about it," he let out a long breath.

"Why are you mad at me?" I had to ask, he was still clenching his fists. He was

"This isn't about you." he shook his head. He stared at me in silence for a few
seconds. I stared back, expecting him to yell at me again. He sighed, relaxing his
shoulders, "Come with me," he held my hand. I looked at him surprised as he pulled
me behind him.

We walked around some pine trees until we came to face a lake. There was a small
boat dock there. The sight was beautiful. The full moon was reflected on the calmed
dark water. I could see the shape of mountains far away from us. He led me through
the dock until we reached the edge of it. He sat down, his feet dangling in the
air. I sat next to him, admiring the view. I stole a few glances at him unable to
help it, moonlight was brushing past his creamy skin. He looked so handsome it made
my heart ache.

"It's beautiful," I said breaking the silence. Did he bring me here to distract me?
Was this his way to change the subject?

"This is where I come when I can't sleep," he said in a soft whisper. I glanced at
him but he was staring up at the sky, submerged in his own thoughts. I looked back
at the lake.

"It's so calm," I could still feel the tension between us, but he seemed collected
than before. The water was moving slowly and peacefully, the night breeze brushing
past us and blowing my hair from my face. It was cold out here, but I didn't care
much about it.

Silence reigned between us. It wasn't an uncomfortable one though, it was a

peaceful one. It was like we were both calming ourselves down, enjoying the
quietness of this place.

"She was going to leave him," Evan said all of a sudden. I peered at him confused
"My mother." He clarified before continuing "She was going to leave my dad, she had
finally grasped the courage to do it after being abused for years," My eyes
widened. Was he going opening up to me? "She told me about her intentions a week in
advance. She wanted me to help her. She needed me to lie to Helen about the reason
we were leaving since Helen had no idea of the things my Dad had done to us. I
never let him touch one single hair on my little sister. I took all the blows for
her, he had already fucked me up. I couldn't let him ruin her, too." his voice was
pure agony, it was killing him to talk about this. I knew it, but I still wanted
him to continue "Helen had a normal childhood, I made sure she had it. I lost count
of how many times I lied to her about my bruises, my absence at school when I
couldn't even stand." A pained expression crossed his face "Lying to her became so
easy to me. That's why Mom asked me to deal with Helen. We had everything ready to
leave him," he looked down, his eyebrows knitted together before speaking again,
"The night before the day, we planned to leave. I woke up from a nightmare and went
downstairs. My Dad was in the living room all by himself. He told me that he loved
me, that we were everything to him. I was so stupid—" he cut off abruptly, his lips
trembled but he pressed them together to keep talking "I believed him. I believed
his words, I thought he had changed. I thought there was a slight chance we could
be a family again." He paused to take a heaving breath, "I told him about Mom's
plan of leaving him. I was so stupid," he shook his head, closing his eyes. My
heart shrank in my chest. I grasped his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry," my voice was low and sad. Evan opened his eyes again, they were
crystallized with tears. His chest was rising and falling heavily.

"He..." he trailed off, gripping the boat dock's edge tightly "He went crazy. He
started hitting me over and over until I was on the ground writhing in pain. Mom
heard the commotion and came running downstairs. It was then he pulled the gun out.
Mom froze when she saw it. I tried to stand, but I only managed to get on a sitting
position against the couch. I knew I had some broken ribs, but I didn't care. He
was aiming the gun at Mom. I'd never felt so scared in my entire life," his
knuckles were turning white as he tightened his grip on the dock's edge "Mom tried
to persuade him to drop the gun down. I tried to get his attention back to me but
it was useless. He grew angrier and angrier each passing second. Mom was begging
him to stop, I was yelling at him. And then it happened," he took in a shaky breath
"I will never forget that moment, there was a click when he pulled the trigger
followed by a shot. Mom's body fell limp a few steps away from me. I tried to crawl
to her but he got in my way. He knelt in front of me and pressed the gun against my
temple. I thought he was going to kill me, I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to
see anything. He forced me to open my eyes, 'Watch' he said as he aimed the gun to
his right. I followed his arm. Helen was standing at the end of the stairs. I
didn't get the chance to tell her to leave. He just shot her and she stumbled
backwards before finally falling to the ground, he..." his voice was a mere
whisper. My sight was blurred with tears, "He killed himself after that," he
finished, closing his eyes.

A tear rolled down my cheek freely "I'm—" my voice broke "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," he stated "it was all my fault. I shouldn't have told him anything."

"It wasn't your fault," I wiped my tears away.

"I should've kept my fucking my mouth shut. Mom is dead because of me, Helen almost
died because of me. I was stupid!" he ran his fingers through his hair "How could I
believe him?!" He jumped to his feet. I imitated him "Fuck!" he kicked the wooden
dock upset.

"Evan, it wasn't your fault, you—"

"Stop saying that!" he yelled at me "She trusted me! She wanted me to help her and
I betrayed her!" he fell to his knees, breathing heavily "She was going to leave
him," he muttered sadly. I knelt in front of him feeling his pain. I could only
imagine how much he'd suffered all these years blaming himself. I held his face
with both my hands. Tears were streaming down my face.

"You can't blame yourself for this," my voice was raspy.

"She was going to leave him," he repeated with watered eyes. My heart was breaking
for him "I miss her."

"I know."

"She was... amazing, she was so strong. She was always there for me..." he closed
his eyes, his lips trembling "and when she needed me, I failed her." a single tear
escaped his eye, falling on my thumb. I bit my lower lip, holding back a sob. I
knew there was nothing I could say to make him feel better and that was killing me.
The man in front of me was not the cold, strong man anymore. That façade had fallen
off. His pale face was contorted in pain as if he fought the tears back. He bowed
his head, hiding his face from me. What could I say? I wasn't even sure I could
speak without breaking into sobs. I held his face, forcing him to look up at me.
His dark eyes were filled with grief, "Now you're giving me that look," he shook
his head, smiling sadly.

I dropped my hands to my sides confused "What look?"

"That pity look, I hate it."

"I'm sorry." I pressed my forehead against his. His hot breath fanned my lips.

"I have issues, Jules, for real. You have no idea," he whispered bringing his hands
to my face "I'm seriously fucked up." his thumbs rubbed my wet cheeks softly.

"You're not bad," it seemed so inappropriate to have this urge to kiss him now.

"I'm not something you can fix," he affirmed, our noses touched.


"No," he interrupted me, closing his eyes "You're too young, too innocent for

"Evan,” I swallowed. My chest was burning "I know I can't take the pain away, but
I..." the words stuck in my throat. How did it happen? When? I had no idea, I just
had to say those words before they burned my heart away "I love you," I whispered,
tasting the salty tears in my mouth. Evan's body went stiff. I kept my eyes shut "I
know I can't fix you. God, I don't even know what to say to make you feel better,
but I love you and I will love every single shattered piece of you. I know I will,
I—" he pressed his lips gently against mine, silencing me. The kiss was soft but
filled with so much emotion I felt my heart tighten inside my chest, my toes
curling. He kissed me slowly as if he wanted to savor me. He tasted sweet and
tangy. I was in Heaven, I'd never felt so complete in my entire life. The world
around us vanished. All my senses were focused on the sensation of his plump lips
on mine. I knew he hadn't told me he loved me back but I didn't care. Everything I
needed was right there, in his kiss. I tangled my fingers through his messy hair
enjoying the softness of it. Reluctantly, Evan broke the kiss, his thumbs brushing
my cheeks. We stared into each other's eyes in silence. Sometimes, words are
redundant. We didn't need to say anything. I could see everything in his eyes.

"I don't wanna hurt you," he said, honesty dripping from his tongue.

"You won't."

"How can you know that?" the dark pool of his eyes was filled with anxiety.

"I trust you." I gave him a short kiss.


"I just do," he gave me a sad smile.

"It's not going to be easy," he warned. I could see the fear in his expression. He
was afraid I would leave him.

"I know."

"Stand up," he ordered getting to his feet. I stood up frowning at him "If we're
going to do this, I'm gonna do it right," he got on one knee.

"Oh God, no! no, no," I waved my hands in front of me in negation "you don't have
to— "

"Shut up!" he exclaimed disapprovingly "You're ruining the moment," a smile crept
to my lips. He looked so cute kneeling in front of me "Jules?"

"Yes?" I barely found my voice. He grinned up at me, sadness still lingering on his
expression, but it was soon being replaced by excitement.

"Would you do this passionate dark poet the honor of being his strawberry
girlfriend?" I chuckled at his original way to ask me that. There was nothing
conventional about us. I nodded my head, feeling warm and genuinely happy. Evan got
on his feet and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed a soft kiss on my

"I guess that makes you Mr. Strawberry, huh?" I teased. He cocked an eyebrow.

"As long as you let me kiss you, I guess I'm okay with it." I wrapped my arms
around his neck.

"And if I don't?"

"I will steal kisses from you then," he shrugged.

"Is that so? Well let me tell you something, I may look small but I'm— " he slammed
his lips against mine. He gripped my face tightly, kissing me passionately. Our
lips were moving together in sync. His long fingers tangled through my hair as he
deepened the kiss. I shivered as waves of electricity and heat embraced me from
head to toe. He pulled me closer. I felt his tongue slowly invade its way into my
mouth. This kiss was different from the one before. It was wild, rough and
passionate; we were hungry for each other. We were both now breathing heavily as he
sucked on my lower lip, stealing a soft sigh from me.

I loved him.

I wanted him.

All I wanted, all I needed was him and it was always going to be that way no matter


Nothing to say...

Remember to nominate this story for the Special Awards. Best Overall cast award :)



Chapter 31 >>

Unedited chapter! I had no time to edit nor to find an editor! This story will be
edited when it's finished.
Awesome banner to the right >>> I don't know the username of the girl who did it to
thank her for it!

Check the trailer Fallzswimmer did for the story! Thank you, Ali :D This chapter is
dedicated to you!



My Wattpad Love

Chapter 31

"Stop it!" I screamed out of breath, tears of laughter were rolling down the sides
of my face.

"Say it!" Evan ordered tickling my sides mercilessly. Playful evilness plastered on
his handsome face.

"Please!" I was breathless. My stomach hurt from laughing so much. Evan was on top
of me, straddling me. We came back to his room when it got too cold out in the

"Say it!" he repeated, his fingers moving faster on my sides.

"I can't-" I choked in my own words. The sensation was bittersweet. I was laughing
but my stomach was hurting and my lungs protesting from the lack of air. I couldn't
keep this for long but I so didn't want to give up.

"I can go on forever, just say the words," Evan grinned wickedly.

"Never!" I shouted dramatically, pushing his chest. He didn't even budge. I

wriggled beneath him like a wild anaconda but he simply chuckled as he continued to
tickle me to death.

"Say the words," he sang playfully.

I was going to die of laughter, literally. However, dying with Evan on top of me
didn't seem so bad to me. Evan intensified his tickling attack. I reached a point
of laughter when no sound came out of my mouth and I knew I had to surrender if I
didn't want to die for real.

"Fine! I'll say it!" I gave in. He stopped tickling me to stare down at me
expectantly. His dark eyes filled with amusement. I had a hard time catching my
breath. My chest was rising and falling quickly.

"I'm all ears," he said victoriously. Moonlight streamed through the window
brushing his handsome features.

"You..." Arg! I hated losing. I definitely hadn't thought this through when I'd
started a tickling war.

"You are sexy poet," I muttered reluctantly. Evan's grin grew wide.

"And?" he pressed. God, he was enjoying this way too much.

"I am..." I looked away from him blushing. He held my chin forcing me to look back
at him.

"Don't look away from me. I want to see you when you say it," he commanded leaning
down to me. My heart pounded fast inside my chest at his closeness. We were so
close I could see how his dark pupils dilated slightly. His uneven breath brushed
past my lips. His nose touched mine in a slow gentle caress "say it," his tone was
soft but demanding.

"I am completely yours," I stated breathless and this time it wasn't because of
laughter, it was because of my boyfriend's closeness. He closed the space between
us and kissed me. God, I loved the way his lips molded against mine so perfectly as
if we were made for each other. the kiss was soft and slow but it still got my
heart racing my chest. His hand stroke my cheek gently as our lips moved in sync.
He tasted really good. I brought my hands to his face pulling him even closer to
me. He sucked on my lower lip mildly, stealing a sigh from me. He took the
opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth. The kiss became more urgent and
passionate. I found myself tangling my fingers in his soft hair as his tongue
explore my mouth. Our breaths were getting heavy, my entire body was tingling in
places I didn't know they could. Evan shifted in his straddling position to lie on
top of me. The sensation of his body pressed against mine was amazing. He continued
kissing me fervently. His fingers traced down my cheek to my neck slowly. The
contact sent waves of desire through me. I wanted his hand to go further down.
Blame it on my hormones, but I was dying for his touch.

I wanted him to touch me.

I arched up pressing my boobs against his clothed chest. Evan moaned softly in my
mouth. The sound was sexy as hell, it was like fuel to the burning fire currently
running through my veins. I broke the kiss needing to breathe. He buried his face
in my neck giving me butterflies kisses everywhere. I let out a shy moan. That felt
good. I didn't know what's gotten into me but I flipped him over to straddle him. I
gasped feeling how hard he was against my core. I looked down at his face. He was
staring at me, his mouth parted as he breathed heavily. His eyes held a glint of
lust. His hands gripped my hips tightly. I bit my lip staring back at him. He sat
up, and rested his forehead in mine. We were both trying to catch our breaths. We
knew we couldn't go further than this because God, I was sure I wasn't going to be
able to stop if we did. Evan kissed me shortly. My lips were swollen and sensitive.
He nibbled on my lower lip teasingly. I pushed his chest.

"Ow!" I whined, glaring playfully at him. He grinned, his signature dimples forming
in his cheeks. I struggled not to squeal saying 'he's so cute' he held my face with
both hands and looked right into my eyes.

"Thank you," he said seriously.

"Huh?" I frowned confused.

"For being so damn stubborn," he smiled. His thumbs were caressing my cheek "thank
you for not giving up on me even when I was being a jerk to you," I held his hand
and kissed his palm not breaking eye contact.

"What can I say? I have a thing for sexy poets," I shrugged. He cocked an eyebrow.

"So you're admitting I'm sexy?" he asked arrogantly.

"Maybe," I shrugged again.


"Yeah," he pinched my waist "No! no more tickling! Please!" I begged, shaking my


"You do realize you're in my dark cave alone?" he smirked at me. I swallowed,

nodding "Aren't you afraid of the big bad shark?" I shook my head "You should!
Rawr!" he roared. I burst into laughing.

"Did you... did you just... roar?" I asked still laughing so hard my stomach was
starting to hurt. Evan was watching me, amused.

"Yes, did I scare you?"

"Sharks don't roar, silly!" I stated, poking his forehead.

"Is that so?" he whispered pretending a dangerous tone "The shark feels insulted!
You shall feel his wrath!" he exclaimed dramatically. I shrieked as he pushed me
down, forcing me to lay on my back. He crawled on top of me, making growl noises. I
was laughing again.

"What are you doing?" I gasped when he buried his face in my neck, kissing, licking
and biting it gently. I wriggled beneath him.

"Rawr!" he purred in my ear, sending shivers through me. I loved this playful side
of him, he was so funny.

I really loved Evan. I can't deny a part of me was sad because he hadn't said he
loved me back but I pushed all those thoughts away and decided to enjoy being with
him to the fullest.


It's so warm here...

Something warm was brushing my closed eyelids. It dragged me out of a good sleep. I
opened my eyes slowly, orange invaded my blurred sight. Orange? I frowned. Last
time I checked Evan's room was totally black. After blinking repeatedly, I
realized it was sunlight brushing my face, it was coming in through a small gap
between the curtains. I yawned, sitting up. I looked at my side to see Evan. He was
lying on his stomach, his pale face was half-buried in his pillow. He looked so
vulnerable. I felt like cuddling with him and staying in bed but I needed to pee,
like right now.

I crawled out of bed careful enough not to wake him and headed to the door. Cold
air caressed my bare legs. It was then I looked down at my outfit, blushing
fiercely. I was only wearing one of Evan's shirts. It barely reached my mid-thigh.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking! No, we didn't have sex. I just changed into his
shirt last night because it was more comfortable than Helen's tight clothes. We did
made out like crazy, and let's just say, things got a little touchy but we were
strong enough not to surrender to our needs. Basically, because it was illegal and
I really didn't want him to go to jail because of me. But also, because come on,
he'd just asked me to be his girlfriend and even though I loved him, I wasn't going
to lose my virginity so fast. I wasn't ready.

Yawning, I stepped out of the room, closing the door carefully behind me. I turned
on my heels ready to head to the bathroom. Unfortunately for me, Laura was coming
out of the bathroom in that precise moment. Her jaw dropped to the floor. Her eyes
almost popped out of their sockets.

"Oh my God!" she squealed, jumping up and down.

"Shhh!" I placed my index on my mouth as I jogged towards her.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" she repeated loudly. When I reached her, I pushed her
inside the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind me.

"Shut up!"

"Oh my God! you're wearing his shirt!" she chirped excited "Did you... Oh God! I
can't breathe!"

"Calm down!" I shook her by her shoulders.

"I can't! This is so exciting!" she fanned herself with her hands "His shirt looks
so good on you!"

"Lau! I'm going to slap you if you don't calm down," I warned her but couldn’t help
smiling at her reaction.

"Ok, Ok, breathe in, breathe out," she repeated this until she was slightly calmed.

"That's better," I let go of her shoulders.

She giggled like a five years old "What happened? You need to tell me everything!
Every single detail!" she demanded sitting on bathroom's counter. I sighed. After
brushing my teeth and peeing, which can be very uncomfortable with Lau in the same
room but she refused to leave, I told her the entire story. From waking up in the
middle of the night, to how we ended up in his room. Lau listened to me attentively
looking sad when I told her Evan's heartbreaking story but then squealing and
giggling when I told her how he asked me to be his girlfriend. When we reached the
part of him and me making out, she bombarded me with questions.

"How was it? Did it hurt? I can't believe you lost your virginity first! I-"

"Whoa, whoa! slow down, girl!" I raised my hands "I didn't have sex with him," she
stared at me confused "I'm only wearing his shirt because it was more comfortable,"
I explained further.

"But you slept with him?"


"And you didn't do anything?" she asked skeptically. I nodded "Anything at all?" I

"I knew it!" she clapped her hands "Tell me!" I opened my mouth to say something
but then the door burst opened revealing a frowning shirtless Jordan. He looked
between Lau and me.

"What's going on here?" he folded his arms across his chest. His eyes scanned my
outfit and I felt the need to pull shirt down a little bit more "Is that...? Oh,"
he said in realization.

"Come here, babe," Lau extended her arms to him. He obeyed, positioning himself
between her legs against the counter. She embraced him from behind, resting her
chin on his shoulder to look at me.

"What's up with all the squealing over here?" Jordan asked, amused "Did someone
have a wild night?" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not what it looks like," I said sitting on the toilet bowl. Jordan chuckled.

"Jules was telling the details when you came in," Lau chimed in.

"I want to hear those details, too," Jordan said interested.

"I'm not going to-"

"What the hell is going on here?" Jason cut me off, entering the bathroom. I let
out a long sigh

"What are you guys doing here?" he scowled at us and then took in my appearance
"Holy shit! You're wearing a guy's shirt!" he covered his mouth in shock.

"She slept with Evan," Lau informed him, grinning from ear to ear.

"She what?!" I swear, Jason just spitted me.

"Lau!" I whined, knowing Jason would get the wrong idea.

"Jules!" Jason grasped my shoulders, pulling me to my feet "What happened?!" he

asked, shaking me by my shoulders so hard I was getting dizzy "He took advantage of
you, didn't he? Say one word and I'll kill him!" Jordan and Lau were laughing their
asses off.

"Jason, don-"

"Oh God!" he held my face protectively "My poor innocent Jules!" roughly; he pulled
me into a tight hug, caressing my hair.

"Jason, sto-" I muffled against his bare chest. He smelled like sex and a woman's
perfume. I pushed him away when I realized he'd probably been having sex with Helen
all night since this was her house.

"Ew! Hands off! You stink of sex!" I complained, scrunching my nose in disgust.

"Says the girl wearing a guy's shirt," he shot back reprovingly.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it?" Jordan chimed in, enjoying this way too much. I let
out a exasperated sigh.

"Ew! Hands off! You stink of sex!" I complained, scrunching my nose in disgust.
"Says the girl wearing a guy's shirt," he shot back reprovingly.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it?" Jordan chimed in, enjoying this way too much. I let
out a exasperated sigh.

"I didn-"

"That bastard!" Jason muttered, clenching his fists as his sides "I can't believe
you let him have his way with you!"

"Dude, it's not a big deal," Jordan shrugged.

"Not a big deal?!" Jason exclaimed becoming red "She fucking lost her virginity!"

"You were a virgin?" Jordan looked surprised.

"Who's a virgin?" Helen asked, stepping inside the bathroom. Oh God! I clutched my
forehead frustrated. Helen scanned the place, when her eyes landed on me, she
squinted at me "Is that my brother's shirt?"

"No,no, I mean yes but... it's not-"

"You're screwing my brother?" Helen asked in disbelief.

"She slept with him," Lau corrected it as if her statement was clarifying anything.
Truth was, it was only making everything messier.

"That's a nice way to put it," Jason commented angrily.

"It seems like it was a wild night, look at her hair," Jordan stated chuckling.
"That's my normal morning hair!" I defended with a stomp of my foot.

How we all managed to fit in this small bathroom, I had no idea.

"you and my brother," Helen mumbled, relief plastered on her face. It seemed like
she finally understood there was nothing between Jason and me.

"Tell me you at least use protection," Jason pleaded worriedly.

"What?" I seriously wanted to slap my best friend right now.

"Are you ovulating?" Helen inquired, probably concerned about being an premature

"I... Oh God!"

"Oh God?" Jason imitated my voice "What does that suppose to mean?"

"Shut up!" I screamed at everyone "I did not have sex last night!" I clarified
annoyed "I am still a virgin!" I yelled at them.

"Good to know," a female voice said from the door. We all snapped our heads towards
the source.

"Melissa?" What the hell was she doing here? Great, I could officially say everyone
knew I was a virgin.


"Helen," Melissa said, completely ignoring me "I need your help,"

"What's wrong?" Helen inquired focused on her.

"Shane," Melissa stated as if that was all she needed to say for Helen to

"What about him?" Jordan interrupted. Melissa sighed.

"I found him in a near-by bar a few hours ago. He was wasted. It took me forever to
drag him here but he refuses to get out of the car," Melissa explained tiredly.

"Where's your car?" Jordan got off the counter, all playfulness gone from his face.


"And you let him alone?" Jordan reprehended.

"He can't even move properly," she shrugged. I was too shocked to say something I
thought Shane had left with some red-headed. What was he doing in a bar getting
wasted all by himself?

We all headed outside. I, of course, stayed at the porch. It wasn't like I could
walk outside in this outfit. Jordan and Jason dragged Shane out of the car. Let me
tell you something, Shane was a mess. He was still wearing his jeans shorts from
yesterday. He was shirtless, his hair was disheveled. His eyes were half-closed.

"I can walk!" Shane slurred slapping Jordan's arms. Stumbling and swinging from
side to side he came towards me. His eyes widened when he spotted me "Little
minion!" he exclaimed opening his arms to me.

"Shane, you need to go to bed," Melissa recommended. I could see the tireless in
her eyes.

"Bed?" he huffed "I need another drink,"

"Bro, I think you'd have enough drinks for the day," Jordan said grasping his
"Psst! I'm not going to bed!" he rubbed a hand over his face shakily "i'm fine!"

"Shane," my voice seemed to catch his attention. his face softened.

"Yeah, little minion?"

"Go to bed," he grinned at me.

"Why?" he loom

"Got ya!" he said victoriously.

x M W L x

A/N: My birthday is coming! My birthday is coming! My birthday is on October 5th so

it's just a few hours away!

You want to give me a present? Then, vote and comment :D Make this birthday girl

This was what I liked to call a bittersweet chapter. It was hot, funny, and kind
of shocking at the end! I know it was kind of short but hey, I'm preparing
everything for my birthday tomorrow I wasn't even planning to upload this week but
I couldn't let you guys wait any longer.

You are all 'fruitly' invited to my birthday. Yes, I made up a word, sue me.

There'll be colorful fruits and vegetables and of course, Ruffles :P

I love you guys,I do!

You all have a piece of my vampire/barbarian/demon/cheesy Heart!

Jeez, I think that's the longest Author's note ever.

Don't forget to nominate this story for the special awards! Go to the feedback page
and fill the form. We're opting for Best Cast Overall.

To infinity and beyond :D

A very hyper Arix!

Chapter 32 >>
Short but emotion-filled :)

/Unedited chapter!/

~ Tu, simplemente tu, tan solo tu ~ Yo que muy dificilmente me enamoro contigo todo
ha sido diferente ~"

Translation: You, simply, only you ~ I hardly fall in love but with you,
everything’s been different~

My Wattpad Love

Chapter 32

Was this a thriller movie?

Because I certainly felt like it was one. You know that moment when the victim gets
caught by the killer inside a small area? Yeah, I was living it. I took a step
backwards scared. The back of my legs touched the bed, letting me know I had no
escape. Shane still had that wicked grin on his face. This room looked too small
for him to fit. What was he up to? He took a step forwards, determination plastered
on his face. Although, his eyes seemed unfocused.

"Shane," I called him, getting his attention "what are you doing?" he didn't reply,
taking another step in my direction. It made me wonder if he was pretending to be
drunk to trap me like this. He wouldn't do that, right?

"Jules, Jules, Jules," he repeated my name deliberately slow. I scowled at him.

"What are you doing?" I was scrutinizing him, trying to see if he was lying about
being drunk. Shane's brown eyes were slightly narrowed as if he was having a hard
time to see me well "Are you really drunk?" Shane's grin grew bigger but didn't say
anything. However, I got my reply when a very loud sound left his lips: A hiccup
followed by a drunken giggle. I rolled my eyes, relaxing my shoulders "Let's get
you to bed,"

"No," he shook his head stubbornly.

"Come on," I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to the bed. Being obviously his
drunk-self, Shane lost his equilibrium and fell on the bed. I took the chance to
pull the covers over him. When he finally was lying on his back, I knew it was time
for me to leave. Apparently, Shane thought otherwise because he held both of my
wrists, forcing me to sit next to him.

"Wait, don't go, I..." he muttered something else but I couldn't catch it.


"I think I’m drunk,"

"Really?" I chuckled "How did you get to that preposterous conclusion?" I said
sarcastically. He gave me a small smile.

"Because I want to say something I shouldn't say," I frowned.

"And what is that?"

"Why?" I gave him a confused look "Why him?" I froze.

"What are you talking about?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and tipped my head
to the side.

"Freaky boy," he said, moistening his dry lips "why did you choose him?"


"Wait," he cut me off "don't answer that." He demanded with a pained expression.

"You were always getting under my skin, Jules. Somehow, you managed to crawl your
way over my heart," he mumbled, eyes half-closed. My eyes widened. I stared at him,
waiting for him to laugh and say it was all a joke but it never happened.

Did he just... no, he was drunk. He couldn't be serious. He was Shane Mason, the
school's popular jerk... he couldn't be interested in me.

God, this is so cliché.

I needed to get out of here, "You're drunk. You need to get some sleep," I
struggled to get his hand off my wrists.

"You changed me," he whispered, eyes fully closed this time "I've always been a
player. That's how I do things. That's who I am. I liked it that way, everything
was easier but then you walked into my life." he looked so vulnerable "You expected
me to be better... and that made me want to be better. You woke up my curiosity.
For the first time in years, I wanted to know how it is to have feelings, real
feelings. I realized sex is not the only thing two people can share. You have no
idea how much you can affect someone, Jules," his voice was soft, almost a whisper.
I was frozen in my spot. I couldn't bring myself to say something. He sighed, his
lips twitched up forming a sad smile. He opened his brown eyes to look up at me
"Shocking, isn't it?" he let go of my wrists to cup my cheek.

"Shane, I—" he pressed his index finger on my lips.

"You don't have to say anything," his eyes held so much emotion I felt my heart
falter. I swallowed "I just need to get this out of my chest," he paused, sitting
up clumsily. His face was mere inches from mine "I don't know what love feels like,
but I can't get you out my head and all I can think about right now is how bad I
wish you were wearing my shirt and not his," his thumb caressed my cheek "I want to
protect you, to make you smile. I want to make you happy. I know it's too late for
this but I have to say it," he pressed his forehead against mine "I love you,
little minion," his alcohol impregnated breath blew past my lips "I have no idea
how this happened, but I do. I love you, I love you," he gripped my face tightly.

"Shane..." I trailed off, taken aback by his words.

"God, it feels good to say it aloud," he slurred, chuckling. I closed my eyes, not
knowing how to deal with his. I wasn't prepared for this. Heck, I would never have
thought something like this would happen.
Shane said he loved me. To say I was shocked was the biggest understatement of my
life. Instead of feeling happy, I felt terrible because I didn't feel the same way
at all. Sure Shane was hot and I may have felt physically attracted to him a few
times but that was it. In my eyes, he was my friend, nothing else. My heart
belonged to Evan. It was the first time a guy told me he loved me. It felt...
strange. I wanted to hear those words so bad, but not coming from Shane. I wanted
to hear them from Evan. I opened my eyes, realizing Shane was leaning forwards. I
placed my hands on his chest gently stopping him.

"Don't," I pleaded, removing his hand off my face. I couldn't let him kiss me
because I would only do it out of pity and he didn't deserve that. Shane looked

"I thought I would get a kiss after that embarrassing confession," he smiled but it
didn’t reach his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said frankly.

"Not even a peck?" he asked hopefully. I shook my head "Bah, you're not like that
Bella girl from Twilight, are you?" I knew he referred to the fact, Bella's
character had feelings for two guys and she let the second kiss her betraying her

"Sorry, I'm a faithful girl,"

"I know," he fell back on the bed, hiccupping again "I’m sleepy,"

I got on my feet "Sleep well, Shaney," I headed to the door.

"And Jules?" I heard him whisper from behind.

"Yeah?" I said, grasping the doorknob.

"If he messes up, I will be here for you," he slurred.

"Okay," I walked out of the room, resting my back against the closed door. I closed
my eyes, rubbing my face.
What the hell just happened?

The Anti-chips loved me? What had the world come to? Global warming didn't seem to
be affecting the environment anymore. It was having an effect on humanity.

"Jules?" I jumped at Evan's sexy voice. I snapped my head towards the beginning of
the hallway. There he stood, in all his morning glory. Jesus! That was one sexy bed
hair. I blushed remembering the events of last night.

"Hum... Hi the-there," I stuttered nervously. I knew I hadn't done anything wrong

but I still felt like I just got caught. Evan squinted at me.

"What are you doing down here?" he folded his arms across his chest.

"I was just..." I glanced at the closed door.

I love you, little minion

My brain was still processing everything, "I was helping Shane," I finished,
pushing that thought to the back of my mind.

"You mean, you let him see you like this?" he gestured my outfit.

"Yeah but he was-"

"You can't just go walking around looking like this," he said disapprovingly. He
came closer to me "You're my girlfriend now. I don't want anyone else seeing you
like this, especially not him," he wrapped his lean arms around my waist.

"Sorry, I wasn't really thinking when I left the room," he leaned down to give me a
short kiss. My heart raced in my chest, the wild dragons fluttered in my stomach.
It felt so good to be in his arms. I got on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his
neck. I loved kissing him. I loved the way my entire body tingled when he was close
to me.

"Get a room!" I heard someone yell. Evan and broke the kiss but still kept out
bodies pressed together. We looked at the source of that voice. Lau was walking
towards us "I have good news and bad news," she informed us.

"What happened?" I asked curious, getting some space between Evan and me.

"Bad news: the road won't be ready until tomorrow, I'm hungry and I don't want to
cook and Jason and Jordan are eating everything in the kitchen as we speak " she
said enumerating with her fingers "Good news: I've already planned an awesome day
for all of us since we have to stay over another night,"

"Did you even ask Evan if we could stay over again?" I gave her a disapproving look
"It's his house, remember?" Lau grinned.

"I'm sure he won't mind," she glanced at him "right, Evan?" he smiled at her.

"No, I don't mind. As long as she's here," he wrapped his arms around me from
behind "I'm okay with it," he kissed my cheek tenderly.

"Aww! He's so cute," Lau made a dreamy face. I couldn't help blushing a little "but
I was serious about you two getting a room. I mean, there are too many in this
house. You don't need to make out in the middle of the hallway," Evan chuckled.


"Fine! I'm leaving," she turned on her heels, winked at me, and left.

"That girl is going to be the death of me," I mumbled. Evan tightened his arms
around my waist. I could feel his body pressed against mine from behind.

"She's funny," Evan commented, kissing the curve where my shoulder and neck meet. A
pleasurable shiver ran down my spine. His breath was brushing my skin teasingly.
"Evan..." I whispered dropping my head back, giving him more access to my neck.


"Let's get a room," I offered, closing my eyes.

x M W L x

A/N: Shanish chapter, huh? He had to vent his feelings at some point. Hope you
enjoyed the chapter!

Good news: Next upload will be soon.

Bad news: It's probably going to be the last chapter. I'll make sure to make it
long and good.

Thank you, guys for all the birthday wishes! You're my Wattpad family!

Hugs and red mangoes.


Chapter 33 >>

Dedicated to Passionforwriting96 for wining the one-shot contest :)



This is dedicated to all of you! I know you laughed, cried, yelled at your
phone/computer, squealed, giggled, said profanities at some jerkish character while
reading this. I am very glad you enjoy the story so much you actually develop
emotions towards it!

I cannot express with words how much you guys mean to me. A writer is nothing
without readers. Seriously, I love you all.

I'd appreciate your support in the Watty Awards, Teen fiction category!



Arix :)
My Wattpad Love

Chapter 33

"Put these on," Evan stated as he threw some shorts at me. I scowled at him,
unfolding the shorts in front of me. They were too big for me. Reluctantly, I put
them on tightening the waistband so they wouldn't fall off. I kept scowling at my
boyfriend who was now putting a t-shirt on. Apparently when I'd said 'Let's get a
room' he heard it as 'Let's get you dressed' because when we got back to his room,
he'd only tried to get me to dress properly.

However, I wasn't complaining. I was watching how his muscles flexed as he pulled
the dark t-shirt down his body. How could he look so sexy doing something so simple
as that? My mouth watered as I stared at the sexy V in his lower abdomen until the
t-shirt covered it down. I mentally whimpered, wanting to stare at his sexy body
all day. Jeez, I was turning into a pervert. But dear God, he was just so perfect.
I couldn't believe he was mine. I giggled happily. Evan looked at me, cocking an

"What's so funny?" He asked, closing his drawers.

"Erm, nothing," I waved my hands in front of me, smiling nervously.

"Then why are you blushing?" He inquired, taking a step closer. I backed away

"I'm not blushing," I lied, lowering my head. Evan approached to me. His tangy
smell hit my nose and I struggled not to sniff on him. His hand held my chin,
forcing me to look up at him. His deep dark eyes stared into my blue ones
intensively making my heart falter. I couldn't describe the way he made feel
anymore. I just felt... Complete. Like I didn't need anything more to be happy,
just him. He leaned forwards, his lips were merely an inch from mine. I was
struggling not to close the distance between us.

"You look sexy with my shirt on," he stated brushing his plump lips against mine.

"Really?" Wow, my voice was so husky already. Evan nodded before kissing me softly.
I eagerly kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. My entire body heated
up quickly. I loved feeling him so close to me. Our lips moved in sync as he
gripped my waist tightly. I was becoming breathless while the kiss was getting
deeper and more passionate. I felt his tongue traced my lips, asking for entrance
which I quickly granted. His tongue explored my mouth sending waves of hot pleasure
through every part of my body. Evan lifted me so I could wrap my legs around his
hips. Instantly, I felt something hard pressed against me. I moaned in his mouth.
He grunted, cupping my ass with both hands. I didn't realize I was grinding against
him until I felt something building up inside me. Evan carried me towards the bed.
That should have alarmed me but I wasn't thinking straight. I landed on my back
with him on top of me. Our lips were glued together as metal to a magnet. My breath
was ragged and uneven, his wasn't any better. My hands seemed to have a mind of
their own, because they started tugging on his t-shirt until they pulled it over
his head. My fingers traced down his defined chest and stomach. I wanted to feel
the warm skin against mine so bad. Evan seemed to read my mind because in a not-so
subtle movement he took my shirt off, throwing it away. Our naked torsos made
contact, causing both of us to moan loudly. I could feel my warm breasts pressing
against his soft skin.

God, this feels so good.

He broke the kiss, leaning back to look right into my eyes. There was so much
emotion and need in them. He looked further down to my now bare breast. I was
breathing heavily as I watched how his eyes darken with lust. I bit my lower lip,
caressing his face. He kissed me again with so much passion; I couldn't do anything
but respond. I knew we had to stop, there was a voice yelling at me in the back of
my head but God, it felt too good to stop. His lips left mine to trail kisses down
my jaw until he buried his face in my neck. He licked all the way down into the
valley of my breasts. I was muffling moans as I arched up towards him. I didn't
stop him when he began pulling down my shorts. I knew I couldn't stop him even when
that was the rational thing to do.

"Evan," I moaned his name. This seemed to excite him more because he groaned,
licking down my stomach to my navel. His hot tongue felt so good against my burning
skin. I tangled my fingers in his hair, bringing his face up to mine. I kissed him
fervently, showing him how bad I wanted him through the kiss.

"Bro, have you seen–Oh my God!" We both froze at Helen's voice "I'm so sorry! I'm
so sorry!" She repeated, embarrassment cleared in her voice. Evan jumped off me so
fast I barely had time to cover my chest. Wrapping the sheets around my naked
torso, I sat up to face Helen.

"It's okay," I said out of breath. I knew my face was as red as a cherry but I
tried my best to keep my expression normal. My boyfriend didn't seem fazed by the
entire awkward situation. He simply looked annoyed at the interruption.

"What do you want?" He asked dryly, putting his t-shirt back on.

"Well," Helen started awkwardly not even glancing at us "I was looking for Jules,"


"Yeah," Helen kept her eyes anywhere but us "we're all going to hang out by the
pool and Laura told me you don't have any bathing suit so, yeah, I thought you
could borrow some of mine,"

"Oh," I said surprised. That was really nice of her "I'll be with you in a second,"
she mumbled okay and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

We were left alone again. Evan's hungry gaze met mine and I just knew I needed to
get the hell out of that room before we did something we could regret. Evan walked
to me and handed me the shirt I was wearing. I waited for him to turn around or
close his eyes. I know it sounds silly since I was pretty sure he had seen my
breasts so close he could actually drawn them if he wanted to; But that didn't mean
I was going to be an exhibitionist now. I wasn't confident enough for that.

"Can you..." I trailed off, not actually knowing how to say it. Evan stared at me

"Yes?" I caught the amusement in his voice. I swallowed.

"Could you turn around?" Evan chuckled.

"You're really silly," he shook his head, giving his back to me.

Hurriedly, I put the t-shirt on "Ready," I said, getting up from the bed. Evan
turned to me, smiling. I narrowed my eyes at him "What?"

"Nothing," he shrugged.

"What is it?" he bit his lip as if holding back from laughing.


"Come on, spit it out," he chuckled.

"Well, you forgot there was a mirror there," he pointed behind him. My mouth formed
a big O when I realized he actually saw me changing through the mirror "It was
quite of a view," he teased, grinning widely. I grasped one of the pillows and
started hitting him with it.

"You should have told me!" I exclaimed, attacking him mercilessly. Evan was
laughing his ass off. Apparently, my pillow's blows were only tickling him because
I didn't hear one single moan of pain from him "I hate you!" I growled ashamed.

"No, you don't,"

"I do!"

"You don't," he stuck his tongue out at me. I glared at him.

"You're so immature," I accused.

"Says the girls starting a pillow fight," he shot back mockingly. I held my pillow
tightly and attempted to slam it on his face but he caught it in mid-air, startling
me. He smirked, giving one strong pull at the pillow. I stumbled forwards until I
crashed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me prisoner.

"Let me go!" I wriggled in his arms, trying to fight for my dignity.

"No," he held me tight.


"Yes, Jules?" his tone was teasing but I couldn't help shivering when he said my

"Let me go!"

"Never," he whispered in my ear "I will never let you go, I-"

"Jules?" Helen's voice sounded annoyed at the other side of the door "I can come
back later," I had totally forgotten about her.

"No, I'm coming!" I shouted. Evan released me.

"Go," he gave me a little push. I started heading to the door when he grabbed my
hand to swirl me abruptly. In a matter of seconds, his lips crashed into mine. It
was a soft kiss but it still got my heart racing in my chest. He pulled away,
caressing my cheeks with his thumbs "i'll see you at the pool," I nodded my head,
smiling up at him. He kissed my nose, letting go of my face.

I stepped out of the room with a stupid grin on my face. Helen noticed it because
she smiled knowingly at me. She looked very pretty with her perfect straight brown
hair falling at the sides of her face and her cute little green eyes. My best
friend had a good taste with woman.

"Hey," she waved her hand. Her sudden change of attitude towards me wasn't really
shocking. I mean, she just found me in a very compromising position with her
brother. If that didn't convince her about me and Jason just being friends, I
didn't know what it would "follow me," she started walking down the hallway. She
led me to a pink room. When I entered, it felt like it was some alternative reality
because everything was so bright and happy in this room. It was the opposite of
Evan's room.

"I took all the blows for her,"

Evan's words came to my mind. It was pretty clear Helen was a happy person. I
admired Evan for taking so much care of his little sister. It was very brave of him
to deal with all those years of abuse and protect his sister at the same time,
making sure she had a normal childhood.

"Earth to Jules!" Helen snapped her fingers in front of me "I know it's a lot of
pink but what can I say?" she shrugged "I'm a girly girl," I smiled at her.

"Your room is really pretty,"

"I know," she said smugly. For a moment, I felt jealous of her. Helen looked so
confident about herself, it was like she wasn't afraid of being herself.

After practically swimming through her clothes-she had the biggest closet I'd seen
in my life- we chose a cute swimsuit and pair of jeans shorts. It was a good thing
Helen was almost my size. I used her bathroom to change and when I stepped out,
Helen clapped her hands.

"Perfect!" she chirped excitedly "You have a nice body, Jules."

"Thanks," I mumbled shyly.

"Ok, listen, there's something I need to say," she cleared her throat. I stared at
her curious.


"I'm sorry for getting all bitchy with you. I just... I don't know. I guess,
hearing so many stories about best friends falling in love clouded my mind. Jason
and you seemed so close to each other, I just... I'm sorry." she ran her fingers
through her hair nervously.

"You love him, don't you?" she seemed surprise by my question.

"What? I–"

"I can see it in your eyes," I cut her off. Helen opened her mouth to deny it but
then closed it, letting out a long sigh.
"I do. I don't know how it happened. It just... did,"

"Does he know?"

"No!" Helen jumped to her feet "And you can't tell him,"

"I won't," I held up my pinky "Pinky promise!"

We were in a pink room, making pinky promises. We were so cool.

Helen laughed shortly and poked my forehead.

"You're something," she shook her head, chuckling.

"Does this mean I have your approval?" I asked hopefully.

"My approval?" she frowned.

"You know, with your brother..." I trailed off purposefully.

"I think my brother is too old for that. You don't need my approval,"

"But I want your approval," I said honestly. Helen sighed.

"Fine," she shrugged "I guess, you have it then," I grinned "but if you hurt him, I
will personally kick your ass,"

"I know,"

"And I will have no mercy,"

"I know,"

"And I know Karate,"



"Okay! Okay! I get it!" I said exasperated. Helen's phone beeped.

"We better head out to the pool. They're waiting for us," She stated, checking her

"Actually, I'm kind of hungry," I admitted embarrassed.

"There are snacks there," Helen started walking out of the room. Snacks? My face
brightened up.

"Do you have any Ruffles?" I asked, following her close.


"Eureka!" Jason shouted as he jumped inside the pool, splashing water everywhere.

"Jason!" Helen and Lau whined as water splattered on them. I chuckled, it was a
good thing I was a few feet away.
"Yoohoo!" Jason exclaimed as soon as he came up to the surface. He raised his fists
in the air as if he won some price. He was as excited as little boy in front of a
candy shop. Jason loved pools like really loved them. I remembered one time when we
were nine, we went to some ranch with a huge pool. Jason didn't get out of it until
it was nighttime. We had to drag him out, literally. I smiled to myself, shaking my
head at my best friend childish behavior. I was so glad to have him in my life. I
didn't know what I would do without him.

I was having a great time. Jordan had prepared delicious hot dogs with some sauce
he made himself. Let me tell you, that boy knew how to cook. Shane had woken up and
was currently sprawled in a beach chair like a stringless puppet. He was wearing
big dark sunglasses. The sun was his biggest enemy due his pretty obvious hangover.
I was sure a part of him was still drunk. I mean, he'd slept like four hours. I was
sure alcohol hadn't left his system so fast.

To be honest, I'd expected things to be weird between us but when he'd came out of
the house he was his usual-self which means he annoyed the hell out of me and
teased me about my hair. Apparently, that's what you do after you tell someone you
love them. You make fun of them.

Very classy, Shane.

There was also the possibility of him not remembering what he said. And I was
obviously not going to ask him if he did. What was I going to say: Hey, Shane. This
morning when you came here wasted, you told me you loved me. Do you remember that?


Sighing, I kept eating my Ruffles. I was enjoying the sight in front of me. All my
friends were there, having fun. Jason and Helen were splashing water to each other
in a flirty way. Jordan and Lau were kissing like the world was going to end in a
few minutes. Ok, that kiss was getting steamy too fast. I was sure the scene was
going to turn Rated very soon. I scanned the ground around me and grasped a ball
we've been playing with an hour ago. I placed my bag of ruffles on my lap.

Rule #4 of Julie Ann Jones' life: Always make sure the Ruffles are safe before
making a rough movement.

I threw the ball at them efficiently hitting Jordan's head.

"Let's keep it PG, guys!" I yelled at them. Jordan glared at me, rubbing his head.
I smiled innocently at him.

You're probably wondering where my hot boyfriend is, aren't you?

He was actually getting out of the pool at the moment. He had gone for a swim. I
gaped at him as he walked towards me; water droplets were running down his broad
chest and defined stomach, drowning in the V formed in his lower abdomen. He raked
his fingers through his wet hair, causing the muscles of his arms to flex. He bent
down to give me a peck. His lips felt cold and wet against my warm ones.

"Come with me," he whispered, his breath fanning my lips.

"I'm not getting in the pool anytime soon,"

"I know," he said, holding my hand "I just want to be alone with you for a second,"

"If this is some way to get me to stand so you can throw in the pool, I will kill
"I'm so scared," Evan mocked with a girly voice.

"I'm serious,"

"Relax, I'm not going to throw you in the pool,"

"Ok," I stood up cautiously. He held my hand tightly and pulled behind him. I
realized we were heading to the woods behind his house.

"Where are you guys going?!" I head Lau ask from behind. I glanced at her over my
shoulder and mouthed 'I don't know' to her.

"Use protection!" Jason shouted loudly. My cheeks were tinted red.

"Jason!" Lau smacked him on the head.

"What? She's too young to have a baby," Jason told her.

"Oh God, shut up!" Lau pulled him under water "Have fun," she winked at me.

When we were a little deep in the woods, Evan stopped letting go of my hand. He
didn't face me though, he kept his back to me. I noticed how he was trying to relax
his shoulders. What was wrong with him? He seemed tensed. Was he cold? I mean, he
was dripping wet. Not knowing what to do, I took a look around. I spotted a tree

"You're not afraid of heights, are you?" Evan asked, glancing at me over his


"Come on," he said, gesturing me to the wooden stairs hanging from the tree house.


We climbed our way up slowly. I wasn't afraid of heights but I wasn't a fan of them
either. When I was finally inside the tree house, I was surprise to find it very
comfy There was a small couch at the corner next to a carved window. There were
papers everywhere; there was also a wooden desk with a small battery lamp.

"Wow, this is so nice," I complimented.

"You're the first girl I've brought here," Evan said all of the sudden. I looked at
him; he was using some towel to dry himself.


"Actually no," my heart sank in my chest "you're the first person I've brought to
this place," my face lit up.

"I feel special," I said, smiling at him.

"You have no idea how special you are," the sincerity in his voice warmed my heart.

"Thanks, I guess," I replied shyly.

"This is the place where I write my poems," he added "I wrote that poem for you
over there," he pointed the couch behind me.
"You're a great poet," I said honestly, remembering his breath-taking poem.

"I know," he smirked smugly. I rolled my eyes "Come here," he opened his arms for
me. I jumped to his arms, not caring about getting damp. We held into each other
tightly. I loved feeling him close to me. We pulled away but stayed close to each
other. I looked into his deep black eyes, getting lost in them.

The moment was just so perfect. I wanted to stay like this forever.

Who could have thought I would find love in a eBook community? Who could have
thought writing a simple cheesy story would bring me face to face to the man of my
life? Life was truly unpredictable. When it comes to love, everything is possible.
There are no limits, no barriers. My love was unconventional and I was not ashamed
of it. In fact, it was the opposite. I was proud and happy. If you're happy, that's
all that matters at the end.

"Jules," Evan's sultry voice brought me back to reality "I wrote another poem for
you," his thumbs caressed my cheeks tenderly.

"You want to show it to me?" I was really excited about it.

"No," he grinned.

"No?" I scowled at him.

"I want to recite it for you,"

"Oh," I said surprised.

"You ready?" his deep eyes were holding me prisoner.

"Yes," I was nervous.

"It's sort of a continuation for The Girl and The shark,"


"Look into my eyes. Never look away," he instructed, taking a deep breath in.


He opened his mouth and then angel's music filled my ears as he recited the poem
for me.

"The Shark hopes for salvation,

Since the day he’s found light,

Daring to risk everything,

Just for a taste of delight.

His soul is still marked,

Filled with scars and pain,

But now that he’s not alone,

They’re nothing but remains.

The girl was stubborn,

Her brightness blinding and strong,

She never gave up,

She kept fighting all along.

She saw beyond that mask of coldness,

She stayed even when she got hurt,

The shark admired silently,

Her big wonderful spurt.

Staring into those eyes of yours,

That are amazingly blue,

I open my heart to tell you,

How much I love you"

My heart melted. My eyes were filled with upcoming tears, tears of happiness, I
supposed. That was such a beautiful way to tell me he loved me.

"I love you, Jules," he spoke softly.

"I love you, too," my voice broke a little.

Then, he kissed me with so much love, I felt like I was floating away from Earth to
the planet of happiness. Ok that was a little bit cheesy back there but that's me,
I would always be cheesy Jules and he would always be my dark poet.


Don't be afraid to be different,

Be yourself in all your glory,

My name is Julie Ann Jones,

and that was My Wattpad Love story.


X My Wattpad Love x

"Jason! What the hell are you doing? Get off that tree!" Helen yells frustrated.

"I'm spying on them!"

"You're going to fall off!"

"I'm not going-Ah!"

"Oh my God! Jason!"


"It's so warm here," Jordan mumbles comfortable, floating in the pool.

"That's because Shane is peeing in the pool," Lau chuckled.

"What?! Shane!"


"So what does it feel to be left out in the last chapter?" Interviewer asks

"What do you think, b*tch?!" Melissa screams back angrily.

"Woah woah, calm down,"

"You want me to calm down?! I'm not going to call the fuc-"

Ok Ok ENOUGH with the credits :)

There'll be a one-shot contest. I'll post the details later along with all the
questions about the story.

Hasta la vista, baby

:D <3



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